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ColorQube TM 9201/9202/9203 C olorQube TM 9201/9202/9203 S yst em Administr ator Guide.
© 2009 X erox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® a nd the sphere of connectivity design are tr ademarks of X erox Corpor ation in the US and/or other countries. Pr oduct names and tr ademarks of other companies are hereb y acknowledged. Changes are periodically made to this document.
System Administrator Guide iii T able of C ont ents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Xerox ColorQube™ Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 iv System Administrator Guide Job Deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Extensible Service Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 System Administrator Guide v TCP/IP Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Configure Static Addressing using the Device . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 vi System Administrator Guide Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 X erox Print er Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 System Administrator Guide vii Security Policies: To enable IP Sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 Host Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 viii System Administrator Guide Inf ormation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 C omplete the F ax Setup Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 System Administrator Guide ix How Do I Upgrade the Software? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1 Upgrade via Internet Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co lorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 x System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 1-1 1 Introduction This guide has been created f or System Administr ators who need to install, set up and manage printers and other services on their network.
Introduction ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 1-2 System Administrator Guide R elated Inf ormation Sources Inf ormation available f or this product series consists of: •T h e System Administr ator Guide (this guide) •T h e Quick Use Guide •T h e Inter active User Guide •T h e Advanced User Guide •T h e X e r o x w e b s i t e www.
System Administrator Guide 2-1 2 Device C onnection This chapter describes how to connect your devi ce to a network and configure Ethernet settings. F ront View Po we r O n / O f f S w i t c h.
Device C onnection ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 2-2 System Administrator Guide R ear View Inserting the SIM C ard Connection P anel Po we r Ca b l e Inserting the SIM C ard Con n ec ti o n Pa n el.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Device Connection System Administrator Guide 2-3 Device C ontrol P anel Overview Initial C onnection F ollow these steps to ph ysically connect your device to the network.
Device C onnection ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 2-4 System Administrator Guide T o access the W elcome P age or Properties t ab of Internet Services, T CP/IP and HTTP m us t b e en a ble d o n t he device as described in the Introduction on page 1-1 of this guide.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Device Connection System Administrator Guide 2-5 Ethernet C onf igur ation Ethernet P ort The Ethernet Interf ace is set to auto detect the speed of your network.
Device C onnection ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 2-6 System Administrator Guide 3. Pr ess the <Machine Status> button, and then the [T ools] ta b. 4. W ait f or the screen to r efr esh, touch [Network Settings] , touch [Advanced] , if a warning message appears, touch [Continue] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Device Connection System Administrator Guide 2-7 The W elcome screen will display. The Internet Services home page cont ains three panels without visible boundaries. Y ou can change the left and right panel sizes b y dragging the boundary between them.
Device C onnection ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 2-8 System Administrator Guide Setup HTTP The Internet Services HTTP screen enables the S ystem Administr ator to specify the Keep Alive Timeout, Maximum Connections, P ort Number and S ecure HTTP (SSL) settings.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Device Connection System Administrator Guide 2-9 How to Add or Change a Stat ic IP Address when ther e is no DHCP Serv er A vailable At th e Dev ice 1. Pr ess the <Log In/Out> button. 2. Enter the Administr ator’s User Name [admin] , touch [Next] , enter the Password [111 1] , then touch [Enter] .
Device C onnection ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 2-10 System Administrator Guide Configur e additional purchased options R ef er to the Options section of this guide and f ollow the instructions provided. Note If you are inst alling multiple devices on your netw ork, you may find the Cloning f eature useful.
System Administrator Guide 3-1 3 Gener al Setup Set a Description f or the Device The CentreW are Internet Services Properties Description page contains inf ormation that identifies a specific device model, name and ph ysical loc ation.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-2 System Administrator Guide 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Security] link. 6. Select [Admin Passwor d] in the directory tree.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-3 4. T ouch [Device Set tings] . 5. T ouch [Configur ation/Info rmation Pages] . 6. T ouch the [No] button under Prin t Configur ation at P ow er On . 7. T ouch [Save] . 8. Pr ess the <Log In/Out> button, then touch [Logout] to exit t he T ools pathway.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-4 System Administrator Guide 5. Select [Configur ation Overvi ew] in the directory tree. 6. Click on the [Settings] button next to the service that you want to configur e, f or example E-mail. Note If you cannot see any services, then they hav e not been installed on your device.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-5 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Gener al Setup] link. 6. Select [Cloning] in the directory tree. 7. F rom the Create Clone File ar ea, check to boxes next to the f eature to select the settings that you wish to clone.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-6 System Administrator Guide 9. Click on the [OK] button, when you see a dialog box that says “Pr operties hav e been successfully modified” . TIFF ( T agged Image File F ormat) Settings T agged Image File F ormat is a multi-platf orm f ormat f o r rast er (bitmapped) gr aphics.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-7 XPS Settings XPS is Microsoft's new electronic paper f orm at, an alternativ e to PDF. XPS is currently support ed as a saved file f ormat in Micr osoft Office 2007, with an XPS v i ewer built into Windows Vista.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-8 System Administrator Guide Accessing W orkflow Sc anning, E-mail, or Internet F ax Settings 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-9 4. T ouch the [T ools] ta b. 5. T ouch [Secur ity Settings] . 6. T ouch [Authentication] . 7. T ouch [Job Deletion] . 8. T ouch either: • [All Users] to allow any user to delet e any job in the job list.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-10 System Administrator Guide SMart eSolutions Inf ormation 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] . 2. Click on the [Status] t ab.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-11 8. Select F ast R esume to [On] to reduce the time t aken f or the de vice to wake up. This will change the def ault sleep/low timeout and increase energy usage. 9. Click on the [Apply] button to accept the changes or [Undo] to return the settings to their previous value s.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-12 System Administrator Guide 3. When you hav e finished making changes click on the [Ap ply] button to save or [Undo ] to cancel.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-13 Billing Inf ormation and Usage C ounters The Billing and C ounters page pro vides the Billing in f ormation f or the device, incl uding number of impressions print ed or copied.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-14 System Administrator Guide 5. Click on the [R eprint Sav ed Jobs] link. 6. Select [Enablement] in the directory tree. 7. Click the [Enabled] radio button to enable the f eature, and click on the [Apply] button.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-15 2. Enter the Administr ator’s User Name [admin] , touch [Next] , enter Password [1111] , touch [Ent er] . 3. Pr ess the <Machine Status> button. 4. T ouch the [T ools] ta b.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-16 System Administrator Guide Configur e SNMP Community Names 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] . 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-17 Software Upgr ade via Network C onnection P repare f or the Upgrade Obtain th e new software upgrade fil e f or your device f rom the www.xero website or f rom y our Xero x Customer Support R epresent ative.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-18 System Administrator Guide Manual Upgr ade At your W or ksta tio n 1. Open the web br owser and enter the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and pr ess [Enter] . 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 General Setup System Administrator Guide 3-19 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Gener al Setup] link. 6. Select [ Co n f ig u ra t io n Re po r t ] in the directory tree, scroll down to the Co mmo n U se r Da ta section to see your S ystem Software V ersion.
