Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MA-1535-2 des Produzenten Toshiba
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TEC Electronic Cash Register MA-1535-2 SERIES Ow ner's Manual Owner's Manual Supplement V2.
Place the Electronic Cash Reg ister near a wall outlet where the plug can be easily unplugged. Copyright © 2003 by TOSHI BA T EC CORPORATION All Rights Reserved 570 Ohito, Ohito-cho, Tagata-gun, Shiz.
Safet y Summ a r y EO1-11149 (i) 6DIHW6XPPD U Personal safety in handling or maintaining the equipm ent is extremely im portant. Warnings and Cautions necessary for safe handling are included in this manual. A ll warnings and cautions contained in this m anual should be read and understood before handling or m aintaining the equipm ent.
Safet y Summ a r y EO1-11149 (ii) If foreign objects (metal fra gm ents, w ater, liquids) enter the m achines, f irst turn off the powe r sw itches and disconne ct the pow er cord plug s fr om the outlet, and then c ontact y our autho rized TOSHIBA TEC represent at i ve for assistance.
EO1-11149 MA-1535-2 SERIE S TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. TO OUR CUSTOMERS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 1 2.
EO1-11149 MA-1535-2 SERIE S Page 9.18 Returned Merchandise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-17 9.19 Bottl e Retu rn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-17 9.
1. TO OUR CUST OMERS EO1-11149 1. TO OUR CUST O MERS 1- 1 1. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Thank you f or choosing the T EC elect r onic cash r egister MA-1535-2 series. T his instruction m anual provides a description of t he f unctions and handling of this reg ister and should be read car ef ully to ensure optimum per f ormance.
3. AP P E AR AN C E AN D N O M E N C L AT U R E E O1-11149 3. APPEARANC E AND NOMEN CLATURE 3- 1 COM1 COM2 COM3 3. A PPEA RA NCE A ND NOMENCLA TURE Basic Features Standard 30 Depart m ent s (Max. 99 Departments) Standard 5000 PLUs (Max. 24000 when the memory is expanded.
4. CONTROL LOCK A N D MO DE SELECT OR KEYS E O1-11149 4.1 Control Loc k 4- 1 4. CONTROL LOCK A ND MODE SELECTOR KEYS 4.1 Control Lock 4.2 Mode Selector Key s There ar e t hr ee t ypes of keys: t he REG k ey, MA key, and S key. The k eys may be inserted or pulled out at the OFF or REG posit ion.
5. DISPL AY EO1-11149 5.1 Upper Row (10-digit Al phanumeric Display) 5- 1 5. DISPLA Y The operat or display is located at the top of the register just above t he keyboard. The customer display can be fixed as a rear display. It can be m oved horizontally, and thus is fully adjustable according t o t he posit ion of the cust omer.
5. DISPL AY EO1-11149 5.1 Upper Row (10-digit Al phanumeric Display) 5- 2 (3) Error M essages W hen an err or occurs, an er ror message ( program mable) is displayed in the upper row, and an error code is in the lower row with an error buzz er sound (a long tone).
5. DISPL AY EO1-11149 5.2 Lower Row (10-digit 7-segm ent Num eri c Display) 5- 3 Pric e Shift Indicator Price Level 3 Price Level 2 Hold/Cashier Interr upt PL2 PL3 SHIFT 5.2 Low er Row (10-digit 7-segment Numeric Display ) (1) Nume ric Di splay AMOUNT Displays the numeric data, such as am ount , quantit y, et c.
6. KEYBO ARD EO1-11149 6.1 Keyboard Layout 6- 1 6. KEYBOA RD 6.1 Key board Layout The f ollowing is the standard k eyboard layout f or the MA-1535. Other k eys not assigned to t he k eyboard above: [%.
6. KEYBO ARD EO1-11149 6.2 Functi on of Each Key 6- 2 Key Functions Reference page Numeric Keys These k eys are used to enter num eric values. Depr essing the [00] key once is the sam e as depres sing the [0] key twice consecutively. The [.] k ey is used to designate the decim al pint of a perc entage rate or a quantity.
6. KEYBO ARD EO1-11149 6.2 Functi on of Each Key 6- 3 Key Functions Reference page All Void Key This k ey is used to cancel all the item s entered in the c urrent sale. 9-20 X/TIM E Key This k ey is used to multiply a department, PLU, or Bottle Return item entry by a quantity, and to auto-calculate and enter Tr iple Multiplication.
6. KEYBO ARD EO1-11149 6.2 Functi on of Each Key 6- 4 Key Functions Reference page PLU Add Key This k ey is used to add a PLU item that has not been program med in the PLU table file, to the PLU Additional T able file. 9-10 Journal Print Key This k ey is used to print the store m ess age, date, the register No.
