Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Phaser 6280 des Produzenten Xerox
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Phaser ® 6280 C olor Print er Phaser ® 6280 User Guide.
Unpublished rights reserv ed under the copyr ight laws of the United St ate s. Con tents of this publi cation may not be rep roduc ed in an y f orm with out perm ission of X ero x C orpor a tion.
Contents Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 3 Contents 1 Pri nter Inf ormat ion User Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Electrical Safety. . .
Contents Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 4 3N e t w o r k B a s i c s Overview of Network Setup and Configurati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Choosing a Co nnection Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 5 Printing on Sp ecialty Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Printing Trans parencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 6 7 Troubleshooting Paper Jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Preventin g and Clearing Paper Jams . . . .
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 7 This ch apt er inclu des: • User Saf ety on page 8 • P rinter Specifi cations on page 14 • R e gulatory Inf ormation on p age 15 • Ma teri al Safety D ata S he et on p.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 8 User Saf ety Y our printer an d the recomme nded su pplies hav e been designe d and tested to me et stric t saf ety requirements . Att ention to the f ollowi ng inf ormation ensur es the con tinued saf e oper ation of y our print er.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 9 Note: Leav e the pr int er on f or optimum perf ormanc e; it does not po se a saf ety hazard. If how ev er the print er will not b e used ov er an ext end ed pe riod of time, it should be tur ned off and unp lugged.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 10 Humidity should b e 70 percent or below at 90° F, an d temperature should be 82° F or below at 85 p ercent humid ity. Note: Sudd en temperature fluctuations can aff ect print quality. Rapid hea ting of a co ld room can cause c ondensati on in side the mach ine, direc tly interf e ring w ith image tr ansf e r.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 11 • Place th e printer on a level, solid non-v ibrating surf ace with ade quate strength f o r the weight of the p rinter. It should b e withi n 1° of h orizontal with all four f eet in solid contact with the surf ace.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 12 Moving the P rint er F ollow the se guid el ines to avoid inj urin g you rse lf or da magi ng t he print er: • T u rn off the pr inter and u nplug all p ower cables bef ore moving th e printer. • Always use two people to lift the print er.
User Safety Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 13 • Carr y the printer without tilting it. Ca u t i o n : Do not tilt the printer more than 10 degrees to the f ront/back or right/left. Tilting mor e than 10 degrees m ay lead to con sumables inside the printer spilli ng out.
Printer Specifications Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 14 P r int er Specific ations Item Contents Dimensio ns 400 (W) × 490 (D) × 473 ( H) mm W eight P rint er: 24. 4 k g (54 lb .) inc luding print c artr idge s 550 Sheet F eed er (opt ional): 7. 9 kg (17.4 lb.
Regulatory I nform atio n Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 15 R e gulatory Inf ormatio n This produc t has been test ed to elect romagnetic emission and immunity st andards. These st andar ds ar e desi gned to mitig ate in terf erence c aused or r eceiv ed by thi s prod uct in a typical office environm ent.
Regulatory I nform atio n Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 16 European Union • Decembe r 12, 2 006: Low V olt age Direct ive 2006/95/EC • Decembe r 15, 2 004: Electroma gnetic C ompatib ility Directi ve 200.
Material Safety Data Sheet Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 17 Material Saf ety Data Sheet F or Material Saf ety Data inf ormation regarding your Phaser 628 0 printer , go to: • United States and Canada: •E u r o p e a n U n i o n : www.xe rox.
Product Recyc ling and Disposa l Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 18 P roduct R ecycling and Disposal European Union Some equipm ent may be u sed in both a d omestic/household and a prof e ssional/business ap plic ati on.
Product Recyc ling and Disposa l Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 19 North Ame rica X ero x oper ates an equipmen t t ak eba ck and r euse/r ecy cle progr am. Con t act y our X e rox sale s re presentat ive (1- 800-A SK -XEROX) to d e termi ne wh eth er th is Xerox prod uct i s pa rt o f the program.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 20 This ch apt er inclu des: • Main Components and Th eir F unctions on page 2 1 • Co ntrol Panel on page 25 • P ower Saver Mod e on page 27 • Checkin g St atus of P rin.
Main Componen ts and Their Functions Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 21 Main C omponents and Th eir F unctions This se ction in cludes : • Fro n t V i e w on page 21 • Re a r V i e w on pag e 22 • Internal View on page 22 F r ont Vi ew 1. Front door A 2.
Main Componen ts and Their Functions Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 22 Re a r V i e w Internal View 1. Power cord connector 2. USB port 3. Netw ork conne ctor 4. Optiona l memory slot 1. Fuser 2. Print cartridg e 3. T ransf er un it 4. Button A fo r openi ng the front door 1.
Main Componen ts and Their Functions Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 23 * All configur ations hav e one memory slot su p porting 256 MB/512 MB/ 1024 MB DDR2 DIMMs, to a max imum of 1152 MB.
