Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CS5123 des Produzenten VTech
Zur Seite of 69
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l Mod els: CS51 21 CS5 1 23.
i Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 46 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. T able of con tents ii Ge tt ing st ar te d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Part s che ckli st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T eleph one bas e inst allation . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bat ter y inst allation a nd char ging . iii T able of con tents Set telep hone ba se rin ger . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Set remote ac ces s co de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Set mes sage aler t to ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Outg oing ann ounc ement . . . . . . . 1 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted To purchase a replacement battery or power adapter, visit our website at www. vtechphones. com or call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to www.vtechcanada. com or call 1 (800) 267-7377. 2 Get ting s tar ted Use o nly th e power ad apter sup plie d wit h thi s pro duc t. T o or der a rep lace ment , vis it our we bsite at w ww. v tec hpho nes. co m or cal l 1 (80 0) 595 -9 5 1 1 . In Can ada, g o to w ww. v tec hcan ada. 3 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted If th e hand set wi ll not be u sed f or a lon g per iod of tim e, remove th e bat ter y to preven t pos sib le le akage. T o pur cha se a rep lace ment bat ter y , visi t our webs ite at w w w . 4 Get ting s tar ted Mounti ng brack et installat ion Y our teleph one base comes with the mountin g brack et installed , ready for desktop use. 5 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted Mounti ng brack et installat ion ( contin ued) De sk top/ t able top brac ket inst allatio n: Y our phone co mes ready for table or d esk top u se. 6 Handset lay out Get ting s tar ted /VOL-/CID • When the telephone is not in use, press to review the call log. • Pre ss and hold while th e tele pho ne is no t i n use to a dju st rin ger vol ume . • During a call, press to decrease the listening volume. 7 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted T ele phone base la yout / REP EA T P r e s s t o r e p e a t a m e s s a g e o r p r e s s t w i c e t o p l a y b a c k previ ous m ess ages (p age 3 8) . • Me ss age w ind ow Show s t he statu s a nd numb er of mes sag es (pag e 4 1 ). 8 T elephone settings Date and time If you subscr ibe to caller ID ser v ice, th e date an d time will be set automatically with the nex t incoming c all. If you do not ha ve call er ID servi ce, you can set the date and time manually . 9 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings Ringer Y ou can selec t from dif ferent ringers. Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. Press or until the sc reen displays RI NGE R : and the current set ting. Press SELEC T . 10 T elephone settings Dial mode If you have touch tone s er vice, th e telepho ne is ready for use as soon as the batter y is charge d. If you have pulse (rotary) ser vic e, you will need to chang e the dial mo de. Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. 11 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings Language Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. Press or until L ANG U AGE is displayed. Press SELEC T . T he current setti ng ashes. Pr ess or until the scre en display s the des ired language ( Engl ish , Espanol or Francais ) . 12 T elephone operation Make call s Press / FL ASH and t hen use the di al pad k eys t o dial a number . - O R - Ente r the phone num ber rst. Y ou can pres s to backspace and pres s CHA N / RE MOVE to erase digits. Press / FL ASH to dial. 13 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Call w aitin g If you subscri be to call waiting ser vi ce and you are on a c all when a new call comes in, you will hear a be ep. 14 T elephone operation Redial The teleph one s tores ve most rec ently dial ed tele phon e numb ers on t he redial list. When the list i s full, the oldest en tr y is d eleted to make ro om f or the new entr y . Press R ED IAL / P AUSE , then press , or R ED IAL / P AUSE repeatedl y to review the redial list. 15 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Directory The director y can store up to 20 entries (including nine sp eed dial entries ) . Each entr y may consist of a number u p to 2 4 digits and a name u p to 1 4 characters. 