Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung GL-1020 des Produzenten Toshiba
Zur Seite of 323
0000_A Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-1020 Administrator ’ s Guide V ersion 1.0.8 Your guide t o install ing, configuri ng, and troublesho oting the TOSH IBA e-STUD.
0001_Li Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 Agreem ent, the laws of t he Countr y designa ted from tim e to time by the re levant Supp lier of TTEC.
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 4 T ABLE OF CONTENT S PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Introduc tion . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 5 Using thi s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 S tyles and Con ventions . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 6 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Managin g T op AccessCom poser Jo bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3 MODIFYING C ONTROLLER SETTING S REMOTELY . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 7 Setting th e Date Forma t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Setting Up Ho w to Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 8 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide 4 WIRELESS NETW ORKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 8 Introduc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 9 Considera tions and Limit ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Supplied Component s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 10 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Displayi ng Print an d Copy T otals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Departm ent Code Fu nctional ity . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 11 T emplates Li st Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 New T emplate Page . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 12 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Invalid File Exce ption Hand le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Invalid File Handl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
00_Adm inGuideTOC.f m Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 13 Collation Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Number of Copies S pecified is Not Pri nted .
T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 14 PREFACE Cong ratu lati ons on purc has ing th e TOSHIB A e- STUD IO e-STUDIO550- 810 Electr onic Document Processi ng System.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 15 T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur WHO SHOU LD READ THIS GU IDE This guide i s intended pr imarily f or Network Ad ministrat ors or those r esponsibl e for s etting up, mai ntaining, and managing GL-1020 devi ces over the network.
T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur 16 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide We b-based Device Administration and Job Management T opAccess, an embedded web-based de vice manage m ent too l, allows yo u to perf orm device man agement func tions ove r the Intern et using either the Inte rnet Explorer 5.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 17 T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur queue-ba sed paradi gm allowing you to more quickly and easil y establ ish Novell print se rvices.
T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur 18 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide GL-DocMon GL-DocMon p rovides en d-users wi th a way of monitor ing all jobs and c ontroll ing their own curr ent jobs on the cont roller .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 19 T emp late 0001_ Admi nInt roAu dienceF eatur Macintosh For the Mac intosh pl atform, GL-1 020 software include s a PPD driver extensio n file that work s in conjunction with the s t andar d Macintosh LaserW riter 8 print er driver vers ion 8.
0003_Styles&Conventi M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 20 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide USING THIS GUID E S tyles and Conventions This gui de employ es severa l typograp hic styl es to visually convey in formation. The following table lists t he styles and illus trat es their use .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 21 Guide Organizat ion This Administ rator’ s Guide is orga nized in six par ts, which a re furthe r divided into chapters. Th e followi ng outlin e summarizes the inf ormation c ontained i n each chapter .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 22 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide GL-1020 too l s, to establi sh network p rinting to the cont roller from client workstation s. PA R T 3 : Managing the Sy stem Chapter 1 0, Managing Operations —d escrib es ho w to use the control panel and the T opAccess interface to man age the dev ice and jobs.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 23 Te m p l a t e Te r m s . f m T erms and Concept s The foll owing table defi nes the ke y terms and concept s used in this gui de. These t erms may be us ed dif ferent ly by other companies or in othe r product guides.
Te m p l a t e Te r m s . f m 24 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Printer driver Software ins talled on a c lient wor kstation, en abling ap plicat ion programs to interac t with the printer withou t having t o concern themselv es with s pecific printer r equirem ents.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 25 Te m p l a t e Te r m s . f m T o pAcces sCompose r A docume nt edit or and orga nizer th at enab les you to s tore, edi t and manage post p rint and sc anned doc uments usin g a web interfac e. W al k-up func tions Those o perations p erforme d from the control panel of the digital copi er .
0006_S upplemental .fm Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 26 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide SUPPLEM ENTA L REFEREN CES In ad dition t o the i nformat ion in th is guide, the follow ing r.
0006_S upplemental .fm Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 27 Applica tion-S pecificOnlin e Help All of t he e-STUDIO550-810 Electronic Document Processi ng System software and driver s come with a pplicat ion-speci fic online h elp.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 28 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide SOFTWARE CD -ROM CONTEN TS The GL-1020 c ontroller shi ps with th ree separ a te so ftware CD-ROMs: e-STUDIO GL-1020 Admin’ s Client CD. Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 29 PA R T 1 SETTING UP THE CONTROLLER.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 30 INST ALLATION OVERVIEW The T OSHIBA e-STUDIO550-810 Elect ronic Docu ment Processi ng System co nsists of several integra t ed har dware and softwar e components .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 31 THE BI G PICTURE The T OSHIBA e-STUDIO550-810 Elect ronic Docu ment Processi ng System co nsists of a T OSHIBA e-S TUDIO550/650/ 810 digi tal copie r, GL- 1020 contro ller , and cli ent soft ware.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 32 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide T o support a wireless LAN, you can in stall a Cisco Ai ronet 350 PCI 802.1 1b W ireless Net work Inte rface Card. Network Configurat ion Once the s ervice technic i an ha s finishe d instal ling the contro ller and copie r hard ware, you ca n configur e the cont roller s oftware.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 33 instal lation s trategy with great er unders tanding of the conseque nces of your decisio ns. The foll owing guide lines should make y ou aware of potent ial issues, but cannot possi bly take t he place o f your knowl e dge and experie nce in admi nisteri ng your own ne twork.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 34 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Decide Whether to Use WINS Servers The GL-1020 s upports the WINS host name resol ution service .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 35 Unix P rint Mo des The GL-1020 s upports LPR/LPD prin ting for the Unix Sun Solaris , HP-UX, IBM AIX and Li nux enviro nments, providi ng the T OSHIBA filters ar e installed.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 36 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Analyze the de fault GL-1020 Ne twork Settin gs The fol l owing ta ble summarize s the de fault c ontroller se ttings. T o adju st these set tings l ocal ly use th e copier ’ s contr ol panel T o adju st them remotely , use T opAccess.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 37 NetW are Print ing Disabled For NDPS s upport, you will nee d to configur e the GL- 1020 as an NDS PSERVER or NPRI NTER. NDPS i s a separate so ftware compon ent NLM, which yo u must install on t he Ne tW are file server .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 38 MODIFYING CONTROLL ER SETTINGS FROM THE CONTROL PANEL After co nfirming t he system i s oper ational, this chap ter explains how to use the LCD touch screen on the copi er ’ s control panel to enable a nd disabl e contro ller op tions.
03_ContA Mo dified: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 39 NAVIGA TING THE CONTROL PA NEL Y ou can progr am standard copy operat ions, networ k printing and administ rative functio ns from the control pane l on the top fron t of the copi er .
03_ContA Mo dified: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 40 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide LOGGIN G IN The fir st time you access administ rative f unctions fr om the copier’ s LCD touch scree n, you must def ine a fi ve-digit passwo rd. Y ou are req uired to type this code each time you ac cess the admin istration scr eens.
03_ContA Mo dified: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 41 1 In th e ma in Adm in menu press CHANGE PASS W OR D to displa y the Change Admin Password screen. Sample C hange Admin Password screen on co pier contr ol panel 2P r e s s OLD PASSWORD to se lec t it and type the ex isti ng password.
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 42 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide MODIFY ING PROTO COL SETTINGS US ING THE C ONTROL PANEL The contr oller’ s default p rotocol s ettings ens ure quick and eas y instal lation.
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 43 3P r e s s NETWORK SETTI N G to di splay the Network Setting scr een. Sample Network Settin g screen on copier control panel 4 T o access s pecific protoc ol setti ngs, press the applicabl e soft key .
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 44 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Configuring TCP/I P Protocol Settings 1 From the Net work Setti ng screen , press TCP/IP .
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 45 Setting Up WINS and DNS Servers 1 From the TCP/ IP Setti ng menu, press the pa ge-down arrow . The TCP/IP Se tting: S ervers screen op ens.
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 46 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide 1 From the Net work Setti ng menu, pres s IPX / SPX to di splay the IPX/SPX Sett ing scre en.
