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Xerox Document Centre Model _______________ Serial Number ____________________________ If you h ave a probl em or need su pplies: In the USA Calling f or Servic e and orderin g Replaceable Units 1-800.
ii Xer ox Do cu ment Cent re R efere nce Guide Xerox Corp oration Global Know ledge & La nguag e Servi ces 800 Phi llips Road - Bld g 845-17S Webster, New Y ork 145 80 USA ©2001 by X e rox Corpo ration.
Xerox D ocument Centre Refer ence Gui de iii The D ocume nt Cent re ST model inc ludes s oftwar e prov ided b y the Inter net Soft ware Consort ium. Copyright (c) 19 95, 199 6, 1997 , 1998, 1999 , 2000, 2001 The In ternet So ftware Cons ortium - DHCP.
iv Xer ox Do cu ment Cent re R efere nce Guide Radio Fr equency Notice US Federal Communications Commission Note: This eq uipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Xerox D ocument Centre Reference Guide v This device complies with Part 15 of the FC C Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditi ons: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferen ce that may cause undesired operation.
vi Xer ox Do cu ment Cent re R efere nce Guide T elephone Requir em ents Notice US Federal Communications Commission 1. The FC C has established rules that permit this device to be directly connected to the telephone network. S tandardized jacks are used for these connecti ons.
Xerox D ocument Centre Reference Guide vii Canadian Industry Requir ements Notice: The Canadian Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. Th is certification means that the equipment m eets certain telecommunications n etwork protective, oper ational and safety requ irements.
viii Xero x Do cum ent C ent re R efere nce G uide In the USA, it’ s Illegal to copy the follo wing Congress , by statu te, has forbidd en the cop ying of th e followin g items. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be impo sed on those guilty o f m aking su ch copies.
Xerox D ocument Centre Reference Guide ix S tamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomin ation, wh ich may be or have been issu ed under any Act of Congress 3. Adjusted compensation Certificates for veterans of the World Wars. 4. Obligatio ns or Securit ies of any fo reign governm ent, bank, or corporation.
x Xer ox Do cu ment Cent re R efere nce Guide.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xi Table of Contents T able Of Content s 1. Safety Notes ................ ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ..... 1-1 Symbology .......... ............. ...
xii Xero x D ocum ent C ent re R efere nce G uide Informati on Sources ....... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ...... 2-4 At the Machine ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ............
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xiii Table of Contents Finisher ................ ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. .......... 3-12 Offsetting Catc h Tray ...... ................... ........
xiv Xero x D ocum ent C ent re R efere nce G uide Output Form at Tab ................. ............. ............. ............ ............. ................. 4-27 Transpare ncy Divid ers .......................... ............. ................... .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xv Table of Contents More Fax Feat ures screen ........... ................... ............. ............. ............. ... 5-15 Image Qua lity . ............. ............. ................... ...........
xvi Xer ox D ocu ment Cent re R efer ence Gui de Basic E- mail Tab .................... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ...... 7-5 From... ..... ............. .................... ............. ............ .......
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xvii Table of Contents The Faults Tab ................. ............. ............. ............ .................... ............. ..... 9-7 The Supplies Tab ................... ............. .............
xviii Xer ox D ocum ent Cent re R efere nce Guid e Reduce a nd Enlar ge Presets ... ............. ............. ............. ............. ........ 10-26 Measurem ents ............ ............. ............. ............. ............. .............
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xix Table of Contents Sixth Sense .. ............. ............. .................... ............ ............. ............. ........ 10-50 Connecting the Telephone L ine ............... ............ ....
xx Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide Setting up your Internal Auditron S ystem ................. ............. ............. .. 11- 12 Initial izing the Au ditron S ystem ...... ............. ............. ............. ........ 1 1-12 Changing the Tools passwor d .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide xxi Table of Contents Loading Types of Common S tock ........... ............ ............. ............. ........ 13-13 Document Feeder Paper Stock inf ormation ........ ............. ............. .......
xxii Xero x D ocum ent C ent re R efere nce G uide.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 1 - 1 1. Safety Notes 1. Safety Notes Your Xerox p roduct and supp lies have been designed an d tested to meet strict sa fety require ments. These incl ude safety ag ency examinatio n and approval , and compliance t o established enviro nmental standards.
Page 1 - 2 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Symbology This symbol on the machine indicates a heated surf ace. Electrical S afety CAUTION Ensure that the power connection for your machine satisfies these requirements. 1. The power receptacle for the machine must meet the requirements stated on the data plate on the rear of the machine.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 1 - 3 1. Safety Notes 1. Sa fety Not es 5. D o not use an ad apter to conn ect the Document C entre to an electrical outlet that lacks a groun d connection terminal. 6. The power cord is the disconnect device fo r this machine.
Page 1 - 4 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Emergency Power Off If any of the following conditions o ccur, turn off the Document Centre immediately and disconnect the power cable from the electrical outlet .
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 1 - 5 1. Safety Notes 1. Sa fety Not es Ozone Informati on This prod uct produces ozone duri ng normal operation. The ozone produced is dependent on copy vol ume and is heav ier than air. Install the system in a well ventilated room wi th the minimum cu bic requirements size l isted below.
Page 1 - 6 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Laser Safety CAUTION Use of controls, adjustments or p rocedures other than thos e specified in this guide may result in hazardous light expo sure. The Document C entre complies with international safety s tandards and is certified as a Class 1 Laser Product.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 1 - 7 1. Safety Notes 1. Sa fety Not es Operation al Safety Xerox eq uipment and supplies have been des igned and tested t o meet strict safety requir ements. These include s afety agency examination, app roval and compliance with estab lished environmental st andards.
Page 1 - 8 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Never Do These Never use an adapter plug to co nnect equipment to a power source that lacks a gr ound connection terminal. Never obstruct ven tilation op enings. They a re provided to prevent overheating.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 1 - 9 1. Safety Notes 1. Sa fety Not es Safety Ex tra L ow V oltage Approval These Xerox Digital Copiers/Prin ter s are in compliance with variou s governmental a gencies and nation al safety reg ulations.
Page 1 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erenc e Guide.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 2 - 1 2. Start Here 2. S t art Here This Reference Guide co ntains inf ormation on both the Documen t Centre ST copier/printer s ystem and the Documen t Centre DC digit al copier. Load your originals or press the Feature but ton to displ ay the scree n where you can make copies , prints or scans.
Page 2 - 2 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide T erms and T ypef ace Default The term default simply refers to the assigne d va lu e or setting that the machine uses in the absence of input fro m a user. Most def ault settings can be changed to accommodate specific needs.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 2 - 3 2. Start Here T ypefaces Bold typeface identif ies the first mention of maj or features or selections and their ass ociated options . Italic typeface is u sed to emp hasize a word or phrase. For examp le: Always follow safe ty procedures when o perating equipmen t.
Page 2 - 4 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide Inform ation Sour ces Use the follow ing informat ion sour ces to answer yo ur quest ions. At the Machine Label s are affix ed at points of need throu ghout the sys tem. They depict i nformation ab out loadi ng original s or paper st ock.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 2 - 5 2. Start Here Fre quently Asked Questi ons My Document Centre looks di fferent-Why? The Document Centre is available in multip le configurations with the choice of an on-line stapler, telephon e line connection, and a high capacity paper feeder.
Page 2 - 6 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide What is the di fference betwee n DC and ST? The ST is a p rinter and copi er. The opti onal software solutions discussed in the above paragraph can be i nstalled on t hese models. The DC is a copier that can be easily upgraded to a printer as you r needs dictate.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 3 - 1 3. Product O ver view 3. Product Overview This c hapter provides an overvie w of the Docum ent Centre, wh ich is in tended to help you to understa nd b asic machine op erations and components.
Page 3 - 2 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Hardware Component Diagram The m ain comp onents o f the Document Centre are identified in the diagram belo w. Your con figuration may differ sl ightly, depen ding on the op tions installed on your mach ine.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 3 - 3 3. Product O ver view Document Feeder and Scann er Document Feeder The Document Feeder, is used to feed your single- and doub le-sided originals into the machine. The s canne r , located under the Document Glass, captur es the images of the originals.
Page 3 - 4 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide Document Gla ss When making copies fro m the Do cument Glass use the Main A rea. Place your or iginal on the glass face down. Use the Registration C o r ne r i n t h e u p p e r le ft co rn e r o f t he gl a ss .
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 3 - 5 3. Product O ver view Paper T rays (T rays 1 - 4) The Paper Trays hold up to 500 sheets of 2 0 lb. s tock each . You can adjust the trays to hold man y sizes of paper, up to 11 x 17 inch es. A service repr esentative can permanently adju st a tray to handle 12 x 18 inch paper.
Page 3 - 6 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide The Machine Administrator will set up each tray to be Fully Adjustable, Dedica ted , or, on a DC model, Size Only . If the tray is Fully Adjustable , anyone can change th e stock size , type and color thro ugh a pop- up screen that appears when the paper tray is opened then clo sed.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 3 - 7 3. Product O ver view Bypass T ray (T ray 5) The Bypass Tray is an ad ditional paper tray designed for quick and easy loadi ng of both standard and non-s tandard paper. I t can physically extend to accommodate different stock sizes and orientat ions.
