Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung NC60 des Produzenten Xerox
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The Xer ox DocuPrint NC60 Network Color Laser Printer User Guide V ersion 1. 0.
Copyright pro tection c laimed inclu des all form s and matters of co pyrightab le materials an d informa tion now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter gra nted, including w ithout limi.
Contents i Docu Prin t NC6 0 U ser G uide Safety Not es ..... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .. i Note, Caution and Warning S ymbols .................... ............. ...... ii Electrical Safet y ...............
DocuP rint NC60 User Guid e Printer Compone nts .................... ............. ................... ......... 1-9 External Comp onents ........ ............ ............. ............. ......... 1-9 Interface Con nectors ............... ...........
Docu Prin t NC6 0 U ser G uide Chap ter 3 Printing ...... .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... .... ....... ..... .... .... 3-1 Introduction ............ ............. ............ .................... ............. .. 3-3 Printing Options ...
DocuP rint NC60 User Guid e Internet Printing ................... ............ ............. ............. ....... 3-74 IPP ................ ............. ................... ............. ............. ....... 3-74 Email Send and Re ceive ...........
Docu Prin t NC6 0 U ser G uide Appendix B Notices a nd Certificat ions .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... .. B-1 FCC Notices…U SA ......... ............. ................... ............. ......... B-2 Radio Frequency ......... ...........
DocuP rint NC60 User Guid e.
Safe ty N otes ❖ i Safety Notes The Xerox DocuPrint NC60 color laser printer and the recommended cons umable supplies have been designed and tested to meet strict safety requirements. Attention to the following notes will ensure th e continued safe operation of yo ur printer .
Note, Cautio n and Warnin g Symbo ls ii ❖ DocuPrin t NC60 User Guide Note, Cautio n and W arnin g Symbols Throughout this User Guide and the other DocuPrint guides, several symbols are used to emphasize useful, important and criti cal information.
Elect rical Saf ety Safety Notes ❖ ii i Electr ical Safety • Use the power cord supplied with your DocuPrint NC60 printer . • Do not use a ground adapter plug to connect the printer to a power sour ce receptacle that lack s a ground connection terminal.
Elect rical Safet y iv ❖ DocuPrin t NC60 User Guide • Do not overrid e or disable electrical or mechan ical interlocks. • Do not obstruct the ven tilation openings. These openings are provided to prevent overheating of th e print er . • If you notice unusual no ises or odors, switch off the printer power immediately .
Laser Safety Safe ty N ote s ❖ v Laser Safety This equipment complies wit h all applicable safety standards. W ith specifi c regard to laser , the equipm e nt complies with performance standards for laser products set by govern ment agen cies as a Class 1 l aser pr oduct.
Maintena nce Safety vi ❖ DocuPrin t NC60 User Guide Mainten ance Safety • Do not a ttempt any maintenance pro c edure that is not specifically described in the documenta tion supplied with your printer .
Opera tiona l Safet y Safe ty N otes ❖ vii Operational S afety Y our Xerox printer and supplies were designed and tested to meet strict safety requirements . These include safety agency examina tion, a pproval , and com pliance with established environmental standa rds.
Operation al Safety viii ❖ DocuPrin t NC60 User Guide • Do no t pl ac e th e pr in ter nea r a h ea t so urce . • Do no t pl ac e th e pr in ter in d ire ct su nlig ht. • Do not place the prin ter in line with the cold air flow from an ai r cond itionin g sys tem.
Opera tiona l Safet y Safety Notes ❖ ix • Frequent operation of the on/off switch is not recommend ed. • Keep hands, hair , and neckties away from the exit feed rollers. • Do not r emo ve a medi a tray whil e pr inti ng . • Do n ot ope n the c overs while p rinti ng.
Ozone Saf ety x ❖ DocuPri nt NC60 U ser Guide Ozone Safety This printer pro d uces ozone during normal o peration. The ozone prod uced is heav ier than air , and the qua ntity is dependent on copy volum e.
Chapte r 1: Getting to Know Y our Printer ❖ 1-1 Getting to Know Y our Printer C h a p t e r 1 Introduction ................. ............. ............. ............. ............. . 1-2 Printer Feature s ................... ............ ...........
Intro duction 1-2 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide Introd uction In this chapter , you will become familiar with the features of your printer and learn where to locate specific printer part s.
Prin ter F eat ures Chapte r 1: Getting to Know Y our Printer ❖ 1-3 Printer Features Y our DocuPrint NC60 h as many special features that allow you to achieve the color printi ng results you need for your specific print j ob. Features vary slightly accordi ng to the options y o u are using and the memo r y installed in your printer .
Printe r Features 1-4 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide Resolution The resolution of your printed im a ge is determined by the number of printed dots per inch (dpi).
Prin ter F eat ures Chapte r 1: Getting to Know Y our Printer ❖ 1-5 Connect ivity The DocuPrint NC60 supports the Win 95 /Win 98 Plug & Play standards and has the following standard interfaces: .