Main Componen ts and Their Functions Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 24 Options Y ou can order a dditional me mory, trays , multi-protocol card, and a duplex uni t if thes e items ar e no t standard on your printe r. Memory The pr inter f ea tures one slot th at accep ts 256, 5 12 or 102 4 MB of DDR2 D IMMs.
Control Pa nel Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 25 Con t rol Pan e l This se ction in cludes : • Control P a nel Layout on page 25 • Display on page 25 • Menu Map on page 26 • Inf ormation Pages on page.
Control Pa nel Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 26 Inf o rmation P ages Y our print er com es with a set of inf ormation pages to help yo u obt ain the best results f rom your p rint er. Ac cess thes e pages f rom the con trol panel. P rint the Menu Map to see where these in f o rmation pag es are located in th e control pan el men u structu re.
Power S aver M ode Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 27 P ow er Sa v er Mode The pr inter is equ ipped with a P ower Save r mode to r educe power cons umpt ion when it is left idle. When no print da ta is r eceiv ed f or 30 minute s (def ault), the printer will en ter P ow er Sa v er mode.
Checking Status of Print Data Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 28 Checking Status of P r int Dat a Checking i n Windows P rinter inf o rmation and status are displayed on the Status window. Double-c lick the P rinting Scout print er icon on the ta sk bar at the bottom ri ght of the scr een.
Displaying Optional Accessory Configuration and Paper Tray Settings Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 29 Displa ying Optional Accessory Configur ation and P aper T r ay Settings P rint the Configur ation pa ge to view the curr ent optional inf orma tion about your printer, inc lud ing du ple x uni t, ha rd dri v e, an d pape r t r a ys: 1.
More I nforma tion Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 30 More Inf o rmation Obtain informat ion regard in g your p rin ter a nd i ts capa bilit ie s from the followi ng s our ces.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 31 This ch apt er inclu des: • Ove rview of Network Setup and Config ur ation o n page 32 • Choosing a C onnec tion Method on page 33 • Co nfigur ing the Network Ad dress .
Overview of Network Setup and Co nfiguration Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 32 Ov erview of Network Setup and Configur ation T o set up and conf igur e ov er the network: 1. Connect the printer to the networ k using the recomm ended hardware and cab les. 2. T urn on the pr int er and th e computer .
Choosing a Connectio n Meth od Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 33 Choosing a C onnection Method Co nnect the printer via Ethe rnet or USB. A USB c onnection is a direct c onnection and is not used f or networking . An Eth ernet c onnection is us ed f or networking.
Choosing a Connectio n Meth od Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 34 C onnecting via USB If you are c onnec ting to one comput er , a USB conn ection o ff ers f ast dat a speeds . A USB conne ction is no t as f a st as an Ethern et conn ection. T o use US B, PC us ers m ust have Windows 2000 /XP/Se rver 2003 or newer.
Configuring the Network A ddress Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 35 C onfiguring the Network Address This se ction in cludes : • T C P/IP a nd IP A ddresse s on page 3 5 • Dynamic Methods of Setting the P .
Configuring the Network A ddress Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 36 Dynam ic Meth ods o f Setti ng th e P rinter ’s IP A ddress There are two protocols available f or dynamically setting the printer’s IP a.
Configuring the Network A ddress Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 37 Manually Setting th e Printer’s IP Address Note: V erify that y our computer h as a proper ly con figur ed IP addr ess f or y our networ k. Co ntact y our network admini stra tor f or more inf ormation.
Configuring the Network A ddress Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 38 Using the Con trol P anel T o manually set the IP address: 1. On the control panel, select the Menu button. 2. Select th e Admin me nu, and then p ress the OK but ton . 3. Select th e Network Setup m enu, an d then press the OK button.
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 39 Installing the P rinter Driv ers This se ction in cludes : • Ava i l a b l e D r i ve r s on page 39 • Windows 2000 or Later on pag e 40 • Macintosh OS X, V ersion 10.3 an d Highe r on page 4 1 A v ailable Drivers T o access special printing op tions, use a X ero x print er driv er.
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 40 Windows 2000 or Later T o install the print er driv er fr om the Softwar e and Documen t ation C D-ROM : 1. Insert the CD-ROM in to the computer’s CD-R OM driv e. If the inst aller does not launch, do the f ollowing: a.
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 41 Macintosh OS X, V ersion 10. 3 and High er Set up your pr inter using Bonjour (Rendezvous), create a desktop USB conn ection, or use an LPD/LPR c onnec tion f or Maci ntosh OS X, version 10.3 and higher .
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 42 4. Click the Add button. 5. Select USB f rom the top drop-d own menu. 6. Select the printer in the top window. 7. Select Xe rox f rom the ma nuf acturers in the Printer Mo del drop-down me nu. 8.