6. KEYBO ARD EO1-11149 6.2 Functi on of Each Key 6- 5 Key Functions Reference page Split Package Pricing Key This k ey is used to auto-calculate and enter a split-pack age price, triple m ultiplication, or HI- CONE.
7. CASHIER SI GNING OPER A TIONS EO 1-11149 7.1 Cashie r Code E nt ry 7- 1 7. CA SHIER SIGNING OPERA TIONS 7.1 Cashier Code Entr y Cashier in operation is specified by entering a cashier number. One operation should be f inished under the same cashier .
7. CASHIER SI GNING OPER A TIONS EO 1-11149 7.2 Cashie r P as s Code 7- 2 W hen a cashier pass code has been alr eady programm ed, ent er the cashier number and pr ess the [LOG/RE CEIP T] key. The f ollowing cashier pass code prompt display will appear.
7. CASHIER SI GNING OPER A TIONS EO 1-11149 7.3 Cashier I nt errupt Operation 7- 3 7.3 Cashier Interrupt Operation By sw itching t he Cashier during a sale, int erruptions by other cashier s with sale items ar e allowed. Receipt-O ff Mode (i.e. Receipt OFF Indicat or is illum inat ed.
7. CASHIER SI GNING OPER A TIONS EO 1-11149 7.3 Cashier I nt errupt Operation 7- 4 (1) Sale item ent r ies started by Cashier 1. (2) Switching Cashier 1 to Cashier 2 (int er r uption by Cashier 2) (3).
7. CASHIER SI GNING OPER A TIONS EO 1-11149 7.4 Training Mode St art and E nd 7- 5 5. Depressing the [RECEIPT I SSUE] ( Post - receipt) key af t er f inaliz ing each cashier’s own entries with pr int and issue a receipt of his/ her entries.
8. INST ALLING AND REPLACING THE REC EIPT AND JOURN AL ROLLS EO1-11149 8.1 Inst alling/Repl ac ing the Receipt Roll 8- 1 8. INSTA LLING A ND REPLA CING THE RECEIPT A ND JOURNA L ROLLS WARNING ! Care must be t aken not to injure yourself w it h t he paper cutter .
8. INST ALLING AND REPLACING THE REC EIPT AND JOURNAL ROLLS EO1-11149 8.2 Inst alling/Repl ac ing the Journal Rol l 8- 2 5. Insert the paper end into the receipt inlet behind the printer. Then, manually feed the paper int o the printer while pressing t he [RF] key until about 4 inches (about 10cm) of paper comes out of the prin ter.
8. INST ALLING AND REPLACING THE REC EIPT AND JOURNAL ROLLS EO1-11149 8.2 Inst alling/Repl ac ing the Journal Rol l 8- 3 4. Insert the paper end into t he slit of the Take-up Reel and wind it around the reel two or three t imes. Then, set the Support Plat e.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9. REGI S T E RING PROCEDURE A ND PRINT FORMA T 9- 1 9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE A ND PRINT FORMA T WARNING ! When opening the cash dr aw er, be caref ul not to let the dr aw er hit any person.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.1 Displ ayi ng t he Dat e and Time 9- 2 9.1 Display ing the Date and Time Each ti me the [X/T IME] key is pressed in t he REG mode, tim e and dat e ar e displayed by turns in the AMOUNT area of t he display.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.3 Loan 9- 3 9.3 Loan This operat ion is used t o r ecor d the cash amounts and f ood stamps loaned f rom the st ore as the change reser ve in the drawer. (Must be operated outside a sale) [LOA N] Cash amount loaned [AT/TL ] Food Stamp amount loaned [FS TL /TEND ] NOTES: 1.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.5 Gasoli ne E nt ry 9- 4 9.5 Gasoline Entry Enter the sale am ount of g asoline. T he quantit y of gasoline is calculated by the preset gasoline unit price.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.6 PLU E nt ry (Manual PLU Code Entry) 9- 5 9.6 PLU Entry (Manual PLU Code Entry ) Each PLU is pre-prog ramm ed as t he “ PRESET ” type (with a price pr og rammed) or “OPEN” t ype (with no price prog r am m ed) .
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.10 Ent ry of Sales I tem Res trict ed by Age Lim it 9- 6 9.10 Entry of Sales Item Restricted by A ge Limit This operat ion check s whether or not a custom er satisf ies t he ag e limit to pur chase an it em of which department was prog r am m ed as Ag e Limit.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.11 Repeat Ent ry 9- 7 9.11 Repeat Entry To repeat t he sam e it em entry, simply depress t he sam e k ey repeatedly.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.12 Quantit y E xtension (Multipli c at ion) for DEP Ts /PLUs 9- 8 9.12 Quantity Extension (Multiplication) for DEPTs/PLUs (1) Department Multi pl .