Printe r Features 1-6 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide •I B M —W a r p S e r v e r 4 . 0 —L A N S e r v e r 4 . 0 — OS/2 W arp 4.0 (Peer-t o -peer) — OS/2 W arp Connect 3.
Prin ter F eat ures Chapte r 1: Getting to Know Y our Printer ❖ 1-7 Color Matching Systems The following host-based color matching systems c an be used with the DocuPrint NC60: •P A N T O N E • Apple ColorSync 2.0 and 2.5 • W indows Image Color Matching (ICM) 1.
Printe r Features 1-8 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide Printer Driver Software The printer driver is a piece of software that is loaded on your workstation. Use of th e proper prin ter driver for your operating system and printer model is essential for getti ng the best in color printin g.
Prin ter Co mp onent s Chapte r 1: Getting to Know Y our Printer ❖ 1-9 Printer Components Extern al Com ponen ts Use Figures 1.1 and 1.2 to identify the main exterior components of your DocuPrint NC6 0.
Printe r Components 1-10 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Figure 1.2 Printer Components, Rear V iew Rear V iew 1 Power Cord Receptacle 2 On/Off Switch 3 Lower Feeder Electrical Connection 4 Safety Cert.
Prin ter Co mp onent s Chapter 1: Getting to Kno w Y our Printer ❖ 1- 11 Inter face Connectors Y our printer interface connectors a re located on the back of the printer as shown in F igure 1.3. Y our printer comes equippe d with a standa r d Cent ronics parallel c onnector , serial co nnector , and 1 0 MB Ethern et.
Printe r Components 1-12 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Cove rs The DocuPrint NC60 has three covers, which are identified in F igure 1.1 on p age 1-9. Use the following instructions to open each cover and gain acce ss to the internal components of your printer .
Prin ter Co mp onent s Chapter 1: Getting to Kno w Y our Printer ❖ 1- 13 T o Op en t he T op Rea r Cov er: T o Open the Fuser Cover: 1 Lift the release button, located on the T op Rear Cover . 2 Lift t he cov er up unti l it s tands in an uprig ht posi ti on.
Printe r Components 1-14 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Inte rnal Com pon ents Figure 1.4 shows how the DocuPrint NC6 0's internal components are a rranged.
Moving Y our DocuPr int NC60 Chapter 1: Getting to Kno w Y our Printer ❖ 1- 15 Moving Y our DocuPrint NC60 •S i m p l e M o v e If you want to move the pr inter within the same building (i.e., office to office, different floor), refer to the Simple Move procedure.
Moving Your DocuPrint NC60 1-16 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Simple Mov e 1 Power off the printer . After tu rning off t he prin ter , all ow the F user to cool t o a safe temper ature b efor e handli ng. 2 Disconnect the power cord and interface cables.
Moving Y our DocuPr int NC60 Chapter 1: Getting to Kno w Y our Printer ❖ 1- 17 Complex Mo ve It is highly r ecommended that you use the Xe rox Repack Kit for c arrier s hipments. F ailure to do so could result in permanent damage to th e printer . Refer to the Supplie s/Options Guide for the pro per part number of the Xe rox Repac k Kit.
DocuP rint Document ation 1-18 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide DocuPrint Documentation Y our DocuPrint NC60 is p a ckaged with documentation in both printed form a nd on CD. There are two CDs: • DocuP rint NC6 0 CD , which contains docume ntation and printer drivers.
DocuPrin t Document ation Chapter 1: Getting to Kno w Y our Printer ❖ 1- 19 DocuPrint NC60 CD Y our DocuPrint NC60 was a lso packaged with a CD that contains the following piece s of documentation a.
DocuP rint Document ation 1-20 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Using the CDs The documentation on the Pro duct CD is provided as PDF files, which are opened in Adobe Ac robat Reader (provided on t he CD if you do not already h ave it installed).
Chapter 2: Loading Print Media ❖ 2-1 Loading Print Media C h a p t e r 2 Recommended M edia ................ ............. ............. ............. . 2-2 Paper ........... ............. ............. ................... ............. ........ 2-3 Transparencies .
Recommended Me dia 2-2 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Recommended Med i a Y our DocuPrint NC60 will produce bril liant color images on a wide varie ty of print media. C arefully choosing the media for your printer is important in ac hieving the ver y bes t imag es and i n ensu ring t roubl e-fre e opera tion.
Recommende d Media Chapter 2: Loading Print Media ❖ 2-3 Paper 16 - 24 lb. ( 60-90 g/m2) can be fed automatic ally via the universal media tray . Several types of papers a re sold by Xerox resellers, or Xerox. Not all media is available in all loc ations , thoug h.
Lo ading th e Medi a Tray 2-4 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Loadin g the Media T r ay How to Lo ad the T ray Wi t h P a p e r The u nivers al pa per tr ay ca n be used for st anda rd pape r weights of 16 - 2 4 lb. (60-90 g/m 2 ) and any of th e supported paper sizes: • Letter (8.
