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www DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide DSL, IAD, and V oIP (ZyNOS) ZyXEL Devices CLI Reference Guide V ersion 3.70 11 / 2 0 0 8 Edition 3.
About This CLI Refere nc e Gu ide DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 3 About This CLI Reference Guide Intended Audience This manual is intended for people who want to configure the ZyXEL Device via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Y ou should have at least a basic knowledge of TCP/IP networking conce pts an d topology .
About This CLI Reference Guide DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 4 • T o find specific informatio n in this guide, use the Contents Overview , the Inde x of Commands , or search the PDF file.
Document Conventions DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 5 Document Conventions W arnings and Notes W arnings and notes are indicat ed as follows in this guide. 1 W arnings tell you about thi ngs that could harm you or your device. See your User ’s Guide for product specific warnings.
Document Conventions DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 6 Command summary tables are organized as follows: The Ta b l e Ti tl e identifies commands or the specific feature tha t the co mmands configure. The COMMAND column shows the syntax of the command.
Document Conventions DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 7 Copy and Paste Commands Y ou can copy and p aste commands directly from th is d oc ument into your terminal emulation console window (such as HyperT erminal). Use right-click (not CTRL-V) to paste your command into the console window as shown next.
Document Conventions DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 8.
Contents Overview DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 9 Contents Overview Introduction .......................................... ........................................................................ .......... 1 1 How to Access and Use the C LI ....
Contents Overview DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 10.
11 P ART I Introduction How to Access and Use the CLI (13) Common Commands (17).
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 13 C HAPTER 1 How to Access and Use the CLI This chapter introduces the command line interface (CLI). 1.1 Accessing the CLI Use any of the following methods to access the CLI. 1.1.1 Console Port Y ou may use this metho d if yo ur Zy XEL Device has a console port.
Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 14 1.2 Logging in Use the administrator password to log into the ZyXEL Device. The default value is ‘admin’ or ‘1234’ - see your ZyXEL Device User ’ s Guide to see which one to use.
Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 15 Abbreviations Commands can be abbreviated to the smallest un ique string that differentiates the command.
Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 16.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 17 C HAPTER 2 Common Commands This chapter introduces some of the more commomly-used commands in the ZyXEL Device. For more detailed usage, see the correspon ding feature chapter in this guide. In the following examples, ras is the prompt as that is the default.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 18 The first command in this exam ple shows information about a LA N port, for example, its IP address. The second command is used to ch ange this IP address to " Afterwards, you have to use this new IP address to access the ZyXEL Device via the LAN port.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 19 T o view the ARP table for the LAN port, enter ip arp status enif0 . Each ZyXEL Device can supp ort a specific numb er of NA T sessions in total. Y ou can limit the number of NA T sessions allowed per host by using the ip nat session command.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 20 2.3 Basic System Information Use the sys atsh command to view information about your ZyXEL Device. Use the following command to view CPU utilization. ras> sys atsh RAS version : V3.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 21 Use the following command to get the date and time from a time server on the Internet (or your network). Y ou have to first configure a time server using the web configurator (or SMT menu if your ZyXEL Device has one).
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 22 Use the following command to ch ange the console port speed. A higher console port speed is recommended when upload ing firmware via the co nsole port. A console port speed o f 1 15,200 bps is necessary to view CNM debug messag es and packet traces on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 23 Logs are very useful for troubl eshooting. If you are having problems with y our ZyXEL Device, then customer support may request that you send them the logs.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 24 Use the following command s fo r system debugging. A con so le port speed of 1 1 5,2 00 bps is necessary to view packet traces on the ZyXEL Device. Use the ping command to have the ZyXEL De vice ping an IP address as shown in the following example.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 25 Y ou need to create an account at my m in order to activate content filtering, anti- spam and anti-virus UTM (Unified Threat Management) services. See the chapter for information on the co untry code you shou ld use.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 26 Use the following commands to enable conten t filtering on the ZyXE L Device, then on the external database (DB) and th en display the default policy . The default policy does not actu ally b lock anything.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 27 ras> ip cf policy edit 1 ras> ip cf policy config webControl ena ble on ras> ip cf policy config webControl dis play The Ca.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 28 Y ou may also configure and schedule new policie s using commands as well as configure what to block using the external database. 2.5 Firewall Use the following command to enable the firewall on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 2 Commo n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 29 This example shows d ialing up remote node “W AN 1” using PP TP . ras> pptp dial "WAN 1" Start dialing for node <WAN 1>.
Chapter 2 Comm o n Com m a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 30.
31 P ART II Reference IEEE 802.1Q/1P Commands (33) IEEE 802.1x Commands (35 ) Dial Backup Commands (37) Bandwidth Management (4 1) Bridge Commands (45) Certificate Commands (49) CNM Agent Commands (57) V oIP DECT Commands (61) Ethernet Commands (63) Firewall Commands (67) IP Commands (71) IPSec Commands (89) LAN Interface Co mmands (95) MyZyXEL.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 33 C HAPTER 3 IEEE 802.1Q/1P Commands Use these commands to configure IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN groups and IEEE 802.1P priority levels for the ports on the ZyXEL Device. 3.1 Command Summary The following section lis ts the commands f or this feature.
