Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 12CP des Produzenten Xerox
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Xerox Cor porat ion Global Knowledge & Language S ervices 800 Ph illip Road – Building 8 45 – 17S Webster , New Y ork 14580 USA © 2000 Xe rox Cor poration.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E i Contents Safet y note s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Electric al safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Proble m solv ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Clearing pa per jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 1 Safety notes The Xerox In-line St apler Finisher a nd the recom mended mai ntenance supplie s have been desi gned and t ested to me et strict safe ty requireme nts. Attention to the followi ng notes wil l ensure the c ontinued s afe operati on of your eq uipment.
2 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Maintenanc e safety Do not attem pt any mai ntenance pr ocedure tha t is not specif ically des cribed i n the documentatio n that is sup plied with y our In-lin e S tapler Finis her . Do not use aerosol c leaners.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 3 Overview Figure 1: Xer ox DocuColor 12 with a Finishe r/Mailbox The In- line S tapler F inisher is an option al access ory for the Xerox Doc uColor 12 and Document Ce ntre ColorSer ies 50 copier/p rinters. It attaches to the right side of the c opier/ printer , as shown in F igure 1.
4 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Finish er/Mailbox configuration When t he Finisher is configu red as a Fini sher/Mailbox , the top 10 bins are d esignated as mailbox bins for print jobs. Uns tapled print jobs can be directed to any on e of these bins or to either of the output tr ays.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 5 Components Figure 2: Finisher Components 1 Left Door - Open to clear jams in Areas 5 and 6. 2 Right Door - Open to clear jams in Areas 7 a nd 8. The top edge of the Right Door is also us ed to grasp the Finish er when separating the Finis her from the co pier/prin ter for jam c learance .
6 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Enabling the Finisher options Once the Finisher pri nter driver has been ins talled on your wo rkstation, you will need to enable the Finisher o ptions. The procedure for doing so v aries by operating s ystem.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 7 Windows 95 /98 1 From the S t art m enu, s elect Settings > Pri nters > X erox Document Centre CS 50 PS . 2 From the File menu, select Properties . 3 Select t he Device Options tab. 4 Unde r Inst alla ble op tions, s el ect Output T ray .
8 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Mac OS 7.6 an d abo ve 1 From th e Apple menu , select Chooser . 2 In the Ch ooser , sele ct AdobePS . 3 In the Sel ect a PostS cript Printe r dialog bo x, highligh t the name o f the desire d printer and sele ct Setup .
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 9 Using the Finisher The Fini sher can s taple from 2 to 5 0 sheets (50-s heet maxim um applie s to up to 2 4 lb/90 gsm paper). Y ou can staple b oth portrai t and landsc ape docum ents with singl e or dual staples.
10 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Resolving stap ling conflicts If a staple op tion is n ot compatible wi th the print s ettings you hav e selected in the prin ter driver , a caution s ymbol will appear next to the staple opti on.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 11 S tapling mixed si ze docu ments Documents c ontaining differe nt page sizes c an be staple d if: • all of the sizes in the docum ent are supp orted by the Finisher • the feed ed ge (front to rear) of ea ch paper is th e same length .
12 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Printing pr ocedur es When you are ready to print you r job, follow the procedur e for your oper ating syst em. The steps shown may vary depending on the appl ication yo u are us ing. NOTE: The proc edures in this section a pply to th e Documen t Centre Color Series 50 copier /printer.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 13 From Windows 95/98 1 Open yo ur document . 2 From the File menu, select Prin t . 3 In the Pr int dialo g box, se lect your printer nam e from the Nam e drop-down list box. 4 Click t he Propert ies button. 5 In the Pr operties di alog box, s elect the desired prin t settings.
14 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE From Mac OS 7.6 and above 1 Open yo ur document . 2 From the File menu, select Pa ge Setup . 3 Select t he desir ed paper size and orie ntation. 4 Click OK . 5 From the File menu, select Prin t . 6 From th e drop-down list box i mmediately beneath the printer na me, select Output Options .
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 15 Using CentreW are Internet Services If you ar e using a Docum ent Centre ColorSeries 50 copier/ printer , you can use CentreWare Internet S ervices to print a pri nt-ready Pos tScript file and to acces s Finisher informat ion.