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 47 Configuring the Ethernet S peed Settings 1 From the Net work Setti ng menu, pres s ETHERNET to d ispla y the Ethe rnet Sett ing screen.
04_Con tProtoco lsControlP anel. fm Modi fied: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 48 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Configuring Appl eT alk Protocol Settings 1 From the Net work Setti ng menu, pres s APPLETALK to disp lay the Apple T alk Settin g screen.
04_Con tControl lerSetup .fm Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 49 NAMING T HE DEVI CE AND W ORKGROUP 1 From the Admin menu , pres s N ETWOR K SETTING to dis pla y the Network Set ting scr een. Sample Device Setting screen on copier control panel 2P r e s s SMB to display the SMB sc reen.
04_Con tControl lerSetup .fm Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 50 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide 3 Press DEVICE NAME t o display the touch k eyboard. Sample touch keyb oard screen o n copier control panel 4 Enter t he device n ame. This is the same as the Microso ft Computer Name.
04_Con tControl lerSetup .fm Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 51 RESTORIN G THE DEFAU LT GL-1020 SE TTINGS 1 From the Admin men u , press FAC TORY DE FAU LT .
04_Con tControl lerSetup .fm Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 52 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide The Enter Admin Password screen ope ns. Sample En ter Admin Pas sword scr een on copier control panel 3 Enter you r five-digit password and press OK .
04_Con tControl lerSetup .fm Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 53 Using the contro l panel’ s numeric keypa d, type the appropri ate panel cod e depending o n which feature you wi sh to turn on or off .
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 54 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide CONTROL L ING GL- 1020 OP ERATION Y ou can per form the f ollowing func tions fr om the cop.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 55 Printing T est Pages There ar e three t ypes of te st page you can pr int to di scover th e contr oll er ’ s c urr ent se ttings .
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 56 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Rebooting t he Controller It is s ometimes nec essary to re boot the control ler before new setti ngs can tak e ef fect. At other times , you may ne ed to rebo ot the cont roller to synchroniz e communic ation wit h the c opier again.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 57 A confir mation messa ge appears . Sample Reboot Check sc reen on copier contr ol panel 4P r e s s YES to procee d.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 58 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Shutting Down the Controller Graceful ly poweri ng down the T OSHIBA Network Docu ment Processi ng System be gins with shutting down the con t roller from the copi er ’ s control panel.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 59 MONITO RING THE P RINT QUE UE From the co pier ’ s LCD touch scree n, you can mana ge scheduled jobs, pri vate pri nt jobs, pr oof print jobs and T opAccessCompose r jobs.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 60 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Managing Scheduled Jobs Y ou can vi ew the lis t of schedule d jobs, del ete jobs from the l ist, or rele ase a job from the que ue and print it immediatel y .
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 61 1 In the Sch eduled Print Jobs screen, sc roll to t he job you wan t to prin t. 2P r e s s RELEASE . 3P r e s s BACK to return to the m ain Prin t men u .
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 62 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Releas ing a Priv ate Pr int J ob 1 In the Pr ivate Pr int Jobs s creen, scr oll to t he job you wa nt to releas e for pri nting. 2P r e s s RELEASE .
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 63 Managing Proof Print Jobs Y ou can vi ew the l i st o f proof p rint job s, delet e jobs fr om the li st, or rele ase a job from the que ue and print the remaining copies.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 64 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Rele asing a Pro of Pr int Jo b T o print t he remaini ng copies o f a proof print job: 1 In the Pr oof Print Jo bs screen, scrol l to the job you want to prin t.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 65 Relea sing T opAccess Composer Jobs 1 In the Sp ecial Pri nt Jobs s creen, press TA C OM POSE R to display the T opAccessCompose r Login scr een.
06_Con tManaging Modified: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 66 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide The folde r content s screen opens. Sample TopAccessComposer screen with print job selected 4 Scroll to the job you want to print . 5 T o change the prin t propert ies, p ress PROPERT Y .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 67 MODIFYING CONTROLLER SETTINGS REMOTELY T OSHIBA’ s web-based dev ice and jo b administ ration ut ility , T opAccess, al lows administra tors to c onfigure d evice and network setti ngs, monit or and manag e jobs, and diagnos e network printi ng errors .
01_T AOve Modified: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 68 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide OVERVI EW T opAccess ha s two web s ites avail able.
01_T A Requireme M odified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 69 SYSTEM R EQUIREME NT S Before i nstall ing the software, make sure your net work and client workstat ions meet t he following minimum requirements : Operating Syst em and Networking Requirement s n W indows ® 98 w Novell Cl ient v3.
01_T A Requireme M odified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 70 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide n Macintosh w Operating Sys tem versi on 8.0, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0 or Mac OS X w Lase rW riter 8 prin ter dri ver n Unix w SP ARC platform runn ing Solari s v 2.
03_T AA M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 71 OPENIN G T OPACCESS T o navigat e to T opAccess, enter the fol l owing URL on the sea r ch line of your Internet browser . http://<IP Address> or http://<Device Name> For exampl e: http://159.
03_T AA M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 72 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide From here, you can initi ate most devi ce monitoring a nd management f unctions . TopAccess Home Page The basic T opAccess page contains a header a rea, body a rea and a foot er a rea.
03_T AA M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 73 The foote r area contains navigati on to the t op of the cu rrent page, the hel p information and the In stall Sof tware fea ture. TopAccess User Interface The S tatus line shows the cu rrent st ate of t he device.
06_T A LoginLog Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 74 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide LOGGIN G IN When you sta rt T opAccess , the progr am displays the star t page defined on the Preferenc es page. The default start pa ge is the Device pa ge.
06_T A LoginLog Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 75 If you ha ve not set the us er name and p assword, use the default s and chang e the password immedi ately t o maintain secu re ac cess.
06_Con tUsingHelp .fm Mo dified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 76 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide USING ONLI NE HEL P Online he lp is a f ast and si mple way to f ind the an swers to questio ns you may have about using an ap plicati on.
06_Con tUsingHelp .fm Mo dified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 77 How to Find a Help T opic In He lp, cl ick on e of the fo llow ing ta bs: n T o browse thr ough topic s by categ ory , click the Contents tab. T opics are orga nized int o books.
06_T A ManageD Modifi ed: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 78 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide REMOTE DE VICE MANA GEMENT When you log in as an administ rator , the first s creen T opAccess displ ays is the Administration tab, which opens by default t o the General page of the Devi ce subtab.
01_T A AdminM Mo dified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 79 Administrat or Site Map Once you hav e successfully logged int o T opAccess using the Login li nk, you can pe rform admini strati ve fun ctions.
01_T A AdminM Mo dified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 80 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Ve r s i o n Setup Network Print Se rvices Email Scan Agent s Send to TW AIN Send to File Send to.
06_T AGe Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 81 GETTI NG ST ARTED There ar e three maj or tasks requi red to configure T opAccess to meet your unique need s: 1 Set up the admi nistrativ e functions , such as passwor d, contact informat ion, messag es, department code s, and pref erences.
06_T AGe Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 82 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide 4C l i c k Reset if you have not y et saved y our changes.
06_T AGe Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 83 5C l i c k Save . Setting the Administrati ve Message T o display a message ab out the controll er in th e Device pa ge for all us ers t o re ad: 1 Login as an admini strator .
06_T AGe Mod ified: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 84 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Reviewing the Device V ersion Propert ies The Adminis tration > Device win dow enables the administrator to displ ay and vie w complete device v ersio n informat ion for the various components.
04_T A Configu rePrefere Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 85 SETTI NG UP NOT IFICA TION OF SYSTEM E RRORS AND EVENT S As adminis t rator , you can confi gure notifica tion sett ings and receiv e email notific ation of s ystem err ors.
04_T A Configu rePrefere Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 86 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Setting the Default Date and Time Format s 1 Log in to the sys t em as t he admi nistrat or . 2C l i c k t h e Preferenc es tab. The P ref erenc es wi ndo w ope ns.