Chapter 3 IEEE 802.1Q/1P Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 34 3.2 Command Examples This example loads the IEEE 802.1Q settings an d enables the IEEE 802.1Q feature on the ZyXEL Device. This example sets the port VLAN ID of Ethernet LAN port 4 to 123.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 35 C HAPTER 4 IEEE 802.1x Commands Use these comman s to configure IEEE 802. 1x authentication on the ZyXEL Device. 4.
Chapter 4 IEEE 80 2.1x Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 36 4.2 Command Examples This example activates WP A-PSK mode for I EEE 802.1x authentication and specifies the authentication key (shared secret) to be abSecret123 .
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 37 C HAPTER 5 Dial Backup Commands Use these comm an ds to con f igu re dia l ba ckup port se ttings on the ZyXE L De vice. " At the time of wr iting, only P-662 series has t he commands described in this chapter .
Chapter 5 Dial Backup Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 38 5.2 Command Examples This example displays the historical A T comm ands the ZyW ALL sent to the modem connected to the dial backup port and the responses. This example displays up per layer packet information for the dial backup port.
Chapter 5 Dial Backup Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 39 The following table describes the labels in this display . This example displays the dia l back up port’ s transmit and receive rates. Ta b l e 11 aux nets tat aux0 LABEL DESCRIPTION Name Name of the channel.
Chapter 5 Dial Backup Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 40 The following table describes the labels in this display . This example displays details abou t the dial backup po rt’ s signal. The following table describes the labels in this display .
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 41 C HAPTER 6 Bandwidth Management Use these comm an ds to configure bandwidt h management (BWM) settings on the ZyXEL Device. 6.1 Command Summary The following table describes the values required for many commands . Other va lues are discussed with the c orresponding commands.
Chapter 6 Bandwid th Management DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 42 bm debug [config|config_action|flow|classi fier|statistics|web] T urns the bandwidth managemen t debug features on or off. config : Displays debug messages when enteri ng bm commands.
Chapter 6 Bandwidth Ma nagement DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 43 6.2 Command Examples This example configures BWM at the in terface level. It does the following. 1 T urns on BWM on the WLAN interface. 2 Enables automatic traffic classification. 3 Sets the interface’ s band width limit to 25 Mbps.
Chapter 6 Bandwid th Management DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 44 • Source port: Any • Source address: Any • Destination address: Any • Destination port: Any •P r o t o c o l : A n y . This example monitors the runtim e situation for all W AN classes.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 45 C HAPTER 7 Bridge Commands Use these commands to configure bridge settings on yo ur device. 7.1 Command Summary The following table describes th e values required for many bridge commands. Other values are discussed with the co rresponding commands.
Chapter 7 Br idge Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 46 7.2 Command Examples This example shows how to set up a bridge and save it. 1 First, use freememory to clear the working buffer . 2 Then specify which bridge to co nfigure by selecting its index.
Chapter 7 Bridge Comman ds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 47 active This shows whether the bridge is active or not. It is either on or off. More than one bridge may be active at one time. Ether Address This refers to the MAC address of th e final destination of the b ridge static route.
Chapter 7 Br idge Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 48.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 49 C HAPTER 8 Certificate Commands Use these comm an ds to con figu r e ce rtific a te s. 8.1 Command Summary The following table describes th e values required for many certificates commands. Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Chapter 8 Ce rtificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 50 T able 20 certificates Commands COMMAND DESCRIPTION certificates ca_trusted crl_issuer < name > [on|off] [on|off] specifies whether or not the specified CA issues CRL. If [on|off] is not specified, the current crl_i ssuer status of the CA displays.
Chapter 8 Certificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 51 certificates my_cert create self_signed < name >< subject > < key-length > Creates a self-signed lo cal host certificate. certificates my_cert delete < name > Removes the specified lo cal host certificate.
Chapter 8 Ce rtificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 52 8.2 Default V alues The following table shows a list of default values . 8.3 Command Examples This example creates and displays a s.
Chapter 8 Certificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 53 This example exports the self signed certificate na med “test”. After the certificate displa ys on the screen, copy and paste it into a text editor (like Notepad) and sa ve it as a .
Chapter 8 Ce rtificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 54 2 Click Details and Copy to File . 3 Click Next in the welcome screen. Select Base-64 encoded X.
Chapter 8 Certificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 55 4 T ype a file name (or browse for one). 5 Click Finish . 6 Open the newly created file in a text editor ( like Notepad) to be ab le to copy and paste the certificate into your CLI session.
Chapter 8 Ce rtificate Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 56.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 57 C HAPTER 9 CNM Agent Commands Use these commands to configure CN M agent settings on the ZyXEL Device. " At the time of wr iting, only P-662 series has t he commands described in this chapter . 9.1 Command Summary The following section lists the commands for this feature.
Chapter 9 CNM Agent Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 58 9.2 Command Examples This example displays the CNM ag ent version on the ZyXEL Device. This example configures the CNM settings and activates the service on the ZyXEL Device using the following settings.
Chapter 9 CNM Agent Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 59 This example displays the CNM debug messages. It's useful for monitoring re gister or keepalive packets the ZyXEL Device sends and receives to and from the CNM server .
