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Xero x Do cuP ri n t 92 C IPS Guide to Configuring and Managing the S yst em Version 7.1 August 2000 721P8918 0.
Xerox Corporation Printing Systems Docum ent ation and Edu cation 701 South Aviation Boulevard, ESM1-058 El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1997, 1998, 1999 , 2000 by Xerox Corporation.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM iii La se r safe ty ! Warning: Adjustmen ts, use of controls, or performan c e of procedures other than those spec ified herein m ay result in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint printers are certified to comply wi th the performance s tandards of the U.
iv XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Oper atio n s afety Your Xerox equipment and supplies have been d esigned and t ested to meet strict safety req uirement s. They have been approved by safety a gencies, an d they comply with environment al standards .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM v T abl e of conte nts Laser safety iii Ozone informati on iii O p er at io n s afe ty i v Intr odu cti on ix About t his guide ix Contents ix Conventions x Related publications xi 1.
TABLE O F CONTENTS vi XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Taking the IPS offline 2-5 Printer status 2-6 Starting a print jo b 2-6 Stopping the printer 2-6 Resuming pri.
TABL E OF CONTENT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM vii Setting of the debug level 4-2 7 Updating the software using a CD or a d iske tte 4-28 Updating the softwar.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM ix Intr oduction Thi s Xerox Do cuPrint 92C Guide t o Configurin g and M anaging the Sy stem provi d es inf ormatio n on h ow t o perform DocuPri nt system admin istrat ion tasks for th e DocuPri nt 92C IPS.
INTRO DU CTION x XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Con venti ons This guide uses the following conventions: • All ca ps and angle brackets — Within p rocedures, the names of ke ys are shown in all c aps within angle brack ets (f or ex am pl e, press <E N TER >).
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM xi Relate d pu blicat ion s This document is part of the Xerox DocuPrint IPS publication set. Xero x do cumen ts Fol lowin g is a li st of all Xerox DocuPrint IPS documents .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-1 1. 1 Intr oduction to the graphic al us er i nt er fac e This chapter gives an ov erview of the graphical user interface (GUI) and provides instructions on how to use it to interact with the system.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-3 Usin g th e us er in te rfac e scr eens The graphi cal user interface sc reens .
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Sele ctin g f rom a pul l -dow n m enu The re are two methods of accessing items from a pu ll-do wn m enu: • Click method: 1.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-5 Bu ttons A selection button display s as an oval or box (except for the Stop and Continue buttons) cont aining a f unction name, but n o inv erted triangle.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Movi ng a w in dow or ic o n Windows and i cons may be moved and repo siti oned whe re you want them on the sc reen.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-7 Enter in g in te xt Some windows c ontain lines on which you can ente r text such as fi le names or numeric values. At the beginning of a text field, there is a small icon.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Exit ing a win dow You can e xit most I PS windows by cl icking the left m ouse bu t ton on a Quit, Done, or Canc el button.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Menu s The IPS main window displ ays the following pull-down menus: • Co nf i gur at i on • Diagnostics • Adm ini stration • Sys tem Options.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-11 The Configuration pull-down menu contains the following items: • La nguag e — Allo ws you t o select the language in which GUI mes s ages w ill disp lay .
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Diagnostics menu Use the Diagnostics menu to print samples and specify trace mode options. (It is also u sed by your service representative t o acce s s system di agnostic f unctions.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-13 Admi nist ration me nu Use the Administration pu ll-down m enu to ac cess windows for per formi ng ad minis trat ive task s, s uch a s bi llin g rep or ting .
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM System O ptions me nu Use the S ystem Options pull-down menu to take the IPS online and offline, and shut d own the system. F i gur e 1- 14.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-15 Inpu t Confi gurat ion sect ion The Input Configuration section of the m ain w.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM • Printer T rays — Graphically shows t he stocks that should be loaded in the ph y sical f ee der tr ays f or the current input configuration.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-17 Note: IP DS bin 1 is cod ed in the software to be mapp ed t o the sample tray. The IPDS row 1 contains only a sample tray i con , which al ways display s bol ded; there are n o other printer b ins available to select.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Setu p and sta tus inf ormat ion The following s ystem setup and s t atus i.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-19 Status section The following items appear in the S tatus (middle) sec tion of the r ight column on the main window. They indicate what the pri nter is doing.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Ho st Job Cont rol sec tio n The Host Job Control section, locate d in the lower-right corner of the IPS main window contains three buttons: • St op • Continue • Cancel Job.
INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 1-21 Subwin d ow b u t tons This section describes some of the buttons that appear on sub- windows accessed throug h the main window pull-down menus and the Input and O utput Conf iguration sect ion.
INTROD UC TION T O THE GRAPHI CAL USER I NTERFAC E 1-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM The figure belo w shows one o f the windows that contain the Quit an d Apply buttons.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 2-1 2. 2 Star ting an d stopping the syste m This chapter describes how t o start and stop your printing system. It addresses the proper methods of powering the system on and off, starting and st o pping print jobs, shut ting down the system, and dealing with power failu r es.
STA RTING A ND ST OPPING THE S YSTE M 2-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Power ing on proce dur e Power on the IPS system in the following sequence: 1. P ower on all per ipherals, such as the optiona l tape drive a nd display monitor .
STAR TING AND STOPPIN G THE SYSTEM XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 2-3 P owe ring o ff th e IP S sy stem Do not power off the system until it has st op ped printing. Note: Powering off t h e syst e m at the end of the day i s not necessary.
STA RTING A ND ST OPPING THE S YSTE M 2-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM In r out in e operatio n When pow ering of f the system, follow this seq uence: 1. Mak e sure no print jobs are running . T ake the IPS offline from the host by s e lecting Offline from the System Options menu on the IPS main win do w .
STAR TING AND STOPPIN G THE SYSTEM XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 2-5 Af ter a po wer outa ge If an u nexpected po wer failure oc curs, switc h off the printer and al l component s of the Printer Controller. Switch the c o mponent s back on only after power is res tored.
STA RTING A ND ST OPPING THE S YSTE M 2-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Pri nter statu s The defaul t printer st at us is online an d ready t o print. The current status is displayed in the Control Unit St atus field on the I PS m ain window.
STAR TING AND STOPPIN G THE SYSTEM XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 2-7 Res um ing pri nti ng You must always resume printing an interrupted job in the same way .
STA RTING A ND ST OPPING THE S YSTE M 2-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Rem oving med ia from the proces sor This section explains how to ej ect a disket te from the di skette drive, and how to remove a CD from the CD-ROM drive.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-1 3. 3 Setting u p the Printer Contr oller This chapter describes the procedures tha t are required to set up your Printer C ont roller to receive and p r ocess the types of print jobs you will be runnin g.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Sele cting a lan guage You can select the language in which the GUI panel and labels will display. 1. F rom t he Configura t ion pu ll-do wn menu, sel ect Langua ge .
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-3 Sp eci fy ing t he sy stem in terf ace This section describes the procedure for specifying the network or channel in t erface for your system.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Selec t in g cha n nel int e rface To specify your interface as a bus and tag channel (parallel chann el interface), follow t hes e ste ps: 1.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-5 Selec t ing TCP/IP inter face Note: When the system is sending a resource-intensive job using TCP/IP, th e job will take c onsiderably longe r to load via t he network.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Ena bli n g or disa bl in g th e mo de m Your service rep resentative may install a m odem i n your syst em for diagnostic purposes. This modem is used for dial-in servicing and diagnostics when neede d by your service representative.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-7 All ocati ng me mory fo r resour ces The Resourc e Limits option all o ws you to specify additional mem ory to be used for resources such as fonts and ove rlays.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Di spl ayi ng a nd ad din g resi dent fo nts You can disp lay the res ident fonts current ly loaded on your system , or add res ident f onts as needed.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-9 Ad ding reside nt f onts You can add res ident fonts from v arious medi a includin g CD-ROM, diskette (floppy), or you r network. To add resi dent fonts to your system, follow these steps: 1.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 5. From the I nput Med ia pull-down menu, select the medium y ou want to u se as the source f or the additional f ont s. The f ont s av ai lab l e on t he selecte d medi um display .
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-11 Load ing the I PS softw ar e lice nse t ext s trin g When an IPS system is purchased, the new owners mu st have a license authorizing them to use the IPS operating system software .
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER 3-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM The IP S Authorization win do w displa ys. F i gur e 3- 11. I PS Au thor iz at ion wind ow 2. O n the Enter Expiration Date line, ent er the license e x piration date provided by your ser v ice represent ativ e.
