Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4EH45 des Produzenten TomTom
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TomTom GO.
What’s in the box 1. 2 What’s in the box • TomTom GO including the Easy Click mount •U S B c a b l e • USB car charger • Installation poster.
Read me first 2. 3 Read me first Mounting your device in your car Make sure that both t he mount and your wi ndscree n are cle an and dry before you attach the mount. Place the devic e so that it does not interfere with your view of the road or of any of the controls in your car.
4 to frequently connect your navigation device to MyTomTom, to ensure you always have the latest updates. You can also log in to MyTomTom on the TomTom website. Tip : We recommend using a broadband internet connection whenever you connect your navigation device to MyTomTom.
5 Charging your device The battery in your TomTom GO navigation de vice charges when you connect it to the car charger or to your computer. Important : You should plug the USB connector dire ctly into a USB port on your computer and not into a USB hub or USB port on a keyboard or monitor.
Safety 3. 6 Safety Installing the mount Consider carefully where to att ach the mount in your car. The mount should not bl ock or interfere with any of the following: • Your view of the road • Any.
Planning a route 4. 7 Plan- ning a route Important : In the interest of safety and to reduce distractions whi le you are driving, you should always plan a route before you start driving. To plan a route on your TomTom GO, do the following: 1. Tap the screen to open the Main menu.
8 5. Enter the streetname. • Streets with similar names are shown in the lis t while you type. • When the correct streetname appears in the list, tap the name to select the destina- tion. 6. Enter the house number, then tap Done . 7. The location is show n on the map.
9 8. Select the type of route you want to plan. 9. When the new route is shown, tap Done . • For more information about the route, tap Details . • To plan a different route, tap Change route . Your TomTom GO starts to guide you to yo ur destination, using s poken instructi ons and onscreen directions.
10 To view LIVE summary information, tap th e LIVE tab on the route summary screen. Tap any of the panels for more detailed information. The LIVE ta b panels s how the fo llowing in format ion: • Traffic on route - tap this panel to vi ew detailed information about traffic delays and other incidents on your route.
11 1. Tap Start-up settings in the Settings menu and then select Ask for a destination . 2. Tap Yes , then tap Yes again to begin entering information about the destination. 3. Select a symbol for the destination and tap Done to set the s ymbol, t hen tap Yes .
12 Navigation menu options When you tap Navigate to... , you can set your destination in many ways, not just by enter- ing the address. The other options are listed below: Local se arch T ap this button to use T omT om Local Search with Google to help you find shops and businesses in and around your current locat ion.
13 Planning a route in advance You can use your TomTom GO to plan a route in advance, selecting your starting point and your destination. Here are some more reasons to plan a route in advance: • Find out how long a journey is going to take before you start.
14 You can then select from the following options: Show instruc- tions T ap this button for a list of all the turn instructions on the route. This is very useful if you need to explain a route to someone else. Show map of route T ap this button to see an overview of the route usi ng the map browser .
Voice control 5. 15 Voice control About voice control Instead of tapping the screen to control your TomTom GO, you can use your voice to con- trol your GO.
16 If the command is incorrect, say, "No" an d repeat the command after you hear t he tone. Your GO plans a route from your current location to your Home address. Tip : To stop your GO from listening out for fu rther commands, say "Back" or "Cancel" or "Quit" or simply tap the screen.
17 Tip : Different locations may have the same name, such as a r oad that spans multiple pos t- codes. When this happens you need to look at the screen and tap the correct location. If the street name you hear is incorrect, but the correct streetnam e is in the list, say the number next to the correct streetname or tap the st reetname in the list.
18 To enter the destination using your voice, tap one of the following buttons: Tips : • Your GO recognises places and streetnames when they are spoken in the local lan- guage using local pron unciation. • Spoken address entry is not possible for po stcodes which must be entered using the keyboard.
Driving View 6. 19 Driving View About the Driving View When your TomTom GO device starts for the first time , you are shown the Driving View along with detailed information about your current position. Tap the centre of the screen at any time to open the Main Menu.
20 9. The name of the street you are on. 10.Navigation instr uction for the road ahead and the distance to next instructi on. If the sec- ond instruction is less that 150m after the first in struction, you see it shown immediately instead of th e distance.
Advanced Lane Guidance 7. 21 Advanc ed Lane Guid- ance About lane guidance Note : Lane guidance is not available for all junctions or in all countries. Your TomTom GO helps you prepare for motorway exits and junctions by showing the correct driving lane for your planned route.
22 Tip : If no lane guidance is shown in the status bar and all lanes ar e highlighted, you can use any lane..
Making changes to your route 8. 23 Mak- ing change s to your route About route changes After you plan a route, you may want to change the route or even the destination. There are various ways to change your route without the need to completely replan the ent ire journey.
