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Xerox DocuPrint 100/1 15/135/155/180 EPS Installation Plannin g Guide 701P2 1 121 V ersion 3.7 July 2003.
Xerox Cor porat ion Global Knowledge and La nguage Ser vices 701 S outh A viatio n Boul evar d ESM 1- 058 El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©2003 by Xerox C orporati on.
Installa tion Planni ng Guid e iii T able of contents Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Laser sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of co ntents iv Installation Planning Guide Online interfa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Tape drive o ption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 3. Prin ter c ompon ents and o ption s .
Tabl e o f conte nts Installa tion Planni ng Guid e v Share d space con fi gur a ti on diag r am s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Floor leveling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20 Delivery access re quirements .
Table of co ntents vi Installation Pla nning Guide B. Xerox suppo r t services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-1 Xerox Cu stomer Ser vice Sup port Cente r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Xerox Printing Systems Customer Su pport Center (U.
Installation Planning Guide vii Safety Laser safe ty W ARNING Adjustments, use of con trols, or perf ormance of procedures other than those spec ified herein may result in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint pr inters are cer tified to comply with the perform ance st andard s of the U.
Safety viii Installation Planning Guide Ozone informat ion : U . S. only This pr oduct produ ces oz one during no r mal ope ration . The amoun t of oz one pr oduced depe nds on cop y v olume .
Installa tion Planni ng Guid e i x Safety • Nev e r use s upplies or clea ning mater ial s f or ot h er th an the i r intend ed purposes. K eep all mate rials out of t he reach of chil dren . • Nev er operat e the e quip ment if y ou n otice unusua l nois es or odors .
Safety x I nstallation Planning Guide Electrical supply This pr oduct shall be oper ated from the type of electrical su pply indicate d on the product’ s dat a plate l abel. If y ou are not sure that your ele ctr ical s u pply me ets th e requi remen ts, pleas e consul t your loca l power company for advice.
Installa tion Planni ng Guid e x i Safety Maintenance Any operator pro duct maintena nce proced ures will b e descr ibed in the u s er docume ntati on suppli ed wit h t he prod uct. Do n ot carry out an y maintenan ce on the product, which is n ot described in the custome r document ation.
Safety xii Installati on Planning Guide Radio and telecom m unications equi pment directive (Eur ope only) Certification to 1999/5 /EC Radi o Equipment and T elecomm unicat ions T ermina l Equipment D.
Install a tion Pl an ni ng Guid e xiii Safety For fur ther information F or mor e informa tion on Environm en t, Heal th an d Saf et y in relatio n to th is Xerox product and su pp lies, plea se cont .
Safety xiv Insta llation Pla n ning Guide.
Installa tion Planni ng Guid e xv Introduct ion This docu ment hel ps you prepa re for del ivery and i nstall ation of your new Xe rox DocuPrint printing syste m.
Introductio n xvi Installa tion Plan nin g Gu ide • Chapt er 4, “ Prepa ring for inst allati on,” pro vides a checklist of tasks tha t must be accomplished before the inst allation. It also ex pla i ns conn ecti vity r equir emen ts for subm itti ng document s from the host or c lient to the p rinting system.
Introd uction Installa ti on Pl an ning Guid e xvii • The word “enter” within procedures: The two-s te p proce ss of k eyin g in d ata and pressin g <En ter> (f or ex ample, enter y ). • It alics: Docume nt and li brary n ames ar e shown in ital ics (f or exampl e, the X erox DocuPrint NPS/I PS Guide to M anaging Prin t J obs ).
Introductio n xviii Installation Pla nning Guide.
Installation Planning Guide 1-1 1. Pr oduct o ver view This chap ter pr ovid es an ov er vie w of the f eatures and funct ions of the Xer o x D ocuPrint 100/ 115/1 35/155 /180 En terpr ise Printing System (EPS).
Prod uc t ov erview 1-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide *Requ ires a dditiona l equ ipment to enable. **600 b y 600 d pi input resolution su ppor ted f or full page IO CA only System components The f ollowing figure sho ws the configur ations suppo r ted f or the Xerox DocuPr int 100/1 15/13 5/155 /180 E PS.
Product o verview Installation Planning Guide 1-3 Figure 1-1. Configurations suppor t ed f or the Xero x DocuP rint 10 0/115 /135/ 155 / 180 EP S 1. Sun UN IX clien t workstation 2. Apple Macintosh client w orkstation 3. Netwo r k connection 4. Controlle r 5.
