Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Water Source Heat Pump des Produzenten WattMaster
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WHP - Water Source Heat Pump Design, Installation & Operations Manual.
WattMaster WHP Installation & Operations Manual Section 1 .................................................................................... Desig n Guide Section 2 ................................................................... Insta l latio n and Wiring Section 3 .
Section 1 Design Guide T able of Contents Conventions ..................................................................... 1 General Information ......................................................... 2 Water Source Heat Pump Units ................
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-1 Con v entions This document uses the following definiti ons throug hout as a guide to the user in determining the nature of the information prese nted: Note: Additional information which may be helpful. Tip: Sugge stion to make installati on, set-up, and troubleshooting easier.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-2 Design Guide Gener al Inf or ma tion Water Source Heat Pump Units A water source heat pump is a self-contained water-cooled p ackag ed heating and cooling unit with a reversible refrigerant cy cle.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-3 Typical Water Source Heat Pum p During the cooling mode, the tube-in-tube h eat ex changer functions as a condenser and the coil as an evaporator. I n heati ng mode, the tube-in-tube heat exchanger functions as an evaporator and the coil as a condenser.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-4 Design Guide accommodate changes in location and siz es as thermal zones or zone occupancy change . This sy stem is often installed in ceiling plenums, which frees up valuable floor space.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-5 Pump Reset and Aux. Heating or Cooling. An internal seven da y schedule and holiday schedule functions are also built into each WHP Controller.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-6 Design Guide WHP Sequence of Oper a tion HVAC Mode of Operation There are four possible modes of operati on. These are Cooling Mode, Heating Mode, Vent Mode, and the Off Mode. The HVAC mode of operation is calcu lated the same way in both occupied and unocc upied modes of operation.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-7 Occupied/Unoccupied Mode of Operation Since the WHP conta ins its own built in Real Time Clock, it can operate from its own internal scheduling sy stem. This schedule supports two Start & Stop events per day and up to 14 Holiday periods.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-8 Design Guide HVAC Operation w/ Reversing Relay I f the user has config ured the WHP to control a Re versing Valve and a Compressor, the following sequence of operation occurs during a heating or cooling demand.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-9 HVAC Operation w/ Heat/Cool Relays I f the user has configured the WHP to cont rol I ndividual Heating and Cooling relay s the following sequence of operation occurs during a heating or cooling demand.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-10 Design Guide WHP Loop Contr oller Sequence of Operations Summary The Water Source Heat Pump Loop Controller waits for a Request to Run signal from a Heat Pump or from a Binary Contact Closure. Once th e request is received t he Loop Controller ac tivates a Pump to initiate water flow to the Hea t Pumps.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-11 pump exceeds the first pumps run time by th e same amount. This keeps both pumps with roughly the same number of hours on each pump.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-12 Design Guide Heat Rejection Control I f the compressor is not running, no heat rejec tion can be active. I f any heat rejection is still active when the co mpressor is turned off, the heat reje ction will be immediate ly removed, without regard to any minimum run or off times.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-13 Staged Heat Addition Heat Addition is st aged up based on a differe nt deadband level for each stage. Basically , if the user programmed a 2° deadband, then the first stage could activ ate at the setpoint, stage 2 would activate 2° below the setpoint, stage 3 would activate 4° below the setpoint, etc.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-14 Design Guide Water Temperature Alarming The controlling water temperature is monito red to prevent it from ex ceeding both a user defined High and L ow Alarm Limit. I f either limit is exceeded for a user defined length of time, an alar m is genera ted and the compre ssor output is de-activated.
WattMaster WHP Section 1 Design Guide 1-15 Modem (Optional) CommLink II Multiple Loop Interface System Manager #30 #30 #30 #29 #1 #1 #1 #1 RS-485 19200 Baud RS-485 9600 Baud RS-485 9600 Baud RS-485 96.
Section 1 WattMaster WHP 1-16 Design Guide Notes:.
Section 2 Installation and Wiring T able of Contents Tips Before Beginning Installation .................................. 1 Communications Loops ................................................... 3 Communications Loop Wiring Overview ...............
Section 2 Installation and Wiring T able of Figur es Figure 2-1: Sy stem Overview ........................................................................................2 Figure 2-2: Communication L oop Wiring, Daisy -Chain Configuration ............