Page 3 - 8 Xerox Doc ument Centre Reference Guide High Capacity Feeder (T ray 6) The Hi gh Capacity Feeder (Tray 6) is located under the Bypass Tray and save s you from hav ing to l oad the othe r individual paper tr ays with 8.5 x 11 in ch paper. You can load 5100 sheets of 20 lb .
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 3 - 9 3. Product O ver view User Inter face The User Interface is divided into four major catego ries: To uch Screen , Pathway buttons , Keypad , and Feature bu ttons .
Page 3 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erenc e Guide 5. Feature buttons incl ude the foll owing: St a r t : Submits a job for scanning . S top/Pause: Select this b utton to stop an y scanning and/or printing that is currently in process. A pop-up screen will appear , providing the options to cancel or to resume the scanning and printin g.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Page 3 - 1 1 3. Product O ver view Touch Scr een You will make the majority o f your selections on the Touch Screen. The actual screen will v ary depending on the Pathway buttons selected or optional s oftware that is available on your Do cument Centr e.
Page 3 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erenc e Guide Finisher The Fini she r consists of the Top Tray and the Stacker Tray. The Top Tra y receives sheets that are purged from the system. It can hold up to 250 sheets of small paper. It can be set as a destination tray for non-stapled jobs.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 3 - 13 3. Product O ver view Offsetting Catch T ray The Offsettin g Catch Tray is available on the Document C entre 460 DC or ST. Outpu t is delivered f ace down in offsetting sets. The Offsetting Catch Tray holds a maximum of 250 sheets of 20 lb.
Page 3 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erenc e Guide Convenien ce S tapler The Convenience Stapler attaches to the back lef t corner of the machine. It is des igned for restaplin g orig inals and can a lso be used as an off- line stapler. The Convenience Stapler can handle a m aximum o f 50 sheets of 20 lb.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 4 - 1 4. Ma king Copi es 4. Making Copies The Image Adjustment Tab provides access to the var iou s im age enhancement settings. The Output Format Tab all ows you to produce booklets , presentations, and other s ophisticated output .
Page 4 - 2 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide Basic Copying T ab The Basi c Copying Tab is the default screen fo r the Features Pathway. I t contains the most commonly us ed features including: Ou.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 4 - 3 4. Ma king Copi es Output Sorting options Select Collated if you want your output stacked in sets to match the sequence o f your originals. Dependin g on the machine configurat ion you can direct the out put to the Top Tray or to the Main Tray.
Page 4 - 4 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide Mor e... The Collated, 1 Staple LEF , 1 S taple SEF , T op T r ay and Main T ray options perform i n the same m anner as the options provided o n the Basic Copying T ab (refer to the previous page). Additional output choices inclu de Uncollated, 2 Staples, and No Stapl es.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 4 - 5 4. Ma king Copi es Mor e S tapling O ptions S tapling is o nly allo wed in the main tray . Select 2 Staples to produce output with staples on the side or across the top d epending on t he feed directi on of the pap er.
Page 4 - 6 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide 2 Sided Copy The 2 Sided Copy selection pro vides you the option to mak e one- or two-sided copies from one- or two-sided origi nals from either the Document Feeder or the Document Glass.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 4 - 7 4. Ma king Copi es More... The 1 - 1 Sided, 2 - 1 Sided, 1 - 2 Sided an d 2 - 2 Sided op tions perform i n the same man ner as the opti ons provided on the Basic Copyi ng T ab ( re fer to th e pr evi ous pa ge).
Page 4 - 8 Xerox Document Centre Ref erence Guide Reduce / Enl arge The Reduce / Enlarge option pr ovides a variety of r eduction and enlargement opti ons to adjus t the size of t he output imag e from 25% to 400%. Originals placed on the Document Glass can be enlarged by as much as 400%.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 4 - 9 4. Ma king Copi es Normal Setting Select Normal to reduce or enlarge you r output image the same proport ion percent age in both directions. The 100% and Auto % p rovide the same functionality as d escribed on the prev ious page and are l ocated here for your conven ience.
Page 4 - 10 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Custom Setting Choose Custom to adjust the height (Y) and the width (X) dim ens ions fo r r ed uct ion or enl arg eme nt independently . Your output will NOT be reduced or enlarged proportionally .
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Page 4 - 1 1 4. Ma king Copi es Paper Supply This is where you choose the paper tray for your copy job. The trays disp layed on the Basi c Copy ing ta b are b ased on priorities s et by th e Machine Administrator.
Page 4 - 12 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Image Adjustment T ab To access the Image Adj ustme nt tab, select the More Copy Features tab. The Image A djustment T ab pr ovid es th e foll owi ng feat ures for fine-tuning the ap pearance of your fin ished output.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 13 4. Ma king Copi es Image Qua lity Use this feature to en hance the quality of your ou tput. Original T ype This feature provides a convenient way to enhance th e copy quality of your output based on the type of original images you are copying.
Page 4 - 14 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Lighte n/Da rken Lighten/Darken provides control s to adjust the lightness or darkness of the ou tput. Use Darken (pr ess the down scroll button) to darken t he copy from light originals s uch as pencil images.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 15 4. Ma king Copi es Mor e Image Quality Contrast controls the differences between the image densities within the copy. Lower contrast setti ngs improve the copy quality of pictures by reproducing more d etail in light and dark areas of the original.
Page 4 - 16 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide How to use the Image Q uality settings Lighten : Reprod uces more detai l in the darker areas of an original or suppresses the backgr ound if you are n ot sat is fie d wi th the ou tpu t after using Back ground Suppression.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 17 4. Ma king Copi es How to use the More Image Quality settings Contrast - H igh Highe r contrast causes the blacks and whit es to app ear more vivid and the te xt to appear sharper .
Page 4 - 18 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Bound Origin als This featur e is used t o copy pages fr om books or other b ound documents onto separat e single-si ded or do uble-sided pages.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 19 4. Ma king Copi es Binding E rase Bind ing E ras e al lows you to reduce the output shadow caused by the center binding of th e book. To adju st the amount of Binding Erase, touch the arro w keys to change the amoun t erased.
Page 4 - 20 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Using Bound Originals with B uild Job Use Build Job to copy indi vidual pages t hat are dist ributed throughout the book or individual chapters with m inimal button pus hing or ad just ment o f or igi nal s.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 21 4. Ma king Copi es Edge E ras e This feature allows yo u to “refresh” the quality of an original that h a s b e c o m e f r a y e d a t t h e e d g e s , h a s p u n c h e d h o l e s , h a s s t a p l e m a r k s or other ex traneous marks .
Page 4 - 22 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Origina l Inpu t This selection allows you the option to program the size of originals or to allow the Documen t Centre to determine the size automatically.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 23 4. Ma king Copi es Manual Plate n Input The Manual Pl aten Input feature allows you to s pecify the dimensi ons of the d ocument scanning region. There are several dimensi ons that corres pond to comm on document s izes and orientat ions.
Page 4 - 24 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Mixed Size Originals This f eature allows u sers t o input original d ocuments of mixed sizes and produce them as a single copy jo b. Users can s elect mixed size out put usi ng the Mixed Size Originals but ton or allo w the system to automatically determine a common copy size.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 25 4. Ma king Copi es Mixed Siz e Output To produce mixed size copies you must first tell the system to expect Mixed Size Originals otherwise, the output will be on com mon size paper. Go t o the Image Adjus t Tab.
Page 4 - 26 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Image Shift This featur e allows you t o control th e position o f the image o n the out put page . Ther e a re t hre e se lec tion s: No Shift is the default setting, and makes no ad justment. Auto Cente r automatically centers the scanned image on the output paper.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 27 4. Ma king Copi es Output Format T ab When you select the Output Form at Tab, you will find features that produce different options for the finished ou tput.
Page 4 - 28 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide T ranspar ency Dividers This feature all ows you to create a single set of tran sparencies with either b lank o r pr inted d ividers. Use this screen to select the correct transparency and s tock trays.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 29 4. Ma king Copi es Booklet Creati on Use this feature to create multip age booklets from a sequential set of either 1-sided or 2-sided originals. The machine will red uce and correctly position each i mage to fit on the desired page so th at when the page is folded a booklet will be created.
Page 4 - 30 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Multi-Up The Multi-Up feature is ideal for handou ts, storyboards, o r for archival purpos es. Using the Multi-Up feature, you can create documents with up to 36 images for small statement s ize paper reduced onto 1 1 x 17 inch paper.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 31 4. Ma king Copi es Covers This feature allows yo u to add covers u sing stock drawn from a different tray th an your copies . You can have 1-s ided or 2-sided front or b ack covers, with or withou t an image.
Page 4 - 32 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Output Cover Images Select this option in order to print images on one or both sides of your covers .
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 33 4. Ma king Copi es Invert Image This feature allows yo u to make Mirro r Ima ge or Negative Ima ge copies of your original documen ts. Mirror Image As il lustrated below, this op tion ch ange s t he di rec tion of t he o rigi nal image creating a m irror of the or iginal.
Page 4 - 34 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Job Assem bly T ab Use the Job Assembly tab to combine multiple documents into a single j ob, produce a s ample set of a job befo re printing lar ge quanti ties or st oring th e programmi ng of up to 10 jobs .
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 35 4. Ma king Copi es Build Job Build Job en ables you to combi ne mul tiple, individually progr am med job se gme nts fr om e ith er t he Do cume nt Gla ss or t he Document Feeder into a si ngle copy j ob.
