Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung M7CL V4.5 des Produzenten Yamaha
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M7CL Stag eMix V4. 5 User Guide Welcome: Thank y ou for downl oadi ng th e “ M7 CL St ageM ix” iPad app for the Y am aha M7 CL digital m i xing co nsoles . T his v ersion of St ageM ix i s for use with M 7CL fi rm ware V 3.5 and higher . The lat est fir mware v ers ion for M7CL can be downloa ded fr om www.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageM ix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 2 CONTENTS Page 1.0 Sy stem R equiremen ts ................................................................................... 5 2.0 Wi - Fi Settings ..................................
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 3 5.3.4 Editing GEQ Bands ................................................................................. 27 5.3.5 Nav igation in t he GEQ Edit ing Sect ion ..........................
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 4 8.8 RECALL SCEN E ........................................................................................ 43 8.9 UNDO RECALL .........................................................
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 5 1.0 System Req uire ments • Apple i Pad (any model inc luding iPad mi ni) • Yamaha M 7CL digital m ixi ng console wi th V3.5 firmw are or hi gher • Wi - Fi acc ess point (pre ferably w ith 802.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 6 3.0 Getting Started 3.1 M7CL Network Setup Connect the Wi - Fi access poi nt to the M 7CL consol e’s netw ork port v ia a CAT5 cabl e. No te that a cros s - ov er cable w ill be needed with older access points that d on’t hav e the “auto M DIX” functi on.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 7 3.2 iPad Wi - Fi Settings The iPa d can b e con f igured us ing either DHC P or a S tatic IP addr ess. 3.2.1 Using DHCP Dynami c Host C onfigu ration Protoc ol (DH CP) is a netw ork protocol t hat enables a s erver to au tomaticall y assign an I P addres s to a device.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 8 3.2.2 Using a S tati c IP Address a) Open t he iPa d “Settings ” menu b) Select “W i - Fi”, a nd choose t he cor rect ne twork c) Press th e blue circl e with the w hite arr ow to t he ri ght o f the sel ected networ k to edit the I P address.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 9 3.3 StageM ix Setup Lau nch the “ M7CL StageMix” App The “S elect Mixer” screen will appear. From this screen, you ca n do any of the follow ing things: • Access th e OFFLINE DEMO mode to ex plore the f eatures and user inter f ace of M 7CL StageMi x.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 10 3.3.2 Configure StageMix to Work with an M7CL Console i. Press [AD D MIX ER] to open t he foll owing screen: ii. Tap on th e blank Nam e field and enter a na me for your M 7CL consol e using t he iPad’ s onsc reen k eyboard.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 11 3.3.3 Select a Mixer and Begin Wor king If your iPad has been c onfigured t o work w ith an M7CL c onsole, sel ect the mix er from the lis t and press [C ONNEC T]. (The mo del of mix er (M7CL - 48 or M7CL - 3 2) w ill appear in smaller text below the mix er’s name.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 12 4.0 Mixer Window The main page of the StageMix is call ed the “Mixer ” window . It show s the EQ curv es, Pan positions , Dynamic s status , CUE and ON butto ns, faders, level meters, and c hannel n am es an d col ors for eig ht adjacent chan nels.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 13 4.3 Faders Each fader has its channel nu mber displayed on its cap. The fader cap must be touch ed to allow t he lev el to be adjus ted. W hen a f ader ca p is touched, its backgr ound will lighten and its current dB v alue will be di splayed.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 14 4.5 CUE The [CUE] but tons for eac h channel c ontrol t he mixer’s Cue functi ons. Their operati on mode corr esponds to th e status of t he Cue M ode in the Se tup sc reen (re fer to 9.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 15 4.7 H A G AIN The gai n for eac h input chan nel can be co ntrolled usi ng th e fader s in StageMix . Press the [ HA GAI N] button i n the low er left area o f the M i xer wi ndow to enter HA GAIN mode .
