Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ET8MTKXKQ00 des Produzenten Whirlpool
Zur Seite of 48
TO P - M O U N T REFR IGERATOR Use & Care Guid e For que s tions about features , operation/per formance parts, acc essories or s ervice, call : 1-800- 253-130 1 . In Canada, c all for as s istan ce 1- 800-461 -5681 , for i nstallati on and ser v ice, call: 1-800 -807-6 777 or visi t our websi te a t.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGE RA TOR SAF ETY ........ ... ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ..... . 3 Proper Disp osal of Y ou r Old Refri gerator .... ... ..... .. ...... .. ...... .. ..... . 3 REFRIGE RA TOR IN STALLAT ION . ...
3 REFRI GERATOR SA FE TY Proper Disposal of Y our Old Refrigerator IM PORT ANT : Child entr apment and s uffo cation ar e not pr oblems of the past . Junked or abandoned r efrige rators ar e still danger ous – even i f they will sit for “ just a few days.
4 REFRIGERATOR IN STALL ATION Unpacki ng Removing p ackagin g ma terials ■ Remove tape a nd glue r esidue from sur faces before tur ning on the refriger ator . Rub a small am ount of liquid d ish soap over t he adhesive with you r fingers. Wip e with warm water and d ry .
5 Electr ic al Requirements Befor e you m ove your r efrigerator into its fina l locatio n, it is impor tant to make su re you ha ve the pr oper electrical connec tion: Recomm en ded grounding me thod A 115 V olt, 60 Hz., AC on ly 15 or 20 ampere f used, gr ounded electrical supp ly is require d.
6 6. Fasten the shut-of f valve to the cold wat er pipe with the pipe clamp. Be s ure t he outlet end is so l idly in the ¹⁄₄ in. drilled hole in the water pi pe and that the wash er is under t he pipe clamp . Tighte n the pack i ng nu t. Tighten the pipe clamp scre ws car efully and evenly so washer makes a w atertight seal.
7 Cabin et 1. Remove ⁵⁄₁₆ in. hex-head hing e screws fr om handle side a nd move t hem to oppo site side (see Grap hic 1-1). 2. Remove cab inet hinge hole plugs f rom cabin et top and move them t o opposite side hing e holes as show n (see Graphic 1-2).
8 Style 1-- St andard Door Door Remov al & Replacement Door Swing Rever sal (optional) 1. Door Hinge Hole Plug 1. Flat-Head Handle Screws 2. Freezer Handle 1. Cabinet Hinge Hole Plugs 1. Door Handle Sealing Screws 1. Door Stop Screw 2. Door Stop 3 4 1.
9 St yle 2 -- Con tour Door Door Swing Reversal (optional) 3 1 1. 5 / 16 " Hex-Head Hinge Screws 1-1 1 1-2 1. Door Hinge Hole Plug 2 1 1. Door Stop 2. Door Stop Screw 1 Removal of Door Stops 2 1. Cabinet Hinge Hole Plugs 1 Base Grille Top Hinge Bottom Hinge Center Hinge 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 Door Removal & Replacement 1.
10 Door Closing and Alignment Door Cl os ing Y our r efrigera tor has two f ront ad justable r ollers – one on t he r igh t and o ne on the left. If your re frig erato r seems unsteady or you want th e doors to c lose eas i er , adjust the refriger ator's tilt using the inst ructions below: 1.
11 5. T ur n on the ice maker by opening the fr eezer door and loweri ng the wir e shutof f arm as shown. Please r efer to the “ Ice Maker ” sectio n for fu rther instruct ions on the operatio n of you r ice maker . ■ Allow 2 4 hours to pr oduce t he first batch o f ice.
12 Mid- set tin g “ 4 ” IM PORT A NT : ■ Give your refriger ator time to cool down com pletely before adding food. It is best to wait 24 hours befor e you put foo d into the r efrigerator . ■ If you add food befo re the ref rigerator has cooled com pletely , your f ood may spoil.
13 3. Install the new interior wa ter filter cart ridge. Y ou can run t he dispenser with out a water filter cartri dg e, but your water will not b e filtered. NOTE: Do n ot use with w at er that is microbiolo gically unsa fe or of unknown q uality w ithou t adequa te dis inf ect ion be fore o r a fter th e sys t em.
14 Refrigerator Shelves Y our model may have g lass or wire shelves. Store sim ilar foods toget her and adjust the shelves to fit d iffer ent heigh ts. This r educes the time the r efrigerator door is open and saves ener gy . Slide-out Shelves (on some models) T o r e move and replace a shelf in a metal frame: 1.
15 T o r e place the crispe r cover: NOTE: Before r einstalling the cover , make sure th e U-shaped reinforc ement bar is r einstalled in the f ront edge of the crisper cover . 1. Fit bac k of cover fra me into suppo rts on side walls of the r efrigerator and lower the fron t of the cover frame into pla ce.