16 T elephone operation Dial key Characters by number of key presses 123456 1 1 2 A B C 2 3 D E F 3 4 G H I 4 5 J K L 5 6 M N O 6 7 P Q R S 7 8 T U V 8 9 W X Y Z 9 0 0 * * # & , , - . # Character chart Use the dial pad keys and the c har t b elow to ent er a name (up to 1 4 characters ) . 17 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Edit a d irectory entr y Pr es s / VO L + / w h e n t h e h a nd s et i s n o t i n u s e. T h e s c r ee n d is p l ays DI RECTO RY . Press or to scroll t hrough the entri es stored in the direc tory al phabeticall y . 18 T elephone operation Press or to choose Y (yes ) if y ou wish to customize this entr y , or choo se N (no ) for a normal ringer . If you c hoose Y , a will be displayed with the director y entr y . Press SELEC T to conrm and you will hear a c onrmation tone. 19 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Copy a d irectory entr y into s pee d dial Pre s s / VO L+ / w he n t h e h an d s et i s n o t i n u se . T he s cr e en d i s pl ays DI RECTO RY . Press or to scroll t hrough the entri es stored in the direc tory al phabeticall y . 20 T elephone operation Spe ed dial Y our telephone c an store up to nine telepho ne num bers with names ( up to 1 4 characters and 24 digit s in each locatio n ) i n the sp eed dial memor y l ocations you assign in each h andset. 21 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Press or to c hoose Y (yes ) if you wish to c ustomize thi s entry , or cho ose N ( no ) for a nor mal ringer . If you ch oose Y , a will be di splay ed with th e entr y Press SELEC T or PROG to conrm. 22 T elephone operation SPEED EDIT DEL 8005959511 01 Delete a spe ed dial entry Press and hold the sp eed dial location ke y ( 1 - 9 ) of t he desired entr y when the handset is not in use. When the s creen dis plays the desired entr y , pres s SELEC T . 23 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation SPEED EDIT DEL 8005959511 01 Reassign speed dial location s Press and hold the speed di al lo cation k ey ( 1 - 9 ) of the desired e ntry when the handset is not in use. Wh e n t he s c re en di s pl ays t h e d es ir ed e nt r y, p re s s SELEC T . 24 T elephone operation About caller ID The call er ID wit h c all waiting feature in this tele phone lets you see the name and telephone number of the caller befo re answ ering the call, even when already on a cal l. The se features req uire ser vic es pr ovide d by your lo cal telep hone company . 25 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Call log If you subscribe to ca lle r ID service, info rma tio n about each ca lle r will be displa yed after the r st or secon d ring. The call l og can store up to 45 entr ies. 26 T elephone operation Rev iew the call lo g Press / VOL- /CI D to view the call l og when in idle m ode. Press or to scroll thro ugh the entries. There w ill be an error tone when you reach the e nd of the call l og li st and the screen will d isplay END O F LIS T . 27 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Dial a call log n umber Press / VOL- /CI D to enter the call log wh en the handset is not in us e. Press or to selec t the desired entr y , th en press / FL ASH . - OR - Press / VOL- /CI D to enter the call log wh en the handset is not in us e. 28 T elephone operation Sav e a call lo g entry to the director y Press / VOL- /CI D to enter the call log wh en the handset is not in us e. Press or to sele ct the desired entr y . If you wish to change how the number is sav ed, pres s # repeatedly until t he d esired o ption displays. 29 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Delete from the call log De lete a n entr y: Press / VOL- /CI D to enter the call log. Press or to selec t the entr y to be deleted. Press CHAN / R EMOVE . Y ou will hear a conr mation beep. 30 T elephone operation Displays : When: PR I VATE NAME The caller is blocking the name in forma tion. PR I VATE NUMBER T h e c a l l e r i s b l o c k i n g t h e t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r informa tion. PR I VAT E CALL ER T h e c a l l e r i s b l o c k i n g t h e n a m e a n d n u m b e r information. 31 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Message capacit y The answering syst em can recor d up to 95 messages, dep ending on the lengt h of each message. Each individ ual message can be up to f our minutes in length, and th e total m aximum rec ording tim e is approximately 1 2 minutes. 