Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung IA5824 des Produzenten VTech
Zur Seite of 50 i T able of con tents Par ts c hec kl ist ...................................................................1 Inst all atio n .........................................................................2 Con nec t powe r and te lep hon e line c or ds . ii The R BRC ® se al ..............................................................4 2 T ec hn ic al sp ec ic ati ons ..................................................4 3 Ind ex ................................................
Important! Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 40 of this manual. NEED HELP? This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting you need to install and operate your new VTech telephone. 1 Getting started Parts checklist • Han dset • T el eph one b ase • Des k / wall m ount b rac ket • Bas e power ad apter • Bat ter y • Bat ter y c over • Bel t cli p . 2 Conn ect p ower and te lep hone lin e cord s Installati on St and ard ele ct ric al o utl et Mo dul ar tele pho ne jac k • Ins ta ll th e tel eph on e bas e away fr om ele c tro nic e qu ipm ent suc h as p er so nal co mpu ter s, tel evis io n set s or mic row ave ovens . 3 Getting started Installati on Choo se loc ation For ma ximum p er forman ce of your cor dl ess te lep hon e system: 1 . C ho os e a ce nt ra l l o ca ti on for your tel eph one b ase. 4 Installati on Wall mounting bra cket inst alla tion ( optional) Y ou r telep hon e base co mes with the wall m oun ting /de sk top bracket ins tal led, ready for de sk top use. If yo u pref er to mou nt your tel eph one on t he w all (opti ona l), i t i s de sig ned to m ount on a st and ard tele pho ne wal l plate. 5 Getting started If you subscri be to DS L ser vi ce If y ou rece ive hig h sp eed intern et thr oug h your teleph one line ( comm onl y refer red to as DSL) and you are expe rien. 6 Installati on Bel t clip ( optional) T o re move T o at ta ch He adse t jack Y ou ca n use this teleph one han dsf ree when you inst all any V T e ch 2. 5 mm h eads et, pur ch ase d sep aratel y . Plug th e heads et into th e jack lo cate d on the ri ght si de of the handset (under t he small rubb er ap ). 7 Basic operation T elephone operation 1 , 2 3,4 8 7 9 1 0 5 6 Han dset l ayout 1 . T ALK 2. F L ASH 3. C HAN (cha nnel) 4. R EMOVE 5. 8 T elephone operation 11 12 13 T ele phon e bas e layout 1 1 . CH ARGE /I N USE 1 2. M es sage wa iti ng ind ic ator 1 3. FIN D HAN DSE T. 9 Basic operation Han dset o per ation Ma kin g ca lls • Press T A LK / FL AS H , th en di al th e num ber. — OR — Dia l the nu mb er (pre ss then pre ss C HAN/ REMO VE t o backs pac e) , then p res s T ALK / FL AS H. • T o an swer a ca ll, pre ss T ALK / F L ASH . 10 • Wh ile p hon e is not i n use, pr ess to d is play c alle r ID info rmat ion. • Wh ile en terin g name s or numb er s into mem or y , pres s th en pres s CH AN/R EMOV E to delete th e las t char ac ter enter ed. / VO L+ (dire ct or y) • Whil e on a cal l, pre ss to incr ease the vo lume. 11 Basic operation T ele phon e bas e ope ratio n CH ARG E / I N U SE • Fl ash es sl owly w hen t he han ds et is in u se. • Gl ows ste adil y whe n the h and set is c har gin g in it s bas e. • Fl ash es in un iso n wit h an in co min g cal l. 12 Set l angua ge • Press PROG , t hen pr ess or un til L A NG UAGE is di sp layed. Pres s SE LEC T . • The cur rent set t ing bli nks. Pres s or unt il t he scr een di spl ays th e c orr ec t la ngu age (Engli sh, Esp anol , Franc ais) . 13 Basic operation tone. If yo u do no t, refe r to the Troubl es ho otin g sec ti on in t he bac k of t his us er ’s manual. Char ge th e hand set b at ter y The bat ter y may h ave eno ugh powe r to allo w for sh or t c all s. 14 T elephone operation T emp orar y ton e dialing If you have pul se (rotar y) dial ing, you c an c hang e fr om d ial p uls e to to uc h ton e dia lin g dur ing a ca ll by pr ess ing * TO NE . T his is use ful if yo u n eed to s end tou ch ton e si gna ls f or a cc ess to tele pho ne bank in g or lon g dis tan ce s er v ice s. 15 Basic operation T elephone operation V oice ma il Y o ur p ho ne is d esig ne d t o wo rk wi th m ost l oc al and r egi ona l tele pho