04_T A Configu rePrefere Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 87 The P ref erenc es wi ndo w ope ns. 3 Choose the refr esh in terval f or the dev ice and job que ue. This interv al d eterm ines how o ften T o pAcc ess qu eri es the control ler to up date devi ce status and job logs.
04_T A Configu rePrefere Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 88 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide The defau l t star t page is set to Device. 4C l i c k Save . Setting the Default Admin Login T imeout Interval The defau l t timeout period i s 20 minu tes.
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 89 SETTI NG COPIER PREFEREN CES The Copier Settings Pag e of the Device sub menu allows y ou to set a numbe r of copier att ributes .
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 90 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Setting Up Automatic Shut down This attrib ute defin es the perio d of in act ivity a fter w hich the copier shut s down. 1 In the Cop ier Setting s window , click the Auto Power Of f drop-down menu.
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 91 Setting the Date Format This att ribute s pecifie s the format for displayi ng the dat e on th e copier . Note: The default s etting d epends on t he destin ation code of the copi er .
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 92 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide Setting Up Raw Jobs A raw job is a file you wish to print dir ectly to the copier withou t using ei ther of the pri nter driver s (PCL or PSL).
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 93 3 Use th e PCL Font Numb er drop-d own menu to sel ect a typefac e by ty ping its c orrespond ing number .
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 94 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide 35 T imesNe wIt 36 T imesNe wBdIt 37 Helv etica 38 Helv eticaB d 39 Hel.
04_T A Configu reSetup Copier&P Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 95 4 Scroll down to the e nd of the p age and cli ck Save . Setting Automati c Paper Size Conversion This fea ture caus es the pr inter to print a document i ntended f or one paper size on pa per of a dif ferent size.
04_T AC onfigure NetworkProtoco Modif ied: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 96 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide CONFIG URING NET WORK PROT OCOL PROPE RTIES The Admini stratio n > Setu p > Networ k page a l lows you to s et up the prot ocols used by th e client workstat ion to communica te with the cont roller .
04_T AC onfigure NetworkProtoco Modif ied: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 97 Configuring Ethernet NI C S peed 1 On the Administra tion tab, click the Setup subtab. 2C l i c k t h e Network link. The Network page opens.
04_T AC onfigure NetworkProtoco Modif ied: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 98 GL-102 0 Admi nistrator ’s Guide The defau l t se tting is DHCP . Note: If DHCP is sele cted, the IP Address, S ubnet Mask and Gateway fi elds are n’t displaye d.
04_T AC onfigure NetworkProtoco Modif ied: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 99 4 Sel ect Enabl e to ena ble A ppleT a lk. This is t he defa ult s ettin g. 5 Enter t he AppleT alk Zone string . 6C l i c k Save .
04_T AC onfigure NetworkProtoco Modif ied: 8/1 6/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 100 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 101 T emplat e 04_TAConfigureWire lessPro CONFIG URING WIREL ESS NET WORK PROTOCO L PROPE RTIES The Administr ation > Setup > Wi reles s Network pag.
T emplat e 04_TAConfigureWire lessPro 102 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Configuring I PX/SPX Settings 1 On the Administra tion tab, click the Setup subtab. 2C l i c k t h e Wireless Ne twork link. The W ireless Ne twork page o pens. 3 In th e IPX /SPX area , clic k the Protocol dr op-d ow n lis t.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 103 T emplat e 04_TAConfigureWire lessPro 5 In the De vice Name fi eld, enter the cont roller n ame. 6 Enter t he control ler ’ s W orkgroup. 7 Enter t he address of the Pri mary WINS Se rver . 8 Enter a W INS Scope ID f or th e control ler .
T emplat e 04_TAConfigureWire lessPro 104 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 1 1 Select the Tr ansmit Power from th e drop-down lis t box. 12 E nter th e num ber of Data Re trie s. 13 Enter t he Fragment Th reshold. 14 E nter th e R TS T hres hol d.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 105 T emplat e 04_TAConfigureWire lessPro
04_T A Configu reNetworkP rintServ M odified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 106 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide SETTI NG UP NE TWORK PRIN T SERVICES These top i cs ex plain how t o configur e network p rinting s ervices . Configuring Novel l Printing 1 On the Administra tion tab, click the Setup subtab.
04_T A Configu reNetworkP rintServ M odified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 107 4 Sel ect Enabl e or Disab le as requi red. 5C l i c k Save . Configuring LPD Print ing LPD Print Se rvices a r e ena bled by def ault.
04_Scan SetupAgen Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 108 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CONF IGURIN G AGENT S ETTINGS The GL-1020 u ses various uti lities, kno w n as trans fer ag ents, to send scanned files to dif ferent output destinat ions.
04_Scan SetupAgen Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 109 6 Select the Attach ment File Fo rmat, eith er MultiPa ge TIFF (G4) or PD F . Note: Maxi mum Message Si ze is pre configur ed by the administ rator an d cannot be modifie d.
04_Scan SetupAgen Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 110 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Configuring th e Send to T opAccessComposer Agent This agen t stores the sc anned file i n a T opAcce ssComposer folder . Y ou specify the n ame and type of folder .
04_Scan SetupAgen Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 111 4 Enter t he name of th e scanned d ocument. Configuring th e FTP Agent This agen t uplo ads the sc anned fil e to an FTP se rver . Y ou supply the de tai ls for t he FT P tran sfer .
04_T A Configu reEmail.f m Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 112 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide SETTIN G UP E MAIL Using the Administra tion > Set up > Email p age, you c an view and modify email (Interne t-Fax Serv er) settings.
04_T A Configu reEmail.f m Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 113 6 Enter t he Mail Domain Name . For exa mple, GL.
04_T A Configu reEmail.f m Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 114 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CONF IGURIN G DIRECTO RY SERV ICES This top ic explai ns how to set up emai l direct ory servi ces.
04_T A Configu reEmail.f m Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 115 The sear ch keys you e nter are appli ed to the a ttributes shown belo w .
04_T A Configu reEmail.f m Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 116 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 5 Optional l y , enter a Se arch Base, select a Search T imeout and enter a Maximum Number o f Results.
04_T A Configu reClientS Modified : 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 117 CONF IGURIN G CLIE NT SOF TWARE Y ou can upl oad the drivers to the con troller . End use rs can download t he software to thei r computers (exc ept for t he Unix filt ers, wh ich re quire roo t priv ilege s to in stal l).
T emplate CH04_ GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 118 WIRELESS NETWORKING T o provide u sers of the T OSHIBA e-STUDIO550-810 Electroni c Document Pro cessing Sy stem with wi reless networ king, you can instal l a wirel ess ne twork inte rface ca rd (NIC) in the co ntroller .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 119 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m INTRO DUCTION There ar e two ty pes of wir eless net works: Infrast ructure and Ad Hoc. In the I nfras tructur e type, a nu m ber of b ase stations, c alled access points ( AP), ar e connecte d to a wire d Ethernet network.
T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 120 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide protocol s enable d on both NICs simult aneously . The wireless NIC must be c onfigure d for the Ad Hoc network t ype. Wireless Conf iguration T o c omm uni cate, two w ire less d evi ces m ust have the s ame Serv ice Se t Iden tifi er (SS ID).
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 121 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m Open Authent icatio n and Shared Key Authenticati on are the two authent i cation m odes. The access point and c l ien t authent ication modes must mat ch for an y communicati on to take pl ace.
T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 122 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Setting W ireless Opt ions from t he Copier ’ s Control Panel This se ction t akes you through the ge neral pr ocedure. Subsequent sectio ns apply t his procedure in summary form t o speci fic tas ks.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 123 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m Once you se lect W IRELESS , the scree ns tak e you throu gh network c onfigurat ion and t hen wireless conf igurati on. Sample Network Settin gs Note: The W ireless button ap pears only if a W ireless NIC is instal led in th e controller .