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 43 Macintosh OS X, V ersion 10.4 Bonj our or USB C on nect ion T o install the print er driv er fr om the Softwar e and Documen t ation C D-ROM : 1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Double-click the Phaser 6280 i con on your des ktop, a nd then: a.
Installing the Printer Drivers Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 44 Macintosh OS X, V ersion 10.5 Bonj our or USB C on nect ion T o install the print er driv er fr om the Softwar e and Documen t ation C D-ROM : 1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Double-click the Phaser 6280 icon on your des ktop, and the n: a.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 45 . This ch apt er inclu des: • Supported P ape r and Media on p age 46 • Abo ut Paper on pag e 48 • Setting Paper T yp es and Sizes on page 50 • Loadi ng P aper on pag.
Supported Paper and Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 46 Sup ported P a per a nd Media This se ction in cludes : • P aper Usage Guidel ines on page 46 • P aper Th at Can Damage Y our Prin ter on page 47 • P a per Stor age Guideli nes o n page 47 Y our p rinter is de signe d to be used w ith a vari ety of paper type s.
Supported Paper and Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 47 Pr i n t i n g G l o s s y Pa p e r on page 77 P rinting Cus tom Size or Long Paper on page 82 P aper That C an Damage Y our Printer Y our print er is design ed to use a v ariety of me dia ty pes f or prin t jobs.
About Paper Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 48 About P aper Using unsu itable paper may lead to paper jam s, poor print qu ality, breakdown and damage to your pri nter. In order to use th e f e atures of this pr inter eff ectiv ely, u se the suggest ed paper th at is recommend ed here .
About Paper Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 49 See also: Recom mende d Medi a List (United States) Recommend ed Medi a List (Europ e) 2-S ided Printing Paper T yp es and S ize s The available paper type s and .
Setting Paper Types and Sizes Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 50 Setting P aper T ypes and Sizes Setting P aper T ra ys When load ing pape r in T ray 3 or the 550-S heet F eeder (optiona l), it is n ecessary to set the paper type on the contro l panel. When loadin g paper in T ray 1 (MPT), se t the paper siz e and type on the c ontrol panel whe n printi ng.
Setting Paper Types and Sizes Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 51 Setting P aper Size s 1. P ress the Menu button to display the Menu scr een. 2. Select Tr a y S e t t i n g s , and then p ress the OK button. 3. Select the tr ay, and then press the OK button. 4.
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 52 Loading P aper This se ction in cludes : • Loading P aper in T ray 1 (MPT) on page 52 • Load ing Paper in T rays 2-3 on page 55 Loading P aper in T ra y 1 .
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 53 Make sur e of the f ollowing points to avoid any troubles during printing. • Do no t loa d di ff erent ty pe s of pa per a t the sa me tim e. • Use high quality p aper f or laser p rinters to print at high qu ality.
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 54 3. Insert all m edia f ac edown a nd top e dge firs t into T ray 1 (MPT). Note: Do not f orce the paper. 4. Slide the width guides until they rest li ghtly against the edge of the paper stack. Note: Be careful not to bend the paper.
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 55 Loading P aper in T r a y s 2-3 Use T rays 2-3 f or a wide ra nge of media in cluding: • Plain pa per •T h i n c a r d s t o c k • Glossy paper •L a b .
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 56 2. Sl ide the wid th guide s to the edge of the tr ay . The wid th guides should b e fu lly exte nded . Note: Whe n loading paper that is 216 m m (8 .5 in.) wi de, such as Letter or Legal si ze paper, set the tab on the side of the tr ay to th e [8.
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 57 4. Bef ore loading the p rint media, flex the she ets back and f orth, and then f an them. Str aig hte n the edge s of the st ack on a l ev el surf ace. 5. Place the pri nt media into the tr ay with the print side f ace-up.
Loading Pa per Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 58 7. Insert the tr ay in to the prin t er, and push until it stop s. Ca u t i o n : Do not use excessiv e f orce on the tr ay.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 59 Selecting P rinting Options This se ction in cludes : • Sele cting Printing Pref eren ces (W indow s) on page 59 • Selecting Options f or an In.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 60 Selecting Opti ons f or an Individual Job (W indows) If you want to use special printing options f or a parti cul ar job, chan ge t he dri v er settin gs bef ore sendin g the job to the prin te r.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 61 See the f ollowing t a ble f or specific PCL printin g options: Note: If your dr iver does not d isplay the options l iste d in the t abl e abov e, see En abling Options on page 134 f or more inf ormation.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 62 See the f ollowing tabl e f or specific P ostScript printin g options: Note: If your dr iver does not d isplay the options l iste d in the t abl e abov e, see En abling Options on page 134 f or more inf ormation.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 63 Macintosh P ostScript Driver Settings Oper ating S y stem Driv er Dr op-Dow n Title Pri nting Option s Mac OS X , V er sion 10.