16 F R EEZER FEATURES Y our mode l may have some or all of these features. F eatures t hat can be pur chased sep arately as produc t accessor ies are labeled with the word “ A ccessory .
17 Can Racks and Door Bins (on some models) NOTE: Can rack s may be purchase d as an A ccessory fo r some mod el s. T o r e move and replace the racks/bins : 1. Rem ove the rack /bin by lifting it and pulling it straight out. 2. Repl ace the rack/b in by sliding it in above th e d esir ed support and pushing it d o wn until it stops.
18 5. Clean the co ndenser coils r egularly . Coils may need to be cleaned as often as every other m onth. This may h elp save ener gy . Sty le 1 - Condenser coils b ehind base gr il le: ■ Remove t he base grille (see t he “ Base Grille ” or “ Door Removal ” sect ion).
19 TROUBLESHOOTING T ry the sol utions suggeste d here first in order to avoid the cost of an unnece ssary service ca ll. Y our refrigerator wil l not operate ■ Is th e po wer cor d unplug ged ? Plug into a ground ed 3 pr ong out le t . ■ Has a h ouseh old fuse o r circ uit br eaker trip ped? Rep lace the fu se or rese t the circu it br eaker .
20 The water di spenser will not operate properly ■ Has th e water sy stem not fill ed? The water system needs to be filled t he first time it is used. Use a stu rdy container to depr ess the wate r dispenser until water begins to flow . Dispense and d i scard 2 to 3 gal.
21 AS SI ST A NC E O R S ERV I CE Before calling for assistance or service, please check “ T roubles hootin g. ” It may save you t he cost of a serv ice call. If you still need help, fo llo w the instructions b elow . When calling, please know the pur chase date and the c om plete model and serial number of your appliance .
23 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Standard Interior W ater Filtrat ion System M odel WFI-NL200/NL200 Capacity : 200 g allons ( 757 l iters), Se rvice flo w ra te: 0. 5 GPM (1. 8 9 L/m in .) @ 60 ps i. Cyst Inte rior W ater Filtrati on System Mode l WFI-N LC200/NLC200 Capacity : 200 gallo ns (757 li ters), Se rvice flo w ra te: 0.
24 WHIR L POOL ® REFR IGE R AT OR W A RR AN TY ONE-YEAR FULL W ARRANTY ON REFRIGERA TO R For o ne year fr om the date of purc hase, when this r efrige rator (excluding th e water filte r) is operated.
25 S É CU RIT É DU R É FR IG É RA T E UR M i s e a u r e b u t d e v o t r e v i e u x r é fr ig é rateur IM PORT A NT : L ’ emprison nement et l ’é touf fement des enfants ne sont p as un pro bl è me du pas s é .
26 INSTALLATIO N DU R É FRI G É RATEU R D é ballage Enl è vement des ma t é riaux d ’ em ballage ■ Enlever le ru ban adh é sif et la colle d es surfaces du r é frig é rateur avant de le brancher . Frot ter une petite quantit é de savon liquid e pour la vaisselle sur l ’ ad h é sif avec les doigts .
27 Sp é cif ica tion s é lectriques A vant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son e mplacement fina l, il est imp ort a nt d e v ou s a ss urer d ’ avoir l a connexion é lectrique appr opri é .
28 7. Enfiler l ’é cr ou et la bague de compr ession du racco rd sur le tube e n cuivre co mme on le voit su r l ’ illustration. Ins é re r l ’ extr é mit é du tube au ssi loin que possible dans l ’ ouver ture de s ort ie du rob i ne t.
29 Porte du c ompartimen t d e cong é la ti on 1. Enlever la poign é e d e la p orte du compartiment te l qu 'illustr é . Conserve r toutes l es pi è ce s ensemble (voir l ’ illust r ation 2). 2. Enlever le boucho n obturateu r du tr ou de cha r ni è re .
30 Style 1 – Porte standard D é montage et r é installation de la porte Inversion du sens d'ouverture des portes (option) Grille de la base Charni è re sup é rieure Charni è re inf é rieure Charni è re centrale 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1. Plaque de charni è re sup é rieure 2.
31 Style 2 – Porte à con tour Inversion d'ouverture de la porte (option) 3 1 1. Vis de charni è re à t ê te hexagonale de 5 / 16 " 1-1 1 1-2 1. Bouchon obturateur de charni è re de porte 2 1 1. But é e de porte 2. Vis de but é e de porte 1 Enl è vement des but é es de porte 2 1.
32 F ermeture et alignement des portes Fermeture des portes Vo t r e r é frig é rateur pr é sente deux r oulettes r é gl able s à l ’ avant – l ’ une d u c ô t é droi t et l ’ autr e du c ô t é gauche .
