Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DA-98HR des Produzenten Tascam
Zur Seite of 100
2 TASCAM DA- 98HR Important Safety Pre cautions IMPOR T ANT (for U .K. Customers) DO NOT cut off the mains plug from this equipment. If the plu g fitted is not suita ble for the power points in your home or the cable is too sho rt to reach a power point, then obtain an appropriat e safety approve d ex tension lead o r cons ult y our deal er.
TASCAM D A-98HR 3 CA UTION: … Read all of these Instructions. … Save these Instructions fo r later use. … Follow all W arnings and Instructions marked on the audio equipme nt. 1) Read Instruction s — All the safety and ope rating instr uctions shoul d be read be fore th e product i s operat ed.
Tabl e of C ont ents 4 TASC AM DA-9 8HR 1 – Introduction to the DA-98HR 1.1 Unp acking .. . .... ... .. ... ... .. ... .... . .... ... .. ... ... .. .... ... . 7 1.2 Fea ture s ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......... .. 7 1.
Tabl e of C ont ents TASCAM DA-98HR 5 7.1. 2 Chec king, edi ting and man ually ente ring ME MO 1 and MEM O 2 ..... ..... ...... ...... ............ ..... ... 40 7.1 .3 S ett ing the loc ation p re- rol l time . ...... ...... ..... 40 7.1 .4 L oca ting to M EM O 1 and MEM O 2 .
Tabl e of C ont ents 6 TASC AM DA-9 8HR 10 .2 D isa bling loc al co ntro l .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. 69 10 .3 U se w ith 9 -p in e xter na l contro l ..... .......... .. 69 10 .3.1 Vid eo clo ckin g ...... ...... ...... ..... ............ .
TASCAM DA-98HR 7 1 – In troducti on to the D A-98 HR The T ASCA M DA-98HR is a di gital aud io mu lti- track re corder designed for us e in a v ariety of a ppli- cations, including video post-production and audi o multit rack work.
1 – Introduct ion to the D A-98HR – Using t his manual 8 TASC AM DA-9 8HR • Input moni tor mode al lows ch annel-b y-ch annel source moni tori ng, re gardless of t ape trans port status • Thre.
1 – Introducti on to the DA -98HR – Notes an d precautions TASCA M DA-98H R 9 that you mak e a note of th ese, to prolong t he useful life of the D A-98HR. 1.4.1 Clock sour ce in a digital studio The D A-98HR can be used in a v ariety of sit uations, and with a v ariety of e quipment, either di gital or ana- log.
1 – Introduct ion to the D A-98HR – Recomm ended tapes 10 TASCAM DA-98HR A void e xtreme v oltage fluct uations. If necessary , use an inpu t v oltage re gulator to smooth the p o wer sup- plied to the D A -98HR. Do not open t he unit to clea n inside, or to perform any int ernal adjustment s.
1 – Introduct ion to the D A-98HR – Reco mmended tapes TASCAM DA-98HR 11 1.5.1 T ape br ands The follo wing brands an d m odels of tape can be used with the D A-9 8HR.
12 TASCAM D A-98HR 2 – Front a nd rear panel s 2.1 Front P a nel controls 1 P ower s witch T u rns th e power to the DA-98HR o n and off. When the DA-98H R is turne d off, sett ing s will be re taine d in memory (12.3, “ Me mory backup ” ). 2 T ape loadin g slot Only use Hi8 ME or MP t apes as sp ecif ied in 1.
2 – Front and rear panels – F ront Pane l controls TASCAM DA-98HR 13 8 A V AILABLE TRA CK indicators These tri -col or indica tors light wh en a trac k is av ail- able for r ecording, and t he col or sho ws the freque ncy at which the track will be rec orded (as al so sho wn b y the FORMA T/Fs indicators 7 ).
2 – Front a nd rear panel s – Front Panel controls 14 TASCAM DA-98HR G CLEAR (F2) key This k ey defeats the r ehearsal and auto modes durin g auto punch -in and out (6.
2 – Front and rear panels – F ront Pane l controls TASCAM DA-98HR 15 S SHIFT key and indicator When thi s latchi ng ke y is pressed (t he ind icator wi ll fla sh) , keys F through O bec ome functio n ke ys, and the lef t and right curs or keys ar e used to sa ve a nd load s ettings, respecti vely .