Selecting Printing Options Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 64 Mac OS X , V er sion 10.3 Co pi e s & Pa g es •C o p i e s • Pages Lay o ut • Pages pe r sheet • Layout dire ction • Border • T wo-.
Printing on Both Sides of the Paper Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 65 P rinting on Both Sides of the P aper This se ction in cludes : • Automatic 2-Side d Printing Guide lines on page 65 • Binding Edge Op.
Printing on Both Sides of the Paper Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 66 Bindi ng Edge Options When you use the p rinter driver to se lect 2-si ded printi ng, also s elect th e binding edge, which det ermin es how the pa ges turn .
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 67 P rinting on Specialty Media This se ction in cludes : • P rintin g T ran spar encies on page 67 • P rinting Envelopes on page 6 9 • Pr i n.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 68 Loadi ng T ransparen cies Note: T ran spar enci es with a w hit e f rame and fu ll-colo r transparen cie s cannot be used. 1. After carefully f a nning a small s tack of tr ansparen cies, load the m into T ray 1 (MP T) wit h the side to be pri nt e d f acing down .
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 69 6. F rom Pap e r S i z e , select the size of the original documen t. 7. Click OK . 8. Click Pri nt in the Pri n t dialog box to start printing. Using the PCL Driver T o print on transparencies us ing the PCL print driver, display the Pap e r / O u t p u t ta b .
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 70 Loadi ng Envelope s T o load envelopes, inse rt the envelopes with the flaps closed and at the right side . The print side must be f acing down. Y ou can load envelope s up to the maximum fill line in the tr ay at one time.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 71 P rinting on Env elop es When MP T Mo de is s et to P anel Specified , y ou need to set th e paper type and si ze settings f or the tr ay on the control panel in ad vance. See Sett ing P aper T ypes and Size s on page 50.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 72 P rin ting La bels Labels can b e printed fr om all trays. T o order paper, tr a nsparencies, or ot her specialt y media, contact your lo cal resel ler or go to /6280supplies .
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 73 2. F an th e labels to release sheets that are stuck together . 3. Insert the labels into T ray 1 (MPT) , and adju st the pa per guid es to fit the sheets. • Place the side to be printed fa c e d o w n with the top of the sheets e nterin g first.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 74 P rinting Labels f ro m T ra ys 2-3 1. Pu ll the tr ay out of the printer. 2. If necessar y, open the pape r guides : • Squ eeze the green t ab on th e length guide, a nd then s lide the tr ay until th e arro w lines up with the appropriate pape r size.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 75 3. F an th e label sheets to release sheets that are stuck together. 4. Insert the label shee ts into the tr ay. Place the side to be print ed f ace up with the top of the page toward the f ront of the printer.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 76 5. If necessar y, press the pap er guides inwar d to fit the sheets. Note: When the paper gui des ar e adjust ed corr ectly , ther e may be a small space between the labels and the guide s. 6. Insert the tr ay into the tr ay slot, and push the tr ay completely into the printer.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 77 P rin ting Glossy P aper Glossy pape r can be printed f rom any tr ay. It can be p rinted on both sides. T o order paper, tr a nsparencies, or ot her specialt y media, contact your lo cal resel ler or go to www.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 78 2. F an the gloss y paper to rele ase sheets that are stuck together. 3. Insert the glossy pape r into T ray 1 (MPT), a nd adju st the pa per guid es to fit the paper. • Place the side to be printed fa c e d o w n .
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 79 P rinting Glossy P a per fr om T ra y s 2-3 1. Pu ll the tr ay out of the printer. 2. If necessar y, open the pape r guides : • Squ eeze the green t ab on th e length guide, a nd then s lide the tr ay until th e arro w lines up with the appropriate pape r size.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 80 3. F an the pape r to release sh eets that ar e stuck togeth er. 4. Insert the paper into the tray. Note: Do no t load the pa per above the fill li ne indicated on the tra y. Overloading the tr ay may cause jams.
Printing on Specia lty Media Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 81 5. If necessary, press the paper guides inward to fit the paper. Note: When the paper gui des ar e adjust ed corr ectly , ther e may be a small space between the pape r and th e gu ides. 6. Insert the tr ay into the tr ay slot, and push the tr ay completely into the printer.
Printing Custom Size or Long Pape r Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 82 P rinting Custom Size or Long P aper This secti on explai ns how to p rint on cus tom size pa per, su ch as long pape r using the PCL print driver. Custom size paper c an be loaded in each tr ay.
Printing Custom Size or Long Pape r Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 83 5. Speci fy the length of the short edge and long edge unde r Settings F or . Y o u can sp ecif y the val ues either b y entering th em directl y or usi ng the Up Arrow and Down Arr o w buttons.
