Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Total Protection 2013 des Produzenten TrustPort
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User Guide Intended for products TrustPort Antivirus 2013 TrustPort Internet Security 2013 TrustPort Total Protection 2013 Revision dat e: 10/ 19 /2012 Copyright © 2012, TrustP ort, a .
2 Content CONTENT .................................................................................................................... 2 1 TRUSTPORT ANT IVIRUS ...................................................................................... 10 1.
3 7.4 C ONSOLE APPLIC ATION .......................................................................................... 36 7.5 E XECUTING FROM THE COMMAND LINE ........................................................................ 37 8 INTERNET SCA NNER .
4 10.2 A CCESS C ONTROL ................................ ................................................................ 74 10.2.1 Parental lock ............................................................................................. 75 10.2.2 Volume Securi ty .
5 Auto-mounts .............................................................................................................. 105 Recent mounts ......................................................................................
6 10.8.1 Language confi guration ............................................................................ 130 10.8.2 Proxy ..................................................................................................... 131 10.8.3 Configurati on Maintenance .
7 14.3 A RCHIVE MANAGEM ENT - CAR M ANAGER ................................................................... 148 14.3.1 Create new archi ve (Encrypt archive) ........................................................ 150 14.3.2 Open existi ng archive .
8 15.4 C ONSOLE APPLIC ATION ........................................................................................ 165 15.5 D ATA S HREDDER FAQ ................................................................ ......................... 166 16 DISK PROTECTION .
9 17.4.1 Check an imag e in advanced mode ............................................................ 188 17.4.2 Choose the FAT tab le ............................................................................... 188 17.4.3 Different view mod es ..
10 1 TrustPort An tivirus 1.1 Product overview and key f eatures The TrustPort Antivir us is an antivirus pr ogram that prote cts your computer from vi rus attacks and other malicious codes. It watches your computer continuously and prevents it from a vi rus infection.
11 1.3 What is new in this version TrustPort Antivi rus 2013 - Improve d Application Inspe ctor: new default modes - Secure Mode, Recommende d Mode and User Defined Mode applications are divid.
12 What is a computer vi rus and what i s not C omputer viruses classi fication T en commandments of anti virus protection Which ex tensions are (un )safe Anti virus protection glos sary 2.1 What is a computer virus an d what is no t Computers are threatened n ot only by viruses but also by other malici ous codes.
13 its defect). So if you see some strange colors on the screen, first check the graphic card and its functionality - sooner than y ou sta rt to revile the virus authors or the antivi rus software developer s. S oftware damages - A sof tware damage (being a typi cal sign of computer vi ruses) can be caused by many other ways .
14 According to exhibiti on time: Vi ruses activa ted immediately The times when rule s like "do not start your computer th a t particular day" we re held are gone. The most contemporary m alicious codes are being activated right after ente ring the computer.
15 sys, bat, obj, prg, mnu etc. In all cases, the file vi ruses act in a similar way. They most often r ewrite the be ginning of a file where they eithe r write the jump command referri ng to themselves (to the so -called virus body), or store themse lves to this place.
16 becomes resid ent in the memory at the first exe cuting of the infected fi le (if it is a file vir us) or at the first loading to the m ain memory from the infected boot sector (if it is a boot sector virus) and does harm from t here. The virus stays in the memor y until the system shutdown.
17 polymorphic vi ruses, specially constructed lookup machi nes modified for encoding schemas identification are able to find them. Polymorphi c viruses are not undefeatabl e but they have made scanning programs a hard and expensi ve task.
18 created by progr ammers in order not to spread, or by prog rammers who wanted to gain the primacy in some fi eld (first virus for Windows 2 000 and so on) at any price (mal function). Sometimes it is contr asted with so-called In- the -wil d viruses: malicious cod es that can be met with some (bad) luck.
19 Operating system DOS: Extension Description Note APP Digital Resear ch DR- DOS execut able DOS execut ables (16 bit BIN Device driver/ binary image DOS execut ables (16 bit) BO? Boot sector ima ge Compressed executable b oot ima g es COM Executable prog r am file DOS execut ables (16 bit) COM DIET, PKLITE, CRYPTCOM, ICE etc.
20 PIF Program Info rmation File Windows Execu tables REG Windows Registr y files SCR Screen save r Windows 16-bit E xecutables SYS Win NT device driver Windows 32-bit E xecutables TSP Windows Teleph .
21 MSG Outlook messag e files Possibly cont ains macros (VB Sc ript) MSO MS Office 0 00 files saved as HTM L Possibly cont ains JavaScript OBZ MS Binder Wi zard Possibly cont ains macros (VB Sc rip.
22 CAR Crypted Archiv e COM Self-extractin g archives COM DIET, PKLITE, CRYPTCOM, ICE etc. CPIO Unix Archivefile CPT Compressed MA C file EXE DIET, PKLITE, LZE XE, UPX etc.
23 Dia ler - Malicious software that hides in web page s and is able to r edirect the phone connecti on to commercial (mostl y foreign) phone li nes. DoS (Denial of Service) - Type of a computer attack. S ervers are over loaded by many requests (for example of di splaying web pages).
24 If the user has bought the l icence key, he can use t his key already during the installation. Just copy a license key file, named acco rding to the type of the product ( antivirus.key , internets ecurity.key , totalprotection.key ), to the install a tion file se tup.
25 Integration to more e-mai l clients i s possible by checking the checkbox next to the name of the required client (their number is not limited). If some e-mail cl ient is not supporte d by the operating syste m, then it is not possibl e to choose this client from the list and support for thi s client will not be install ed.