2 – Front a nd rear panel s – Front Panel controls 16 TASCAM DA-98HR f INPUT MONIT OR keys and i ndicators These k eys allo w the monitori ng of inputs to t racks on a t rack -by-tra ck b asi s, irre spec tive of the c urr ent transpor t status. The app ropriate indi cator(s ) will light whe n monitorin g track input(s ) using t hese ke ys.
2 – Front a nd rear panel s – Rear Panel connectors TASCAM DA-98HR 17 2.2 Rear P anel connector s This pro vide s a brief descr iption of the functions of the con nectors on th e rear pan e l. F or full details of con nec- tions, se e 3, “ Conn ectio ns ” , and f or d eta ils of l ev els, etc .
2 – Front a nd rear panel s – Rear Panel connectors 18 TASCAM DA-98HR The p ino ut fo r thi s conn ect or is g iv e n be low . s REMO TE IN/SYNC IN This conne ctor is u sed to connect ano ther “ master ” DTRS unit (e .g. D A-98HR, D A-78HR, D A-98, D A- 88 or D A-38).
TASCAM DA-98HR 19 3 – Connections This sect ion e xplains ho w to connect ot her eq uip- ment to the DA- 98HR in a v ariety of situations. It is not inte nded as a complete r eference to the use of the D A-98HR. See the a ppropria te sec tions for full details of ho w these connect ors are used.
3 – Connectio ns – Synchro nization conne ctions 20 TASCAM DA-98HR In all oth er cases, the dat a is trans ferred accordin g to the foll owing tab le, where the n umbers repr esent the track whi ch is b eing tran sferred. Ital icized numera ls (e.
3 – Connections – C ontrol conn ections TASCAM DA-98HR 21 “ DTRS synchroni zati on ” , the W O RD SYNC jacks do not need t o be connect ed between the DTRS uni ts.
3 – Connectio ns – Connecti on to othe r TASCAM u nits 22 TASCAM DA-98HR Tho ugh t he s lave will r ece iv e its word cloc k fr om th e master uni t, the master it self must rece i ve i ts word clock fr om the other digi tal au dio de vice.
TASCAM DA-98HR 23 4 – Menu op erat ions Read th is secti on to understand the bas ic princ i ples of menu oper ation. This will help you f ind your wa y round the DA-9 8HR ’ s functions ea sily and quickl y . 4.1 The menus The D A-98HR has f ifteen me nu groups, l abeled fr om 0 through 9, and A, B, D, E and F .
4 – Menu op eratio ns – About the functio n keys 24 TASCAM DA-98HR In most time-base d menus, whe n the “ frames ” fi e ld is being edited, the v alue can be change d from 00 to the numbe r of frames in 1 s econd (th e exac t num- ber v aries betw een sett ings) and bac k to 00 .
4 – Menu op eratio ns – Assigning menus to function keys TASCAM DA-98HR 25 2 This menu gi ves yo u two choices, Menu , a nd Locate Position : Menu uses the f unction k eys as a qui ck way of jumping ar ound the menu syst em (4.3, “ Assignin g menus to f uncti on keys ” ).
4 – Menu op eratio ns – Using the function k eys as number keys 26 TASCAM DA-98HR If a ti me v alue is being entered, and an indi vidual fi eld is bl inkin g (hh, mm, ss, f f, etc.), p ressing the 10KEY key an d then en tering a nu m eric v alue cause s the whole t ime fiel d to be r eset and start blinkin g.
TASCAM DA-98HR 27 5 – Monitoring modes NO TE W e st rongly ad vise you t o read this s ection — th e eff ectiv e use of m ulti trac k monit oring is one o f the ke ys to an ef fi- cient recording sess ion.
5 – Monitoring modes – Patching the ou tputs 28 TASCAM DA-98HR 1 From menu g roup 2, move the cur sor to Shtl Mon , and pr ess EN TER : 2 Use the § and ¶ k eys to chang e the setting between on and off . The shutt le monit oring set ting ke y has no ef fect when AU T O M O N is of f.
5 – Monitoring modes – Mixdow n patchbay TASCAM DA-98HR 29 tape sig nals are delayed by about 2 40 millis econds relati ve t o the i nput signa l. This means that it is not recommended tha t you perform punch-ins, etc.