Page 4 - 36 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide Build Job Co ntrols Af t e r th e f in a l se g m e n t is sc a n n ed , pr e ss t h e End Build Job butt on to accept the programming. The en tire job will be printed and Build Job will automat ically deselect.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 4 - 37 4. Ma king Copi es Sample Set Use this feature to review your outpu t to ensure that it is exactly what you expect before printing a large quantity. Samp le Set will print out one complete set, an d then place the remaining job on hold in the Job Queu e.
Page 4 - 38 Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refer ence Gu ide S tored Pr ogramming This featur e allows you to program up to 10 p rogramming sequences. This feature is helpful to store commonly used selections or combin ations of selections such as Edge Erase and B ound Originals .
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 5 - 1 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) 5. Fax (Optional Feature) The Facsimile (Fax) feature is option al on the Document Centre. If installed, it connects a networked Document Centre to a server runni ng a network fax solution.
Page 5 - 2 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Setting Up a Network Fax The person responsible for installing th e Document Centre to a network s hould follo w these steps t o set up t he faxing s olution. 1. There are special software and hardware components required to enable the Network fax s olution.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 5 - 3 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Fax R eposit ory Set ups The Fax Repository is the location on the server where faxes that are processed by the D ocument Centre are stored u ntil they can b e sent to the final destination u sing the Network Fax software.
Page 5 - 4 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Fax Network Service Login Access to the fax features can be restricted by the System Administrato r. This provides secur ity and tracking of fax documents. Restr iction levels includ e Network Access, Guest Access, or both.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 5 - 5 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Login - Authentication Access Using the touch screen 1. Select Authentication Access . You will be presented with a keyboard on the User Interface.
Page 5 - 6 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Login - Guest Access Using the keypad on the user interface: 1. Enter th e passcode (maxi mum of nine digits). 2. Press the enter button. The system will attemp t to validate the login information. If th e passcode is authenticated the restriction will be released and the Fax tab can be selected.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 5 - 7 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Getting to the Fax F eature When Fax has been install ed on the Document Centre the Fax b u t t o n will be available on the right hand side of the Touch Scree n of the Features Pathway.
Page 5 - 8 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Sending a Fax 1. Load your o riginals. If using the Document Feeder, l oad face up. The Document Centre has an im age rotation feature that enables yo u to feed originals L ong Edge Fee d even if the destina tion Fax can on ly print Sh ort Edge F eed.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 5 - 9 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Basic Faxing Scr een The most commonly used faxing features can be fo und on the Basic Faxing Tab . Dialing Opt ions The Dialing Options area co ntains a window where the telepho ne number entered is displayed.
Page 5 - 10 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Dialing Cha ra cters Dialing characters are special char acters that provide a un ique capability when dialing th rough a telephone netwo rk or to a specifi c fax machine. Depend ing on the setu p of the telephone and communication lines, some or all of the follow ing characters may be needed.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 5 - 1 1 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Gr oup Dial [] Group Dial indicates that you are about to enter an iden tifier for a group t hat has prev iously been s etup using t he Network Fa x software.
Page 5 - 12 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Pulse-to-T one Switch [:] Use to switch f rom puls e diali ng to tone or to uch-to ne dialing . After switching from pulse to to ne, you can not switch back t o the origin al mode duri ng the fax op eration.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 5 - 13 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Phone List This screen allows you t o store up to 30 destinat ion fax number s. You can add or delete num bers in the Pho ne List . To add nu mbers to th e Phone List follow the st eps below: 1.
Page 5 - 14 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Resolution The res olution affects the appearance o f the fax at the r eceiving f ax terminal. A higher resolution yields better quality for photos. A lower resolution reduces co mmunication time. Standa rd ( 200 x 1 00 dpi ) - Is recommended for text documents.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 5 - 15 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) More Fax Featur es scr een The More Fax F eatures tab contains specif ic features to modif y a fax.
Page 5 - 16 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Image Quality The Image Quality buttons allow you to adjus t 5 settings , Original Type, Lighten /Darken, Backgro und Suppres sion, Contras t and Sharpness . For mor e information , refer to pa ge 4-13.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 5 - 17 5. Fa x (Optio nal Feature) 5. Fax (Opt iona l Feat ure) Delaye d Send This feature can be used to specify a time to trans mit faxes during off-peak h ours when telephone charges are lower o r when sending to an o ther co untr y/t im e zo ne .
Page 5 - 18 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Origina l Inpu t T h i s s c r e e n a l l o w s y ou t h e o p t i o n t o p r o g r a m t h e s i z e o f o r i g i n a l s o r to allow the Document Cen tre to determine the size automatically.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 6 - 1 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) If your Document Centre is equipped with the Network Scanning option you will b e able to create an electronic file fr om a hard copy or iginal.
Page 6 - 2 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Scanning r esour ces This Reference Manual contains detailed information about the screens available when yo ur Document Centre is scan -enabled.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 6 - 3 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Resour ces Provided on the W orld W ide W eb System Administration Guide This boo k contains information a bout configuring an d using Internet-Based Adm inistration and Scan Services.
Page 6 - 4 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide T emplate Overview Successful network s canning requires selecting a temp late at the Document Centre.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 6 - 5 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Selecting the c orr ect Distribution T emplate Selecting t he correct t emplate depends on how you want you r scan job proces sed and where you want the s canned image sent.
Page 6 - 6 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide How to scan a document 1. Load the original into the Docu ment Feeder or place it on the Document Glass. 2. Touch the Net work Scanni ng button. 3. Select a temp late that contains t he destination an d other settings for your s can job from the Template Name List .
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 6 - 7 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Network Sca nning T ab This tab contains the following select io.
Page 6 - 8 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Destination The destination area shows where the template wil l send the processed scan job. Unlike the other s canning opt ions, this ad dress is not ch angeable at the machine.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer enc e Gui de Page 6 - 9 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Document Management Field - This feature is o nly available when you use a template containing Document Manag ement Fields information .
Page 6 - 10 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Adding Document Management Fields Once the System Administrator h as defined the repositories and default templates, the templates ar e availab le to all users.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Page 6 - 1 1 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Using a template co ntaining Document Management Fields information 1. Place a document on the Doc ument Glass or in the Document Feeder.
Page 6 - 12 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Image Adjustment tab This tab contains the f ollowing selections: Image Quality Sides Scanned Original Input Mor e I ma ge Qua li ty Edge Erase Re.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 13 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Image Quality The Image Qu ali ty button allows you to set the Image Quality setti ng for specific types of originals.
Page 6 - 14 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Sides Scanned This option allows y ou to select which sides will be scan ned. You can choose fr om 1 sided, 2 s ided or 2 sided R otate Side 2. It also allows to y ou orient your scanned image to better facilitate processing by applications using Optical Ch aracter Recognition (OCR).
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 15 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Ori gina l I nput This feature sho uld be used when s canning from the Docu ment Glass if you hav e hard to detect originals.
Page 6 - 16 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Output Format Output Format tab allow s you to select the File Format of your scanned file. You can ch oose TIFF, Multipage TIFF, o r PDF file formats . The most univer sal format is PDF. Use TIFF to scan each page of a multiple page document as a single file.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 17 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Filing Setup s Scanning setup screens are used by the individual responsible for maintaini ng the networ k aspects of the scanning fu nction.
Page 6 - 18 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T emplate Pool Setup The Template Pool is the location on th e server where templates created usi ng the Centr eWare™ Scan ning Services Template utili ty are stored. If y ou are u sing the TCP/ IP filing protocol, you will be able to enter the Login, Server and Path lo cation.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 19 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Internet Se rvices (Embedded HTTP Server) Internet Services uses the computer i nside the Document Ce ntre as a server.
Page 6 - 20 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide How to access Internet Services Internet S ervices support s print ready files only. All files m ust be submitted in print ready fo rmat. See the System Adminis trator Guide for more details. 1. T ype the Docume nt Centre ’s IP addr es s in your browse r’s URL field.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 21 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Authenticati on Authentication is th e verification of user identity a n d au thorizatio n.
Page 6 - 22 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Configuring the Authe ntication Server Use I nternet Services to configure the Authentication Server. Refer to the System Admin istration Guide fo r de tails. 1. Type the Server IP add ress in your b rowser’s URL field.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 23 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Service Acces s Control Service Access Control allows you to leave the Document Centre open or con figure the system so users cannot initiate a service unless authentication is p rovided.
Page 6 - 24 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Network Authentication Acces s If Network Authentication is req uired you will be presented with a Login Required screen. Networ k Authenticated Access requires a Network Login Name and Password. If you do no t have a netw ork account on the local network, select Guest Acces s.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uide Pa ge 6 - 25 6. Network Scanning (Optio nal Feat ure) 6. Network Scanning (Optional Feature) Guest Access Guest Access can be us ed when individuals do not h ave personal accounts on the lo cal network. Guest Access requires a passcod e that can be obtaine d from the Machine Administrator.
Page 6 - 26 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 7 - 1 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Optional Feature) If your Documen t Centre is equipped with th e e-mail option, you will be able to create an electronic fi le from a hard copy ori ginal and distribu te the file thr ough e-mail from your Document Centre.