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-1 Tips Bef or e Be ginning Installa tion Take a few moments to review the followi ng before beginning insta llation of the WattMaster WHP Sy stem. • Familiarize y ourself with a ll system components and re view all documentation.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-2 Installation and Wiring Modem (Optional) CommLink II Multiple Loop Interface System Manager #30 #30 #30 #29 #1 #1 #1 #1 RS-485 19200 Baud RS-485 9600 Baud RS-485 9600 Baud.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-3 Communica tions Loops The Communications L oop is two wire shield ed RS-485. The loop is best connected in daisy chain configuration, meaning the loop is c onnected from one controller to another.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-4 Installation and Wiring Communications Loop Wiring Overview Comm unicatio n Loop Wiring, Daisy -Chain Config uration COMPUTER (OPTIONAL) SYSTEM M ANAGER Remote Link (OPTIO.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-5 The daisy chain is the best method for runni ng a communications l oop since there is only one starting point and one ending point for each of the communications loops. Even though the daisy chain config uration is preferred, the star configuration can also be used.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-6 Installation and Wiring WHP Loop Contr oller The WHP Loop Controller may be installed in any conve nient protected location. I t is recommended that the loop controller be mounted indoors in a secure location, that is not subject to extremes in tempera ture or moisture.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-7 R (24 V AC By O thers) WHP Loop Controller Expansion B oard WHP Loop Controller Expansion Board Compresso r Enable Main Pump St andby Pump Alarm Indicator R10 R9 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R1 R2 R3 R1 1 Fire Al arm Contact (N.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-8 Installation and Wiring Warning: Polarity is very important when connecting power to the controllers! The grounded side of the control transformer must be connected to the terminal labeled GND on the contro ller.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-9 WHP Loop Contr oller Addr essing The WHP Loop Controller must be set for address #30. See addre ss setting instructions for the WHP Loop Controller that follow. A maximum of 29 WHP Controllers are allowed on the loop that contains the WHP L oop Controller.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-10 Installation and Wiring Suppl y & R etur n W a ter T emperatur e Sensor s Sensors for monitoring supply and return wa ter temperature are available in two main ty pes, fluid immersion temperature sensors (See Figure 2-6 ) and strap-on sensors (See Figure 2-7 ).
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-11 The strap-on ty pe sensor has a brass housing that senses th e water temperature through contact with the exterior surface of the pi pe. The sensor should be mounted in contact with the underside of the pipe in order to insure accurate temperature readings.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-12 Installation and Wiring Outside Air T emperature Sensor The outside air sensor must be located where it will not be affec ted by direct sun or heat producing equipment. Mounting under the ev e of a roof is often a good choice.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-13 CommLink II Interface The Comm Link II Interface provides for communications between the MiniL ink communication interfaces instal led on the sy stem. The CommLink II is required for proper communications, even if a PC is not used.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-14 Installation and Wiring WHP Contr oller The WHP Controller may be installed in any convenient protected location. Observe the recommended e nvironmental limitations for the WHP Controlle r when selecting a installation location.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-15 Rev . V alve-On/O ff Fan- On/O ff 24V AC Compressor-On/Off Heat Pump Res et Aux. Hea ti ng Or Coo ling Wate r Source Heat Pump Unit Connec tions W.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-16 Installation and Wiring The WHP Controll er requi res the fol low ing electri cal conn ections : 18 Gauge minimum unless otherwise noted. -24VAC Supply Voltage .............................................................
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-18 Installation and Wiring MiniLink Addr essing Notes: R SH T R SH T R SH T R SH T All Com m un i c atio n Loop Wiring Is Straight Thro ugh 16 32 8 4 2 1 Caution! The MiniLinks M ust Have Address Swi tches Set Between 1 And 30 ( U p T o 30 Mi n iLin ks Are Allow e d Per WH P Sy stem Sys te m).
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-19 R oom Sensor s The room sensor uses a patented flush mount design to isolate the temperature sensing element from the housing which mounts flush with the wall surface.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-20 Installation and Wiring Connect the terminal labeled GND on the zone sensor to the termin al labeled GND on the WHP Controller Analog I nput terminal block. Connect the terminal labeled TMP on the zone sensor to the terminal labeled AIN 1 on the WHP Controller Analog I nput terminal block.