Prod uc t ov erview 1-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide The f ollowing sections br iefly describe the functio nality of each system compone nt. DocuPr int 100/ 115/1 35/15 5/1 80 EPS The Doc uPr int 100/ 115/1 35/155/ 180 E PS includ es th e contro ller , printer , printer interf a ce , and all ap propriate s oftwar e.
Product o verview Installation Planning Guide 1-5 Xer ox- suppli ed controller The c ontrolle r (mon itor , processor , D VD drive, ke yboard, mou se, diskette d ri v e, and ca r t r idg e tape dr ive.
Prod uc t ov erview 1-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Xero x is responsi ble f or the ph ysical in stallation and service of the print er and cont rolle r hard ware and softw are co mponen ts.
Product o verview Installation Planning Guide 1-7 Client networking software Xero x client softw are , a third-par ty TCP/IP lpr netw orking softw are, No ve ll, or Ap ple/Macinto sh Printer Acce ss Protocol (P AP) ne tworking softw are must be installed on y our client workstat ions or do wnloaded fr om the contr oller .
Prod uc t ov erview 1-8 Insta llation Pla nning Guide The fo llowing illustrates a check pri nted with a MICR line in U .S. f or mat. The entir e MICR lin e, whic h con sists of numbers and char acters (c alled symbol s), is p r inted using magn etic in k.
Product o verview Installation Planning Guide 1-9 IPS/NPS MI CR f onts The M ICR f onts for DocuPr int IPS and NPS i nclude the f ollowing. E13B f onts: • E13B • E13B La ndscape • E13B T est • E13B T est Landscape .
Prod uc t ov erview 1-10 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide In gene ral, a ll print quality a djustments and enhance ment settings sho uld be set at the nominal se ttings when printing MICR ou tput.
Installation Planning Guide 2-1 2. Contr oller compon ents and options This chap ter describes the com ponent s and option s av ailab le f or the Xer o x DocuP rint 100/115/135 /155/180 EPS co ntrolle r .
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Contr oller components The contr oller con sists of a spe cially- config ured Sun w orkstation and use s proprietary Xero x hardwa re, fir mware , and so ftwa re. Y ou r contr oller ha s one of two po ssible conf iguration s, descr ibed in the f ollowing sections.
Control ler compone nts and o ptions Installation Planning Guide 2-3 5. Diskette dr ive 6. D VD-R OM driv e 7. Quar ter-inch car tridge (QIC) tape dr ive 8.
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Sun Blade 25 00 configuration Figure 2-2. S u n Bl ade 2500 contr oller 1. Displ a y moni tor 2. External disk ette driv e 3. K eybo ard 4. Mous e 5. External fix ed disk driv e (opti onal) 6.
Control ler compone nts and o ptions Installation Planning Guide 2-5 The Sun Blade 2 500 contain s the f ollowi ng hardw are compon ents: • Processor (system un it) containing the follo wing: – On.
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide • DV D - R O M d r i v e : The D VD-R OM driv e is a high density , read-o nly , opt ical lase r storage d e vice us ed for loading th e NPS/IPS op erating system and oth er files.
Control ler compone nts and o ptions Installation Planning Guide 2-7 Figure 2-4. D VD-ROM drive location on Sun Blade 2500 processor • Back panel: The bac k panel of t he processor has a po wer recep tacle an d out l e t, co nnect ors, co nn ecto r openin gs, and por ts.
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-8 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Figure 2-5. Bac k panel of the Sun Blade 1000/2000 controller 1. Access panel loc k bloc k 2. Serial conn ectors A a nd B , DB-2 5 3. P arallel connector 4. SCSI co nnector 5. Univ ersal serial b us (USB) connector s (f or ke yboard and fo r m ou se ) 6.
Control ler compone nts and o ptions Installation Planning Guide 2-9 10. Gra phics card / video conne ctor (fram e bu ff er 0) 11. PCI card slot 4 12. Gra phics card / video conne ctor (fram e bu ff er not used) 13. PCI card slo ts 3 and 2 14. P ower conn ecto r 15.
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-10 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide 6. External Ultr aSCSI conn ector 7. T wisted -pair Et hernet 8. Serial connecto r 9.
Control ler compone nts and o ptions Installation Planning Guide 2-11 • Graph ics bo ard: – PGx64 (Sun Bla de 1000/ 2000) – XVR-1 00 (Sun Blade 2500) – Creat or-3D ser ie s 3 graphic s board NO TE: The PGX6 4 graphics bo ard is pr ovided as a standard f e ature of the processor .