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 16 By defaul t, th e 48V phanto m pow er indi cator s are dis play - only and cannot be edi ted fro m StageMi x. 4.7.3 Phase The Phase setting for each input chann el appears near the top o f the channel s trips when H A GAIN mode i s acti ve.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 17 a) Use a s wi pe gestur e o n the [MI X ON F ADER S] button to increme nt/decr ement throug h the Mix and Mat rix Busses. b) Press the [M IX ON FAD ERS] but ton to acces s a popup scree n which allow s direct select ion o f any M i x or M atrix Bus.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 18 4.8.4 Global PRE/POST Press an d hold a [PRE ] button to mak e global Pr e or Post f ad er assig nments.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 19 4.9 DCA FADERS Press th e [DCA] butt on to acc ess the cons ole’s 8 DCAs . A g reen LE D will appear n ext to each D CA fader w hen it is set to ex actly 0dB.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 20 5.0 EQ / P A N / DYN AMICS The thu m bnail area at the top of eac h cha nnel strip di splay s an EQ curv e, the Pan posi tion, or Dynamics status for t hat ch annel.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 21 • Mix Busses 3 - 8 have o nly PEQ avai lable so no do ts are display ed below their EQ c urves.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 22 5.2 PARAMETRIC EQ E DITING The curr ent ch annel’s N ame, Col or, Fa der, Lev el Meter s, [ON] and [CUE] buttons are shown i n the left col umn. A t the bott om - left , ther e are “ previous” and “nex t” arrow buttons f or nav igating to di fferent chan nels.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 23 3 = Hi gh - Mid Band 4 = Hig h Band The curr ent v alues for Fr eq, Gai n and Q wi ll be display ed for the c urr ently selecte d EQ band. Gain and F reque ncy can be a djusted by dr agg ing the c ircl e around t he graph.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 24 5.2.2 EQ Band s 1 & 4 EQ bands 1 & 4 have additional ch oices of band - t ype. Both these bands can be assigne d to function as a shelf or a bell, and band 4 can also fu nction as a L ow Pass Fil ter.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 25 5.2.5 EQ TYPE The de f ault EQ Type for ev ery PEQ is Type I . This c an be c hang ed to Type II by pr essing the [I I] button at the top of the EQ editing screen.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 26 5.3 GRA PHIC EQ EDITING GEQ Overv ie w In the u pper por tion of the GEQ E diting Scree n, the compl ete GEQ c urve is display ed along w ith the gain positi ons for all 31 bands. W hite do ts represen t the position f or each of the 31 bands.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 27 5.3 .3 GEQ Typ e Next to the Rack p osition, the type o f GEQ is identified as eith er “31 Band” or “Flex 15”. I n the case of a Flex 15 GEQ, a larger - sized number in dicates th e remai ning number of availabl e ban ds for that GEQ.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 28 5.4 PA N TO STEREO B USSES W hen PAN mode i s selected us ing the buttons descri bed in s ection 5.0, all 8 thumbnai l images wi ll display a slider show ing the p osition of t he Pa n to the Stereo Buss es for each channel.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 29 5.5 DYNAMICS PROCESSORS W hen DYN mode is sel ected us ing the buttons des cribe d in section 5.0, the status of bot h of th e channel’s dynamics processor s can be see n: Dynamics 1 is displ ayed at the top of th e thumbnail with Dy namics 2 at the bottom.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 30 5.6 DYNAMICS PROCE SSOR EDI TING Tap on a ny of the Dy namics thumbn ails i n th e Mix er W indow to access th e Dynami cs Editi ng scr een.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 31 assig ned (e.g . a Gat e cannot be ass igne d to Dy nam ics Proc essor 2) . In this c ase, the [P ASTE] butto n wi ll be grey ed out and in active. 5.6.3 Dyn amics On The [ DYN ON ] button tur ns the Dynamic s On/ Off.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 32 5.6.8 K e y I n The Key In source is displ ayed at the bot tom of each D ynamics sec tion. For Gate and Ducking processors, a Key In Fil ter is avail able. Tap the [EDIT] b utton to edi t the Key In Fi lter parameters.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 33 6.0 OUTP ORTS The OU TPORTS butto n prov ides acc ess to the f ollow ing func tions : • Output P ort Delays • Output Port Ph ase • Output Port Gai n Press th e [OUTPORT S] butto n on the lef t sid e of the Mix er window to en ter this mode .
