Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Via 130 des Produzenten TomTom
Zur Seite of 101
TomTom Reference Guide.
2 Contents What's in t he box 7 What's in the box ................................................................................................................................ 7 Read me firs t 8 Positioning the devic e ...................
3 The Dri ving View 31 About the Driving View .................................................................................................................... 31 The Driving View ................................................................ ...
4 Brightness ......................................................................................................................................... 53 Car symbol ......................................................................................
5 Hands-free calling 71 About hands-free call s ..................................................................................................................... 71 Connecting to your phone .........................................................
6 Selecting your vehicl e type .............................................................................................................. 94 Show the vehicle type qui ck menu button .................................................................
7 What's in the box TomTom navigation device with removable or inte grated mount USB cable or USB car charger Dashboard mount disks . Disks are include d in some products and are available as accessories for others. For more information, go to tomtom.
8 Positioning the device Consider careful ly where to install your TomT om navigation devic e in your car. The navigation device should not bloc k or interfe re with any of the following: Your vie.
9 6. If your mount is not inte greated into y our device, place your device in the mou nt, making sure that it clicks into place. 7. Plug the USB car charger into the power supply on your dash board. 8. Connect the USB cable to the car charger and your Tom Tom device.
10 Tip : We recommend usin g a broadband inter net conn ection whenever you co nnect your nav i- gation device to MyTom Tom. Setting up MyTomTom To set up MyTomTom , do the following: 1. Connect your compu ter to the internet. 2. Start a browser and go to tomtom.
11 If your device suppor ts voice control, you can also dr ive more safely by using v oice control to control your navigation de vice. Device not starting In rare cases, your Tom Tom navigation devic e may not start corr ect ly or may stop r esponding to your taps.
12 Planning a route Important : In the in terest of safety and to reduce distractions while you are driving, you shou ld always plan a route bef ore you start driving. Important : If you are us ing a TomTom camper and caravan pr oduct, before pl anning a route you should set up your devic e for your veh icle .
13 When the correct city or town appears in the list, tap the name to select the destination. 5. Enter the street name. Streets with similar names are shown in the l ist while you type. When the correct street name appears in the list, tap the name to select the des tination.
14 Tip : If you want your final destination to be a car park, tap Car par k and select a location from the list of car parks close t o your general destina tion. 8. When the new rou te is shown, tap Do ne . For more infor mation about the route, tap Details .
15 Note : To use a TomT om traffic inf ormation service, you may need a su bscription or a rece iver. Traffic services are not supported in all countri es or regions. F or more information, vi sit vices . Alternative routes Note : This feature is not available on all TomTom navigation de vices.
16 Tip: The alternative route disappears when i t is no longer faster than y our original route or it is too late for you to cho ose it. To change how you are asked about alternative rout es, tap Setti ngs and then Route planning . Tap Next until you reach R eplanning setti ngs .
17 Frequent destinations If you often make trips to the same destin ations, you can s et your TomTom de vice to ask if you want to plan a route to one of these locations eve ry time the device star ts. This is f aster than pla n- ning a route in the norm al way.
18 Status bar Tap Status bar in the Settings me nu, to enable or disabl e arrival time notifications. To enable arrival time no tifications, select Leeway . After planning a route, tap YES to enter a preferred arri val time. Your device calcul ates your arrival time and s hows you whether y ou will arrive on tim e.
19 Recent destination Tap this button to sel ect your destination fr om a list of place s you have recently used as destinatio ns. Point of Interest Tap this button to navig ate to a Point of In terest (POI). Spoken address On some devices you can enter an address us ing speech.
20 Google or using Tom Tom Places. You c an set which se arch p rovider to use in the Adva nced settings . Planning a route in advance You can use your TomTo m device to plan a rou te in advance, s electing your st arting point and your destination.
