Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung fep-31024t-2 des Produzenten UNICOM Electric
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908 Canada Court City of Industry , C A 91748 U.S.A. Phone: 626.964.7873 or 800.346.6668 F ax: 626.964.7880 www e-mail: ©UNICOM 2005. UNICOM and “A Network Systems Solution” ar e trademarks of UNICOM Electric, Inc.
1 Introduction UNICOM’s DYNA-SW IT CH/24 (Rev. 2.0) is a 24-port 1 0/10 0BASE -T X Switch t hat can be used to b uild hi gh- performance switched workgroup networks.
2 Packa ge Co nte nts Unpack the contents of the DYNA-SWITCH/ 24 (Rev. 2.0) and verify them against th e checklist below. ν DYNA-SW IT CH/24 (Rev. 2.0) Switch ν Power Cord ν Four Rubber Feet ν User ma nual ν Rack Moun t kits DYNA- S W ITCH /24 (R ev .
3 Ether net Sw itc hin g Tec h nology Ethernet Switching T echnology has d ramatically booste d the total bandwidth of ne tworks, eliminated co ngestion pr oblem s in herent with Carr i er Sense multiple access with Collision Detection (CS MA/CD) prot ocol, and greatly reduce d unnecessary transmissions.
4 Hardware Descriptio n This section describes t he hardware of the DYNA -SWITCH/24 and gives a physical and functional overview of this Switch. Phys ica l Dime n si on The p hysical dime nsion o f t .
5 LED I ndica tors The LED Indicators gives real- time inf or matio n of systemat ic op eration stat us. The f ollowing table provides descriptions of the LED status. The De scr ip tions of L ED Ind icat ors LED Status Description Green Power On Powe r Off Power is not co nnected Green The p ort is connecting with the device.
6 Rear Pa nel The 3-pronged power plu g is loca ted at the r ear panel of the DYNA-SW IT CH/24 as shown in the fig ure . The switch will work with AC in the 100-2 40V A C, 50- 60Hz range. The re ar pa ne l of the D YN A- SW ITCH /24 Desk top Insta llat ion Set the switch on a s ufficien tly large flat spa ce with a po wer outlet nearby.
7 Rack -m ounte d I nsta llat ion The DYN A-SWITCH/24 comes with a rack-mounting kit ( not a standard option for this switch) and can be m oun ted in any EIA standard sized , 1 9" rack. T he Switch can then be placed in a wirin g close t with other equipment.
8 Network Application This secti on provides a few samples of ne twork topology i n which the switch is used . Th e DYNA-SWITCH/24 (Rev. 2.0) is d esigned to be used as a segmen t switch. With its large address table ( 4K MAC address) and high perfo rmance, it is ideal for interconnecting networking segments.
9 Smal l W ork grou p The DYNA-SW IT CH/24 can be used as a standa lone switch to which person al computers, servers, or a printer server are d irectly connected to form a small workgroup.
10 Segm ent Br idge In enterprise netwo rks where large data broadcasts are constantly processed, this switch is an id eal way for depar tmental users to conn ect to the corp orate backbone. In the illustration be low, two E thernet switc hes, wi th PCs, a pr int s erver, an d a local server a ttached, a re connected to the DYNA-SWITCH/24.
11 Tec hnica l Spec i f icati ons Th is section provides the specifications of t he DYNA-SW IT CH/24. Stand ard IEEE 802.3 10Base-T Ethern et, IEEE 802.
12 The p acket with a 0~3 precedence value will flow to the low q ueue and 4~7 valued packets will flow to the high queue. It also suppor ts weight round ration for high and low queue .
908 Canada Court City of Industry , C A 91748 U.S.A. Phone: 626.964.7873 or 800.346.6668 F ax: 626.964.7880 www e-mail: ©UNICOM 2005. UNICOM and “A Network Systems Solution” ar e trademarks of UNICOM Electric, Inc.
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