5 – Monitoring modes – Mixdow n patchbay 30 TASCAM DA-98HR 5.4.2 Selecting th e mixdo wn sources 1 From menu g roup B, move the cursor to MixInSel , and pr ess EN TER : Here, T signif ies a tape t rack, S indic ates a channel fr om an optional bo ard f itted in the expansion s lot (e.
TASCAM DA-98HR 31 6 – Basic Operations This sect ion e xplains some of the basi c operations using the D A-98HR. Section 7, “ Advance d opera- tions ” descr ibes more adv anced operati ons.
6 – Basic Operations – F ormatti ng a tape 32 TASCAM DA-98HR NO TE If v ar ispeed is set to on (7.5, “ V ari sp eed (pitch control) ” ) o r FS shift i s select ed (9.4. 1, “ Pull up and pull down (Fs shift ) ” , the cloc k sourc e is set to the s ame as the Wi de set- ting (i.
6 – Basic Operations – Recording th e first tracks TASCAM DA-98HR 33 NO TE If you do press t he FORMA T/Fs ke y twice so t hat th e indi - cator l ights st eadily and y ou then ch ange y our mind ab out f ormatting t he tape , you c an use the ST OP key V , th e CLEAR key G or the ESCAPE key a to cancel th e oper ation.
6 – Basic Operations – R ecording the first tracks 34 TASCAM DA-98HR If the tape co unter sho ws a negat ive v alue, y ou cann ot record on the tape a t that p osition. 6.3.1 Preparing to recor d 1 If you have no t alread y lo ade d a forma tted blank tape, do so now .
6 – Basic Operations – Overdubbi ng TASCAM DA-98HR 35 2 Adjust the i nput signal le vels so that the track meters r ead high, but the OV E R segm ent d oes not l ight. NO TE Use t he r eferenc e level you hav e ch osen (7.7 , “ Ref erence le vels ” ) to be y our “ nomi nal ” level.
6 – Basic Operations – Punch-in an d pu nch-o ut 36 TASCAM DA-98HR edite d to sampl e acc uracy , e ither f rom a list of numerical v alu es or “ on- the-fly ” in real time. The D A-98HR pro vides a r ehearsal mode which sim- ulates t he punc hing pr ocess, allo wing the ar tists t o perf ect t he tim ing o f the new materi al.
6 – Basic Operations – Punch -in an d punch-ou t TASCAM DA-98HR 37 5 Start playing the tape (pre ss PLA Y ), and the signals f rom tap e will be monitor ed. 6 At the point wher e the punch is to occur , press RECORD . The RECORD key flas hes, and t he REC FUNC- TION indica tor(s) of any armed track(s) light steadily .
6 – Basic Operations – Punch-in an d pu nch-o ut 38 TASCAM DA-98HR Any pu nch operati on from no w will take your set ting for pre- roll and use it when lo cating the t ape to the punch-in poi nt.
6 – Basic Operations – Punch -in an d punch-ou t TASCAM DA-98HR 39 6.6.9 Reviewing the pu nched material 1 T o re play the punch-in, pr ess the PLA Y key . Playback start (the REC FUNCTION indicators of the armed t r acks will conti nue to fla sh).
40 TASCAM D A-98HR 7 – Advanced o perations 7.1 A utol ocation The D A-98HR conta ins two location memories accessi ble through t he LOC 1 and LOC 2 keys( O and R ). These al so pro vide a “ A ↔ B rep eat ” f acil- ity , which allo ws you to rehearse part of a mixdown, for inst ance (see 7.
7 – Advanced operations – Function k ey location memories TASCAM DA-98HR 41 function k eys a s number keys ” or the di al to change val ues (4.1.7, “ Using the dial to c hange value s ” ). When you go to a loca tio n poi nt, t he tape wil l now l ocate to the loca tion p oint , minu s the value you have just en tered.
7 – Advanced o perations – Track d elay 42 TASCAM DA-98HR group 7) , pr ess the SHIFT key S , so tha t the SHIFT indicato r flas he s. 2 Pres s the function k ey corr esponding to the memo ry to wh ich you wan t to lo ca te.
7 – Advanced operations – C rossfade time TASCAM DA-98HR 43 7.3.1 T o set the trac k delay: 1 Select menu g r oup 0, and mov e the cursor to Delay .
