Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4425 des Produzenten Ultratec
Zur Seite of 96
305–002705 USING Y OUR SUPERPRINT 4425 ™.
Ultra tec , Inc . 450 Science Driv e Madison, WI 53711 (608) 238-5400 (V oice/TTY) F ax: (608) 238-3008 Email: ser vice @ ultratec .com www .ultratec .com Sixth edition F ebruar y 2002 First printing © 1995-2002 Ultratec , Inc . and Turbo Code are registered trademarks of Ultratec, Inc.
CONTENTS • 1 CONTENTS Impor tant safety instr uctions p . 4 Intr oduction p . 6 Over view of the Superprint 4425 ™ 7 Chap . 1 Set-up p . 9 Plugging in po w er and a telephone line 10 About the con.
2 • CONTENTS Change to other TTY + + 36 Three-wa y calling + + 37 T ransferring a call + 37 Chap . 4 Auto-ans w er p . 39 How auto-answ er w orks 40 T ur ning on auto-answ er + 41 T ur ning off auto.
CONTENTS • 3 Changing the greeting memo + 65 T ur ning off printing of the date and time + 65 Setting the date and time + 66 Sa ving a rela y voice announcer number + 66 T ur ning off T urbo Code + .
4 • SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Impor tant safety instr uctions When using y our Superpr int 4425, basic saf ety precautions should alwa ys be f ollo wed to r educe the r isk of fir e, electr ic shock, and injur y to per sons. 1. Read and under stand all instructions.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • 5 11. Unplug the Superpr int 4425 from the wall outlet and ref er ser vicing to qualif ied service per sonnel under the f ollo wing conditions: a. When the power suppl y cord or plug is damag ed or fra y ed. b . If liquid has been spilled into the Superpr int 4425.
6 • INTR ODUCTION INTR ODUCTION W elcome to the Superprint 4425 ™ TTY from Ultr atec. Y our new TTY has the f ollo wing special f eatures: A ring flasher that tells y ou when someone is calling. T urbo Code ® communication protocol. This f eature transmits signals to other T urbo Code TTYs as fast as you type.
INTR ODUCTION • 7 Ov er vie w of the Superprint 4425 ™.
C H A P T E R 1 SET -UP SET -UP • 9 All you need to do to set up the Superpr int 4425 is plug it in! Y ou ha ve to plug in the A C adapter f or 24 hour s to c harge the batter ies. The ring f lasher will not work properl y until the batter ies ar e full y charg ed.
10 • SET -UP P lug g i n g in p o w er and a t el e ph on e lin e Be sure to pull the plastic tab out of the batter y compar tment on the bottom of the Superprint 4425 bef or e you plug in the A C adapter . Caution! Do not plug the Superpr int 4425 into an y line other than a standard telephone line.
SET -UP • 11 Y ou can also connect by putting a telephone handset in the acoustic cups if f or some reason you cannot plug a telephone line into the Superpr int 4425.
12 • SET -UP About the contr ol k e y The control ke y g iv es instructions to the Superpr int 4425 when y ou hold it down and pr ess a function k ey . Most of the function ke ys ar e on the top ro w of the Superpr int 4425. See Superprint 4425 function k eys on pages 14-16 f or a complete list.
SET -UP • 13 Setting the clock + 9 Ctr l 1. Pr ess the options key (hold down the ke y and pr ess the key). 2. Pr ess the ke y until y ou see the c hang e cloc k option on the displa y , then press the k ey to c hang e the display to YES. 3. Pr ess the key .
14 • SET -UP + hangs up the telephone line (page 24). 2 Ctrl + dials a telephone number (page 22). 1 Ctrl + turns the printer on and off (page 18). 3 Ctrl + sends the greeting memo (page 32). 4 Ctrl + sends a memo (page 51). 5 Ctrl + saves or edits a memo (page 50).
SET -UP • 15 All functions begin by pressing and holding the k ey . The char t on the ne xt pag e lists all of the Superpr int 4425 functions. Use the page numbers to find more inf or mation a bout eac h function. Ctrl + saves telephone numbers (page 56).