Gener al Setup ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 3-20 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 4-1 4 C entreW are Internet Services This chapter explains how to enable and use the Internet Services f eature of the de vice.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-2 System Administrator Guide Access Internet Services Instructions to access Internet Services: 1. Open the web br owser fr om your W orkstation. 2. In the URL field, enter http:// f ollowed b y th e IP Address of the device.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 CentreW are Internet Services System Administrator Guide 4-3 – Management - Network Administr ator needed to fix this problem – No intervention required - A normal device status. R ebooting the device It is possible to reboot the device from Int ernet Services.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-4 System Administrator Guide 4. The [Consumables] screen will show consumable inf ormation f or: • ColorQube Stick • Cleaning Unit • .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 CentreW are Internet Services System Administrator Guide 4-5 Sav ed Jobs Within the Jobs tab screen select the [Sav ed Jobs] tab . The screen will display the Sa ved Jobs, the memory used on the device, y ou can also create new sav ed job f olders and manag e saved j ob f olders.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-6 System Administrator Guide If Network Accounting is installed, then enter y our Account and User ID f or accounting purposes. (The Accounting fields are only visible if accounting is enabled on your device).
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 CentreW are Internet Services System Administrator Guide 4-7 Gener al Setup C onf igur ation The Configur ation page displays the f ollowing inf ormation: • R eport Profi.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-8 System Administrator Guide 7. T o clone all f eatures simply click on the [Select All] button, or to customize individually, click on the [Clear All] button and click to check the individual f eature box to be cloned.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 CentreW are Internet Services System Administrator Guide 4-9 8. F o r PDF & PDF/A Settings , check the enable box f or [Optimized for F ast W eb Viewing] if yo u want to create linearized PDF files.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-10 System Administrator Guide Extensible Service Setup Extensible Service Setup utilizes web based services t o enable users to access services.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 CentreW are Internet Services System Administrator Guide 4-11 g. If prompted, ent er the User ID and Passwor d of the Administrator’s account and click on [L ogin] . h. The Settings Confirmed. Send T e st e-mail? window will appear.
Centr eW are Internet Services ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 4-12 System Administrator Guide L ow Supply W arning This f eature allows you to set the device to disp lay a ‘low warning message’ about a Supp ly’s level. B y setting a value to ‘0’, the user will see “NO W ARNING MESSAGE” that the Supply is getting low.
System Administrator Guide 5-1 5 Network Inst allation This chapter explains how to set up the device to oper ate in diff erent network environments. • TC P / I P S e t t i n g s on page 5-2 • Win.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-2 System Administrator Guide T CP/IP Settings This section explains how to set up the device to op er ate in a Win dows T CP/ IP environment.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-3 8. T ouch [Sav e] . 9. T ouch [Dynamic Addressing] . 10. T ouch [Disabled] to disable DHCP. 11. T ouch [Save] . 12. T ouch [IP Address/Host Name] . 13. T ouch button under the [IPv4 Address] heading, enter the IP Address using the on-screen k eypad.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-4 System Administrator Guide Enable Dynamic DNS Registr ation Note If your DNS serv er does not support d ynamic updates, then this function does not need to be enabled. 38. T ouch [Dynamic DN S R egistration] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-5 10. Pr ess the [Log In/Out] button, touch [Logout ] to exit T ools mode. IPv4 Configur e T CP/IP Settings using Internet Services 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] .
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-6 System Administrator Guide Note If your DNS Serv er does not support dynamic updates there is no need to enable DDNS. 16. Check the [Enable] box f or Re l ea s e Re gi s t rat i o n in the DHCP/DDNS area ONL Y if you wish to release this device's IP addr ess upon reboot.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-7 9. Check the [Enable] box f or Protocol to enable the T CP/IP protocol. Note If you do not check the P rotocol Enabled box you will not be able to access Internet Services.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-8 System Administrator Guide 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b. 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-9 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Connectivity] li nk. 6.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-10 System Administrator Guide 15. Click on the [OK] button, when you see the window that says “P roperties hav e been succes sfully modified” . SNMP Allows you to configure the f ollowing opti ons when accessing the device via SNMP.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-11 Con f ig ure SN M P v 3 Note SSL (Secure Sock et Layer) must be enabled bef ore you can configur e SNMP v3. Click the [Configur e HTTPS] link on the SNMP Internet Services screen to comp lete this task.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-12 System Administrator Guide 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Connectivity] li nk. 6. Click on the [Pr otocols] link. 7. Select [Microsoft Networking] in the directory tree. 8. Check the [Enabled] box under Pr otoc ol to enable Microsoft Networking.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-13 8. Check the [Enabled] box to enable the Protocol. 9. T ype a name f or the device in [P rinter Name] . The def ault name is XRX_MAC address. Note The def au lt l ocal zone is i dent ifie d as "*" .