Loading the Medi a T ray Chapter 2: Loading Print Media ❖ 2-5 T o load the tray with paper: 1 Grasp t he handle of the tray , and compl etely remove it from t he pr inte r . Do not attempt to load paper into a partially removed tray , a s this may bend t he paper tabs on the tray and lead to paper jams.
Lo ading th e Medi a Tray 2-6 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide 4 Gently f an t he pape r and pl ace it into th e tray so that the side to be printed is facing up and th e edge of the paper nearest to the tray handle is in serted under the tabs as shown.
Loading the Medi a T ray Chapter 2: Loading Print Media ❖ 2-7 How to Lo ad the T ray W ith Le tterhead and Three-Hole Paper Load letterhead and three-hole paper in the same way that you load p lain paper (with the printed sid e up). The typical orientation of letterhead and three-hole paper is shown in Figure 2.
Lo ading th e Medi a Tray 2-8 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide How to Lo ad the T ray W ith T ransparenci es Load transpar encies in the same way that you loa d paper . Use rec ommended transpa rencies for optimum perfor mance . Do not fill the tra y with more than 7 5 sheets or above the maximum transparency f ill mark .
The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot Chapter 2: Loading Print Media ❖ 2-9 The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot The Manual Bypa ss Feeder Slot, located o n the front of the printer just above th e media tray , allows you to print on: • A single sheet o f media 16 to 24 lb.
The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot 2-10 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide The Manual Bypass Feeder T ray Y our DocuPrint NC60 comes with a removable Manual Bypass Feeder T ray . This tray attaches to the front of t he printer and guides individual sheets or envelopes a s they enter the Manual Bypa ss Feeder Slot.
The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot Chapter 2: Loading Print Medi a ❖ 2-11 How to Attach the Manual Bypass Feeder T ray T o attach the Manual Bypa ss Feeder T ray to the front of the printer: 1 Orient the tray so that the edge with the two sm all tabs and the s upport arms i s facing the printer .
The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot 2-12 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide How to U se the Manual Bypass Feeder Slo t Media inserted in the Manual Bypass Feeder Slot overrides the Paper Sour ce selection in your driver . Y ou can use this to print a page (or c o ver) in a document set on a different media tha n the remain der of the document.
The Manual Bypass Feeder Slot Chapter 2: Loading Print Medi a ❖ 2-13 4 Place the media against the right edge of the Manual Bypass Feeder T ray . Push the side edge guide against the left side of the media. The media should be flat against the tray witho ut any wrinkles or bent edges.
2-14 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide.
Chapte r 3: Printi ng ❖ 3-1 Printing C h a p t e r 3 Introduction ................. ............. ............. ............. ............. . 3-3 Printing Options ..... ............. ............ .................... ............. . 3-4 Printer Driver Option s .
Prin tin g 3-2 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide Using the Co ntrol Pa nel ............. ............. ............. ............ 3-57 The Display ............... ............. ............. ............. ............ 3-58 Menu Op tions ........... ...
Introduct ion Chapte r 3: Printi ng ❖ 3-3 Introd uction This chapter discusses the following issues related to print ing: • The use of printer drivers Features of the PostScript a nd PCL printer drivers are compare d and d escribed.
Prin tin g O ption s 3-4 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide Printing Options W ith the DocuPrint NC60, you ha v e a variety of options for submitting a file for print ing, depending on your environment and p references. These options are listed in T able 3.
Printe r Driver Op tions Chapte r 3: Printi ng ❖ 3-5 Printer Driver Options Y our DocuPrint NC60 printer offers many special features that are desig ned to produc e the high est quality color an d black & white prints whi le giving you the flexibilit y you need to print a variety of documents.
Printe r Driver Op tions 3-6 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide PostScript vs. PCL 5C Printer Driver Feature Compa rison T able 3.2 DocuPrint NC60 PostScript vs.
Printe r Driver Op tions Chapte r 3: Printi ng ❖ 3-7 Separators 2 Ye s Ye s Fr ont Co ver Ye s Ye s Gray Sc ale Ye s Ye s Save T oner Ye s Ye s Unadjusted Ye s Ye s Quad Dot Ye s N o Smoo th Sc reen.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-8 ❖ Docu Print NC6 0 User Gu ide PostScript Printer Driver Features Y our DocuPrint NC60 PostScri pt printer driver includes many unique features provided by Xerox. These uni que features are provided to aid you in producing high quality color as well as black and white pri nts.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chapte r 3: Printi ng ❖ 3-9 • Proof Print (Sample Set) (requires Hard Disk option) The Proof Print option enables you to print and proof a single copy of a document before printing t he remaining document sets /copies.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-10 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Copies The Copies feature enables you to select the number of copies or document sets that will be pr inted . Select Pap er The Paper Se lection dialog enables you to choose the paper an d media option s for your docum ents.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-11 •M e d i a T y p e This field contain s a list of the media ty pes that are supported by your Do cuPrint NC60. —P a p e r If no other media type is selected, paper is the default medium.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-12 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide • Paper (Me dia) Sou rce The Paper (Media) Source field enables you to select from the available paper trays on y our DocuPrint NC60.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-13 • Sep arato rs (r equir es T ray 2 , Lowe r Fe eder o ption) This dialog provides a way to c ho ose the paper that will be used to separate each printed transparency .
