Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CHB1-75N des Produzenten Thermo Products
Zur Seite of 57
i I. SAFETY INFORMATION This and the following pag e contain repr oductions of the various warning and instruction labels placed on the Thermo Pride Condensing Gas Furna ces.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. ii This and the previous pag e contain reproduc tions of the various warning a nd instruction labels placed on the Thermo Pride Condensing Gas Furna ces. Please rea d and comply with the contents of these l abels.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. iii The following saf ety i nfor ma tion shou ld be rea d, un derstood, and f ollow ed by t he in sta ller. 1. Use only w ith ty pe of gas approved for th is fu rnace.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. iv : The CH B1/CDB1 f ur na ce m o dels are sealed combusti on desi gn, wh ich does not r equir e an ai r shutter a d justme nt ( air shutters a re not used ) for pro per fla me cha racteristi c s.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. v INDEX SECTION BEGINNING PAG E I. SAFETY INFORMATION i II. FURNA CE SPEC IFICA TIONS 1 III. GENERAL INSTAL LA TION 5 A. CODES A ND CLEA RANCES 5 B. FURNACE LOC ATION 6 B1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 1 II. FURNACE SPECIFICAT IONS CHB 1 SERIES MO DEL NO. CHB1 - 50 CHB1 - 75 CHB1 - 100 C HB1 - 125 BTU/HR INPUT 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 BTU/HR OUTPUT 47,000 72,000 94,000 116,000 HT.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 2 CDB1 SERIES MO DEL NO. CDB1 - 50 CDB1 - 75 CDB1 - 100 CDB1 - 125 BTU/HR INPUT 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 BTU/HR OUTPUT 47,000 70,000 94,000 116,000 HT.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 3 INSTALLAT ION PARTS PACKAGES - CHB1 - 50/75 PARTS PACKAGE #S00S4405/4406 DESCRIPTIO N PART # QUANTITY 2- 3/8.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 4 Drai n hose gro mm et 350446 1 Sprin g cla m p, 11/16” 300299 3 Installation notice MG - 987 1 PVC tee assem bly , 2 x 3” dia.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 5 #8 x ½ TEK screw s f or mounting 2 x 4 J - box 300208 2 #10 - 32 x ½ gr een gro und screw 300109 1 #10 - 32 hex nut 300110 1 3/16” dia.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 6 2. The BT U output capacity of the furn ace proposed for installation should be based on a h eat loss calcu lation made according to the m anuals provid ed by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) or ASHRA E.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 7 4. This furn ace mu st be connected to a drain i n accordance w ith th ese ins tructions. If it is n ot practical to connect the un it to a drain, a condensate pu mp m us t be used and can be ordered as an acc essor y, part nu m ber 350225.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 8 Figure 1 The horizontal fu rnace inst allation sh ould be on a service platf orm larg e enough to allow for proper clearances on all sides and serv ice access to the f ront of th e furnace (See Ta ble 1).
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 9 D. General Requirem en ts For Venting Models CHB1 / CDB1 The CHB1 / CDB1 furnace ven ting sy stem mu st be inst alled by a qual ified servi ce person in accordance w ith l ocal install ation codes and thes e instru ctions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 10 intake s yst ems mu st be considered. T his includes all elbow s, or equivalen t pipefittings , used inside the furnace jacket in addition to thos e used to constru ct the terminati o n.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 11 NOTICE: The fu rnace m o del seri es CHB 1 / CDB1 m ay be vented either through the sidewall or the roof. For sidewall instructions, continue to the following s ection.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 12 Figure 3: Typi cal Rel ative Loc ations of Direct Ve nt Term ina tions When Sidew all Venting 3.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 13 Figure 4: NFGC Minim um Cleara nces Betw een the Vent Term inal and Various Buildi ng Features 4 .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 14 : Bus hes, shr ubs, or any vege tation that may restr ict the flow of flue produc ts must be kept away fr om vent and air intake ter m inat ions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 15 2. Measure and cut two (2), 2 - inch diameter thermoplastic pipes 1 - 1 /2 inches l onger tha n the dep th of the wall. (Cuttin g the pipe longer leaves a ¾ i nch connection allow ance at both ends of th e pipe.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 16 Figure 6: Optional Direct Vent Kits for the CHB1 / CDB1 M odel Series of Furnac es G.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 17 H. Exhaust / Inta ke Piping And Condensat e Drain Connec t ions At Furnace 1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 18 Figure 7: Required Exhaust V e nt and Air Intake Piping f or CDB1 F urnace in Dow nflow Appl ic a tions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 19 Figure 8: Required Exhaust V e nt and Air Intake Piping f or CDB1 F urnace in Hor iz ontal Applica t ions. 2. Connec ting The E xhaust Vent T o T he Induc er a.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 20 NOTICE: F or models CDB 1 - 100 and C DB1 - 125 used in h orizontal app licati ons, im mediately transition from 2 - inch to 3 - inch diameter pipe by installing the 3 - inch x 2 - inch diam eter P VC reducer just outside th e furnace casing .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 21 PVC tee). Couple the drain t ee assem bly to the pre - cut 2 - inch diam eter P VC pipe using the rein forced rubber h ose and th e two (2) ban d clamps supplied.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 22 DO NOT! SILICONE OR SEAL THIS CONNECTION IN ANYWAY. MUST BE LOOSE FIT WITH LEAKAGE BETWEEN PVC AND METAL COLLAR. Figure 12: Typical Internal Air Intak e Piping Arrangement for All Furnace Models d.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 23 Figure 1 5. Condensat e Trap Assembly Mounted O n the Mo del Series CDB1 In a Downf lo w Applicat i o n Figure 16. Conde nsate T rap Assembly Mo unt ed On The Mo del Series CDB1 In RH Side Horizo ntal Application 2.