Contr oller co mponen ts and opt ions 2-12 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Figure 2-7. P eripheral ca binet with tape drives 1. 9-tr ac k open reel tape driv e 2.
Installation Planning Guide 3-1 3. Printer componen ts and options The printer proce sses the pa ge im a ges re cei v ed from the controll er and prod uces the p rinted output. Thi s chapter describes the components a nd option s av ailab le f or the Xero x DocuPrint 1 00/115/1 35/155/1 80 EPS printer .
Printer compon ents and o ptions 3-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide The printer p rovides control b uttons and displa ys f or ba sic printer funct ions an d statu s inform ation. The pr int er con trol co nsole displa ys messages and gr aphics that assist yo u with jam clear ance and printer maint enance .
Printer component s and opti ons Installation Planning Guide 3-3 Figure 3-2. Printer contr ol console 1. Langua ge icon 2. Printer ico n 3. F ault L ist icon 4. T ools ic on 5. Guarde d T ools ico n 6. Clea r b utton 7. Co ntinue button 8. Stop b utton 9.
Printer compon ents and o ptions 3-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Ref er to the custom er document ation f or a detaile d description of the f eatures and oper ation of t he printer co ntrol conso le compon ents.
Printer component s and opti ons Installation Planning Guide 3-5 Figure 3-5. Print er with inver ter feeder / stacker and three feeder /stackers Bypass transport option The b ypass tr an sport option pro vides an in ter f ace betw e en the DocuPrint 1 00/115/135/ 155/180 EPS and y our fi nishing accessories .
Printer compon ents and o ptions 3-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Bypass transport printer configurations The f ollow ing printer configur ations ma y ha ve the b ypass transpor t, illustrated bel ow.
Installation Planning Guide 4-1 4. Pr ep a ri ng f or instal lation This chap ter assists y ou in prep ar ing f or the installatio n of y our Xerox DocuPr int 10 0/115 /135/1 55/18 0 EPS. Use this chapte r in conjun ction with t he Gett ing Re ady f or Insta lla tion m anual .
Prepar ing f or in stal lation 4-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Xero x re sponsi bilitie s This section lists the responsib ilities of the ser vice representat iv es and system s analysts bef ore, du.
Prepar ing for inst all atio n Installation Planning Guide 4-3 NO TE: Operat ing system software is not the same f o r all printing systems . Theref ore, make sure that y our system spe cialists are f amiliar wi th the oper ating system softwa re that is specific to your DocuPrint system.
Prepar ing f or in stal lation 4-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Applications W o r k with y our Xero x systems analyst t o determine requireme nts f or initial appl ications.
Prepar ing for inst all atio n Installation Planning Guide 4-5 Connectivity requirements An Ethe r net loca l area ne twork (LAN) running T ransmissio n Control Proto col/In ternet Protocol (TCP /IP),.
Prepar ing f or in stal lation 4-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide W o r k with yo ur system administra tor to assess what t ype of netw o rk you ha ve and wh at mo dificati ons need to be made to supply an Ethernet connect or to the contr oller processo r .
Installation Planning Guide 5-1 5. C ontr oller req uirem ents an d specifications This chap ter pr ovid es po wer an d space r equiremen ts f or the contro ller .
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Outlet configurations This section d iscusses specif ications f or system o utlets and the require d wall outl et conf ig urations f or the US A / Cana da and inter nationa lly .
Controller require ments and sp ecifications Installation Planning Guide 5-3 The req uired w all o utlet v oltages f or USA / Ca nada, Uni ted King do m, an d the res t of Eu ro pe are as follows: • USA / Canada: The v oltage a t the w all outlet is 100 to 120 V AC betwee n A C hot and neu tral , and be tween A C hot an d GND .
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Sun Blade 10 00/ 200 0 en vironmental require ment s • Te m p e r a t u r e : 32 to 104 degre es F / 0 to 4 0 degre.
Controller require ments and sp ecifications Installation Planning Guide 5-5 Controller placement W ARNING The contr oller must be positione d within the line-of-sight of the printer f or safety purposes while servicing the equipment. The contr oller compon ents are pla ced in the a ccompan ying controll er stand.
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Figure 5-2. Sun Blade 10 00/200 0 fan and vent locations to keep c le ar 1.