16 • SET -UP Complete list of function k e ys D i a l + Di a l s a te le ph on e nu m be r p. 22 H a n g u p + Ha ng s u p t h e te l eph on e li n e p. 24 P r i n t + T u rn s th e pr in te r on a n d o f f p. 18 G r e e t i n g + S en ds t he g r ee ti ng m em o p.
SET -UP • 17 About Auto ID ™ The A uto ID ™ f eature alerts a hear ing per son that you are calling fr om a TTY . It aler ts the per son by sending se v eral audible tones over the telephone line e ver y f ew seconds. A uto ID helps emerg ency ser vices suc h as 911 detect that you ar e calling b y TTY .
18 • SET -UP About the printer + The pr inter is on when y ou tur n on y our Superpr int 4425 for the fir st time. Pr ess the pr int k ey ( + ) to tur n off the printer . The displa y sa ys PRINTER OFF . Pr ess the pr int k e y again to tur n the pr inter back on.
SET -UP • 19 2. Pr ess the key until you see PRINT SIZE (NORMAL) on the displa y . 3. Press the to c hang e the setting to BOLD or WIDE. 4. Pr ess the ke y to leav e the options. The print size sta ys set until y ou chang e it again or reset the Superpr int 4425.
20 • C ALLING.
C H A P T E R 2 C ALLING C ALLING • 21 This c hapter covers the basics of making and r eceiving TTY calls and how to revie w a conv er sation after you finish a call. It also e xplains T urbo Code and how T urbo Code allows y ou to interr upt the other per son while he or she is typing.
22 • C ALLING Mak ing a c all in dir e ct c onne ct + 1 Ctr l 1. T ur n on the Superpr int 4425. 2. Pr ess the dial ke y (hold down the key and press the key). 3. T ype the telephone number y ou ar e calling. Use the key to correct mistakes. Pr ess the ke y to dial the n umber .
C ALLING • 23 Signal light and displa y The signal light (and displa y in direct connect) sho w what is happening on the telephone line in the f ollowing w ays: Signal light Displa y T elephone line.
24 • CALLING Dialing fr om the dir ector y + Y ou can dial fr om the dir ector y if y ou hav e number s saved. F ollow these steps to dial from the director y: 1. Pr ess the dial k ey (hold down the ke y and press the ke y). Y ou will see TYPE NAME, NUM, OR CR on the displa y .
C ALLING • 25 Ans wering a call in dir ect connect 1. The r ing f lasher f lashes when the telephone r ings. 2. T ur n on the Superpr int 4425. Y ou will see RING on the displa y . 3. T ype a gr eeting and wait f or an ans wer . 4. T urn of f the Superpr int 4425 when y ou finish.
26 • C ALLING Acoustic calling and answ ering 1. Put the telephone handset in the acoustic cups on the Superpr int 4425. Make sure the telephone cor d is on the left side. 2. T ur n on the Superprint 4425. If you ar e ans w er ing a call, type a greeting.
C ALLING • 27 About T urbo Code ® T urbo Code is an improv ed ver sion of Baudot code. It sends signals to other T urbo Code TTYs as fast as you type and allows y ou to inter rupt the other per son at any time during a con versation.
If you see INTERR UPT on y our displa y while the ring f lasher f lashes, it means that the other per son wants to interrupt you and star t typing. Y ou can c hoose to stop and let the other per son go ahead or contin ue typing y our self .
C ALLING • 29 Re ad ing c o n v e r s a ti on m em ory + A conv er sation is ev er ything y ou and the other per son type dur ing a call. Con ver sations ar e sav ed one after another in the con v er sation memor y until the memor y f ills up.
30 • CALLING Clearing con v ersa tions If , f or some reason, y ou do not want to leav e a conversation in memor y , y ou can clear the conv er sation memory yourself. This erases all conv er sations, but does not clear memos, dir ector y entries, or auto-ans w er messa g es.
C H A P T E R 3 AD V ANCED C ALLING AD V ANCED CALLING • 31 This chapter describes Superprint 4425 featur es that can make y our calling easier and more enjo y able. Sever al of these f eatures ena b le you to take adv anta g e of y our telephone’ s adv anced calling featur es.