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-14 System Administrator Guide Create an IPP P rinter at y our W orkstation V erify the correct software is loaded 1. At the Desktop, right-click the [My Network Places] icon. 2. Select [Properties] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-15 5. Click [Start] , [Settings] , then [Printers] . 6. Double-click the [Add P rinter] icon to start the Add P rinter Wizard. 7. Click [Next] . 8. Click [Local Printer] . Deselect the Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play prin ter option.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-16 System Administrator Guide Windows XP Configur e T CP/IP and SLP Settings 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-17 16. Check the [Enabled] box f or Self Assigned Address, under Ze ro-C onfigur ation Networking, to support communicating with other devices using 169.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-18 System Administrator Guide 8. Ensure the [Enabled] box is checked to enable Raw T CP/IP Printing.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-19 14. Click on the [OK] button when you see the window that says “P roperties ha ve been succes sfully modified” . Note The settings are not ap plied until you rest art the device.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-20 System Administrator Guide Internet Services Once installed, an I PP printer will pro vide a link directly to the In ternet Services web pages. T o Access Internet Services 1. F rom the [Start] menu select [P rinters and F axes] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-21 6. Click on the [Status] t ab, select [Description & Alerts] in the dir ectory tree.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-22 System Administrator Guide Ap ple T alk Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedure, please en sure the f ollowing ite.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-23 4. Locate and open the [Mac] fo l d e r . Instructions f or V ersion 10.x (OS X) 1. Double-click to open the f older cont aining the drivers f or v ersion 10.x. 2. Double-click to open the [machine model.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-24 System Administrator Guide Enabling T CP/IP on the device 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] . 2. Click the [Pr operties] ta b.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-25 8. Select the options according to those installed on y our device. 9. Click [OK] . 10. Print a document f rom an applic ation to verify that the p rinter is installed correctly .
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-26 System Administrator Guide NetW are Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedures, please en sure the f ollowing items are available or ha ve been perf ormed: • An existing operational NetW are network.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-27 Note That you can also select the IP Address or Host Name radio buttons to specify the serv er used in the IP environment. 2. Click on the [Apply] button to accept the changes or [Undo] to return the settings to their previous value s.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-28 System Administrator Guide AS400 R aw T CP/IP P rinting to P ort 9100 (CR TDEVPR T) This is the procedure to set up printing to a device f rom an AS/400 using the SNMP drivers.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-29 Lan Attachment: *IP P ort Number: 9100 Online at IPL: *yes F ont Identifier: 11 Fo r m Fe e d * a u t o c u t Note F or some versions of AS400, the def ault may match some of these par ameters.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-30 System Administrator Guide •T r a n s f o r m S C S t o A S C I I : * YES • Manuf acturer type and model: * IBM42011 ***SEE NOTE BEL OW*** • W orkstation customizing ob ject: xxxxxxxx (leav e as def ault) •L i b r a r y : xxxxxxxx (leav e as def ault) • Internet addr ess: xx.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-31 UNIX HP-UX Client (V ersion 10.x) HP-UX workstations require specific installation steps to communicate wi th the machine. The machine is a BSD-style UNIX printer, whereas HP-UX is a Syst em Vstyle UNIX.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-32 System Administrator Guide • Selec t [R emote Print er is on a BSD Sy stem] and click [OK] to complete f o rm. 9. Click [Y es] at the C onfigure HP UX P rinters Subpanel screen. This screen may be obscur ed by Add R e mo te Prin ter /Pl ot ter form .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-33 The Configur ation R eport will print. V erify the addresses det ailed under T CP/IP Settings. T o Configure y our Solaris 2.x Client • Ensure the machine is connected to the network w ith Ethernet cabling.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-34 System Administrator Guide a. Press the <Machine St atus> button on the device. b. T ou ch the [Machine Inf ormation] ta b. c. T ouch [Inf ormation Page s] . d. T ouch [Configur ation R eport] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-35 CUPS The Common UNI X Printing S ystem (CUPS) was creat ed by Easy Softwar e Products in 1998 as a modern replacement f or the Berk eley Line Print er Daemon (LPD) and A T and T Line Printer (LP) syst em designed in the 1970s f or printing text to line printers.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-36 System Administrator Guide An Overview of the C ommon UNIX P rinting System, V e rsion 1.1, and a large amount of other descriptive documenta tion, is also available at this sit e.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Installation System Administrator Guide 5-37 F or complete inf ormation on CUPS printing capabilities , see the CUPS Software Users Manual a vailable f rom www.
Network Installation Col orQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 5-38 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 6-1 6 P rint Driv ers This chapter summarizes the print driver f eatures and fu nctions. Y ou can use Internet Services to configure the Print Driv ers.
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-2 System Administrator Guide Windows 2000/2003 Serv er X erox P rinter Installer This section provides instructions on how to instal l printer drivers manually. How ever, y ou can use Xer ox Print er Installer to discover the printer and inst all drivers.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-3 8. Click [OK] . 9. Click [Next] . 10. Close the [Add/R emov e Pr ograms] window. Add the P rinter 1. F rom the [Start] menu, select [Settings] and then [P rinters]/[Prin ters and F ax es] .
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-4 System Administrator Guide Windows 2000 P rof essional Note Y ou can use CentreW are to configure the Print Driver in this environment. X erox P rinter Installer This section provides instructions on how to instal l printer drivers manually.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-5 3. Double-click [Add Pr inter] and click [Next] . 4. V e rify that [Network P rinter] is selected and click [Next] . 5. The Locate Y our Printer scr een will appear. Select the [T ype the P rinter Name] option or click [Next] to browse f or a printer.
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-6 System Administrator Guide 11. The wizard will return you to the previous d ialog. V erify the path and file name are correct an d click [OK] . 12. Select the model that correspond s to your device and click [Next] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-7 Windows XP Note Y ou can use CentreW are to configure the Print Driver in this environment. X erox P rinter Installer This section provides instructions on how to instal l printer drivers manually.
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-8 System Administrator Guide 8. The Specify a Print er screen will appear. Cl ick [Next] to browse f or the print queue created on your server, or if you know the name of the server and printer click [C onnect to this printer] and enter the server and print er name details.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-9 16. The Printer Sharing Screen appears. If you will be sharing this printer with other clients select the [Share Name] button and ent er a share name. Click [Next] . 17. Enter a location and comment in the [Location and Comment scr een] (optional).
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-10 System Administrator Guide Windows Vist a X erox P rinter Installer This section provides instructions on how to instal l printer drivers manually. How ever, y ou can use Xer ox Print er Installer to discover the printer and inst all drivers.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-11 11. The Printer inst alled screen will appear. Select [P rint a T est Page] to v erify the printer is inst alled. 12. Select [Make this my def ault Prin ter] if required. 13. Click [Next] .