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-14 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Collation Coll ated prin ting means that two or more c opies o f a documen t are print ed and delivered as separate do cument sets, rather than separate sets of each page.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-15 Hold Job Select Hold Job to delay pr inting for a set period of time. This enables you to g et to the printer to load special media, or to print out confidential material.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-16 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Fonts The Fonts tab contains options t hat enable you to control the way T rue T ype fonts are handled by the p rinter driver and the printer .
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-17 • Always Send to Printer Select Always Send to Printer when y ou want to send all t he T rueT y pe fo nts cont ai ned withi n yo ur documents to the pri nter .
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-18 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide •S e n d F o n t s A s —S e n d A s The Send As field contains several options which define how your DocuPrint NC60 will receive and process T rueT ype fonts. This setti ng affects the selections available within the Font Substitution table.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-19 — Send PostScript Fonts As - N ative Fo rmat (T ype 1) - the set o f 35 Post Script fonts that are commonly installed on most PostScript printers. - Don’ t Send - useful only if you have a spooler in your system conf iguration that can supply these fonts.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-20 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide PostScript The PostScri pt tab gives you access to the ba sic PostScript features that are commo n to all PostScript drivers (a s opposed to the other tabs that are used to control the special Xerox features.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-21 • Encapsulated PostScript ( EPS) Y ou can produce EPS (Encaps ula ted PostScript) files of a SINGLE P AGE created in one application and insert it into a document in another appl ication.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-22 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide PostScript Header • Down load Header Wi th Ea ch Prin t Job This option configures t he printer driver to se nd header information to the DocuPrint NC60 each time you print a docu ment.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-23 Print PostScript Error Information When this option is selected, an error sheet is printed when an error occurs during the formatting or transmission of a job. The error sheet indicates the page where the error occurred a nd the type of error .
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-24 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Advanced Post Script Options • PostScript Langua ge Level T o optimize your DocuPrint NC60 features, make sure the PostScript la nguage level is set to the highest level that your printer supports.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-25 • Send EOF (CTRL+D) Before/After Job The Send EOF Before/After options direct the printer driver to send the “CTRL+D” c haracter before/after each PostScript job. This character resets the system for the next job.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-26 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Printe r Config uratio n The options on this tab enable you to configure your printer driver to matc h the options that are installed on your DocuPrint NC60.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-27 Xerox Featur es Intelligen t Color When you choose Intell igent Color , the DocuPr int NC60 provides the optimum set fo r mixed content documents. This will produce the best outp ut for d ocuments contai ning text and bitmap g raphics.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-28 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Grayscale Grayscale changes all the colors for the document you select into black, white, and shades of gr a y . Use this setting when you would l ike to print color documents in monochrome for speed or when co lor information is not important.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-29 Save T o ner Save T oner reduces the to ner consumption neede d to print in color .
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-30 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Expert Color Control Expert Color Control enables you to fine-tune t he colors in your printed document. Th e Color Adjustment controls enable you to adjust the lig htness, contrast, and saturation settings for your document s.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-31 Docum ent Hal fton e Halftone is the process by which ima ges are printed as a pattern of ma ny small d ots. The size and dens ity of the dots produce shades of light and dark in the image when it is printed.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-32 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Image Enhanc ement •I m a g e F i x This option is the best setti ng to use for photographs or bitmap images.
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-33 • Disable CMYK Coverage Limit Select this fe ature to remove the 250% toner coverage limit. The CM YK Coverage Limit should only be disabled when you use a color management system such as P ANTONE or ICM.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-34 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide • Proce ss B lack Grap hic s When this setting is selected, the black graphics of your docu ments are created by comb ining cy an, magenta and yell o w toner to create a process bl a ck color .
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-35 • Use Settings Below Choose this option if you would like to adjust the halftone screen setting s within the printer driver . This makes it possible to adjust the sc re en frequency and angle sett ings.
PostSc ript Printe r Driver F eatures 3-36 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Spec ial • Prin t as a Ne gative Image The Negative Image option converts the bl ack image areas in the original to white, the white image areas to blac k, and any dark gray image ar eas to l ight gray .
PostScri pt Printer Dr iver Fea tures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-37 Layou t Page Layout / N Pages Up Click in the N Pages Up field to select the page layout options which can be a pplied to your document.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-38 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide PCL 5C Printer Driver Features Y our DocuPrint NC60 PC L 5C printer driver includes several unique features provided by Xerox. Th e se unique features are provided to aid you in producing high quality color as well as black and white pri nts.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-39 • Normal Print The Normal Print option simp ly means that the job will print in a normal ma nner .