WattMaster WHP Section 2 Installation and Wiring 2-21 Suppl y Air T emper a tur e Sensor The supply air tem perature sensor should be located in the duct, as close to the rooftop unit discharge as possible for best response. L ocate the sensor in the center of the wide st part of the duct.
Section 2 WattMaster WHP 2-22 Installation and Wiring Lea ving W a ter T emperatur e Sensor s The leaving water temperature se nsor (optional) when used should be located on the leaving water piping close to the water sour ce heat pump unit. Either a thermowell ty pe or a surface mount sensor may be us ed depending on job requirements.
Section 3 Programming Table of Contents LCD/Keypad Operations ................................................... 1 Sy stem Manager Lay out ...................................................................................................2 Key pad Functions .
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-1 L CD/K eypad Oper a tions Main Screen The Water Source Heat Pum p System Manager is the operator’s i nterface to t he status and setpoints of any WattMaster Water Source H eat Pump (WHP) component on y our communications loop.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-2 Programming System Manager Layout Keypad Functions The Sy stem Manager ke y pad is labeled either numerically or as to actual function for that key .
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-3 System Manager LED Indicators There are two LED indicators located on the right hand side of the Sy stem Manager. The top L ED indicates an Alarm c ondition if the Manag er detects an a larm condition while polling the sy stem.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-4 Programming Hea t Pump Sta tus Scr eens View Status Only By selecting the View Status Only menu item, y ou can access any heat pump or the l oop controller and read all available temperat ures, out puts, and operating conditions for the selected unit.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-5 I f y ou selected menu item #1 View Status Only and y ou entered the Unit ID of an installed W HP Control ler, the followi ng Status Screens are available.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-6 Programming Status Screen #3 Status Screen #4 Status Screen #5 Line 2 - Current Operatin g Status Unoccupi ed Mode Occupi ed Mode Pushbutton Overrid e Forced Occup ied For.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-7 Status Screen #6 Note: I f no alarms ex ist, th en the screen display s the message shown for No Alarms! I f ANY alarm exists then the three lin es display one of the messag es shown above.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-8 Programming View Alarms Alarm Address Locations Alarm Clearing The Sy stem Manager can be progra mmed to poll all the units on y our heat pump system for alarm information. This allows the cen trally located Sy stem Manager to display an Alarm Indicator whenever an alarm condition ex ists any where on your sy stem.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-9 Menu Setpoints Full Setpoint Access Set Time & Da te The Sy stem Mana ger has its own built in Real Time Cloc k. I t broadcasts this time once a day , at midnight, to sy nchronize all of the WHPs on y our sy stem.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-10 Programming Programming Date Daylight Savings Adjustments Month - Enter the Month (1 to 12) Day - Enter the Day of the Month (1 to 31) Year - Enter the current Year with .
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-11 New P asscodes Programming Passcodes The Sy stem Manager has two levels of passcode. L evel 1 users a re limited to view ing Setpoints and Ala rms only . Le vel 2 users have complete sy stem access. Any status or setpoint field can be read or reset from WHP System Manag er.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-12 Programming R ebuild Alar m Ma p Rebuilding Screens I f y ou would like the L ED Alarm Indicator to function on the front of y our Sy stem Manag er, y ou must enable Alarm Polling by building an Alarm Map.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-13 Hea t Pump Setpoints Heat Pump Setpoint Menu 1) WHP Setpoints Setpoint Screen #1 The Occupied Heating and Cooling Setpoints are programmed on this screen.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-14 Programming Setpoint Screen #2 Setpoint Screen #3 Setpoint Screen #4 ° ° The Unoccupied Heating and Coolin g Setbacks are programmed on this screen. The Cooling SetUp is added to the Occupied Cooling Setpt to create the Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-15 Setpoint Screen #5 Setpoint Screen #6 Setpoint Screen #7 The Min Run Tim e determines how long the compressor must remain on once it has been activated. The Min Off Tim e determines how long the compressor must remain off once it is de-activat ed.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-16 Programming Setpoint Screen #8 Setpoint Screen #9 Setpoint Screen #10 I f y our heat pump uses a reversing valve to determine the heating or cooling mode of operation, select the message R/VALVE & COMPRESSOR . If y ou are controlling separate stages of heating and cooling select t he INDIVIDUAL STAGING message.