ne se r vi ce pr ovi der ’s voi ce mes sag ing sys tems , provi din g aler ts on b oth t he han ds et and te lep hon e bas e whe n new mes sag es co me in. 16 T elephone operation Disp lay scre en m ess age s Screen displays: When: ** RINGING ** Ther e is a c all c omi ng in. CONNECTING... The h and set is wa itin g for d ial to ne. PHONE ON The h and set is i n use. NEW VOICEMAIL Y ou h ave been a ler te d by the te lep hon e co mpa ny that you h ave rec ei ved new voi ce m ail. 17 Basic operation Directory Y ou r pho ne c an sto re 20 (in cl udi ng th e nin e sp eed d ial e ntri es) telep hon e num ber s wit h nam es (up to 1 5 ch arac ters f or th e name a nd 24 dig its f or the n umb er in ea ch l oc atio n ) in t he han ds et. 18 Directory 5. E nte r t he t el ep ho ne nu mb er. Pre ss th en pr es s C H AN / RE M OV E to ba ck sp ac e a nd ma ke cor rec ti ons . Press R ED I AL / P AUSE t o store a p ause (a P will b e sho wn) if nec ess ar y. — OR — P res s RE D IAL / PA US E to di spl ay the l ast nu mbe r dia led fr om th is ha nds et. 19 Basic operation Eras e a dire ctor y e ntr y 1 . Press . Th e scr een d isp lays D IR EC TO RY . 2. Pr ess or to scro ll al pha beti ca lly t hrou gh en tri es stor ed in d ire ctor y . — OR — P res s the d ial p ad key for th e rs t let ter of t he ent r y you want t o del ete. 20 4. Pr ess S EL ECT . The s cre en di spl ays EN TE R 1- 9 . 5. Pre ss t he key (1 -9) for t he me mor y l oc atio n whe re you wan t to stor e thi s entr y . Y ou ’ll hear a for t he me mor y lo cati on w here you want to sto re t his e ntr y. 21 Basic operation • The en tr ie s yo u st or ed in s pe ed di al m emo ry w il l be m ar ked w it h 01 th ro ug h 0 9 in t he telephone direc tory. 22 Spe ed dial Stor e a spe ed d ial ent r y 6. W hen yo u ni sh enter in g the n ame, pre ss S EL ECT o r PRO G. T he sc ree n dis plays E N TER NU M BER . 7 . Ent er t he te l ep h on e nu mb e r. Pr e ss t h en pr e ss C H AN / R E M OV E t o b ac k sp a ce a nd m ake cor rec ti ons . 23 Basic operation Spe ed dial Eras e a spe ed d ial ent r y 1 . Pres s an d hol d the s pee d di al lo cati on key ( 1 thr oug h 9) of the en tr y you w ish to d elet e. 2. W hen t he sc reen d isp lays the en tr y you want to d elete, pre ss S ELE CT. 24 Y ou r ph one has a c alle r ID (CID) wi th c all wait ing f eature that wor ks wi th ser v ic e fro m your lo ca l pho ne s er vi ce prov ider. Call er ID w it h ca ll wai tin g let s you see who’s ca llin g bef ore yo u an swer th e pho ne, even wh en you are o n anot her c all. 25 Basic operation Caller ID • If you a nswer a ca ll bef ore the i nfor mat io n app ear s on t he sc ree n, it wi ll not b e in th e ca ll his tor y. • Pres s OF F at any ti me to exi t ca ll his tor y. About c all histor y (calle r ID) Y ou r phon e can store up to 45 calls in i ts ca ller ID (CID) m emo r y . 26 Caller ID De lete r ec ords fr om call his tor y De le te a s pe ci c c all: 1 . Loc ate the r ec ord yo u want to de lete fr om c all hi stor y. 2. Pres s th e RE MOVE key . Y o u’ll he ar a co nr matio n be ep. De le te all c alls: 1 . 27 Basic operation Caller ID Screen displays: When: PRIVATE CALLER T h e o t h e r p a r t y i s b l o c k i n g n a m e a n d / o r n u m b e r info rmat ion. UNKNOWN CALLER Y our phone comp any is u nable to rec eive info rmati on ab out thi s cal ler ’s name an d/or nu mb er . 28 Battery information • If you repeatedly get a low battery indic ator , even after charging overnight, the batter y should be replace d. 29 Additional information T roub leshooti ng If you have difculty operating your phone, the suggestions below should solve the problem. If you still have difculty after trying these suggestions, call VTech Communications at 1-800-595-9511. 30 T roub leshooti ng Problem Suggestion The battery does not charge in the handset or the handset battery does not accept charge • Make sure the hand set is place d in the cha rger corre ct ly. Th e CHA RG E ligh t o n the teleph one bas e sho uld b e on. 31 Additional information T roub leshooti ng Problem Suggestion The CHARGE/IN USE Indicator on the telephone base is ashing • Thi s is a sig nal that the batte r y is ver y low , comp letel y deplete d, or whe n there is no ele ctr ic al co ntac t bet we en th e bat ter y an d the te lep hon e bas e. 32 T roub leshooti ng Problem Suggestion The telephone does not ring when there is an incoming call. • Make sur e the r ing er is o n. (See pag e 1 3) . • Make sur e the te lep hon e lin e cor d and p ower ad apter are p lug ge d in pro per ly (see pag e 2) . 