Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LGB6050A des Produzenten Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® T h i s s m a rt, s t a c k a b l e s w i t c h o ff e rs 1 0 -G b p s u p l i n ks plus f ull SNMP and W eb man agemen t . Gigabit L3 Managed Switch with 10G Uplinks, 24-Port or 48-Port LG B6 02 6A LG B6 0 0 0 S C- 0 01 L GB6050A L GB60 00SC- 00 4 LG B 6 0 01C Ord er toll-fre e in the U.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 | bl ackbo x . com Pa ge 2 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 | bl ackbo x . com T rademar k s Used in th is Manu al Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are registered tradem ark s of BB T e ch nol ogies, Inc. Any other trademarks ment io ned in this manual are acknowled ged to be the proper t y of the trademark owners.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 | bl ackbo x . com 72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 | bl ackbo x . com Pa ge 3 L GB 6026A GIGAB IT E THERN ET SWITCH : L GB 6050A GIGAB IT ETHERN ET SWITCH Layer 3 S t ackabl e Gigabit Ethe r.
I NS TA L LA TI ON G UID E LGB6026A G IGABIT E TH ERN ET S WIT C H Layer 3 Stack ab le G ig abit Ether net Sw itc h wi th 20 10/100/1000BASE -T (R J- 45) Po rts, 4 Gigab it Combin ation Po rt s (R J-4.
C OMPLIANCES AND S AFET Y S TATEM EN T S FCC - C LAS S A This eq uip ment ha s been test ed and found to comply wit h the limit s for a Cl ass A digit al devic e, pur suan t to part 1 5 of th e FCC R ules.
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S A FETY S TAT E ME N TS CE M ARK D EC LA R A TI ON OF C ON F ORM ANCE F OR EM I AND S AF ET Y (E E C) Thi s information technolo gy equipment com pli es wi th the requirem ents .
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S AFETY S TA T EME N T S S AFETY C OMP LI A NC E Warn ing: Fibe r Optic Port Safety CLASS I LASER DEVIC E Whe n usi ng a fib er op tic p o rt, n eve r loo k at t he t ransmi t lase r whi le i t is pow ere d on. Also , neve r look dir ect ly at th e fibe r TX por t and fibe r cabl e en ds wh en they are pow ered o n.
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S A FETY S TAT E ME N TS P O WER C ORD S AF ET Y Pleas e re ad the f o llo wing saf et y info rma tio n care fu lly befo re inst allin g the s witch: W ARNING: In stallation and removal of the unit must b e carried ou t by qu alified person nel on ly .
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S AFETY S TA T EME N T S Pow er Co rd S et U.S. A. a n d Canad a The cord se t must be UL - appro ved and CSA cer tified. The m inim um specif ica tions for the fl exible cord are: - N o. 18 AWG - not long er tha n 2 meters, o r 16 AWG.
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S A FETY S TAT E ME N TS La pr i s e s ec t eur doi t s e tr o uver à proximi t é de l ’a ppar eil et son accès do it être faci l e. V ous ne po uvez m et t r e l’ appar ei l ho r s c i rc u i t qu’en débran c ha nt son cordon élec tri que au niveau de cet te pr i s e.
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S AFETY S TA T EME N T S Bitte unbed ingt vo r dem Einbau en des S witches die fol genden Sicherheitsan wei sungen du rchlesen : W ARNUNG: Di e I ns t allat i on un d der Aus bau des Ger ät s da r f nu r du r c h F achpers onal erfolgen.
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S A FETY S TAT E ME N TS W ARNI NGS AND C AUT IONAR Y M ESSAGES W ARNING : This pr odu ct does not contain any s er vic eabl e user parts . W ARNING : In stalla tion an d re moval of t he unit mu st be ca rried out b y qualif ied pe rsonnel only .
C OM P LI AN C ES AND S AFETY S TA T EME N T S E ND OF P RODUCT L IFE S PA N This produ ct is manufact ured in su ch a way as to allow f or the recov ery and dispos al of al l included elec tric al com pone nts once the produ ct has reached the end of its lif e.
A BOUT T HIS G UIDE P URPOSE This guid e details th e hard ware feature s of the switc h, incl udi ng the p hysical and perf ormance -re lated characteristi cs, and how to ins tall t he s witch.
A BOUT T HIS G UI DE R EVISION H IS TORY This sec tion sum mari zes t he chang e s in e a ch re v ision of th i s guid e . M AY 2010 R EV I S I O N This is the first revision of this g uide.