T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 124 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide The scre ens for the two ne twork types are s lightly diff erent. 4 Press t he down arro w to navi gate through the wireless options . Sample Wireless options If you enabl e WEP security , the Encryptio n and Key f ields are enable d.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 125 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 6 In Ad Hoc mode, to set the Channel value pr ess CLEAR/S TOP to clea r the field th en ente r the new va lue. In Infr astruct ure mode, you cannot a lter th e Channel va lue.
T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 126 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide SETTI NG WIRE LESS N ETWORK PROTO COL PROP ERTIES The Administr ation > Setup > Wi reles s Network page all ows you to set u p the prot ocols use d by client workstat ions to comm uni cate w ith th e ne twor k via t he wir ele ss NIC inst alle d in the cont roller.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 127 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m Configuring I PX/SPX Settings 1 On the Administra tion tab, click the Setup subtab. 2C l i c k t h e Wireless Ne twork link . The W ireles s page open s. 3 In th e IPX /SP X area , clic k the Protocol dr op-d ow n lis t.
T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 128 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 5 In the De vice Name fi eld, enter the cont roller n ame. 6 Enter t he control ler ’ s W orkgroup. 7 Enter t he address of the Pri mary WINS Se rver . 8 Enter a W INS Scope ID f or th e control ler .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 129 T emp late 04_NetworkingWireless.f m 1 1 Select the Tr ansmit Power from th e drop-down lis t box. 12 E nter th e num ber of Data Re trie s. 13 Enter t he Fragment Th reshold. 14 E nter th e R TS T hres hol d. 15 E nter th e R TS Re try Limit. Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 130 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide PART 2 EST ABLISHING NETWORK PRINT SERVICES.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 131 SETTING UP NOVELL PRINTING The GL-1020 c ontroller supp orts the following Novell pri nting ser vices : n NetW are 4.x binder y emulati on mode n NetW are 4.x NDS mode n NetW are 5.x and 6.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 132 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide NETWORK PR INTER MODE Considerati ons and Limit ations The GL-1020 c ontroller can fun ction as e ither a Ne tW are Network Pr inter or a Print Se rver , but not b oth concurrentl y .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 133 Configuring Networ k Printing Before br inging t he GL-1020 cont roller online, ve rify that the Print Se rver created f or the dev ice is up a nd runn ing on the network f ile server .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 134 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 8 From the Net W are Environment drop- down list , select t he applica ble opti on: w 4.x binder y emulati on mode w 4.x/5 .x/6.x NDS Mode w 4.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 135 4 Assig n the prin t queue to the printer . 5 Assig n the prin ter to the Pr int Serv er . Note the pr inter number . Print Ser ver Setup Set P rotocol 1 Launch your W eb browser .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 136 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Set P rint Services 1O n t h e Setu p tab , clic k the Print Ser vices link. 2 From the Se rvice drop-down l ist, sel ect Enable . 3 From the Ope rating Mode drop-down l ist, sel ect Print Server .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 137 problems users othe rwise encount er with que ue-based printi ng. n Monitor j obs with re al-time statu s reports using the printer control screen.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 138 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Agent. The followi ng figure illust rates t he communic ation fl ow between t hese ob jects.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 139 4 When the client works t ation is ready to pr int, it sends the print job to the Pr inter Age nt, whi ch is a vi rtual printe r image create d in the NDPS ne twork.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 140 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide you extr act the support pack compres sed file , you must cop y the UNI*.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 141 5 Sele ct the app licable system: the W indows ® 98/Me/2000 , W indows NT ® or W i ndo ws ® XP operating sys tem. Click Add . 6C l i c k Browse to loc ate the dr iver's .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 142 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 3 Enter t he NDPS Printer Name , then cli ck Create . The Creat e Printer Agent dial og box opens . Creat e Pr inter A gent dial og box 4 Enter t he NDPS Manager na me or click Browse to lo cate it.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 143 LPR Print er Agen t If you se lect th e LPR Gateway con f igurat ion option , the followi ng dialog b ox opens: Toshiba Remote-LPR Printer C onfiguration dialog box 1 Enter the IP Address of the GL-1020 cont roller and then c lick Finish .
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 144 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 1 Eit her type th e Ad vertis ing Prin t Serv er nam e, o r choo se Sear ch to automat ically locate pr int server inf ormation and choose a device name f rom the drop-down l ist.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 145 Queue-B a sed If you se lect th e Queue-based (NDS Printer Agent) opti on, the followi ng d.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 146 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Select Drivers 1 After you create a Printer Agent, conf igure the o ptions. When the updat e complete s, the fol lowing dia log box open s: Select Printer Drivers dialog bo x 2 Select the appropriate operating syst em tab.
04_Net workingNo Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 147 w SYS:SYSTEMT ACON.NLM w SYS:SYSTEMT ALIB.NLM w SYS:SYSTEMT ACFG .PD0 w SYS:SYSTEMNLS4 T ACON.MSG w SYS:SYSTEMNLS4 T ALIB.MSG w SYS:SYSTEMNLS4 T ACFG .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 148 SETTING UP MICROSOF T PRINTING The GL-1020 c ontroller supp orts the follow ing Microsof t print ing servi ces: n Peer to Peer n LPR/LPD .
04_Net workingM Modifie d: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 149 PEER TO P EER PRINTING Considerati ons and Limit ations n Y ou cannot assign the GL-102 0 to a Microso ft Domain; it can partic ipate onl y in a Micr osoft W orkgroup.
04_Net workingM Modifie d: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 150 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide LPR/LP D PRIN TING Considerati ons and Limit ations n Y ou must add and config ure Micros.
04_Net workingM Modifie d: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 151 IPP PR INTING Considerati ons and Limit ations If you co nfigure t he GL-10 20 control ler as an IPP-compati ble printe r, end-user s can pri nt to the device over the I nternet .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 152 SETTING UP UNIX PRINTING This chapte r describes how to set up UNIX prin ting servi ces for the GL-1020 cont roller . Currently , the fol lowing UNIX platf orms are support ed: n SP ARC platform runn ing Solari s 2.
04_Net workingUn Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 153 INST ALLING THE UNIX T AR FILE Considerati ons and Limit ations n This print m ode l acts o nly a s a filt er an d not as a co mple te driver . The size and order of the printe d pages cann ot be modified .
04_Net workingUn Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 154 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide This fi le is a shell s cript that si m ulates the command line functi ons of lp . After pr ocessing t he command line optio ns, the GL-1020 fi lter is in voked in the same way as a Syst em V print filter.
04_Net workingUn Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 155 For LINUX , e nter the following comm and: tar xvf linux.tar The command ext r acts all the r equired fi les and in stalls t hem in the corre ct loc atio ns.
04_Net workingUn Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 156 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Deleti ng a Print Q ueue 1 Log on to t he root ac count. 2 Enter t he followi ng command: gl1020rm <queue name> This command uses the system’ s lpadmin comm and to delete the print queue and config uration f ile.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 157 SETTING UP MACINTOSH PRINTING Printi ng to the GL- 1020 contr oller fr om a Macin tosh workstat ion involve s the fol lowing ste ps: n Enabling Macintosh pri nting from th e copier ’ s control panel or by using T opAccess.
04_Net workingM Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 158 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide SETTI NG UP APPLE T ALK PRI NTING Considerati ons and Limit ations n The GL-1020 s upports Macintosh printin g over Ethe rT alk only . T okenT alk is not su pported.
04_Net workingM Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 159 5C l i c k t h e Network link. Samp le Set up pa ge 6 Scroll to the Appletal k section . Enable the pr otocol an d enter the Apple talk Zone. 7C l i c k Save .
04_Net workingM Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 160 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Set P rint Services 1I n t h e Setu p submenu, click the Print Se rvic es link. Sample Print Services pa ge 2 Scrol l to the Mac Print ing section and select Enable fro m the drop-down li st.
04_Net workingM Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 161 n Printi ng Microsof t W ord documents tha t contai n multiple sectio n break s is not s upported. Th e output s tacking or der will be incorrec t and, if stapli ng is enabled, each sec tion will be stapl ed indivi dually .
04_Net workingM Mod ified: 8/ 16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 162 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide.
