Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Highlander (2008) des Produzenten Toyota
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P R O D U C T R E F E R E N C E 2 0 0 8 H I G H L A N D E R H I G H L A N D E R O V E R V I E W H I G H L A N D E R C O M P E T I T I V E A D VA N T A G E S H I G H L A N D E R H Y B R I D F E AT U R .
Bigger . Bolder . Mor e Powerful Than Ever . Ev er s in ce i t wa s in tr od uc ed i n Ja nua ry 20 01 , Hi gh la nde r ha s at tr ac te d a lo ya l fo ll ow ing am on g cu st om ers lo ok in g fo r ex ce pti on al c om fo rt, re fi ne me nt, ve rs at il ity an d va lu e in a mi d- si ze S UV .
1 T able of Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Comfort and Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 OVERVIEW Highlander’ s Key Product Stories Th e f ol low ing ke y p r odu ct str en gth s or st ori es wil l he lp you org an ize and present a highly compelling presentation to your customers: .
2008 HIGHLANDER 3 Anticipated Sales Br eakdown It is ant ici pa ted th at 200 8 Hig hl and er sal es wil l inc lu de a sig nif ic ant ly higher percentage of Sport grade models as well as a slightly higher percentage of Limited grade models.
4 OVERVIEW CONT. Highlander: Comes exceptionally well equipped with dozens of standar d featur es—som e of which ar e extra -cost options on competitive models.
5 2008 HIGHLANDER 2001 Highlander 1996 RAV4 Notes Did Y ou Know? T oyota invented the world’ s first-ever car -based SUV with the introduction of RA V4. The first Highlander , introduced in 2001, featured a platform that was adapted and refined from the Lexus RX 300.
6 INNOVATION T aller , Wider and Longer Stylish and Smart. V ery , V ery Smart. La rg er a nd m or e in no vat iv e th an e ve r , th e ne w Hi gh lan de r’ s e xt eri or st yl in g ma ke s a po we rf ul s tat em en t. It ’ s no t ju st a bo ut g oo d lo ok s, t ho ugh .
7 2008 HIGHLANDER Highlander’ s powerful new image is projected from every angle. W elcome to the Quiet Zone Customers will notice and appreciate how quiet the new Highlander is out on the road.
8 INNOVATION CONT. A n In no v at iv e N ew 2n d- Ro w Se at Hi ghl and er ’ s ne w sta nd ar d Ce nte r St ow Sea t ™ tu rns the 3-p as sen ger 2n d-r ow be nch se at int o el ega nt cap tai n’ s ch air s wi th min ima l ef fo rt.
9 2008 HIGHLANDER What’ s Behind It All A new power rea r door with jam pr otection and a flip-up glass ha tch is available on most models and offers the convenience of finge rtip cont rol . The rea r door can be close d with the butto n on the bott om of the door .
10 COMFORT AND UTILITY It’ s Ever So Accommodating T oyota designers took full advantage of Highlander’ s spacious new interior layout and made it more accommodating and versatile than ever .
11 2008 HIGHLANDER The New Center of Attention A new mul ti -in for mat io n dis pla y loca te d in the ce nte r of the da sh is st and ar d on mo st mode ls and pr ov id es vit al tri p inf or mat ion at a gl anc e.
12 COMFORT AND UTILITY CONT. What Sounds Good (Cont.) JB L ® Pr emi um A udi o Sy ste m wit h Na vig ati on • 8. 0-i nch Li qui d Crys tal Di spl ay (LC D) • 4-d isc CD ch ang er • Sat ell it e.
13 2008 HIGHLANDER Notes It’ s Showtime! Mo st Hig hla nde rs can be eq uip ped wi th a sta te- of -th e-a rt Rea r - Sea t En ter tai nm ent (R SE) sys te m. Fea tur es in clu de a la rge 9-i nc h sc re en th at can dis pl ay ima ges fr om th e DVD pl aye r or an aux il iar y pl aye r .
14 PERFORMANCE Mor e Power Without the Penalty Highlander’ s enhanced performance capabilities are readily noticeable out on the road and include improved off-the-line acceleration as well as smoother power delivery at all engine speeds.