Page 7 - 2 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide E-mail Network Service Login Access to the e-mail features can b e restricted by the System Administrato r. This provides secu rity and tracking of e-m ail documents. Restr iction levels includ e Network Access, Guest Access, or both.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 7 - 3 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Login - Authentic ation Access Using the touch scr een: 1. Select Authentication Access. You will be presented with a keyboard on the User Interface.
Page 7 - 4 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Login - Guest Access Using the key pad on the user inter face: 1. E nter th e pa ssc ode (m axim um o f nine di gits ). 2. Press the en ter button. The system will attempt to valid ate the login information.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 7 - 5 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Basic E-mail T ab Selecting the e-mail tab accesses the firs t e-mail screen.
Page 7 - 6 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Edit Subject... Allows you to chang e the topic of the message. Subj ect: The topic of th e message. Details Displays the recipient address in formation and From addr esses i n t h e Ad d re ss L i s t.
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 7 - 7 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Address Li st The Address List is ma nual ly comp ile d by t he send er mu ch i n t he way you would from your personal computer. Select the To, Cc, or Bcc button.
Page 7 - 8 Xerox Document C entre Refe rence Guide Adding Recipie nts to the Addr ess List Use the Add E ntry intern ational keyboard to enter the n ame or full e-mail add ress of the message recipient. The active address book is displ ayed on thi s scr een .
Xerox Docu men t Cent re R efere nce G uideP age 7 - 9 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Cancel The cancel button will close the active window and ignore all entries. Enter The Ente r button will initiate the recipien t search activity using informati on shown in the t ype-in region of the window.
Page 7 - 10 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide How to Add Recipients 1. Select either the To..., Cc..., or Bcc... button. Th e Add Entry screen will display. 2. Using the touch s creen, enter an SMTP-comp liant recipient name. For example, anyone@ anycompany .
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 7 - 1 1 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Addre s s Book The Publ ic A ddre ss Book stores extern al or com pany addr esses on the machine. Normally up dated by the System Adm inistrator with in Internet Services.
Page 7 - 12 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Image Adjustment T ab The Image A djustment T ab pr ovid es th e foll owi ng feat ures for fine-tuning the ap pearance of your fin ished output. These features func ti on t he s ame thr oug hou t the Do cu ment C entre o ption s.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 7 - 13 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) 7. E-mail (Opt ional Feat ure) Output Format T ab Ou tput For mat al lows you to se lec t th e Document Format of your scan ned fi le a nd chan ge the Reply To addre s s.
Page 7 - 14 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide Page 8- 1 8. Job Stat us 8. Job S t atus The Job Status button allows you to view and manage the job q ueue. The Job Queue is simp ly a list of all the jobs the machine has processed or is in th e process of completin g.
Page 8- 2 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Job S tatus This screen displays all the jobs currently in the queue. Each will be identified with the f ollowing information: Queue number , Job Name, Owner and Status.
Xerox Docu men t Cen tre Refere nce Guide Page 8- 3 8. Job Stat us Held + reason This job has been temporarily stop ped from processing. The job will remain in the queue until released. Deleted This job was del eted from th e queue. Paused The pause button on the User Interface has been presse d.
Page 8- 4 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Other Queues The Other Queues button allows you to change the listi ng of jobs in the queue. Option s include the following: Incomplete Printing Jo.
Xerox Docu men t Cen tre Refere nce Guide Page 8- 5 8. Job Stat us Managing the Job Queue Job Commands Select one of the Job Comman d buttons to Delete, Promote, R elease a job, or to obt ain additional information about a job. T hese opt ions depend up on the cur rent state of the job being processed.
Page 8- 6 Xerox Do cumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Requir ed Resou rces The Required Resources button shows the size, t ype, and color of the stock requ ired to print the job. It also details whether the pap er stock required is loaded in the machine.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide Page 9- 1 9. Machine Status 9. Machine S tatus The Machine Statu s pathway offers access to impo rtant information ab out the machine. This information is divided und er three tabs: Machine Information , Faults , and Supplies .
Page 9 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Machine Inf o rmation T ab This screen prov ides access to the information listed b elow: Machine Details Paper T ray Status Billing Counters Print.
Xerox Docu men t Cen tre Refere nce Guide Page 9- 3 9. Machine Status Machine Details The Machine Details screen contains the data that is exclusive to your machin e.
Page 9 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Paper T ray S tatus The Paper Tray Status screen provides quick access to information about the paper trays, including tray status, size, stock type, and stock colo r. Refer to page 10-11 for more info rmation abou t the Paper Tray Managemen t System.
Xerox Docu men t Cen tre Refere nce Guide Page 9- 5 9. Machine Status Billing Counters The Billing Counters feature provides access to machine usage and billing information.
Page 9 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Print Reports Press the Print Call fo r Service Report button to generate a printed report. This report con tains specific information that will be help ful when reporting p roblems to Xerox.
Xerox Docu men t Cen tre Refere nce Guide Page 9- 7 9. Machine Status The Faults T ab A fault is an unplann ed event that prevents the machine from performing as expected. Fo r example, a tray will b e out of paper, the end of life of a Replaceable Unit will be reached, a jam will occur, or a hardware problem will occur.
Page 9 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide The Supplies T ab This screen lists the approximate number of days until each Replaceable Unit, including Roll Cartridges are expected to reach their end of life. The number of day s left is an app roximation and is a calculation based on yo ur daily vol ume.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e R efere nce G uide P age 10 - 1 10. Tools 10. T ools This c hapter provides information about each Tools screen a nd func tion. This section contains screens from a fully featured Document C entre. This includes Printing , scanning, faxing , Networ k Accou nting and teleph one connection options.
Page 10 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide System M anagement T ools Overview The Syst em Mana ge ment T ool s allow you to cu stomize, and maintain, the Document Centre.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e R efere nce G uide P age 10 - 3 10. Tools T ools Screen 1 - System Settings System Settings (3 Screens) Screen 1 See page 1 0-8 T ray Managemen t Audio T one s Display Br igh.
Page 10 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide T ools Scr een 1 - Scr een Defaults and Auditr on Administration Screen Defaults Entry S creen Def ault Job St atus Def ault Langua ge Defa ult R.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e R efere nce G uide P age 10 - 5 10. Tools T ools Scr een 1 - Feature Defaults and Network Connect ivity Feature Defa ults Set Feature Defaults Refer to page 10-37 Allows y ou t o change the default s e ttin gs f or the copy feature tabs to best fit your environment.
Page 10 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide T ools Scr een 2 - Suppli es, Configuration, T ests, Power Save r Supplies M anagement Refer to page 1 0-41 This selection accesses th e options .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e R efere nce G uide P age 10 - 7 10. Tools T ools Scr een 3 - Setups, Software Upgrade, Servic e Access Contr ol Service Access Control Refer to page 6-23 This selection allows you to res trict access to netw ork ser vice s such as e-m ail an d fa x.
Page 10 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide System Setti ngs Scr een 1 Tray Managem ent Refer to page 1 0-12 Establish the paper tray and stock management system. This allows the Auto Paper and Auto Tray Sw itchin g features to function properly.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e R efere nce G uide P age 10 - 9 10. Tools System Settings Scre en 2 Measurements Refer to page 10-27 Establish the measurement units and the numeric separator. Document Scanner Size Sensing Refer to page 10-28 Changes the defa ult size zone settings for doc uments fed into the Document Feeder.
Page 10 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide System Setti ngs Scr een 3 System Settings Screen 3 options may vary depending on machine configuration. Contention Management Refer to page 1 0-32 Sets th e priority in t he queue f or copy and p rint jobs.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 10 - 1 1 10. Tools Paper Management System The Do cument Centre tracks the attributes of th e paper in each tray either automaticall y, or through user programmi ng or a combinatio n of b oth.
Page 10 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T ray Management There are several selections on this screen. Tr a y S e t t i n g s allow s yo u to pro gra m tr ays as Fully Adjustable , Dedicated , or on a DC model, Size Onl y . Y ou can also set tray priorities and enable Auto Selectio n .
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 13 10. Tools T ray Settings Use this screen to view and change the setup of each tray. Select a tray from the scrolling list and then select the Change Description button to change the Tr ay Typ e , Priori ty , or Auto Selection .
Page 10 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T ray Priority Settings The window in this input r egion will accept values from 1 (highest priorit y) to 99 (l owest prior ity).
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 15 10. Tools S tock Setti ngs This screen is used t o establish the setti ngs for Dedicated Trays . If a tray is desi gnated as Fully Adjustable or Size On ly (on DC models), this featu re is not used and the Chan ge St ock Size and Change Description buttons will not be selectable.
Page 10 - 16 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Default S tock This selection allows the programmin g of the default s tock. Typically, this is the most common stoc k that will b e used in the machine. It is also used by the machine to determine from which tray to print banner sheets for ST model machines.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 17 10. Tools Paper Substitu tion This ST model feature allows th e aut omatic substitutio n of common US and Metri c paper equivalent s for netwo rk printing, s pecifically: NOTE Some image loss may occur because the ph ysical dimensions of the paper si zes are dif ferent.
Page 10 - 18 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide S tandard Size Requir ed This feature determ ines which paper sizes are s elected when Auto Paper is used during a copy job and the paper that is available in the machine is not within 0.2 inches of the size of the output image.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 19 10. Tools Audi o T o nes The machine generates three types of audio tones to notify you of an event that has occur red at the machine. The Fa ult tone will ri ng, for example, when the mach ine is out of pap er .