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-40 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide • Proof Print (Sample Set) The Proof Print option enables you to print and proof a single copy of a document before printing t he remaining document sets /copies. The remaining sets are held in the printer's p rint queue until you release the job at the Cont rol Panel.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-41 Copies The Copies feature enables you to select the number of copies or document sets that will be pr inted . Select Pap er The Paper Se lection dialog enables you to choose the paper an d media option s for your docum ents.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-42 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide •P a p e r S o u r c e The Paper (Media) Source field enables you to select from the available paper trays on y our DocuPrint NC60. If the Paper Sour ce is set to Auto Select, the printer automatically select s a tray that matches the pape r si ze sett in gs for the j ob .
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-43 •M e d i a T y p e This field contain s a list of the media ty pes that are supported by your Do cuPrint NC60. — Paper: If no other media type is selected, paper is the default medium.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-44 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide • Front Cover Different Select this option when you would like the first page of your document to be printed on different paper stock. This setting enables y ou to specify the pape r size o r media type to be used for the front cove r page of the documen t.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-45 Collation Coll ated prin ting means that two or more c opies o f a documen t are print ed and delivered as separate do cument sets, rather than separate sets of each page.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-46 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Hold Job Select Hold Job to delay pr inting for a set period of time. This enables you to g et to the DocuPrint NC60 to load special media, or to print out confidential material.
PCL 5C P r inter D riv er F ea ture s Cha p t er 3 : P r in ti ng ❖ 3-4 7 Xerox Features Intell ige nt C ol or Intelligent Color produ ces bright, solid colors and sho uld be use d for docum en ts with gra phics t hat includ e ch arts and graph s.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-48 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Unadjusted Col or Unadjusted uses your application settings and doe s not use any of the printer driver default settings. Use this print mode when your application or operating system has a colo r matching system (s uch as P ANTONE or Imag e Color Mat ching).
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-49 Enhanced A lignment If your documents contain black lines, or black text placed directly next to colored areas, you may want to select Enhanced Alignment. When used, yo ur DocuPrint NC60 will automatic ally adjust itself to improve the black image alignment next to colored areas.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-50 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Graphics Font Opt ions... • Down load as T rueT ype T rueT ype font s are ve ctor-b ased, sc alable ty pefaces that have been de fined by Apple Comput er Inc. • Down load as Bit Image This option will download all f onts as raster-based, non-scal able typef aces.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-51 Graphics Mode The Graphics M ode op tions specify how t he printer drive r sends graphic informat io n to the DocuPrint N C60. These selections usually work in conjunction w ith the Image Quality and Gray S cale se lection s.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-52 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Edit Click the Edit button if you need to change the name of a font that you are installin g.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-53 Copy Fonts to New Por t If you are using more tha n one PCL 5C printer , or if you change the port your printer is connected t o, you can use this feature to copy y our installed disk-based fonts to the other printer on that port.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-54 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Over lays A Page Overlay is a group of user-created PCL commands and/or data that is downloaded and stored in the printer . Page overlays can be invoked repeatedly for printi ng portions of documents th a t are used frequently .
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-55 Cre ate Ove rla y Click the Create Overlay button when you want to create a Page Overlay file. Thi s button invokes a dialog where you can specify the name of th e overlay file and the location where it will be created.
PCL 5 C P rin ter Drive r F eat ures 3-56 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Printe r Config uratio n The options on this tab enable you to configure your printer driver to matc h the options that are installed on your DocuPrint NC6 0.
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-57 Using the Control Panel The Doc uP rin t NC 60 Cont ro l Pa ne l (F ig ure 3.1) se r ves three purposes: 1. It displays information a bo ut the status of the p rinter (or the job in p rocess) an d 2.
Usin g the Control Panel 3-58 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide The Display The Control Panel's displa y performs two functions. • It informs you of printer sta tus conditions, such as when toner is low , when a p aper tray is emp ty , when a job is in process, and so on.
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-59 The Keys The Control Panel keypad c o nsists of eight keys, identified with international sy mbols and/or labeled in English. The keys are also numbered 0 - 7. T able 3.3 describes the function of each key .
Usin g the Control Panel 3-60 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Menu Up • If not in the menu system, pressing this key enters the menu system and displays the firs t me nu. • If in the menu system, pressing this key ca uses the Control Panel t o scroll through the menus in order b ottom to top.
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-61 Va l u e U p • If in the menu sys tem, and an item is displayed , pressing this key causes the Control Panel to scroll through the values for the current i tem in order bottom to top. P ressing this key displays the default value for the current item.
Usin g the Control Panel 3-62 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide The Indicator Li ghts The Control Panel conta ins six indicator lights. T able 3.4 describes the function of each light. T able 3. 4 Indicator lights and their functio ns Ligh t Descr iption On Line When the print er is On-line this LED is on.
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-63 Menu Options Figure 3. 2 on the following pages shows a menu map of which variables can be cont rolled at the DocuPrint NC60 Control Panel. Details of a ll the available settings for the variables in these menus are c ontained in the System Adm ini str ato r G uide on the DocuPrint CD.
Usin g the Control Panel 3-64 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Figure 3.2 DocuPrin t NC60 Cont rol Pane l Me nu Map Job Color Adjust Imaging Para llel Seria l Tr a y PCL Syste m Cancel Job Formfeed Restart Printer T ray 1 Cu st.