Controller require ments and sp ecifications Installation Planning Guide 5-7 Figure 5-3. S un Blade 2500 fan and vent locations to keep cl e a r 1. V e nts in f ront of proce ssor 2. V e nts in ba ck of proce ssor Do not: • Pla ce the mo nitor an d processo r on a d esk or tab le top .
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-8 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Contr oller har dware speci fications and requir ements summary The f ollowing tab les summariz e the speci fications and electrical requireme nts of your controller ha rd ware components.
Controller require ments and sp ecifications Installation Planning Guide 5-9 Exter na l hard disk dri ve W=7. 5 in / 19 cm H=2.7 in / 7 cm D=13 in / 33 cm 8.4 lb s / 3.8 kg --- 100-240 VA C, 47-63 Hz, max. 850 m a - 1.45 amp SCSI c able to proc essor or additio nal SCSI device : 28 in / 7 1 cm Keybo ard d=7.
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-10 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide T able 5-3. Sun Blade 2500 specif ications Devic e Dimensions (depth, width, height) Weight Heat dissipation Power requirements Cable lengths Stand d=35.5 in / 90.2 cm w=30 in / 76.
Controller require ments and sp ecifications Installation Planning Guide 5-11 External disket te dr ive w=408 in. / 10.4 cm h=.93 in. / 2.4 cm d=5.93 in . / 15.1 cm .68 lbs / .31 kg --- --- USB cable t o proc essor : 11.8 in / 30 cm Additi onal extens ion cabl e prov ided: 6 ft / 1.
Contro lle r require ments an d speci ficatio ns 5-12 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide.
Installation Planning Guide 6-1 6. Printer requireme nts a nd specifications This chap ter pr ovid es po wer an d space r equiremen ts f or the DocuPrint 1 00/115/135/ 155/180 EPS printer . It also pro vides printer en viron m en tal speci fi cat ions .
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Outlet configurati ons This secti on discusses specifica tions f or printer outl ets and th e require d wall outl et conf ig urations f or the US A / Cana da and inter nationa lly .
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-3 Prin ter power outlet and cord vo l t a g e configurations– 60 Hz The f ollo wing fi gures sho ws the 60 Hz po wer out let configur ati on f or 50 am p NEMA 14-5 0R and 30 amp NEMA 14-30R.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide WYE (or Star ) configurations– 50 Hz F or the 50 Hz WYE co nfigur atio n, measu re the WYE or Star connecti on v oltages at the po wer so urce. The f ollow ing lis ts the 50 Hz WYE/St ar printer outlet i nf or mation f or 38 0 and 40 0 v olts .
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-5 En vir o nmental speci fications When y ou select a loca tion f or y our printer , av oid en vironm ents with e xtreme v ariations in temper ature a nd other h azards , such as excessive dust or hu midity .
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Space requirements Y ou shoul d consider the f ollo wing f actors wh en deciding where to place the printer har dwar e co.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-7 Printer configuration diagrams The f ollowi ng diagr ams show spa ce requirem ents f or three pr inter c onfig urations.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-8 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Prin ter with in ver t er feed er / stac ker and tw o feeder/ stackers The di men sions o f the pr int er wit h the inv er ter f eed er/st ack er , and tw o f eeder/stac kers a re as f ollow s: • Width: 1 83.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-9 Prin ter with in ver t er feed er / stac ker and three fee der/ stackers The di men sions o f the pr int er wit h the inv er ter f eed er/st a ck er and thr ee f eeder/stac kers are as f ollows : • Width: 2 15.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-10 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Bypass transport specif icat ions The b ypass tran spor t option enab les y ou to add a third-party finishing d evice . The b ypass tra nspor t is installed b y your ser vice repres entativ e and remai ns permanently in place .
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-11 Figure 6-6. Bypass tr ansport dimensions.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-12 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Service acc es s Th e f ollow ing figur e provi des space pl anning in f or mation and ser vice access requiremen ts fo r the b ypass transp or t. Figure 6-7. Bypass transpor t space plann ing diagram (top view) 1.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-13 7. Bypass transport / input ena bleme nt jam clearan ce space i s require d Bypass transport paper path The following figu re shows the pa per pat h throug h the bypas s tra nspor t from a front view .