Page 10 - 20 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Display Brightness This scr een controls t he displ ay brightnes s of the Touch Screen . Under certain lighting conditio ns, you may want to adjust the display i n order to minimize glare and to impr ove Touch Scree n readability.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 21 10. Tools T ime and Date Set Date and Time This feature allows you to set the system time and date.
Page 10 - 22 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Ti mers System Timeout controls the time interval between the last action at t he User Interface and when the Touch Screen r esets to the default settings. When you p ress the System Timeout button yo u can set the time from 1 to 10 minutes in 1 minute increm ents or disable the timer.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 23 10. Tools Configuration Report This network related o ption is not available o n the DC model. When a Docum ent Centre ST is powered o n and ready to print, a system configuration report will print out to indicate th at the network printing func tions are ready.
Page 10 - 24 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Job Sheets Banner Sheets This feature allows you to control the printin g of banner sheets. These are the sheets that separate your print job fr om another one.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 25 10. Tools S tock Choice Use this feature to designate the stock and color for any of the job sheets (Banner S heets, Fax Status Sheets, Error Sheets, Scan Status Sheets). 1. Using the Touch Screen , press the desired ro w to make a Stock Type select ion.
Page 10 - 26 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Reduce and Enlarge Pr esets Reduce/Enlarge Presets (Normal or Custo m) The factory presets that are found when either the Normal o r Custo m Reduction/Enlargement butto ns are pressed. Thes e buttons are found wh en the More.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 27 10. Tools Measur ements You can pro gram the machine to disp lay measurements in either inches or millimeters o n the Touch Screen . If you select mm, mos t paper stock sizes and measur ements will be d is played in increments of 1 mm.
Page 10 - 28 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Document Scanner Siz e Sensing There are 12 pr eprogrammed size zones that are u sed to detect the size of the originals tha t are fed thro ugh the Doc ument Feeder.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 29 10. Tools Decurler Sett ing The Decurler Setting allows you to reduce the amount of paper curl in the output co pies. The available option s are Automatic Decurler Enabled , Automatic Decurler Disabled, and Maximum Decurler Enabled.
Page 10 - 30 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Displa y Option s This featur e allows you t o add options to the Bound Originals and Booklet Creatio n Screens. These op tions are useful when reproducing d ocuments where the read ing sequence may be eith er right to left or left to right.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 31 10. Tools Image Rotation When t he orient ation of the origin als and the o utput p aper does not match, this feature allows the scanned or iginal image to be rotated automatical ly 90 degrees i n order to fit on the outpu t paper.
Page 10 - 32 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Contention Management This featur e allows you to control wh ether copy jobs or print jobs have print ing pri ority when ente ring the job queu e. Opti ons such as promote or i nterrupt ar e not affected by this f eature.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 33 10. Tools Single Job Mode This feature li mits the job queue by allowing one copy job at a t ime. You can program ahead but each jo b must be completed befor e the system will scan the next job.
Page 10 - 34 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Output Optio ns Thin S tapled Sets This optio n and one or more of its options may or may not app ear depending on your h ardware conf iguratio n.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 35 10. Tools Out Of S taples Option Complete job without stapling - If this option is selected, the job will print without stapling. Any remain ing sets will be printed without staples. Fault/Hold job - If this option is selected, the jo b will be held u ntil a staple cartridge is replaced.
Page 10 - 36 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Electr o nic Hole Removal This feature is an op tional kit that enables the removal of the black circles lef t when copy ing originals t hat have punch ed holes. Originals must be placed in the Document Feeder and the Electronic Hole Removal feature must be enabled.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 37 10. Tools Featur e Defaults (Copy jobs) You can chang e the factory Feature Defa ults and customize the settings to your work envi ronment. Changing the default settings does not chan ge the machine capabilities.
Page 10 - 38 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Scr een Defaults The Entry Scr een Default option all ows you to control which screen appears when the machine resets after a time- out or a Clear All has b een initiated.The available options are: Featur es, Machine S tatus, Job S tatus.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 39 10. Tools Online/ Offline Use this option to connect the machine to th e network after all the appropriat e network settings are made. It is not available on the DC model. To access the connectivity settings see the following page.
Page 10 - 40 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Connectivity and Networ k Setup Use this option to make network set tings. It is not available on the DC model. Your System Administrator will need to access these screens to place the machine on th e network.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 41 10. Tools Supplies Management This screen pr ovides the functio ns to help you to manage the reordering and replacement of your Replaceable Unit s upplies. Service P lan This selection allows you to program o r to chan ge the Service Plan you have entered into with Xero x.
Page 10 - 42 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Xerographic Modu le Reorder Notificat ion Use this screen to set the interv al between the day that the Xerographic Modu le reorder message appears and when the unit must be replaced. You can also cancel messages that are currently displayed on the Touch S creen.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 43 10. Tools Resetting the Feed Roll Cartridge Counters NOTE The Paper Feed Roll counter must be reset whenever a Feed Roll is replaced. If the counters are n ot reset, paper misfeeds will likely occur from the paper tray with the newly changed Feed Roll.
Page 10 - 44 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Configuration and Setup Any change s to the configu ration requir e a system reboot. 50/60 Hz The correct Hertz setting for your location has been made at the factory pr ior to ins tallation. Do not change it.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 45 10. Tools Xerox Customer Call Center Use this button to change the cu stomer supp ort teleph one number displ aye d on th e Machine Details Screen.
Page 10 - 46 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Remote Data T ransfer Setu ps On the main setup screen you can: Decide whether or not a telephone line will be connected to the device Input the .
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 47 10. Tools Enable Incomi ng Calls Use th is screen to enab le or disable incoming calls fr om authoriz ed Xerox repres entatives.
Page 10 - 48 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Entering the Outlet T elephone Number If the tel ephone number of the machine is changed, for example, by relocating the machine to a different a rea, a new telephone nu mber must be prog rammed.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 49 10. Tools Using a Pho neShare Device To enter the extension when using a PhoneShare dev ice, f ollow the procedure listed below. F or additional informati on refer to the PhoneShare Instructions.
Page 10 - 50 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Sixth S ense The opt iona l Sixth Sens e On Line Suppo rt Link is a t elephone line connection between the machine and Xerox. You can enable an authorized Xerox service technician to access the machine remotely by t elephon e to enable real time problem analysis and resolution.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 51 10. Tools Connecting the T elephone Line To install the link follow the procedu res listed below. NOTE The on-line s upport link req uires either a dedicated telephone line or a PhoneShare Kit to sha re the line with up to t hree other devices.
Page 10 - 52 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Machin e T ests Selecting the Machine Tests b utton allows access to the diagnostics listed below: Image Quality T ests a nd Patterns Xer ographi.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 53 10. Tools Image Quali ty T ests and Patterns These tests and test patterns help in troubleshooting the Xerographic System. T hese tests are des igned to be i nterpreted b y an authorized Xerox Representa tive or by yo u with assistance fro m the Welcome Cente r.
Page 10 - 54 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Xerographic System Routine The Document Centr e automatically adjusts the Xerographic module to enable o ptimal Image Quality. This s election allows you to manually initiate th e Xerographic Routine.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 55 10. Tools User Inter face T ests These tests are designed to test the performance of the U ser Interface functions. Information and instruction s for each of these diagnostic tests are provided on the User Interface af ter the individual test button is selected.
Page 10 - 56 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide The table below lists the User Interface T ests and their function. Te s t F u n c t i o n User Interface Button Test This test determines if the buttons on the User Interface are fu nctioning correctly.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 57 10. Tools V ideo Path D iagnostics T est The Vi deo Path D iagnostics Test tests the cir cuitry and verifies the electronic path invo lved in the process of m oving the digitized image to th e Xerographic module.
Page 10 - 58 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Echo T ests Use this option to per form an echo test which tes ts the electronic pathway from the m achine to the network.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 59 10. Tools Network Connectivity T est Use this option to test the network connectivity of the machine.
Page 10 - 60 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Remote T esting Access for Network Contr oller This screen allows Xerox to remotely access your Document Centre to diagnos e Network Co ntroller problems. R efer to Six th Sense in this chapter for more details on remote access.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 61 10. Tools Customer Softwar e upgrade This screen is used w hen you are upgrading the D ocument Cent re machine s o ftware without assistance from Xerox. This has no effect on up da tin g C entr eWa re s oft war e or Pr in t Dri ver s t hat are us ed with the ST models.
Page 10 - 62 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Power Saver Administration The machine has an energy saver featu re that minimizes energy usage t o reduce the overall machine operation cos t. The ST and D C models have slightly different Power Saver Administration features.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 10 - 63 10. Tools Power Saver T imer V alues DC models automatically reduce the power consumption from a Standby Power Mode (waiting to be used) to a Low Power Mode to completely Off (requiring the machine to be powered on).
Page 10 - 64 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Software Res et The Software Reset button perf orms a “warm” reb oot of the syste m. Thi s is u seful if th e syste m beco mes u nrespons ive fo r an extended period of time.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide Pag e 1 1 - 1 11. Tracki ng Usage 1 1. T racking Usage The Document Centre has standard tools to track copy usage.