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-17 Setpoint Screen #11 Setpoint Screen #12 Setpoint Screen #13 I f y our system is configured to use the reversing valve and y ou only have one stag e of h eating a nd cooling, that la st relay becomes available for ot her uses.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-18 Programming Setpoint Screen #14 Setpoint Screen #15 Setpoint Screen #16 The Hea t Pump Controlle r can use the internal time clock for a setting an occupied sc hedule, for this the se tpoint will be 0. I t can also be programmed to follow an external schedule command.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-19 Setpoint Screen #17 Setpoint Screen #18 Setpoint Screen #19 Note: You must do a Rebuild Alarm Map afte r all controllers are powered up and communicating . ° This setpoint is to shut the heating off when the supply air temperature is too warm.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-20 Programming 2) WHP Schedules The Water Source Heat Pump controlle rs contain their own built in scheduling capability for calculating Occupied/Unoccupied peri ods. Select item #2 from Schedules menu to access the following schedule programming menu.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-21 Holidays Holiday Day Selection There are 14 Hol iday periods available, organized as a Start Day / Stop Day event.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-22 Programming 3) Reset Pumps I f one of y our heat pumps ha s tripped off, it can be manually reset from the following screen. You will have ente red the Unit I D to access the WHP Menu screen, so th at is the uni t that will receive this rese t command.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-23 Loop Contr oller Sta tus Loop Controller Status Menu From the main menu screen sel ect MENU on the keypad. Then select “View Status Only” (key pad #1) and finally enter the l oop and zone number for the desired unit.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-24 Programming Status Screen #2 Status Screen #3 Status Screen #4 Line 2 - Current operating Mode: No Call To Run ACTIVE CALL TO RUN FREEZ E PROTECTION! Line 3 - Current Wat.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-25 Status Screen #5 Status Screen #6 Note: I f none of the above options have been configured, then the values in this status screen will be 0.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-26 Programming Status Screen #7 Note: I f no alarms ex ist, th en the screen display s the message shown for No Alarms! If ANY alarm exists, then the three lines di splay one of the messag es shown above.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-27 Loop Contr oller Setpoints Loop Controller Setpoint Menu Setpoint Screen #1 Setpoint Screen #2 I f the controlling water temp erature rises above this Setpoint , the Heat Rejection or Cooling St ages beg in to stage on.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-28 Programming Setpoint Screen #3 Setpoint Screen #4 Setpoint Screen #5 I f the controlling water tempera ture drops below this Setpoint, the Heat Addition or Boilers begin to stage on. As the temperature continues to drop below the Setpoint by the Deadband amount, an additional stage is added.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-29 Setpoint Screen #6 Setpoint Screen #7 Setpoint Screen #8 I f the controlling water te mperature rises above the Water Hi Limit setpoint, all hea t addition will be removed a nd one stage of he at rejection will be activated.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-30 Programming Setpoint Screen #9 Setpoint Screen #10 Setpoint Screen #11 The two pumps will switch afte r this programmed amount of time so that each pump accumulates roughly the same number of run time hours.
WattMaster WHP Section 3 Programming 3-31 Setpoint Screen #12 Setpoint Screens #13 Note: Due to memory limitations in the Loop Controller, the maximum amount of calibration offset is 10.
Section 3 WattMaster WHP 3-32 Programming Notes:.
Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting T able of Contents 1.0 Communications Overview ........................................ 1 1.1 How I t Works ........................................................................................................
Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.0 Troubleshooting ...................................................... 21 5.1 General Troubleshooting........................................................................................21 5.1.1 Communications Troubleshooting Checklist .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-1 1.0 Communica tions Ov er view Perhaps no other portion of the system seems as difficult to diagnose as the comm unica- tions loop, y et it really can be quite simple if y ou understand how it works.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-2 Start-Up and Troubleshooting Modem (Optional) CommLink II Multiple Loop Interface System Manager #30 #30 #30 #29 #1 #1 #1 #1 RS-485 19200 Baud RS-485 9600 Baud RS-485 9600.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-3 All communications wiring should be labele d to avoid confusion and to aid future servicing .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 2.0 WHP Contr oller Ov erview 2.1 How It Works 2.1.1 Initialization On sy stem powerup the COMM L ED remains ex tinguished for five seconds. After this delay , the COMM LE D will blink out the a ddress of the controller (Address Switch Setting).