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-14 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Configuration diagrams wi th bypass transport The following diagrams show the d imensio ns and s pace requirements of th e printer with a byp ass transpor t.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-15 Figure 6- 10 . Prin ter—inver ter feeder / stacker and tw o feeder/ stac kers with b ypass tr anspor t 1. Printer 2. In v er ter f eeder /stac ker 3. Bac k of printer area 4.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-16 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Befo re install ation, yo u must consider the f ollowing: • Clear ance space re quirements wh ere yo u intend to i ns.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-17 NO TE: Finishers that are attached to y our b ypass transpor t ma y occup y shared space with Xe ro x equi pment. H owe v er , they m ust be remo vab le to allo w ser vicing of the printer f eeders a nd stac k ers.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-18 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Face-to-fa ce shared space Th e fo llowing fig ure shows the two printers f acing each other . The printers share 26 i nches / 30 .5 cm of t he gener al service space , b ut not th e e xclusiv e operat or area in front of each printer .
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-19 Face-to-bac k shared space Th e f ollow ing figur e show s the two printers arr anged with one f acing the bac k of the other . Betwee n them is 60 inche s / 152.4 cm of space.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-20 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Floor leveling F or proper operati on, the printer m ust be perf ectly le ve l. On floors le ss than two degrees o ut of lev el, inst allati o n pers onnel use a lev eling kit to lev el the machin e.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-21 T urning radius Y ou must also c onsid er the widt h of th e p assa gewa y when the equi pment mus t nego tiate a cor n er , whethe r into a ro om, a n ele vat or , or anoth er passage wa y .
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-22 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Using the turning radius tables T o use the ta bles: 1. Me asure the minimum wi dth o f the pass age or doorway you need to use.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-23 The follo wing table lists the tur ning requireme nts f or the pr inter if it is u pended f or easier m oving or stair-cl imbing. This tab le reflects requiremen ts f or the printer sepa rated f rom the PHM.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-24 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide T urning radii f or feeder /stacker modules The f ollowing tab le lists the tur ning requirements f or the in v er t er f eeder /stac ker module .
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-25 NO TE: These turning fi gures are based on i nv er ter/f eeder/ stacker dimensio ns of 28 in ches / 71.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-26 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide Printer with in v ert er feeder/stacker and tw o feeder/ stackers W=183. 5 in / 466.1 cm H=59.6. i n / 151.3 c m D=38.8 i n / 98.6 cm T ota l spa ce requ ired (+ ac cess ): 256.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-27 Space planning templates The dime nsions and sp ace req uirements f or y our printer compon ents are pr ovide d earlier in this ch apter .
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-28 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-29.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-30 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide.
Printe r requir ements and specifi cations Installation Planning Guide 6-31.
Prin ter requir ements a nd specif ication s 6-32 Insta llati on Plannin g Guide.
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 234 56789 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 8 C O D o e d L .
Installation Planning Guide 7-1 7. System connections This chap ter pr ovid es cab le requ irement s f or yo ur Xero x DocuPrint 100/ 115 /1 35/ 155 /180 EPS . It also pro vides inf or m ation about chann el-att achin g your pr inte r . T o ensure all of y our cab le requirem ents are m et, w or k wi th y our Xero x repr esenta tive.
System co nnections 7-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide W ARNING Using an inappr opriate alte rnate cab le ma y degrade the performance of y ou r equipmen t and ma y also be hazar do us. NO TE: Cable length los s must be factored in if equi pment is install ed in a r aised-f loor e nvir onment.
System co nnections Installation Planning Guide 7-3 Channel attac h ments The Xerox DocuP ri nt 100/ 115/ 135/1 55/18 0 EP S c onform s to IBM standa rds and requ ir em e nts f or any cha nne l -a tta che d pr in ter .
System co nnections 7-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide.
Installation Planning Guide 8-1 8. Installation This chapte r describes the activities perf ormed by y ou and Xero x person nel du ring the instal lati on of the Xero x DocuPrint 100/115 / 135/ 15 5/1 80 EPS hard w are and softw ar e com po nen ts .
Installation 8-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide 4. Xero x personne l test the syste m and run sample jobs (3 0 minutes). 5. Xero x p ersonnel co nduct initia l operati ons tr aining (f ou r to six hours). 6. Xero x personne l re view p re ventiv e mainten ance sched ules and service call procedures .
Installation Installation Planning Guide 8-3 • Hav e your operat ors av ail able for training. Ref er to the installation planni ng chec klist in the “Pr e parin g f or installation” ch apter of this guid e for a complete list of responsibilities.
Installation 8-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide As installation coor dinator , it is your responsibility to designate the staff members responsib le f or these tasks. Routine maintenance A nu mber of routine mainte nance tasks must be perf or med to ensure maxim um efficiency of y our printer .