24 Minimise del ays T ap this button to avoid traf fi c delays on a planned route. It is not always possible to avoid all traffic delays. Y our GO will check for traffic delays on y our route an d calculate the best route to avoid all or most of the delays.
View map 9. 25 View map About viewing the map You can view the map in the same way as you might look at a tradit ional paper map. The map shows your current location and many ot her locations such as Favourite s and POIs. To view the map in this way, tap View map or View route in the Main menu.
26 You can also set your own marker. Tap the cursor button, then tap Set marker position to place a g reen mark er at the cur sor position . To turn markers off, tap Options , then Advanced and clear the Markers checkbox. 4. Options button 5. The cursor with streetname ball oon.
27 Position the cursor on a loca tion on the map, then tap Cursor and then tap one of the fol- lowing buttons: Navigate there T ap this button to plan a route to the cursor position on the map. View location T ap this button to view information about the location on the map such as the address.
Map corrections with TomTom Map Share™ 10. 28 Map correc- tions with TomTo m Map Share™ About TomTom Map Share TomTom Map Share helps you correct map errors and share map corrections with the rest of the TomTom Map Share community.
29 These corrections are investigated and ver ified by TomTom and are included when the next map version is released. Map correction settings You can decide which map correcti ons from the Map Share communi ty are used to cor- rect your maps. To select a category, tap Map corrections settings in the Map corrections menu.
30 Important : For safety reasons, do not enter the full details of a map correction while you are driving. Mark the location of the map err or instead an d enter the full details later. Correcting a map error Types of map correction To make a correction to your map, tap Map corrections in the services menu, then tap Correct a map error .
31 (Un)block street T ap this button to block or unblock a street. Y ou can block or unblock the street in one or both directions. F or exampl e, to correct a street near to your current location, do the fol- lowing: 1. Tap (Un)block street . 2. Tap Near you to select a street near your current location.
32 Edit street name T ap this button to change the name of a street on your map. F or example, to rename a street near to your current location: 1. Tap Edit street name. 2. Tap Near you . 3. Select the street or section of a stree t you want to correct by tapping it on the map.
33 Edit POI T ap this button to edit an existing POI. Y ou can use this button to make the followi ng changes to a POI: • Delete the POI. • Rename the POI. • Change the telephone number of the POI. • Change the category that a POI belongs to. • Move the POI on the map.
Sounds and voices 11. 34 Sounds and voices About sounds and voi ces Your TomTom GO uses sound for the following: • Driving directions and other route instructi ons • Traffic information • Warnin.
35 Tap the central panel on the status bar and move the slider to adjust the volume. The last route instruction is played so you can hear the new volume level. • In the Settings menu. Tap Settings in the Main menu, then tap Volume settings and move the slider to adjust the volume.
Settings 12. 36 Set- tings About settings You can change the way your TomTom GO looks and behaves. Most of the settings on your device can be accessed by tapping Settings in the Mai n Menu.
37 Phone settings Status & Information Manage Favourites Phone settings T ap this button to open the phone settings menu. F or more information on connecting your phone and making hands-free calls, see Hands-Free calling .
38 Make your own menu Voices Volume settings Speaker settings Start-up settings Set clock Make your own menu T ap this button to add up to six buttons to your own personalised menu. If there are only one or two buttons in your menu, both buttons are shown in the Driving view .
39 MyTomTom account Manage POIs Show POI on map MyTomTom account T ap this button to log in to your T omT om account. Y ou can only log in to one account at a time on your T omT om GO. If you have more than one account or several people share the same device, you can switch from one account to another as requir ed.
40 Change Home location Switch map Planning settings Safety settings Change Home location T ap this button to set or change your Home location. Y ou enter the address in the same way as you do when you plan a route. Y o ur Home location pr ovides an easy way to plan a route to an impor - tant location.
41 Change car symbol 2D/3D settings Status bar settings Change car symbol T ap this button to select the car sy mbol that shows your current loca- tion in the Driving view . 2D/3D settings T ap this button to set the default vi ew of the map. T o switch between 2D and 3D views while driving , tap the centre part of the status bar in Driving View .
42 Change map colours Brightness settings Keyboard settings Change language Set units Operate left-handed / Operate right handed Change map colours T ap this button to select the colour schemes for day and night map col- ours. Ta p Search to search for a colour scheme by typing the name.
43 Battery saving settings Advanced setting s Reset factory settings Battery saving settings T ap this button to set the power saving features on your GO.
Points of Interest 13. 44 Points of Inter- est About Points of Interest Points of Interest or POIs are useful places on the map. Here are some examples: • Restaurants •H o t e l s •M u s e u m s.