26 The standard uninstal lation process can be modifie d by the use of switch /S ILENT as well . It requires executing the fil e unins000.exe , located in the prog ram installation dir ectory, with the /SILENT parameter. 4 After installation - running T rustPort Ant i virus 4.
27 Antivirus: Enables the user to activate on -demand scannin g in different modes. For e xample: Scan all disks - engages the on-d emand scan of all l ocal and mapped network dr ives.
28 If the user changes the prot ection settings manually in the user interface, thi s new status will be indicated as Custom status i n the quick launch menu. Configure is used to run the configur ator , with which you can change the behavior of the ant ivirus progr am.
29 4.4 Antivirus in the shell cont ext menu The TrustPort Antivirus i s associated with the she ll context menu which i s displayed whe n a user clicks the right mouse button on a ny file, folde r or disk. In this menu you can exe cute the On -Demand scanner to scan the selected object by sele cting the Scan for viruses .
30 TrustPort Anti virus TrustPort Tota l Protection The simplified inte rface header contains the name of th e installed product along with its version numb er. At the top of the interface w indow, the current state of c omputer protection is also displayed.
31 On -Access Scanner, Applicati on Inspector, Check for updates – Antivirus, In ternet Se curity, Tota l Protection █ █ E-mail Scann er, Parenta l lock, Web Scanner, Fi rewall – Internet Se curity, Tota l Protect ion « These buttons change the c olour depending on the current protecti on status, from gre en (active) to red (disabled).
32 Through the Configur e Drive Encryption, you can set whi ch encrypted disks wi l l be automatically mounted after system boot. « █ █ In the Tools menu are tw o more items, they can be u sed to launch Portunes, the password manager , and Skytale for encryp tion of messages.
33 Which action the On-Access S canner responds, dep ends on its sett ings . By default, the option Rename is selected. If you select an action that c annot be performe d for any reason, the On-Access S canner per forms the following one , according to these pri orities: Deny access, Repair, Re name, Move to quarantine, Del ete.
34 7.1 On -Dem and Sc anner The On-Demand Scanner i s used for scanning viruse s and other mali cious codes in the selected directory on the hard d isks or removable media. It can be e xecuted from the St art menu , shell context menu or through t he quick launch .
35 In case that the Ask User m ode is not selected, the user is kept poste d by statistics. You will get to know which files wer e infected and how the infection wa s resolved, from the results in the report . 7.3 Scanning report The scanning report is an ou tput of the On -Demand Sc anner.
36 7.4 Console application Sometimes it is nece ssary to be able to exe cute scanning in the console mod e, which enables easi er cooperation with other applications, allows you to execu te the service using batch files, scheduled application executi ng and so on.
37 1614 CRC checks do not match Viruses: -1602 AV engine has found a virus (some object is inf ected) -1603 AV engine re ports that th e scanned object is suspected Other errors: -1610 No AV engine fo.
38 Detailed para meters description: Each command and switch must be preceded by the switch symbol , which is dash '-' or slash '/'.
39 2 ... verbose mode AVC.exe -l=2 - ad AVCC.exe -l= 2 - ad -c="file" Read configura t ion fro m spec ified XML file - loads the c onfiguration from an XM L file. -cs="file" Read config from s pecified XML file and s ave it - load s and saves the configu r ation from/to an XM L file.
40 8.2 Mail Antispam █ █ Mail antispam helps you to ha ndle unsolici ted emails in a desir ed way. If this feature i s enabled, every incoming e ma il is evaluated by predefi ned antispam rules.
41 9 USB Antivirus In cases where for example we use portable app lications on USB keys, we do not ha ve data protected throughout the entire use , as is the case with the use of resident scanner. The solution in such situations is offered by the USB Antivirus that autom atically monitors any data written to the prote cted USB drive.
42 By pressing the button the d ialogue with the selection of interchangeabl e disks will be disp layed, wher e installation of the USB Antivi rus can be achieved. All removable d isks detected in the system are shown, and only the one which satisfies the mi nimum disk space can be chosen.
43 9.2 Using USB Antivir us USB Antivirus is used to mo nitor the data that are trans mitted to the USB drives. After inserti ng the USB drive into the comp uter, the autorun antivi rus is automaticall y triggered.
44 10 Advanced Configurat i on Manager Serves for control of pr ogram settings for users wi th a dvanced knowledge . In this interface, it is possible to confi gure all configuration i tems.
45 You can reach indivi dual settings pages from the tree-like list on the left side of the window. After clicking on one of the configuration sections, the corresponding p age is displ ayed in the right part of the window. Another way to navigate to the configuration section i s to click on the respective link on the start page.
46 Any change of the On-Acces s S canner status is indi ca ted b y the icon change on the Wi ndows status bar . You can enable/di sable displayi ng of the splash screen (se e below) during starting of On-Access Scanner by the Show spla sh screen while st arting option.
47 Repair - the antivirus softw are will tr y to restore the infected fi le (if it is possible or efficient - some files are mal icious software themselves, so ther e is no sense in re pairing it).
48 After clicking the Adva nced button the following o ptions will appear: Exclude from scanni ng : O bjects (files, folders) - You can sele ct this option if you want to excl ude some ob jects from scanning. By pressi ng Manage you can set these obj ects.
49 Pr ocesses - This functional ity could be pote ntially dangerous and it is recommende d only for experience d users! When you add new process i mage, changes wil l be applied immediately even for already runni ng processes. After re moving of process i mage, currently excl uded processes will re main excluded until its te rmination.
