Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ome-72d36 des Produzenten Thermo Products
Zur Seite of 48
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 1 I. SAF ETY SECTION This page and the f ollowing tw o pages contain various warnings an d cautions fou nd throug hout this fur nace Se rvice and Instal lation M anual.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 2 : If you do not follow these instru ctions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing personal inju ry, loss of life or property damage. : NEVER use gasoline or a mixture of oil an d gasoline to start the burn er or furn ace.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 3 : If you s uspect there i s a pro blem with the fu rnace, the ven ting system or an y oth er related problem, im mediately contact a qualifi ed ser vice agen cy.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 4 This page and the f ollowing page contain reproductions of the various warning and instru ction label s pla ced on th e Thermo Pride O il Furn ace. Please read and comply w ith the con tents of these l abels .
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 4a.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 5 TABLE OF C ONTENTS SECTION BEGINNING PAGE I. SAFETY SECTION 1 II. GENERAL I NSTRUCTIONS AND CLEARANCES 6 III. FURNACE SPEC IF ICATI ONS 8 IV . I NSTALL ATION 1 0 A.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 6 II. GENERAL INS TRUCTIONS AND CLEARANCES NOTE: REA D THIS SECTION BEF ORE STARTIN G INSTALLA TION 1.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 7 b. Non - combus tible materia l: “...material that is not capable of being ignited and bur ned; such as material consisting e ntirely of, or a combination of, steel, iron, brick, concre te, slate, asbestos, glass, and plaste r.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 8 III. FURNACE SPECIFICATIONS MODEL OME -72 Lo w F i r e High Fire 1 HEAT INPUT RATE (BTUH) 70,000 85,000 HEATING CAPACI TY (BTUH) 60,000 72,000 BURNER NOZZL E (GP H X ANGLE, HOL LOW CONE) 0.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 9 FOR BURNER COMBUSTION I NFORMATION, REFER TO SECTION (M) – FL UE GAS COMBUSTION ANAL YS IS.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 10 IV. INSTAL LATION A. ROOF JACK The roof j ack assemb ly and access ories m ust be l isted b y a natio nally recognized tes ting agency for the appropriate fuel.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 11 4. This furnace is ETL listed for closet, alcove or freestanding applications. All applications must comply with the req uirements of this manual. Combustible Floor Base Model: 7 0 - BASE Figure 1A.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 12 Use the base bottom panel as a template to mark floor opening loca tions (see Figure 2). Cut a square opening in the floor for the supply air connector duct. Cut the opening 1- inch larger than the square template ope ning.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 13 If the combustion air passageway cannot terminat e outside of the skirting or enclosure, a permanent openin g with a mi nimum of 50 square inches of unobstru cted infiltration (free area) for ventilation air mu st be provided for adequate combustion.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 14 IMPORTANT : Adequate combusti on air mus t be provided under all circumstances.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 15 E. ALCOVE I NSTALLATION I n this application, a minimum of 18 inches of clearance mu s t be provided to the front of the unit. Refer to Fig ure 4. Alcove in stallations must use the N o.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 16 2. The return air ope ning may be located in the top, the center or (idea lly ) the bottom of the closet door, or side wall. : Do not obstruct any re turn air openings, including the re turn grille on the furnace.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 17 The preferre d location of the outside combustion air intake termination (e.g . an optional stainless steel intake hood, part no.370183) is throug h the side of the structure, skirting or enclosure.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 18 Figure 6..
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 19 H. FUE L PI PIN G Sizing and installation of fuel lines must be in accordanc e with federal, state and loc al regulations. 1. Oil Tank and Piping : All local codes and ordinances take precedence with regard to tank and oil lines.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 20 condensate, which c auses the tank to rust. I t is also recommended to use a wate r trap or additives to prevent condensate a ccumulation.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 21 Figure 7. J. ELECT RICAL WIRING All elect rical wi ring must be inst alled i n stri ct accordance wi th local ordin ances and cod es.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 22 : When testing electrical equipm ent, always follow standard electrical procedures and p recau tion s. 1. Electri cal Branch Su pply Circuit Route all e lectrica l wiring to th e left side o f the furn ace.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 23 Once the furna ce is installed, check the thermostat hea t anticipator the proper nominal setting . a. Connect a multimeter , capab le of rea ding milliamp s (mA), in ser ies with the low voltage wires to the thermostat.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 24 “X” 24 VA C from transf ormer “C” 24 VAC com mon from transf orme r “CC” Com pressor Cont actor.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 25 EAC (electroni c air cleaner) The cont rol provi des a 120 VA C out put f or an ele ct ronic air cleaner. This ou tput is energ ized wh enever the fan m oto r is energized (either low , heat or cool speed).