16 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Checking the status of the Finisher output trays CentreWare Internet Se rvices prov ides you with the status of each of th e 10 mailbo x bins, as well as the Center Ou tput T ray and the Finisher Output Tray .
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 17 Checking the S taple Cartridge sta tus In additio n to infor mation about the other c onsumables for your Document Centr e ColorSeri es 50 copie r/printer , C entreW are Internet Ser vices prov ides the status of the Finisher St aple Cart ridge.
18 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Changing the out-of-staple default sett ing The Fini sher has a n out-of-staple default setti ng. This sett ing contr ols whether the copier/ printer wil l stop or co ntinue proce ssing when th e S taple Cartrid ge is empty .
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 19 Adding staples Check the printer regu larly and load a new S taple Pa ck when n eeded. Ensu re that you h ave a new Fi nisher S taple Pack on hand befor e beginn ing this procedu re. Do not us e a Convenien ce S taple Car tridge.
20 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE 4 Grasp the exposed edge of t he white St apl e Pack and remo ve the S taple Pack from the S taple Car - tridge ( Figure 5 ).
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 21 7 Remove th e white paper stri p from the S taple Pack ( Figure 7) . Figure 7: Removing the p aper tape from th e St aple P ack 8 Grasp the S taple Cartrid ge by the g old bar and inse rt the S taple Car trid ge into the cartri dge holder (F igure 8).
22 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Problem solving Clearing paper jams When a pap er jam occur s, a paper jam message and instructi ons for clear ing the paper jam is d isplayed on the copier/pr inter T ouch Screen. NOTE: Remove t he jammed paper carefully an d gradually so you do n ot tear it.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 23 2 Do one of th e followin g: • If paper is vi sible in the Interface A rea, remove the paper and proc eed to step 5 (Fig ure 10).
24 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Area 5 jam 1 Open the Left Door of the Finisher . 2 Move Hand le 5 to the lower posi tion (Figu re 12). Figure 12: Lowering Handle 5 3 Rotate Knob 6 c ountercloc kwise to rel ease the jamme d paper (Figur e 13).
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 25 Area 7 jam 1 Open the Right Door of t he Finishe r . 2 Pull up on Handle 7 until it snaps into plac e (Fig- ure 14). Figure 14: Pulling up on Handle 7 3 Remove th e jammed paper (Figure 1 5). 4 Push down on Han dle 7 unti l it snaps into place.
26 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Area 7 and 8 jam 1 Perfor m steps 1 to 4 of t he “ Ar ea 7 jam ” proce- dure. 2 Swing Han dle 8 to the right until it snaps into place (F igure 16). Figure 16: Swinging Handle 8 to the right 3 Remove th e jammed paper carefull y (Figure 1 7).
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 27 Area 9 jam 1 Lift and ho ld the Fini sher Exit Cov er (Area 9) , loca ted above the F inisher Output Tray (Figur e 18). 2 Remove th e jammed s heet (Figur e 18). 3 Lower the Finisher Exi t Cover . 4 If the jam message co ntinues to display , open and clos e the Fini sher Exit Cover again .
28 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE Problem solving table Use the table below to identi fy and troub leshoot p roblems th at may be relate d to the Finisher . Problem Cause and solution Job is not p rinting • Finisher trays may b e full.
IN-L I NE STAPLER FIN ISHE R US ER GUID E 29 Ordering supplies The Fini sher holds one S taple Ca rtridge. The S taple Cartrid ge is reusabl e and hol ds one St a p l e P a c k .
30 IN-LIN E ST AP LER F INI SH E R US ER G U IDE T echnical data Mailbox/So rte r B ins 100 sheets m aximum capaci ty per bin (1000 sheets to tal bin capaci ty) Center Output T ray 300 sheets m aximum capacity Finisher Output T ray Same si ze media : 60 or 100 stapled sets (set by X erox Servi ce Representative ) 1000 shee ts of 8.
Prepared b y: Xerox C orporati on Global Kno wle dge & Language Servic es 780 Salt Road Webster , New Y ork 14580 March 2 000 701P3 4148.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 12CP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 12CP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 12CP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 12CP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 12CP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 12CP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 12CP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 12CP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 12CP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.