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-12 System Administrator Guide 4. Click [Bi-Directional Setup ] . Bi-directional communic ation automati cally updates the print er driver with the printer's installed options.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Print Drivers System Administrator Guide 6-13 Ap ple Macintosh Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedure, please en sure the f ollowing items ar.
Print Driv ers ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 6-14 System Administrator Guide 15. Double-click the [Utilities] fo l d e r . 16. Double-click the [Printer Setup Utilit y] icon. 17. Double-click the [Add] button to add a new printer or click the [Printers] menu and click on [Add Pri nt er ] .
System Administrator Guide 7-1 7 Authentication Authentication Overview The Authentication service can be enabled to prevent un authorized use of inst alled device options.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-2 System Administrator Guide The administr ator can specify the services and device pathway s on a device that require authen tication. Services can be lock ed and/or hidden so that unauthor ized users c annot use or see them.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-3 This screen explains the concepts of Authen tication, Authorization, and P ersonalization. • Authentication - Determines that the person who logs in has given the proper credentials and is known to the system.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-4 System Administrator Guide Note Entering the IP address nega tes the need f or name to IP resolution. Entering the NetBIOS Name or host name sends the name query request to either the WI NS or DNS serv ers f or resolution.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-5 11. In the Authentication Serv er page, select [Kerber os (Windows 200 0/2003)] fr o m t h e Authentication Ty p e drop down menu. 12. In the Default Domain C ontroller (R equired) area, ent er details in the [Domain] field.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-6 System Administrator Guide a. Press the <Machine St atus> button. b. T ou ch the [Machine Inf ormation] ta b. c. T ouch [Inf ormation Page s] . d. T ouch [Configur ation R eport] . e. T ouch [Print] , then touch [Close] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-7 – Custom Access If you select [Custom Access] , f or each f eature you can either select [Unlocked] or [Lock ed] fro m th e drop down menu. 20. Click on the [Apply] button. 21.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-8 System Administrator Guide 23. In the T ools & F eature Access page, under Prese ts , select either: – Standard Access - Only Lock T ools – Ope.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-9 17. Select the r equired radio button under [Login Credentials to Access LD AP Serve r] .
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-10 System Administrator Guide Configur e Filters f or LD AP 1. If you are continuing f rom St ep 31 in the previous procedure (Au thentication Configur ation for LD AP/ LD APS) , click the [Custom F ilters] heading tab under the LD AP title.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-11 4. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 5. Click on the [Login] button. 6. Click on the [Connectivity] li nk. 7. Click on the [Pr otocol] link.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-12 System Administrator Guide 19. Select the [Service Access] tab, then ent er the names of LD AP groups, as required in the Access Group box, to allow access to individual device services. 20. V erify each group by entering a group user in the En ter User Name box, and click on the [T est] button.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-13 18. In the T ools & F eature Access page, under Prese ts , select either: – Standard Access - Only Lock T ools – Open.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-14 System Administrator Guide Enable 802.1X At th e Dev ice : 1. Pr ess the <Log In/Out> button to enter the T ools pathway. 2. Enter the Administr ator’s User Name [admin] , touch [Next] , enter Password [1111] , touch [Ent er] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-15 7. Check the [Enable 802.1X ] box. 8. Select the required [EAP] type f rom the [Authentic ation Me thod] drop down menu. 9. Enter the [User Name (Device Name)] and [P assword] required by y our authentication switch and server.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-16 System Administrator Guide A second Authentication Serv er will be necessary f or we b user interf ace Authentication, if this f eature is additionally desired.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-17 16. In the Serve r Communic ation area, select either [IPv4 Address] or [Hostname] . 17. Enter det ails in the IP Address an d Po r t or Host Name and Po r t fields. 18. Enter the details in the [P ath] field.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-18 System Administrator Guide 10. In the Current Configur ation area, click on the [C onfigure] or [Edit] button f or Web U s e r I n t e r f a c e Authentication . 11. F ollow the instructions to select the required Authentication T ype.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Authentication System Administrator Guide 7-19 4. When finished using system f eatures, press the [Clear All] button on the device’s keypad to close your account.
Authentica tion ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 7-20 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 8-1 8 Security This chapter describes how to configure the f ollowing Security f eatures f or the device: • User Data Encryption on page 8-1 • User Inf ormation Dat abas.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-2 System Administrator Guide T o Disable User Data Encryption: 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] . 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-3 6. Click on the [User Information Database] link. 7. Select [Setup] in the directory tree. 8. On the User Inf ormation Database page, click on the [Edit] link next to the user you want to edit.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-4 System Administrator Guide 5. Click on the [Security] link. 6. Select [Admin Passwor d] in the directory tree. 7. Ensure New Passw ord t ab is highlighted on the top of the scr een. 8. Enter detail in the [New P assword] and [R etype New Password] fields.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-5 6. Select [IP Filtering] in the directory tree. Defining IP Filtering with the Define IP Filt er Rule dialog 7.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-6 System Administrator Guide 5. Click on the [Security] link. 6. Select [Audit Log] in the directory tre e. Note that yo u mu st enable SSL bef ore enabling Audit Log. 7. Click on the [Enabled] checkbox f or the Audit Log .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-7 18 = Scheduled ODIO F ull st arted 19 = Scheduled ODIO F ull complet e 20 = Scan to Mailbox job 21 = Delete File/Dir (CPSR) 22 = USB.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-8 System Administrator Guide Entry Data This column contai ns any additional data that is recor ded f or an Audit Log entry, f or example: • Machine name. •J o b n a m e . •U s e r n a m e . • Accounting Account ID (when Ne twork Accounting is enabled).