Printing Custom Size or Long Pape r Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 84 Using the P ostScri pt Driver The proced ure to pr int on custom size p aper using the P ostScrip t print dri ver is as f ollows. 1. F rom the File menu, se lect Pri nt . 2. Select this printer as the printer to be used and clic k P ref erences or Pr operties .
Printing Confi dential Documents - Sec ure Print Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 85 P rinting C onfidential Documents - Secure Pr int When th e hard dr ive or additi onal me mory is adde d, you can use the s ecure pr int f eature. Note: Th e data st ored i n th e RA M dis k is erased w hen the p rinte r is switc hed o ff .
Printing Confi dential Documents - Sec ure Print Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 86 9. If you want the printer to automatically name the docume nt using a time s tamp, in the R etr iev e Doc ument Name fie ld, select Use Existing Name . 10. Click OK twice to accept the Secure P rint settings, and then cli ck Pri nt to send the job.
Print After Checking Printing Result - Pr oof Print Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 87 P rint Aft er Checking P rinting R esult - P r oof P rint When th e hard dri ve or additional memo ry is ad ded, you can use the proof print f eature. Note: Th e data st ored i n th e RA M dis k is erased w hen the p rinte r is switc hed o ff .
Print After Checking Printing Result - Pr oof Print Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 88 P rinting f rom the C ontr ol P anel This sectio n explains th e procedu re to print and de lete data stored in the printer by P roof Pr i n t . 1. On the control panel, press the Back Arro w button to display the Wa l k - U p Fe a t u r e s menu .
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 90 This ch apt er inclu des: • Co ntrol Panel Menus on page 91 • Description of M enu Items on page 93 • Menu List on page 105 Using the C ontrol P anel Menus 5.
Control Pa nel Menus Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 91 C ontr ol P anel Menus This se ction in cludes : • Menu C onfi gur at ion on page 91 • Changing Men u Settin gs on page 92 Menu Co nfigur ation The me nus tha t can be access ed f rom the control p anel a re as f ollows: Each menu is conf igured in di ff erent levels.
Control Pa nel Menus Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 92 Changing Me nu Settings Changing th e P ow er Sav er Time In this example, you set the tr ansitional time to the Pow e r Sav e r Mode. 1. T o displ ay the me nu scr een, pr ess the Men u button at the pri nt screen.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 93 Description of Menu Items This se ction in cludes : • Tr a y S e t t i n g s on pa ge 93 • Inf ormation Pages on page 95 • Billing Meters on.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 94 Settings Exclusive to T ra y 1 (MPT) When the si ze or type of pap er that is load ed is diff erent f rom the setting, the print qua lity may f all or pa per may jam . Specify the co rrect paper type and s ize.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 95 Inf o rmation P ages P rints vari ous types of repor ts and lists. • The info rmation pages a re printed on A4 size pa per. Lo ad A4 size pape r into the tr ay. • F or the procedur e f or print ing inf ormation pages, ref er to P rinti ng Inf o rmation P a ges on page 95.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 96 Billing Meters Displays the nu mber of proce ssed pri nt jobs on the contr ol panel. T he meter is d ivided according to the color modes.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 97 Network Setup Specifies prin ter se ttings aff ecting jobs sent to the prin ter thr ough a network port. • The settings in the Ne twork Setup menu c annot be set when entering this me nu during printing.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 98 USB Setup Use USB Setup f or setting the USB port’s st atus. Sy stem Setup S ystem S etup menu is used to make the prin ter operation settings, such as for alarm and pow er sav er mode. Item Description P ort Status Select eithe r Enable or Disab le.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 99 Auto Log Print Specifi es whethe r to automa tically pr int in f or mation ab out the printed data that has been proc essed in the printer (Job His tory Report).
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 100 RAM Disk Allocates memory to the RA M Disk file system f or the secure print, col lating jobs , and Sample pr int features. • Enable Allocate s memory for us ing the secure p rint an d proof print fe atures .
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 101 Maintenance Mode Use this menu to initi alize th e NVM, o r to ad just the c onf igurations f or each type o f pape r. Item Description FW V er sion Displ ays the current firmw are version . Auto Regi Adjust Adjust th e color registration automatica lly.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 102 PCL Setup Specifies the settings f or the PCL. Item Description P aper T ray Specifies the paper tray to be used f or printing. • Auto (default) The tray i s selec ted aut omatical ly whe n print data is sent .
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 103 P ostScript Setup Specifies the P ostScript settings. Image En hance Selects wh ether to perform image en hance ment. Image e nhanceme nt is a f eature that makes the bound ary l ine between bl ack an d white s moother t o decre ase j ags an d enhanc e the visu al appearance.
Descriptio n of Menu I tems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 104 Cont rol Pan el Specif ies whet her to limit m enu ope r ations with a pass word to av oid changi ng the pr inter settings by accident. Item Description P anel Loc k Specifi es whether to limi t the menu operations w ith a pa ssword.