SETTING UP THE PRINTER CONTROLLER XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 3-13 Swi t c hing mo des (D ual Mode ) The Dua l Mode printing op ti on lets you switch back and forth between IPS and NPS modes on your P rinter Contr o lle r.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-1 4. 4 Setting the s ystem configura tion This chapter describes the procedures for configuring your system. You access those procedures through the pull-down menus on the IPS main window.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Pri vile g e Mode s The IPS allows access to various functions based on a user ’ s privilege lev el.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-3 Chang ing th e Priv ilege Mode Changing your current p rivilege level to an O perator M ode, Administrator Mode, or Service Mode requires a password.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Ch angi ng th e pass w ord for a P rivilege Mode To change the password for a Privilege Mode (Operator or Administrator): 1. From the Adm inistration menu, select Privilege Mode, then Change Operato r P assword.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-5 Acc es sin g co nf ig ur at i on t as ks From the I PS main windo w, configure your sys.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM Indic ating t he inp ut resolut ion This section describes the procedure for commu nicating the resolution of the fonts used in the incoming job to the IPS.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CO NFIGURI NG AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 2. Ent er the v a lue for t he maximu m number of si mpl e x page s you want printed in duple x mode and press <ENTE R>, or click t he arrows to select the value.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-9 Extr ac tio n C ol or wi nd ow The Extraction Color window contains the following option s: • Co lor p ull-d own m e nu — Lists the ei ght colors allowed by the IPDS data stream , from which you select the e xt raction color .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Rules fo r e xtracti on co lor Here are some g eneral rules for e x traction hi ghlight color.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-11 Proc edur e To specify the extraction color: 1. From the C onfiguration m enu, select Extraction Color . The Extraction C olor f or Highlight Pr inting window di spla ys .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Pri n ti n g th e IP S co lo r samp les Your IP S has two sets of color pa lette trace files, stored i n the /v ar /db directory on the Printer Controller.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM For the pa ge to print correct ly in po r trait orientation o n the IPS cu t sheets, its text origin m ust be rot a ted 90 o , via the Co nt inuous Forms Emulation window.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-15 Follow these steps: 1. S elect Conti nuous F o r ms Emulation from the Config uration pull-down m enu. 2. O n the Continuous Form Selection window , clic k Enabled.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Spe cifying the m e d ia u nits This section describes the procedure fo r specifying the media units you want to u se for we ight and s ize. The specified units are us ed on the IPS main wi ndow.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-17 Set tin g o pti onal proc ess ing par am ete rs You can set pro ce ssi n g par ame ters fo r your syst em as fol l ows : 1. S elect Optional Process ing P ar a meters from the Configurat ion pull-down m enu.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM F i gur e 4- 8. Optional Processing Par ameters wi ndow 5. Reboot the syst e m to put your se tti n g s int o eff ect (e xce p t f or “ Alter nate m arkform , ” whi c h does not require a reboot.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-19 Diag nost ics menu task s The following proc edures c an be acc essed from the Diagnostics pul l- down menu.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Note: If your DocuPrint 92C IPS has DFA, the Sample Prints window contains two additional fields: Number of Set s and Fin ish ing Fu nct i on . F i gur e 4- 10.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-21 No te : The following scre en shows a s ampling of t he files that ar e availabl e . Your syste m may ha ve di fferent sample files, or you may choose to have some added or deleted.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM • Nu m ber of S hee ts — Specifies the number of pages you w ant to print f r om the sample file. The range is 0 to 5 00 sheets. The default is 10 sheets.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-23 Manu al PQA bu tto n When you click this button, the syst em prints a one-page sample. This initiates an automatic print quality adjustment if needed.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Ca ptur i ng an d ex ecu tin g a tra ce This sec tion desc r ibes the procedures you u se to i nitiate a tr ac e to perform system diagnost ics and to execute a trace.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-25 The T race window contains the f ollowing options and field: • On li ne — Enables the in terface after you execut e the trace. • Offline — Disables the interface s o that you can ex ecute th e tr ace.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 5. Ent er a name f or the trace f ile. Y ou can enter t he full directory path along with the file name to sa ve the tr ace file directly to a de si re d l o ca tio n.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-27 Pri nti ng a trace file You can print a trace fi le using the conprt utility as follows: 1.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-28 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Set tin g o f the debug leve l You can set t he l e v e l of debug m essages t o be st ored in l og message files. T o set the debug l evel: 1. From the D iagnostics m enu, sele c t Debug Lev el .