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-5 2.2 Becoming Familiar with the WHP Controller E W D O G 0-5 VDC 0-1 VDC DIAGN OSTIC BLINK CODE LED ADDRESS S WITCH ( AD DRES S 18 SHOWN ) EPRO.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-6 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 2.2.2 Analog Inputs This connector carries the analog and binary control input signals. AIN1 - Space Temp - This input accepts a two wire 10K Type III t h e r m i s t or t e m - perature sensor.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-7 OUT3 - Compressor or Heat 2 - This output enables the compressor if you have configured the WHP Controll er for a co mpressor and reversing valve configura- tion.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-8 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 2.2.6 WHP Controller Wiring Typical WHP Con troller Wiri ng Di agram Communicatio n LED.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-9 3.0 Loop Contr oller Ov erview 3.1 How It Works 3.1.1 Initialization On sy stem powerup LED2 remains extinguished for five seconds. After this delay , the L ED2 will blink out the address of the controller (Address Switch Setting ).
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-10 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 3.2 Loop Controller Inputs & Outputs 3.2.1 Analog Inputs AIN1 - Return Water Temp - This input accepts a two wire 10K Ty pe III t h e r - mistor temperature sensor. The sensor measures 10,000 Ohms @ 77 ° F.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-11 3.2.3 Binary Output R1 – Compressor Enable – Energizes th e first stage of cooling. R2 – Main Pump – Energizes the lead water pump. R3 – Standby Pum p – Energizes the standby pump if the main pump fails to start.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-12 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 3.2.6 Comm Connector - Communications RS-485 Comm unications Connector - This connector provides the connection point for the L ocal Loop RS-485 communications loop. The wiring consists of a twisted pair of wires with a shield.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-13 Figure 4-5: Loop Contro ller Inputs & Outputs Line Voltage Loca l Lo o p R S- 4 85 9600 Baud (See Note 3).
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-14 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4.0 Star t-Up 4.1 Blink Codes for WHP Controllers The WHP Controller uses an on board LED to indicate various diagnostic conditions during powerup and operation. The W HP Unit L ED is labeled “C OMM”.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-15 4.2 Blink Codes for Loop Controllers The L oop Controller uses an on board L ED to indicate various diagnostic conditions during powerup and operation. The Loop Cont roller Unit L ED is labeled “L ED2”.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-16 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4.4 Installation and Commissioning Information Fam iliarize yourse lf with the installation manual and system wiring diagr ams before installing! 1. Check to see if y ou have all the co rrect components for your installation.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-17 10. Install CommL ink and power-up. At this point y ou are ready to begin commissioning the sy stem. It is preferred, though not nece ssary , to use a PC with P rism software to assist in the commissioning process.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-18 Start-Up and Troubleshooting Com m uni cations Loop Wiri ng SYSTEM MANAGER COMM LI NK II INTERF ACE (MUL TIPLE LOOP) TO OTHE R MINI LIN KS (NETWORK T ERMINALS O NL Y) TO OTHER WHP CONTROLLERS Y S101 716 REV.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-19 4.5 Setting Address Switches 4.5.1 Setting the MiniLink Address Switch L O O P N E T W O R K LOOP ADDRESS S WITCH ADDRESS SW ITCH SHO W N IS .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-20 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4.5.2 Loop Controller Addressing The Loop Controller address should alway s be set for address #30. A maximum of 29 WHP Controllers on the loop that contains th e L oop Controller. All other loops may have 30 WHP Controllers.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-21 5.0 T r oubleshooting 5.1 General Troubleshooting The following is a guide to assist in troubleshooting the W attMaster WHP System. I t is provided as a sy stematic approach to determining and resolving common sy stem problems.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-22 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.1.2 General Troubleshooting Checklist Beg in troubleshooting by locating the genera l problem in the list below. Detailed component troubleshooting information follows later in this section.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-23 5.2 Alarms When an alarm occurs in the WHP or Loop Controller, it is reported to the System Manag er. The alarms cause the light on the Sy stem Manage r to illuminate. The View Alarms sc reen will indicate the address of th e a larms.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-24 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3 Checking Comm. Loop Voltages 5.3.1 Checking the CommLink II Network Loop Diagram Overvie w This test checks for proper Network loop v oltages at the Comm Link II . The Loop LED (located on the front panel) should “flicker” when the Com mLink I I is attempting to communicate.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-25 5.3.2 Checking the Comm Loop at the CommLink II Diagram The indicated v alues are typical of a normal sy stem, actual readings m ay deviate slightly due to the number of units connected and other sy stem specific factors.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-26 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3.3 Checking the CommLink II Driver Diagram Overvie w This test checks for proper Network loop v oltages coming from the Com mLink I I. The Loop LED (located on the front panel) should “flicker” when the Com mLink I I is attempting to communicate.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-27 5.3.4 Checking the MiniLink Network Loop Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated readings are typical of a normally operating system . Actual readings may vary slightly due to the number of units inst alled and other factors.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-28 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3.5 Checking the MiniLink Network Driver Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts These tests assume that the MiniLink being check ed is powered up Overvie w This check is intended to determine if th e Network Com m Driv er chip on a MiniLink is damag ed.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-29 5.3.6 Checking the MiniLink Local Loop Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated readings are typical of a norm a lly operating system . Actual readings m ay v ary slightly due to the number of units installed and other factors.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-30 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3.7 Checking the Local Loop at MiniLink Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated values are ty pical of a normal system .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-31 5.3.7 (continued) Action If voltag es are too high or too low on either side 1. One or m ore of the attached controllers has a dam aged Comm Driver chip. Lo- cate and replace the driver chip (s).
