Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung S2460 des Produzenten Tyan Computer
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Tig e r MP S2460 User ’ s Manual Revision 1. 03 Copyrigh t © Tyan Comput er C orp or ation , 2 001 . A ll rig hts rese rve d. N o p art of t his m an ual m ay be rep ro- duced or translated withou t prior written consent from Tyan Computer Corp.
http://www.ty 2 Congratu lations! ...... ................ .......... ................ ................ ............... ................ .......... 5 T iger MP System Block Diagram . ................ ............... ........... ................ .
Tiger MP S2460 3 Chapter 4: System Re sources Beep Codes . ................ ........... ............... ................ ................ ................ .......... ........ 44 Flash Utility ............. ..... ........... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..
http://www.ty 4 Before you begin... Check the box contents ! The reta il mothe rboard pa ckage shou ld contai n the follow ing: If any of th ese items a re missing, p lease contac t your vendor/d ealer fo r repl acem en ts be fore c o ntin uing with the install ation proce ss.
Tiger MP S2460 5 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Congratulations ! The Tyan T iger MP™ is a d irect de scendent of the Thunder K7, the most critical ly acclaim ed and d eco- rated system board in t he history of T yan.
http://www.ty 6 1.2 Tiger MP Syst em Block Diagra m AMD-762 System Controller AMD Athlon MP Processor 0 Socket 4 62 AMD Athlon MP Processor 1 Socket 462 184-pi n Regis tered DDR DIMMs PCI slots.
Tiger MP S2460 7 1.3 Hardwa re Speci fications Dual PGA 462 ZIF sockets Suppo rts dual A MD Athlon MP processo rs T wo onboard VR Ms 200MHz a nd 266MHz system bus su pport One AG P slot supp orts 2x/4x m odes Four 6 4/32-bit 33MHz 5V PCI v2 .2 slots T wo 32-b it 33MHz 5V PCI v 2.
http://www.ty 8 1.4 Soft ware Spec ifications A TX 12” x 10. 3” (304.8 0mm x 261 .62mm) One 20- pin power connector (requi res 30A on +5V li ne) Sta cked mo use & ke yboa rd por ts Stac.
Tiger MP S2460 9 Chapte r 2: Board Inst allation 2.1 Installa tion Once you’ ve checked that everyth ing is ins ide the box (see p. 4 for de tails), you will then be r eady to install yo ur mo therbo ard.
http://www.ty 10 2.4 Qui ck Refere nces for Jump ers In this manu al, the term “cl osed” and “on ” are used when re ferring to jumpers (or jumper pi ns) that are active; “ ope n” a nd “off” a re u sed w he n re fer ring to j u mp ers (or j um per pin s) th at a re inact iv e.
Tiger MP S2460 11 2.5 Map of Motherboard Jump ers Seri al port 1 Seri al port 2 Keyboa rd port (lower port) Mouse por t (upper p ort) USB Ports Parallel port CPU 1 CPU 0 AMD-760 MP J89 J36 J15 J34 J12.
http://www.ty 12 2.6 Setting up Jumpers and Onboard Connectors 2.6-A. Fr on t Pa ne l Conn ec tor (J1 2) Y our chassis will usually c ome with connectors to install onto the motherboard, s uch as HDD and Power LED s. The Front Panel C onnector has been implemente d for such p urposes .
Tiger MP S2460 13 2.6-C. CPU Fro nt Side Bus Jum pers (J48 , J49; J52, J53) (READ N OTE BEL OW) With thes e jumpers, the CPU FS B can be se t to eith er 200 or 266MHz. 2.6-D. Fr on t- sid e USB H ead er* (J36) This he ader all ows for a U SB connect ion*.
http://www.ty 14 2.6-E. F AN Headers (P0F AN, P1F AN, FAN1 , F AN2, F AN3) These he aders al low for extr a fans t o be install ed. P0FAN and P1FAN are reser ved for CP U0 and CP U1 (respectiv ely). All o ther fans a re left to t he user ’s discre tion.
Tiger MP S2460 15 2.6- G. SMB us Connec tor* (J89) This is a reserv ed feature for specif ic functi ons not usu ally req uired for n ormal boa rd opera tion. 2.6-H. Reserved Jumper* (J34) ( RESERVED) This is a reserv ed feature * for de bugging pu rposes onl y .
http://www.ty 16 2.6-I. S oft Power Co nnector The s oft power conn ector is pa rt of jumper block J12 ( pins 13 an d 15). This b oard uses the chipset for power mana gement, including turning on and off the system.
Tiger MP S2460 17 2.6- K. F lash U tili ty Y ou can u pgrade th e BIOS of this moth erboard by using the Flash U tility (se e p. 44 ). Check the Tyan website for more deta ils: http:/ /www.
http://www.ty 18 2.7 Mounting the Motherboa rd into the Chassis Y our chassi s may include m ounting hard ware. If mounti ng hardwa re was included, yo u can use the fo l- lowing examples to h elp you in installing your motherb oard into the chassis.