Chapter 9 CNM Agent Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 60.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 61 C HAPTER 10 VoIP DECT Commands Use these comm an ds to con f ig ure DECT (Digitally Enhanced Cordless T elecommunications) settings on the ZyXEL Device. These commands are only available on ZyXEL Devices which have a DECT cordless phone base station.
Chapter 10 VoIP DECT Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 62 10.2 Command Examples This example sets the base station password on the ZyXEL Device to be 11 5 5 .
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 63 C HAPTER 11 Ethernet Commands Use these commands to configure the settin gs of Ethernet ports on ZyXEL Device. 1 1.1 Command Summary The following table describes the values required for many commands . Other va lues are discussed with the c orresponding commands.
Chapter 11 Ethern e t Com m ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 64 1 1.2 Command Examples This example changes the LAN speed of a ZyX EL Device with one Ethernet LAN port to 10 Mbps and full duplex. This example set the speed of LAN port 3 in th e ZyXEL Device with a four -port switch to 10 Mbps and full duplex.
Chapter 11 Ethern et Comman ds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 65 This example loads the Ethernet configuration fo r the LAN, sets the MTU size to 1500 bytes, allows packets transmitting throug h the LAN and saves the changes.
Chapter 11 Ethern e t Com m ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 66.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 67 C HAPTER 12 Firewall Commands Use these commands to configure fi rewall settings on the ZyXEL Device. 12.1 Command Summary The following table describes input values for some of the firewall co mmands. Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.
Chapter 12 Firewall Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 68 T able 28 Firewall Commands COMMAND DESCRIPTION sys firewall acl disp [ set-number ] [ rule-number ] Displays all of the firewall rules, rules for a specific dire ction of packet travel, or a a specific rule.
Chapter 12 Fire wall Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 69 12.2 Command Examples This example loads a firewall schedule for LAN to W A N firewa ll rule 1 and sets the schedule to apply the rule on all days of the we ek except Saturday and saves the schedule.
Chapter 12 Firewall Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 70.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 71 C HAPTER 13 IP Commands Use these commands to configure IP settings on the ZyXEL Device. 13.1 Command Summary The following table describes input values for some of the ip commands. Other values are discussed with the c orresponding commands.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 72 ip dhcp < interface > mode <server|relay|none|client> Set s the DHCP mode. ip dhcp < interface > relay server < ip > Sets the DHCP relay server's IP address. ip dhcp < interface > reset Resets the DHCP table.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 73 ip dns query address < ip- address > [ timeout ] Displays the domain name of an IP address. timeout : 0~255 seconds. This is the maximum number of seconds to wait for a response. ip dns query debug [ level ] Enables or disables DNS debug.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 74 ip igmp iface < interface > ttl < 0- 2147483647> Set s the IGMP Time T o Live threshold. ip igmp iface < interface > v1compat [on|off] T urns IGMP version 1 compat ibility on or off for the specified interface.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 75 ip policyrouting set criteria destport < start-port > < end- port > Sets the IP policy route destination ports. ip policyrouting set action actmatch Sets the criteria if a p acket do es not match the IP policy route rule for further action.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 76 ip rip mode < interface > in [ mode ] Sets the RIP direction to in for the specified interface. [ mode ]: This is a number . 0 : None. Don't follow any RIP standards. 1 : RIP-1 only .
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 77 ip smtp destmail [ address ] Set s the destina ti on mail address. ip smtp srcmail [ address ] Set s the source mail address. ip smtp sendmail Sends a mail. ip smtp addrlist Lists the smtp server , destination and return addresses.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 78 ip urlfilter customize reset Clears all customized filtering settings. ip urlfilter exemptZone actionFlags type <1-3> <enable|disable> Sets the exempt zone action flags.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 79 13.1.1 Content F iltering Categories The following section lists the relationship between countries an d country codes defined in the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 80 13.1.2 IP Command Examples The following example shows the ZyXEL Device’ s ARP table. The following exa mp l e sh ow s LAN’ s ARP information.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 81 The following example shows LAN IP alias 1’ s ARP information. The following comma nd s co nfig ure the ZyX EL Devic e LAN's DHCP se tting. The following command has the ZyXEL Device ping IP address 172.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 82 The following example configur es the DNS server se ttings the ZyXEL Device assigns to LAN DHCP clients. In this case the first DNS server is the one assigned by ISP 1. The se cond DNS server is at IP address 192.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 83 The following exa mp le dis p lays the IGMP status. The following table describes the labels in this display . ras> ip igmp status Group groupLink ifaceLink flags [0102fd80 00c618c0] [0102fdc4 0102fdc4] 0003 224.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 84 The following exa mp le dis p lays the ICMP status. The following table describes the labels in this display .
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 85 The following example adds a policy route ru le on the ZyXEL Device. The ZyXEL Device's LAN is in the network A ( and its default gateway is 19 However , network admin would like to forward some computer's HTTP traffic that sends to 192.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 86 • Log: yes The following example displays the po licy route rule on the ZyXEL Device. ras> ip policyrouting set index 1 1 ras> ip po.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 87 The following example displays all content filtering categories. The following example blocks or unblock content filtering ca tegories. The command always displays all the block ed categories.