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-32 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3.8 Checking the MiniLink Local Loop Driver Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated values are ty pical of a normal operating sy stem. A ctual readings m ay deviate slightly . These tests assume that the MiniLink is powered up.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-33 5.3.9 Checking the Local Loop at a WHP Controller Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated readings are typical of a norm a l operating system . Actual readings m ay v ary slightly due to the number of units installed and other factors.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-34 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.3.10 Checking WHP Controller Driver Chip Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts These tests assume that the controller being checked is powered up. Overvie w This check is intended to determ ine if the Comm Driver chip on a controller is damag ed.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-35 5.4 Troubleshooting Loop Controller 5.4.1 Checking the Loop Controller Analog Inputs Diagram Overvie w 12V GND AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AOUT2 GND .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-36 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.4.1 (continued) AIN4 Outdoor Air Temp 1.9 volts (100 ° F) - 3.6 volts (40 ° F) Typical is 2.5 volts @ 77 ° F AIN5 Manual Reset If the input is O PEN, the vo ltage will be g r eater than 5.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-37 5.4.2 Checking the Loop Controller Outputs Diagram Overvie w + - R SET M E TER TO READ DC VOLTS ALL READI NGS ARE T AKEN WITH THE (-) LEAD OF.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-38 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.4.3 Checking the Local Loop at a WHP Loop Controller Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts The indicated readings are typical of a norm a l operating system . Actual readings m ay vary slightly due to the number of units installed and other factors.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-39 5.4.4 Checking WHP Loop Controller Driver Chip Diagram Meter Set To Read DC Volts These tests assume that the controller being checked is powered up. Overvie w This check is intended to determ ine if the Comm Driver chip on a controller is damag ed.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-40 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.4.5 Comm Driver Chip Replacement LOOP CO NTRO LLER CPU B OARD COMM DR IVER CHIP ( U1 ) PIN 1 COMMLINK II COMMUN ICA TION S DRIVER CHIP WHP .
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-41 5.5 Temperature Sensor Resistance Chart º 82 8893 2.407 84 8514 2.352 86 8153 2.297 88 7805 2.242 90 7472 2.187 95 6716 2.055 100 6047 1.927 105 5453 1.805 110 4923 1.687 115 4449 1.575 120 4030 1.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 4-42 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 5.6 Pressure Sensor Voltage Chart 0 4.00 1.00 1 4.32 1.08 2 4.64 1.16 3 4.96 1.24 4 5.28 1.32 5 5.60 1.40 6 5.92 1.48 7 6.24 1.56 8 6.56 1.64 9 6.88 1.72 10 7.20 1.80 11 7.52 1.88 12 7.84 1.96 13 8.
WattMaster WHP Section 4 Start-Up and Troubleshooting 4-43 Notes:.
Form: W M-WHP -I O-02A Printed in t he USA October 2004 All right s reserved Copyright 2004 W attm aster Contr ols Inc. • 8500 NW River P ark Drive • Parkville MO • 64152 Phone (816) 505-1100 E-m ail: mail@wattmaster.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei WattMaster Water Source Heat Pump gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.