Page 1 1 - 2 Xer ox Docu men t Centre Refere nce Gui de Auxiliary Accounting Devices You can connect an optio nal Auxiliary Interface such as a card reader or coin b ox to the Documen t Centre. Installi ng an Auxiliary Account ing Device To install a device: 1.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer ence Gui de P ag e 1 1 - 3 11. Tracki ng Usage Auxiliary Device Notes The Auxiliary Device will charge c opies to the account that is active when the copies are printed at the Docu ment Centre.
Page 1 1 - 4 Xer ox Docu men t Centre Refere nce Gui de Auxiliary Interface Se tup NOTE Auxiliary Interface must be active to access this setup screen.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer ence Gui de P ag e 1 1 - 5 11. Tracki ng Usage Large Image Counter This option allows the system to count single output sheets lar ger than 15 inches such as 11 x 17 or 12 x 1 8 inches as mo re than one sheet. This feature will require m achine us ers to s pend more credits when using large output sheets.
Page 1 1 - 6 Xer ox Docu men t Centre Refere nce Gui de Internal Auditr on The Intern al Auditron is t he standard system on the Document Centre that allows you to control access to the copier and track copy usage on an account basis. This informat ion can then be collected and used as app ropriate.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer ence Gui de P ag e 1 1 - 7 11. Tracki ng Usage Internal Auditr on Overview The Internal Aud itron system is a two-leve l system. 1. User Accounts: This account req uires a 1 to 12-digit User Number to us e the copying f unctions of the machine.
Page 1 1 - 8 Xer ox Docu men t Centre Refere nce Gui de Planning an Auditr on System Start pl anning by d etermining you r objectives for the Internal Auditron System.
Xerox Do cum ent Cent re R efer ence Gui de P ag e 1 1 - 9 11. Tracki ng Usage Planning Gen eral Accou nts Use General Accounts if y ou need a n additional level to t rack co py counts of us ers who share s pecial projects or clients. Remember, a User Nu mber with General Account access rights is needed to acces s General Accounts.
Page 1 1 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide User and General Ac count Combinations Once you have determined how many User A ccounts and General Accounts you will need, you have to determine the total number of User and General Accounts that the Documen t Centre will recognize.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 1 1 11. Tracki ng Usage Managing Data and other consi derations Auditron Report Software Data can be r etrieved manually or, using special s oftware, down lo aded int o a pe rs onal com pu ter.
Page 1 1 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Setting up your Int ernal Auditr on System After your Auditron plan i s complete, you have to enter the information i nto th e Document Centre. Detailed descriptions of each of the screens are f ound on the following pages.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 13 11. Tracki ng Usage 4. There are two ways to input User Account data into th e Internal Auditron. Manual I nput at the Machine If you have a relatively few number of accounts or no access to a PC you can input the information into the Document Centre manually.
Page 1 1 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Chan ging t he T ools p asswor d It is strongly recom mended that you change the password that initially comes with the machine (1111). Follo w these steps to change the p assword: 1. Select Access and en te r Tools u sing the default password, 1111.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 15 11. Tracki ng Usage Auditron Initializa tion There are three o ptions on this screen. User Accounts. Use the scroll bu ttons to increase or decrease the number of User Accounts or enter a number using the keypad.
Page 1 1 - 16 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide User Acco unts and Acces s Rights This screen all ows you to as sign the User Account User Number, the account copy limits, and the access rights. You can als o view the total number of co pies made and reset th e account copy counter.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 17 11. Tracki ng Usage Access Press the Access button t o dis pl ay the Access Rights screen. This is where you prov ide account access to the General Accounts, the Machine Administrator or the Audit ron Administrator fun c tio ns.
Page 1 1 - 18 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Auditr on General Accounts This screen allows yo u to view and/or reset th e cop y cou nters for an individual General Account. Enter the account number directly, usin g the keypad, by scrolling, or by press ing the Next Open Accou nt , the Next Active Account or the Previous Accou nt button.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 19 11. Tracki ng Usage Netw ork Acco unt ing Ove rvie w (O pt ional Feat ure) Networ k Accounting is an optional feature of the Document Centre. To install Network Accounting , contact your Xerox rep resentative.
Page 1 1 - 20 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T y pes of T racked Data If you have the Network Accounting option already enabled you can use the standa rd reports p rovided by y our network accou nting software.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 21 11. Tracki ng Usage Using Network Account ing When Net work Accoun tin g is enabled o n your system, users will be required to en ter an up to 16 character User ID and up to a 32 character Account I D to make any Copy, Scan or Fax selections at the machine.
Page 1 1 - 22 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Logging In and Out of the Document Centre Logging int o the Document Centre 1. Press eit her User or Acco unt ID button . 2. A keyboard with characters will appear 3. Enter the correct ID co de, using the keypad to enter numeric characters.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 23 11. Tracki ng Usage Setting Up Network Account ing Use the f ollowing st eps to setup the network accounting opt ion: 1.
Page 1 1 - 24 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide 4. Enable Network Accounting at the Machine. After the network accounting software is installed, go to the first Tools screen and press the Access and Accou nting button to display th e Authentication Mo de button.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 1 1 - 25 11. Tracki ng Usage 5. Install the network accounting software. The document ation that accompanies the software contains the procedures fo r establishing commu nications between the softwar e and a ne tworked Document Centre.
Page 1 1 - 26 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide 7. Complete Document Centre Net work Accounti ng Setups. Choose to Enable or Disable Authentication in the Netwo rk Accounting Setup as follows. The Network Accou nting Setu p screen contains two option s, Authentication Enabled or Disab led.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de Pag e 12 - 1 12. Reference 12. Reference This section contains sign ificant reference information that can assist you wit h productivity improv ement opport unities.
Page 12 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Copy Job Default Setting s This section contains a list of all de fault settings. Please note: Changin g def ault settings will aff ect eve ry sub sequ ent j ob.
Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refe rence Gu ide Page 12 - 3 12. Reference T able 2: Image Adjustment T ab Defaults Feature Area Options Factory Default Explan ation an d Notes Image Qualit y Original Type Nor mal Te x t Half tone Photo Photo Normal No rmal will handle most of the typical jobs and is the bes t general use mode.
Page 12 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Bound Origina ls Off Left page Righ t p age Both pages Off T ells the machine which p age to scan.
Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refe rence Gu ide Page 12 - 5 12. Reference Original Inpu t Auto Manual Pl aten Input Mixed Size Originals Auto Default setting cannot be changed. Auto allows the machine to determine docu ment size by using position of the Document Feeder edge guides .
Page 12 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide T able 3: Outpu t Format T ab Def aults Featur e Area Options Factory Default Explan ation a nd Notes T ranspar en cies Off Blan k Dividers Imaged Dividers Off Provides the ability to produce transparencies with divider s in the same job.
Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refe rence Gu ide Page 12 - 7 12. Reference T able 4: Job Assem bly T ab Defaults Feature Area Options Factory Default Explan ation and N otes Build J ob On Off Off Provides the ability to co mbine multipl e documents into a single job.
Page 12 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide T able 5: Scan Defaults Featur e Area Factory Def ault Explana tion and N otes Basic Scanning Ta b The defaults for the scanning t abs are not changeable. The f eatures displayed on the screens dep end upon which template i s selected.
Xerox D ocume nt Cen tre Refe rence Gu ide Page 12 - 9 12. Reference Edge E rase Border Edge Scan to Ed ge Border Erase add s equal amounts of white space on all edges of your copies . Edge Eras e provides the ability to adjust independently the amo unt to erase alon g any of the document edges.
Page 12 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T able 6: Fax Defaults Featur e Area Factory Defau lt Explanati on and Notes Basic Fax T ab Sides Scanned 1 Sided Portrait Selects th e or ientation and the number of si des to be scanned. Resolution Fine Fine (200x200 dpi) is recomm ended for line art.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 1 1 12. Reference T able 7: User Interface, Power Saver , and Configuration Defaults Featur e Area Options Factory Default Explana tion an d Notes S.
Page 12 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide ST Mo dels Stand by Po wer Mode to Low Pow er Mo de 490/480 470/460 ST 15 to 12 0 min. 490/48 0470/ 460 ST 15 min.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 13 12. Reference Supplies Managem ent Service Plan A, B, C, D B Determined at i nstallation by you r service plan. Reorde r Message time 1 to 2 5 days 3 days Sets the notification period when a Replaceable Unit must be reordered to minim ize downtime.
Page 12 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T ools Defaults Use the Tools features to customize your mach ine to your work environment. Each button provid es access to change a variety of optio ns.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 15 12. Reference Default Stock Stock Ty pe Plain Paper The Default Stock Type is the most commonl y used s tock. Stock Colo r White The default is the most commonly used stock co lor. Standa rd Size Requir ed On/Off Off If on , standard size images will be produced only on s tandard paper sizes.
Page 12 - 16 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Measurements Units Inches or mm I nches Sets the appropriate measurement units. Numeric separa tor Comm a or Peri od Comm a Sets the stand ard num eric separ ator.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 17 12. Reference R/E Presets Reduce/Enlarge Preset #1 25% Set the pres et figure for first preset. Reduce/Enlarge Preset #2 64% Set the pres et figure for the second preset bu tton. Reduce/Enlarge Preset #3 78% Set the pres et figure for the third preset but ton.
