Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Inkjet Printer des Produzenten Xerox
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The Document Company XEROX DocuPrint C8 Ink Jet Printer.
ii Xerox Corpora tion ©1998 by Xer ox Corpo ration. A l l rig hts re se rve d. Copy rig ht prote ction cl aimed incl udes all f or ms and matte rs o f copy r ightable mate rial and infor mation no w al lo w ed by statuto ry or judicial law o r her einaf ter grante d.
iii Customer Support To reso lve p roblems w ith your printer, follow the suggestions that a r e pro vided in Chapter 4, Troubles hooting the Pr inter . If y ou are unable to solv e a DocuPrint C8 problem usin g this guide or the o nline Help, call the Xerox Customer Support Cen ter at 1-800- 832-6979.
iv If y ou require additional information about Xerox and Xerox prod ucts, visit the Xerox website at: http://WWW.XEROX.COM.
i Contents Cust omer S upport .................................................................................... iii Contents ........................................................................................................ i Introduction....
ii The Imag e Quality Property Page ........................................................... 31 The About Page....................................................................................... 34 The Status Property Pag e .....................
iii Cartridges an d print heads ...................................................................... 66 Selecting plain paper ............................................................................... 66 Selecting specialty print media ........
1 Chapter 1 Introduction The DocuPrint C8 printer is a fast, high quality, thermal ink jet printer design ed for both color and black and wh ite app lic ations. Fe aturing a c o mpact lightweight design, the printer is ideally suited for use in your office or at home.
2 Generating Fl oppy Di sks fr om your CD With your DocuPrint C8 printer you w ill receive a CD containing the software for ope r ating your pr inter in connection with your PC.
3 3. Place you r printer on a firm , solid surface. If y ou put it on an un steady surface, it m ight fall an d become damag ed. If you place the prin ter on a soft surface, such as a rug, sofa, or bed, t he vents m ay be block ed, causing it to ov erheat.
4 9. The use of an extens ion cord or power str ip with this printer is no t recommended . I f you are using a n extension cord or p ower strip w ith the p r inter, make sure that the total of the amperes required by all of the equipment on the extension is less than the extension’s rating.
5 11. Aside from the routine m aintenance d escribed in your printer do c umentation, do no t try to service the printer y o urself. Opening the cov er may ex pose you to shocks or oth er hazards. Do not make an y adjustm ents ot her than t hose described in the doc umentatio n, as you might cause da mage r e quiring extensive repair work.
6 13. The CE marking applied to this p roduct symbolizes Xerox’s declaration of confor mity w ith the following applicable directives of th e European Union as of the dates indicated.
7 Printer Registration To ensure that your prin ter is registered, please take a mom ent to register this product. Direction s are provided below. T he p referr ed re gistr ation method is thr o ugh on- line registration; h owever, each of th ese methods will enable y ou to register your produ ct.
8 Chapter 2 Understanding the printer’s features This chapter illustrates the p a rts o f the DocuPrint C8, explains the front panel contro l Printer Contro l button and LED light, and lists the printer specifications.
9 Hardware features Review the f o llowing illustrations to familiarize y ourself with the printer’s parts. Front view of DocuP rint C8 Printer Printer cover Paper Input Light (LED) Pa p er out p ut.
10 Inside view of DocuPrint C8 P rinter Top view of DocuPrint C8 P rinter Star Wheel Bar Green Cartridge Lock Lever Print Head and color ink.
11 Back view of DocuPrint C8 P rinter Parallel interface Power connection Serial Number.
12 Control panel Oper ation The DocuP rint C8 contro l p anel has one button and o ne light (LED). The Printer Co ntrol (green) button controls p rinter functions.
13 LED On Continuously A continuously lit LED can indicate any o f the following error conditions: • Out of paper – Fill the paper tray. Press and release the Printer Contro l b utton to feed paper. • Paper Jam – Press and ho ld the Printer Co ntrol button for at least 2 seconds to clear the jam.
14 Printer specifications Feature Specification Print s peed Black: Up to 5 ppm (draft mode) Color: Up to 2.5 ppm (draft) Print res olution Black: 600 x 600 dpi (plain paper) Color: 1200 x 600 dpi (in.
15 Feature Specification Paper tray capacity 100 sheets 75 g/m ² (20 lb.) paper Paper output shelf capacity 50 sheets 75 g/m ² (20 lb.) paper Paper size Autom atic feed: Letter, Legal, A 4 , A5, B5 , 8 x 10, Execu tive Envel opes: #10, DL, 7 ¾ Banne r feed : A4 x 5, Le tter x 5 Paper w eight 60 – 163 g/m ² plain paper: (16 – 43 l b.
