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Best Data Products Inc. DSL502E_EU User’s Manual Revision 1.0.
Best Data DSL5 42 User’s Guid e i Copyright This m anual m a y not be c opie d, p hotoc op ie d, tra nsm itted, or tra ns la ted in to lan gua ge or c om pute r language, in any form, or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent by the manuf ac ture r.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide ii Federal Commun ications Commi ssion (FCC) NOT ICE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 o f FCC Rules.
Best Data DSL5 42 User’s Guid e iii IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCT IONS When using your telephone equipment , basic safety precautions should always be followed to r educe the risk of fire, e lectric shock and in jury to persons, including th e following; 1.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide iv Table of Contents 1 IN TRODUC TION ................. ...................... ......................... ......................... ...................... 1 Features .................... ............
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide v 6 CO NF IGU RI NG DYN A MIC H OS T C ON F IGUR A TION P ROT OC OL ............... ........... .. 23 Configuring DH CP Ser ver ................ ................ ............... ................ .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide vi 11 CON FI GUR IN G EO A INTE RFA CES ......................... .......... ........... ........... ....... ...... 53 Viewing Your EOA Setup......... ............... ................ ..............
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 1 1 Introduction Congratulations on bec oming the own er o f the B est D ata DSL542 A DSL Ether net bri dge /router. Your LAN (l ocal area network) will now b e able to acc ess the I nternet us ing your high-speed ADSL connection.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 2 2 Getting to Know the Best Data DSL542 Parts Check In addition to this document, y our Best D ata DSL542 shou ld arrive w ith the fol lowing: .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 3 Front Panel The front panel c ontains lights ca lled LE Ds that in dicate the status of the un it.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 4 Rear Panel The rear panel con tains the ports for t he unit' s data and po wer conn ections. Figure 2. Re ar Pa nel Connec tions ADSL Connects t he device to the wall jack for Internet co nnection RESET Resets th e device to default configu ration values.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 5 3 Hardware Connection and PC configuration Connecting Your Best Data DSL542 In this part, you c onnect t he device to the phon e jack, th e power ou tlet, a nd your com puter or network. Figure 4 illustr ates the hardware c onnections .
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 6 Step 1. Connect the A DSL cable Connect o ne end of t he provid ed phone cab le to the po rt labele d ADSL on th e rear pane l of the device. Conn ect the o ther end to your w all phone ja ck. Step 2.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 7 Windows ® 95, 98 PCs: First, check f or the IP protoco l and, if ne cessary, ins tall it: 1. In the Window s task bar, click the Start button, point to Settings , and then click Control Panel . 2.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 8 The Pro tocols ta b displa ys a list of currentl y install ed netwo rk proto cols. If the list includ es TCP/IP, then the protoc ol has alread y been enabled. Skip to step 9. 4. If T CP/IP does not display as an install ed component , click .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 9 9. In Net wor k an d Dial - u p Connec t io ns wind o w, righ t -cl i ck the Local Ar e a Connectio n icon, and then s elect Properties . 10. In the Local A rea Connection Prop erties dialog box , select Internet Protoco l (TCP/IP) , and then click .
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 10 f In so me cases, you may want t o assign Int ernet inf ormation t o some or al l of your PCs directly (often calle d “statically ”), rather th an allow ing the Best D ata DSL542 to assign it.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 11 Part 1. Installing the USB Driver: 1. Ensure th at the USB cable is not connected to the USB port on the PC or to the USB port on the Best Da ta DSL542. The installation prog ram will pro mpt you when to connect the cable.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 12 The installatio n program will be gin copy ing the necessary installat ion files to the required lo cations. W hen fin ished , the Setup Com plete dialog box will d isplay , as shown in Figure .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 13 Figure 8. USB Driver Instal lation: Sys tem Settin gs Change 9. Click to restar t your comput er . When your computer fi nishes re booting, mak e sure that the Glob eSpan install er program displays a s an item o n y our Win dows S ta rt menu : 10.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 14 Ethernet NIC). When y ou display the properties for the ic on, the follow ing tex t should dis play in th e Connect Using te xt box: GlobeSpa.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 15 4 Getting S tarted with the Configuration Manager The Best Data DSL542 includes pr einstalle d program cal led the Configu ration Mana ger , which provides an interf ace to th e software i nstal led on the dev ice.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 16 2. Enter your user name and pa ssword, and t h en click . 3. The f irst tim e you log into the progra m, use thes e defaults: Default User Name: root Default Password: root Note You can change the pass word at any t ime (see Cha nging Your Login Pass word on page 1 7).