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 26 Heat Mode When a call f or heat (“W”) is received from the thermostat , if the “ Cool” mode is n ot already active, t he “T - T” terminal i s energized and th e blower on delay is started.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 27 DIP SWITCH 2 S EC TION STATE BLOWER DELAY TI ME S 1 2 3 4 ON - SEC OFF - M IN OFF OFF 30 FACTORY SETTING ON.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 28 5. WIRING DIAGRAM.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 29 K. BURNER INSTAL LATION The burner mounts to the furnac e on three mounting bolt studs, located on the burne r mounting plate, in the lower portion of the vestibule, dire ctly in front of the heat exchang er.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 30 : If you do not follow these instru ctions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing personal inju ry, loss of life or property damage. : NEVER use gasoline or a mixture of oil an d gasoline to star t the burner or furn ace.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 31 1. CARBON DIOXI DE (CO 2 ) or OXYGEN (O 2 ): Take a CO 2 sample from the flue pipe or vent connector a t a position close to the furnace.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 32 M. FLUE GAS COMBUSTI ON ANALYSIS : Burner adjustments m ust be confirmed by instru mentation .
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 33 V. DEALER MAINT ENANCE THIS S ECTION IS ONLY TO B E PERFORMED BY TRAINED, Q UALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL, AND NO T BY THE FURNACE OWNER. A. TROUBLESHOOTING Note: Check diagnostic c ode through view port prior to re moving doors.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 34 Y es S et t h er m os t at s u b b as e t o " H E A T " D oes t h er m os t at mak e c on t ac t ? D oes a "c all f or h eat " i n i t iat e an ignit ion c yc le ? No Y es Is r oom t em per at u r e a bove 90 deg.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 35 Is t h er e c omb u s t i on air f l ow t o t h e f ur nac e? Y es Y es Y es Y es Is t h er e 1 2 0 V A C ac r os s t h e b u r n er m ot or ? Is t he bl owe r impel le r s pinning? If s o, c h ec k f or bl oc k ages in or a c ollap s ed ai r du c t .
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 36 W h i l e i g n i t ion el ec t r odes ar e s p ar k in g d oes f u el v al v e op en ? No Y es Y es Y es C h ec k w i r in g t o f u el v al v e. If val v e d oes not op en , r ep l ac e f u el v alv e.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 37 A f t er f u el v al v e op en s , do es the burner ignite? Check t he fuel s upply. Open a ll ma nual s hut off va lve s s erving the unit. Pur ge a ny air in the f u el line.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 38 Doe s the cir c ula t ing ai r blower t ur n o f f aft e r the rm o stat i s s a tisfie d wi t hin 4 m inut.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 39 B. CAD CELL CHE CKOUT PROCEDURE: 1. Remov e cad cell lead wires, t hen start the burn er. Shor tly after burner start s, place a temporary jumper between terminals f & f of the oil primary control.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 40 To vacuum and brush the outer r adiator of the heat exchang er, go throug h the cleanout openings in both directions, as shown in Fig ure 8. Figure 8. Reassem ble the fu rnace to t he original factory -built condition.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 41 D. CLEANING OR REPLACING FLUE PIPES Flue pipes should be inspected during the annual m aintenan ce check -up or during eac h subseq uent serv ice call.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 42 : Do not attempt t o start burner when excess fuel has accumu lated inside the furn ace. 6. Follow the “BURNER OP ERATION AND ADJUSTMENT” procedure in Secti on L.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 43 B. COMPONENT LO CATIONS The following diag ram shows a ty pical furnace installation and ty pical position of the components refere nced in these instructions.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 44 2. EXTERI OR OF FURNACES: The furnac e exterior should be inspected for sig ns of excess ive heat s uch as di scolorat ion of m aterial s or damage f rom rust or corrosion.
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 45 APPENDIX A. REPLACEMENT PARTS LI ST BLOWER SUB-ASSEMBLY (OME-72D36) AUX LIMIT (NOT SHOW N) ITEMS NOT SHOWN .
All in stall ation s and services must be perf ormed by q ual ifi ed service p erson nel. 46.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Thermo Products ome-72d36 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Thermo Products ome-72d36 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Thermo Products ome-72d36 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Thermo Products ome-72d36 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Thermo Products ome-72d36 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Thermo Products ome-72d36 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Thermo Products ome-72d36 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Thermo Products ome-72d36. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Thermo Products ome-72d36 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.