21 Viewing route information You can access these options for the r oute you last plann ed by tapping View r oute in the Main Menu or the Details bu tton on the route sum mary screen. You can then select fr om the following options : Show instructions Tap this button for a list of all the turn ins tructions on the route.
22 Note : Voice control is no t supported on all de vices or in all languages. Voice control works in dif ferent ways dependin g on your device type. Navigate to If you see the button Navigate to in t.
23 Voice control - Navigate to About voice control Note : Voice control is no t supported on all de vices or in all languages. Instead of tapping the scr een t o control your TomTo m device, you can use your voice to control your device. For example, to increase t he volume on your devic e, you can say "Incre ase volume".
24 Tip : For the best recogni tion of what you say, sp eak norm ally without trying to articulate words in an unna tural way. If the re is excessive road noise, for example, you m ay need to speak in the direction of th e microp hone. 3. If the command is cor rect, say "Yes.
25 For example, if the corr ect city is Rotterdam and this town is shown at the third item in the li st, you can say, "Three " or tap the name, Rotterdam . If the name is not in the list, then say " Back" or "No" o r tap Bac k to return to the previous screen and say the town a gain when you hear the tone.
26 Your device starts to guide you to your destination, using spoken instructions and onscreen dire c- tions. Tip: In addition to pl anning a route using Voice con trol, you can tap Navigate to in the Main menu and then tap Spoken Address . Alternatively y ou can tap the button a t the base of the keyboard during address entry.
27 Voice control - Drive to About voice control Note : Voice control is no t supported on all de vices or in all lan guages. Instead of tapping the scr een to control y our TomTom devic e, you can use your voice to control your device.
28 For some phrases, your device repe ats what you say and asks for confirmation. Tip : For the best recogni tion of what you say, sp eak norm ally without trying to articulate words in an unnatur al way. If ther e is excessive road noise, for example, you m ay need to speak in the direction of th e microphone .
29 If the town you hear is the same as the to wn you requested then say, " Done" or "OK" or "Yes" or "One" or tap the to wn at the top of the list. If the town you hear is incorrect, but the corr ect town is in the li st, say the number ne xt to the correct town or tap the name of the town.
30 When the number is sh own correctly say, "Done" or "OK." Alternatively, enter th e number by tapping the screen. 6. When the route has been calculated and the r oute summary i s shown, tap Done . Your device starts to guide you to your destination, using spoken instructions and onscreen dire c- tions.
31 About the Driving View When your TomTom navi gation device s tarts for the first time, you are shown the Driving View along with detailed infor mation abou t your current position.
32 4. Road sign information or the next street n ame. 5. Traffic sidebar . Tap the sidebar to see de tails of traffic i ncidents on your route. The traffic sidebar is only shown if your device has either an HD Traff ic subscri ption or an RDS-TMC Receiver con nected.
33 Note : This setting is onl y available if your de vice has either a traf fic subscription or an R DS - TMC Receiver. Traffic inf ormation is not availa ble in a ll countries or r egions. For more i n fo r- mation about TomTom traffic inf ormation services, go to tomtom.
34 About lane guidance Note : Lane guidance is no t available for all jun ctions or in all cou ntries. Your TomTom navi gation device helps you prepare for motorwa y exits and jun ctions by showing the correct driving lane for your plann ed route. As you approach an e xit or junction , the lane you need i s shown on the screen .
35 Tip : If no lane guid ance is shown in the status bar and all l anes are highlighted, you can use any lane..
36 Making changes to your route After you plan a route, yo u may want to ch ange the route or even the destinati on. There are var i- ous ways to change your route withou t the need to c ompletely replan the entir e journey. To change the curre nt route, tap C hange route in the Main menu: Change route Tap this button to change the current route.
37 avoid all or most of the delays. Note : This button is only s hown if your devic e has either a traff ic su b- scription or an RDS -TMC Receiver . Traffic inf ormation is not available in all countries or r egions. For more inf ormation about TomTom traffic information service s, go to tomtom .