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-65 Figure 3.2 DocuPrin t NC60 Cont rol Pane l Me nu Map (continu ed) T oken Ring Nov ell Print Media Server Service Reset* LPR Enable LPR Banner L.
Usin g the Control Panel 3-66 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Prin t a P asswo rd Jo b T o print a password print job sent to the printer and stored in the optiona l hard drive, follow these steps: 1 .
Using th e Control Panel Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-67 Dele te a Password Job T o delete a password print j o b sent to the printer and stored in the optiona l hard drive, follow these steps: 1 A t .
Usin g the Control Panel 3-68 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Print an Inte rnal P age T o print an internal printer pag e , follow these steps: 1 A t t h e C o n tr o l P a n e l , p r e s s M e n u U p o r M e n u D o w n u n t i l you see: 2 Press Item Up o r Item Down and you w ill see the page you wish to pr int.
Using the O ptional Me dia Ser ver Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-69 Using the Op tional Media Ser ver The Media Ser ver , an optional disk drive that you can ord er an d in sta ll, e na ble s yo u to prin t P ost Scri pt an d PCL 5C files directly at the pr inter from a standard H igh Density , 3.
Using th e Option al Media Se rver 3-70 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Print to File There may be times when you do not want to send you r document directly to the p rinter . Y ou may want to pri nt your document using th e Media Server or store your document as a p rint file (with the specific feature settings) to a hard drive.
Using the O ptional Me dia Ser ver Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-71 How to P rint From the Media Server Y ou can prin t your print file with the default setti ngs or customize your own print sett ings. If you have saved the file with specific application settings, print using the Media Server Menu defaults.
Using th e Option al Media Se rver 3-72 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide T o print from the Media Server: 1 Create a Po stScri pt o r PC L 5C p rint er file . (Y ou cann ot print an appl ication file at th e Media Ser ver . Y o u must use the Print to F ile uti lity .
Using the O ptional Me dia Ser ver Chap ter 3: P rint ing ❖ 3-73 T o set the quantity and/or select a tray from which to print : 1 T o set th e numbe r of copie s to b e print ed, p ress Me nu Up or.
Intern et Printing 3-74 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Internet Printing Y our DocuPrint NC60 is equipp ed w ith both IPP (Int e rnet Printing Protocol) an d Email Send and Receiv e c apability , giving it full fun ctionality over the Internet.
Chap ter 4: M aint ain ing t he Prin ter ❖ 4- 1 Maintaining the Printer C h a p t e r 4 Regular Printer M aintenance ............ ............. ............. ........ 4-2 Cleaning the Pr inter .. ............. ............. ............. ...........
Regular Printer Mainten a nce 4-2 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Regular Printer Maintenance Y our DocuPrint NC60 is desig ned to need very little ongoing maintena nce other than the replacement of maintenance items as they reach end of use.
Regular Printe r Maintenance Chap ter 4: M aint ain ing t he Prin ter ❖ 4- 3 Replacing T oner , Oil and Other Con sumabl es When the printer displays warning messages to replace a consumable, you should do so as soon as possible. A list of printer supplies is contained in t he Supplies/Options Guide.
Densi ty and Co lor Balanc e Adjus tme nt Pro cedu re 4-4 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Density and Co lor Bala nce Adjustment Procedure Y ou may notice, over the c ourse of using the printer , that colors may change. For example, re ds may begin to take on a purple cast, or blues may take on a gree n cast.
Chapt er 5: T roubleshooti ng ❖ 5-1 T r oubleshooting C h a p t e r 5 Before Y ou Begin Troubleshoot ing ................. ............. ........ 5-2 Error Mes sages .................... ............ ............. ............. ........ 5-4 How to Clear A Media Jam .
Befo re Yo u B egi n Tr oubl esho oti ng 5-2 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Before Y ou Begin T roubl eshooting If it becomes necessary for you to take corrective actions, note the following sa fety tips a nd then begin your troubleshooting by checking for possible hardware, software, and printer maintenance issues.
Before Y ou Begin T roubleshootin g Chapt er 5: T roubleshooti ng ❖ 5-3 Hardware • Is the printer p lugged in? • Is the printer switched on? Software • Is the correct printer driver installed and selected for your printer configu ration? Printer Maintenance An i mproperly seated tray or an open cover will delay your print job.
Error Message s 5-4 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Error Messages Y our DocuPrint NC60 displa y s messages on the Control Panel when operato r intervention is required. There a re two types of message that requi re action: • Printer fault messages are those that relate to p r inter shutdown, such as a paper jam.
How to Clear A Media Jam Chapt er 5: T roubleshooti ng ❖ 5-5 How to Clear A Media Jam This section describes areas where media could jam and gives basic inst r uctions for clearing jams in each of these area s. Us e the se ins truct ions t o safe ly re move j ammed media from your printer .
How to Clea r A Media Jam 5-6 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Media Jam Are as Figure 5.1 illustrates t he a reas where a media jam might occur . Figure 5.