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 17 Changing Your Login Password The firs t time you l og into t he Configu ration Manager , you use t he defaul t user I D and password ( root and root ). T he system al lows o nly one use r ID and pass word.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 18 Follow these step s to commit changes to perm anent stor age. 1. Click the Adm in tab, and then click Commit & Reboot in the task bar . The Commit & Reboot page displa ys: Figure 12. Commit & Rebo ot Page 2.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 19 5 Setting the LAN IP Address This cha pter descr ibes how to c onfigure the inter faces on t he ADSL/Eth ernet rout er that communic ate with your LAN and USB comp uters.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 20 Follo w these ste ps to change the defau lt LAN IP ad dress or to configur e the LAN po rt as a DHCP client. 1. Log into Configur ation Manager, and then click the LAN tab. The LAN Conf igurat ion page di splays, a s shown in Figure .
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 21 You may need to update the DHCP configur atio n so that the addresses that the DHCP server dynamica lly assigns to y our compu ters are on th e same subnet as th e new LAN IP addres s. See Chap ter 6 fo r instru ctions on changing the pool of dyna micall y assigne d address es.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 22 For exam ple, you could assig n the fol lowing IP a ddresses to the LAN and USB ports (both assume a ne two.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 23 6 Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol You can configur e y our network a nd Best D ata DS L542 to use the Dy namic H os t Configuration Protoc ol (DHCP). This chapter provides DHCP instructions for implementing it on your net work.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 24 3. To add an IP address pool, clic k . The DHCP Server Pool – Add page di splays, as shown in Figure 16. Figure 15. DHCP Server Pool – Add Page 4. Enter the Start I P Address , End IP Address , Net Mask , and Gateway Addr ess fields are requi r ed; th e ot he r s are opti o nal .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 25 Field Description Net Mask Specifi es which port ion of e ach IP addr ess in this range re fers to the network a nd which portion refe rs to the ho st (computer).
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 26 Figure 16. DH CP Server Pool – Modify Page Excluded a ddresses ar e those that you have design ated for fi xed use with sp ecific dev ices, or for so me other re ason do not want to mak e availabl e to your ne twork.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 27 Field Description Address Type Static or Dynamic. Stat ic indicates that the IP number has been ass igned permanen tly to the specific hardw are devic e. Dynamic indicates that the numb er has bee n leased t emporari ly for a specified lengt h of time.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 28 5. Click . A page disp lays to confi rm your chang es, and th en the progr am returns t o the DHCP Relay Config uration page. 6. Follow the instru ctions in “Setting the DHCP Mode” on page 28 to set the DHCP mode to DHCP Relay .