50 By default during the i nstallation, support is i nstalled for all e-mail clients that are suppor ted by the operating system. As acti ve are designated al l e-mail clients who were sel ected before the compl etion of the installat ion TrustPort Antivirus pr oduct.
51 Use Bayesian fil tering - defines whether the me thod of Bayesian dictionary wil l be used to check for spam. Junk email to spam folder – emails marked as junk by the antispam engine wi ll be marked and automatically moved to the spam folder of a particular user pr ofile.
52 Settings In this part you can edit the b a sic options of the Mail Antivirus. Al l files - all types of attachments will be scanned for viruses. S elected files wit h following extensions - only attachments wi th extensions speci fied in the list will be scanned , they can be edi ted by clicking on Modi fy button .
53 Add Hea d er - you can speci fy a header that will be added to an email in case of b eing infected . S ubject Modification - tex t specified he re wi ll be put to the subject i n front of the original text. Fi le Name - you can spe cify a name of a text fil e which will be attached to an email instead of an infected attachment.
54 By clicking on the Advance d... button, following w indow will appear: S pam/Ham Thres hold - here you can set the ratio by which emails will be divided to solicite d (ham) and unsolici ted group (spam). The range is 0 - 10 ,000, the default value is 5,000.
55 M aximum scan siz e (kB) – maximum size in kB, whe n e-mails will be checked for spam. Default value is 400kB. By clicking on the White List or Black Li st button, you can control the li sts of e-mail addresses, whi ch are not scanned for spam.
56 List and description of Trust Port Personal Firewall modes: Permit all connectio ns Option Permit all connections makes possibl e all outgoing and incoming co nnections. Firewall will not b lock any connections and the computer will behave as if no firewall is installed there .
57 Enable DNS resolving - se rves for automatic translation of domain names for firewall . TrustPort Personal Firewall needs during the oper ation the possibility to covert the d omain names and that is way it is recommende d to ha ve this option always pe rmitted.
58 Filter Admi n istration █ █ Page Filter Admini stration serves for creation, del eti on, import and expor t of rule sets. It is possi ble to create any number of r ule sets but always only one set for each I P address. All rule sets are displayed in a transparent list.
59 IP address that is tied up with the se t of rules can be inserted in se veral forms: All addresses - se t of rules will be appli ed for all IP addresses in the comp uter. Option all addresse s has the smallest pr iority during fi rewall processing.
60 Filter Definiti ons █ █ Page "Filter Definiti ons" serves for creation, de letion and edition of r ules for TrustPort Personal Firewall.
61 Button Edit serves for edi ting of the existing rul e. When the button is pressed, a dialog wi ndow is displayed, which ser ves for editing of the rul e features. Button Remove serves for deletion of existing rule from the set. By pressing R emove is displayed a confirmation dialog window asking if you are sure to r emove the specified rule.
62 Choose a log message On page Choose a log me ssage it is possib le to choose the log message of TrustPor t Personal Firewall , to which the new rule shoul d be created. The wizard from the marked me ssage uses all the information as parameters for a new r ule.
63 Select mai n rule preferences Feature Direction determi nes for which communication direction this rule will be applied. For example: if the selection Outgoi ng is c hosen, some appli cation will require a new conne ction from this computer to some Internet serve r and then this rul e will be applied and the required op eration is done.
64 For the determinati on of the local address ther e is possible to use any address, one address, a range of addresses, address with netw ork mask or list of addr esses. For determi nation of local port ther e is possible to use any por t, one port, range of ports or a list of ports.
65 Select an a pplication This page of a new rule cre ation serve s for application specificati on that can be added to the r ule as other evaluation crite ria.
66 This wizard page is d isplayed only in case that there i s sele cted ICMP protocol in previous step s. Completing the New Rule Wiza rd This page of wizard says th at there is e nough information to compl ete the requir ed operation. By pressing Finish the creati on itself will be done and the New Rule Wizard is finished .
67 Remote endpoint - di alog window Edit rule - Remote endpoint serves for addr ess and ports adjustment, that were all ocated to the rule. For all control elements are valid the same rules as for the control eleme nts on page Selection of re mote endpoint of the New Rule Wiz ard .
68 10.1.5 Application Inspector Using the Application i nspector you can manage pote ntiall y dangerous behavior of app lications and untrusted programs from un verified third-parties that seek to modify the system.
69 An example of system locati on modification can be the editing of pr otected registries, running other untrusted processes, an atte mpt to shut down the computer , obtaining system per mission, or shutting down system services and mor e.
70 other malicious pr ogram may try to restart as p art of the infecti on, or turn off the computer and insert the m alicious code as part of the ne xt reboot.
71 Allowed applications – Lis t of all applicati ons where Application Inspector pr otection will not be applied . Restricted applications – List of all applicati ons that are always running in r estricted mode. It is type sandboxing when the appli cation is running, but modi fications of criti cal system locations are prohi bited.
72 Clicking on the Settings b utton opens the advanced se ttings dialog. Don‘t scan applicati ons larger than – Applications th at will have a larger si ze (in kilobytes) than the value set here, wil l not be scanned by Application Inspector.
73 Filesystem – A li st of all files and directorie s that are protected. Use the Add filesy stem button to add another protected locati on. You can choose from alre ady running appl ication, or from any file stored on disk. By Right-clicking you can dupl icate the value and add it to restricted l ocations.