38 Waypoints withou t notification - a waypoint that you are using to hel p guide your route, for example, you want to tra vel from Ams terdam to Rotterdam using a ce rtain highway. You ar e not notified when nearing the waypoint. Adding the first waypoint to your route To add the first wayp oint to your r oute, do the follow ing: 1.
39 Changing the order of waypoints Waypoints are automa tically added in an optimised o rder but you can s till change the order ma n- ually if you need to. T o change the order of waypoi nts, do the follo wing: 1. Tap the screen to brin g up the Main menu.
40 The notification setting ch anges for your wa ypoint and you are i mmediately returne d to your list of waypoints. Tip: If a waypoint h as already been visited, you cannot switch n otification on or of f. Reactivating a waypoint Note: You can only r eactivate a waypoin t that has already bee n visited.
41 About viewing the map You can view the m ap in the same way as you might look a t a traditional pape r map. The map shows your current loca tion and many o ther locations suc h as Favourites and POIs . To view the map in this way, tap Vi ew map or Vi ew route in the Main menu.
42 1. The scale bar 2. Traffic - current traffi c incidents. Use the Option s button to select whe ther traffic inf ormation is shown on the map. Wh en traffi c information is shown on the m ap, POIs and Fa vourites are not shown. Note : To use a TomT om traffic inf ormation service, you may need a su bscription or a rece i v- er.
43 Favourites - select this option to show your Favourites on the map. Tap Advanced to show or hide the following informa tion: Markers - select this op tion to enable marke rs. Markers point to your cur rent location (blue), your home location ( yellow) and your destina tion (red).
44 Add as Favourite Tap this button to cr eate a Favourite at the cur sor position on the map. Add as POI Tap this button to cr eate a POI at the cursor position on the map. Travel via... Tap this button to travel via the cursor position on the map as part of your current route.
45 About Map Share Map Share helps you cor rect map error s. You can corr ect several types of ma p error. To make corrections to your own m ap, tap Map corr ections in the Se ttings menu. Note : Map Share is not a vailable in al l regions. For more i nformation, go to tomtom.
46 select a street by name , a street near your H ome location or a stree t on the map. 3. Select the street or sectio n of a street you want to correct by tappin g it on the map. The street you select is hi ghlighted an d the cursor s hows the name of the street.
47 Change turn r e- strictions Tap this button to change and report incorr ect road turn r estrictions. Change road speed Tap this button to change and report the roa d speed li mit. Add or remove roundabout Tap this button to add or remove a roundabou t.
48 Correct house number Tap this button to corr ect the location of a house number. Enter the a d- dress that you wis h to corre ct and then indicate on t he map the correct location of that house nu mber. Existing street Tap this button to edi t an existing street.
49 About sounds and voices Your TomTom device us es sound for some or all of the following: Driving directions and o ther route ins tructions Warnings that you se t Hands-free phone calls Note : Hands-free calli ng is not supported on all navi gation devices.
50 Automatic volume control To set your TomTom devi ce to automatically a djust the volume , do the followi ng: 1. Tap Settings in the Main menu. 2. Tap Volume . 3. Select Link volume t o car speed to automatically adj ust the volume insi de the car in resp onse to changes in the spe ed of your driving.
51 About Settings You can change the way your TomTom de vice looks and behaves. Most of the settings on y our device can be accessed b y tapping S ettings in the Main menu. Note : Not all settings de scribed her e are available on all devices. 2D/3D settings 2D/3D settings Tap this button to set the default view of the map .
52 Show location preview - when this setting is sele cted, a graphical preview of your destinati on is sh own during route plann ing. Enable automatic zoom ing in 2D vi ew - when this s etting is selected, the entire route is shown i n the Driving View when the map is being shown in 2D.
53 Brightness Brightness Tap this button to set the brightness of the scr een. Move the sliders to adjust the brightness level. To view the map and men us in day or night c olours, tap Use day colours or Use night colours in the Settings menu .