Tiger MP S2460 19 2.8 Installing M emory Please keep i n m ind t hat altho ugh so me m em or y m od ules may ap pe ar to b e high -q ual ity, they may con- tain infe rior or substan dard parts.
http://www.ty 20 Lock the DIM M into plac e by pushing the clips back on e ither end of th e socket onto the notches in the e nds of the DIMM (s ee pictures below fo r details).
Tiger MP S2460 21 Sugge st ed Memo r y Co nf ig ur at ions The table below shows some of the possible memo ry configur ations. Not a ll possible con figurations are list ed. Y o ur memo ry configura tion ma y differ from o ne or mo re of the c ombinat ions** sho wn belo w .
http://www.ty 22 2.9 Installing the CPU and Cooling Fan AMD At hlon MP processors up to 1. 4GHz ca n be used on thi s board. For mor e informa tion on CPU com- patibility , ch eck T yan’s website at: ht tp://www.
Tiger MP S2460 23 Installin g the Cool ing Fan(s) After a CPU has bee n installed, you will need to in stall the p roper cool ing device* for the CPU. This device, a heatsink/fan combination , can be pur chased at ma ny compute r retail st ores. Install ation of the cooling device* may vary d epend ing on the fan m anufa cturer ’s design .
http://www.ty 24 2.10 Connecting IDE and Floppy Drives A variety of IDE and AT API-complia nt devi ces can be installed on this m otherboa rd, such a s hard d isk drives (HDDs) and CD-ROMs. Please keep i n mind that on this mothe rboard, the pri - mary I DE connec tor is BLACK , and the secondary IDE connec tor is WHITE .
Tiger MP S2460 25 Conne cting Fl oppy Dri ves See the pictu re be low for an exam ple of a floppy cab le. Mo st of the curr ent floppy drives on the marke t requir e that the cabl e be install ed with the col ored stri pe position ed next to the power conn ector.
http://www.ty 26 2.1 1 Installing Add-on Cards There are a few rule s you need to follow when inst alling add-on cards. In ord er to assure proper opera tion and a quick installatio n, adhere t.
Tiger MP S2460 27 2.12 Connect ing PS/2, US B, and Ser ial Devices This m otherboa rd inclu des port s for P S/2 mouse and keyb oard, Univers al Serial Bus (US B) devi ces, and seri al and paral lel de vices . Pleas e not e that t he uppe r PS/ 2 port is the m ouse por t, an d the lo wer PS /2 port is for the key board (see Figure 2.
http://www.ty 28 2.13 Connecting the power supply * This moth erboa rd req uires t he foll owing: A TX power su pply , one th at conform s to A TX standa rd 2. 01 or be tter A minimu m of 30+A on the +5V power lin e* The clip on the powe r connecto r should lock over the tab on the onboard connector.
Tiger MP S2460 29 2.14 Y ou a re done! After do uble-checking the jumper settings and cable co nnections, an d putting th e case back to gether, you are done setting up the com puter . Installing a new moth erboard may seem di fficult, but by following these di rections, you should hav e a fairly uneventful time installing our products.
http://www.ty 30 2.15 Frequently Asked Questions (F AQ) Q: My sy stem so metimes becomes unstab le. How sh ould I c heck the system ? A: The first thing to do is to check an d see if you have any device conflicts relat ed to the IRQ, or DMA.
Tiger MP S2460 31 Chapter 3: BIOS Setup Introduction to the BIOS setup The BIO S is the basic input/outpu t system, requ ired by the computer to perform functions suc h as CPU and hard dr i ve su pp ort . T his ch apt er des cri be s differe nt sett ings for the BIOS t hat can be use d to confi g- ure your system.
http://www.ty 32 Setup Keys The tabl e below sh ows how t o navigate in the setup program using the ke yboard. Getting Help Press [F1] to displa y a small help win dow that describes the appr opriate ke ys to use and the possible selection s for the h ighlighted item.
Tiger MP S2460 33 3.1 Main Setup In this s creen, you can alter g eneral fea tures such as the date and time, as w ell as access the IDE co nfig- uration scr een s. Note t hat the op ti ons li sted be low ar e f or optio ns t hat can dir ectly b e ch an ged wit hin the Main Setu p scre en.
http://www.ty 34 3.1-A. Master a nd Slave screens The fol lowing option s are for setting th e configur ation of the IDE device s installed in the system .
Tiger MP S2460 35 ( mast er and slave s cree ns, con tinue d ) Disabled DIsables the feature. FORMAT : [ op tion ] NOTES: All opt ions are de pende nt on the drive.
http://www.ty 36 3.2 Ad vanced Se tup Options such as I/O device interfaces can be alter ed throu gh this scree n. Y es Erases al l configurati on data in a section o f mem- ory for E SCD (Ext ended System Configuration Data) wh ich stor es the conf igur atio n set ting s for non-Pn P plug -in devi c es.