C ONTENTS C OMPLIANCES AND S AFETY S TAT EMEN TS 5 A BOUT T HIS G UI DE 15 C ONTENTS 17 T ABL E S 19 F IGURES 21 1 I NTRODUCTION 23 Overvi ew 23 Descrip tion of Ha rdware 25 Features and Benef its 30 .
C ON TEN TS 4 M AKI NG N ETWORK C ONNECTIO NS 55 Connecting Ne twork Devi ces 55 Twi ste d-P ai r Dev ic es 55 Fiber Op tic SFP Dev ices 58 10 Gbps F i ber O pt ic Conn ecti ons 61 Connec tivity Rules.
T AB L E S Tab le 1: Port S tatus LEDs 26 Tab le 2: System Status L EDs 27 Tab le 3 : Suppor ted SFP+ Transceiver s 29 Tab le 4: Module LEDs 29 Tab le 5 : Seria l Cable Wirin g 52 Tab le 6: Maxim um 1.
T AB L E S – 20 –.
F IGU RE S Figure 1: Front Panel s 24 Figure 2: Rear Panel 24 Figure 3: Port LEDs 26 Figure 4: Syst em LEDs 27 Figure 5: Pow er Supply Soc kets 28 Figure 6: Singl e-Por t 10GBASE Mo dule (SFP+ ) 29 Fi.
F IGUR ES – 22 –.
1 I NT RODUCTION O VERVIEW The L G B 6026A and L G B6050A Switche s are inte llige nt multi lay er switc hes (Lay er 2, 3) with 24/48 10 /100/1000B ASE- T port s, four of which are combination port s 1 t hat are share d with four S FP tran sce iver slots (se e Fig ure 1 , Ports 21- 24/45-48).
C HAPTER 1 | I n tr oduct i on Overview Figure 1: Front Panels LG B605 0A Port Stat u s LEDs Stack ID Serial Console Port LG B602 6A 10/100/ 1000 Mbps RJ-45 Port s Syst em Status LEDs SFP Slots 1 2 3 .
C HAPTER 1 | Int rodu ct ion Des cri ption o f Har dw are N ETW ORK M AN AG EM EN T O PTIONS These s witch es cont ain a co mpre hen sive a rray of LEDs f or “a t- a -gla nce” monitoring of ne twork and port status.
C HAPTER 1 | I n tr oduct i on Desc ript ion of Hard ware 10 G IGA BIT E THER NET M ODUL E S LO TS These switche s includ e two slot s on t he rear p anel f or hot - swa ppab le single-p ort 10GBASE modul es wi th SFP+ transcei vers.
C HAPTER 1 | Int rodu ct ion Des cri ption o f Har dw are Figure 4: S yst em L EDs Syst em Status LEDs 24 Sta ck Link St ack Mast er Power RPS Sta ck ID M as t er Sel ect Co nsole M odule Diag Table 2 : System Statu s LE Ds LED Condition St atus Po w e r G reen In te rnal p owe r is o pera ti ng nor mall y .
C HAPTER 1 | I n tr oduct i on Desc ript ion of Ha rdware Tab le 2: Syste m Sta t us LED s (Cont inue d) LED Condition St atus Sta ck Link Gre en Uplink a nd downli nk oper at i ng norm ally . Fla s h in g Gre en Uplink has failed. Fla shi ng Amb er Dow nli nk has fail ed.
C HAPTER 1 | Int rodu ct ion De s cr iption of Har dw are O PTI ONAL M EDIA E XTENDER M ODULES 10G BASE SF P+ M ODU LE Fig ure 6: Singl e-Por t 10GB ASE Mo dule (SFP +) The module’s SFP+ sl ot s uppo rts s tandard 10 Gigabi t Ethernet (10G) SFP+ transceiv ers.
C HAPTER 1 | I n tr oduct i on Feat ure s and B enefi ts F EATURES AND B ENEF ITS C ONNECTIV ITY 24 or 48 10/100/1000 Mbps ports f or easy Gigabit Ethernet integ ration and for prote ction of y our invest ment in lega cy LAN eq uipment.
C HAPTER 1 | Int rodu ct ion Feat ure s and Ben ef its Switching table with a total of 16K MA C address entries and 8K IPv 4 add ress ent ries or 4K IPv6 add res s e ntr ie s Pro vi des store- and- forw ar d switch i ng for i ntr a - VLAN traffi c , a nd I P r o ut i ng for i n ter - VLAN traffi c .
C HAPTER 1 | I n tr oduct i on Feat ure s and B enefi ts – 32 –.