04_Con tConfigu Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 163 Completing Print er Setup for MAC OS X 1 If you ha ve not created t he English .lproj folde r in your system dur ing OS X updat e, manua lly add t he needed f olders to co mplete the English.
04_Con tConfigu Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 164 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 2 Place the TOSHIBA GL-1020 PPD fi le (used in OS 9.1) into the E nglis h.lpr oj f older . Sample English.lproj fold er with TOSHIBA GL-1020 PPD file 3 Use t he Printe r List in the OS X Print Cente r to complete the prin ter setu p.
04_Con tConfigu Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 165 AppleT alk Prin ting 1 Sel ect AppleT a lk . 2 Select the Zone where the GL- 1020 is lo cated. Sample Pr inter Lis t with AppleTalk o ption and zone select ed 3 Select the GL-10 20 device.
04_Con tConfigu Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 166 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 5 Select TOSHIBA for th e Printer Model . 6C l i c k Add from the Print e r Lis t of Prin t Center .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 167 INST ALLING CLIEN T SOF TWAR E The fina l step in enabli ng network print ing is to insta ll the cl ient softwar e and drive rs on cli ent workst ations. Be cause end- users typical ly perfo rm these st eps, this chapter prov ides only a brief overv iew of t hese proc edures. M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 168 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide INST ALLING WI NDOWS ® SO F T WARE The basic GL-1020 c lient soft ware includes th e GL-DocMon print job monitori ng utilit y , printe r drivers for PCL and PostScri pt (PS), the GL-TW AIN driver , and the AGF A Font Manag er . M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 169 n W indows ® 2000 w Microsof t W indows ® 2000 Servi ce Pack 1 or higher w Novell Cl ient v4.7 or higher with Z.E.N works Start er Pack is r equired t o run IPX-b ased SNMP acc ess and Novell pr inti ng. M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 170 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide w Enter a d estinat ion directory o r accept t he defaul t loca- tion. w Select the drivers and fonts to install. w Enter t he network p ath to the printer or the que ue name. M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 171 INST ALLING GL-102 0 WIND OWS ® PRINT ER DR IVERS Adding Print ers in a Windows ® environment Instal l GL-1020 driv ers as part of the Ins t all Shield cli ent softwa re setup proc ess. M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 172 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide These pro cedures are desc ribed in detail in the GL-102 0 Oper ator ’ s Guid e (Bas ic). Enabling I PP Printing IPP prin ting enabl e s pri nting to the contr oller ov er the Internet . M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 173 3 Double -click the stuffed f ile icon on the deskt op to open it. T o extract the Macintosh PPD file, you must ha ve the S tuf fit utilit y on the cl ient s yst em. Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 174 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide PART 3 MANAGING THE SYSTEM.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 175 MANAGING OPERATIONS This chap ter expl ains how to creat e departmen t codes and enforce their u se; how to view , reset and export department counter s; and how to fi lter , sort, e xport and d elete ent ries in the job an d message logs.
06_T A ManageJ Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 176 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide MANAG ING PRI NT JOBS Using T opAccess, you c an view , delete and rele ase print jobs. End users can manag e their o wn jobs wh ile admini strator s can manage all jobs.
06_T A ManageJ Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 177 w All Jobs Sample S can Jobs pa ge The Scan Jo bs page displays links to the vario us scan lo .
06_T A ManageJ Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 178 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Deleting Jobs from the Queue Y ou can delet e your pen ding print or scan job from the queue if it is liste d on one of t he Jobs pag es. 1C l i c k t h e Print or Scan tab.
06_T A ManageJ Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 179 Releasing Proof and Scheduled Jobs 1C l i c k t h e Print Jobs tab. 2 Select the Proof or Sched uled jobs. For Schedu led jo bs, T opAccess di splays t he date the job i s sched uled to pr int in the S tatus colu m n.
06_Con tUsingDep M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 180 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CREAT ING AND US ING DE P ART MENT CODES The e-STUDI O550-810 Elec tronic Docume nt Processi ng System uses coun ters to keep tr ack of the number of pages pri nted, copied, a nd scanned.
06_Con tUsingDep M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 181 departme nt code. The p erson in p ossession of this code has access t o all ot her codes.
06_Con tUsingDep M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 182 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide for all jobs, includin g “raw” and n on-W indows ® operat ing system j obs. n In the print er dr ivers , the Depa rtme nt Code lab el and Edit fiel d are d isa bled.
06_Con tUsingDep M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 183 Both Dep artment Code and Enf orcement are Enabl ed If both the dep artment co de feature a nd the enforcement option are enable d: n In the pr inter dr ivers, yo u must ente r a depart ment code.
06_T A ManageC M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 184 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide MANAG ING COUNT ERS The contr oller kee ps track of the numbe r of pages printed, c opied and scann e d and maint a ins a set of counters. The se stati stics can be displ ayed in to tals or b roken down by department.
06_T A ManageC M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 185 T o view the c ount for a department : 1C l i c k t h e Counters tab .
06_T A ManageC M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 186 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 4C l i c k Export . 5 Select the delimi ter fro m the dro p-down menu and check the box to in clude field names in th e exported file. 6C l i c k OK .
06_T A ManageL M odified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 187 MANAG ING MESSAG E AND JO B LOGS As an admini strator , you can vie w , filter , sort, export and clear message an d job logs. The c ontroll er maint ains sep arate lo gs for print a nd scan jobs depen ding on which optio ns are install ed.
06_T A ManageL M odified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 188 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 3 For messag e logs, check the a ppropriate boxe s to sele ct warning mes sages, er rors messages, or both. Sample Message log By defaul t T opAccess di splays bot h warning a nd error messages.
06_T A ManageL M odified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 189 Exporting L ogs 1O n t h e Administra tion tab, clic k the Logs link. 2 Click th e link for the l og to expor t. 3C l i c k Export . 4 Sele ct the cr iteria for the expor t.
06_T A CreateC ustomT Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 190 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CREAT ING CU STOM T ABS Normal tab print ing requi res the u ser to select the name of t he manufact urer of t he tabbed p aper . As the administr ator , you can set up on e additional ta bbed paper style.
06_T A CreateC ustomT Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 191 Custom tabs page 4 Enter a n a me for the tabbe d paper in t he Ta b P a p e r N a m e box. 5 Select the paper size, number of ta bs per bank, m ar gin and other mea surements.
02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 192 MANAGING TH E ADDRESS BOOK This chap ter provides pr ocedures f or adding and modifyi ng recipi ent de tails an d for o rgani zing the recip ients in to address book groups.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 193 MANAG ING THE AD DRESS B OOK T opAccess come s with an ad dress book feature.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 194 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 3 If addi ng, click New . If edit ing, check the box nex t to the n ame of the group and click Edit . 4 T ype in or e dit the g roup name, whic h is limited to 20 charact ers.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 195 Y ou may sear ch by Last Name, First Na me, Email Addres s, or Group, o r by any combi nation of the ab ove. 5C l i c k Search . T opAccess di splays th e search result s and the number of matching res ults.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 196 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 1O n t h e Administra tion tab, click t he Address Book s ubmenu. 2C l i c k t h e Directory Services link. The Direc tory Servi ce Proper ties page opens.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 197 The agent details page for t he scan ag ent you selected opens. 3 Complete t he agent deli very deta ils as r equir ed. T o choose re cipients from t he address book, see Cho osing Recipie nts fr om the Addr ess Book on page 197.
06_T AM anageAd Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 198 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T opAccess di splays the addre ss list for t he select ed gro up. Sample a ddress b ook list 3 Check the check box adjacent the addr essee’ s name.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 199 MANAGING SCAN OPERATIONS This chapt er exp lains how to set u p and main tain p ublic temp lates , and how to manage sc an jobs. For informati on on crea ting and modifying private templat es, an d on scannin g and retrievi ng data, refer to the Scan Operator’ s Guide which is in .
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 200 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide SETTI NG UP T EMPLATES T em plat es ar e used to s tore s can at trib utes t hat end us ers can choose whe n scanning d ocuments at the co pier ’ s control pane l. Scan temp lates are organ ized in tem plate grou ps.