74 The tab Restricted locat ions displays a list of restri cte d system and locations and registry locations. Process, which will b e in the Restricted applicati ons list and will try to access loca tion specified in this list, the operation wi l l then be restr icted , but the process itsel f will run anyways.
75 10.2.1 Parental lock █ █ Parental L ock’s function i s to block children's access to inappropr iate web content. Howeve r it allows pages that are approp riate for the chil d and basically prohibits those that could have an adverse effe ct.
76 The Add button acts to add a new user. According to p re-set values choose the Object name and Locations , in the select fie ld Enter the object names to select that you want to find ( such a s Computer _1, User_1...). In the link "Example s" a hint is hidd en with several useable syntaxes for correct filling i n of the field.
77 Profiles in the list can be e dited with the Setti ngs button. In this window you can c hoose the categories you want to block from the children, or specific URL’s whose access will be denied. An example of an URL may be,
78 Afterwards it is possi ble to start managing the per missions setting personally. This can be done through user profil es. B y default, the Def ault profile i s present, other profil es can be defined using the Add button. The proces s of adding new profi le is similar as in case of Par ental Lock .
79 and directorie s such as Program Files, Windows, r oot and others are d enied because of possi ble instability to the syste m. « 10.2.3 Device Security ██ Device Security offer s the option to allow o r block user access to USB device , CD/DVD, Bluetooth, Smart cards, iPod, FireW ire, memory card reader s and other me dia storage device .
80 Specific device can be adjusted in the Categori es tab, or you can also make adj ustments in ter ms of Connectivity ports. By defau lt, all device s are allowed and thus the protection i s not active.
81 From the list of allowe d or b locked devi ces, a device may be de leted using the button Remove . From the list of blocke d devices, a device may be move d to the list of all owed with the Allow button, which will connect the de vice to the system.
82 If the user wishes to be al erted whenever the device i s blocked in the system, he ca n set this option in the top of the window by se lecting the Show noti fication for blocke d devices. Otherwi se, notification will only appe ar the first time the devi ce is inserted into the system.
83 10.2.5 Password Settings █ █ The Settings tab allows users to set password to re strict access to configuration of Access Control items, i.e. Parental Lock, De vices, Volumes and Directories and Settings. The password is entere d twice for ver ification; it has to be confi rmed with the Create password button.
84 10.3.1 On-Demand Scanner On this page you can set op tions for the On-Demand Scanner. In the Requested action s etting you can select the software action after fi nding a mali cious code.
85 Scan files: Scan all files - sc anning all fil es without difference i n format or type. Scan only files with the following ex tensions - antivirus software wi ll scan only file s with specified e xtensions.
86 Removable volumes sca nning: Scan newly inserted removable volumes (CD-ROM, USB) - antivirus pr ogram will begin to scan removable medi a (USB, CD-ROM) automaticall y after being i nse rted into the computer.
87 Advanced sett ings Port list You can edit a list of p orts which you want to be sc anned, separately for email and w eb communication. By clicking on the approp riate button you can di splay the list of ports. On the left side of the wi ndow there is a li st of ports and protocols that are g oing to be checked .
88 can add a new item to the l ist. If you click on the Edit button you can ch a nge a desired protocol or number of a port. By clicki ng on the Delete b utton you will delete a selected item. HTTP scan si ze limit It is made for setting up the maximum size of fi les which will be scanned by the antivirus prog ram.
89 Scanning options Scan compressed files (zip, arj, cab ...) - archive files, i.e. thei r contents, are scanned (searched for malici ous code s). This option slows the scanning down, but on the othe r hand increases the computer protection.
90 If original folder d oesn't already exist, new target di rectory has to be sele cted for corre ct file restoring. The Quarantine is impl ic itly located in the quarantine di rectory in the installation directory. You can change this location to any existing directory by clicking on the icon in the upp er right corner.
91 10.3.4 Scheduler Thanks to the scheduler you can make the On-Demand sca nner be launched au tomatically. User s can choose the scanned area (d isks, folders), when the scanning starts, how often is the task performed and some other options. If you want to scan a p articular disk or fol der regularly you can create a task by the New task button.
92 You can set : Task name - name of the task chosen by use r (e.g. "D disk scanning") Command - what area (disks, fol ders) is scanned. You can select scanning of r egistry, all removable disks, all l ocal disks, all disks or define your own target (disk, fold er).
93 Task Properties You can change the task set ting by double click on a proper li ne on the task list or by the Properties button. It is possible to edit the same parameters, which are av ailabl e during creating new task .
94 10.3.5 Scanning engines The Engines Settings tab co ntains a list of all the ite ms used to configure the scanning engi nes. Archive depth level - determine s whether the archive wi ll scan the files wi th/w ithout limitation of the depth of immer sion archive (e.
95 The most important option o n this page is the Enable engines update option. If it is not checked, the scheduler servi ce is not active. If you enable the schedule r, you need to set the de sired period of the update checking. Intervals from the start date and time are used.
96 A folder where the updates will be stored is selected in the dialog and by cl icking on OK the downloading starts. Downloaded virus defi nitions are applied on the required computer usi ng the Apply packages button .
97 The URLs are sorted in the same order as they wi ll be used for update, i .e. the first add ress on the list will come first. If the packag e cannot be downloaded , the followi ng address is tried. Otherwise there is no need to continue and the other addresses will be ignored.
98 10.4 Secure Shreddi ng ██ In this category, it is possi ble to perform shredding of temporary system fil es, sensitive data, cookies, shredding se ttings and the panic shredding fun ction can be enabled.