Installation Planning Guide A-1 A. Supplies This app endix pro vides inf or mation and specificatio ns f or media used with y our Xer o x DocuPrint 100/ 115/135/ 155/180 EPS pr in ter .
Supp lies A-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide • US Led ger/US T ab loid: 11 by 17 inche s / 279 b y 432 mm • A3: 11.6 9 by 16.54 i nches / 297 by 420 mm Recommended weight and grade Use a g ood qua lity , x erogr aphic-gr ade paper .
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-3 • T ransparencies: M ust be the t ype de signed f or high-s peed printers an d must meet the specificat ions describ ed in the sectio n a bov e. Loadin g instr uct ions ar e prin ted on all pape r tra ys. Load tr ansparencies w ith the opaque strip t o the right.
Supp lies A-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide P a per width and throughput speed (LCDS printing onl y) The wid th of the paper you use f or y our LCD S print job is direct ly related to the rate at which the pr inter can print the job .
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-5 Each ti me a jo b requ ires a d iff erent p aper siz e that changes across a pitch bound ary , the system p erf or ms a time-consuming x erogr ap hi c qualit y adju s tm en t.
Supp lies A-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide P aper size and pitch mode minim um and maximum The illustrations in thi s section show the pitch modes in which y ou can ope rate with the sm allest a nd largest size papers supported by the printing system.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-7 Using large paper siz e s in 3 pitch mode Large paper siz es with width s of 15.31 to 17 inch es / 389 to 43 2 mm are suppor ted onl y in 3 pi tch mode and must f eed short edge f irst. T hese p ap er si zes sl ow down the thro ughput spee d.
Supp lies A-8 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Eur opean papers The f ollowing figures sho w how Eur opean pape r sizes f eed throug h the printer i n v arious pitch m odes.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-9 Figure A-6. US Ledger or US T abloid / 11 by 17 i nch paper feeding (short edg e feed) B4 papers There ar e t wo versions of B4 pape r : E urop ea n (ISO B4: 9 . 84 by 13.89 i nches / 250 by 3 53 mm) a nd J apanese (JIS B4: 14.
Supp lies A-10 Installation Planning Gu ide P aper care Once y ou hav e purchase d y o ur pape r , you must be sur e it is stored and cond itioned prop er ly , so that it performs optima lly in the print er with a m inim um of jam s. Storing paper P aper has a t endency to curl under t he heat th at is pr esent inside x ero gr ap hic equi pmen t.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-11 Figure A-9. Storing paper correctl y Figure A-10. Recommended temperature and humidity f or paper storage.
Supp lies A-12 Installation Planning Gu ide Conditioning paper Beca use te mp eratur e and hu midity affect paper p erf or mance in the pr inte r , you need to cond ition pa per before usin g it. T o do this , store p aper f or a specif ied le ngth of ti me in the same type o f en vironme nt as y our printer .
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-13 Othe r supplie s This secti on describes the s upplies o ther tha n paper th at are neces sar y f or in stallation and after war d. Y our sales represe nta tiv e will help you pla c e your initia l sup ply order .
Supp lies A-14 Installation Planning Gu ide Fuser agent Fuser ag ent (the lubricant f or the prin ter fuser) is a con sumab le item re quired b y the printer . Th e consumptio n ra te of Xero x fuser agent i s appro ximatel y one bo ttle per 250,000 pages .
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-15 Stacker cont ainers a nd pallets (optional) Stac ker containe rs can be placed inside the stac k er bins to receiv e and n eatly stac k large amo unts of output. Th ese optiona l contain ers ar e av a ilable in a variet y of sizes, acc omm odatin g v arious standard U .
Supp lies A-16 Installation Planning Gu ide MICR tools Y ou can use the f ollowi ng tools to determine whether the MICR output is print ing wi th i n MICR speci fic at io ns: • MICR P ositio ning an d Dimen s ion Gau ge. • 8 P ower (X) Comparator with MICR grid.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-17 Consumable supplies tab les A numbe r of supp lies are available from Xer o x for y our pr in ter . Use the f ollo wing tab les to h elp determine y our supply n eeds. NO TE: Custome rs in th e U . S. may use the par t numbe rs in thes e tables to orde r suppl ies.