06_T A ManageSca nPubli cT empla M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 201 PUBLI C GROUP S AND T EMPLATE S Admi nist rator s cre ate an d mai ntain publ ic te mplate s an d man age the publ ic temp late grou p.
06_T A ManageSca nPubli cT empla M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 202 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide The New T emplate page opens . Sample New Template pag e - Administrator 3 En ter ide ntifi cati on inf ormati on fo r the te mpla te.
06_T A ManageSca nPubli cT empla M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 203 The E dit T emp late page open s disp layin g th e curr ent se ttin gs for the selec ted t emplate . Sample Edit Template page - Administrator 6 Change the templa te settings as necessar y .
06_T A ManageSca nPubli cT empla M odified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 204 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 1O n t h e Scan tab, clic k the T emplates s ubmenu. 2 If n ecessary , open the Group list box, and select the public group. 3 Sele ct the te mplates you want to delet e.
06_T AM anageSca nJobs.f m Modified : 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 205 MANAG ING SCAN J OBS T o determ ine the s tatus of a scan job, you can view the var ious .
06_T AM anageSca nJobs.f m Modified : 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 206 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide V iewing the Scan Job s Log T o view the l ist of comple ted scan j obs: 1 On the Scan Jobs page, c lick Job Log . 2 T o sort the log in a p articular order , click the appro priate table heading.
06_T AM anageSca nJobs.f m Modified : 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 207 For back ing up, resto r ing and deleting f iles, refe r to Mainte nanc e Function s on page 219.
06_T A ManageSca nDelete Modified : 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 208 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Deleting Scan File s Y ou c an de lete all sca n file s stor ed in the fi le fold ers o n the control ler , includi ng scan jo bs that ar e still being pro cessed, in order t o free di sk space on the contr oller's hard disk .
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 209 T EMP LATE S PAG ES Y ou u se t hese p ages to cr eate, edit a nd d elete sca n tem plate s. T o access t hese pages: 1O n t h e Scan tab, clic k the T emplates s ubmenu.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 210 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide the New , Edit and Delete but tons a re hidden for the Public t emplate group. T emplate Gr oups—click thi s link t o create, e dit or delete template groups.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 211 Owner—enter the name of the templat e’ s owner (up to 32 charact ers). Padlock s ymbol—optional ly, che ck Pas swo rd p rot ect this tem pla te to enabl e the Pass word and Confirm Pass word field s.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 212 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Agent Se ttings This par t varies accordin g to the scan tra nsfer age nt you sel ect. Send T o—open the list box, and sel ect a sca n transf er agent.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 213 From—enter y our name. Return Emai l Address— enter you r email add ress (up to 128 charact ers). T o—click t his link to open th e Addresses popup a nd select recipi ents.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 214 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide stored in the use r ’ s home folder . For example, Private T oshibauser . Folder T ype—click the down ar row and c hoose fro m Public, Private or Department.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 215 Addresses Popup This dia log box open s when you click the To lin k for the Sc an to Email or S can to iFax agent. It enables you t o select a list of recipi ents for your email or fax.
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 216 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Owner—list s the owner of each templa te group. Y ou can sor t the ta ble by Group Name or by Owner . The default sort se quence is in ascending orde r of Group Na me, indicat ed by an up arr ow in the co lumn heading .
05_Scan T emplat eRefere Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 217.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 218 MAINT AINING THE SYSTEM This chap ter details pr ocedur es for mai ntain ing the e- STUDIO550- 810 Elect ronic Docume nt Processing Sys tem. It cove rs backin g up and rest oring fi les, d eleting fil es stor ed on th e control ler , and updatin g the controlle r softwar e.
06_T A ManageM Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 219 MAINTE NANCE FUNC TIONS These top i cs co ver proce dures for backing up and removing files. Backing up Files It is a good idea t o back up yo ur address book, t emplates a nd mailboxes on a clie nt PC.
06_T A ManageM Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 220 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide The Backup File I nformatio n page opens . It displays th e backup fi le name (for exa mple, T A20000330_083430.t mc) and th e file size . 5 Click th e File Name link.
06_T A ManageM Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 221 If you co ntinue, the Mainte nance scr een dis plays the restore d file na me(s). 6 Click Restore . T opAccess di splays th e Reboot page and th e controller reboots .
06_T A ManageM Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 222 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Wa r n i n g ! When you se lect the “Process ing Data” f older , which cont ains cur rent job d ata, T opAccess automatic ally delete s the jobs and me ssage log s. Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 223 PART 4 T ROUBLESHOOTING NETWORK PRINTING.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 224 T ROUBLESHOOTING OVERVIEW This chap ter is the pla ce to sta r t if you are ex perienci ng dif ficulties instal ling or u sing the e -STUDIO550-810 El ectroni c Document Processi ng System.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 225 NETWO RK CONNECTI VITY PROBLEMS Problem D escript ion There ar e many varia bles with in a networ k environment that make i nstalli ng an in tegrate d devic e challen ging.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 226 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist Resolving Network C onnectivity and Printing Issues Network Configurat ion Check.. . Y es No For Instructi ons, Go T o.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 227 Novell E nvironment : w IPX/SPX Protoc ol w Novell N etW are vr .
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 228 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Unix Environmen t w TCP/IP Pro tocol w Microsof t Peer-to-Pe er netw orkin g w Clie nts runn ing o.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 229 CANNO T DISCOV ER DEVIC E Problem D escript ion GL-1020 devi ces are discovere d automati cally usi ng SNMP .
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 230 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide the ste ps, contac t a TOSHIBA aut horized d ealer fo r further assist ance. T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist Device Discovery Possible Caus e Check Y es No For Instruct ions, Go T o.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 231 CANNO T PING GL -1020 DEVICE Problem D escript ion If the GL-1020 co ntroller do es not respond when you ping it , there i s a probl em either with the network confi guration or with GL-1020 operat ion.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 232 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist Cannot Ping GL- 1020 Possible Caus e Check Y es No For Instruct ions, Go T o... Networking (pro toc ol) li mitatio ns or errors 1 Confirm that the TCP/IP protocol suite i s inst alled on the c lient work statio n.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 233 CANNO T PRINT FROM CLIE NT Problem D escript ion Afte r foll owing the in stru ctio ns in th is g.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 234 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist Cannot Print Fr om Client Possible Caus e Check Y es No For Inst ruct ions, Go T o.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 235 JOB N OT LISTE D IN CURR ENT JOBS Problem D escript ion If a jo b submitted to the GL-1020 cont r.
07_Con Modi fied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 236 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist Submitted Job Not in Curren t Jobs Queue Possible Caus e Check Y es No For Instructio ns, Go T o... Software E rror The job was deleted or was un servicab le.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 237 T ROUBLESHOOTING HA RDWARE ERRORS The t opics in this chap ter co ver th ose er ror s or fau lts th at affect normal cop i er or co ntrolle r operati on.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 238 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide LCD T ouch Screen , refer t o the TOSHIBA T oshi ba O pera tor ’ s Manual for Copying Funct ions or the L CD onli ne H elp.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 239 COMMON E RRORS S t artup Page Does Not Print Problem D escript ion If a star tup page doe.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 240 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide The f oll owin g che cklis t he lps yo u ide nti fy the sour ce of the error and dire cts to you where you ca n find more infor mation about resolvi ng it .
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 241 1 From the co pier ’ s LCD touch scree n, perform t he Restore Default s operati on. Refer t o R estoring the De fault GL-1 020 Settin gs on pa ge 51.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 242 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide T roubl eshoot ing Chec klist DEVIC E ST ATUS IND ICATORS Copier Maintenance Call s Y ou can use T opAccess to check i f the copi er requi res maintena nce.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 243 The Device S tatus icon v a ries de pending on where t he paper j am occurre d in the co pier . This graphi c illus trates the possib le locati ons.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 244 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Out of T oner Ton er Ou t icon If the toner ico n is yellow , it indicat es th e following war ning conditi ons: n T oner is cu rrently being adde d.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 245 Out of S taples Paper Out icon The Add S taples error icon indi cates you need to add staples to the fin i sher . Ser vice Call s The Servi ce Call er ror i con indic ates that a call f or servi ce is needed.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 246 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Add p aper Close lower ca ssett e Close the lo wer cass ette. Add paper Close pe destal lower casset te Close th e pedestal lo wer cassette. Add paper Close ped estal upper casset te Close th e pedestal upper cassette.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 247 Close sa ddle st itch uni t cove r Close sadd le sti tch unit co ver Close th e saddle stitch un it cover. Examine stapler Examine s tapler Exa mine the s tapler .