2 N ETW O RK P LANNING I NTR O DUCTIO N TO S WI TC HI NG A network switch allows sim ultaneou s trans mission of multip le pack ets via non - cro ssba r switchin g . This mea ns tha t it ca n partiti on a n etwor k more efficie ntly than br idges or r outers.
C HAPTER 2 | Ne two rk Pla nning Applicatio n E xam ples A PPLICATION E X AMPLES The Gigabit Ethernet Sw i tches ar e no t only des ign ed t o segment yo ur network, but also to p rovide a wide ra ng e of options in setting up network connectio ns and linki n g VL ANs o r IP sub ne ts .
C HAPTER 2 | N etwor k Pl a nni n g Applicat io n Examples N ETW ORK A GG R E G AT I ON P LA N With 24 or 48 p ara lle l b rid g in g p orts (i.e ., 24 or 48 distin ct collis ion do main s), a Gig abi.
C HAPTER 2 | Ne two rk Pla nning Applicatio n E xam ples R EMOTE C ONN ECTI O NS WITH F IB ER C ABLE Fiber o pti c t ec h no l ogy allo w s fo r l o nger c a bli n g t h an a ny o t her media type. A 1000BAS E-SX (MMF) link can connect to a site up to 550 mete rs away , a 1000BAS E-LX (S MF) link up to 5 km, and a 1000BAS E-LH link up to 70 km.
C HAPTER 2 | N etwor k Pl a nni n g Applicat io n Examples M AK I NG VLA N C ONNECTIONS These swit ches supp ort V LANs w hich can be used to or ga ni ze any grou p o f netw ork nodes int o separa te broadc ast dom a in s. VLANs c onf ine broadca st tr affic to the originat in g g rou p , and ca n elimi nate b road cast sto rms in large network s.
C HAPTER 2 | Ne two rk Pla nning Applicatio n E xam ples U SI NG L A YER 3 R OUTING VLAN s can sign ifican tly enhance network perf orma nce and security . Ho weve r , if you use conve ntional route rs to int erco nne ct VLAN s, you ca n lose mo st of you r perfor manc e advantage.
C HAPTER 2 | N etwor k Pl a nni n g Application Not es A PPLICATION N OTE S 1. Full-dup lex operation on ly app lies to poi nt -to-p oint acce ss (su ch as w hen a swit ch is at tached to a work station , server or an othe r switch ). Whe n the switch is conn ected to a hub , both dev ices m ust operate in h alf-du plex mode.
C HAPTER 2 | Ne two rk Pla nning Applicat io n Notes – 40 –.
3 I NSTALLIN G THE S WIT CH S ELECT I N G A S IT E Switch units can be m ounted in a standard 19-inch eq uipment rack or on a flat surface . Be sure to f ollow th e guid eline s b el ow when cho os ing a locatio n. The site should : be at the center of all t he devices you want to link and near a power outlet.
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Ethernet Cabling E THERNET C AB LI N G T o ensure pr o per o per ation w hen inst alling the s witches in to a network, ma ke sure that the current ca bles are s uitable for 10B ASE- T , 10 0B ASE- TX or 100 0BASE- T ope ration.
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swi tch Equip me nt Chec k l ist E QU IPMENT C HECKLI ST Af ter unpa cking this switch , check th e content s to be sure y ou have receiv ed all the c ompon ent s . T hen, befor e beginni ng th e in stallation , b e sure you hav e all other n ece ssary insta llati on eq uip ment .
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Mou nt ing M OUNTING The swit ch can b e moun ted in a sta ndard 1 9-i nch equ ipmen t r ack or on a desk top or she lf .
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swi tch M o unti ng Figu re 13: Attach ing the Bra ckets 2. Mount the device in the rack, using four rack -mounting screws (not provi ded).
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Mou nt ing 3. If installing a sin gle switch only , turn to “ Co nne ct i ng to a Power Sour ce ” on p age 5 1 . 4. If installing multiple switch es, mount them in the rack, one below the other , in any order . 5.
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swit c h Inst alli ng an Op tio nal Modul e in to t he Swi tch I NSTALLING AN O PTI O NAL M ODULE INTO THE S WITCH Figure 16: Installing a n O pt ional M odule N OTE : The s li de-in m odu les are hot - sw appabl e, you do no t n eed to power of f the switch bef ore installing or removing a module.