Page 12 - 18 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Document Scanner Size Sens ing Zones 1 to 6 12 Zo nes < = less t han > = greate r than Zone 1 A= < 9 in. B= < 7.6 in. 5.5 x 8. 5 in. (SEF ) Zone 2 A= 9-12 .8 in. B= < 7.6 in. 7.25 x 10.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 19 12. Reference Document Scanner Size Sensing (Con tin ue d) Zone s 7 to 12 Zone 7 A= <9 in. B= 9.2 - 11.3 in. 11 x 8 .5 (LEF) Zone 8 A= 9 -12 .8 in . B= 9.2 - 11.3 in. 11 x 8 .5 (LEF) Zone 9 A= >1 2.
Page 12 - 20 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Electronic Hole Remov al On/Off Off Enables the removal o f the black circles left when copying a document that has p unched hole s. Image Rotation Auto% En abled/Disa bled Enabled Auto% will automatically enlarge or reduce the image of an original to fit on the selected paper.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 21 12. Reference Bookle t Creation On/Off Off On provid es the op tion of selecting either right to left or left to righ t rea din g ord er whe n creating a bo oklet. Off only pro vides the curren t reading order when creating a booklet.
Page 12 - 22 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Relocating your Document Centr e Moving your Do cument Centre to a new location on the same floor or a diffe rent floor t hrough e levator can be hand led withou t assistance from Xerox. C ontact Xerox to arrange a m ove to a different building.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 23 12. Reference Document Centre 490/480470/46 0 Space Requirements *HCF/Bypass = combination Hig h Capacity Feeder with Bypas s Tray **OCT = Offsetting Catch T ray . *U.S.A. and Canada only : If installin g in a hallway or exit route, allow 44 in.
Page 12 - 24 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide The ENER GY ST AR® Programme As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Xerox has deter mined that this product meet s the ENERGY STAR® guidelines fo r energy efficiency. Energy Savings The machine has adjustable timers, found in Tools under the Po wer Saver Administration selection.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 25 12. Reference Low Power Indicati ons The only o bservable indication that the machine is in the Low Power Mode as op posed to of f is by observin g the cond ition of the P ower Saver Light on th e User Interface.
Page 12 - 26 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Paper and Resour ce Savings The second feature of ENER GY STAR® is paper resource cons er vati on. You are encourag ed to create two-sided copies whenever pos sible for both the en vironmental and the financial benefits.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 27 12. Reference Setting T ray 6 to hold either A4 or 8.5 x 1 1 inch paper Changing from 8.5 x 11 i nch to A4 (illustrated above): Ad just each paper gui de to the A4 po sition, st arting wit h the rear guide: F irst, slide the black latch down to release the guide.
Page 12 - 28 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Material Safety Data Sheets XEROX Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS No: D-0403A Dat e: 2/ 18/8 3 Rev ision : 9 /30/96 Manufactur er: Xerox Corporat.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 29 12. Reference Mutagenicity: N. D. Carcinogen s: None present Aquatic LC 50 : N.D. Additi onal Info rmat ion: Prolong ed or rep eated skin co ntact ma y cause defattin g of the skin. Section IV - Physic al Data Appearance /Odor: Clear liquid / al coholic od or Softeni ng Range : N.
Page 12 - 30 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Section VIII - Spec ial Precautions Handlin g and Sto rage: Do not h andle or store near he at, sparks , flames, o r oxidizin g ag ents. Sto re in a cool p lace. Conditions t o Avoid: Avoid p rolonged or repeated skin con tact.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 31 12. Reference Document Centr e Document Security Not e The following discussion summarizes how remote and local service tools interact with t he Document Cen tre 490/480/47 0/460 DC/ST as well as the state of cus tomer image data when the job is complete.
Page 12 - 32 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Print Controller stores the print job s in the Page Description Language (PD L) that the workstation cr eates throu gh your pr int driver. These files are usually Po stScript or PCL. As the files are interpreted into bitmaps, the bitmaps are transferred to the m arking part of the device.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 33 12. Reference Gr eenwich Mean T ime Offset Use this table to determine the correct Greenwich Mean Time Offset (GM T.
Page 12 - 34 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide +7 Bangkok, Jakarta +8 Beijing, Hong K ong, Singapore +9 O saka, Tokyo +10 Brisbane, Guam, Melbourne, Sy dney +11 Magadan, Solomon Is.
Xerox Docum ent Ce ntre Refere nce G uide Page 12 - 35 12. Reference Xer ox on the W eb Xerox Corp oration’s ho me page. http://www.c entrewa Download the latest CentreW are drivers, software and document ation. http://www.
Page 12 - 36 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntr e Ref erenc e Gu ide Pa ge 13 - 1 13. Paper & Stock 13. Paper & S tock The Documen t Centre can process a variety of different types of media stock to acc ommodate your need s. This c hapter contains information about the p aper stock you can use i n the machine and how you can ex pect it to perform.
Page 13 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Paper an d S tock Per formance Infor mation The following tables list the Document Centre performan ce expectations for both one-sided and two-sided prints and copies, on paper and on other thro ughput mater ials.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 13 - 3 13. Paper & Stock Paper T ray Media Capability The illustration below outlin es the capabilities of the i ndividual paper trays and their ability to process a variety of paper sizes. Trays 1-4 8 to 17 in.
Page 13 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide General S tapling Guide lines The fol low ing inform ati on is p rov id ed for m ac hin es with a F ini sher. Dimension s that can be stapled : Wei ghts th at can be stap led The Finisher can s taple a maximum of 50 sheets of 20 lb.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 13 - 5 13. Paper & Stock Feed Direction of Common Paper Sizes Desired S taple Location Paper Supply Output Option s Select this S taple Button Auto P aper Supply or select the appropriate size LEF paper .
Page 13 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Auto Pap er Supply or select th e appropria te size LEF paper . T o achieve optimum staple location wi th this feed direction you must select 8.5 inch, SEF Paper Su pply . Auto Pap er Supply or select th e appropria te size SEF paper .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 13 - 7 13. Paper & Stock Tables 1 and 2 identify the paper per formance for ea ch tray that is using standard 20 lb.
Page 13 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide (a) Cannot be dup lexed. (b) The output will go to the T op Tray in a machine with a Finisher and cannot be s tapled. (c) Requires a technical specialist to permanently setup, any of the trays 1 - 4 to handle 12 x 18-inch or 305 x 457 mm paper .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 13 - 9 13. Paper & Stock Table 3 de scribes t he performance of a v ariety of no n-standard paper and media. You may run this type of media by following the guidelines below and if the dimension s of the media are within the size limits previously dis cussed for standard paper.
Page 13 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide ** Same performance as shown in T able 1 for the corresponding paper sizes. (d) Refer t o T able 5 or to the pa per tray label for t he corr ect paper loading orient ation.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 13 - 1 1 13. Paper & Stock (h) Performance i s highly dep endent on the quality of the coated paper .
Page 13 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Table 4 lists the new and th e recycled plain paper weights and the performa nce you can expect when they are run through the Document Centre.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 13 - 13 13. Paper & Stock Loading T ypes of Common S tock Use the Table 5 to identify the common uses and special requirements for the variety of stock types that the Document Centre machine can accom modate .
Page 13 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide T ranspar en cies Presentations Use white- striped transparencies. Do not use clear or paper -backed transparenci es. It is recomm ended that tran sparencies be f ed from the Bypass Tray (Tra y 5) or from Tray 1 on machines wi thout a By pass T ray .
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 13 - 15 13. Paper & Stock Document Feeder Paper S tock information Table 6 identifies the potential feeding problems wh en the Document Feeder is used. All feed ing problems can b e av oided if the ori ginal is scanned from t he Docum ent Glass.
Page 13 - 16 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Dog-Eared Originals ( originals wit h fol ded corners) X Originals w ith dog-ears or folded corners on the l ead edge may cause a jam. Ensure that the folds are removed. Too Many Sheets in the Stack X Depending on the model, the Document Feeder can feed up to 75, or 100 sheets of 2 0 lb .
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 13 - 17 13. Paper & Stock Paper Loading, S torage and Han dling Loading Before loa ding paper, unwrap t he paper from th e moi sture resistant wrappings, discard the wrap per and insert the p aper in the tray.
Page 13 - 18 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntr e Ref erenc e Gu ide Pa ge 14 - 1 14. Machi ne Maintenance 14. Machine Maintenance The Document Centre is designed to maximize mach ine uptime. This includes us ing a short paper path in order to r educe jams , and Replaceable Units in order to avoid extended periods of downtime.
Page 14 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Power On Pr o cedur es The Power switch is the white switch located o n the right side o f the machine. Press the ( ) symbol toward the back of the machine in order to turn the po wer on. When the Bas ic Copying Screen ap pears, your job can be programmed.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 14 - 3 14. Machi ne Maintenance Power Off Pr ocedures There are t wo non-emergenc y methods used t o power of f the Document Centre. Pr eferr ed Met hod Pressing the symbol to the left or toward s the front of the machine will turn t he power off.
Page 14 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Secondary Method A red button, lo cated ins ide the machine, is the secon dary option to power off the mach ine. This p ower off procedure imm ediately cuts power to the machine in an u ncontrolled manner withou t confirmati on or delay.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 14 - 5 14. Machi ne Maintenance Machine Faults Occasionally, a fau lt will occur at the machine that m ay prevent you from us ing the machine, such a.