32 • AD V ANCED C ALLING Using the gr eeting memo + Y our Superpr int 4425 comes with a g reeting memo already sav ed in the list of memos. The memo sa ys HELLO GA. F ollow these steps to ans w er a call with the gr eeting memo: 1. T ur n on the Superpr int 4425.
Using the TTY Announcer ™ + The TTY Announcer messag e is a recor ding of a woman’ s v oice that says, “TTY call, please use te xt telephone. ” Eac h time the v oice speaks, the messag e is also displa yed.
34 • AD V ANCED CALLING W ait for r esponse + + Use the wait f or r esponse f eature when the other person tells you to hold. The Superpr int 4425 will f lash the r ing f lasher when the other per son starts typing again. Follo w these steps to tur n on wait f or response: 1.
AD V ANCED C ALLING • 35 Sa ving a r ela y v oice announcer number + 1. Press the options key (hold down the key and press the key). 2. Pr ess the ke y until you see the r elay option on the display , then pr ess the to c hang e the setting to YES. 3.
36 • AD V ANCED C ALLING Auto busy r edial + + When a number is busy , the Superpr int 4425 can r edial the number by itself up to 15 times. It will let y ou know when it makes a connection by f lashing the r ing f lasher . Y ou must be using direct connect to use this f eature.
AD V ANCED C ALLING • 37 Thr ee-w a y calling + + If y our telephone ser vice inc ludes three-wa y calling, the Superpr int 4425 thr ee-wa y calling f eature lets y ou put one call on hold, call another number , and carr y on a conver sation among three people.
38 • AD V ANCED C ALLING 1. Pr ess the dial k ey ( + ). Y ou will see TYPE NAME, NUM, OR CR on the display . 2. T ype an ! (hold do wn the k e y and pr ess the ke y). 3. T ype the number of the e xtension to whic h y ou are transf er r ing the call.
C H A P T E R 4 AUT O-ANSWER AUT O-ANSWER • 39 Use auto-ans w er when y ou want the Superprint 4425 to answ er TTY calls and take messag es when you ar e busy or a w a y . Y ou can also use auto-ans wer when y ou ar e working ar ound y our home or of fice to make sure y ou do not miss calls.
Ho w auto-ans wer w orks The Superpr int 4425 ans wer s a call b y sending the relay v oice announcer messa g e and the out-g oing auto-ans w er memo. The rela y v oice announcer messag e sa ys, “Please use te xt telephone or dial rela y . ” It also adds a relay number if y ou have sav ed one.
T ur ning on auto-ans w er + 1. Pr ess the auto-ans wer key (hold down the k e y and press the key). If y ou see REVIEW MESSA GES Y/N on the displa y , pr ess the ke y to read messa g es or press the key if you decide not to read them. 2. Pr ess the key .
Reading auto-ans wer messages Esc 42 • AUT O-ANSWER When auto-ans wer is on, the displa y shows how man y messag es y ou hav e r eceived. 1. Pr ess the ke y to tur n off auto-answ er . 2. Press the ke y to read y our messa g es. Each messa g e beg ins with 5 dashes and the date and time of the call.
AUT O-ANSWER • 43 4. Pr ess the key to c lear y our auto- ans wer messa g es. Pr ess the ke y if y ou decide not to c lear them. Hold down the key and the key to read messages at nor mal speed. K eep holding do wn the ke y but let g o of the ke y to g o f aster .
Changing to a differ ent auto-ans wer memo + Y ou can c hange to a different auto-ans wer memo by typing a new memo name (and contents if necessar y) when y ou tur n on auto- ans wer . Follow these steps to c hange your auto-ans w er memo: 1. Pr ess the auto-ans w er ke y ( + ).
T urning off the auto-answer r ela y v oice announcer + When the Superpr int 4425 ans w er s the telephone, it sends out the rela y v oice announcer messa g e bef or e it sends y our auto- ans wer memo. If y ou do not want the Superpr int 4425 to send the messa g e, follo w these steps to tur n it of f: 1.
Remote message r etrie v al Remote messag e r etr ieval allo ws you to use another TTY when y ou are a wa y from home or w ork to call y our Superprint 4425 and read your auto-ans w er messa g es. Y ou must enter and save a pass w or d bef ore y ou can use remote messa g e r etr iev al.