Chapter 13 IP Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 88 The following example displays the entries in the content filtering cache on the ZyXEL Device. ras> ip urlfilter webControl cache d isplay the total entries:3 idx block port URL ------------------------------------ ------------- 1 YES 80 www.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 89 C HAPTER 14 IPSec Commands Use these commands to configure I PSec settings on the ZyXEL Device. 14.1 Command Summary The following section lists th e commands for this feature. T able 34 IPSec Commands COMMAND DESCRIPTION ipsec debug [on|off] Enables or disables the trace for IPSec debugging information.
Chapter 14 IPSec Com ma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 90 ipsec dial < rule-number > Dials the specified IPSec policy manually . ipsec display < rule-number > Displays the specified IPSec rule. Use ipsec load to load an IPSec rule before using this command.
Chapter 14 IPSec Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 91 ipsec config dnsServer < ip-addres s > Sets the DNS server IP address to assign to remote users.
Chapter 14 IPSec Com ma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 92 14.2 swSkipOverlapIp Normally , you do not configure your local VPN po licy rule’ s IP addresses to overlap with the remote VPN policy rule’ s IP addresses . For ex ample, you usually would not configure both with 192.
Chapter 14 IPSec Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 93 Figure 1 Dynamic VPN Rule l Using the command ipsec swSkipOverlapIp on has ZyXEL Device X check if a packet’ s destination is also at the local netw ork before forwarding the packet. If it is, the ZyXEL Device sends the traf fic to the local network.
Chapter 14 IPSec Com ma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 94 14.3 Command Examples This example adds an IPSec rule as follows. 1 Load IPSec Rule Index: 2 2 Rule Name: VPN-ph1 3 Active 4 Local ID T ype: IP 5 Local ID Content: 192.1 6 8.1.33 6 My IP Address: 10.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 95 C HAPTER 15 LAN Interface Commands Use these comm an ds to con figure LAN interfaces on the ZyXEL Device. 15.1 Command Summary The following section lists the commands for this feature. T able 35 LAN Command Summary COMMAND DESCRIPTION lan active <yes|no> Enables or disabl es the LAN interfa ce.
Chapter 15 LAN Inte rface Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 96 lan index < interface > Sets the LAN interface for configuration. interface : type one of the following numbers • 1 - to select the main LA N interface; in CLI this interface is displayed as enif0 .
Chapter 1 5 LAN Interfac e Command s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 97 15.2 Command Examples This example sets the LAN IP address of the ZyXEL Device and specifies DHCP serve r settings on the LAN interface. ras> lan index 1 enif0 is selected ras> lan ipaddr 172.
Chapter 15 LAN Inte rface Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 98.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 99 C HAPTER 16 Commands Use these comm an ds to con f igu r e us e r , produc t, or service registration settings on your ZyXEL Device. Y our ZyXEL Device needs to connect to the registration server (the default is http://www .
Chapter 16 MyZyXEL .com Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 100 16.2 Country Codes The following section lists the relationship between countries an d country codes defined in the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 16 MyZyX Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 103 KAZAKHST AN 1 12 KENY A 1 13 KIRIBA TI 1 14 KOREA_REPUBLIC_OF 1 15 KUWAIT 1 16 KYRGYZST AN 1 17 LAO_PEOPLE’s_DEMOCRA TIC_REP.
Chapter 16 MyZyXEL .com Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 106 16.3 Command Examples This example displays yo ur ZyXEL Devi ce’ s registration information.
Chapter 16 MyZyX Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 107 This example displays the de ta iled service registration informa tion of your Zy XEL Device. password Displays the re gi st ered password. email Displays the registered e-mail address.
Chapter 16 MyZyXEL .com Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 108.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 109 C HAPTER 17 Quality of Service (QoS) Use these commands to configure QoS settings on the ZyXEL Device. 17.1 Command Summary The following table describes the values required for many commands . Other va lues are discussed with the c orresponding commands.
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS) DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 0 qos filter < interface > add < class-number > [service < service- type >] [dip [not] < dst-ip > < .
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS) DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 111 17.2 Command Examples This example configures QoS at the interface level. It does the following. 1 T urns on QoS on the ZyXEL Device. 2 Enable auto priority mapp ing on the WLAN interface.
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS) DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 2 4 Displays the WLAN interface’ s au to priority mapping settings. This example adds one WLAN class using the following settings (and then displays it).
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS) DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 3 •P r o t o c o l : A n y . This example adds and enables a bandwidth poli cer on the ZyXEL Device using the following settings.
Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS) DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 4.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 5 C HAPTER 18 RADIUS Commands Use these commands to view RADIUS authenti cation or accounting conf iguration settings on the ZyXEL Device. See the wlan rad ius commands in Chapter 22 on page 175 for configuration details.
Chapter 18 RADIUS Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 6.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 7 C HAPTER 19 System Commands Use these commands to co nfigure system related settings on the ZyXEL Device. 19.1 Command Summary The following section lists th e commands for this feature. The following table describes input values for some of the sys commands.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 8 rule# Each set contains 6 rules. Rules are either TCP/IP or generic. A TCP/IP based rule contains the following subfields: Active: &l.
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 11 9 sys ddns config emailaddress < mail-address > Sets your email address. First allocate memory by using sys ddns config load. sys ddns config hostname < domain-name > Sets the domain name provided by your ISP .
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 120 sys filter set clear [ set# ] This clears the specified set entry . sys filter set destip [ dest- ip ][ mask ] Sets the destination IP addre ss and subnet mask of the set description. TCP/IP rules only .