7 – Advanced o perations – Shuttle operati ons 44 TASCAM DA-98HR 2 Use the Ó and Á keys to m ove the cur sor to the left parameter ( Vari or Fix ). 3 Use the § and ¶ k eys to sel ect Vari rather than Fix , and the V ARI SPEE D indicato r by the tape co unter A wil l ligh t.
7 – Advanced o perations – R eference levels TASCAM DA-98HR 45 7.6.2 Shut tle muting As expl ained abov e, shuttling the ta pe will us ually allo w monitoring of the tape . Ho wev er , there may be times when i t is necessary to mute all t ape signa ls when shuttli ng.
7 – Advanced o perations – Sine oscillato r 46 TASCAM DA-98HR 1 Mov e the c ursor to the Release parame- ter and us e the § and ¶ keys to se lect betw een Slow , Medium and Fast . 7.9 Sine oscillator The D A-98HR incor porates a digi tal osci llat or for lineup an d signal traci ng purpo ses.
7 – Advanced operation s – REC MUTE (recordin g silence) TASCAM DA-98HR 47 length i s set to 2 0 or 24 bits and r ecording a t 16 bits (non-HR). Tho ugh you will lose a litt le in th e signal- to-n ois e rat io, to tal ha rmon ic d istor tion figure s will be impro ved.
7 – Advanced o perations – Dithe r 48 TASCAM DA-98HR 1 Enter menu gr oup D, and move t he cursor t o User bits : 2 The incoming us er bits ar e display ed on the bott om li ne o f the s creen . If th ere are no incoming use r bits, the screen disp lays das hes, as show n above .
7 – Advanced operations – Settin g the power-o n message TASCAM DA-98HR 49 1 Select menu g r oup 9, mov e the cursor to ErrorMute , and pr ess EN TER : 2 Use the § or ¶ key to change the mute to the no mute s ettin g. 3 A message will appear asking if y ou ar e sure that y ou want to disabl e the muting .
50 TASCAM D A-98HR 8 – DTRS synchron ization This sect ion desc ribes the te chniques an d methods to be follo wed when t he D A-98HR is li nke d to other DTRS units (e.g. T ASCAM D A-38, D A-88, D A-98, D A-78HR, and of co urse othe r D A-98HR uni ts).
8 – DTRS synchronizatio n – DTRS emulati on TASCAM DA-98HR 51 Therefor e, for a chain of three units; a D A-98HR as master , with a D A-8 8 and D A-38 as s lav es, the machines ’ IDs shou ld be .
8 – DTRS synchron ization – Machine offs et 52 TASCAM DA-98HR NO TE NOTE None of t hes e emul atio ns pr ovide s fu ll co ntro l of al l facili - ties a vailab le on the D A-98HR from the rem ote contr ol unit. If the remote co ntrol unit d oes not suppor t the D A-98HR, sele ct DA-98 as the em ulation.
8 – DTRS synch ronization – Machi ne of fset TASCAM DA-98HR 53 Another D A-98HR (th e sla ve) has a t ape with so me tracks c ontai ning video b acking music.
8 – DTRS synchron ization – Digit al dubbi ng 54 TASCAM DA-98HR 8.5 Digital dubbi ng When you c opy tape s betwe en DTRS units i n the digital domain, the r e is no l oss of quality .
8 – DTRS synchron ization – Error messages TASCAM DA-98HR 55 2 Load a blank unf ormatted ta pe into eac h DTRS unit. Y ou should ensur e that all tapes are the same leng th. 3 Press the CHASE switch E on all of the s la ve DTRS unit(s). Th e indicator(s) will flash.
56 TASCAM D A-98HR 9 – Operations related to timecod e The D A-98HR co ntains sy nchronization f acilities, includi ng a timecode gener ator , which allo w it to act either as a timecode maste r or a ti mecode slav e.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Tape time code mode TASCAM DA-98HR 57 9.2 T ape timecode mode The follo wing pr ocedure al lows you t o select the source fo r tape timecode when TC has been selecte d, as desc ribed abov e (includin g ABS timings used to sy nthesi ze SMPTE ti mecode.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Recording tim ecode 58 TASCAM DA-98HR 1 Use the Ó and Á k eys to select the “ hours ” fi e l d . 2 Use the § and ¶ keys to s et the “ hours ” value . Here we as sume (fo r simp licit y) th at the “ hours ” va lue has been set to 00.