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-9 Machine Digit al C ertif icate Management Machine Digital C ertificates provide k eys f or encrypti on/decryption of dat a, it ensures the data is not tamper ed with and to validate the source of data.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-10 System Administrator Guide A certificate f rom a C ertificate Authority or a server f unctioning as a Certificate Authority f or example Windows 2000 running Certificat e Servic es can be uploaded to the device.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-11 12. If you selected Certific ate Signing Reque st , fill out the f orm with your 2 Letter Country C ode, State/ Pr ovince Name, Locality Name, Organization Name, Organization Unit, a nd E-mail Address.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-12 System Administrator Guide IP Sec IP Sec (IP Security) comprises of the IP Authentica tion Header an d IP Encapsulating Security P ayload protocols, that secure IP communi c ations at the network lay er of the protocol st ack, using both authentication and data encryption t echniques.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-13 An IPsec P olicy is a set of conditions, configur ation options and security settings which enable two systems to agree on how to secure traffic betw een th em.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-14 System Administrator Guide 6. Click on the [Sav e] button. P rotocol Groups This option displays al l the Protocol Group saved and the details of each P rotocol Group. 1. Click on the [Pr otocol Groups] tab under IP sec heading.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-15 9. Click on the [Next] button to display the Step 2 of 2 screen. If yo u Selected Manual Ke ying as the Keying Method: 1. In the Mode Selections area, select the [IP sec Mode] from the dr op down menu, the def ault Mode is Tr a n s p o r t M o d e .
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-16 System Administrator Guide T rusted C ertif icate Authorities The T rusted C ertificate Authorities screen allows y ou to upload signed digital certificat es via the device’s web server.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-17 Immediate Image Ov erwrite Ov erview The Immediate Image Overwrit e f eature provides security conscious customers with the ability to overwrit e the device's hard disk to pr otect classified or private inf ormation.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-18 System Administrator Guide Disabling or Enabling Immediate Image Ov erwrite Overwrite Security c an be disabled or enabled at any time, as f ollows. At the De vice 1. Pr ess the <Log In/Out> button to access the T ools pathway.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-19 On Demand Ov erwrite Ov erview The On Demand Overwrit e f eature provides security co nscious customers with the ability to ov erwrite the device's hard disk to protect classified or privat e inf ormation.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-20 System Administrator Guide 4. F rom T ools, touch [Security Se ttings] . 5. T ouch [On Demand Overwrite] . 6.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-21 At your W or ksta tio n 1. Open the web br owser and enter the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and pr ess [Enter] . 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b . 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-22 System Administrator Guide 9. Specify the time f or the Overwrite in [H ours ], [Minutes] (24-Hour Clock). The device will be t aken offline each day at the time specified to perf orm the overwrite.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Security System Administrator Guide 8-23 P ostScript (R) P asswords The P ostScript language has some powerf ul utilities th at could be used to compromise the security of a system. These utilities c an be password prot ected so as to prev ent abuse.
Security ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 8-24 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 9-1 9 Ext ensible Services Setup X erox Extensible Interf ace Platf orm (EIP) is a softwa re platf orm inside many X erox MFPs that allows independent software v endors and dev elopers pers onalized and customized document management solutions that you can access directly f rom the MFP touc h screen.
Extensible Services Setup C olorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 9-2 System Administrator Guide Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedure, please en sure the f ollowing items are a vailable or hav e been perf ormed. • Ensure the device is fully fu nctioning on the network.
System Administrator Guide 10-1 10 W orkflow Sc anning W orkflow Scan ning allows a user to scan an orig inal do cument, conv ert it to an electronic file, and distribute and archive that file in a variety of ways. The final dest ination of the electronic file depends on the template chosen by the user at the device's user interf ace.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-2 System Administrator Guide Device Authentic ation If using a SMAR T send server, a v alid Windows account must be created on the SMART send Server f or the device's authentication.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-3 Write down the IP Address or Host Name. • Create a f older within the FTP root. This is the Scan R epository. Write down the Directory P ath Structure. • Create a user account and password which has r ead a nd write access to the folder within the FTP root.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-4 System Administrator Guide be created with specific scan set tings and destinations. F or further inf ormation ref er to Configuring the Def ault T emplate on page 10-11 20. Login Source settings control user access to a pool of templat es stored on a remote server.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-5 e. T ouch [Print] , then touch [Close]. The Configur ation R eport will print.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-6 System Administrator Guide Interf ace] to hav e the file server det ermine user access. Select [S ystem] to hav e the system directly log in to the file serv er. 16. Supply a [Login Name] and [P asswor d] if the system will be directly accessing the file server.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-7 At your W or ksta tio n 1. Open the web br owser and enter the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and pr ess [Enter] . 2. Click the [Pr operties] ta b. 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-8 System Administrator Guide At th e Dev ice 24. T ouch th e [W orkflow Sc anning] button on the touch screen. 25. T ouch th e [W orkflow Sc anning] tab. 26. T ouch th e [Show] button. 27. Select [All T emplates] fr om t h e [All T emplates] drop down menu.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-9 a. Create a home directory f or the device. b. Add a bin directory to the ho me directory. c. Place an executable CGI script in the bin directory. d. Make a not e of the complete path to the executable CGI script.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-10 System Administrator Guide Interf ace to hav e the web server determine user access. Select Syst em to hav e the system directly log in to the web serv er. Select None f or r are inst ances where a login is not required.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-11 Confirmation Sheet Note The Confirmation Sheet specifies the success or f ailure of the W orkflow Scanning job. 7. Select one of the f ollowing o ptions fr om the [Confirmation Sheet] drop-down menu: a.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-12 System Administrator Guide 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Services] link. 6. Click on the [W orkflow Scanning] link. 7. Select [Default T em plate] in the directory tree. Destination Ser vices 8.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-13 This area enables you to add data fields to the De f ault T emplate. This inf ormation is file d with your scanned documents in the Job Log.
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-14 System Administrator Guide Note Searchable options are only available when th e Searchable File F ormats service is enabled. 1. Click on the [Edit] button in the W orkflow Scanning Image Settings area.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 W orkflow Scanning System Administrator Guide 10-15 Set up R emot e T emplate P ool R epository 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] .
W orkflow Scan ning ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 10-16 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 11-1 11 Scan to Home The Scan to Home f eature is supported through the W orkflow Scanning service. Essentially, it is a template file (.xst) stored locally on the device, but in a diff erent directory to the W orkflow scanning t emplates or mailbox f olders.
Scan to Home C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 11-2 System Administrator Guide Enable and C onf igure Scan to Home 1. At your workst ation, open the web browser and enter the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] . 2. Click the [Pr operties] ta b.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Scan to Home System Administrator Guide 11-3 Subdirectory 18. If you want the device to create a Subd irectory in t he network home path, select [Automatically create Subdirectory] a nd enter a name in the [Subdir ectory] name area.