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 121 sys filter set protocol [ protocol# ] Sets the rule to match a specified protocol. 0 sets th e rul e to ma tch any protocol. TCP/IP rules only . sys filter set save Saves the set’s configuration.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 122 sys logs category attack [0:none|1:log|2:alert|3:both] Enables or disables recording of fi rewall attack logs and/or sending an alert. sys logs category display Displays the log settings fo r the catego ries of logs.
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 123 sys logs mail logAddr [ mail- address ] Sets or displays the e-mail address to send logs to. sys logs mail passwd [ smtp-user- password ] Sets the SMTP authe ntication p a ssword. sys logs mail port [ port ] Sets the po rt numbe r for sending log e-mails.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 124 sys qe acl delete < index > Removes an ACL rule from the QE (quick engine) ACL table. sys qe acl display Shows the QE (quick engin e) ACL table. sys qe acl reset [on|off] Refreshes the QE (quick engine) ACL table.
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 125 sys qe session add < ila > < ilp > < iga > < igp > < oga > < ogp > < protocol > Adds a session to the QE session table. sys qe session display Displays the QE sessi on table.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 126 sys socket Displ ays the system socket’s ID number , type, con trol block address (PCB) (this is a memory address) , IP address and port number of the peer device connected to the socket (Remote Socket) and task control block (Owner).
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 127 sys tripleplay igmpsnp maxresptime [ tenthsofasecond ] Displays or set s the maximum respon se time for a IGMP membership query in tenths of a second. This is used to determi ne the total group timeout value.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 128 The following table shows a list of default values . 19.2 Command Example The following examp les show you first how to configure lo gs and then how to display them. sys view < filename > Displays the specified text file.
Chapter 19 Syste m Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 129 19.2.1 Configuring Logging 1 Use the sys logs load command to load the log setting buffer that allows you to configure which logs the Zy XEL Device is to record. 2 Use sys logs category to view a list of the log categories.
Chapter 19 System Comm ands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 130 19.2.3 Log Command Example This example shows how to set the ZyXEL Devi ce to record the acc ess logs and alerts and then view the results. ras> sys logs load ras> sys logs category access 3 ras> sys logs save ras> sys logs display access # .
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 131 C HAPTER 20 VoIP Commands Use these comm an ds to con figure V o IP settings on the ZyXEL Device. 20.1 V oIP RTP Commands Use these comm an ds to con figu r e Rea l-tim e Transport Protocol settings on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 132 The following table describes the labels in this screen. 20.2 V oIP Relay to PSTN Commands Use these commands to specify PSTN prefix numbers. The PS TN prefix numbers tells the ZyXEL Device when to use th e PSTN line to make call s.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 133 20.2.1 V oIP Relay to PSTN Command Examples This example displays the PSTN prefix num bers configured on the ZyXEL Device. he following table describes th e labels in this screen. 20.3 V oIP SIP Account Commands Use these commands to configure SIP accounts on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 134 voice config signal minse < index > <20- 1800> Sets the minimum number of seconds the ZyXEL Device accepts for a session expiration time whe n it receives a request to start a SIP session.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 135 voice config signal phoneselect < index > < phone-port |0:All> <0:No|1:Yes> Sets the physical FXS port ma pping to this SIP account for incomi ng calls. In other wo rd s, specifies which analog phone rings when a call is received for this SIP account.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 136 20.3.1 V oIP SIP Account Comm an d Examples This example does the following: • specifies not to ring phone 2 when receiving a call by SIP 1 account. • specified to ring phone 1 when rece iving an coming call by SIP 1 account.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 137 • displays the mapping to only phon e port 1 for SIP 1 account. 20.4 Analog Phone Commands Use these commands to configure analog phone features on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 138 voice config fxs fax < index > <0|1 > Sets how the ZyXEL Device han dles fax messages. 0: The ZyXEL Device uses G .71 1 to send fax messages. 1: The ZyXEL Device sends fax messages as UDP or TCP/IP packets through IP networks.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 139 voice config fxs featuresdisable < index > <0~7> Disables or enables analog phone features. ras> voice config f xs featuresdisable 1 h Use this command to configure the deb ug setti ngs.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 140 20.4.1 Analog Phone Command Examples This example configures the se ttings for the analog phone port 1 on the ZyXEL Device. It sets the ZyXEL Device the volume it sends to the analog pho ne to th e maximum 14 and it sets the volume it sends out from this analog phone to 13 .
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 141 20.5.1 V oIP Speed Dial Command Examples This example configures a speed dial entry for a peer-to-peer call with an IP phone located at the IP address , with the SIP number 1234 5 .
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 142 voice config common ivrlanguage < index > <0~2> S pecifies the languag e fo r IVR. The languages supported on your ZyXEL Device differ by model. This command allows you to specify one of the languages supported.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 143 20.6.1 V oIP Common Settings Co mmand Examples This example shows the country codes suppor ted by the ZyXEL Device and selects Poland as the location of the ZyXEL Device. 20.7 V oIP Auto-Provisioning Commands Use these commans to configure auto-p rovisioning on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 144 20.7.1 V oIP Auto-Provisioning Command Examples This example enables auto-provi sioning on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 145 20.8.1 V oIP PSTN Line Command Examples This example sets all te lephones connected to the ZyXEL De vice to receive calls via the PSTN line. 20.9 V oIP Call Forwarding Commands Use these commands to configure call-forwarding rules on the ZyX EL Device.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 146 20.9.1 V oIP Call Forw arding Comman d Examp les This example configures the fo llowing call forwarding rules: • If phone is busy , forward to 555-5555 . • If no Answer within 10 seconds, forward to 555-5555 .