15 2008 HIGHLANDER New EP A Criteria Address “Real- W orld” Driving Conditions Be gin nin g with th e 20 08 mod el yea r , the Env ir on men tal Pr ot ect io n Ag enc y (E P A), wi ll beg in rat ing veh ic les ba sed on add it ion al cri ter ia mo re in li ne with “r ea l- wor ld” dr ivi ng con dit io ns.
16 RIDE AND HANDL ING Maneuverability? Contr ol? Ride Comfort? It’ s All Ther e. Thanks to features like standard Electric Power Steering (EPS) and refined suspension design, the new Hig hla nde r’ s ride a nd han dlin g are mo re imp res sive t han ev er .
17 2008 HIGHLANDER Suspension Featur es to Drive For A new , r ede sig ne d sus pe nsi on sys tem of fe rs imp ro ve d han dl ing ag ili ty and ri de com for t.
18 SAFETY New Safety Featur es Add to Highlander’ s Appeal For many Highlander customers, safety ranks at or near the top of the list of purchase considerations.
19 2008 HIGHLANDER Bigger , Better Brakes Ne w , lar ge r 4-w he el dis c bra kes (1 2.9 -in ch ven ti lat ed fr ont di scs an d 1 2. 2-i nch so lid r ear di scs ) fe atu r e a 2- pis ton ca lip er de.
2007 Honda Pilot In tr odu ce d in 200 2, the Ho nda Pi lot wa s one of th e fir st ent ri es in th e cr os sov er mid -si ze SUV se gme nt. A van -ba sed SU V th at sea ts ei ght , Pi lot ha s tw o tri m leve ls: LX an d EX .
21 2008 HIGHLANDER 2007 Hyundai V eracruz Ne w fo r 200 7, the Hy und ai V e rac ruz is es sen tia lly a str et che d ve rsi on of th e San ta Fe. So fa r , V er acr uz is get tin g a war m re ce pti on in the ma rke t th ank s to it s low pr ice po int , qu iet ri de and lon g list of st and ar d equi pm ent .
22 THE COMPETITION C ONT. Competitive Pr esentations Activity This activity will involve a “mock trial.” Each team will come up wi th two fea ture s and the ir fun ctio ns and be nefit s rela ted to their assigned vehicle that they think are advantages over Highlander .
23 2008 HIGHLANDER Honda Pilot Advantages vs. Highlander • Standard seating for eight • Standard steering wheel-mounted audio controls • V ariable Cylinder Management ® system cuts fuel and spark to cylinders to promote better fuel efficiency .
24 THE COMPETITION C ONT. Hyundai V eracruz Advantages vs. Highlander • Has “America’ s Best W arranty” at 10 years/100,000 miles. • V eracruz’ s engine is larger and has more torque: – 3.8-liter V6 produces 257 lb.-ft. of torque. • Standard 6-speed transmission • Better turning diameter (36.
25 2008 HIGHLANDER Mazda CX-9 Advantages vs. Highlander • Standard 18-inch wheels • Standard 6-speed transmission • More maximum cargo space (100.
26 THE COMPETITION C ONT. Saturn Outlook Advantages vs. Highlander • Outlook XR has a larger and more powerful engine: – 3.6-liter V6 (275 horsepower , 251 lb.
27 2008 HIGHLANDER Notes.
28 HIGHLANDER HYBRID A Refined Hybrid Powertrain Is Just the Start Just two years ago, T oyota introduced Highlander Hybrid. The second of three hybrid vehicles to join the T oyota family lineup, it quickly gained popularity as the world’ s first 7-passenger hybrid SUV .
29 2008 HIGHLANDER It’ s Special On the Inside, T oo Like its gasoline-only counterpart, Highlander Hybrid’ s interior is spacious, airy and exceptionally comfortable. Special Optitron g auges with blue highlights are unique to Highlander Hybrid models as is the standard birch wood grain-style trim.
30 Highlander Hybrid’ s Regenerative Braking System Like Prius and Camry Hybrid, Highlander Hybrid offers the ad van tag es of an adv anc ed re gen era ti ve bra kin g sy ste m.
31 2008 HIGHLANDER Did Y ou Know? Highlander Hybrid, Prius and Camry Hybrid make up the industry’ s only hybrid family lineup, with three distinctive vehicle model offerings—liftback, sedan and SUV .