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 24 NOTICE: On t he m o d el series CHB1 / CDB1 the condensate disposal line must be on the sam e s ide as the flue outlet or, in the case of a horizo ntal application, the bo tto m o f un it.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 25 6. A condens ate pump may be required when, • a suitable drain is not p r e se nt, • the drain is above t he trap outlet lev el on the furnace, or • the drain line cannot be slop ed downw ard its full len gth to the drain.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 26 Figure 18 2. A drip leg must be used on both LP and natural gas installations prior to the furnace in order to tra p oil, condensate and o ther impurities which m ight otherwise lodge in the gas va lve or p lug the bur ner or ifice.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 27 4. If the fu rnace is used in conn ection w ith an air condition ing evaporator coil, the f urnace m ust b e in stalled parallel wi th or on the upstream side of the coil, to prevent condens ation in the heat ex changer.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 28 DUCT SIZES FOR HO MES, QU IET O FFICES, O R SIMILAR INSTALLATIONS TAB LE 2 A Each of the sy s tem compone nts.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 29 K. FILTER S 1. CHB1 MODELS: HIG HBOYS It is necess ar y to cut the return air openin g in the bottom or si de casing dependi ng upon the needs o f the specific installation.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 30 Figure 20 3. USE OF NON - THERM O PR ID E F ILTER RETENTION M EANS If a m ethod other than the Therm o Pride .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 31 FORMULA : (tons of cooling ) x (400 CFM per t on) (144 square i nches per foot) = f ilter area sq.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 32 Anticipators for the heating opera tion are o f two types, pre - set and adjustable. Those that ar e pre - set will not have an adjustmen t scale and are generally marked accordingly .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 33 BLOWER DELAY SETTINGS To del ay fan turn - on by : Set Swi t ch #1 #2 15 sec. 30 sec. *45 sec. 60 sec, Off Off Off On On Off On On To del ay fan turn - off by: Set Swi t ch #3 #4 60 sec.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 34 START TRIA L FOR IGNIT ION START CONTINUOUS SAFE OPE RATION CHECK IF FL A M E SIM U LATIO N CO N D ITION PRES.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 35 MAI N BURNER OPERATION END OF CY CL E C ALL FOR H EAT SATISF IED AF TER DELAY - TO-FAN-ON PER IOD ENDS, CIRCUL ATING AI R FAN IS ENERGI ZED AT HEA T ING SPEED .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 36 B. INI TIA L START UP: This furnace does not have a pilot. It is eq uipped with a hot surface ign iter, which autom a tic a lly lights the burner . Do not attempt to light the burner by hand.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 37 FORMULA : B TU/CU FT X NUMBER OF CU FT X 360 0 SECONDS = INPUT BT U/HR EAMPL E: 1025 BTU/CU FT X 2 CU FT X 3600 = 98,633 BTU INPUT 74.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 38 Figure 22 : The CH B1/CDB1 f ur na ce m o dels are a n in - shot burne r design, w hich does not require an ai r shutter a d justme nt ( air shutters a re not used ) for pro per fla me cha racteristi c s.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 39 V. INSTALLER 'S INSTRUCTION S TO USER: After completing the ins tallation, the installer shall inform and/or demonstrate to the homeowner: 1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 41 T R OUB LES H OOT I N G GU I DE T HE S YSTEM I S ST A RT E D BY SETTI NG T HE THERMOSTA T TO C A L L FOR HEA T . THE FO L LOW I NG SHOULD HELP ESTA BL I SH THE T Y PE OF MA LFUNCTI O N OR DEV IA T I O N FRO M THE NORMA L OP ERA TI ON.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 42 CH ECK W IR ING T O IND UCE R AN D IF O K, RE PLACE INDUC ER ASS EM BLY. AFTE R HOT SU RFACE IGNI TOR W AR M-UP, DO ES GAS VA LVE OPEN ? CH ECK W IR ING T O HO T S URFACE IGNIT OR AN D IF O K, RE PLACE HO T SURFA CE IGNIT OR ASS EMBLY.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 43 CH ECK FO R PRO PER MANIFOLD P RESSU RE. No Yes Yes Yes AFTER G AS VALVE O PENS, DO T HE BUR NER S I G NIT E? ADJUS T T O 3.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 44 DOES SYST EM RUN UNT I L T HERMOST AT I S SATISFIED? CH ECK AL L W IRIN G FOR LOOSE C O NNEC T I ONS . CH ECK FOR SHORT I N W I RE T O TH ERMOST A T AND CORRE CT IF NECESSARY.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 45 Y es TR OU BLESHO OTIN G C OM PLETE. Y es IF LED LIGH T FLA SHES: 1 FLASH , TH EN PAUSE SYSTEM L OCKO UT 2 FL.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 46 Appen dix – A Replacem ent Parts List 1. Replacem ent parts list for CHB1 - 50, CHB1 - 75, CHB1 - 100 and CHB1 - 125.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 47.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 48 2. Replacem ent parts list for CDB1 - 50, CD B1 - 75, CDB1 - 100 and CDB1 - 125.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 49.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 50 Appen dix – B W iring Di a grams.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 51.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Thermo Products CHB1-75N (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Thermo Products CHB1-75N noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Thermo Products CHB1-75N - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Thermo Products CHB1-75N reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Thermo Products CHB1-75N erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Thermo Products CHB1-75N besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Thermo Products CHB1-75N verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Thermo Products CHB1-75N. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Thermo Products CHB1-75N gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.