99 10.4.1 Configuration ██ Page Configuration serve s for configuration selection for all parts of the application. This configuration wil l be used in shredding process. You can set here the shred ding method and the possibility to gene rate record file.
100 Report options: Generate report If this option is selected, a file of re ports will be created. Th e created rep o rt file contains informa tion about time and date of th e start and the fini sh of the shredding proce ss, list of deleted files or folde rs and the list of shre dded items.
101 Internet Temporary Files If you choose this item, Tru stPort DataShred der application shreds the conte nt of Temporary Internet Files. Your interne t browser uses the Temporary I nternet File s to store web pages, picture s and other files. Cookies By marking this option, you delete all files in directory Cookies.
102 10.4.3 Panic Shredding ██ Panic shredder tab can b e used for safe shredd ing of user sele cted files and directorie s. User can select freel y which files or directories have to be shredded. In order to accompli sh panic shred ding fast and silently, it i s activated by predefi ned hotkey.
103 10.5 Encryption ██ Encryption page enable s the creation and manageme nt of encrypted discs and archive s. «.
104 10.5.1 Drives Unmount op tions ██ On this page you can set up some Disk Protection options. The first of them i s auto-unmounting option.
105 You can also limi t the image search history in the S earch tab in the Mount ma nager and clear this history immedi ately by Clear history button. « Mount Manager Auto-mounts ██ At this page you can m anage Disk Protecti on auto-mounts.
106 Use up-arrow or down-arrow to move the selected imag e in the auto-mounts list u p or down respectivel y. Select an image and click Remove button to remove this image from the auto-mounts li st. The affected image wil l be removed from the list only, not physicall y deleted.
107 Recent mounts ██ At this page you can m anage Disk Protecti on recent-mounts. Disk Protection r emembe rs the file path and letter of the rece nt mounted images and you can m a nage these images her e.
108 Running searching pr ocedure can be independe ntly interrupted by clicking Stop button. You can also use the context menu avail able after right mouse click on any found image fi le item. Use Add to auto-mount list or Add to recent mount list buttons to add selected i mage file to the proper list.
109 Disk Protection defi nes three types of user privileges: a normal user a read-only user an administrator All the users can mount and unmount the image but read-only users have gr anted only restricte d reading access to the image. I t means that they canno t write any data to the mounted disk.
110 Image editor allows use rs to use most functions from the appl ication toolbar or conte xt menu where are collected frequentl y used user accounts functions. Ne xt component i s status bar whe re you can see an image status (green li ght re presents unmounted and re d light mounted state) and the name of the authenticated account.
111 The user account is a norma l user account, which has read-write access to the moun ted image, so he can also copy and dele te files in the image .
112 This function is available only when opened ima ge is not moun ted. Take care of c hanging or deleting all administra t or accounts fro m the image.
113 The name of a user account has to be unique in the whole opened i mage. Disk Protection doe sn't distinguish the le tters case in the user account name so it means that accounts named Robert and robert are the same. National characters are also supp orted.
114 It is import ant to choose a stro n g pass word. It is po ssible to lea v e passwor d fields blank but we strong ly recomme nd using s trong pass w ords! Be careful to remember pass words because neit her manufac ture r can decrypt image s and get yo u r data without lo gin and password kno w ledge.
115 If the image file is encrypted by t he EFS then D isk Pr otection dis pl ays a warning message and mounting pr ocedure is cancelled. In this case you have to decr ypt it manually. The mounted image can be unmounted at any time by clicki ng Unmount button in the toolbar or pressing prop er keyboard shortcut (see hotkeys ).
116 If you still need mor e space, you have to create new image fi le and copy all data to it. I t is of course possible to i ncrease the limit gradually, accordi ng to increasing re quirements to di sk space, it is not necessary to immedi ately set the maximum siz e.
117 If you want to change the view then simpl y click the particular icon i n the toolbar and choose a new view from the di splayed list. « Volume Image P roperties ██ This window inf.
118 the image file version number encryption algorithm, which has bee n selected at the time of image creation encryption key size, it de pends on selected encryption alg orithm file system used for this imag e file, which de pends on image file si ze.
119 Drag and Drop function allows yo u to move files or fol ders automatically encrypting or decryp ting them when you move them from a nd to encrypted archi ves.
120 10.6.1 Firewall █ █ Page Firewall Log Vi ewer makes possible to d isplay all the accessible l ogs from TrustPort Personal Firewall. On the fir st load of the page are loade d all the logs to the li st. The newest log recor ds are displayed in the hi ghest position on the list.
121 Button Clear log dele tes all log records fr om the list. When the button is pre ssed, a dialog window is displayed so as the li st cannot be del eted by mistake.
122 Button Open log serves to open the file wi th logged records and for the li st loading. During the file loading there i s displayed a dialog wi ndow with the process indicati on. Button Save as serve s for storage of the li st of the log records to the fi le.
123 For every log the re is its time, process identi fication code, action code and plain text description of the event. Logs of critical events are highlighted by d ark colour (e.g. a virus was not re paired). Pink colour is use d for performed action (e.
124 10.7 Network Util ities █ █ Network Utili ties include a set of useful network tool s allowi ng users to trace networ k statistics, network connections, veri fy accessibili ty of certain IP addresses or to g ain information about inter net domains.
125 10.7.1 Network Statistics █ █ Page Network Statisti cs serves for disp lay of basic information about the numb er of transmitted packets and bytes: Total packets - The total number of al l outgoing and incomi ng packets transmitted via all network interfaces i n the computer.