54 Disable Bluetooth Tap this button to disabl e Bluetooth ® . Enable / Disable flight mode Enable / Disable flight mode Tap this button to enabl e or disable f light mode. Flight mode s tops all communication from the device. Favourites Favourites Tap this button to add, re name or delete F avourites.
55 GPS status GPS status Tap this button to see the current status of GP S reception on you r d e- vice. Home location Home location Tap this button to set or c hange your Hom e location. You e nter the a d- dress in the same way as you do when you plan a route.
56 Language Language Tap this button to change the langu age used for all t he buttons and me s- sages you see on your device. You can choose from a wide range of langua ges. When you change the language, you are also giv en the opportunity to chan ge the voice.
57 Map colours Map colours Tap this button to sel ect the colour sche mes for day and night map co l- ours. Tap Search to searc h for a colour scheme by typing t he name. Map corrections Map corrections Tap this button to correct error s on your map .
58 Operate left-handed / Operate right handed Operate left- handed / Operat e right-handed Tap this button to make i t easier for right - or left-handed operation . This will affect items su ch as the zoom bar when you are viewing the map. Phones Phones Tap this button on the Connectio ns menu to open t he Phones m enu .
59 Route types Set the type of route you want your TomTom to calcula te. Tap IQ Routes to se t if you want the de vice to use IQ Routes information to h elp find the best route. Toll roads, Ferries, Ca rpool lanes and Unpav ed roads settings Set how your TomTom s hould manage each of these road fe atures when the device calculate s a route.
60 Speaker Speaker Tap this button to sel ect the loudspeaker or loudsp eaker connection tha t is used by your device. Start up Start up Tap this button to set what happens when y our devi ce starts.
61 your MyTomTom acc ount and activate the map . Turn off voice guidance / Turn on voice guidance Turn off Voice guidance Tap this button to switch off voic e guidance. You will no longer hear spoken route instructions but you will still he ar information such as traffic information and warnin gs.
62 Vehicle and routes Vehicle and routes Tap this button to set your vehicle type and chan ge how routes are planned. Tap the button for e ach option to chan ge the settings. Note : This setting is onl y available if you are us ing a TomTom campe r and caravan product.
63 Voice control Voice control Tap this button to open th e Voice c ontrol menu whi ch contains the fo l- lowing buttons: Disable voice co n- trol Tap this button to disabl e voice control. Enable voice co n- trol Tap this button to enabl e voice control.
64 About Points of Interest Points of Interest or P OIs are useful places on the map. Here are some examples: Restaurants Hotels Museums Parking garages Petrol stations Creating POIs Tip : For help on mana ging third party POIs , search for " Third party POIs" at: tomtom.
65 Home Tap this button to set your Home location as a POI. This is useful i f you decide to change your Home loc ation, but first want to create a POI using the current Home address.
66 Position of last stop Tap this button to sel ect the location where your device was last d ocked. Spoken address Tap this button to cr eate a POI by saying the a ddress. Using POIs to plan a rou te When you plan a rou te, you can use a POI for the destination.
67 Showing POIs on the map You can select the types of POI l ocations you wan t to see on your maps. 1. Tap Show POI on ma p in the Settin gs menu. 2. Select the categories you want to be shown on the map. 3. Tap Done . 4. Select whether you w ant to see POI location s in 2D and 3D views of the map.
68 3. Set the distance as 25 0 metres and tap OK . 4. Select Sound effect and then tap Ne xt . 5. Select the warning sound for the POI and the n tap N ext . 6. If you only want to he ar the warning when the POI is di rectly on a planned rou te, select Warn only if POI is on rout e .
69 About getting help Tap Help in the Main menu to navigate t o emergency se rvices centres and oth er specialist se r- vices. If your device supports hands -free calling and y our phone is con nected to your device, y ou can contact emergency se rvices dire ctly by phone.