Page 14 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Jam Clearance Areas Area 6b Area 6a L i f t t h e l i d a n d p r e s s t h e g r e e n button as indicated To se parate the lid from the Document Feeder. Area 3 Fuser area: includes areas 3b, 3c, and 3d.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 14 - 7 14. Machi ne Maintenance Area 5- Finisher Open to access Areas 5, 5 a, and 5b Area 7- High Capacity Feeder an d Bypass Tray.
Page 14 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Replaceab le Units and S upplies Repla ceabl e Uni ts There are two Replaceab le Units; the Xerogr aphic Mo dule and the Fuser Module . The machine will display a message on the Touch Scr een when a Xerographic or Fu ser Module needs to be reordered.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 14 - 9 14. Machi ne Maintenance Refer to the table below fo r the expected life of Replaceable Units. Suppl ies The machine us es two types o f supplie s, the Dry Ink Cartridge and the Stap le Cartridges.
Page 14 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Changing the Fin isher S taple Cartridge The Document Centre Finisher has two staplers , each with a Staple Cartridge that holds 5000 staples. The system will display a f ault screen when a cartr idge needs to be replaced.
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 14 - 1 1 14. Machi ne Maintenance Clean ing the Ma chin e CAUTION T o avoid dam age to the machine, do not pour or spray water or cleaner directly into the Document Centre. Do not use any abra si ve cleaners to clean the Document Centre.
Page 14 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Document Feeder Cleaning the Document Feeder routinely will h elp prevent misfeeds. The cleaning proced ure is: Dampen one end of a to wel with Xerox Lens and Mirro r Cleaner(8R36 69). Open the Document Scann er T op Cover .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 15 - 1 15. Probl em So lving 15. Problem Solving The following p ages provide an ov erview of some of th e problems that may occu r with the Document Centre and contain a variety of tables that will assist you in solving hardware, softwar e and program ming proble ms.
Page 15 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide General Operatin g Guidelines A variety of situations can affect the quality of your output. Fo r optimal perfo rmance, ensur e the following guidelines ar e followed. Do not position the Docu ment Centre in direct sun light or near a heat source such as a radiator .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 15 - 3 15. Probl em So lving Calling t he W elcome Center If y ou are ex peri enc ing dif fi cult y wi th you r D ocu ment C ent re, check the suggestions in the follo wing Table of Tr oublesh ooting Tips to see if you can s olve the problem before contacting the Welcome Center.
Page 15 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Diag nosti c T ools The Document Centre is equipped with a variety of diagnostic tools to identify and is olate any problems that may occur. In most cases, these checks are perf ormed in consultation with a n authorized technician or the Welcome Center.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 15 - 5 15. Probl em So lving User Interface Tests Use these tests if you s uspect that the UI is not functioning correctly . Additional inform ation may be foun d on the User Interface when t he test is selected.
Page 15 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide T roub leshooting Tips Pro blem Symptom Recommendation Power The machine will not power on Check to see that the machine is not in Low Power Mode as indicated by the green light on the User In terface.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 15 - 7 15. Probl em So lving Paper Handli ng (cont’d) Repeated paper jams or misfee ds in T ray 5 ( Bypa ss Tray) Ensure that the cor rect paper size is displ aye d on th e Touch Screen . Remove the stock and reload the tray .
Page 15 - 8 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Paper Handling (cont’d) Repeated Check Tray Messa ges on the User Interface and the pap er is loaded in the tray Adjust the edge guides against the stack of pape r i n t he tr ay .
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 15 - 9 15. Probl em So lving Output Quality The machine did not enlarge an 8 1 /2 x 11 inch document to f ill an 11 x 1 7 inch page Ensure that the cor rect tray is selected. 1 1 x 17-inch paper can be load ed in the trays short ed ge feed only .
Page 15 - 10 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Output Quality (cont’d) There are streaks, lines , spots, or black, s olid, or dotted lines Clean the Document Glass, especially near the black plastic ramp on the glass, if using the Document Feeder .
Xerox Do cumen t Cent re R eference Guide Page 15 - 1 1 15. Probl em So lving Output Quality (cont’d) Jobs scan b ut do no t print Some jobs require image processing before printing. This may take as long as 2 seconds per page. Check the Job Status to determine if a job is processi ng.
Page 15 - 12 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Copy Quality (cont’d) Blurred i mages on out put Load fresh paper . If copying from the D ocument Glass, check the quality of the originals, set th e input to Manual Pl aten Inp ut , close the c over and try again.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 15 - 13 15. Probl em So lving Copy Quality (cont’d) Moiré - a wavy pa ttern defect created by th e interactio n of the halft one frequency o n the origi nal and the halftone f requency used to pr oduce the copy Use a reduced Sharp ness setting.
Page 15 - 14 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide Other Problems The system scans originals but does not print th em. The top job in the Job Status lis t shows a s tatus of printin g or The syste.
Xerox Do cumen t Cen tre R eferenc e Guide Pag e 15 - 15 15. Probl em So lving Other Problems (cont’d) Copying a booklet using bound or iginals does not capture the image correctly.
Page 15 - 16 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence Guide.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntr e Ref erenc e Gu ide Pa ge 16 - 1 16. Glo ssary 16. Glossary Term Expl anation A4, A3, B4, B5 These are common metric p aper sizes.
Page 16 - 2 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Build Job This feature allows the Docu ment Centre to accept multiple job segments and combine them into a singl e job. Each segme nt can have differ ent characteri stics such as paper size, 1 -or 2-sided images, or scanned from the glass or through the Document Feeder.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 16 - 3 16. Glo ssary Image S hift This refers to the ability to shift the scann e d image of an original with respect to the paper output. It is designed to be used for creating a bin di ng e dge . Re fe r t o pa ge 4 -26 fo r mo re inf or mati on.
Page 16 - 4 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide Pathway B uttons The functi ons of th e machine are divi ded into four separate and distinct pathways, Features , Job Status , Machine Status and Tools . Features contains all the programming selections needed to produce the job.
Xerox Do cumen t Ce ntr e Ref ere nce G uide P age 16 - 5 16. Glo ssary Sharpness Sharpness adjusts the amount of edge definition on the o utput. If the image app ears slightly out of focus, incr easing the Shar pness value may make the imag e clearer.
Page 16 - 6 Xerox D ocumen t Cent re Ref erence G uide.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de I ndex- 1 Table of Contents Index A Accounts - Auditron 11-6 Active Telephone Line 10-46 Application Checksum Verification 10-56 Aud io To ne s Changing the .
Index- 2 Xe rox Docu men t Ce ntre Ref erenc e Gu ide Basic Copying Tab 2 Sided Copy 4-6 Default settings 12-2 Output 4-3 Paper Supply 4-11 Reduce / Enlarge 4-8 Billing Counters 9-5 Binding Erase feat.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de I ndex- 3 Table of Contents Covers Using the Covers feature 4-31 Customer Replaceable Units 14-8 Customer Support 9-3 D Darken 4-14 Defaults Complete listing.
Index- 4 Xe rox Docu men t Ce ntre Ref erenc e Gu ide Fax Access to 5-7 Delayed Send 5-17 Dialing 5-10 Enabling optional services 10-44 Fax Screen 5-8 Fax Status Sheets, color 10-25 Installation 5-2 S.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de I ndex- 5 Table of Contents I Image Adjustment 6-12 Image Adjustment Tab 4-12 Bound Originals 4-18 Default settings 12-3 Edge Erase 4-21 Image Quality 4-13 I.
Index- 6 Xe rox Docu men t Ce ntre Ref erenc e Gu ide Long Edge Feed (LEF) 2-2 M Machine Information Tab 9-2 Calling for Help 9-3 Machine Status Button 9-1 Machine Telephone Number 10-48 Machine Tests.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de I ndex- 7 Table of Contents Orientation Image 2-2 Long Edge Feed (LEF) 2-2 Short Edge Feed (SEF) 2-2 Original Input screen 4-22 Original Size(Scan) 6-15, 6-1.
Index- 8 Xe rox Docu men t Ce ntre Ref erenc e Gu ide Print to Edge 4-21 Priority Setting Job Priority 10-32 Using Interrupt 3-10 Problem Solving 15-1 Proof See Sample Set 4-37 Proof, see Sample Set P.
Xerox Docu men t Ce ntre Refer ence Gui de I ndex- 9 Table of Contents Short Edge Feed (SEF) 2-2 Sides Scanned(Fax) 5-14 Signature Booklet See Booklet Creation 4-29 Single Job Mode 10-10, 10-33 Sixth .
Index- 10 Xe rox Docu men t Ce ntre Ref erenc e Gu ide Timers Auto Resume 10-22 Incomplete Scan 10-22 Power Saver 10-62 System Timeout 10-22 Tools Access Code 10-2 Changing the password 11-14 Overview.
Machine Administrator Quick Reference Refer to these page s for more information Access : System Mana ge m en t Too ls ............. ......... .... page 10 - 2 The Bil ling Coun ters ............. .............. .... page 9 - 5 Feed Roll Cou nters, resetting .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 490 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 490 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 490 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 490 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 490 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 490 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 490 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 490. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 490 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.