126 TrustPort Personal Firewall appli cation enables to edi t some features of active netwo rk connections display. To edit the fe ature display, press the b utton Settings .
127 Hide TCP connections - all the items for TCP are hidden. Hide UDP connections – all the items for UDP are hidden. Show only fil e name - the name of the comm unication process will be di splayed only as a name of an executable file without the complete path to the file.
128 If the answer to the sent r equirement i s received, there is displ ayed information that contains the following: who was the answer rece ived from, what is the si ze of the recei ved ICMP packet and what time passed betwe en the requirement and the answer .
129 Note ! If there i s not allowed the outgoi ng TCP connection on port 43 in TrustPort Personal Firewall configuration, the tool Who Is will not function. If you want to use this servi ce, create firewall rule that enables you to use outgoing TCP co nnection on port 43.
130 10.8.1 Language configuration On this page you can set th e language version. The default language that is se lected is the one you chose at the beginning of th e installation. In the list of languages, all a va ilable l anguage versions are di splayed.
131 10.8.2 Proxy Proxy server access setti ngs can be done by checking th e checkbox Use a proxy server . Next, i t is necessary to enter the pr oxy server addre ss and port, which will be used to communicate with the server.
132 10.8.3 Configuration Maintenance Configuration Import or Export is done through the Execute Wizard button. During the import, a fil e containing TrustPort Management format (.dat a ) configurati on is selected from the computer using the S elect button.
133 Restoring default configuration (restoring default settings, which wer e used during product installation) is performed by Rest ore button. The process needs to b e confirmed i n the following dialog window. To finish the configuration r estore successfully, i t is necessary to restart the comput er.
134 10.9 About and Lic enses This tab displays informati on about the product, including i ts version, as well as i nformation about the current license . 10.9.1 License Information The License Information t ab displ ays information about the current license , including its expir ation date.
135 The standard trial ve rsion can be used for 30 days free of charge, but if you wa nt to use the software over this peri od, you will have to purchase a full li cense registr ation. Product Registration The Register button will be gin the TrustPort Registration Wizar d .
136 If the product has been reg istered with an activation co de, here is the opportunity to extend i ts validity with the help of a rene wal code. This code can be pur chased from TrustPort partne rs (curr ent list can be found on the TrustPort com pany website ).
137 The window Activat ion code owner details will appear only in the case that TrustPort prod ucts are being registere d with this activation code for the fi rst time. To advance minimum fi elds of Company Name/User Name , C ountry and E-mail are re quired.
138 10.9.2 About The About tab provid es information about the version of the installed product, furthermore it is also possible to di splay the License Agreement . By clicki ng on Show Licenses , infor mation about third party lice nse libraries is shown, and the last button displays System Information .
139 If the present antiviral signatures and/or antispam rules are actual, an announcement that update is not necessary will app ear. The same information wil l be displayed in case that the upd ate isn't nece ssary.
140 -? or -h Command line pa rameters help - displays all th e comman d line functions. -q Start in the quiet mode - th e update program wil l run in th e so-called silent m o de, i.e. without any output in formati on. -l=x Log level - sets the log ve rbosity lev el by the nu mber x from 0 to 2 with th e following meanin g : 0 .
141 12.3 Trial license/te mp orary sup port expiration Trial license After 30 days of the trial li cence period, the functionality of the antivir us program will be restricted. Using the On -Demand Scanner will not be possible anymore, the update will be disabled and the On- Access scanner will stop working.
142 TrustPort Personal Firewall creates on the protecte d computer a gateway where all the networ k connections pass by. The ga te makes possible to permit or to prohi bit communication of the computer with the neighborhood network.
143 Ctrl + R Reloading of the log list Alt + R Reloading of the log list Shift + R Reloading of th e log list 13.3 Application Set tings █ █ This dialog will appe ar only in case unknown app lication is tryi ng to communicate through TCP/IP network.
144 14 Ar chive Encryption 14.1 Product overvi ew ██ Overview TrustPort Archive Encryption provides se cure on-demand encryption to pr otect user's data against unwanted disclosure.
145 If you select any encrypted f ile or archive then the Decrypt menu ite m appears. The context menu also wi ll be differe nt depending if you right-click on a folder, fi le or on the "up dir" icon.
146 Create self-extraction (SFX) EXE ar chive To do this you need to chec k C reate EXE archive opti on. In this case Trus tPort Archive Encryption creates c lassic CAR archive file, but adds spe cial self- extraction header to the arc hive file and renames it to the EXE extension.
147 The created encrypted file using CAR Installe r will have an EXE extension, but when you open it, you will be asked for the password ( or you can use -pxxx comm and line parameter, where xxx is a password) and if it is valid the file will immediately op en and be extracted to a tempor ary folder.
148 14.2.4 CAR Archive properties ██ If you want to view the CAR archive propertie s please click the appropr iate file containing the encrypted archive wi th the right button or choose File Propertie s in the File menu in CAR Manager .
149 By clicking on the parti cular column, you can sort the l ist by selected properties (name, extension , size etc. ). If you right-click on the l ist header you will be able to select the infor mation displayed on the list.
150 In the File menu you can ch oose, among others, to view the fil e properties or Vi ew file. To enable this function you have to have t he file vi ewer predefined, see Settings configura tion . Add/Remove SFX allows user to simpl y a dd or remove the .
151 TPE will start the archive cr eation process and after fini shing i t, an information box will appear. Click the OK button and TPE autom atically opens the cre ated archive file .