How to Clear A Media Jam Chapt er 5: T roubleshooti ng ❖ 5-7 Fuser/Output Area J am 1 Open the Front Cover . ( See page 1-12.) 2 Open the Fuser Cover . ( See page 1-13.) 3 Release the Roller by shifting t he Release Lever as shown. 4 Locate the l odged m aterial by lo oking i nside the F user area.
How to Clea r A Media Jam 5-8 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide 5 Reach i nto the Fuser area, and gent ly gr asp the expose d corners of the jammed material. 6 Pull gently up and toward you unti l the material is completely di slodged . 7 Close the Roller Release.
How to Clear A Media Jam Chapt er 5: T roubleshooti ng ❖ 5-9 Input/T ransfe r Drum/ Print Drum Area Jam 1 Open the Front Cover . 2 Locate the lodged materi al by looking inside the Input/ T ransfer Drum area. 3 Reach int o the Inp ut/T ransfer Drum area, and gen tly grasp t he expo sed corner s of the j amme d mater ial.
How to Clea r A Media Jam 5-10 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide T ray/Manual Feed Slot J am 1 Remove T ray 1, T ray 2, or the Manual Feed T ray (as indicated by the error code ) from the print er . Do not a ttempt to open the front cover if t he paper tray is partially removed.
Print Q uality Pr oblems Chap ter 5 : T roub les hootin g ❖ 5-11 Print Quality Probl ems Some co mmon print qualit y problems, the ir causes, an d potential remedies are described in T able 5.1 on page 5-12. If you are unable to co rre ct a print d efect after you have followed th e recommendations in T able 5.
Print Q ualit y Pr obl ems 5-12 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide Also observe the pro cedures for cleanin g the printer and adjusting the Color Balance that are outlined in t he System Administrator Guide on the DocuPrint CD.
Print Q uality Pr oblems Chap ter 5 : T roub les hootin g ❖ 5-13 Light, V ertical Lines Light areas (w ithout color) tha t streak the page The Print Drum is scratched or damag ed. Remove and inspect the Prin t Drum. Repla ce it if any scratch or damag e is vis ible .
Print Q ualit y Pr obl ems 5-14 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide Back-Side Con taminati on T oner that has been deposited on the non-imaged side of the prints T oner on the Fuser R ollers. T o clean up any resid ual toner , run a b lank sheet of paper thro ug h the pr inte r .
Print Q uality Pr oblems Chap ter 5 : T roub les hootin g ❖ 5-15 Color Misregistratio n Color that has shifted outside of the designated area or has been superimposed over another color area Incorrect media.
Additional Sources of Troubleshooting Assistance 5-16 ❖ DocuP rint NC60 User Guide Additional So ur ces of T roubleshooting Assistance If you encounter an error message, problem, or print defect tha.
Appen dix A: Prin ter Speci fications ❖ A-1 Printer Specifications A p p e n d i x A Physical Spec ifications ......... ............ .................... ............. . A-2 Environmen tal Spec ifications ...... ............. ............. .........
Phys ical Spe cificatio ns A-2 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Physical Specifications Dimensions (without Optional Lower Feeder) • 18.5" (w) x 16.5" (d) x 16.5" (h) • 470 mm (w) x 419 mm (d) x 419 (h) W eight (without Optional Lower Feeder) • 89 lbs.
Enviro nmental Specifica tions Appen dix A: Prin ter Speci fications ❖ A-3 Environmental Specifications T emperature • Operating: 50° to 90° F (10 to 32° C) • Storage: 14° to 104° F (-10 to 40° C) Humidit y • Operating: 15% to 85% RH • Storage: 10% to 90% RH Sound Le vel •5 4 d b A R u n n i n g ( M a x .
Electr ical Spe cifications A-4 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Electrical Specifications Power Requirements • 110-130V , 50/60 Hz, 15 A, • 200-260V , 50/60 Hz, 10 -15 A, • Energy Star Compliant Power Consumption • 300 W av .
Performan ce Specif ications Appen dix A: Prin ter Speci fications ❖ A-5 Per fo rmance Sp ecific atio ns Reso luti on • Black:600x60 0 dpi • Color: 600 x 60 0 • 1200 Quality (PostSc ript only).
Contro ller Spec ification s A-6 ❖ DocuPr int NC60 U ser Guide Contr oller Specific ations Intel i960 p rocessor , operating at 66/33 M Hz Memory • 64 MB DRAM / 8 MB FLASH ROM Standard • Upgrada ble to a maximum of 128 MB Page Description Langua ges (PDL) • Adobe PostScript 3 .
Appen dix B: Not ices and C ertificat ions ❖ B-1 Notices and Certifications A p p e n d i x B FCC Notices…U SA ........ ............. ................... ............. ........ B-2 Radio Frequency ........ ............. ............. .............
FCC Not ices… USA B-2 ❖ DocuPrint N C60 User Guide FCC Notices…USA Radio Frequency BASE P RINTER This equipment generates, uses, and c an radiate radio frequency energy , and, if not installed and used in accordan ce with t he instruct ion man uals, m ay cause interference with ra d io communi c ations.