9 – Operations related t o timecode – Recordin g timecode TASCAM DA-98HR 59 case s, we su ggest that y ou use the i nter nal gene rator or the t ape as so urces for recor di ng time cod e. If yo u are recordi ng timecode on ly , we su ggest that y ou do not use e xternal sou rces f or reco rding timeco de .
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Recording tim ecode 60 TASCAM DA-98HR pressin g the TC REC switch. Ho wever , we do not recommend this method of work ing, as it is impossi - ble to ch eck the timecode s ource prior to r ecord ing.
9 – Operations related t o timecode – Recordin g timecode TASCAM DA-98HR 61 In all ot her cases, we sugg est using eithe r the D A- 98HR ’ s inte rnal generator or timecode from t ape.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Selecting the frame rate 62 TASCAM DA-98HR timecode pr eviousl y r ecorded on the timecode track will be era sed!). 9.3.8 Checking e x ternal timecode External timecode c an also be check ed in anot her way , as descri bed below .
9 – Operations relate d to timecod e – Timeco de input and outp ut TASCAM DA-98HR 63 9.5.1 Timecode input There are two p rimary reason s for the DA- 98HR to recei ve timec ode: whe n the D A-98HR is chasi ng to timecode, and must recei ve the master ti mecode, and whe n the DA-98H R is to rec ord ti meco de f rom another u nit (but s ee 9.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Chasing to timec ode 64 TASCAM DA-98HR 9.5.5 Using MIDI Time Code (MTC) The D A-98HR can out put MIDI T ime Code in almost e xactly the s ame way as it out puts audio time- code, with the follo wing except ions.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Chasing to timecode TASCAM DA-98HR 65 9.6.3 Setting timecode offset from t he menu 1 Go to menu gr oup 4, move the cursor to TC Offset and pr ess ENTER : 2 Us.
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Chasing to timec ode 66 TASCAM DA-98HR 1 Go to menu gr oup 4, move the cursor to Park Posi (park posi tion) and pre ss ENTER : 2 Play and sto p the mast er tape. 3 T urn the D A-98 HR ’ s CHASE on, if it is off .
9 – Operatio ns related to ti mecode – Vid eo resoluti on TASCAM DA-98HR 67 As well as s electi ng rechase, you can also select th e length of the “ r echase wi ndo w ” .
9 – Operations related to timecod e – Video re solut ion 68 TASCAM DA-98HR 9.7.1 Video refere nce setting When synci ng the D A-98HR to a video f rame source, it may be use ful to specify t he fram e rate of the vide o source, i n order to assi st th e synchroni zati on process .
TASCAM DA-98HR 69 10 – External control The D A-98HR can be contro lled b y other units, either t hrough the REMOT E IN/SYNC IN T ASCAM connec tor s as des cribed in 8, “ DTRS synchroni za- tion ” , th e 9-pin RS-422 seri al control conne ctor m , or throug h the MID I IN connector q using MID I Mac hine Con trol.
10 – External control – Use with 9-pin external con trol 70 TASCAM DA-98HR 10.3.3 Recor d dela y Most re corders ( both VTRs and audio r ecorde rs) drop int o recor d a shor t time after t he y rece iv e the command to start r ecordi ng, and editor/c ontrollers are progr ammed to tak e th is into a ccount.
10 – External control – Use with 9-pin external control TASCAM DA-98HR 71 2 Use the § and ¶ keys to select betwee n the two o ptions: x 100 and x 8 . T o determine wh ether your controller is s ending (a) locate command s or (b) fast wind commands , enter a locate op eration from the remote controll er .
10 – External control – Bus protoco l 72 TASCAM DA-98HR menu abov e. If you c hoose enable , the DA - 9 8 H R ’ s timecode t rack wil l be mapped to the track r eferr ed to by the co ntro ller ’ s com- mand signals as “ anal og 3 ” . 10.3.
10 – External control – MIDI Machine Control TASCAM DA-98HR 73 ware must be able t o transmit MMC commands and also to syn c to MT C for this to be e f fective: The sequence r is set u p to transmi t MMC commands, and is set so that it syn chronizes to SMPTE/M TC.