152 After that TPE starts to add the selected fi l es and/or folders to the archive . You can interrupt the pr ocess by pressing Esc key or using the Cancel button. If TPE finds a file wi th the same name in the archi ve then wil l it will display a confirmation di alog window where you will be asked you if this file shoul d be overwritten or not.
153 After that TPE starts the che cking procedure and if there are no damages, an information d ialog box wil l appear. « 14.3.7 Display archive properties ██ If you click on the Show info toolba.
154 There is the possib ility of loading a file's comme nt. If you want to do it, cli ck on the small fol der icon on the upper rig ht corner of this dialog windo w. TPE will open a window where you can select the file you want to read the comment f rom.
155 This window will remember the file exte nsions you used to group eve n after closing and re-op ening CAR Manager. « 14.3.11 Create new folder ██ To create a new folder i n any CAR archive or .
156 SPACE Selects file/f older under selector SHIFT+UP/DOWN Moves selecto r - block selecti on CTRL+A Select all files and folders SHIFT+CTRL +A Unselect all fil es and folde rs Gray * Invert selection Gray + Group selection using wild cards Gray - Group unsele ction using wildcards 14.
157 Run Total Commander and s elect Options on the Configuration menu. Click on the Packer tab. Press the Configure packer exte nsion DLLs button and the fol lowing dialog window will appear: I n the uppe r right corner comb o box type (or select if exist) CAR (without any dot or asterisk).
158 The most important option i s the Move to archive option . I f you select it then all files will be moved to the archive file. It means th at a fter the archi vation process the ori ginal files will be securely deleted.
159 CAR plug-in rememb ers the name and password of the l ast opened CAR archive file . If you want to force CAR plug-in to forget l ast entered password try to op en another CAR archive fi le and at the password request window p ress ESC .
160 On the Pack files wi ndow you can set-up the option Mov e to archive . Then all fil es will be moved to the archive file and the or iginal files will be securely delet ed. Press OK button or ENTER to add the files. « 14.4.5 Delete files from CAR archive ██ Open CAR archive file and select the file s and folders, which should b e deleted.
161 This way you will be abl e to specify more options than in the first way : « 14.4.7 View an archived file ██ To view an archived fil e you need to open a CAR arc hive file first. Then you can sel ect file that you want to view and press F3 k ey or right-click on the file and select V iew from the context menu.
162 14.5 Archive Encry ption FAQ ██ Can I open a n archive st ored on a non-writable media l ike a CD-ROM? Yes, it is possibl e. But remember that it is not p ossible to modify this archi ve, in this case you will not be abl e to add files, de lete files or modify an archive comm ent.
163 15 DataShredder 15.1 Product overvi ew ██ The TrustPort DataShred der is a small utility for secure unrecove rable deletion of your el ectronic data. You can easily del ete your sensitive fi les, folders, free space on drives, Cookie s, Internet temporary file s, Recycle Bin, System temporary dir ectory, Internet and Docume nt history.
164 If you select a drive, cli ck the right mouse button and run any command from Trust Port DataShredder item, you will b e asked for confirmation. It is re commended to close all applications while you wi pe the free space on the dri ve or all data on the drive.
165 current file or directory, the process then continues wi th the following file or folder. If the file or directory has any attributes, then a dialog window with following noti ce d isplays : The file '.
166 -- inettemp (- i) Shredding o f temporary in ternet files. -- cookies (- c) Shredding co okies. -- systemp (- s) Shredding temp or ary s ystem files. -- recbin (- b) Shredding th e recycle bin . -- inethist (- n) Shredding in ternet histo ry. -- dochist (- d) Shredding th e list of recen tly opened d ocument s.
167 Data Shredder uses several methods of shredding , which metho d is the best? It is hard to say which i s better. The first method is the fastest because it ha s only 1 shredding cycle but it is the worst from the secur ity point of vie w.
168 16.2 In the shell con text menu ██ TrustPort Disk Protection is associated with the shell context menu. This context menu is displayed when you right click on any image file or on a mounted drive . In this menu you can sele ct Mount or Unmount item, depending on whe ther the image i s currentlymounted or not.
169 maximum limit size, it is the maximum si ze that the image can be increased to, status, it is the state of image and it can be Unmounted or Mounted. At the bottom of this wi ndow is a special Edit i mage button. If you click this button, then Image Editor will be started and sele cted image file automaticall y opens for editati on.
170 - am - remove the ima ge from the aut o-mounts list, -d disable modifying mount parameters e xcept user credentials, - ua= na me given user acc ount name will be us ed instead of account name taken from the Wind ows, -unrs special param eter, which ma kes TDisk.
171 the new Dis k Protection image. TDisk.exe - c - am -im - f -alg=cast -ua=h enry -is=5 12 "c:Program FilesTrustPort Disk ProtectionImag es image00 0.tdi" -e Edit an image file (user acc ount managemen t, inc reasing the limi t etc. ), file the file name with full path of an image that wil l b e edite d.
172 16.6 Create a new D isk Protection imag e ██ The Disk Protection Crea te New Image Wizard is an application that allows you t o easily Create a new image. Images created by this wizard are normal files and you can store them on your hard disk, any removable medi a, or also as for example read onl y files on CD-ROM.
173 FAT32 . There fore the size limitation of the ne w image is 32 GB, wh at is the limitati on of FAT32 system. You can't create an image large r than 4095 MB on target di sk, if the target disk uses any FAT file system, because t he maximum fil e size on FAT systems is limited to 4 GB (approximately 40 95 MB).