2. W ait f or the auto-answer memo to end. 3. Pr ess the ke y . 4. T ype / and y our pass w or d, lik e this: /P ASSWORD 5. Pr ess the ke y a gain. Y our Superpr int 4425 sends the n umber of messag es y ou have and the number of free c har acter s in auto-ans wer memor y .
C H A P T E R 5 MEMOS MEMOS • 49 A memo is a shor t messa g e that y ou sa ve in the Superpr int 4425 memor y and later send to someone dur ing a conv er sation. Examples of memos ar e: • The auto-ans wer memo that the Superprint 4425 sends out when y ou are a w ay .
Sa ving a memo + 6 Ctrl 50 • MEMOS 1. Pr ess the memo k ey (hold down the k ey and pr ess the ke y). The displa y will ask f or a memo name. 2. T ype a name and pr ess the ke y . Names can be up to 8 letter s, n umbers, or spaces. The display sho ws the memo name with space to type the memo.
Use these function ke ys when y ou type your memo: • The left ar row key ( + ) and the right arrow key ( + ) mo ve the memo back and forth across the displa y . • The ke y erases char acter s. • The key star ts a new line when the memo is pr inted.
Editing or clearing a memo Editing a memo + 1. Pr ess the memo k ey ( + ). Y ou will see EDIT MEMO on the display . 2. Pr ess the until y ou see the memo name on the display .
2. Pr ess the to c hang e the setting to MEMOS. 3. Press the key . Y ou will see CLEAR MEMOS Y/N on the displa y . 4. Pr ess the key to clear all memos. (Press the ke y if y ou decide not to c lear all memos.) Printing memos + Printing one memo 1. Pr ess the memo ke y ( + ).
S a vi n g a c o n v e r s a t i o n a s a m e m o + Y ou can sa v e y our conv er sation as a memo at any time during or after a call, but y ou must do it bef or e y ou tur n off your Superprint 4425. The con ver sation is recorded fr om the beginning of the conv er sation until y ou hang up or tell the Superpr int 4425 to stop.
C H A P T E R 6 DIRECT OR Y DIRECT OR Y • 55 The director y lets y ou dial a number by typing the name of an entr y . This mak es dialing the number much faster and easier . Ther e is no limit to the n umber of telephone n umber s y ou can sa ve as long as the total number of c haracter s in all dir ector y entr ies and memos is less than 9,500.
Sa ving a telephone number + Y ou can sa v e as many telephone number s as memor y will allow — up to 9,500 total c haracter s f or telephone n umber s and memos. Backspace Ctr l 56 • DIRECT OR Y 1. Pr ess the director y key (hold do wn the ke y and pr ess the k e y).
4. Pr ess the ke y when y ou finish. Use these function ke ys when y ou type the number: • The key erases char acter s. • The key star ts a new line when the memo is pr inted. • The remain ke y ( + ) shows free space in memor y . • The c lear k ey ( + ) erases the whole n umber .
E d i t i n g o r c l e a r i ng a t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r Editing a number + 1. Pr ess the director y k e y ( + ). Y ou will see DIR NAME on the displa y . 2. Press the until y ou see the n umber you want to c hang e on the displa y . 3. Pr ess the key .
2. Pr ess the to c hange the setting to DIRECT OR Y . 3. Pr ess the ke y . Y ou will see CLEAR DIRECT OR Y Y/N on the displa y . 4. Pr ess the key to clear all entr ies. Pr ess the ke y if y ou decide not to clear them. Printing director y numbers + Printing one number 1.
C H A P T E R 7 OPTIONS OPTIONS • 61 This chapter describes all of the settings y ou can chang e with the options k ey . They ar e listed in the or der they appear on the displa y when you pr ess the options ke y ( + ) and then the k e y . Use the to sho w the dif ferent settings f or each option.
Setting the print case + F ollow these steps to pr int in all upper case letter s: 1. Press the options key ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LOW) CASE on the displa y . 2. Pr ess the to c hange the setting to UPPER. 3. Pr ess the key to sa v e the setting and lea v e options or pr ess the ke y to sav e the setting and g o to the ne xt option.