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Installing an Op tiona l SF P Tr ansceiver I NSTALLING AN O PTI O NAL SFP T RANSCEI VER Figu re 17 : I nserti ng an SFP T ran sceive r into a Slo t These switche s support 1000BA SE-SX a nd 1000BAS E-LX, a nd 1000BAS E-LH SFP-co mpatib le transceiv ers.
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swit c h Conne c ting Switches in a Stack C ONNECTI NG S WITCHES IN A S TA CK Figure 18 sh ows ho w the sta ck cable s are conne cte d betwe en switche s in a st ac k.
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Conn ect ing S wi tc hes i n a St ack Fig ure 18: Ma k ing Stack ing Conne ct io ns 5. Select the Master u nit in the stack by pressing the Master butt o n in on onl y one of t he s witches. On ly one switch in the stack can operate a s the Mas ter , all other u nits op erate in slave mode.
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swit c h Conn ect ing to a Pow er So urc e should ma nu al ly re p la ce the failed link or unit as soon a s possible . If y ou are usi n g a w r ap- aroun d stack t opo l o gy , a si ng l e point of failu re in the sta ck will n ot cau se t h e s tack to fai l.
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Conn ect ing to t he Co nsol e Por t 4. If you have pu r c ha s ed a R edundant Po w er Suppl y , c o nn ect i t to t he s w itc h and to an AC powe r source n ow, fo llowing t he inst ructions in c luded with the package.
C HAPTER 3 | I ns tallin g t h e Swit c h Conn ect ing to t he Co nsol e Por t Character Size—8 Characters Pa rit y —N on e Stop bi t—O ne Data bit s—8 .
C HAPTER 3 | Installing the Switch Conn ect ing to t he Co nsol e Por t – 54 –.
4 M AKING N ETW O RK C ONNECT IONS C ONNECTI NG N ETWORK D EV I C E S This swit ch i s de signed to i nter conn ect mul tiple se gment s (or collision d oma ins). It can b e conne cted to netwo rk cards in PC s and serv ers, as well as to hub s, swit ches or ro uters.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nnec tions Twisted- Pa i r Devices C ONNE CTING TO PC S , S E R VERS , H UB S AN D S WITC H ES 1. Atta c h o ne en d of a twis t ed- pai r c a ble s e gmen t to the devic e’ s RJ - 45 connector . Figur e 21: Ma k ing Tw iste d-Pair Conne ctio ns 2.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nn ec ti o ns Twiste d- Pa ir Dev ices N ETW ORK W IR IN G C ONNECTI ONS T oday , the punch-down block is an in te gr al part o f m any of the newer equi pm ent racks. I t is actu ally part of the patch pane l. In stru cti ons for ma king con ne cti ons in the wiring closet with this type of equipme nt follows.
w i t 10 /1 0 6 7 2 4 L C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nnec tions Fibe r Optic SF P Devic es Fig ure 22: Net w or k Wir ing Conne ctio ns Equi pme nt R ac k (si de view ) Netw ork S wit c h Punc h-D.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nn ec ti o ns Fibe r Opt ic SFP Devices W ARNI NG : Thi s swit ch use s lase rs to tran smit sig na ls over f iber op tic cable. T he l asers ar e compl ian t with the requirements of a C las s 1 Las er P ro duct an d are i nh erently eye s afe i n norm al oper ation.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Netwo rk Conn ectio ns Fibe r Optic SF P Devic es The 1000B AS E- SX , 1000BASE-LX, 10 00BA SE -LH fibe r optic p orts op erate at 1 Gbps, full dup lex, with auto-ne got iation of flow control .
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nnec tions 10 Gbps Fiber Opt ic Connectio ns 10 G BPS F IB ER O PTIC C ONNE CTIONS An opt ional 10 Gi gabit tr ansceiver (SFP+) c an be u s ed fo r a backbon e conne ction b e t we e n swi tch e s. Singl e-mode fi ber por ts requ ire 9/12 5 mic ron s ingle- mode fiber opt ic cable.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nnec tions 10 Gbps Fiber Opt ic Connec tions Figu re 24: C onnec ting to an S FP+ Tra n s c eiver 4. As a connect ion is made , check the Link LE D on the mod ule to be sure that the connec tion i s valid. The 10G fiber optic ports o perate at 10 Gbps full d uplex.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Net work Co nn ec ti o ns Connectivity Ru l es C ONNECTIVITY R ULES When addin g h ubs ( r epeaters ) to you r netwo rk, please foll ow th e c onnectivi t y rules l isted i n t he manuals for thes e pr o duc ts.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Netwo rk Conn ectio ns Conn ecti vity Rule s Tab le 8: Maxi mum 10GB ASE- E R 10 Gig a b it Et her net C a bl e Le ngth Fiber Size Fiber B an dwi dth Maxi mum C able Len gth Con nector 9/1 25 micro n sin gle- mode f iber N/A 40 km (24.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Ne two rk Con nection s Cable L abe ling and Connection Records 100 M BPS F AST E THERNE T C OLL IS ION D OM AIN Tab le 13: Max imum Fas t Et hernet Ca b le Lengths Type Cable Type Max.