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.13 Square Multi pl i c ation 9- 9 9.13 Square Multiplication (1) Department Open Departm ent type Quantity [X/TIME ] Quant ity [X/.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.14 Urgent PLU Maint enanc e 9-10 9.14 Urgent PLU Maintenance This operat ion is intended to enter a PLU item not existing in the PLU f ile. PLU Entry Operat ion [PLU A DD] PLU Code [PLU ] Unit Price [DEPT ] [DEPT] NOTES : 1.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.15 HI-CONE P LUs 9-11 (2) To enter Whole Package Quant i ty: Open Whole Package Pr ice |Purchased Q’ty | [SPLIT PRICE] |W hole Pack age Price | .
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.16 Mix & Match (M & M) Function of Split-P rice PLUs 9-12 9.16 Mix & M atch (M & M) Functi on of Split-Pri ce PLUs Each of Split - Pr ice PLUs can be prog rammed with an M & M Group No.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.16 Mix & Match (M & M) Function of Split-P rice PLUs 9-13 2-2) W hen the PLUs are prog r am m ed with Preset Individual Item Price of $0.40 Entr y Contents Key Operation Sale Amount (Calculat ion Process) (within one sale) 1 x PLU No.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.16 Mix & Match (M & M) Function of Split-P rice PLUs 9-14 • Correct O per at ion Method & Example PLU1 W hole Package Pr ice: @1.00 W hole Package Q’t y: 3 Split-p ackage Indi vidual Ite m Price: @0.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.17 Split Package P ricing 9-15 9.17 Split Package Pricing The HI- CO NE stat us can be program m ed to each of Split -Price PLUs. And each depart m ent can be progr am m ed with the st at us “ Split Pack age Pricing entry is available”.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.17 Split Package P ricing 9-16 Example of PLU ent r y) W hole Package Price: @10. 00 W ho l e Pack ag e Q’ ty: 3 Split- pack ag e Individual It em Pr ice: @3.00 HI -CONE status: Available M & M function: None W hole Package Price: @10.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.18 Returned Merchandis e 9-17 9.18 Returned Merchandise [RT N MDS E] Example 1: [RT N MDS E] 123 [ DEPT 1] 10 [%-] [AT/TL] Example 2: [RT N MDS E] 2 [X /TIME] 123 [DEPT 1] 10 [%+] [AT/TL] NOTE: This operation cannot be perform ed for Negative Departm ents/PLUs.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.20 Am ount Charge 9-18 9.20 A m ount Charge Dept or PLU item entr y Amount [+] [ST ] [+] NOTE : This operation cannot be applied to the LI NK PLU, or depart m ents and PLUs program med to be HASH and NEGATIVE.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.22 Percent Discount , Percent Charge 9-19 9.22 Percent Discount, Percent Char ge Dept or PLU item entr y Rate [% − ] (or [% +] ) [ST ] [% − ] (or [% +] ) NOTE : This operation cannot be applied to the LI NK PLU, or departments and PLUs program med t o be HASH and NEGATIVE.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.25 Item Correct 9-20 9.25 Item Correct An Item Cor r ect operation is used to delet e t he last item enter ed in a t r ansact ion. Sale s Item Entri es [ITEM CORR] NOTES : 1. When the [ITEM CORR] key is depressed aft er a Repeat Ent ry, only the last item of those repeated is deleted.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.28 Non-Add Num ber Print 9-21 9.28 Non-A dd Number Pr i nt Non-add numbers can be ent er ed and pr int ed for f uture r ef erences, t o indicat e codes or numbers of customers, m edia check s, credit car ds, etc.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.30 Tax Status or Food S t amp St atus Modific ation 9-22 NOTES: 1. Depressing the [SCALE] key will display weight. 2. When a PLU is programm ed with a Tare Table, the tare weight is aut omatically subtract ed f r om the scaled weight, result ing t hat the net weight will be entered.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.31 List i ng Capac ity Open 9-23 9.31 Listing Capacity Open For Departm ent s and PLUs Depress the [ LC OPEN] key prior to or any time during an entry of an open-department , open-PLU, or preset-open departm ent or PLU sequence ( including REPEAT and Q UANTIT Y EXTENSIO N entries).
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.33 Tax Exemption 9-24 9.33 Tax Exemption Amount subject to taxation (i.e. t axable amount ) in one sales t r ansaction is exempted.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.35 TAX Total Display 9-25 9.35 TA X Total Display This operation is used t o display the T ax total amount by pressing the [ T AX D I S P L AY ] key aft er a subtotal operat ion. [DEPT] [DEPT ] [ST ] [TA X DISP LA Y] NOTES: 1.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.38 Multi-Tendering 9-26 9.38 M ulti-Tenderi ng A Multi-Tendering oper at ion is used to repeat shor t - t endering mult iple times by the same media (allowed only w hen t he m edia k ey is program m ed t o allow short- tendering) .