4. Pr ess the ke y to sav e the setting and leave options or pr ess the k e y to sav e the setting and g o to the ne xt option. Setting pulse dialing + The Superprint 4425 is set for tone dialing, whic h is cor r ect f or almost all telephone lines.
Setting the out-going auto-ans wer memo + F ollow these steps to c hoose any memo as your out-g oing auto- ans wer memo: 1. Pr ess the options k ey ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LO W) CASE on the displa y . 2. Pr ess the ke y until y ou see ANSWER MEMO on the display .
Changing the gr eeting memo + F ollow these steps to c hang e the memo that the Superpr int 4425 sends when y ou pr ess the greeting key ( + ): 1. Press the options key ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LOW) CASE on the displa y . 2. Pr ess the ke y until you see GREET MEMO>GREETING on the displa y .
Setting the date and time + F ollo w these steps to set the clock: 1. Pr ess the options k ey ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LOW) CASE on the displa y . 2. Pr ess the key until you see CHANGE CLOCK (NO) on the display . 3. Pr ess the ke y to c hang e the setting to YES, then press the ke y .
T ur ning off T urbo Code + F ollow these steps to tur n off T urbo Code: 1. Pr ess the options k ey ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LO W) CASE on the display . 2. Pr ess the ke y until y ou see TURBO CODE (ON) on the display . 3. Pr ess the to c hange the setting to OFF .
T ur ning off interrupt + F ollow these steps to tur n of f incoming interr upts: 1. Pr ess the options k ey ( + ). Y ou will see PRINT (UP/LOW) CASE on the displa y . 2. Pr ess the ke y until you see INTERR UPT (ON) on the display . 3. Pr ess the to c hang e the setting to OFF .
2. Pr ess the ke y until y ou see A UT O ANSW V OICE (ON) on the display . 3. Pr ess the to c hange the setting to OFF . 4. Pr ess the key to sa v e the setting and lea v e options or press the ke y to sa ve the setting and g o to the ne xt option.
C H A P T E R 8 C ARE & REP AIR C ARE & REP AIR • 71 Or dinar y care of y our Superpr int 4425 r equires c hanging the printer paper when the paper r uns out and r eplacing the batter ies when the y no long er hold a full c harg e.
Replacing the printer paper The printer uses high-quality ther mal paper . Use the order car d that comes with the Superpr int 4425 to or der paper . If you do not hav e a card, contact y our dealer or Ultratec (the Ultratec addr ess is on the inside fr ont cover of this manual).
About the batteries The Superprint 4425 r uns on batteries when y ou unplug the A C adapter or when the po wer f ails. Fully-c harg ed, the six AA r echarg eable NiCad batteries will provide 45 to 60 minutes of normal use. When the pow er light b links, you ha v e a bout 5 minutes of batter y power left.
Replacing the batteries Replace the batteries e v er y tw o or three y ear s, or when they r un do wn in less than 30 minutes and e xercising them does not help.
T r oubleshooting Dir ect connect Dialing does not work. Make sure y ou hav e the r ight tone or pulse setting f or y our telephone system. The display says NO DIRECT CONNECT . The Superpr int 4425 is not properl y connected to the telephone line. Be sure the cor d is f ir mly plugg ed into the Superpr int 4425 and the telephone wall jac k.
Printer The printer does not work. Be sure the printer is on. If it is, tr y r esetting the pr inter b y tur ning the Superpr int 4425 of f and on a gain. The printer works, but it prints too lightly or not at all. Make sure y ou hav e high-g r ade thermal pr inter paper and it is correctly installed.
Clearing all memories Y ou can clear all con ver sations, memos, director y entr ies, and auto-ans wer messa g es at one time. F ollow these steps to c lear all memories: 1. Press the clear k e y ( + ). Y ou will see CLEAR (CONVERSA TION) on the display .
Repair If y our Superprint 4425 is not wor king, we ma y be a ble to help y ou solve the pr ob lem o v er the telephone. Call Ultr atec at the number on the inside fr ont cover . Sending the Superprint 4425 for r epair F ollo w these steps if you need to send the Superpr int 4425 to our repair center: 1.