Supp lies A-18 Installation Planning Gu ide 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue 3R3052 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue, 3-hole 3R3068 8.5 x 14 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue, 3-hole 3R3084 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors—G reen 3R3056 8.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-19 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue 3R3052 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue, 3-hole 3R3068 8.5 x 14 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors —Blue, 3-hole 3R3084 8.5 x 11 i nch Dual Pur pos e Colors—G reen 3R3056 8.
Supp lies A-20 Installation Planning Gu ide 8.5 x 11 i nch 10 Seri es Dual P ur pose p aper , 7 -hole * 3R3016 8.5 x 14 i nch 10 Seri es Dual P ur pose p aper 3R2 954 8.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-21 T ab stock Xerox tab stock is packaged in 5-tab sets, 250 sh eets per car ton. Straigh t collate d singles (forward, top down): Non-dr illed 90-pound , Index.
Supp lies A-22 Installation Planning Gu ide T able A-7. Carbonless stocks f or the printer Pitch Parts Sequenc e Sheets Shee ts per cart on Sets per car ton Cartons per pallet Part number 8.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-23 Complete supplies list for the printer The f ollow i ng tab le lists the su ppl i e s in ad di tion to paper th at a r e a v ailab le f or y our prin ter . Use th is tab le to help y ou determine y our suppli es needs .
Supp lies A-24 Installation Planning Gu ide Ordering su pplie s T o a v oid unn ecessar y downti me, al wa ys ha v e an adequa te amou nt of the neces s ar y s upplie s. T o do t hi s, you need to esta blis h a proc edur e for che cking and o r d er ing su pplie s.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-25 It is i mpor tant that y ou chec k y our suppl ies regu larly and orde r before you run out. P lan on ap proximate ly fi v e wor king d a ys for deliv er y after placi ng the order . Y ou can m ake arran gements to receive them so oner in emerge ncy si t uatio ns.
Supp lies A-26 Installation Planning Gu ide In Can ada, call tel emark eting f or consuma ble supplies ( non- paper ): • (Eng lish) 1- 800- 668- 01 99 • (F renc h) 1-80 0-66 8-01 33 • (F a x) 1- 416- 733- 30 86 • (T o ronto onl y) 73 3-9400 In Eur ope and other countrie s, con tact y our local X ero x repr esenta tive.
Supplie s Installation Planning Guide A-27 T able A-9. Supplies chec klist Use this che c klist t o help reco rd the supplie s and acce ssories you need, th e date you plan to place the or der , and the actual date of the or der .
Supp lies A-28 Installation Planning Gu ide Cleaning supplies T able A-9. Supplies checkli st (Continued) Use this che c klist t o help reco rd the supplie s and acce ssories you need, th e date you plan to place the or der , and the actual date of the or der .
Installation Planning Guide B-1 B. Xero x suppor t ser vices Xero x provides man y ser vices in supp or t of y our printing system. This app endix conta ins inf or mation on the f ollo wing services: • Xero x Customer Service Support Center • Xero x Printing System s Customer Suppor t Cente r (U .
Xerox support se rvices B-2 Insta llation Pla nning Guide NO TE: This phone n umber is atta ched to y our printer at installation time . In the U nited States , call 1-80 0-822-29 79 to repor t printing system hardw are or software p roble ms.
Xerox support services Installation Planning Guide B-3 • A list of spe cial cond itions th at ma y ha v e caus ed the prob lem : – New appli c ations – Chang es made to t he softw a re – Rec en t ser vice perfor med – Pre vious cond itions under wh ich the a pplicati on has pr in ted pr oper ly U .
Xerox support se rvices B-4 Insta llation Pla nning Guide Xer o x Customer Documentation Catalog Detailed infor ma tion on do cumentatio n for DocuPrin t pr inters and ot he r Xerox product s is cont ained in the Xer o x Custome r Documentation Catalog.
Xerox support services Installation Planning Guide B-5 Xer ox Font Service s The Xero x Fo nt Center can send y ou samples and catalogs o f the f onts av ailabl e f or you r printing system.
Xerox support se rvices B-6 Insta llation Pla nning Guide.
Installation Planning Guide C-1 C. Related publications The Xerox Do cuPrint 100/115 /135/155 /180 EPS d ocument ation set inclu des the pu blicatio ns that ar e listed in the f ollowing sections. Refe r to the “Xerox sup p ort servic es” append ix of this guide f or info rmation on how to orde r these a nd oth er public ations.
Related pub lica tions C-2 Insta llation Pla n ning Guide • Xerox Do cuPrint 10 0/1 15/135/ 155/180 EPS Operato r T rainin g Participant Guide • Xerox Do cuPrint 100/1 15/135/ 155/180 EPS Prog ram.