16 System Requirements Operating Syst em Window s 95/98, Window s NT4.0 Random Access Mem ory Minim um 8 MB 16MB Recom mended Hard Disk Space 20 MB CPU 486-DX66 MHz Note: The use of bypass periph erals (i.e. a sw itch box or scanner) is not recom mended.
17 Printable area / M argins Recomm ended Possible A 5.0 mm (0.21”) 5.0 m m (0.21”) B 5.0 mm (0.21”) 5.0 m m (0.21”) C 5.0 mm (0.21”) 5.0 m m (0.
18 Chapter 3 Using the printer settings Using the DocuPrint C8 printer driver so ftw a re, you can select from a variety of setting s when prin ting docum ents. This chapter describ es the printer settings you can select and how to check the status of the documents sen t to the printer.
19 • Click on Drivers . • In the Select a product field , highlight DocuPr int C8 . 3. In the Oper ating System field, highlight Window s NT 4.0 . 4. In the L anguage field, select US Englis h or French . 5. Click on the Search button. 6. A large title appears: here is what we found .
20 Accessing printer settings You can access the printer setting s from a Windows softw are application o r from the Printers folder. From a Windows software application: Click Print from the File menu. In the Print dialog bo x, click Prop erties (o r Setup).
21 The Paper/Output Property Page The Paper/Outpu t property page provides th e follow ing settings: Copies Specifies the n umber of copies to print. T he valid range is 1 to 99. Orientation T hese radio buttons allow the user to select the paper o r ientation: Portrait (vertical orientation) or Landscape (ho r izo ntal orientation).
22 Print with cartridge Specifies the print cartridg e required for the current print job . This setting lets you send several documents to the printer and specify the ty pe o f pr int cartrid ge to use for each document.
23 Paper size Specify the paper size to be used for the current print job. The P aper size pull-down menu l ists sizes of paper on which to print. All choices are always available. The page icon to the left of the m en u changes to match the selection.
24 • Photo qual ity: Resolutio n is 1200 x 600 dpi on photo quality glossy p a p er. (Color/Photo C artridge only ). Saved set t ings Specifies the printer settings file to use for the print job . Four files are provided or y ou can create your own file.
25 Delete button Deletes the curren tly selected Saved setting file. Status b utto n D isp lays the Status w indo w. If the Status window is alread y running, it will be brought to the for eground . Default All Sets all controls on all pro p erty pages to their factory defaults.
26 The Page Layout Property Page The Page Lay out property page enables y ou to print on e image on m ultiple pages. It also allo ws several pages to be printed on a sing le sheet. The graphic to the left of the control is upda ted to reflect your specific lay out selectio n.
27 Poster Num ber of sheets This determines h ow m any pages each orig inal imag e is expanded to. The list contains 4, 9, and 16. Print crop m a rks When checked, a black bor der will be printed at the edge of the printable area of each expanded page.
28 Select Sheets Use this dialog to select expan d ed Poster sheets to print. The features in Select Sheets are: Clear Deselects all the sheets. The dialog box rem ains open. All Selects all the sheets. The dialog box rem ains open. OK Saves the curren t selections and exits the dialog box.
29 Multiple-up option The Multiple-up feature enables placem ent of multiple imag es on one documen t. If you select Multiple-up in the Page Layout pro per ty page, the following co ntr ols ap pea r : Images per sheet This selection d e termines how man y imag es are condensed and printed on one page.
30 Mirror Image In the cen ter of the Pag e Layout property page, is an icon and check box for Mirror Image . The printed image is flipped horizo ntally (left to right). This setting is autom atically selected wh en you choose Paper ty pe: Iron- on trans fer from the Paper/Output Propert y sheet.
31 The Image Quality Property Page The Image Quality p roperty page pro vides a large grap hic that estimates h o w Lighten/D arken , Co ntrast, and saturation of Red, Green , and Blue affect th e document. (Howev er, the graphic does not chan ge w hen you select Imag eFix.
32 Im ageFix Changes the docu ment imag e to improv e sharpness, contrast, and color. For example, Im ageFix will correct pictures and photographs that have poor color balance. T his does not work on all bitm aps, and it can s low processing of the docum ent.
33 Red Move the Red scrollbar to the left or right to decrease or in crease the amount of red in your print. The large bitmap to the left ref lects these changes. This control is disabled w hen Print document as is set to Grey scale. Green Move the Green scrollbar to the left or right to decrease or in crease the amount of green in your print.
34 The About Page This tab gives important information concerning the version of the soft ware and copy right dates . You should have the so ftware versio n numbe r availab l e for the Xerox Custom er Support Cent er when y ou call for assistance.