33 5. Mettr e la machin e à gl a ç o n s en marc he e n ouv r ant la po rte du c ong é lateur et en abaissant le b ras de comm ande en broc he comme illustr é . V euillez vous é f é re r à la section des caract é ristiques “ Machine à gla ç ons ” po ur d ’ autr es instructions sur le f onctionnement de la machine à gla ç ons.
34 R é glag e moyen “ 3 ” R é glag e moyen “ 4 ” IM PORT A NT : ■ Donner au r é frig é r ateur le tem ps de se r efroi dir compl è tement avant d ’ y ajouter des alim ents. Il vaut mieux attendr e 24 heur es avant de placer d es aliments dans le r é frig é ra teur .
35 Syst è m e d e f i l t r a t i o n d ’ eau int é rie ur (sur certains mod è les) La car touche de filtre à ea u int é rie ur e s t s itu é e dans le coin sup é rie ur du co mpartiment d ’ aliments frais du r é frig é rate ur .
36 CA RACT É RI STIQUES D U R É FR IG É RA TEU R Vo t r e m o d è le peut com porter l ’ en semble de ces carac t é ri st iq ues ou cer taines d ’ entr e elles. Les caract é ristiques qui peuven t ê tre achet é es s é par é ment co mme acce ssoires du p roduit co mportent le mot “ a ccessoire ” .
37 Pour r é ins talle r la tablett e : REMARQUE : S ’ assur er que les deux glissi è re s a r r i è re d e la tablette so nt solidement dans le r ail avant de r el â cher la tablett e. La tab lette lat é rale pe ut ê tre d ifficile à installer si le rail est plac é trop pr è s du plafon d du r é frig é rateur .
38 Ti r o i r à viande r é fr ig é r é (sur certains mod è les) Faire g lisser la commande de temp é ratur e du tir oir à viande ve rs l ’ avant p our une temp é ratur e moins froide o u vers l ’ arr i è re po ur une tem p é ra ture plu s froi de .
39 Clayette ajustab le dem i-largeur pour cong é lateur (sur certains mod è les) Pour enle ver et r é i n staller la clayette : 1. Enlever la claye tte en la sou levant et la r etirant dir ectement vers l ’ ext é rieur . 2. R é installer la clayette sur les appuis et l ’ aba isser en place .
40 Compartiment utilitaire et plate au r é glables (sur certains mod è les) Le compartiment utilitaire et le plateau glissent d ’ un c ô t é à l ’ autre pour une plus grand e souplesse de r angement. Le p lateau convient d ’ un c ô t é ou l ’ autr e du com partiment utilit aire ou partiellement en dessous.
41 REMARQUE : Pour conser ver à votr e r é frig é rate ur en acier inoxydable son as pect neuf et enlever le s petites é gratignu res ou mar ques, il est sugg é r é d ’ utiliser le nettoyant et pol i pour acier inoxydab le approuv é p ar le fabr icant.
42 D é m é na gement Lorsq ue vous d é m é nagez vo tre r é fr ig é ra te ur à une nouvel le habitat ion, suivre ces é ta pes pour pr é par er le d é m é nagement.
43 La mach ine à gla ç ons ne produit pas de gla ç ons ou pas a ssez ■ La ma ch in e à gl a ç ons vient- elle juste d ’ê tre inst al l é e? Atte ndre 72 heur es pour le commencemen t de la pr oduction comp l è te de gla ç ons.
44 L ’ eau du distribute ur n ’ est pas assez froide ■ Le r é frig é ra teur vient-il d ’ê tr e insta ll é ? Acc order 2 4 heures pou r q ue l e r é fr i g é ra t eur s e ref roid is se c o mpl è tement .
45 ASSISTANCE OU SERVIC E Av a n t d e t é l é phoner pour assistance ou service, veuillez v é rifie r la section “ D é pannage ” . Cet te v é rificat i on peut vo us fair e é cono miser le co û t d ’ une visite de r é paratio n. Si vous avez encor e besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instructions ci-dessous.
46 FEUILLES D E DO NN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau i nt é rieur standard, mod è le WFI-NL200/NL200 Cap a cit é : 20 0 gallons (757 litr es) , D é bit de service : 0,5 GPM (1, 89 L/min) à 60 lb/po 2 .
47 GARANTIE DU R É FR IG É R A TEUR WHIRLPOO L ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN A N DU R É FRIG É RA TEU R Pendan t un an à compter de la date d ’ achat, lo rsqu e ce r é frig é rateur ( à l .
2218590 © 20 02 W hirlp oo l C orp ora tio n. All rights reserved. Tous droit s r é se rv é s. ® Regi ster ed Tra demark/ TM Trademar k of Whirl pool, U.S.A. , Whi rlpoo l Cana da Inc . Lic ensee in Canad a ® Marque d é pos é e /TM Marq ue de commer ce de Wh irlp ool, U.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Whirlpool ET8MTKXKQ00 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.