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 147 • Forward all calls from telephone number 111 - 1111 to telephone numb er 444-4444 . 20.10 V oIP V iew RTP Commands Use these commands to configure R TP settings on the ZyXEL Device. 20.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 148 20.1 1 V oIP Auto-Provision Commands Use these commands to execute auto-provi sioning functions on th e ZyXEL Device. 20.12 V oIP Dial Plan Commands Use these commands to configure the dial plan on the ZyXEL De vice.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 149 When a user dials a series of digits, each sequence in the dial plan is tested as a possible match. The matching sequences form a set of candidate di git sequences. As more digits are entered by the user , the set of candidates diminishes until only one or none are valid.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 150 20.12.2 V oIP Dial Plan Command Summary The following section lists the commands for this feature. 20.12.3 V oIP Dial Plan Command Examples This example configures a dial plan which on ly allows US-style (1 + area code + local number) dialing sequences.
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nd s DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 151 In this example, the dial plan im plements 002 & 003 area co de c alls being sent out via different gateways. The next example illus t ra tes a more complex dial plan: • If one dials 343333 4545, system will di al out 3434 545 via d efault V oIP network (gateway 0).
Chapter 20 VoIP Comm a nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 152.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 153 C HAPTER 21 WAN Commands Use these commands to configure the ZyXEL Device’ s W AN settings. 21.1 wan adsl Commands Use these commands to configure the ZyXEL Device’ s ADSL interface settings. 21.1.1 wan adsl Examples The following exa mp le: • Resets the ADSL modem.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 154 • Opens the ADSL line in ADSL2+ mode. • Activates rate adaption. • Displays the ADSL operation mo de. • Displays ADSL status. 21.2 wan atm Commands Use these commands to configure the ZyXEL Device’ s A TM (Asynchronous T ransfer Mode) settings.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 155 21.2.1 wan atm Examples The following exa mp le: • Enables VC hunting. • Configures VC hun ting to hunt remote node 1 with a VPI of 30 an d a VCI of 33. • Sets the ZyXEL Device to search all services.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 156 • Saves the current configuration. 21.3 wan backup Commands Use these commands to configure the ZyXEL Device’ s W AN backup settings.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 157 wan backup dialbackup ATresponse callid < call-id > S pecifies the keyword preced ing the dialed number .
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 158 21.3.1 wan backup Examples The following exa mp le: • Loads the W AN backup co nfiguration information. • Specifies the following IP addre sses to check:,, 192.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 159 • Displays the W AN backup configuration. ras> wan backup load ras> wan backup 1checkip 00 ras> wan backup 2checkip 50 ras> wan backup 3checkip 192.168.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 160 21.4 wan callsch Commands Use these comm an ds to configure ca ll scheduling on the ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 161 • Clears the call schedule info rmation from the working buffer . • Specifies call schedule set 1.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 162 21.5.1 wan hwsar Examples The following exa mp le: • Displays SAR and HAL packet statistics.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 163 21.6 wan node Commands Use these comm an ds to con f igu r e the W AN ISP and backup nodes. T able 66 wan node Commands COMMAND DESCRIPTI ON wan node backup <enable|disable> Activates or deactivates the backup WAN node.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 164 wan node backup pppopt com <yes|n o> Activates or deactivates PPP compression on the previously- specified W AN backup node. wan node backup pppopt encap <std|cisco> Set s the PPP encap sulation mode of the previously- specified W AN backup node.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 165 wan node display Displays configuration details of the previously- specified WAN node currently in the working buffer .
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 166 wan node multicast <none|igmpv1|igmpv2> Set s th e multicast mode of the previo usly-speci fied W AN node profile . wan node mux <vc|llc> Sets the multiplexi ng protocol used by the previously-specified WAN node profile.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 167 21.6.1 wan node Examples The following exa mp le: • Sets the active nod e profile to node 1 (the ISP node profile). • Sets the profile name to "ISP1". • Sets the multicast mode to IGMP version 2.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 168 • Displays the configuration. ras> wan node index 1 ras> wan node ispname ISP1 ras> wan node multicast igmpv2 ras> wan node .
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 169 21.7 wan tr069 Commands Use these commands to config ure the ZyXEL Device’ s TR-069 auto-configuration settings. T able 67 wan tr069 Commands COMMAND DESCRIPTI ON wan tr069 acsUrl < url > S pe c ifi es the URL of the TR-069 auto-configura tion server .