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-27 9.40 Sale Finali z ation by Electr onic Fund Transfer (EFT) Sale transaction by various cards such as credit car d is executed via the EFT t erminal.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-28 ∗ ∗ Receipt Sample f or Customer Receipt Sample f or Merchant.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-29 (2) Debit Aut hor ization Operation A lpha Display Sale Entry [ST] [DEB IT] Ca.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-30 (3) Credit and Debit Retur n [RT N MDS E] to be continued t o t he t op of “Cr edit / Debit Aut horization” sequence.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-31 (4) Manual Card Number Ent ry W hen t he EFT terminal cannot r ead inf ormat ion cont ained in a car d, the EFT approval entr y will be executed by manually entering the car d No.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.40 Sale Finali zat i on by E l ec tronic Fund Transf er (E FT) 9-32 (6) Post Aut hor ization Only a cashier w ith Supervisor status i s al l ow ed t hi s operation.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.41 Preset Price Read 9-33 9.41 Preset Price Read This operat ion is used t o r ef er to t he preset price of a Department or a PLU.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.42 Sale P ai d i n Forei gn Currenc ies 9-34 9.42 Sale Paid in Foreign Currencies [ST ] |Foreign currency code | [CUR] [A T/TL] NOTES: 1. Both change due and balance due are displayed and printed with dom estic currency.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.44 Paid-out 9-35 9.44 Paid-out A paid-out tr ansact ion is used when money is removed f r om t he dr awer w ithout tot aling to a sale.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.46 Functi on K ey Entry 9-36 9.46 Function Key Entry A string of key operat ions is executed by pressing t he [ FUNCTION] k ey on which the operations have been preprog r am m ed.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.48 Food Stam p Tendering 9-37 9.48 Food Stamp Tendering [FS TL/TEND] T ender ed Am ount by Food Stamp [FS TL/TEND] Sale Finalization W hen t he t ender ed am ount by Food Stamp is less than the sale t ot al, t he sale is not finalized with the balance still due displayed.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.50 Endorsem ent (or France Chec k) Print 9-38 9.50 Endorsement (or France Check) Pri nt NOTES: 1. To print a France Check, no Check No. will be entered. Sim ply depr ess t he [CEHCK No.] key. 2. This operation cannot be perform ed by a training status cashier.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.51 Check E nc ashment 9-39 9.51 Check Encashment This operat ion is per f ormed when a check is chang ed with cash. |Amount of a check to be encashed | [CHECK TEND] Max. 10 digits Example) To encash the check for $100 10000 [CHECK TEND] NOTES: 1.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.53 EFT Cashing 9-40 9.53 EFT Cashing (1) Debit Cashing Debit Card Cashing is perfo r m ed her e. Operation A l pha Di spl ay Cashing Amount [DEB I.
9. REGISTERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT EO1-11149 9.53 EFT Cashing 9-41 (2) Debit Cashing Return Debit Cashing Ret ur n oper at ion is perfor m ed here.
9. REGIST ERING PROC EDURE A ND PRINT FORMAT E O1-11149 9.54 Rem ot e S lip Print er (Hardware Option) Operat i on 9-42 9.54 Remote Slip Printer (Hardware Option) Operation The Remot e Slip Pr int er may be connected to the MA-1535 series ECR as an optional device.
10. ECR PRINT ER MOT OR LOCK DETECTOR EO1-11149 10. ECR PRI NTER MOTOR LOCK DE TECTOR 10- 1 10. ECR PRINTER MOTOR LOCK DETECTOR (1) This detect s t he pr int er motor lock condition caused by some trouble. (2) W hen such a condit ion is det ect ed, t he front display indicates “PRINTER” ( Pr og rammable) .
12. GENER AL MAINTEN ANCE EO1-11149 12.1 Rem ovi ng J am m ed P aper 12- 1 12. GENERA L MA INTENA NCE WARNING ! Care must be t aken not to injure yourself w it h t he paper cutter . 12.1 Removing Jammed Paper 1. Turn the Cont r ol Lock to t he O FF posit ion using the Mode Selector Key.
12. GENER AL MAINTEN ANCE EO1-11149 12.2 Rem ovi ng t he Drawer 12- 2 12.2 Removing the Drawer 1. Open the drawer, then t ake the Money Case out. 2. Pull the drawer out, and when it stops by the stopper , lift the drawer up and pull it ag ain.
12. GENER AL MAINTEN ANCE EO1-11149 12.5 Drawer Key 12- 3 3. To rem ove the Par t ition f r om t he Coin Case, pull the Partit ion upward. Set t he Partition in t he groove where you like, t hen push down the Partition. 4. To change t he layout of the Bill Case, it is necessar y to remove the Bill Holder .