Tiger MP S2460 37 ( advanced setup, con tinued ) 3F8, 2F8 3E8, 2E 8 These op tions are d epen- dent on the IRQ, and vic e versa. FORMAT : [ op tion ] OPTIONS: Base I/O NOTES: Recomm ended com binations i nclude ‘3F 8, IRQ4’ and ‘2 F8, IRQ3’. IRQ4 IRQ3 These IR Qs are pa ired with the Base I/O option.
http://www.ty 38 ( advanced setup, con tinued ) 3.2-A. Chipset Co nfigur ation scr een Options rela ted to the graph ics int erf ace can be alte red throu gh thi s scree n. DMA1 DMA3 These op tions appea r when parallel port is se t to ‘Enabl ed’.
Tiger MP S2460 39 3.2-B. Keyboar d Configur ation s creen Options rela ted to the keyboa rd can be alter ed throu gh thi s scree n. 3.2-C. I/O Co nfiguratio n screen Options related to the I/O inte rface can b e altered t hrough th is screen. Auto ‘Auto’ will hav e the BIOS taking c ontrol of the Nu m- Lock key at POST .
http://www.ty 40 3.2-D. PCI Confi guration screen Options related to the PCI slot s can be alt ered through this scre en. 3.2-E. PC I/PnP IRQ Exclus ion scr een Options related to the PCI/PnP in terrupts ca n be alter ed throug h this screen . 3.
Tiger MP S2460 41 3.3 S ecuri ty Setu p Security o ptions can be a ltered thro ugh this scr een. 3.4 Power Se t up Power m anagemen t options ca n be alt ered through this scre en. [Enter] Enter u p to seven alpha- numeri c charac ters. Y ou will be asked to confirm the passw ord.
http://www.ty 42 ( powe r setu p, co ntinue d ) Off 1 Minu te 2 Minu te 4 Minu te 6 Minu te 8 Minu te 12 Minute 16 Minute Inactivity period req uire d to put syste m in Stan dby (part ial power shutdown).
Tiger MP S2460 43 3.5 Bo ot Setup Boot sett ings can be altered through this scree n. All optio ns are ar ranged by vertical p riority . 3.6 Exit Menu Selecting “Exit” will display this me nu. (depend ent on devices dete cted) Each item detected as a removeable device, will be listed in this section .
http://www.ty 44 Chapter 4: System Re sources Note : If you expe rience problem s with setting up your syst em, always ch eck the followin g things in t he following order: MEMORY , VIDEO, C PU By checking these items, you will most likely fin d out what the pr oblem might have been when setting up your syste m.
Tiger MP S2460 45 Appendix I: Glossa ry ACPI (A dvanced C on figurati on and P ower I nterface) : a power mana gemen t s pecific ation th at al lows the operating system to contro l the amou nt of power distr ibuted to the compute r’s device s. Devices not in use can be tur ned off, redu cing unnece ssary power exp enditure.
http://www.ty 46 Bus mast ering : allows pe ripheral de vices and IDEs to a ccess the syste m memory withou t going thro ugh the CPU (similar to DMA channels). Cache : a temporar y storage area for d ata that will be need ed often by an applica tion.
Tiger MP S2460 47 DRAM (D yn amic RAM ): w idely av ailable, v ery affordable form of R AM whi ch has the unfort unate ten- dency to lose data if it is not recharged regularl y (every few milliseconds). This refresh requiremen t makes D RAM three to ten times slo wer than non- recharge d RAM such as SRAM.
http://www.ty 48 Initial P rogram Load (IPL): a feature built into BBS-compliant devices, describing those devices as capable of loading and execu ting an OS , as well as being able to pro vide c ontrol ba ck to the BIOS if the loading atte mpt fails.
Tiger MP S2460 49 Pipelinin g : improves system perfo rmance by allowing the CPU to beg in executing a second instru ction before t he first is com plet ed. A pipel in e can be l ike ned to a n asse mb ly l ine , wi t h a g i ven pa rt of th e p ipe- line rep eatedly exe cuting a set part o f an opera tion on a se ries of instructions.
http://www.ty 50 SIMM (S ingl e I n-line M emo ry M odule) : formerly the most common form of RAM for motherb oards. The y must be ins talled in p airs, and d o not have the carrying ca pacity o r the speed of DIMMs. Sleep/S uspen d mode : in th is mode, all devices except the CPU shut down.
Tiger MP S2460 51 T echnical Su ppor t If a problem ari ses with your sy stem, you should turn to your dealer for help first. Y our system has most likely bee n confi gure d by t hem, a nd the y should have the be st idea of wh at har dware and so ftware your system conta ins.
http://www.ty 52 Noti ce for th e USA Comp liance Inform ation Sta tement (D eclaratio n of Con formity Pr ocedure) D oC FCC Part 15: This device complies with Part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Tyan Computer S2460 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Tyan Computer S2460 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Tyan Computer S2460 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Tyan Computer S2460 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Tyan Computer S2460 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Tyan Computer S2460 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Tyan Computer S2460 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Tyan Computer S2460. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Tyan Computer S2460 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.