45 Home T ap this button to set your Home location as a POI. This is useful if you decide to change your Home locati on, but first want to create a POI using the current Home address.
46 The POI is created and saved in the selected category. Using POIs to plan a route When you plan a route, you can use a POI for the destination. The following example shows how to plan a route to a car park in a city: 1. Tap Navigate to... in the Main menu.
47 Tip : You can also use Local Search to find us eful locat ions. For more information, about Local Search and other LIVE Serv ices go to to Show POI on map Calling a POI Many of the POIs on your TomTom GO include phone numbers. This means you can use your GO to call the POI and plan a route to the location of the POI.
48 Tip : To remove a warning, tap on the category name and then tap Yes . POI categories which have been set with a warning, have a sound symbol next to the category name. 4. Set the distance as 250 metres and tap OK . 5. Select Sound effect and then tap Next .
Help 14. 49 Help About getting help Tap Help in the Main menu or the Settings menu to navigate to emerg ency services cen- tres and other specialist services and contact them by phone. For example, if you are invol ved in a car acci dent, you could use t he Help menu to call the nearest hospital and tell them your exact locati on.
50 Walk to help T ap this button to navigate your way on foot to a service centre. Where am I? T ap this button to see your current location on the map. Y ou can then tap Phone for help and sele ct the type of servi ce you want to contact and tell them your exact location.
Hands-free calling 15. 51 Hands- free calling About hands-free calls If you have a mobile phone with Bluetoot h®, you can use your TomTom GO to make phone calls and se nd and receive messages. Important : Not all phones are supported or compatible with all features.
52 •T a p Phonebook entry to select a contact from your phonebook. Note : Your phonebook is automatically copied to your GO when you first establish a con- nection with your mobile phone. Not all phones can transfer the phonebook to your GO. For more information, go to www.
53 Auto-answer settings T ap this button to change the auto -answer settings. Change Home number T ap this button to change your Home phone number . Disable Bluetooth T ap this bu tto n to disable Bluetooth on your T omT om GO. Delete T ap this button to select information you want to delete.
Favourites 16. 54 Favour- ites About Favourites Favourites provide an easy way to select a location without the need to en ter the address. They do not need to be favourite places, they can simply be seen as a collection of useful addresses. Creating a Favourite To create a Favourite, do the following: 1.
55 6. Your GO suggests a name for your new Favo urite. To enter a new name, there is no need to delete the suggested name, you just start typing. Tip: It is a good idea to give your Favo urite a name that is easy to remember. 7. Tap OK . Your new favourite appears in the list.
56 5. Tap Select to choose to navigate to this Favourite. Tip: Use the left and right arrows to choose another Favourite from your li st. Your GO calcul ates the route for you.
LIVE Services 17. 57 LIVE Serv- ices About LIVE Services There are a range of LIVE Services available for your TomTom GO. These services are sub- scription-based and currently i nclude the following: .
58 2. Tap on the service you want to renew. Your GO confirms that you want to renew your subscription. 3. Tap Yes . The renewal request is sent to TomTom. You should complete payment onli ne, on or before the da te shown on your GO. Renewing your LIVE Services subscri ption using the TomTom web site 1.
59 The locations that match y our search are shown in a list with thei r distance from your current location and Google star rating. 5. Tap one of the locations in the list. The location is shown on the map. Tap Show info to see more information about this location.
Traffic information 18. 60 Traffic infor- mation Introducing traffic information You can receive traffic information in two ways: • TomTom HD Traffic • Traffic M essage Cha nnel (RDS -TMC) Using traffic information, your TomTom GO ca n automatically adjust your route to mini- mise any delays.
61 Using Traffic information The traffic sidebar is shown on the right side of the Drivi ng view. The sidebar informs you about traffic delays while you drive, using glowing dots to show you where each traffic incident is located on your route.
62 Setting the radio frequenc y for RDS-TMC information Note : Not all devices support se tting the radio frequency. If you know the frequency of a particular radi o station you want to use for RDS-TMC traffic information, you can set the frequency manually.
63 The first time you use Home to work , you must set your traffic home and work locations. You can now use the Home to work and Work to home buttons. Note: The home location you set here is not th e same as the home location you can set in the Settings Menu .
64 Note: You can also access the Show traffic on route screen by tapping the traffic area of the LIVE Route summary tab. Tap the left and right arrow buttons to move through each inciden t in turn, viewing the details of each one. This include s the type of incident, for example road works, and the length of delay caused by this incident.
65 2. Tap Traffic settings . 3. To hear a beep sound when a new traffic incident occurs on your route, select Report if traffic on route changes and then tap Done . 4. If a faster route is found while you are drivin g, Traffic can replan your journey to use the faster route.