13. SPECIFIC ATIONS E O1-11149 13. SPECIFIC ATIONS 13- 1 13. SPECIFICA TIONS Item Descri ption Size 410 mm (width) x 430 mm ( dept h) x 335 mm (heig ht) ( heig ht including rubber f eet) W eig ht 12.5 kg Power Requirement : AC 117V ± 10%, 60 Hz ± 10%, 0.
EO1-11149 MA-1535-2 SERIE S TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. DAILY OPER ATION FLOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 1 2. OPER ATIONS IN “[-]” MODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- 1 2.
EO1-11149 MA-1535-2 SERIE S Page 4.8 Time S ettin g or Ad justm ent (Submo de 5) --------------------------------------------------------- 4-18 4.9 Date Se ttin g or Ad justme nt (Submo de 6)---------------------------------------------------------- 4-19 4.
1. DAILLY OPER ATION FLOW EO 1-11149 1. DAILY O PERATION FL OW 1- 1 1. DA ILY OPERA TION FLOW The f ollowing shows the typical flow of daily operations on t he ECR.
2. OPER A TION S IN [ − ] MODE EO 1-11149 2.1 Ordinary Operati ons i n “[ − ]” Mode 2- 1 2. OPERA TIONS IN [ − ] MODE This chapter describes operations to be perf ormed in the “[-]” position of the Control Lock, w hich t he Store Owner or a per son so aut hor ized can access using t he MA key.
2. OPER A TION S IN [ − ] MODE EO 1-11149 2.2 Elec t ronic Fund Transf er (E FT) Operations in “[ -] ” Mode 2- 2 2.2 Electroni c Fund Tr ansfer (EFT) Operations in “[ − ]” Mode (1) Void Credit Sale [ST ] [CREDIT] Car d Slide |Authorization Code | [#/NS ] |Reference No.
2. OPER A TION S IN [ − ] MODE EO 1-11149 2.2 Elec t ronic Fund Transf er (E FT) Operations in “[ -] ” Mode 2- 3 (2) Void Credit Refund [RT N MDS E] Item En try [ST ] [CREDIT] Car d Slide |Authorization Code | [#/NS ] |Reference No. | [#/NS ] NOTES: 1.
2. OPER A TION S IN [ − ] MODE EO 1-11149 2.3 Sc al e I tem E nt ry in “[-]” Mode 2- 4 2.3 Scale Item Entry in “[ − ]” Mode Any scale item entered in “ REG” mode at t he time o f purchase must be entered manually (Manual Scale Entry but no Auto Scale) in t he “ [ -]” m ode at t he t ime of r et ur n or cancel.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3. READ ( X) AND RESET (Z) REPORT S 3- 1 3. REA D (X) A ND RESET (Z) REPORTS WARNING ! When opening the cash dr aw er, be caref ul not to let the dr aw er hit any person. The following table show s t he key opera t ion to take each r eport.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3. READ ( X) AND RESET (Z) REPORT S 3- 2 Report Nam e Control Lock Key Operation Sam ple Page PLU READ AND RESET All PLU Read All PLU Reset PLU Group Sales Read Zone PLU Read X Z X X 13 [A T/TL ] |PLU Group No .
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.1 Money Declarati on 3- 3 3.1 Money Declaration W he n t he Money Declar ation feature is selected, each cashier who has operated the register on the day must end w ith his/her Money Declaration operation.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3- 4 3.3 Report Samples 3.3.1 Financial R ead or Reset (Daily ) Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 03 [AT/TL ] NOTES: 1. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-5 Daily Report (cont.) Cash Total: Count Amount Check Total: Count Amount Charge Total: Count Amount Coupon Total: Count Amount Credit.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-6 Daily Report (cont.) Memory Balance GS (Gross Sa le) = (Sum of Posi tiv e Dep ts) + (Sum of Tax es) + (%+)+(Item Correct)+ (Void)+(A.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-7 3.3.2 Financial Read or Reset (GT) Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 203 [AT/TL ] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print. GT Report OPERATI ON Date, Register No.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-8 GT Report (cont.) Credit 1 Total: C ount Amount Credit 2 Total: C ount Amount Credit 3 Total: C ount Amount Credit 4 Total: Count Am.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-9 GT Report (cont.) Negative M ode ( [-] ): Count Amount TAX 1 Taxable Amount (Sale Amount subject to TAX 1 taxation) TAX 1 Amount TAX.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-10 3.3.3 Department Report Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 11 [AT/TL ] NOTES: 1.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-11 3.3.4 Zone Department Report Control Lock: X Zone start depart ment No . [#/NS] Zone end department No . [#/NS] 11 [AT/TL] NOTES: 1. Departm ent No.: 01 - 99 2. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-12 3.3.5 A ccumulated Department Report Control Lock : X f or r ead, Z for reset 211 [AT/TL ] NOTES: 1.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-13 3.3.6 Zone A ccumulated Department Report Control Lock: X Zone start depart ment No . [#/NS] Zone end department No . [#/NS] 211 [AT/TL] NOTES: 1. Departm ent No.: 01 – 99 2.