C H A P T E R 9 CODES CODES • 79 ASCII code is an optional par t of the Superprint 4425. T o f ind out if y our Superpr int 4425 has ASCII code, pr ess the code key ( + ), then press the . If the display sa ys CODE (ASCII), you hav e ASCII code. Pr ess the ke y .
Setting the Baudot code baud rate + The Superprint 4425 is set to use whic he v er code it needs to ans w er a call, but y ou can set the unit so that it will only use Baudot code. When you do, the Superprint 4425 will not tr y to use other codes. F ollo w these steps: 1.
Baud ra te is how fast c haracter s trav el. Y ou can choose 110 or 300 baud, but 110 is rar ely used. The def ault baud rate is 300. Duplex controls ho w char acter s ar e displa y ed. If you g et doub le c haracters (lliikkee tthhiiss) or none at all, c hange the option betw een half duple x and full duple x.
Changing ASCII seek time + This option sets the length of time dur ing whic h the Superpr int 4425 sends out an ASCII seek tone. The normal TTY seek time is three seconds. Y ou ma y need more time if you often connect to computer s. Six seconds is recommended.
During an ASCII call If y ou do not receiv e a clear message during an ASCII call, tr y: • Changing the par ity setting • Chang ing the duple x option.
STICKY KEY S Ordinar il y , when you use the or k e ys, you must hold down either ke y while y ou press another ke y . If y ou ha v e trouble pressing tw o k eys at one time, the stic ky ke ys f eatur e lets you use the and keys by pressing one key at a time.
SPECIFICA TIONS • 85 SPECIFIC A TIONS Physical Dimensions Size–10" x 9.5" x 3" (25.4 cm x 24.1 cm x 7.6 cm) Weight–3.6 lbs (1.7 Kg) with batteries Power AC adapter–9VDC, 650 mA (barrel is positive) AC adapter is UL/CSA listed The six AA NiCad rechargeable batteries are user- replaceable.
86 • SPECIFIC A TIONS The Superprint 4425 has been tested and found to comply with the specifications for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
SPECIFIC A TIONS • 87 NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration number.
88 • O THER TTY S A V AILABLE FR OM UL TRA TEC Other TTYs a v ailab le fr om Ultratec • Built-in 24-character printer (3 print sizes) • Turbo Code ® • Auto ID ™ • Direct connect • Auto-.
O THER TTYS A V AILABLE FR OM UL TRA TEC • 89 EZ com Pr o ™ • Turbo Code ® • Direct Connect • Auto ID ™ • Relay dial key • VCO request key • 2-line, 48-character backlit display • 20-name dialing directory Compact ™ P oc ket-sized, per sonal TTY to carr y in pur se, br iefcase, or bac kpac k.
90 • INDEX INDEX AC adapter, 9, 10, 11, 73, 76 jack, 7, 10 Acoustic cups, 7 using, 9, 26 Adapter, see AC adapter Address, Ultratec, inside front cover Announcer, see TTY Announcer Announcer key, 7, .
INDEX • 91 GA, back cover Greeting key, 14, 16, 32 Greeting Memo, 32, 49, 65 Hangup key, 14, 16, 24, 38 Hanging up, after answering a direct connect call, 25 after making a direct connect call, 22 a.
92 • INDEX TTY Announcer, 33 TTY Announcer key, 7, 15, 16, 33 Telephone, 9 connecting a, 11 dialing with a, 24, 26 jack, 10 Telephone line connecting a, 10, 11 Three-way calling, 37 Time, see Clock .
Con v ersation Etiquette GA When y ou talk with another per son b y TTY , you type while the other per son reads. When y ou w ant the other per son to respond, type GA f or “Go ahead. ” GA OR SK T o say g oodb y e, type GA OR SK. This gives the other per son a c hance to sa y an y last wor ds bef or e ending the con ver sation.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Ultratec 4425 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Ultratec 4425 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Ultratec 4425 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Ultratec 4425 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Ultratec 4425 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Ultratec 4425 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Ultratec 4425 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Ultratec 4425. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Ultratec 4425 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.