Menu List Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 105 Menu List The Me nu Ma p helps you navigate the control pa nel men us. T o print th e Menu Map : 1. On the control panel, press the M enu button, select Inf ormation P g s , and then press the OK bu tton. 2. Select Menu Map , and then p ress the OK button to p rint.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 106 This ch apt er inclu des: • P rint-Quality P roblems on page 107 • Col or Re gi s t rat i on on pag e 111 P rin t Qua lity 6.
Print-Q uality Pr oblems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 107 Pr i n t - Q u a l i t y Pr o b l e m s When the print qu ality is poor, select the closest symptom f rom the f ollowing t able to correct the pro blem. If the print quality does not improve after carrying out the appropriate action, contact X ero x Customer S up port or you r reseller .
Print-Q uality Pr oblems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 108 Stra y blac k dots or w hite ar eas (d ro p out s) The paper i s outsid e the reco mmended sp ecif ication range. R eplace the p aper with a rec ommended size and type, and c onfir m that your control panel se tting s are corre ct.
Print-Q uality Pr oblems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 109 T oner smea rs wh en rubbed The pap er i s damp. R ep lace t he pa per . Se e About P aper on page 48. The paper i s outsid e the reco mmended sp ecif ication range. R eplace the p aper with a rec ommend s ize an d type, an d conf irm t hat your print driver se ttings a re corre ct.
Print-Q uality Pr oblems Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 110 P artial bl anks, c reased pape r, or b lott ed pr int ing The pap er i s damp. R eplace the p aper. The paper i s outsid e the reco mmended sp ecif ication range. R eplace the p aper with a rec ommended size and ty pe.
Colo r Reg ist rat ion Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 111 Col o r R eg i s t rat i o n Co lor registratio n can be adjusted by the prin ter automatically, or y ou can manually adjust it. C olor reg istr ation shou ld be adjusted an y time the print er is mov ed.
Colo r Reg ist rat ion Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 112 Determining V alues F rom the lines to the right of the Y (yel low), M ( magenta), and C (cyan) pa ttern, find the valu es of the str aightes t lines. When “0” is the v alue near est the str aightest line, you do not need to adjust the col or registr ation.
Colo r Reg ist rat ion Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 113 Enabling/Disabling Auto matic C olor R egistr ation Use the f ollowing pr oced ure to enab le/dis able a utomatic col or reg istr ation when a new print cartridg e is installed. 1. P ress the Menu button to display the Menu screen.
Run B la ck Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 114 Run Black When a color laser printer runs out of toner, users are typ ically unable to print until a ne w t o n e r ca r t r i d g e is i n s ta l l e d . W h e n a P h a s e r 6 2 8 0 r un s o u t o f cy a n , m a g e n ta , o r ye l l o w t o n e r it can still pri nt in blac k and white.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 115 This ch apt er inclu des: • Pa p e r J a m s on page 116 • P roblems With the Pr inter on page 131 • Control P anel Error Mes sages on page 135 • Getting Help on pag e 139 See also: T roubleshooti ng video tutorials at www.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 116 Pa p e r J a m s This se ction in cludes : • P reventing and Cle aring Paper Jam s on page 116 • P aper Jams in T r ay 1 (MPT ) on pa ge 117 • P aper Jams i.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 117 P aper Jams in T ra y 1 (MPT) F ollow this pro cedur e to remo v e paper jammed in T r ay 1 (M PT). 1. Pull the jammed pap er out of T ray 1 (MPT ), and rem ove any remaining pape r f rom the tr ay. 2. Close T r ay 1 (MPT).