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 170 21.7.1 wan tr069 Examples The following exa mp le: • loads the TR-069 configuratio n. • Sets the auto-configuration se rver address to • Sets the inform interv al to 3600 seco nds.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 171 • Saves the configuration. 21.8 wan zeroCfg Commands Use these commands to configure the Zy XEL Device’ s zero configuration settings. ras> wan tr069 load ras> wan tr069 acsUrl 192.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 172 21.8.1 wan tr069 Examples The following exa mp le: • T urns zero configuration on. • T urns zero configuration debugging on. • Sets the zero configuration fl ag to turn zero configuration on, and auto-hunting and user password off.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 173 • Displays the zero configuration status. ras> wan zeroCfg on ras> wan zeroCfg debug on ras> wan zeroCfg flag 0 ras> wan zer.
Chapter 21 WAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 174.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 175 C HAPTER 22 Wireless LAN Commands Use these commands to configure the ZyXEL Device’ s wireless LAN settings. 22.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 176 wcfg radius <1 ~ 8> primaryauth <IP> < port-number > < shared-secret > <enable|disable> Sets the primary RADIUS authentication server settings. wcfg radius <1 ~ 8> save Saves the specified RADIUS p olicy .
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 177 wcfg security spdisplay [1 ~ 8] Displays settings of all security profiles or the specified security profile before saving. wcfg ssid <1 ~ 8> clear Deletes the specified SSID profile.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 178 wlan dbg < level > Sets the WLAN debug settings. For example, enter 0 to turn debugg ing off. Enter 1 to turn DEBUG INIT on. Enter 2 to turn DEBUG Tx on. Enter 4 to turn DEBUG Rx on.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 179 wlan ieee8021x authendatabase <0|1|2> Sets the order in which the authentication databases are consulted: 0 : Local database only . 1 : RADIUS only . 2 : Local then RADIUS. 3 : RADIUS then local.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 180 wlan mbss <1~4> ssid < ssid > Set s th e SSID fo r the specified SSID profile. ssid : 1 ~ 32 characters. wlan mbss <1~4> hidessid <1:on|0:off> Enables or disables SSID hiding in the specified SSID profile.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 181 wlan mssid guest_autoOff <1 < minutes >|0> This command enabl es or disables an automatic timeout feature of the guest wireless network. If you enable this featu re the guest wireless network is turned off after the specified amount of time.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 182 wlan opmode <0: AP, 1: AP+Bridge, 2: Bridge Only,> Sets the ZyXEL Device’s operation mode. This selects the operation mode for your device. 0: selects AP mode. 1: selects AP + Bridge mode.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 183 wlan qos setwmmac <0:AP|1:STA> <0:VO|1:VI|2:BE|3:BK> < aifs > < cwmin > < cwmax > < txop-g > < txop-b > < ack-policy > Sets the ZyXEL Device’s current WMM settings for the specified access category , as foll ows.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 184 wlan qos wmmdelAppRule < index > Deletes an application priority rule, where < index > is the rule number. wlan qos wmmqosPolicy <0:default|1:AP> Use this command to se t the current WMM QoS policy .
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 185 wlan resetcount <1> Removes wirelsss statistics. wlan restart Resets the wireless driver on the ZyXEL Device. wlan rtsThreshold <256~2346> Sets the RTS threshold value.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 186 wlan setwmode <0~9> Sets wireless mode. 0: 802.1 1 B/G mixed 1: 802.1 1 B only 2: 802.1 1 A only 4: 802.1 1 G only 6: 802.1 1 N only 7: 802.1 1 G/N mixed 8: 802.1 1 A/N mixed 9: 802.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 187 wlan wds defaultkeyid <1~4> Sets a default WEP key to use for data encryption in WDS. wlan wds show Displays the current WDS settings. wlan wds remove < mac > Deletes a specified WDS link.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 188 22.2 Command Examples This section shows how to us e the wirele ss LAN commands in some example scenarios. 22.2.1 WLAN Setup Example The exampl e varies depending on the comm ands you can use on your ZyXEL Device.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 189 ras> wlan active 1 wlan active 1 TFTP Client Start ras> wlan chid 6 ras> wlan essid ZyWiFi ras> wlan macfilter action.
Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Co mma nds DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 190 The following exa mp le: • Activates the WLAN. • Sets the wireless channel to 6. • Sets the SSID to “ZyW iFi”. • Sets the MAC address filter to deny association to devices on its list.
191 P ART III Appendices and Index of Commands Legal Information (193) Customer Support (197) Index of Commands (203).
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 193 A PPENDIX A Legal Information Copyright Copyright © 2008 by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. The contents of this publication may not be reprod uced in any part.
Appendix A Legal In fo rm at ion DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 194 FCC W arning This device has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class A digital switch, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a co mmercial environment.
Appendix A Legal Information DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 195 condition. Any replacement will consist of a ne w or re-manufactured f unctionally equivalent product of equal or higher value, and will be so lely at the discretion of ZyXE L.
Appendix A Legal In fo rm at ion DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 196.
[Document Title] 197 A PPENDIX B Customer Support In the event of problems that cannot be solved by using this manual, you should contact your vendor . If you cannot contact yo ur vendor , then contac t a Zy XEL office for the region in which you bought the dev ice.
Appendix B Customer Support [Document Title] 198 • Address: 1005F , ShengGao Internationa l T ower , No.137 XianXia Rd, Shanghai • W eb: http://www Cost a Rica • Support E-mail: • Sales E-mail: • T elephone: +506-2017878 • Fax: +506-2 01 5098 • W eb: www .