66 Traffic menu To open the Traffic menu, tap the Traffic sidebar in the Driving View or tap Traffic in the Services menu. The following buttons ar e availabl e: Minimise traffic delays Tap this button to re-plan your route ba sed on the latest traffic information.
Weather 19. 67 Weathe r About Weather The TomTom Weather service provides detailed weather reports and 5-day weather for e- casts for towns an d cities.
68 Address T ap this button to enter an addr ess. Recent destination T ap this button to select a location in a list of recently use d destina- tions. Local se arch T ap this button to select a location using a local search. Point of Interest T ap this button to select a P oint of Interest (POI).
Speed Cameras 20. 69 Speed Cam- eras About Speed Cameras The Speed Cameras service warns you a bout the following roadside camera locations: • Speed camera locations. • Accident blackspot locatio ns. • Mobile speed camera locations. • Average speed camera locations.
70 Tip: To change the number of seconds or warning sound, tap Alert settings in the Sp eed Cameras menu. Changing the way you are warned Speed Camera Symbols Speed cameras are shown as symbols on the Driving View. When you approach an area where an alert is located, you se e a symbol and a warning sound is played.
71 Report butto n To show the report button in the Driving View, do the following: 1. Tap Services in the Main Menu. 2. Tap Speed Cameras . 3. Tap Enable report button .
72 Note: If the type of camera you choose has a speed restriction, you can also enter the speed. A message confirms that your camera has been reported to the Speed Came ra team at TomTom. Reporting a new speed camera while at home You do not need to be at the location of a speed camera to report the new location.
73 Average speed check camera warnings There are several types of visual and audibl e warnings that you may see and hear when you meet an average speed check camera. You always receive a start and e nd zone warnin g regardless of the spe ed you are travelling at.
74 Speed Cameras menu To open the Speed Cameras menu, tap Services in the Main Menu and then tap Speed Cameras . Intermediate warning - type 3 Once in the speed check zone, if you are driving at over .
MyTomTom 21. 75 MyTo mTom About MyTomTom MyTomTom helps you manage the contents, ma ps and services of your TomTom GO nav- igation device, as well as gi vi ng you access to the TomTom community. I t i s a good i dea to frequently connect your navigation device to MyTomTom, to ensure you always have the latest updates.
76 Tip: When you connect your navigation device to your computer, MyTomTom tells you if there are any updates for yo ur device. MyTomTom account To download content and services from To mTom, you need a MyTomTom account. You can create an account when you start using MyTomTom.
Customer support 22. 77 Cus- tomer sup- port Getting help to use your navigation device You can find further online help at Status & information Status & information T ap this button to open the Status & information menu.
Addendum 23. 78 Adden- dum Important Safety Notices and Warnings Global Positioning System The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satelli te-based system that provides location and timing information around the globe.
79 For replacement chargers, go to for information about approved chargers for your device. The stated battery life is a maximum possible battery life. The maximum battery l ife will only be achieved under specific atmospheric conditions. The estimated maximum battery life is based on an average usage profile.
80 Model names 4EH52, 4EH51, 4EH44, 4EH45, 4EJ51, 4EJ41, 4EJ41, 4ER41, 4ER5, 4EN42, 4EN52, 4EV42, 4EV52, 4ER51.
Copyright notices 24. 81 Copy- right notices © 2011 TomTom N.V., The Netherlands. TomTom ®, and the "two hands" logo, among oth- ers, are Trademarks owned by TomTom N.V. or one of its subsidiaries. Please see for warranties and end user licence agreements applying to this product.
82 a para consultar as garantias e o contratos de licença do utili- zador final aplicáveis a este produto. © 2011 TomTom NV, Holland. TomTom™ og logoet med "de to hæ nder" er blandt de var- emærker, produkter og registrerede varemærk er, der tilhører TomTom International B.
83 produktui taikomas garantijas ir licencijavimo galutiniam vartotojui sutartis skaitykite internete adresu . © 2011 TomTom N.V., N ī derlande. TomTom® un “divu roci ņ u” logotips ir pre č z ī mes, kas pieder TomTom N.V.
84 TomTom customer support team, visit tomtom .com/support and upon your request we will send you a CD with the corresponding source code. Linotype, Frutiger and Univers are trademarks of Linotype GmbH registered in th e U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be re gistered in certain other jurisdictions.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts TomTom 4EH45 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie TomTom 4EH45 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für TomTom 4EH45 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von TomTom 4EH45 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über TomTom 4EH45 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon TomTom 4EH45 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von TomTom 4EH45 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit TomTom 4EH45. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei TomTom 4EH45 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.