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 118 4. C ar ef u lly r emo ve a ny ja mmed p aper i n the prin ter. C onfirm that th ere are no scr aps of paper left in side. Ca u t i o n : Pr olonged expos ure to light may dam age the pr int cartridge. 5. Close the f ront cove r.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 119 7. Caref u lly pu ll out any jam med pap er remainin g inside the printer. 8. Insert the tr ay into the printe r and push unti l it stops. Ca u t i o n : Do not use excessiv e f orce on the tr ay. Doing so could damage the tr ay or the insi de of the pr inter.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 120 P aper Jams in the P ape r T r a y F ollow the proc edur e below to re mov e pap er jammed in the p aper tr ay. 1. Gently remov e the tr ay f r om the printer. 2. R e move all the jamme d and/or creased paper from the tr ay.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 121 3. If ther e is jammed paper r emaining insi de the printer , pull it out car ef ully to av oid tear in g it . 4. P ress the button and open th e f ront cov e r. R emov e any scr aps of paper remaining ins id e the pri nter.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 122 5. Close the f ront cove r. 6. Insert the tr ay in to the prin t er, and push until it stop s. Ca u t i o n : Do not use excessiv e f orce on the tr ay. Doing so could damage the tr ay or the insi de of the pr inter.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 123 P aper Jams at the F user 1. P ress the button and open the f ront co v er. 2. Lift the levers at both ends of the fuser (1), and remove the jammed pa per (2). If the paper is tor n, remove any scraps of pape r remain ing in side the printer.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 124 3. Open th e cover of the fuser and r emove the jamm ed pape r. 4. Close the f ront cove r. When Long P aper Jams When lon g paper (longer th an 356 mm) ja ms inside the pr inter, cut th e pap er as ne eded , then remove it in the proper way d epending on the plac e that the paper jam occu rs.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 125 P aper Jams at the Duplex Unit 1. Pu sh the button and op en the f ront cov e r. Wa r n i n g : Some com ponen ts insi de the pri nter, such as the fuser and su rrounding ar ea, are hot and can cause burns. 2. Caref u lly pu ll out the jam med pape r f rom the dupl ex unit.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 126 3. Hol d the knobs of the tr ansf er unit as show n in the f ollowing ill ustr ation and open the unit fully. 4. R e move the jammed paper. Confirm that the re are no scraps of pape r left insi de the tr ansf er belt unit.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 127 6. Close the f ront cove r. P aper Jams in the Optional She et F eede r 1. Open the tr ays until you find the jammed paper. Note: Paper jammed in the lower tr ay can block the trays above it, prev enting you fr om opening th em.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 128 2. R e move all jammed and/or crea sed pap er f rom the tray. 3. Pull the jammed p aper out caref ully to av oid tearing it. If the pape r is torn, c onfirm that ther e are no scr ap s of paper r emainin g insi de the prin ter .
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 129 4. Push the button and op en the f ront cov er. Confirm that th ere are no s craps of paper remaining inside the prin te r.
Paper Jams Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 130 6. Insert the tr ays into the print er. P ush the trays in unti l they stop. Ca u t i o n : Do not use excessiv e f orce on the tr ay.
Problems With the Printer Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 131 P r oblems With the P rint er If you encounter a problem with your printer, use the f ollowing table to troubleshoot a nd fix the problem. F or additional troubleshooting inf ormation, see Getting H elp on pag e 139.
Problems With the Printer Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 132 Error indicator is on Is the re an error messa ge disp layed on the con trol pan el? Check th e di splayed message and correct the error . Error indic ator is blinkin g An error that y ou cannot correct by your self h as occur red.
Problems With the Printer Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 133 Unusual noises T he prin ter is not level. R eposition the pr inter on a flat, stable surf ace. The p ape r t r ay is n ot i nse rt ed prop erly . Push the pa per tray compl etely into the pri nter.
Problems With the Printer Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 134 Enabling Options If your options are not working, do the f ollowing to enable the options: P ostScript Driver 1. T o s tart, do the f ollowi ng: • Windows 200 0-XP: Clic k Start > Setting s > Prin t er s a n d F axe s .
Control Pa nel Error M essages Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 135 C ontr ol P anel Err or Messages This section describes the messages display e d on the control pan el. Messages About Supp lies *1 XXX indicates one of the f ollowing: the Y ell ow T oner (Y) , Cy an T on er (C), Magenta T oner (M), or Black T oner ( K).
Control Pa nel Error M essages Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 136 Messages About the Printer and Other Items Message C ondit ion/R eason/Action Ov er Heat Please W ait / Error 042-700 Please W ait The pr i nte r’s i nte rn al te mpe rat ure is to o h ig h. The pri nter has been stopped.
Control Pa nel Error M essages Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 137 Out of Memory Pr ess OK Button Error 016-718 The prin ter memo ry is full a nd cannot continue process ing the c urrent print j ob. Press the OK button to cle ar the me ssage, cance l the curr ent print job, and c ond uct th e next prin t job , if any .
Control Pa nel Error M essages Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 138 *3 NNN indicates a numeric valu e. Duplexer Err or R estart P r inter Error 072-215 The Dupl ex Uni t (optio nal) is not in stalled correc tly or i s not w orking correctly due to damage or malfunction .
Getting Help Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 139 Getting Help This se ction in cludes : • Co ntrol Panel Messages on page 13 9 • P rintingScout Alerts on page 13 9 • Online Sup port Assist ant on pag e 139 • We b L i n k s on page 14 0 X erox pro vides sev er al automatic diagnostic tools to help you produce and maint ain print quality.
Getting Help Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 140 We b L i n k s X erox provides sever al websites that off er addi ti onal help on your Phase r 6280 p rinter. A set of X erox lin ks is inst alled in your web browse r’s Fa v o r i t e s f older w hen y ou inst all the X ero x print er driv ers on your comput er.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 141 This ch apt er inclu des: • Clea ning the Printer on page 142 • Order ing Sup plies on page 143 • Managi ng the P rinter on page 1 45 • Checkin g P age C ounts on page 149 • Mov ing the P rinter on page 150 See also: Small Business R esourc e Ce nter at www.