Appendix B Customer Suppo rt [Document Title] 199 Germany • Support E-mail: • Sales E-mail: • T elephone: +49-2405-69 0 9-69 • Fax: +49-2405-690 9-99 • W eb: www • Re g u l ar M a il : ZyXEL Deut schland GmbH.
Appendix B Customer Support [Document Title] 200 Malaysia • Support E-mail: • Sales E-mail: • T elephone: +603-8076-9933 • Fax: +603-8076 -9833 • W eb: http://www • Regular Mail: ZyXEL Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Appendix B Customer Suppo rt [Document Title] 201 Singapore • Support E-mail: • Sales E-mail: • T elephone: +65-6899-6678 • Fax: +65-6899-8887 • W eb: http://www • Regular Mail: ZyXEL Singapore Pte Ltd.
Appendix B Customer Support [Document Title] 202 T u rkey • Support E-mail: • T elephone: +90 212 222 5 5 22 • Fax: +90-212-22 0-2526 • W eb: http:www • Address: Kaptanpasa Mahallesi Piyalep asa Bulvari Ortadogu Plaza N:14/13 K:6 Okmeydani/Sisli Istanbul/T urkey Ukraine • Support E-mail: su pport@ua.
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 203 Index of Commands 1 Use of undocumented co mmands or misconfigurat ion can damage the unit and possibly render it unusable. ...................................... ................................
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 204 bridge cnt clear < entry#> ............. ............................................ 45 bridge cnt disp < entry#> .............. ............................................ 45 bridge stat active <on|off> .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 205 ether driver config [0|1=auto|normal ] [0|1=10|100] [0|1=HD|FD] < ch-name > .......... 63 ether driver qroute [0:Off|1:ISR|2:T ask] .............................. ............ 63 ether driver qroute .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 206 ip ifconfig [ interface ] ............................... ............................ 73 ip ifconfig < interface > < ip-address [/< mask- bits >]> [ broadcast < address >] [mtu < value >] [ dynamic ] .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 207 ip rip reverse [on|off] ....................................... .................... 75 ip rip status .................................................................. ... 75 ip rip trace [ number ] .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 208 ip urlfilter general webFeature <blo ck|nonblock> <activex|java|cookie|webproxy> ... 78 ip urlfilter webControl blockonerror <block| log> <on|off> ........................
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 209 lan dhcp server rebindtime < seconds > .. ............................................ 95 lan dhcp server renewaltime < seconds > ............................................. 95 lan display .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 210 sys datetime period [ day ] ............. ........................................... 118 sys ddns config active [0|1] .................................. ................... 118 sys ddns config active [0|1] .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 21 1 sys firewall schedule display ................................. .................... 68 sys firewall schedule load < set-numb er > < rule-number > ............................. 68 sys firewall schedule save .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 212 sys logs mail schedule policy <0:ful l|1:hourly|2:daily|3:weekly|4:none> .......... 123 sys logs mail schedule week <0:sun|1 :mon|2:tue|3:wed|4:thu|5:fri|6:sat> .......... 123 sys logs mail sendmail .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 213 sys server certificate <https|ssh>[ c ertificate-name ] ............................. 125 sys server display ............................................ ................... 125 sys server load .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 214 sys tripleplay portbase groupset [ gr oupid ][LAN[ ports ]][PVC[ ports ]][WLAN[ ssid ]] ... 12 7 sys tripleplay portbase save .................................. ................... 127 sys tripleplay portbase set < port >< p vcid| disable> .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 215 voice config forward clear < index > < entry|uncond|busy|noans|all> < entry_id > ...... 146 voice config forward display < index > .. .....................................
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 216 voice config phbook type < index > <0: Proxy|1:NonProxy> ................. ........... 140 voice config pstn active < index > <1: active|0:in-active> ............... .....
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 217 voice config signal ringbackactive < index > <0:off|1:on> ............... ........... 136 voice config signal ringbacktone < in dex > < tone > ............................
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 218 wan backup dialbackup active <0:off| 1:on> ............................. ........... 156 wan backup dialbackup ATcommand answ er < command > ................................. 156 wan backup dialbackup ATcommand dial < command > .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 219 wan tr069 password < password > . ................................................... 169 wan tr069 periodicEnable <0:disable| 1:enable> ......................... ........... 169 wan tr069 reqpassword < password > .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 220 wcfg security <1 ~ 8> wep <key1 ~ ke y4> < key-string > ............................. 176 wcfg ssid display [1 ~ 8] ..................................... ................... 177 wcfg ssid saveall .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 221 | WPA1WPA2 | WPAPSKWPA2PSK> ............................ ................... 180 wlan mbss <1~4> security psk < psk > .... ........................................... 180 wlan mbss <1~4> security rekeyinterv < minutes > .
Index of Commands DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide 222 wlan settxpower <1 ~ 100> ..................................... ................... 185 wlan settxpream <0|1|2> ....................................... ................... 185 wlan setwmode <0~9> .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ZyXEL Communications n/a (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ZyXEL Communications n/a noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ZyXEL Communications n/a - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ZyXEL Communications n/a reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ZyXEL Communications n/a erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ZyXEL Communications n/a besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ZyXEL Communications n/a verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ZyXEL Communications n/a. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ZyXEL Communications n/a gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.