C HAPTER 4 | Maki ng Netwo rk Conn ectio ns Cable Lab eling and Connectio n Re cords Differentiate between racks by naming accordingly . Label each s epara te piece o f equi pm ent. Di spla y a c opy of your equ ipment map, i nclu ding keys to all abbrevi atio ns at each equi pm ent r ac k.
A T R OUBLESHOOTI N G D IAGNOSI NG S WI TCH I NDICATO R S Table 1 5: T roubl esho oting Chart Sym ptom Actio n PWR L ED is O ff Chec k co nn ectio ns betw een the switc h, t he powe r cord and the wal l outl et. Contac t y our deal er fo r a ssis tanc e.
C HAPTER A | T r oubles h ootin g Diagno sing Swi tch Ind icato rs D IA GNOS I NG P OW ER P RO B L E M S W I T H T H E LED S The Power and RPU LE Ds work in combinat ion to indica te p ower status as follow s.
C HAPTER A | Tro ubleshooting Power and Coo ling Proble ms P OW E R AND C OOLI NG P ROBL E MS If the po w er i ndi c a to r do es not tur n o n w hen t he power c or d i s plugged in, you may ha ve a proble m with the power outlet, power cord , or in ternal power suppl y .
C HAPTER A | T r oubles h ootin g St ack Trou blesh ooti ng S TACK T ROUBLES HOOTING If a stack fails to initia lize or fu nction, first ch eck the f ollowin g items: Chec k that all stac kin g c abl es ar e pro perl y connected. Chec k if any s ta c ki ng cables appear damaged.
B C ABLES T W ISTED -P AI R C ABLE AND P IN A SSIGNMEN TS For 10/1 00BA SE- T X connectio n s, the tw isted -pair cable m ust have two pairs of wires. Fo r 1000B ASE - T conne ction s the twisted-p air cable m ust hav e four pairs of wires. Ea ch wire pair is identifie d by two dif ferent colors.
C HAPTER B | C ables Twist ed-Pair Ca ble a nd P in Assig nmen ts 10BASE-T/100B ASE-T X P IN A SSIG N MENTS Use unsh ield ed twisted -pair ( UTP) or shield ed t wisted-p air (S TP) cable f or R J- 45 connecti ons: 100 -ohm Categ ory 3 or be tter cable for 10 Mb ps connect ions , or 100-ohm Cate gory 5 or bette r cable for 100 Mbp s connection s.
C HAPTER B | Cab l es Twist ed-Pair Cable a nd P in As sign ment s Figu re 26 : S traight-t h rough W irin g EI A/T IA 568B RJ -45 W iring S tanda rd 10 / 100 BASE-TX S traight- th ro ugh C abl e W hi.
C HAPTER B | C ables Twist ed-Pair Ca ble a nd P in Assig nmen ts 100 0 BAS E- T P IN A SSIGNME NT S All 10 00BAS E- T ports supp ort aut oma tic MDI/ MDI-X op eratio n, so you can use straigh t-thro ugh cable s for a ll network connec tions to PCs or se rvers, or to other switc hes or h ubs.
C HAPTER B | Cab l es Fibe r Standa r ds A DJUSTING E XI ST ING C ATEGORY 5 C ABLING TO R UN 1 000B AS E-T If your existing Category 5 installation doe s not me et one of the te st parame ters for 1 00 0BASE- T , there ar e basi c ally t hr ee m easu r es that can be applied to t r y and corre ct the p roble m: 1.
C HAPTER B | C ables Fibe r Standa rds Table 1 9: Fi ber Stand ard s (Con tinu ed) ITU-T Sta ndard Description A pp lication G .654 1550- nm L o ss -M ini miz ed Fiber Sin g le -mo de , 9 /12 5- m icr on c ore Extended lo ng-haul applic a tio ns.
C S PECIFICA TIONS P HYSICAL C HARACT ERIS T I CS P OR TS L G B6026A : 20 1 0/100/ 1000B ASE - T , with a uto-ne gotia tion 4 10/1 00/1000BAS E- T sh ared with 4 SFP transc eiver slots 2 10G BAS E ext.