Clea ni ng th e Pr int er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 142 Cleaning the P rint er This section describes how to clean the print er in order to main tain it in good condition and print clean printouts all the time.
Ordering Supplies Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 143 Or dering Sup plies This se ction in cludes : • Con s um a b l es on pag e 143 • R out ine M ainte na nce I tems on page 143 • When to Or der Sup pli.
Ordering Supplies Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 144 T o order supplies, contact your local r eseller or go to the Xerox Supplies w ebsite at /6280supplies .
Mana ging th e Pri nt er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 145 Managing the P rinte r This se ction in cludes : • Checking/Managing the Printer with C e ntreW are IS on page 145 • C h e c k i n g Pr i n t e .
Mana ging th e Pri nt er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 146 If the Pr intingScout icon is not display ed on the ta sk bar, open P rintingScout f rom the Start menu : 1. F rom the St art me nu, sel ect Prog ram s , then Xero x O f f i c e Pr i n t i n g , th en Pri n t in g S c o u t , a nd the n Activ ate P rintingScout .
Mana ging th e Pri nt er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 147 Checking the Printer St atus with E-mail This secti on de scribes cau tions wh en sen ding e -mail to th e printer to c heck the pri nter st atus. • Y ou can specify any title f or the e-mail when checking the p rint er s t atus or c hangi ng the printer settings.
Mana ging th e Pri nt er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 148 Co mmands That C an Be Used in E-mail T ext Use each command accor ding to the f ollowing ru les. • P refix all com mands wi th “#”, a nd spec ify the #P assword command a t the top of the e-m ail.
Checking Page C ounts Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 149 Checking P age Counts The total num ber of p rinted pages can be che cked at the co ntrol panel. Th ree meters are avai lable: T otal Impre ssions, C olor Impressi ons, and Black Impressi ons. The bil ling meter counts the n umber of p ages pr inted properly.
Moving the Print er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 150 Mo ving the P rinter Ca rry out th e f ollowing pr ocedur e when mo ving the printe r. T o view pr ecau tions and guidel ines f or saf ely moving y our pr int er, see User Saf ety on page 8. The pr inter, configur ed with th e optional a ccessories, paper trays, and cons umable s, w eighs 24.
Moving the Print er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 151 1. T ur n off the pr inter. 2. Disconnect the power cord, interf ace cable, and any other cables. Wa r n i n g : T o prevent electric shock, nev er touch the pow er plug with wet hands. When removing the power cord, make sure that you pull the plug and not the co rd.
Moving the Print er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 152 3. R e move any paper in the output tray and return the paper stopper to its original position. 4. R e move any paper in the T ray 1 (MP T), and then close the fr ont cover. K e ep the paper wr apped and away f rom hum idity and dirt.
Moving the Print er Phaser® 6280 Pri nter 153 5. Pull out the pap er tra y f rom the printer an d remove any paper in the tray, and then reinstall the tr ay. K ee p the paper wrapped and away fr om humidity an d dirt. 6. Lift the printer and move it gently.
Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-154 Index Numeric s 2-sided printin g , 66 automatic , 66 binding edg e options , 67 selecting , 67 A AutoIP manually setting the printer’s IP address , 37 setting the p.
Index Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-155 printing from Tr ay 1 (MPT) , 84 supp ort ed for Tra y 1 ( MPT) , 83 D DHCP enabled by de fault on Phaser printers , 36 enab lin g on the co ntrol pane l , 36 en.
Index Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-156 Mac OS X, ver sion 10.4 , 43 , 44 Windows 2000 or later , 40 IP address changing or m odifying using CentreWa re IS , 38 dynamica lly settin g , 36 setting manu .
Index Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-157 550-sh eet feeder , 24 duplex un it , 24 enabling , 134 memory , 24 multi-protocol card , 24 printer , 24 printing , 60 ordering supplie s , 143 P paper custom s.
Index Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-158 Macin tosh , 63 selecting , 61 , 63 Window s , 61 Output Options tab , 61 Paper Qu ality tab , 61 safety guidelin es , 11 selecting 2-sid ed , 67 sel ecti ng in .
Index Phaser® 6280 Pri nter Index-159 Tray 1 (M PT) loading pa per , 53 printing cu stom size pape r , 84 printing en velopes , 72 printing glossy pape r , 78 printing labels , 73 printing transpare .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox Phaser 6280 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox Phaser 6280 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox Phaser 6280 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox Phaser 6280 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox Phaser 6280 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox Phaser 6280 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox Phaser 6280 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox Phaser 6280. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox Phaser 6280 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.