Scan to Home C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 11-4 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 12-1 12 Scan to Mailbox The Scan to Mailbox f eature is support ed through the W orkflow Sc anning option, purchased f rom your X erox Sales R epresentativ e, and inst alled using a F eature Enablement Key.
Scan to Mailbox ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 12-2 System Administrator Guide Configur e Scan to Mailbo x 1. Click on [Capacity] in the directory tree to view the amount of hard drive space being consumed by files in Mailboxes. – Cap ac it y : The tota l amount of space av ailable on the device f or scanned images.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Scan to Mailbox System Administrator Guide 12-3 Use Scan to Mailbox 1. At the device touch the [W orkflow Scanning] icon. 2. T ouch your mailbox f older template in the T emplate Destinations List. 3. If prompted, touch the [Enter P asswor d for F older] button.
Scan to Mailbox ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 12-4 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 13-1 13 E-mail The E-mail f eature enables a user to sc an paper do cuments into an electronic f ormat and hav e those documents deliver ed to a set of e-mail recipients. E-mail Addressing R ecipient addresses c an be added by ent ering the SM TP (Simple Mail T ransport P rotocol) address, f or example name@company.
E-mail ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 13-2 System Administrator Guide Enable E-mail P rint a Configur ation R eport to v erify that e-mail is enabled 1. Pr ess the <Machine Status> button. 2. T ouch the [Machine Information] tab . 3. T ouch [Information P ages] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 E-mail System Administrator Guide 13-3 20. F or Login Credentials, if the mail accoun t does not need passwor d access, s elect the [None] ra d i o button. 21. If the mail account does requir e a password, select the [S ystem] radio button, then enter the SMTP Server account name and password, where shown.
E-mail ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 13-4 System Administrator Guide Scan to E-mail Scan to E-Mail settings will set the def aults f or the f ollo wing: E-mail Sub ject, Output C olor, 2-Sided Scanning and Original type. 1. Click on the [Edit] button. 2.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 E-mail System Administrator Guide 13-5 Filing Options Filing options allow you to specify the def aul t e-mail file f ormat. There are two options: • File Format - allows user to select the f ormat of the docu ment from either TIFF, mTIFF, JPEG, PDF, PDF/ A or XPS.
E-mail ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 13-6 System Administrator Guide LD AP Addressing LD AP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a popu lar protocol used by large accounts to access large quantities of data including corpor at e address books.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 E-mail System Administrator Guide 13-7 inf ormation in the [Login Name] and [P assword] bo xes. F ormat f or the login name may be login name or domain/login name. – Enter a Login Name and Pas s wo rd , if required, f or the device to access the LD AP serv er.
E-mail ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 13-8 System Administrator Guide Note Internet F ax users should ensure that the Internet F ax field is NOT set to “No Map pings A vailable” in the drop down menu. This setting will prevent the LD AP Address Book appearing on the Internet F ax screen at the device.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 E-mail System Administrator Guide 13-9 Create a P ublic Addr ess Book 1. Open an application that supports CS V files (f or example, Microsoft Excel). 2. Create a list of addresses with the f ollowing headings: name and address.
E-mail ColorQube™ 9201 /9202/9203 13-10 System Administrator Guide 25. T ouch [Close] . 26. Place a document to e-mail in th e document handler and press the gr een start button. 27. V erify that the recipient received the sc anned document in his/her e-mail inbox.
System Administrator Guide 14-1 14 Int ernet F ax In te r ne t F ax al l ow s yo u t o se nd d oc u me n ts to o ne o r m o re In te rn e t Fax de st i na t io n s, a nd re c ei ve an In te r ne t F ax at the device without requiring a telephon e connection.
Internet F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 14-2 System Administrator Guide Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedure, please en sure the f ollowing items are a vailable or hav e been perf ormed. • Ensure the dev ice is fully f unctioning on the network prior to enabling I nternet F a x.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Internet F ax System Administrator Guide 14-3 7. Select [IP (Internet P rotocol)] in the directory tree. 8. Enter the domain name in the [Domain Name] box, (e.g.: Note If Dynamic Addressing has b een set on the device (DHCP, DHCP /AutoNet, B ootP or RARP) the Domain Name will not be accessible.
Internet F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 14-4 System Administrator Guide 10. Check the [Enabl e receipt of E-mail b y POP3] box in the POP3 Settings section. 11. Enter the required setting f or the [Polling interv al] (1-60 minutes). 12. Click on the [Apply] button to implement any changes.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Internet F ax System Administrator Guide 14-5 The 'F rom' Addr ess The Internet F ax 'F rom' address is the e-mail Address ent ered f or the dev ice when the POP3 address det ails wer e configured and is not an editable field.
Internet F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 14-6 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 15-1 15 Embedded F ax Embedded F ax enables users to send hard copy documents to another f a x device (or multiple f ax devices) via a telephone connection. The Emb edded F ax option requires a f ax car d to be fitted to the dev ice and connected to a t elephone line.
Embedded F ax ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 15-2 System Administrator Guide 5. If you hav e purchased the 2 Line F ax Kit, fit the kit f ollowing the instructions cont ained with the kit. Once fitted, connect the second telephone cable to the second port on the back of device.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Embedded F ax System Administrator Guide 15-3 C onf igure F ax Settings This procedur e is only necessary if you hav e not yet conf igured the f ax settings, or if you have already fitted the f a x card and wish to change any settings f or the f ax option.
Embedded F ax ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 15-4 System Administrator Guide 6. T ouch the [F ax Country Setting] 7. Select the required (or nearest) countr y location b y touching an entry in the [Country Selection] list. 8. T ouch [Save] . 9. T ouch [Line 1] or [L ine 2] Setup.
System Administrator Guide 16-1 16 LAN F ax LAN (Local Area Network) F ax enables users to send do cuments to f ax devices directly f rom their computers. Once enabled, users select the F ax option fr om their printer driver. The LAN f ax option requires the Embedded F ax Kit to be fitt ed to the device.
LAN F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 16-2 System Administrator Guide 5. Enter the IP Address of yo ur print er, if necessary. 6. Ensure Bi-directional Communic ation is set to [Automatic] , or click on [Manual] and enter the De vice Name or IP Address.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 LAN F ax System Administrator Guide 16-3 6. Click on [OK ] . 7. The recipient will show in the [Recipients] list. Add Recipient fr om Phonebo ok 8. If you hav e a P ersonal Phonebook created you can add a recipient name f rom it.