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-14 3.3.7 PLU Report Control Lock: X for read, Z for rese t 13 [A T/TL] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-15 3.3.8 PLU Group Report Control Lock: X Group code [#/NS] 13 [A T/ TL] NOTES: 1. Group Code: 01-99 2. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-16 3.3.9 Zone PLU Report Control Lock: X Zone start PLU No . [#/NS] Zone end PLU No . [# /NS] 13 [A T/ TL] NOTES: 1. When the entered z one start/end PLU No. does not exist , t he ECR will find the next PLU No.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-17 3.3.10 A ccumulated PLU Report Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 213 [AT/TL ] NOTES: 1. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print. 2. This report can be taken only when the PLU accum ulation feature is selected.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-18 3.3.11 A ccumulated PLU Group Report Control Lock: X Group code [#/NS] 213 [A T/ TL] NOTES: 1. Group Code: 01 to 99 2. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-19 3.3.12 Zone Accumulated PLU Report Control Lock: X Zone start PLU No . [#/NS] Zone end PLU No . [# /NS] 213 [A T/ TL] NOTES: 1. When entered Zone start/ end PLU No. does not exist, the ECR will find t he next PLU No.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-20 3.3.13 PLU Cashier Sales Report Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 07 [AT/TL ] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-21 3.3.14 Cashier Report Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 04 [AT/TL ] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depr essing t he [C] key during report pr int .
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-22 Cashier Report (cont.) 3.3.15 Zone Cashier Report Control Lock: X Zone start cashier No . [#/NS] Zone end cashier No . [#/N S] 04 [ A T/ TL] NOTES: 1. Cashier No.: 01-99 2.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-23 3.3.18 Hourly Report Control Lock: X for r ead, Z f or reset 10 [AT/TL ] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-24 3.3.19 Media in Drawer Control Lock : X 12 [AT/TL ] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-25 3.3.21 DP and Financial Read or Reset Control Lock : X f or r ead, Z for reset [AT/TL] NO TES: 1.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-26 (cont.) NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE: Tax rate is printed when it is a percent rat e and program m ed t o be printed on reports.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-27 3.3.22 DP and Financial GT Read and GT Reset Control Lock : X f or r ead, Z for reset 200 [AT/TL ] NOTES: 1. Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C ] key during report print.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-28 (cont.) NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE: Tax rate is printed when it is a percent rat e and program m ed t o be print ed on report s.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11149 3.3 Report Sam ples 3-29 3.3.23 Local Total Report Control Lock : X 47 [AT/TL ] OPERATI ON 2: AMEX 7: Diner’s Club or Carte Blanche 3: VISA 8: JCB 4: Mast.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4. PROG RAMM ING OPERATIONS 4- 1 4. PROGRA MMING OPERA TIONS This chapter is pr ovided f or the stor e pr og rammer or t he st ore manager who may have to change the progr am m ed data of t he MA-1535 series ECR on t he daily, weekly, or m ont hly basis.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.1 Basi c Key Functi ons 4- 2 4.1 Basic Key Functions 1) Main keys [#/NS ] ----------------- Used to enter the Program Submode No., Address data, Item data. Used to end the entir e Pr ogram Subm ode Seq uence.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.2 Charact er E ntry Method 4- 3 4.2 Character Entry Method Character Ent ry M ethod is to set characters by entering Character Code.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.2 Charact er E ntry Method 4- 4 Character Setti ng O perat ion Key layout required at char acter setting is shown below . (Keys of bold characters are used at progr am m ing operation.) As character ent ry method, t he Character Codes shown on the previous page ar e used basically.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.3 Conditi on Requi red f or P rogramm ing Operations 4- 5 4.3 Conditi on Requi red for Progr amming Operations “CONDIT IO N” is g iven at the top of each pr og ramm ing oper ation. The ECR m ust sat isf y this condition to perf orm prog ramming oper at ions.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.4 Store Mes s age and Com m erc ial Message Program mi ng (S ubmode 1) 4- 6 4.4 Store Message and Commercial M essage Programming (Submode 1) Store Message and Commer c ial Message to be pr int ed as receipt header can be prog rammed her e.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.4 Store Mes s age and Com m erc ial Message Program mi ng (S ubmode 1) 4- 7 Key Operation: Contr ol Lock: SET , Enter 01 and depr ess t he [#/NS] key .