Related pub lica tions Installation Planning Guide C-3 Printing the customer document ation T o p rint th e la test v er sion of the cust omer doc umentat io n: 1. Crea te a queue, specif ying ASCII for input and Du plex for outpu t. 2. Insert the DOC CD into the CD d rive.
Related pub lica tions C-4 Insta llation Pla n ning Guide.
Installa ti on Pl an ni ng Guid e GLOSS ARY- 1 Glossar y This glossa r y contains a list of ter ms f or wor king with the Xero x DocuPrint 1 00/115/1 35/155/1 80 EPS , and a defi n ition of ea c h. A3 P aper si ze me asuring 29 7 b y 420 mm . A4 P aper si ze me asuring 21 0 b y 297 mm .
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-2 Installation P lanning Guide binary digit (bit) In the binary numbe ring system, either of the char acters 0 or 1 . The bit i s the basic un it of inf or mation w ith which a compu ter wo rks. It can tak e the f or m of a magneti zed spot, an elect r ic pulse, a po sitive or nega tive charge, etc.
GLOSSARY Installa ti on Pl an ni ng Guid e GLOSS ARY- 3 buf fe r Compar tment of memory in whic h data is sto red durin g tra nsf er from one de vice to ano ther .
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-4 Installation P lanning Guide communi cation line T elecomm unication line connectin g de vices at one location with de vices at other loca tions in order to tra nsmit and r eceiv e inf ormation. communi cation link Physical mean s (i.
GLOSSARY Installa ti on Pl an ni ng Guid e GLOSS ARY- 5 device An y piece of ha rdw are ot her than the CPU (Centr al Processing Unit). DF A Do c ument Feeding and Finish ing Arc hitect ure.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-6 Installation P lanning Guide EtherT alk Hardw are i nterf ace and netw ork software f or A pple Macint osh co mputer s that p rovides con n ectio n to an Ethernet netw ork. ext en s io n P or tion of a filename th at f ollows a per io d.
GLOSSARY Installa ti on Pl an ni ng Guid e GLOSS ARY- 7 f ormat 1. Layout of a doc ument , incl uding ma rgins, page lengt h, line sp acing, t ypeface, etc. 2. In data storage , the wa y the surf ace of a disk is orga nized to s t ore d ata. 3. T o prep are the surf ace of a disk f or acce ptance of data.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-8 Installation P lanning Guide job Print data and attrib utes requir ed f or pr ocessing and pr in ting a d ocume nt. landscape page orientation Ori entation of pr int lines or top of an illustration parallel to the l ong edg e of the paper .
GLOSSARY Installa ti on Pl an ni ng Guid e GLOSS ARY- 9 mixed envir onmen t Group of di ff erent printing systems a t the same location. network 1. Sy stem of geog r aphicall y separ ate comput ers, linke d to one another o ver transmissi on lines . 2.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-10 Installation P lanning Guide por trait page orientation Orientation of print line s or the top of an illustr ation parallel t o the sho r t ed ge of t he pape r . Po s t S c r i p t Pa ge descriptio n languag e de v eloped b y Adobe Systems , Incorporated .
GLOSSARY Installa tion Plan ning Guid e GLOSSA RY - 11 software Programs , including op erat in g systems, procedures, utilities, applications prog rams , etc.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY-12 Installation P lanning Guide.
Install a tion Pl an ni ng Guid e INDE X -1 Inde x B back pa nel, c ontrol ler Sun Blad e 250 0 2- 9 – 2-10 bypass tr ansport 3-5 , 6-10 C cable lengths 7-1 locations 7- 2 cart ridge tap e s A-14 CE.
Index INDEX-2 Installa ti on Planning Gu ide I installation 8- 1 connectivi ty 4-5 plan nin g, ch eckli st 4-4 prep ar ing f or 4-1 proce ss 8- 1 responsibilities 4-1 , 8-2 interf ace op t ions contro.
Index Install a tion Pl an ni ng Guid e INDE X -3 space r equir emen ts printe r 6-6 specifi cations controller 5-1 , 5-8 controll e r, en vir on m en tal 5- 3 printe r 6-1 , 6-25 speed 1- 5 , A-3 sta.
Index INDEX-4 Installa ti on Planning Gu ide.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 155 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 155 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 155 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 155 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 155 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 155 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 155 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 155. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 155 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.