LAN F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 16-4 System Administrator Guide – Super G3 (33.6 Kbps) - This is the f astest transmission r ate and is the def ault setting. This rate minimizes tr ansmission errors by using Error C orre ction Mode (ECM). Initi al tr ansmission speed will be 33,600 Bits P er Second (bps).
System Administrator Guide 17-1 17 R eprint Sa v ed Jobs R eprint Sav ed Job is a f e ature that allows users to store documents into f olders located on the de vice. R eprint Saved Job enables y ou to retrieve jobs which ha ve been stored on the device using the Print Driv er or C entreW are Internet Services Print Submission.
R eprint Sav ed Jobs ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 17-2 System Administrator Guide Note All Sav ed Jobs are stored as encrypted files if encrypti on of u se r da ta i s en a bl e d. En c ry p ti on e ns u re s t h at third parties c annot read, print, sc an and e-mail thes e files.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Reprint Sav ed Jobs System Administrator Guide 17-3 4. Select the [Saved Jobs] t ab to access the f older options. 5. Select [Create New F older] . 6. Input the name f or the f older in the [Name] field. As a normal user you are only able to creat e Pub li c f olders.
R eprint Sav ed Jobs ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 17-4 System Administrator Guide Using the P rint Driver Select or create a document on your PC. 1. Select [Print] f rom the applic ation’s [File] menu. The applic ation Print window is display ed. 2.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Reprint Sav ed Jobs System Administrator Guide 17-5 –P r o g r a m t h e Pap e r , 2 Side d Prin ting , Output C olour , Collate , Orient ation , Staple and Outpu t Destination as required. 5. Select [Submit Job] at the top of the page to send the job to the device ov er the internet.
R eprint Sav ed Jobs ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 17-6 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 18-1 18 Custom Services V alidation Options The V alidation Options f eature is used with the W o rkflow Scanning V alidation Serv er and the Network Authentication f eatures. When a user enters their metadata inf ormation at the user interf ace, the metadata is passed to the validation server to be v erified.
Custom Services ColorQ ube ™ 9201/9202/9203 18-2 System Administrator Guide • Describe a web service. • Subscribe to, and receiv e events f rom a web service. Vista (only) oper ating system provides W eb Services on devices as a connection protocol with printing and scanning peripher als.
System Administrator Guide 19-1 19 X erox St andard Accounting X erox Standard Accounting (XSA) is a f ree f eature of the de vice. When enabled, XSA tracks the number s of Copy, P rint, W orkfl ow Scanning, E-mail, Server F a x, Internet F a x and Embedded F ax jobs (when these f eatures are installed on the device), f or each user.
X erox Standar d Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 19-2 System Administrator Guide Enable X erox St andard Accounting 1. At y our W orkstation, open the w eb browser and ent er the IP address of the device in the Address bar, and press [Enter] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Xerox Standard Accounting System Administrator Guide 19-3 Network Images Sent The maximum number of documents that can be sent over the network b y the user. This applies to the f ollowing f ea tures: W orkflow Scanning, E-mail, Server F ax and/or Internet F ax when these f eatures are instal led on the device.
X erox Standar d Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 19-4 System Administrator Guide At th e Dev ice 1. Pr ess the <Services> button. 2. The [User ID] screen will show. T ype the user ID of one of the users that you created in the Manage Accounting area of Internet Services.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Xerox Standard Accounting System Administrator Guide 19-5 12. In the [Account] area, make any relevant changes. 13. In the [User Access ] area, check the box es f or the Access Right you want the General Account to have access.
X erox Standar d Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 19-6 System Administrator Guide 5. Select [Accounting] . 6. F rom the Accounting S ystem dr op-down menu, select [X erox St andard Accounting] . 7. Select [Prompt f or Ev ery Job] if you want users to ent er their User and A ccount ID each time they print.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Xerox Standard Accounting System Administrator Guide 19-7 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b. 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 4. Click on the [Login] button.
X erox Standar d Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 19-8 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 20-1 20 Network Accounting Network Accounting provides the ability to manage us age of the device with detailed cost analysis capabilities. Print, Scan, F ax, and Copy jobs are tr acked at the device and stor ed in a job log.
Network Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 20-2 System Administrator Guide T o Enable the Network Accounting f eature at the Device 1. Pr ess the <Log In/Out> button to enter the T ools pathway. 2. Enter the Administr ator’s User Name [admin] , touch [Next] , enter Password [1111] , touch [Ent er] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Network Accounting System Administrator Guide 20-3 Enable Network Accounting in your Windows P rint Driver Windows 2000 1. F rom the [Start] menu select [P rinters and F axes] . 2. Right-click on the device printer icon. 3.
Network Accounting ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 20-4 System Administrator Guide 9. Enter a name to define the preset, f or example: Accounting . 10. Click [OK] . Ensure the Accounting preset is selected in the Pr esets menu each time you print. 11. Click [Print] .
System Administrator Guide 21-1 21 X erox Secure Access Administr ators can configure the device so that users must be authenticated and authorized bef ore the y can access specific services or areas. Xero x Secure Acce ss provides a means of authenticating users via an authentication server and optional c ard reader.
X erox Secure Access ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 21-2 System Administrator Guide Local User Inf ormation Dat abase (the user names mu st match so that the de vice can cross ref e rence each user as they l og in at the device).
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Xerox Secure Access System Administrator Guide 21-3 – Selec t [Xer ox Secure Access] to allow users to be a uthenticated and authorized bef ore they c an access specific services or areas. Xero x Secure A ccess provides a means of authenticating users via an authentication server and optional card reader.
X erox Secure Access ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 21-4 System Administrator Guide 20. If you requ ire user s to use a X erox Secure Access devi ce to lo g in (f or example, a card reader), select [R estricted access via Xer ox Secure Access Device ] .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Xerox Secure Access System Administrator Guide 21-5 If you select [Custom Access] , f or each f eature you can either select [Unlocked] or [Lock ed] f rom the drop down menu.
X erox Secure Access ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 21-6 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 22-1 22 Software Upgr ade The Software Upgrade f eature allows the customer to upgr ade the device software as requested b y a X erox Customer Support C enter R epresent ative, without needin g a Custome r Service R epresent ative to be present.