33 Additional information Problem Suggestion My h a n d s et d o e s n ot r i n g w h e n I r e c e i v e a cal l. • M ake su re yo u have the ri nge r ac ti vated. Refer to t he se cti on(s ) o n r ing er s ele ct ion in th is user ’s manu al. 34 T roub leshooti ng I cannot dial out. • F irs t, tr y a ll th e above su gg esti ons . • Make s ure t here is a dial tone befor e di alin g. It is n orm al i f th e c ord les s ha nds et t akes a sec on d or two to syn chr onize wi th th e te lep hon e b efore pr odu ci ng a d ial ton e. 35 Additional information T roub leshooti ng There is noise or interference during a telephone conversation. My calls fade out or cut in and out when I am using the cordless handset. • The h and set may be o ut of r ang e. Move it c los er to th e tele pho ne ba se. 36 • Do you have DSL se r vic e? I f yes, you need to have a DS L lter inst alle d at ever y te leph one jack that h as a tel eph one c onn ec ted to i t. Co nta ct you r DSL ser vic e prov id er for l ter inf orm atio n. My caller ID features are not working properly. 37 Additional information Problem Suggestion T roub leshooti ng My cordless handset beeps ve times and is not performing normally • Mak e sure the power cord is securely plugged int o the telephone base. Plug the unit into a dif fer ent work in g ele ctr ic al ou tlet n ot co ntr olle d by a wall sw itc h. 38 Mainten ance Taking care of your telephone Your cordless telephone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care. Avoid rough treatment Place the handset down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it. 39 Additional information 8. Cha rge s for i nst all ati on or s et up, ad jus tm ent of c us tom er co ntr ols , and i nst all ati on or r epa ir of sys tem s out si de th e uni t. 40 Import ant safety instructi ons When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of re, electric shock and injury, including the following: 1. Read and understand all instructions. 41 Additional information FCC , A C T A and IC regulatio ns FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. 42 FCC , A C T A and IC regulatio ns * Remain on the line and briey explain the reason for the call before hanging up. * Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening. Industry Canada This equipment complies with regulations RSS210 and CS-03 of Industry Canada. 43 Additional information T echni cal specications Freque ncy c ont rol Cr yst al c ontr oll ed PLL synt hes izer T ra nsmi t fre quen cy Bas e: 91 2.75 - 91 7 . 10 MHz Han dset : 586 3. 80 - 5 872.5 M Hz Rec ei ve frequ en cy Bas e: 586 3. 44 Index A About call history (caller ID) 25 Answering calls 9 B Batteries 28 Belt clip 6 C Caller ID 24-27 Charge the handset battery 13 Check for dial tone 12 Choose location 3 C. 45 Index Voice mail indicator 11 Volume 10, 13 W Wall mounting 4.
91 - 00 0 90 6 - 0 40 - 100 VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A memb er of THE V TECH GROUP OF C OMP ANIES. Dist ribu ted in th e U. S. A. by V T e ch Co mmuni catio ns, Inc. B eaverto n, Oreg on Dist ribu ted in Canad a by V T ech T e lec ommun icati ons Can ada, Ltd.
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l Model : ia 582 4.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts VTech IA5824 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie VTech IA5824 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für VTech IA5824 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von VTech IA5824 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über VTech IA5824 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon VTech IA5824 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von VTech IA5824 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit VTech IA5824. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei VTech IA5824 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.