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 248 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Jobs Lo g The foll owing mess ages may app ear in the S tatus column o f the Jobs Log. Th e table indicates the probab le cause a nd the action you can t ake to resolve t he error .
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 249 Unserviceabl e, Internal Err or Unkn own control ler erro r . Reboot the controller from the copier ’s control panel or by using T opAcc ess.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 250 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Unserviceabl e, Paper Not Loaded (EXE CUTIVE) Out of paper. L oad Paper (EXECU TIVE) according to the ins tructions o n the copi er ’s control panel LCD.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 251 SCAN-R ELATED ERROR M ESSAGES Scan-Rel ated LCD Mes sages M ESSAGE C ORRECTI VE A CT IO N 100 sheets c an be set on the ADF . T o con tinue, repeat the operatio n.
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 252 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Scan Ki t Internal Error (SK3 ) Restart th e con troller . If the controll er is not restor ed, rec over the HD D. Refer to t he GL-1020 Op erator ’s Gui de (Bas ic) .
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 253 LED IN DICATORS When t he LED state is lit, it ind icates the cop ier is i n Prin ter/ Network mode .
07_Con tHardwa Modif ied: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 254 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Incomp atible OS Message Problem D escript ion During a c ontroll er softwar e update, the foll owing message scr een is disp laye d: Correc tive Acti on 1P r e s s Ye s to update t he OS software.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 255 T ROU BLESHOOTIN G NETWORK ERRORS If you ca nnot prin t to the e -STUDIO550-810 Electroni c Document Processi ng System from a netwo rk-c.
07_Con tNetwork Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 256 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CANNO T SEE GL-10 2 0 DEV ICE Problem D escript ion After i nstalli ng and conf iguring t he GL-1020 con t roller , you cannot se e it on the network.
07_Con tNetwork Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 257 Incompatible network protocol s etup 3 Print out a configuration page. Make sur e there are not any disc repanc ies or incons istenci es between the current GL-1020 setting s and your ne twork setti ngs.
07_Con tNetwork Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 258 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide CANNO T PRINT T O GL-1020 DEVICE Problem D escript ion Y ou are un able to pr int to t he GL-1020 controll er .
07_Con tNetwork Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 259 UNKNOWN GL -1020 NETWORK SET TINGS Problem D escript ion There ar e several ways you can check o r change t he current network s ettings configure d for the GL-1020: n Print ou t a configurati on page fr om the copi er ’ s control panel.
07_Con tNetwork Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 260 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide n Access t he protoco l and devic e settings from the copier’ s control panel. Refer t o Modifying Pr otocol Settings us ing the Contr ol Panel on pag e 42.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 261 T ROU BLESHOOTIN G CLIENT ERRORS Any proble m that a rises when using T OSHIBA GL-102 0 client softwar e, including GL- DocMon Help sys t em or any of the T OSHIBA print o r scan drivers falls und er the ca tegory of a clie nt error .
07_Con tSoftwareErr Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 262 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide GENERA L SOF TWARE ERROR CON DITIO NS Sof tware Ge neral Protection Fault Problem D escript ion A General Protecti on Fault ca n occur for many re asons a nd general ly causes the applicati on to ter minate, losin g any unsave d changes.
07_Con tSoftwareErr Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 263 Inva lid F ile Hand le Problem D escript ion This cond ition ma y arise d ue to a netw ork proble m, disk I/O error , or software bug . It is most likely the result o f an unrecove rable disk err or .
07_Con tSoftwareErr Modified : 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 264 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Correc tive Acti on Restore the softwa re from a r eliable backup sour ce or fr om the origina l distr ibution CD-R OM.
07_T A Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 265 T OPACCES S ERROR C ONDITIONS Cannot Int erpret Mes sage Log Errors Problem D escript ion The Message Log page displays the list of error , warning, and informat ional mess ages gener ated by t he control ler .
07_T A Modifie d: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 266 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Correc tive Acti on 1 Only use T OSHIBA drivers, PPD f ile (Maci ntosh), and Uni x filt ers to print t o th e TOSHIB A co ntroll er . For i nstru ctio ns o n inst allin g TOSHIB A c lient softw are, refer to the GL- 1020 Operator’ s Guide (Basic ) . Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 267 GL-DOC MON ERROR CON DITIONS GL-DocMon St atus: “The GL-1020 is not responding” Problem D escript ion The stat us bar re ads, “The GL-1020 is n ot respond ing” and the broken co nnection i con is di splayed i n the task bar . Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 268 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide 4 If the IP /IPX Addr ess di spl ayed in the Discovery page is correct , and the b roken conne ction persists, ‘ ping’ to that I P address to see if the GL-1020 respon ds. Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 269 A confir mation messa ge appears . Sample Reboot Check sc reen on copier contr ol panel 4P r e s s YES to procee d. Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 270 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide n The job i s queued on the W indows ® opera ting syst em pr int spooler . n The job may b e held in the Novel l print queue. n A copier error pre vents printing. Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 271 GL-DOC MON ERROR MES SAGES Document is uns erviceable Unless t here is a hardware err or , a job is con sidered “unservi ceable” if th e control ler does n ot supp ort the f eatures select ed for th e job. Mo dified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 272 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Printer door is open Consult T opAccess to f ind out whic h door is o pen. Printing automa ticall y resumes when you shut t he door . Printer requi res attention An error has occurr ed on the c opier .
07_Print PrinterD riverEr M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 273 PRINT ER DRIVE R INST ALLATION ER ROR MESS AGES Setup Needs t o Copy Windows NT ® File s Problem D escript ion The wrong po rt type was sele cted from t he Printe r Ports di alog.
07_Print PrinterD riverEr M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 274 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Location Does Not Cont ain Information About Y our Hard wa re Problem D escript ion The p ath to the *. inf fi le se lecte d dur ing drive r insta llat ion is too far away .
07_Print PrinterD riverEr M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 275 Correc tive Acti on 1 Op en the Print ers fo lder f rom th e Co ntrol P anel . 2 Rig ht-cl ick the TOSHIB A p rinte r dr ive r ico n. 3 Sel ect Pro perties from the short cut menu.
07_Print PrinterD riverEr M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 276 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Cannot Remember Document Password Problem D escript ion There is no way to obt ain the Doc ument Identif ication Number (DIN ) for a Pr ivate Prin t job afte r it h as b een s ent.
07_Scan TWAINDriverError M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 277 T WAIN DR IVER ERR ORS Cannot Find the GL-1020 Problem D escript ion: Cannot fi nd the cont roller using the Search button.
07_Scan TWAINDriverError M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 278 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Correc tive Acti on: The GL- TW AIN Driver is c arefull y tested wi th sever al TW AIN- compliant applica tions. Some a pplicati ons need t o be configur ed to connec t to the GL- TW AIN Driver .
07_Scan TWAINDriverError M odified: 8/16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 279.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 280 T ROU BLESHOOTIN G OUTPUT ERRORS There ar e several reasons wh y a job may not print a s expec ted, several of which a re relat ed to appl ication limitati ons. Other reasons includ e confl icting or err oneous dr iver s ettings or hardware limit ation s.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 281 JOB SUBMI TTED BU T NEVER PRINTED Problem D escript ion There are many reasons why a job sent to the GL-1 020 controll er may not pri nt, sever al of whic h relate to hardwar e or networ k problems.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 282 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide option i s enable d and someone pres ses S TA RT on the copie r ’ s control panel. This forc es the jo b to continue on t he defa ult paper si ze.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 283 Multiple Copies S tapled T ogether Problem D escript ion Some app licatio ns, such as Micro.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 284 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide All Copies of Proof Pri nt Job Printed T ogether Problem D escript ion Selecti ng the Collate option i n W ord 95 caus es multip le copy jobs , includi ng Proof Pr int jobs, to be s ent as a s ingle job .