32 TOP 10 HIGHLANDER CUSTOMER COMMENTS The 2008 Highlander Addr esses Customer Concerns Customer feedback plays a critical role in T oyota’ s continuous improvement of its vehicles. Here is a list of the top 10 Highlander c ustomer concer ns, and the facts and information you need to effectively address them.
33 2008 HIGHLANDER Notes.
34 DELIVERY CHECKLIST Generate Repeat Sales With a Thor ough Delivery Al l 20 08 H ig hl an der mod el s co me e qu ipp ed w it h do ze ns o f fe at ur es d es ign ed t o sa ti sf y yo ur c us to mer s— if th ey kn ow how to use an d op er at e th em .
35 2008 HIGHLANDER HYBRID MODELS p Fu eling pr oce dur e p Sm art Key oper atio ns • S mart entr y • S mart star ting • R ear door openi ng/c losin g • G lass hatc h op ening • D oor unloc k.
36 FEATURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS HI GHL AND ER St and ard Fe atu re s • 6- spo ke 17- inc h allo y wh eel s wi th 245 /65 R17 ti re s and ful l-s iz e sp ar e on 17 -in ch all oy whe el • C.
37 2008 HIGHLANDER HI GHL AND ER SPO R T (Co nt .) A va ila ble O pt ion s • Fr on t au tom ati c dual -z one ai r con di tio nin g sy ste m • Aut o rea r air con dit ion in g sys te m wit h rea r.
38 FEATURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS C ONT. HI GHL AND ER HYB RI D St and ard Fe atu re s • 6-s po ke 17- inc h al loy whe el s wit h 245/ 65 R17 ti re s wi th ful l-s ize sp ar e on 17 -in ch al.
39 2008 HIGHLANDER HI GHL AND ER HYB RI D LIM IT ED St and ard Fe atu re s I n add iti on to or r epl ac es stan da rd fe atu re s on Hi ghl and er Hyb rid Ba se mod els .
40 FEATURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS C ONT. EN GIN E T ype 3. 5- li te r V6 DO HC 24 -v al ve w it h Dua l VV T -i Bo re an d St ro ke (in .) 3. 70 x 3.2 7 Di spl ace me nt (cc ) 3, 456 Co mpr es si on Rat io 1 0.8 :1 V alv etr ain DO HC, 4- val ve/ cy lin der Ho rse pow er (@ rpm ) 270 @ 6, 200 T or que (l b.
41 2008 HIGHLANDER AN GLE S Ap pr oac h/ Dep art ur e 29 /24 (2 WD) (d eg. ) 29 /24 (4 WD) SA FET Y FE A TUR ES Dr ive r an d fr on t-p ass en ger ad van ced ai rba gs wit h Oc cup ant Cl ass ifi ca t.
42 FEATURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS C ONT. Highlander Hybrid Specifications EN GIN E Ma xim um T o tal Sy ste m 2 70 (20 1 kW) Pe rfo rma nc e (hp ) T ype V6 alum in um blo ck and hea ds DOH C 24 -va lve wi th VVT -i Bo re an d St ro ke (in .) 3.6 2 x 3.
43 2008 HIGHLANDER Highlander Hybrid Specifications (Cont.) EX TER IOR DI MEN SI ONS Wh eel bas e (in. ) 109 .8 Ov era ll Len gth (i n.) 1 88 .4 Ov era ll Widt h (in .) 75 .2 Ov era ll Hei ght (i n.) 68. 1 (wit ho ut sta nda rd r oof ra ils ) 69 .3 (wi th sta nda rd r oof ra ils ) T r ea d Widt h— 64.
44 Notes.
45 T oyota Disclaimers 1. Act ive He adr est s —Ac tiv e Head re sts ca n hel p pre ven t or lim it the e xte nt of wh ipl ash in c erta in ty pes of r ea r -en d coll isi ons. 2 . A irba gs (S RS) — All th e air bag (“ AB” ) syst ems a re Su pple men tal Re str aint S yst ems.
MDC# 00568-08105 Information correct as of 6/8/07.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Toyota Highlander (2008) (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Toyota Highlander (2008) noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Toyota Highlander (2008) - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Toyota Highlander (2008) reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Toyota Highlander (2008) erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Toyota Highlander (2008) besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Toyota Highlander (2008) verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Toyota Highlander (2008). Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Toyota Highlander (2008) gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.