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 34 The Outpu t Bus numb er (e.g. Matr ix 1) assi gned to each Out put Port i s display ed at the top o f each chan nel strip. T he name of each Outpu t Bus is display ed below i ts number .
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 35 6.7.1 Delay Scale The curr ently selected Del ay Scale is di splay ed nex t to the Outp ut Port label. Pr ess the dow nward arr ow butto n to a ccess a popup which a llows the Del ay Sc ale to be selected f rom t he foll owing options : • Meters • Feet • Sampl es • ms 6.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 36 6.7.5 Paste D elay Time Val ue Tap the [ PASTE] butto n and the val ue currentl y in the Delay T ime C opy buffer wi ll be paste d to the curr ently selected chan nel.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 37 7.0 UTILITY Press th e [UTILITY] b utton on the left side of the M ixer window to ent er this mode.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 38 7.2 TA P TEMPO The Tap Tempo sectio n in the U TILITY mo de all ows y ou to tap BPM values into eff ects i n the cons ole that i nclude BPM p arameters. Select t he relevant e ffect from t he li st of 4 effects in th e left side o f thi s section.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 39 7.3 OSCILLA TOR The OSCI LLATOR screen i n the UTILI T Y mo de allows y ou control a ll aspect s of the Osc illat or in the M7CL cons ole.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 40 • SINE • PINK NOISE • BURST NOISE W hen either PI NK or B URST NOIS E mode is activ e, additional para m eters are av ailable t o be edit ed. Pres s the [ EDIT] butto n to access a popup whi ch allow s these related parameters t o be edi ted.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 41 8.0 SCENE MEMORY The Curr ent Scene Me mory num ber and titl e (name) are di spl ayed i n the upper - l eft corner o f the Stag eMix Mix er wi ndow. An “ E” indicator w ill be display ed if the Scen e has been edi ted si nce it w as last stored or rec alled.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 42 8.2 DECREMENT / INCRE MENT SCENE Buttons i n the upper r ight part o f the Scen e w indo w all ow instant rec all o f the Prev ious and N ext Scene rel ative to th e current Sce ne.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 43 8.5 SELECTED SCENE Selecting a Scene in the Scene Li st w ill c ause it to be displayed i n white tex t wi th a blue bac kgr ound. Fur ther detail s abo ut this select ed Scene w ill be display ed to the ri ght o f the Sce ne List.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 44 you w ill not be able t o edit a ny parameters in StageM ix until sy nchronizati on has been comple ted. 8.9 UNDO REC ALL Pres sing the [U NDO R ECALL] bu tton wi ll cause t he mos t rec ent Sce ne Recall to be ca ncelled.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 45 9.0 SETUP Press th e [SETUP] but ton in the u pper left ar ea of the Mix er window to o pen a new w indow which al low s user pr eferenc es to be s elected.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 46 9.5 Show Send Levels in Meter Bridge W hen this pre ference is ON, the se nd levels f or the c urrentl y sel ected “MIX ON FADE RS” w ill appear in t he “Navig ation/Meter Br idge” in “SENDS ON FADERS” m ode.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 47 10.0 Troubles hootin g 10.1 No Wi - Fi A vailable If this m essag e appears a fter launc hing Stage Mix, this indi cates that the iP ad is not c onnected to a W i - Fi acc ess point or that W i - F i may be switched off i n the iPad.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 48 10.3 Connection Lost If Stag eMix loses its connec tion t o the consol e, the fol lowing message will appear. O peration o f Stag eMix is not possibl e whi le this m essage box is onscree n.
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 49 Intern et acces s is u nnecessary for th e conne ction between S tageMix and console and it i s recommende d that you s hould not hav e an interne t connecti on when using StageMix .
Yamaha Pr ofess ional Audio M7CL St ageMix V4. 5 Us er Guide Page 50 Special Noti ces • The software and t his User Guide are t he excl usive cop yrights of Yamaha Corporatio n.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Yamaha M7CL V4.5 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Yamaha M7CL V4.5 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Yamaha M7CL V4.5 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Yamaha M7CL V4.5 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Yamaha M7CL V4.5 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Yamaha M7CL V4.5 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Yamaha M7CL V4.5 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Yamaha M7CL V4.5. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Yamaha M7CL V4.5 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.