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-29 Up dat ing th e softwa r e using a C D or a di sket te You can update the printing system s oftware using a CD or a diskette, provided by your service representative.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-30 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Up dat ing th e softwa r e r em otel y You can update the printing system sof tware remotely a s follows: 1. From t h e Di agnosti cs menu, select Install Remote Update.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-31 Syst em O pt ions menu task s From the System Opt ions pull-down window, you can access windows to place the IPS online and offline, and s hut down the syste m .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-32 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Spec ifyi ng the input conf igur at ion This section describes the procedures for creating, c.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-33 Exam ple of an input c onfigur ation Here is an exam ple of a hypothet ical input conf.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-34 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM • Wh en tray 1 is empty, feeding will switc h to tray 3, then tray 4, without any intervent ion from the operator. Printing will not stop until trays 1, 3, and 4 are em pt y.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-35 Sett in g up margin v alues The IPS sof tware a ll o ws you t o save m ultiple margin s ettings b y making the margin values part of the attributes of the I PDS trays.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-36 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 3. From the M odi fy Ma rgin Settings window , selec t one or more IPDS t ra ys. Note: T he curr e nt margin v alues for t he first IPDS tr ay selected di sp l ays.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-37 Creating a media icon To creat e new icon s for your Media Library, follow t hese steps: 1. In the Input Configuration section of t he main wi ndow , using the default p ull-down list, select the input configuration of y ou r choice.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-38 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM F i gur e 4- 25. M ed ia Li bra r y wind ow The Media Librar y window contains the f ollowing elements: • Butt ons — Add — Displays the Create a New Media T ype window, which enables you to add new media i cons to the Library .
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-39 F i gur e 4- 26. Me dia T ype w indow 4. O n the Media T ype window , make your selections in t he f o llowing f i elds for t he new media icon y ou are adding.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-41 Note: After you complete all edits to your medi a icon, click Appl y , and close the Create a new M edia Ic on wind o w, y ou r tem por a ry for m type will b e d ele ted .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-42 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Chan ging a med ia icon To change or edit a m edia icon in your Media Library, follow these ste ps: 1. Ac cess the M edia L ibr a r y window . For the proced ure, refer to the “ C r eating a media icon ” section earlier in t hi s chapter.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-43 1. Ac cess the M edia L ibr a r y window . For the proced ure, refer to the “ C r eating a media icon ” section earlier in t hi s chapter.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-44 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Addi n g a new in pu t co nfi gur a t i on To create a new input configuration: 1. From t he I n put Configuration p u ll-down m enu, select an y name to u se as the base for buildin g the n ew co nf ig ur a tio n .
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-45 F i gur e 4- 30. Inpu t Co nfi gurat ion wind ow 3. If you need any stocks for which there a re no icons in the M edia Library , create med ia icons for them .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-46 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM F i gur e 4- 31. Tray cells section of a sample input configur ation Examp le: In t he ex ample shown abov e, the cells for pr inter tra y s 1, 2, 3, and 4 all contain media icons f or 20-poun d white USLette r (8.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-47 • Other tr ay cells: D rag a media icon from any othe r IPDS or Printer Tray cell on t he IPS I nput Configuration window.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-48 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM F i gur e 4- 32. Tray cells section of a sample input configur ation Examp le: I n the ex a mple shown above , I P DS tra ys 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all m apped to printer t r a ys 1 an d 2.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-49 T o set up th e I PDS tray cell s: In eac h IPDS tray cell, place the same med ia icon that is i n the cell f or the printer tr a y to which you w a nt t o map that IPDS tra y .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-50 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Changi ng an inp u t configur ation f ile To change an existing input configurat ion: 1. From the I nput Conf iguration pull-down menu, select the input configuration you w ant to change.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-51 Deletin g an input co n fi guration file To delete an input configuration: 1. From the I PS main window Input section, clic k the Modify button.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-52 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Co rrect ing a f eeder tr ay mi smatc h err or When a feeder tray is adj usted for a certain s i ze paper, the syst e m senses that adjustment. (Other stock attributes, such as weight, color, an d form ty pe, are not sensed.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-53 Spec ifyi ng the out put c onfigur ati on This section describes the proc edures you use to specify o ut pu t tray configurations for your system .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-54 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Exam ple of an out put conf igura tion In the Output Configuration section of the main window, the horizontal rows of icons repres ent the IPDS bi ns specified in the job as the output destination.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-55 Cr eating a ne w outpu t conf igura tion To create a new output configuration: 1. From the Output Configuration pull-down menu on the IPS main window , select any name t o use as the base for the new outp ut configuration.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-56 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 2. M ake any desired changes in the fields described below . • B in S elec tion Mode — Spec i fies how the IPS will dete rmine the bin t o which the job will be delivered.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-57 3. (DF A systems only) F rom the DF A Profile pull-do w n menu on the IPS main window , select the DF A output personality profile you will u s e with t his configuration.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-58 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM F i gur e 4- 43. Bins section of the Output Configuration window Examp le: In the illu stra tio n, IP DS bin r ow 2 h as the Sta cker 1 button highlighted (selected).