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 29 7 Configuring Network Address T ranslation This chapt er provid es Net work Addres s Translati on (NAT) inst r uctions fo r modifying t he default conf iguration on y our device.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 30 The NAT Conf iguration page conta ins the fol lowing elem ents: f The NAT Optio ns drop-d own list , which pro vides acces s to the Glo bal Info rmation p age (shown by def ault), the NA T Rule Con figuration p age, and the NAT Tran slations page, which s hows curr ent transla tions.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 31 Figure 20. NAT Rule Global Sta tistics Pa ge The tabl e provides ba sic inform ation for each NAT rule you h ave set up. You can click to restart the accumul ation of the stati stics at t heir init ial values .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 32 Figure 22. NA T Rule Statis tics Pa ge The statis tics show ho w many times this rule has been invok ed and how many curr ently activ e session s are usin g this rul e. You can click to reset the statistics to zero s and to dis play newl y accumulate d data.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 33 You can c lick in the Action(s) column to v iew additio nal deta ils abou t a NAT tran slation session, as shown in Figure .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 34 Click the NAT t ab, then se lect NA T Rule Entry from the NAT Option s drop-dow n list on t he right side of the page. The NAT Rul e entry p age displa ys a row fo r each curr ently co nfigured NAT rule.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 35 6. When you have compl eted enterin g al l informat ion, click . A page d isplays to conf irm the change. 7. Click to re turn to the NAT Configuratio n page. The new rul e should dis play in th e NAT Rule Confi guration t able.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 36 3. Select a protocol to w hich th is rule applies, or choose ALL . This selection specifies which type of Inte rnet communic ation w ill be s ubject to th is translation ru le. You c an selec t ALL if the rule app lies to all da ta.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 37 Figure 27. NA T Rule – Ad d Page (ba sic F lavor) Follo w these inst ructions to add an bas ic rule (see steps 1-4 under "The napt rule" on page 33 for specific ins truction s corres ponding to steps 1 and 2 be low): 1.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 38 Figure 28. NA T Rule ⎯ Add Page (filter Flavor) Follow t hese inst ructions to add a filt er rule (s ee steps 1- 4 under "The napt rul e" on page 33 for specifi c instruct ions corr esponding t o steps 1 an d 2 below): 1.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 39 f Specify both a destinatio n addres s (or range) an d a des tination p ort (or r ange) if y ou want thi s trans lation r ule to appl y to access es to the specifie d server type at the specifi ed IP addr ess or netwo rk.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 40 subject to an existing rul e, say rule ID #5, then y ou can crea te a pas s rule with ID #1 t hrough #4. Follow these instructio ns to ad d a pas s rule (se e steps 1-4 under "The napt rul e" on page 33 for detaile d instr uctions corres ponding t o steps 1 and 2 below) : 1.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 41 8 Configuring IP Routes You can use Config uration Manager to defi ne specific routes for y our In ternet and n etwork da ta. This cha pter provid es instructi ons for cre ating rout es. Most users do not need to de fine IP routes .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 42 Field Description Destinatio n Speci fies the IP address o f the destin ation computer. The de sti nation can specified a s the IP add ress of a specific compute r or an entire network.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 43 3. Click . 4. On the confirmatio n pag e, click to return to the IP Route table page. The IP Routing Table w ill now display the new rou te. 5. Click the Ad min tab, and then clic k Commit & Reboot in th e task ba r.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 44 9 Configuring the A TM VCC As your LAN compute rs acc ess the Inter net via the Bes t Data DSL542 , data is exchan ged w ith your ISP through a complex network of telephon e switch es, Interne t routers, serve rs, and o ther special ized hard ware.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 45 Adding ATM VCCs You may need to c reate a VCC if none h as been pre defined o n your sy stem or if y ou use multip le servi ces with you r ISP. Each servic e may requi re its own VCC. Follow t hese instr uctions to add a VCC: 1.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 46 Modifying ATM VCCs.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 47 10 Configuring PPP Interfaces When po wered on, the Best Dat a DSL542 ini tiates a c onnecti on through your DSL lin e to your ISP.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 48 The PPP Configurat ion Table d isplays the follo wing fields: Field Description Interface Th e predefined name of the PPP interf ace. VCC The Virtual Channel Connection over whic h this PPP data is sent.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 49 Viewing PPP Interface Details When you cl ick to vi ew additi onal detai ls, the PPP I nterfac e - Detail page displa ys, as sho wn in Figu re 38 Figure 37 .