174 TrustPort Disk Protection cre ates a new image file. You can interrupt thi s process by clicki ng Cancel button or by Esc key . The process of creating, for matting and encrypting of t he image may take some time. Time needed for this operation dep ends on the image size , selected method, used fil e system etc.
175 The last page displays sum mary of information about created image, includi ng new file name, name of the administrator account , size limi t, selected algorithm etc. After clicking o n Finish , the image is mounted and the wizard i s closed. If there is an error d uring mounting the i mage, the program wi ll display an error me ssa ge.
176 Read-only access means that i mage will be mounted as read-only, no matter the u ser rights defined by user account. If you sele ct Mount at st a rt up option, then selected i mage will be added to the automounts list. Total number of available l etters is limited to 26 (A-Z).
177 Total number of available letters is limi t ed to 26 (A-Z). If there is no letter av a ilable for mounting the image, the mounting process will fail an d a warni n g mess age will b e displayed. The image t hat is going to be mo u nted mus tn't be co mpressed or encrypte d by the NTFS file system.
178 You have to enter the user name and password, confi rm by OK button, then the image wi ll be mounted . New disk will appear i n Windows. If something is wrong, Disk Pro tection will display an error message and you can check the p arameters. The number of a vailable disk letters is limited to 26 ( A -Z).
179 16.9 Disk Protection FAQ ██ I want to add a new user account, delete user, r ename user, set user password or change account type functio n and I cannot choose it in Disk Pr otection. I don't understand it, what's hap pened? There are more re asons for this situation.
180 You may have used switchin g users in Windows XP and there are mor e users logge d in at the same time and have the ir own mounted image s. Although I have typed right username and password t he Disk Protection inf orms me that the i mage is already mounted.
181 17 CheckImage 17.1 Product overvi ew ██ CheckImage is a powerf ul tool for checki ng your encrypted images and repairi ng of opportune errors that can occur for instance because of wrong computer shutdown. When you e ncounte r a problem in your image, you are strongl y recommended to check it using CheckImage.
182 You can repair mor e files from one crossl inked group. The re pairing then proceeds according to specifi ed priority. The file wi th the highest prior ity occupies its whole chain including the j.
183 Self LFName Description: In the FAT filesystem (use d in TDisk images) has eac h file since the MS-DOS its name in the format 8.3 (8 lette rs for the file name and 3 letters for the file extension) . The Windows operating syste m a dded to the fil esystem longer names.
184 LFName Description: Long filenames (see the description of "Self LFName " ) are store d in the parent directory of corr esponding files. This error indicates that there are some long file names in this director y that don't belong to any file s.
185 When you choose to check y our image, CheckImage performs all ne cessary control proce dures and shows you the results. After this you just have to press one button to repair all errors. If you don't w ant to do it immedi ately, you can close the opened image without any repairs, of co urse.
186 If the image contains no err ors, it is closed finally, and you can continue to check other images. « 17.3.2 Errors and their repairing in simple mode ██ In general there are thre e types of .
187 Damaged objects are li sted in the table in the mid dle of the window. For each object ther e is information about its name (with the full p ath), size (just for fi les), errors and the method whi ch will be used by repairing. More information about errors and rel evant repair method s is on page Description of error types in images.
188 Advanced mode is for experience d users only! If you didn't unde rstand some thing from this part of t he manual, it would be better to read th e part of the manual ab out the simple mode fir st. « 17.4.1 Check an image in advanced mode ██ Checking of an image co nsists of a few steps: 1.
189 Any changes t hat you ma de in the pre vious results won't get lost, y ou can con t inue to edit it after t hat you eve ntually switched b ack again. « 17.4.3 Different view modes ██ CheckImage offers yo u three different vi ew modes All errors In this basic view you can s ee all wrong i tems in one list.
190 Crosslinked groups Some files or di rectories in the image can be crossl inked together , see Description of error types i n images . On the left side of this view you can select which group of such together crossli nked items you want to see, on the r ight side there is a list of items you selected .
191 17.4.4 Change the repair settings ██ In advanced mode i t is possible to change the action tha t will be carr ied out by repairi ng. When you right-click on an item in the l ist, a context menu appears where you can select the ac tion to make.
192 17.4.5 Repair errors ██ When you are ready with editing of repairing actions, you can finall y do the actual re pair by clicking the toolbar button, or Fil e - > Repair errors menu i tem . If you don't want to do i t right now, you can, of course, close the image without repairi ng it .
193 How can I prevent from err ors in my ima ges? There are basically two way s how your image can be corrupted that you can in some cases prevent. The fir st way is as mentioned befo re when you shutdown the system without unmoun ting your image (which is done automatically b y logging out).
194 The On-Access Scanner does not work after start. What shall I do? Go to the Antivirus Settings and check i f the On -Access Scanner is ac tive. If not, activate it. Another possibil ity is that your lice nse of this product has expi red; in that case contact our technical support.
195 What are logs good for? Logs are records about all p rogram activities. They are use d mostly by system administrators. A regular us er doesn't have to care about them.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts TrustPort Total Protection 2013 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie TrustPort Total Protection 2013 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für TrustPort Total Protection 2013 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von TrustPort Total Protection 2013 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über TrustPort Total Protection 2013 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon TrustPort Total Protection 2013 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von TrustPort Total Protection 2013 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit TrustPort Total Protection 2013. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei TrustPort Total Protection 2013 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.