35 The Status Property Page The Status property page prov ides you w ith prin ter statu s information, including the level of ink in the print cartridge(s). The Status property page also shows th e progress of the current pri nt job. By def ault, t he Status prop e rty page op ens automatically w hile printing a docum ent.
36 Note: In Window s NT 4.0, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Printers. Click the Do cuPrint C8 ico n with the right m ouse b utton. W ith the left mouse button, click Document Defaults. This takes you to the Paper/O utput Property Pa ge.
37 If an ink car tr idge is e mpty, missing, or installed incorrectly, an error sym bol appears (a min i red circle with a wh ite X). Now print ing Indicates the nam e of the job being printed. T he actual text is supplied b y the application that req uested the p rint job.
38 The Maintenance Property Page The Mainten ance property pag e provides you with pri nter maintenance capabilities. If the printer is idle, you can open the Mai ntenance Property page by doing on e of the following: • Go to the Paper/Ou tput property pag e and click th e Status button, then click the Maintenance tab.
39 All the buttons on the Maintenance Property Page are disabled i f a job is being printed. These are the Maintenan ce property pag e features and settings: Inform ation area This area is at the top of the screen and consists of an icon and a message area.
40 If an ink car tr idge is e mpty, missing, or installed incorrectly, an error sym bol appears (a min i red circle with a w hite X). Change Cartridge Moves the print cartridge to the center position so you can remove it. A dialog box gives additio nal instructions for removing the cartridge.
41 • New print cartridge Select this option if you are installing a print cartridge that has never been used before, for exam ple, one you have just purchased and are in stalling for the first time. Once y ou have m ade the appropriate choice, click OK.
42 If a pattern oth er than zero has th e straightest lines, then select that pattern on the di alog box. Select Pri nt th e Alignm ent Test P attern if you w ant to verify the adjustm e nt, then click Align. If you are no t veri fying the ad justment, click Done .
43 Checking the documents in the print queue The DocuPrint C8 print queue show s the docum ents currently being printed or waiting to be p rinted. 1. To view the print qu eue, do one of the follow ing. • Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings, and click Printers.
44 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting the printer This chapte r describes comm on printer problem s that m ay occur and prov ides the recomm ended solutions. Follow the suggested so lutions to c o rrec t the p rob lem. If the problem continues, contact Xerox Custom er Support.
45 The printed document does not match the selected printer settings Cause Suggested So lution Some softw are ap plications override the setting s selected on the DocuPrint C8 prop e rty pages. Choose the printer settings fro m the application. Previously selected printer settings are used to pr int the docum ent.
46 The printed document is blank Cause Suggested So lution There may be a problem w ith the print head, pr inter cab le, or your PC. Print a T est p rint by unplugging the pow er cord from the rear of.
47 Cause Suggested So lution • Rem o ve print head and then remove ink ca r tridge s. Check to see if they are empty . Check th e ink output an d pin hole vents. Reinsert cartr id ges, making sure you hear a click, reinstall print head. • If necessary , contact the Xerox Cu stomer Su pport Center.
48 The document prints slowly Cause Suggested So lution The Pr int Quality is set to High quality. On the Paper/Output propert y page, set the Pr int q uality to Draft or Norm al. ImageFix is selected. On the Image Quality pr o perty page, click ImageFix to remove the check m ark.
49 The document sent to the printer does not print Cause Suggested So lution The printer cab le is no t connected properly . Unplug th e power source. Make sure the printer cable is securely connected to the prin ter and your PC. Reconnect th e power source.
50 The Front Panel LED i s on conti nuously Cause Suggested So lution The printer is out of paper. Add paper to the paper tray . Then, press and release the Printer Control (green ) button. The print head is not installed correctly. Press and release the Printer Control (green) button to center the print carriage.
51 An ink cartridge is em p ty, or the wrong brand of ink car tr idge is installed. Click the Change button on the Mainten ance property page, an d then follow the instructions to replace the ink cartridg e. An ink cartridge is not installed correctly.
52 The Front Panel LED i s bl inking slowl y Cause Suggested So lution There is a low ink condition. Install a new color o r black ink cartridge. The Front Panel LED is blinking intermittently Cause Suggested So lution There is data in the buff er.
53 The p rint is blurry or jagge d vertical lines appear Cause Suggested So lution The paper used is not recomm ended for the printer. Certain papers (recy cled paper) may cause poor quality output. Best results will be achieved by usin g paper developed f or ink jet printers.
54 The printed image is clipped or off the edge of the media Cause Suggested So lution The documen t marg ins m ay exceed the printer m argins. Change the d o cument m a rgins in the application that y ou are using to be within the recomm ended printable area.
55 Extra characters, dashes, or lines appear on the printed pages Cause Suggested So lution The printer cab le is to o long. Use a printer cable that is less than six f eet long. Port Monitoring soft ware is active from a device previously connected to the prin ter (parallel) port.