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.5 Cashier Code and Nam e Program m ing (Subm ode 2) 4- 8 4.5 Cashier Code and Name Pr ogramming (Submode 2) Anytime outside a sale Control Lock: SET 02 [#/NS.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.5 Cashier Code and Nam e Program m ing (Subm ode 2) 4- 9 *HALO/LALO (This set ting will be eff ective as amount limit at the payment, Received-on-Account , or Pai d-Out.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.5 Cashier Code and Nam e Program m ing (Subm ode 2) 4-10 Example) To prog ram the f ollowing cashier data Cashier Code: 01 Cashier Name: Jones Pass Code: 111 HALO/LALO : No limit / No limit Commission Rate: 0.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.6 Departm ent Table Program ming (S ubmode 3) 4-11 4.6 Department Table Programming (Submode 3) To chang e the positive/neg at ive, Hash Depar t ment and Age.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.6 Departm ent Table Program ming (S ubmode 3) 4-12 NOTES: 1. In each item set ting, depressing the [AT/ TL] key without data entry skips t o the next item setting. 2. Entering 2 digits of num eric code provides an alphanumeric character of Depart m ent Nam e.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.6 Departm ent Table Program ming (S ubmode 3) 4-13 Example) To prog ram the f ollowing department dat a Department Code: 01 Department Nam e: VEGET ABLE Preset Price: Open Tax Stat us: Tax 1 taxable and Foot Stam p Depart m ent G roup No.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.7 PLU Table P rogram mi ng (S ubmode 4) 4-14 4.7 PLU Table Programming (Submode 4) To prog ram new PLUs or to change any prog r ammed content s of PLUs excep.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.7 PLU Table P rogram mi ng (S ubmode 4) 4-15 |Link PLU No. 2 | [A T/TL ] |Link PLU No. 3 | [A T/TL ] |PLU Stock Quantity | [A T/TL ] |Tare Table No. | [ A T/TL] |Unit W eight Code | [A T/TL ] [#/NS ] NOTES: 1.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.7 PLU Table P rogram mi ng (S ubmode 4) 4-16 6 . Status Code and Scale Status Code are as the tables below show.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.7 PLU Table P rogram mi ng (S ubmode 4) 4-17 11. Unit W eight Code Table General Unit W eight Code LB Unit Kg Unit 1 1 LB 1 Kg 2 2 LB 2 Kg 3 3 LB 3 Kg 4 4 LB 4 Kg 5 5 LB 5 Kg 6 6 LB 6 Kg 7 7 LB 7 Kg 8 8 LB 8 Kg 9 9 LB 9 Kg 10 1/2 LB 100 g 11 1/4 LB --- 12.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.8 Tim e Setting or A djustm ent (Subm ode 5) 4-18 Deletion Af ter PLU reset Control Lock: SET 04 [#/NS] [VOID] |PLU Code | [#/N S] [#/N S] Max. 14digits |S ource Code or In - St or e Code | [X/T IME] Barcode Scanning Example) To delet e PLU No.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.9 Date Set ting or Adjus tment (Submode 6) 4-19 4.9 Date Setting or A djustment (Submode 6) Anytime outside a sale Control Lock: SET 06 [#/NS ] |Day | |Mont .
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.11 Link-P LU Tabl e P rogramm ing (Subm ode 25) 4-20 Key Operation: Contr ol Lock: SET , Enter 13 and depr ess t he [#/NS] key .
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.12 PLU Pres et-Code Key Set t i ng (S ubmode 27) 4-21 4.12 PLU Preset-Code Key Setti ng (Submode 27) To prog ram keys on the ECR Keyboard as PLU Pr eset-Code Keys, PLU code can be preset to these key s. Anytime outside a sale Control Lock: SET 27 [#/NS ] |PLU Code | [KEY] [#/NS] NOTES: 1.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.13 PLU Group Program mi ng (S ubmode 29) 4-22 Example) To prog ram the f ollowing names to respect ive Groups. PLU Group 1 PLU Group 2 Key Operation: Contr ol Lock: SET , Enter 29 and depr ess t he [#/NS] key .
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.14 Adverti s ement Mes s age Programm ing (Subm ode 31) 4-23 4.14 Adv ertisement M essage Programming (Submode 31) An advertisement messag e (max. 120 charact ers; 24 character s x 5 lines) to be printed on the footer portion of r eceipt can be progr am med here.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.14 Adverti s ement Mes s age Programm ing (Subm ode 31) 4-24 Key Operation: Contr ol Lock: SET , Enter 31 and depr ess t he [#/NS] key .
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.15 Functi on K ey (Combinat i on K ey) Setting (S ubmode 34) 4-25 4.15 Function Key (Combination Key ) Setting (Submode 34) A str ing of key opeartions can be set on each FUNCTI ON key ( [ FUNCTION 1] to [FUNCTIO N 10] ).