C HAPTER C | Sp ecifications Physical C haracteristics A GGR EG A TE B ANDWIDTH LGB6026A: 88 Gbps LGB6050A: 136 Gbps S WITCHING D ATAB ASE 16K MA C add ress entries, 102 4 static MAC a ddre sses; 8K I.
C HAPTER C | Spe c i ficatio n s Switch Fea tur es P O WER S UPPL Y Internal, aut o-r anging trans former: 100 t o 240 VAC, 47 to 6 3 Hz Exte rnal, supp orts c onnec tion for redun dant powe r supp ly.
C HAPTER C | Sp ecifications Manag eme nt F eatur es M ANAGEME NT F EATURES I N -B AN D M ANAG EMENT SSH, T elnet, SNMP , or H T T P O UT - OF -B AND M AN AG E ME N T RS-232 DB-9 console port S OFTWARE L OADING TFTP in-ba nd, or XMode m out-of-band S TANDARDS IEEE 802.
C HAPTER C | Spe c i ficatio n s Com pliances C OMPLI ANCE S CE M ARK E MISS IO NS FCC Class A Indus try C anada Cl ass A EN55022 (CISPR 22) Class A EN 61000-3- 2/3 VCCI Clas s A C - T ick - A S/NZS 3.
C HAPTER C | Sp ecifications 10GBASE Extender Mo du le (SFP+) N ETWORK I NT ER FA CE SFP+ slot S TANDARDS IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet – 82 –.
G LO SSA R Y 10BASE -T IEEE 802.3 specific ation for 10 Mbps Ethernet over two pairs of Category 3, 4, or 5 UTP cab le. 100BASE-T X IEEE 802.3u specification for 100 Mbp s Ethernet over two pa irs of Category 5 UTP cab le. 1000BASE-LH Spe cification for long-ha ul Gigab it Ethe rnet over two str a nd s o f 9/1 25 m icron core fib er cab le.
G LOSSARY 10GBASE- LR IEEE 802.3ae s pecification fo r 10 Gigab it Ethernet o ver two strand s of 9/1 25 micron core sin gle-mod e fiber ca ble. 10GBASE-S R IEEE 802.3ae specif ication for 10 Gigabit Ethe rnet over two str ands of 62.5/125 micron core mu ltimode fiber cab le.
G LOS S ARY E THERN ET A netwo r k c om m u nica tion sy s t em devel o pe d an d s t anda r di zed by D E C, Intel , and Xerox, using baseb and t ransmission, CSMA/ CD a ccess, l o gical bu s top ology , and coaxia l c able. T he succ essor IEEE 802.
G LOSSARY IEEE 8 02. 3 U Define s CSMA/CD acc ess method and p hysical layer spe cifica tions f or 100BA SE- TX F ast Ethe rnet. (N o w inc orpo ra t ed in IEEE 802. 3-2005.) IEEE 8 02. 3 Z Defines CSM A/CD a ccess meth od and ph ys ical lay er sp ecificat ions for 1000BASE Gigabi t E t her net .
G LOS S ARY N ETWORK D IA METER Wire d istan ce be tween two end stat ions in the sa me col li sion d omain. R EDUNDANT P OWER S UP PL Y (RPS) A back up po wer supp ly unit th at auto ma tically takes ov er in case the primary power s u ppl y s ho u ld fail .
G LOSSARY – 88 –.
I NDE X N UM ERI CS 10 Gbps co nn ectiv ity r ules 63 10 Mbps co n necti vity rules 65 100 Mbp s con nect ivit y rules 65 1000 Mbps co nne ctivi ty r ules 64 1000B ASE -LH fib er c able L eng ths 64 1.
I NDE X LED indic ators DIAG 27 Mod ule 28 PWR 27 Sta ck I D 28 Sta ck Link 28 Sta ck Master 27 location re quirements 41 M manag em ent age nt 25 featu res 31 , 80 SNMP 25 mounti ng t he sw itch in a.
72 4 - 7 4 6 -5 50 0 | bl ackbo x . com About Bl ack Bo x Black Box provides an ex te nsive ran g e of networking and infra s tructure produc ts. Y ou’l l find ever y thin g from c abinets and racks.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Black Box LGB6050A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Black Box LGB6050A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Black Box LGB6050A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Black Box LGB6050A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Black Box LGB6050A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Black Box LGB6050A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Black Box LGB6050A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Black Box LGB6050A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Black Box LGB6050A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.