70 Phone for help Tap this button to f ind the contact de tails and location of a service ce n- tre. Note : Hands-free calli ng is not supported on all devi ces. Drive to help Tap this button to navi gate your way by car to a servic e centre. Walk to help Tap this button to navig ate your way on f oot to a service centre.
71 About hands-free calls Note : Hands-free calli ng is not supported on all devi ces. If you have a mobile phon e with Bluetooth ® , you can use your TomTom de vice to make phone calls and send and recei ve messages. Important : Not all ph ones are sup ported or compatible with all features.
72 Tap Phonebook entry to se lect a contact from your phonebook. Note : Your phoneboo k is automatic ally copied to your TomTom device when you first establish a connection with your m obile phone. Not all phones can transfer the phonebook to your device.
73 Disable hands-fr ee Tap this button to disabl e or enable han ds-free calli ng. Call Tap this button to make a phone cal l. Change home number Tap this button to change your home phone number. Delete Tap this button to sel ect information you w ant to dele te.
74 About Favourites Favourites provide an eas y way to select a loc ation without the nee d to enter the addre ss. They do not need to be favour ite places, t hey can simply be s een as a collection of useful addresses. Tip: If you have set -up any fre quent destinations, th ey are shown in your list o f Favourites.
75 Point of Interest If you visit a POI you parti cularly like, f or example a restaurant, you can add it as a Favourite. My location Tap this button to add your cur rent location as a Fav ourite. For example, if you stop s omewhere intere sting, while you are there you can tap this button t o create the Favour ite.
76 Using a Favourite You can use a Favouri te as a way of naviga ting to a place without h aving to en ter the address. To navigate to a Favourite, do the following: 1. Tap the screen to brin g up the Main menu. 2. Tap Navigate to or Drive to . 3. Tap Favourite .
77 About RDS-TMC The Traffic Message Chan nel (TMC), also kno wn as RDS -TMC, transmi ts traffic inf ormation as a radio signal and is avail able free of charge in many countries. TMC is not a TomTom Service, but is available when using the TomTom RD S-TMC Traf fic Recei v- er.
78 To make the traffic s idebar more readable som e incidents may not be s hown. These incidents will always be of minor impor tance and only cause s hort delays. The colour of the pointer s, as shown belo w, gives yo u an instant indication of t h e type of inci dent: Unknown or undetermine d situation.
79 4. Choose between always taking the fas ter route autom atically, being asked or never changing your route. 5. Tap Next and then Do ne . 6. Tap Minimise delays . Your device plans the quickest route t o your destinat ion. The new route m ay include traff ic d e- lays and may remain the same as the ori ginal route.
80 Note : The home loc ation you set here is not the s ame as the home location y ou can set in the Settings Menu . In a ddition, the locations y ou use h ere do not have to be y our actual home and work locations. If ther e is another route that y ou often travel, you can s et Work/Home t o use these locations instead.
81 Tap the left and right arr ow buttons to m ove through e ach incident in turn, vie wing the details of each one. This include s the type of i ncident, for exa mple road works, and the length of delay caused by this incident.
82 Changing traffic settings Use the Traffic setti ngs button to choose how traffic inf ormation works on your navigation device. 1. Tap the traffic sidebar the n tap Optio ns to open the Traffic menu.
83 Traffic incide nt Traffic jam Weather related symbol s: Fog Rain Wind Ice Snow Note : The incident avoide d symbol is shown f or any traffic incident that you avoid usin g a traffic servic e. Traffic menu To open the Traffic me nu, tap the Traffic si debar in the Drivin g View then tap Options , or tap Tra f- fic in the Services menu .
84 Show traffic on route Tap this button for an o verview of traffic i ncidents along your route. Tap the left and righ t buttons for more detailed information abou t each incident. Tap Replan to replan you r route and av oid the traffic inc idents that are shown on the map.