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.16 PLU Cashi er Report Setti ng (S ubm ode 35) 4-26 4.16 PLU Cashier Report Setting (Submode 35) Up to 40 PLUs can be set to output to the Cas hier Report. Anytime outside a sale Control Lock: SET 35 [#/NS ] |PLU Select No.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.17 %+ and % - P res et Rate Set t ing (Subm ode 36) 4-27 4.17 % + and % - Preset Rate Setting (Submode 36) A Preset Rate can be set on each of the [%+] and [%-] keys, one independent r ate for each key.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.18 Foreign Currency E xchange Rat e S et ting (Subm ode 37) 4-28 4.18 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Setting (Submode 37) The rat e of each Foreig n Curr ency (corresponding t o the [CUR1] to [CUR4] keys) can be set her e.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.19 + (Am ount Charge) and – (Am ount Disc ount ) Preset S et ting (Subm ode 38) 4-29 4.19 + (A mount Char ge) and – (Amount Discount) Preset Setting (Submode 38) A Preset Amount can be set on each of the [+] and [-] k eys, one independent amount f or each k ey.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.20 Manager Pass Code P rogram mi ng (S ubmode 39) 4-30 Example) To prog ram the f ollowing amount to each k ey. [+] key Preset Am ount : 0.50 HALO: 3 digits T ax Stat us: Non-taxable [-] key Preset Am ount : 1.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.21 Regist er No. Setti ng (S ubm ode 43) 4-31 4.21 Register No. Setting (Submode 43) 4-digit num ber s can be set as Register I D No. O nce set, it will be printed on j our nal and every receipt. Anytime outside a sale Control Lock: SET 43 [#/NS ] 01 [#/NS ] |Registe r No.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.23 Tare Table Set t ing (Subm ode 56) 4-32 4.23 Tare Table Setting (Submode 56) In 4.7 PLU Table Programming (Submode 4) , som e of Scale-compulsor y PLUs may be set with a Tare T able Number. T he act ual Tare W eight is set t o each T are Table her e.
4. PROGR A M MING O PERATION S EO1-11149 4.25 PLU St ock Loading or Changing (S ubmode 90) 4-33 4.25 PLU Stock Loading or Changing (Submode 90) This Submode loads or chang es the stock q uantities of PLUs.
5. PROGR A M M ED DAT A VERIFIC A T ION EO1-11149 5. PROG RAMM ED DATA VERIFICATION 5- 1 5. PROGRA MMED DA TA VERIFICA TION W henever prog ramming operations are perf ormed, it is recommended t o issue Program Verification receipts to check the program med data befor e entering any other operation.
5. PROGR A M M ED DAT A VERIFIC A T ION EO1-11149 5. PROG RAMM ED DATA VERIFICATION 5- 2 3) Individual PLU Group Read • X mode 90 [ AT/TL] 03 [#/NS ] |PLU Group Code | [A T/T L] [#/NS] • SET mode 90 [#/NS] 03 [#/NS ] |PLU Group Code | [A T/T L] [#/NS] NOTE: Printing will be cancelled by depressing the [C] key during report print.
5. PROGR A M M ED DAT A VERIFIC A T ION EO1-11149 5. PROG RAMM ED DATA VERIFICATION 5- 3 4) Zone Departm ent Read • X mode 90 [ AT/TL] 04 [#/NS ] |Zone-start Depar t ment Code | [X/TIME] |Zone-end D.
5. PROGR A M M ED DAT A VERIFIC A T ION EO1-11149 5. PROG RAMM ED DATA VERIFICATION 5- 4 5) Simple PLU Read In this oper ation, the f ollowing 5 items ( PLU Code, PLU Name, Unit Price 1, Unit Price 2, and Unit Price 3) extract ed fr om t he PLU read report will be print ed out .
5. PROGR A M M ED DAT A VERIFIC A T ION EO1-11149 5. PROG RAMM ED DATA VERIFICATION 5- 5 6) Simple Zone PLU Read • X mode 90 [A T/TL ] 06 [#/NS] |Zone-start PLU Code | [X/TIM E] |Zone-end PLU Code | [AT/TL] [#/NS] • SET mode 90 [#/NS] 06 [#/NS] |Zone-start PLU Code | [X/TIM E] |Zone-end PLU Code | [AT/TL] [#/NS] NOTES: 1.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Toshiba MA-1535-2 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Toshiba MA-1535-2 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Toshiba MA-1535-2 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Toshiba MA-1535-2 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Toshiba MA-1535-2 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Toshiba MA-1535-2 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Toshiba MA-1535-2 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Toshiba MA-1535-2. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Toshiba MA-1535-2 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.