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 50 Field Description Last Fail Caus e Indicat es the action t hat ended the p revious PPP session: No Valid PADO Recvd: The unit initiated a PPoE handshake but did not rec eive a packet i n reply from the ISP.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 51 Adding a PPP Interface Definition If you intend to use more than one ty pe of service from your ISP, the device may be configure d with mul tiple PPP i nterfac es, each with uniq ue logon an d other pr opertie s.
Best Data DS L542 ADSL Et hernet Rout er User’s Guide 52 Modifying and Deleting PPP Inte rfaces To modify a PPP interf ace, displa y the PPP Configur ation page and click in the A ction(s) column f or the inter face you wa nt to modi fy. The PPP I nterface – Modify page displays, as shown in Figu re 40.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 53 11 Configuring EOA Interfaces This cha pter descr ibes how to c onfigur e an Ether net-ove r-ATM inte rface on t he Best Dat a DSL542, if one is n eeded to co mmunicat e with you r ISP.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 54 Field Description Config IP Ad dres s and Net Mask The IP addre ss and network mask you wa nt to assign to the in terface.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 55 5. In th e Lower In terface f ield, sel ect the l ower-lev el interfac e name ove r which thi s protoc ol is being configured . Typicall y, an EO A interfac e is confi gured to ope r ate over an aal5 interface, such as aal5- 0 .
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 56 12 Configuring IPoA Interfaces This chapter d escribes how to config ure an IPoA ( Internet Pr otocol-o ver-ATM) interfa ce on the Best Data DSL542.
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 57 Field Description IPF Type The type of IP Firewall protecti ons that are in effect on the interface (publ ic, privat e, or DMZ): A public interface connects to the Inte rnet (IPoA interfaces are typically public).
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 58 4. Select the level o f firewall security to apply to the inter face by selectin g the IPF Type as Public, Pri vate, or DMZ. 5. In th e Lower In terface di alog bo x, select th e l ower-lev el inter face name ov er which thi s protoc ol is being c on figured an d click .
Best Data DSL5 42 ADSL Eth ernet Route r User’s Guide 59 13 Configuring Bridging The Best Data DS L542 can be c onfigured to act as a bridgi ng device between y our LAN and your ISP. Br idges ar e devices that enabl e two or mo re netwo rks to c ommunicat e as if the y are two segmen ts of the sa me physi cal LAN.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide 60 Note You have to c reate an e ntry for u sb-0 infer face via RS-232 cable. Please ref er the pr ocedure on page 10 and ty pe “create bridge port intf ifname us b-0” on s tep 7.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide Index 61 A T roubleshooting This appendix sugge sts solution s for pro blems y ou may encounter in installin g or us ing the Bes t Data DSL5 42, and prov ides instr uctions for usi ng sever al IP util ities to dia gnose probl ems.
Index Best Data DSL542 ADSL Et hernet Router User’s Guide 62 Problem Troubl eshooti ng Suggest ion Configu ration Ma nager Pr ogram You forgot/lost your Configuration Manager user ID or password. If you have not changed the password f rom the default, try using “root” as both the user ID and password.
Best Data DSL542 ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide Index 63 Diagnosing Problem using IP U tilities ping Ping is a comman d you can use to check whethe r your PC can recognize other com puters on your n etwork and t he Inte rnet. A pi ng comm and sends a m essage t o the comp uter you specif y.
Index Best Data DSL542 ADSL Et hernet Router User’s Guide 64 Figure 1. Usi ng the nsl ookup Ut ility There m ay be several addresses associate d with an In ternet nam e. This i s common for we b sites that receive hea vy traffic; t hey use multiple , redundant servers to carry the same info rmation .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Best Data Products DSL502E_EU (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Best Data Products DSL502E_EU noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Best Data Products DSL502E_EU - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Best Data Products DSL502E_EU reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Best Data Products DSL502E_EU erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Best Data Products DSL502E_EU besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Best Data Products DSL502E_EU verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Best Data Products DSL502E_EU. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Best Data Products DSL502E_EU gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.