85 About Speed Cameras Note : LIVE Services are n ot available in all coun tries or regions, and n ot all LIVE Services are available in all countries or regions. Y ou may be able to use LIV E Services whe n travelling abroad. For more infor mation on available se rvices, go to tomto m.
86 1. Tap Services in the Main Menu. 2. Tap Speed Cam eras . 3. Tap Alert setti ngs . A list of speed camera typ es is displayed. A spe aker is shown next to the speed camera types that have be en set for an ale rt. 4. Tap Fixed cameras . 5. Select whether you alw ays want to be warned or only when you are speeding.
87 Traffic light camera - th is t ype of camera checks for vehicle s breaking traffic rules at traffic l ights. Average speed check - these types of cameras meas ure your average speed between two points . You a re warned at the start and end o f the average speed check area.
88 Other camera Report button To show the report but ton in the Driving V iew, do the fol lowing: 1. Tap Services in the Main Menu. 2. Tap Speed Cameras .
89 Note : It is not possibl e to report or remove warn ings for danger zones in France. Reporting incorrect camera alerts You may receive an ale rt for a ca mera that is no lon ger there. To report an inc orrect camera ale rt, do the following: Note : You can only r eport an incorrect cam era alert while you ar e at the location.
90 Intermediate warning - type 1 Once in the speed che ck zone, if you are not spe eding and have alr eady received a start of zone w arning, you see a visual warning in the Dr iving View.
91 Enable report bu t- ton Tap this button to enabl e the report button . The repo rt button is shown i n the Driving View or in the quick menu. When the report bu tton is shown in the Driving V iew, this button chan g- es to Disable re port button .
92 About TomTom camper and caravan products TomTom camper and caravan products let you choose the type of vehicle you are driving so that the route planned by your device is su itable for your veh icle. You can choose a car, a car with caravan, a motorhome, or a van as the veh icle type.
93 Camper Select Camper when you are dri ving a campervan o r motorhome. Van Selec t Van when you are dr iving a private van, a ren tal van, or other large, non-commercial ve hicle.
94 Always switch to that route - select this op tion to rece ive no messages when a faster route is found. The cur rent route is automatically re -calculated to be the fastest one. Ask me if I want that r oute - select this option to be asked i f you want to ta ke t he new route.
95 2. Tap the type of vehicl e you drive. If there are only one or two items in your quick me nu, a small icon in the Driving Vie w shows the type of vehicle tha t is selected. If a route is already plann ed and you select a different vehicl e, the route is recal culated for the new vehicle.
96 About MyTomTom MyTomTom helps you m anage the con tents and services of your TomTom navigation de vice, as well as giving you access to the TomTom community. You l og in to MyTomTom on t he TomTom website. It is a good ide a to frequently co nnect your navigation device to MyTo mTom to ensure you always have the la test updates.
97 Tip : When you connect your navigation device to yo ur computer, MyTomTom tells you if ther e are any updates for y our device. MyTomTom account To download conten t and services fr om TomTom, you need a M yTomTom ac count. You can cr e- ate an account when you start using MyTomTom.
98 Important Safety Noti ces and Warnings Global Positioning S ystem The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a sa tellite -based system that provide s location and timing information around the globe.
100 Pacemakers Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum of 15c m (6 i nches) be m aintained between a handheld wireless de vice and a pacema ker to avoid potential interf erence with the pacem aker. These recommendation s are consisten t with independent rese arch and recom mendations by Wireless Technology Re search.
101 © 2012 TomTom. All ri ghts rese rved. TomTom and the TomTom logo are re gistered trademarks of TomTom N.V. Please s ee for warranties and e nd user licence agreem ents applying to this product. © 2012 TomTom. All ri ghts rese rved.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts TomTom Via 130 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie TomTom Via 130 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für TomTom Via 130 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von TomTom Via 130 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über TomTom Via 130 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon TomTom Via 130 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von TomTom Via 130 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit TomTom Via 130. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei TomTom Via 130 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.