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 285 Image Overlay File Delet ed Problem D escript ion A common misco nception is that press ing.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 286 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide For do uble-sid ed printi ng from the LCF , load the pa per face d own as shown. Loading letterhead in the front-load cassettes For si ngle -sid ed pr inting fro m the fr ont -load cas sette s, loa d the paper fa ce down.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 287 Correc tive Acti on This is expected be havior . The banner page is s ent as a separ a te print j ob so that output options applied t o the prin t job are not applied to the ban ner page as well.
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 288 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Wr ong Font s Print Problem D escript ion The document ’ s fo nts are no t availa ble on the GL-1020 control ler .
07_Con tOutputE Modifi ed: 8/16/ 02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 289 Booklet Print s on Wrong Size Paper Problem D escript ion This prob lem results fr om conflicting ap plicati on and driv er setti ngs. For example, Micr osoft W ord support s booklet print ing from withi n the a pplic ati on. Modifi ed: 8/16/0 2 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 290 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide PA R T 5 REFERENCE.
T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administrat or’s Guide 291 REFERENC E The i nform atio n th at foll ows i s organ ized f or eas e of refere nce. It include s descript ions of the fields on eac h page of T opAccess, and a glossar y defini ng the ter ms used in t his guide .
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 292 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide PART S OF A T OPACCESS P AGE Sample Device page In addit ion to th e logo and g raphics, the hea der area o f a T opAccess pa ge include s: n Device na me, in th is case “ twriter2 0.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 293 n Link to t he top of t he page n Link to Help ADMINI STRATION T AB Sample Administ ration page.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 294 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Print Se rvices—provide s access to Novel l Prin ting, Mi crosoft Printi ng, LPD Pri nting, IPP Printi ng, Ma c Printin g. W ireless —provides access t o Configur e, WEP Secur ity , W ireless Settin gs.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 295 n Rem ove S oftw are— rem ove soft ware from the c ontro lle r n Backup—bac kup contro ller.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 296 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide DEVIC E T AB Sample Device page The Device page displ ays import ant summa ry informati on: n Current status of the devi ce and its components a nd accesso ries n A list of al ert in form atio n if an y exis t.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 297 PREFERE NCES T AB Sample Preferences pag e The Prefe rences pa ge allows you to cu stomize th e.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 298 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide PRINT J OBS T AB Sample Print Jobs log The Print Jobs page provides links t o the jobs in the va rious queues. The list di splays j obs based on the job types you select using th e check boxes.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 299 The T ype column onl y appears whe n you’ve sel ected all jobs. On a Proof j obs page an extr a colu mn displays the n umber of cop i es. Both admini strator s and end us ers can e dit this column.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 300 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Administr ators ca n delete j obs that are not c urrently pri nted, edi t the copy count of pr oof jobs, and rel ease proof and sched uled jobs.
05_T AR eference .fm Modi fied: 8/16 /02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 301 Job Informat ion The following information can be viewed from the Job Log: Group—dis plays the name of the group for this sca n job. T em plat e—d isplay s th e nam e of th e file that conta ins th e attri butes for the sc an job.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 302 GLOSSARY OF T ERMS Definition of Common T erms T erm Definition Access Poi nt (AP) A base station in a wire less LAN. T ypic ally , an AP is a stand-a lone device th at plu gs into an Ethernet hub or server . ACS A utomatic C assette S wit ching.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 303 T emp late Master Glossary .fm ADSC A dobe D oc ument S tructu ring C onven tion. A n advanc ed PostS cript optio n that l ets you print each page of a docu ment as a self-co ntained prin t job. ADU A uto- D uple xing U nit.
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 304 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de Current Job s The list of al l print and co py jobs curr ently queue d to the selecte d GL-1 020 contr oller . Y ou can view i t using either th e T op Access o r the GL- DocMon a pplicati on.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 305 T emp late Master Glossary .fm Dr awer See Casse tte . Driver See Printe r Driver . Duplex The proces s of printi ng on both side s of a she et of paper . For duplex printin g, the copier m ust have an A utom atic D uplex U nit (ADU) ins talled .
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 306 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de GL-1020 The TOSHIB A cont roller us ed to con nect digi tal copier s to a network. A lso referred to as the device or pri nter . Group s ort Sorti ng multi- page, mult i-copy ou tput in to sets or groups .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 307 T emp late Master Glossary .fm IPX I nternetwork P acket E x change . A NetWare communic ations protoc ol used to r oute mes sages from one nod e to another. IPX packets inclu de netwo rk addres ses and can be routed fr om one network to another .
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 308 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de Message Log A file that contains a histori cal recor d of error s and warni ngs that occurr ed on the GL-102 0 contro ller or the co pier . Th e inform ation for eac h mess age incl udes the d ate, subsy stem, an d mess age severi ty .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 309 T emp late Master Glossary .fm Network Pri nting Prin ting from a client workstation r unning a M acintos h, Unix or Window s ® operating system to t he GL -1020 contr oller , wi th the outp ut produced on the con nected TOSHIBA digi tal copie r .
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 310 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de PCL P rinter C ontrol L angu age. The command l anguag e for the H P LaserJe t printers .
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 311 T emp late Master Glossary .fm Private Print A printi ng mode tha t allo ws you to se nd a jo b from yo ur workstation, and then ho ld it until you enter a priv ate DIN from the copie r to release a nd print the job.
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 312 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de Register ed user Any user wh o create s a new user accoun t and logs on to the syst em.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 313 T emp late Master Glossary .fm SNMP S impl e N etwo rk M anagement P ro tocol. A w idely us ed net work monitor ing and con trol protocol. Da ta is passed from SNMP agents, whi ch are h ardware and/ or software process es repor ting activ ity in each network device (hu b, router , brid ge, etc.
T emp late Master Glossary .fm 314 GL-1 020 Administr ator’s Gui de TWAIN T echnolo gy W itho ut A n I nter esting N am e. The de facto standard interf ace betwee n software app lica tions and image ca pturing device s. UNC U nivers al N aming C onven tion.
GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Guid e 315 T emp late Master Glossary .fm Wirele ss networ k A LAN that u ses ra dio li nks to c onnect po rtable devi ces, such as notebook compute rs, to a l arger wir ed networ k.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 316 INDEX A A4 paper, bypassi ng to prin t on let ter size 95 Add Printer 171 Addr ess B ook sub m .
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 317 contact delet ing from a ddre ss book 194 in ad dress book 193 information,set ting 82 Cont ext.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 318 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide events setting up noti fication 85 Expor t item on Ad dress B ook s ub menu 294 exportin g addre.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 319 LDAP services config uring 195 letter size bypas sing to p rint on A4 95 link install software .
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 320 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide Novell NetW are 34 Novell NetW are Administrator 15 Novell printin g setting up 106 NW Admin 132 NW ADMN32.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 321 Pro of Pr int deleti ng job 63 editin g copy c ount 64 releasing 64 viewin g queue 63 Proof Pri.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 322 GL-1 020 Administrat or’s Guide setting up auto power save for copier 89 copier 8 9 copier auto matic shu tdown 90 email 1 12 ma.
00_Adm inGuideI Mo dified: 8 /16/02 T empl ate V ersion 1 .0 GL-102 0 Administr ator’s Gu ide 323 W indows® 98 requiremen ts 6 9, 168 W indows® ME requiremen ts 6 9, 168 W indows® XP require.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Toshiba GL-1020 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Toshiba GL-1020 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Toshiba GL-1020 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Toshiba GL-1020 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Toshiba GL-1020 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Toshiba GL-1020 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Toshiba GL-1020 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Toshiba GL-1020. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Toshiba GL-1020 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.