56 White horizontal lines and streaks of the wrong color appear on the printed pages Cause Suggested So lution An in k cartridge is empty . Replace the ink cartridge. Click the Change button on Mainten ance property page, an d then follow the instructions on the Quick R eference Guide f o r replacing the in k cartridge.
57 The print is faint or missing Cause Suggested So lution The paper used is not recomm ended for the printer. Certain papers (recy cled paper) may cause poor quality output. Best results will be achieved be usin g paper developed f or ink jet printers.
58 Ink is smeared on the printed pages Cause Suggested So lution The printer is p rinting outside the printable area. Change the document margins in the application that y ou are using to be within the recomm ended printable area.
59 The print quali ty of transparenci es i s poor Cause Suggested So lution The wrong type of transparen cies was u se d . Use transparencies m ade for ink jet pr inters o nly. Transparency is not selected f or the Paper Type opt ion on the Paper/Outpu t property page.
60 Color variations appear in large areas of color Cause Suggested So lution The print cartrid ge need s aligning. Align the print cartridge. Click the Align button on the Mainten ance property page, an d then follow the instructions display ed on the screen .
61 The paper is not feeding properly Cause Suggested So lution The paper is not co rrectly positioned b etween the paper guides. Align the left edge of the paper with the lef t p ap er guide. Slide the right p a per guid e lever until it rests lightly against the right edge of t he paper.
62 The paper does not stack neatly in the paper output shelf Cause Suggested So lution Ther e is not eno ugh clear ance above the paper ou tput shelf . Place a sheet of paper in th e paper output s helf. Check the clearance above th e top of the sheet; there should be two inches of clearance.
63 Packing the printer for return to a Service Center Should you need to return the printer for servicing, follow the packing instructions in this section Note: Do not ship t he power cord, pri nter cable, printer driver di sks, user guide, pr int head and ink cartridges , or storage box unles s instructed to do so.
64 9. Add enough lo o se fill to co mpletely surround a nd cover the printer. Compress the fill to ensure minim al mov e men t. 10. Securely tape and seal the box. The illustration b e lo w show s an example of how to pack the printer. Printer Outside box ( 275 lb.
65 Chapter 5 Selecting and ordering supplies To o r der supplies for your DocuPr int C8 , contact your local retailer. If your retailer is out of stock, y ou can or d e r supplie s thr ough Xer ox: In the United States , call 1- 800-822-2200. In Canada , call 1-800-668- 0199 (English -speakin g) or 1-800- 668-0133 (Fren ch-speaki ng).
66 Cartridges and print heads The following supplies are available for your printer: Item Description Reorder number Color ink cartridges Black Black in k cartridge 8R7994 Cy an Cy an ink cartridg e 8.
67 Selecting specialty print media Your Xerox printer will accept a w ide range of specialty print media to satisfy all y o ur printing needs. T hese include: • transparencies • high-quality matte paper, glossy paper • greeting c ard s • fabric transfer sh eets For best results, use specialty media design ed for Xerox ink jet pr inters.
68 Selecting labels Use only paper face label stock. Ink w ill not dry on vin yl, plastic, or clear label sto ck. Individual labels will not feed properly. Letter or A4 sheet size for the labels is required at a m inim um. For bes t result s, use label s designed for an ink jet printer.
69 Chapter 6 Printing DOS in a Window Your DocuPr int C8 printer so ftware includes a utility called the DOS Control P a nel. You can use this utility to print from applications that do not have a printer dr iver o r to print files directly from DOS in a Window .
70 4. The Installer will display a welcome screen. Select “next. ” 5. The installer will display a license agreem ent. Select “Yes .” 6. The next window d isplayed is a list of softw are options t hat can be dow nloaded to you r sy stem. Select “DOS Panel.
71 Index A About Pag e, 34 access the printer settin gs, 20 Alig n, 41, 53 B banner paper , 68 borders , 29 C Cartridge Clean, 53 Change Cartridge, 40 Collate, 21 Contrast , 32 control pane l, 12 CPU,.
72 P Page L ayout, 26 Paper siz e, 15, 66 Pap er t r ay capacit y, 15 Paper w eight, 15, 66 Paper/Output, 21 plain pape r, 1, 14, 15, 66 Plain pape r, 23 Poster, 26, 27 Power c onsumption, 15 powe r s.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox Inkjet Printer (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox Inkjet Printer noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox Inkjet Printer - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox Inkjet Printer reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox Inkjet Printer erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox Inkjet Printer besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox Inkjet Printer verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox Inkjet Printer. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox Inkjet Printer gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.