32 Ans wer in g s y stem If you have c aller ID ser v ic e the cl ock w ill be s et autom atic all y with inc omi ng ca lls, but you w ill ne ed to make sur e the year is c orre ct . Press a nd ho ld / SK IP o r / RE PEAT whi le set tin g the m inute s or year to ad vanc e or de crea se by inc reme nts of te n. 33 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Ans weri ng s y stem setup The answering system u ses voic e pro mpts to guide you through the steps to set up t he answering system. Press / PLA Y / STOP any time to save and exit t he SE T UP menu. 34 Ans wer in g s y stem Set telephone base ringer This feature allows you t o selec t the telephone ba se ringer volume level. Press S ET UP when in i dle mode until the syst em announces the telephon e base ring er setting. Th ere are three lev els: HI (high ) , O F ( of f) an d LO (low ). 35 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Set message ale rt tone This featu re programs the sy stem t o beep e very 1 0 sec onds to alert you o f new messages whe n the teleph one i s not in use. Th e tone will stop when all n ew messages have been reviewed. 36 Ans wer in g s y stem Outgoi ng ann ouncement The out going anno uncement is the greeting callers hear when c alls are ans we red by the answering system. The teleph one is pr ese t with a gr ee ting th at an sw ers calls with “ Hello , please lea v e a message after the t one. 37 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Record y our o wn anno uncement Pr ess AN NC while in idl e mode and the s yst em will announce “ Announcemen t. Press PLA Y or press REC ORD . ” Press R ECORD and the system announ ces, “Re cord af ter the tone. 38 Ans wer in g s y stem New message indication T h e m e s s a g e d i s p l a y c o u n t e r w i l l f l a s h w h e n t h e r e a r e n e w a n s we r i n g system messages. If the new mess age aler t tone is turne d on, t he telephon e base will beep eve r y ten secon ds when there are unreviewed messages. 39 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Delete all messages Press X / D ELETE w hen the system is n ot in us e. The system will announc e “ T o delete all o ld messages, pres s DE LETE again. ” Press X / DE LETE again. 40 Ans wer in g s y stem Call screenin g If the answering system is on, you can listen at the telephone ba se to a c aller leaving a message on the an sw ering system. If the base volume is set to 1 , you will not hear your messages as ca llers leave them. 41 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Wind ow displays: Whe n: 0 No mess ages. 1 - 95 T otal num ber of old messag e( s ) record ed. 0 - 94 (ashi ng ) T otal numb er of new and old mes sages rec orded . The teleph one base may have lost and reg ained power . 42 Ans wer in g s y stem If you pau se mo re tha n four se con ds af ter eac h rem ote com man d co mple ted, the sy stem will a nnou nc e the h elp me nu opt ions . If no rem ote com man d is ente red wi thi n 1 5 sec ond s, the rem ote acc ess cal l will b e autom atic all y dis co nnec ted. 43 Appendix Displa ys : When : CAN’ T CONN ECT There is no power connected to the telephone base or the handset is too far aw a y f rom the t elephone base . C I D EMPTY There a re n o call log entries . CO NN ECT I N G . . . T he cordl ess handset is searc hing for the telepho ne base. 44 Handset displa y screen messages Displa ys : When : R INGER OFF The handse t ringer is tu rned off. SCA NN I NG. . . T h e t e l e p h o n e b a s e i s s e a r c h i n g f o r a n o t h e r a v a i l a b l e channel. 45 Appendix Batter y Af ter t he b at te ry i s full y cha rg ed fo r 16 hours , you ca n expe ct t he fo llow ing p er for man ce: Op erati on Op erati ng tim e Whi le in us e (talk ing) Five ho urs Whi le not in u se (stan dby*) Six d ays *Ha nds et is o ff t he tel ep hon e bas e but n ot in us e. 46 Import ant safety instru ctions Wh en us ing yo ur te lep ho ne eq uip me nt, b asi c saf et y pre cau tio ns s hou ld al ways b e fol lowe d to re duc e th e ri sk of re, el ec tri c sh oc k and i nju ry, in clu di ng th e fol low ing: Rea d and u nd ers tan d al l ins tru ct ion s. 47 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion My teleph one doe s not work at a ll. M ak e s u r e t h e ba t t e r y i s i n s t al l e d an d c h ar g e d c or r e c t l y (p a g e 3) . F or o p ti m u m d a i l y per fo rman ce, ret urn th e hand set to t he tele pho ne bas e af ter use. 48 Problem Suggestion The b atter y doe s not cha rge in t he ha nds et or th e hand set bat ter y do es not ac ce pt cha rge. Make sure the hands et is plac ed in t he teleph one base corre ct ly . T he hands et CH ARG E light sho uld b e on. 49 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Ther e is no d ial to ne. Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug ges tio ns. Move th e hand set c los er to the te lep hone b ase. It m ight b e out of r ange. The te lep hone l ine c ord mi ght b e malf unc tio ning. 50 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion The te lep hone d oes not r ing wh en the re is an in com ing c all. Make sur e the h ands et rin ger i s on (pag e 9) and /or the tel epho ne ba se ri nger i s on (pag e 34). Make sur e the te leph one l ine c ord an d power ad apter are p lug ged i n pro perl y (pag e 2 ). 51 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I can not di al out . Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug ges tio ns. Make sure th ere is a dial tone be fore dia ling. It is nor mal if th e hands et takes a sec ond or t wo to sy nc hron ize wi th the tel epho ne base be fore pro duc ing a d ial tone. 52 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Ther e is no ise or inter f erenc e dur ing a tel eph one co nversat ion. My c alls c ut in an d out whe n I am usi ng the cor dle ss ha nds et. The h and set may be ou t of ran ge. Move i t clo ser to th e tele phon e bas e. 53 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I hear oth er call s when usi ng the te lep hone. Di sc onn ec t the te lep ho ne bas e fro m t he tel ep hon e j ac k. Plug i n a d if fer ent tel ep hon e. I f ther e are still ot her cal ls, the pr obl em is pro babl y in the wir ing or loc al ser v ic e. 54 Problem Suggestion The sy stem do es not re cei ve cal ler ID, or th e system d oes not di spl ay call er ID dur ing c all wai ting. Make sure you subs cr ibe to c alle r I D with call waitin g features provi ded by t he lo cal telep hone co mpany. 55 Appendix Problem Suggestion The a nnou nce ment mes sag e is not c lear. Whe n re cor ding the annou nc ement , ma ke sure you sp eak i n a n orm al ton e of vo ic e ab out n ine inc hes f rom th e tele phon e bas e. Make sur e ther e is no ba ckgro und no ise (tel evisi on, mu sic, tr af c, etc . 56 T roublesh ooti ng Problem Suggestion The m ess ages o n the sy stem are ver y dif cul t to hear. Press VOL+ o n the te leph one b ase to i ncre ase t he sp eaker volu me. • My c ordl ess h and set bee ps an d is not per for min g nor mall y . 57 Appendix Operating range This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 58 About cordless telephones Priv acy: The sam e fea tures that m ake a cor dle ss tele pho ne c onve nien t cr eate som e li mit atio ns. 59 Appendix W arran ty 2. Pr od uc t that h as b een d ama ged d ue to r epa ir, alte rati on or m od i cat ion b y anyo ne ot her t han a n aut hor ize d ser vi ce r epr ese nt ativ e of V T e ch; o r 3. 60 FCC , A CT A and IC r egulati ons FCC Pa r t 15 Th is equi pm ent has be en tes ted and fou nd to com pl y with th e re quir eme nt s for a C la ss B dig it al dev ice un der Par t 15 o f the Fede ral Co mmu ni cat ion s Comm is sio n (FCC) rule s. 61 Appendix FCC , A CT A and IC r egulati ons The RBRC ® seal The RBRC ® s eal o n the ni ckel -c admiu m bat ter y in dic ates t hat VT ech Com munic atio ns, I nc. 62 T echnical specications Freque ncy c ontr ol Cr yst al co ntro lled PL L synth esizer T ran smit f requ enc y Han dset: 5 857 . 20 -5 86 5.9 0 MHz T ele pho ne bas e: 9 1 2.7 5 -91 7 . 1 0M Hz Chan nels 3 0 Nom inal e ffe ct ive ran ge Ma xim um power a llowed by FC C and IC. 63 Appendix Index A Ab out c ordl ess te lep hone s 58 Act ivate the a nswer ing sys tem 32 Answe r call s 1 2 Answe ring s ystem 31 Answe ring s ystem se tup 33 B Bas e volum e 34. 64 R RBRC ® s eal 61 Reas sig n spe ed di al lo cati ons 23 Rec ord a m emo 39 Rec ord yo ur own an noun cem ent 37 Red ial 1 4 Rem ote acc ess 42 Review t he di rec tor y 16 Revi.
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of T HE V TECH GROUP OF COMP ANIES. Distr ibuted in th e U .S.A . by VT ec h Communi cation s, Inc. Beaverton, Or egon Distr ibuted in Canad a by VT ech T ec hnolog ies Canada , Ltd. , Richm ond, B.C . Copyri ght © 200 8 for V TECH TE LE COM MUNICA TIONS L TD.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts VTech CS5123 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie VTech CS5123 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für VTech CS5123 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von VTech CS5123 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über VTech CS5123 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon VTech CS5123 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von VTech CS5123 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit VTech CS5123. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei VTech CS5123 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.