Software Upgr ade ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 22-2 System Administrator Guide Upgr ade via Internet Services Note This procedure will delete any current jobs in the device print queue and prevent further jobs f rom printing until the upgr ade has completed.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Software Upgrade System Administrator Guide 22-3 12. Click on the [.dlm] file obtained earlier. 13. Click on the [Open] button. 14. Click on the [Install Software] button to proceed with the upgr ade. • If prompted, ent er the Administrator User ID and P assword.
Software Upgr ade ColorQube ™ 9201/9202/9203 22-4 System Administrator Guide Set the Auto Upgr ade Time 10. Click on the [Auto Upgrade] in the dir ectory tree. 11. Check the [Enabled] box to enable the Schedule Upgr ade fe a t u r e . 12. Select either [Hourly] or [Daily] to activate the f eature accord ingly, in the Ref resh St art Time section.
System Administrator Guide 23-1 23 Serv er F ax The Server F ax f eature enables users to send docume nts to one or more f ax devices via the t elephone network without ha ving a dedicated t elephone line connected to the de vice. This is achieved b y providing a network 'f ax server' with its own links to the telephon e syst em.
Server F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 23-2 System Administrator Guide device's backplane. An Options Assist screen pops up to assist with installation.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Server F ax System Administrator Guide 23-3 Bef ore st arting the ins t allation procedure, please en sure the f ollowing items are a vailable or hav e been perf ormed: •.
Server F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 23-4 System Administrator Guide – Lay out Adjustment: has the f ollowing setting that can be adjusted; Original Orient ation and Original Size. – Fili ng Opt ion s: has the f ollowing setting that can be adjusted; Delay St art.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Server F ax System Administrator Guide 23-5 14. Click on the [Apply] button to accept the changes. Configur e General Settings 1.
Server F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 23-6 System Administrator Guide 2. Click on the [Pr operties] ta b. 3. If prompted, enter the Administr ator User ID and Password. The def ault is [admin] and [1111] . 4. Click on the [Login] button. 5. Click on the [Services] link.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 Server F ax System Administrator Guide 23-7 C onf igure a F ax R epository using SM TP Inf ormation Checklist Bef ore st arting the i nst allation procedure, please ensure the f ollowing item is a vailable or has been perf ormed.
Server F ax ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 23-8 System Administrator Guide.
System Administrator Guide 24-1 24 T roubleshooting T roubleshooting: W orkflow Scanning If you are experiencing problems with W orkflow Sca nni ng, first verify that the device is connected on the network and f unctioning as a printer b y perf orming the f ollowing activities: • Check the network cable at the back of the device.
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-2 System Administrator Guide T ry to scan a document. Does the Sc an Confirmation R eport print? If the Scan C onfirmation R eport does not print, perf orm the f ollowing steps at your workst ation.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 T roubleshooting System Administrator Guide 24-3 Scanning via SMB (Serv er Message Block) T est the configuration of the sc an filing location b y at tempting to connect to the shared f older (the scan filing location) f rom another PC, with the user acco unt and passwor d created f or the de vice.
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-4 System Administrator Guide At th e Dev ice 1. Pr ess the <Machine Status> button. 2. T ouch the [Machine Information] tab . 3. T ouch [Information P ages] . 4. T ouch [Configur ation Rep ort] . 5.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 T roubleshooting System Administrator Guide 24-5 T roubleshooting: Internet F ax If you are experiencing problems with sending an Int ern et F ax, first v erify that the de.
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-6 System Administrator Guide Note A webmail application mak es a conv enient tool to use to log in to the mail serv er to check f or the receipt of e-mail.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 T roubleshooting System Administrator Guide 24-7 T roubleshooting: Serv er F ax If you are experiencing problems with sending a Serv er F ax, firs t v erify the device is c.
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-8 System Administrator Guide View the Server F a x Setup det ails. V erify that the P rot ocol is correct and that the Server Name and P ath to the F ax repository settings are properly configured.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 T roubleshooting System Administrator Guide 24-9 Ensure Embedded F ax is Installed C orrectly At th e Dev ice 1. Pr ess the <Log In / Out> button to enter the T ools pathway. 2. Enter the Administr ator’s User Name [admin] , touch [Next] , enter Password [1111] , touch [Ent er] .
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-10 System Administrator Guide V erify that Network Accounting is inst alled and enabled bef ore pr oceeding T o verify that Network Accounting is installed, print a C onfigur ation R eport and look under Inst alled Options to see the status of Network Accounting.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 T roubleshooting System Administrator Guide 24-11 When switching off the de vice, press the button to the Off (O) position. The printer will pow er off quickly, howev er f or the system to be f ully powered off you must observe the network activity light on the Controller at the rear of the device.
T roubleshooting C olorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 24-12 System Administrator Guide.
S ystem Administr ator Guide I-1 Index Numerics 10.x (OS X), 5-23 A Actions, 8-14 Active Jobs, 4-4 Admin Password, 8-3 Administrator Access, 2-4 Administrator Tools Password, 3-1 Alert Notification, 4.
ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 I-2 System Administrator Guide D Default DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Settings, 5-7 Default Template, 10-11 Description, 4-6 Description and Alerts, 4-2 Devi.
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 System Administrator Guide I-3 J Job Log, 10-11 Job Management, 3-8 Jobs, 4-4 L LAN Fax, 16 -1 Enable the Feat ure (Windows Pr inter Drivers), 16-1 Mac OS Users, 16-2 Use t.
ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 I-4 System Administrator Guide S Save Job for Reprint, 3-13 Saved Jobs , 4-5 Scan to Home, 9-1, 10-1, 11-1 Configure Scan to Home, 11-2 Scan to Mailbox, 9-1, 10-1 , 11-1, .
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203 System Administrator Guide I-5 Xerox Secure Access, 21-1 Secure Access and Accounting, 7-15, 21-1 Xerox Standard Accounting, 18-1, 19-1 Create a General Account, 19-4 Creat.
ColorQ ube™ 9201/9202/9203 I-6 System Administrator Guide.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 9203 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 9203 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 9203 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 9203 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 9203 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 9203 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 9203 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 9203. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 9203 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.