FCC Notic es…USA Appen dix B: Not ices and C ertificat ions ❖ B-3 BASE PRINTER WI TH TOKEN RING CARD OR WITH 10/100 ETHER NET CARD The DocuPrint NC60 has b e en tested and found to comply with the limi ts for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
FCC Not ices… USA B-4 ❖ DocuPrint N C60 User Guide If this equipment does ca use harmful interference to radi o or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Certifications… Canadian Appen dix B: Not ices and C ertificat ions ❖ B-5 Certifications …Canadian 60 HZ, 115V The equipment is listed by the Und er writers Laboratories, UL 1950, ce rtified by Canadian St andards Association, CSA22.
Euro pean Market s B-6 ❖ DocuPrint N C60 User Guide European Markets CE Certificat ion The CE marking applied to this product symbolizes Xerox Limited Declaration of Conformity with the followin g a.
Europea n Marke ts Appen dix B: Not ices and C ertificat ions ❖ B-7 EN55022 Conf igur atio n Specificatio n Base Printe r EN55022 -B Base Printe r with T oken Ring EN55022 -B Base Pr inter with 100M.
Safety Extra Low Voltage Safety Approval B-8 ❖ DocuPrint N C60 User Guide Safety Extra Low V oltage Safety Approval The DocuPrint NC60 printi ng system is in compliance with various govern mental agen cies and nationa l safety regulations.
Appen dix C: Printe r Options ❖ C-1 Printer Options A p p e n d i x C Optional Equipme nt .................. ............. ................... ........ C-2 How to Inst all Additional Memory .... .................... ............. . C-5 Memory Ins tallation Procedure .
Optional Equipment C-2 ❖ DocuPrint NC60 Use r Guide Optional Equipment Optional equipment is available which allows you to add special features to your printer o r upgrade your printer system to meet your particular needs. T able C.1 on pag e C-3 provi des a br ief descr ipt ion o f e ach enhancement available.
Optional Equipment Appen dix C: Printe r Options ❖ C-3 T able C.1 DocuP rint NC60 O ptional Eq uipment Optional Ki ts Conten t Use Requirements Hard Dr ive One - Hard drive Allows for secure job and proof job printing, stora ge of fonts and demo pages, a nd increases the productivity of multiple-page jobs via electron ic pre-collation.
Optional Equipment C-4 ❖ DocuPrint NC60 Use r Guide T oken Ring C ard One - T oken Ring Network Interface Plu g in car d Provides network capability utilizing IPX /SPX, TCP/IP , DLC/ LLC, SNMP and T okenT alk protocols. Comes standard with Flash memory for easy field upgrades.
How to Install Additional Memory Appen dix C: Printe r Options ❖ C-5 How to Install Additional Memor y Y our DocuPrint NC60 co mes with a total of 64 MB of DRAM memory and 8 MB of F lash. Y ou can increase the rando m acc ess memo r y of y our Doc uPr int NC 60 to a maximum o f 128 MB.
How to Instal l Additional Mem ory C-6 ❖ DocuPrint NC60 Use r Guide When you install additional memory in your printer , the memory SIMMs should be added by inserting them into slots contained in th e pullout panel on the rear of your print er . Memory slots appear as illustrated in Figure C.
How to Install Additional Memory Appen dix C: Printe r Options ❖ C-7 Memory Installa tion Procedure Each Memory Upgr ade Kit co ntains one memory SIM M. 1 Switch the printer off. 2 Loosen the screws on the rear of the pr inter that hold the pullout panel i n place.
How to Instal l Additional Mem ory C-8 ❖ DocuPrint NC60 Use r Guide For more information about optional equipment including additiona l memor y , see the S upp lie s/O ptio ns Guide .
Index I X Docu Prin t NC6 0 U ser G uide A Add Fonts • 3-52 Adjusting color balanc e • 4-4 Adjusting density • 4-4 Apple Co lorSync 2.0 • 1-7 AppleTalk • 1-6 Applicat ion Color Space • 3-3.
E DocuP rint NC60 User Guid e E Edge Smoothing PCL 5C printer driver • 3-49 Post Script pr inter drive r • 3-33 Edit • 3-52 Email Send an d Receive • 3-74 Enhanced Ali gnment PCL 5C printer dr.
L Docu Prin t NC6 0 U ser G uide L Labels Recommended types • 2-3 Load Overlay • 3-54 Lower Feeder • C-3 Lower Feeder Electric al Connection • 1-10 M Manual Bypass Feeder • 2-9 ➝ 2-13 Tr a.
Q DocuP rint NC60 User Guid e Print to File • 3-70 Printer cleaning • 4-2 Printer components • 1-9 ➝ 1-14 Printer configuratio n optio ns PCL 5C printer driver • 3-56 Post Script pr inter dr.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox NC60 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox NC60 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox NC60 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox NC60 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox NC60 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox NC60 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox NC60 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox NC60. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox NC60 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.