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-59 Specifying finishing attributes (for sy stems with DF A) To specify finishing attributes, follow these steps: 1. O n the Output Conf iguration window, c heck the “ Fini sh ing ” box, then click the Finishing Attributes button.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-60 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM — N to 1 — Output s h eets are d eliv ered to the o utput bin in descending order (the last page i s deliv ered first). No te : The size o f the orde r ed set m ust fall within the spec ifi ed maxi mum se t s iz e.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-61 Specifying stitching attributes (for systems with a stitcher) To spec ify stitching attributes, follow these steps: 1.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-62 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 3. Click Quit to speci fy these stitching attributes f or the present configuration file and return t o the IPS Output Configuration windo w . Cha ngi n g an o ut put co nfi gur at ion To change an output con figuration: 1.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-63 Deletin g an output co nfiguratio n To delete an output configuration file for the s y st em : 1. O n the Output section of t he IPS main window , click the Modify button.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-64 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM 2. From the D F A Profile pull-down menu, select any name to use as a base f or the new profil e. (Y ou wi ll rename the new fil e, so the ex i sting file y ou selected to b uild from will not be change d.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-65 Y ou may make c h anges to the f ollowing fields: • Tim e Between Sheets (ms) (p1) — Specifies the time required by the third party fi n ishing device from the top of the sheet to the bottom of the sheet.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-66 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM This i s set w ithin a FORMDEF via t he PRO CESSING keyword i n the PPFA. The range is a hexadecim al value from 0000 to FF FF . You w ill need to obtain these v alues from the job or the applications pro gram mer.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-67 8. If you w ant to put the ne w prof ile into eff ec t immediately , clic k Appl y & Sa ve. 9. Clic k Quit to re turn to the IPS main windo w .
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-68 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Backin g up and rest orin g co nfig urat io n file s The following configuration files can be backed up and restored between IPS systems operating sy stem software version 5.
SETTIN G TH E SYSTEM CONF IGURAT ION XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUI DE T O CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYS TEM 4-69 Sa ving conf iguration files t o disket te To copy your configuration files to a diskette f o r storage or transfer, follow t his procedure: 1.
SETTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 4-70 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM Res toring co nfigu ration files fr om d iskette To restore your configuration files from a di skette, follow this procedure: 1. Ins er t the diskette used f o r a bac kup of the configuration f iles into the drive.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM INDEX-1 Inde x Numerics 1.25 MB Data S treaming, 3-4 2.5 MB Data S treaming, 3-4 A Add a New Form Type window, 4-39 Add b utton, 1-.
INDEX INDEX-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM extraction color sample s, 4-10 Extraction Color window, 4-9 extraction color, specifying, 1-11, 4-8 – 4- 11 F feed.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM INDEX-3 INDEX N NPS mode, switching, 3-13 null modem c onnection, 1-12 Number of Sets fi eld, 4-21 Number of Sheets field, 4 -21 O .
INDEX INDEX-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM tra ce capturing, 4-23 – 4-25 executing captured , 4-25 printing, 4-2 6 updating s oftware from CD, 4-28 from diske.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 92C IPS GUIDE TO CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE SYSTEM INDEX-5 INDEX updates, s oftware from CD, 1-12, 4-28 from diskette, 1-12, 4-28 remotely, 1-12, 4-29 updating c onfiguration f iles,.
DOUBL E-CLI CK ON T HIS TEXT FRO M A NY MAST ER PA GE AND EDIT THE D EFINITI ON -1 ../../../ IPS & LPS Graphics/Dpc0010a.cgm iii ../../../IPS & LPS Graphics/7192-mainplus.tif @ 172 dpi 1-2 ../../../ IPS & LPS Graphics/slsysoptionsbutton.tif @ 72 dpi 1-3 .
-2 DOUBLE-CLICK ON THIS TE XT FROM ANY MASTER PAGE AND EDIT THE DEFINITION ../../../IPS & LPS Graphics/tracepullOnline.tif @ 144 dpi 4-23 ../../../IPS & LPS Graphics/tracepullOffline.tif @ 1 44 dpi 4-23 ../../../IPS & LPS Gr aphics/tracemodeName.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 92C IPS (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 92C IPS noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 92C IPS - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 92C IPS reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 92C IPS erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 92C IPS besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 92C IPS verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 92C IPS. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 92C IPS gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.