74 TASCAM D A-98HR 11 – Menu and parameter reference 11.1 Menu groups This sect ion pro vides a quick gu ide to the menus and their f unctions, pro viding a li st of me nus in each menu group, t he parameters a vailab l e in e ach menu, and th e v alues that each parameter can ta ke (defaul t va lues are underl ined).
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps TASCAM DA-98HR 75 11.1.3 Menu group 2 11.1.4 Menu group 3 Menu item P arameter(s) V alues Refe rence Shuttle Mute Enable d off or on 7.6. 2, “ Shut tle mu tin g ” Shuttle Monitor Enable d off or on 5.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps 76 TASCAM DA-98HR 11.1.5 Menu gr oup 4 11.1.6 Menu gr oup 5 Menu i tem P arameter(s) V alues Referenc e TC Chase Indiv. Rec Enable d enab le , disable 9.6. 12, “ Indiv idual rec ording w hile ch asi ng timec ode ” Rechase Mode Mode Window rech ase , free 1 se c.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps TASCAM DA-98HR 77 11.1.7 Menu group 6 11.1.8 Menu group 7 Menu i tem Paramete r(s) V alues Referenc e Emulation Device De vice name PCM-7 050 , BVH-3000 , BVU- 950 , BVW-75 , PCM-800 , BVH-2000 , DVR-10 , TASCAM 10.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps 78 TASCAM DA-98HR 11.1.9 Menu gr oup 8 11.1.10 Menu group 9 Menu it em Parame ter( s) V alu es Refer enc e Generate Start Time Time value Def aults t o 00:00: 00:00 9.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps TASCAM DA-98HR 79 11.1.11 Menu group A 11.1.12 Menu group B Menu item Parame ter (s) V alu es Re fer ence Clock Mode automa tic or indi vidual Auto , Individual 8.4.5, “ Cl oc k mode ” AES x2 I/O Mode High -resol uti on transm issi on dual line , high speed 7.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu grou ps 80 TASCAM DA-98HR 11.1.13 Menu group D 11.1.14 Menu group E 11.1.15 Menu group F Menu it em Parame ter( s) V alu es Refer enc e User bits none Allows the viewin g of rec eived user bi ts 7.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu item index TASCAM DA-98HR 81 11.2 Menu item inde x Use this a lphabeti cal lis t when you w ant to fi nd out quickly t o which menu gr oup a menu it em belongs.
11 – Menu and parameter reference – Menu item ind ex 82 TASCAM DA-98HR TC Frame Mode 5 TC Frame Mode 8 TC Record Enable 6 TC Record Source 8 TC Timing 5 TDIF Word Length 2 Time Mode 3 Timecode Off.
TASCAM DA-98HR 83 12 – Maintenance a nd settin gs 12.1 Head and transport cleaning The D A-98HR incor porat es an inte rnal cleaning mechanism th at not onl y cleans the rot ary head, b ut also the t ape as it en ter s the ta pe path. The p rovis ion of this c leani ng mechan ism sig nif icantly red uces the need for ma nual clea ning.
12 – Maintenance and settings – C hecking error rates 84 TASCAM DA-98HR Also , bef ore using an ME tape f or arc hiv al or one-time recording (see 1.5, “ Recommended ta pes ” f or an e xplana- tion of the differe nce between tap e types), we sugg est that you clean the he ads , as described here .
12 – Maintenance and settings – U ser setups in RAM TASCAM DA-98HR 85 12.4 User setups in RAM Commonly-us ed setups are sa ved in one of three user setup memory banks: 1, 2 or 3. This enables pre- con- fi gurat ion of the DA- 98HR for d if ferent jobs (video or f ilm post-pr oduction, o r dif ferent recording se tups, for e xample).
12 – Maintenance and settings – Tape stor age of s etti ngs 86 TASCAM DA-98HR NO TE Since the unit resets when the f actor y setti ngs ar e load ed, you should mak e sure that the le v els of a ll monitoring equipme nt, etc. are turned do wn, to av oid “ thum ps ” and possib le dama ge to ea rs and equip ment.
12 – Maintenance and settings – Check ing version numbers TASCAM DA-98HR 87 12.6 Checking ver sion numbers In case of problems, you may nee d to quot e the v er- sion numb er of the DA- 98HR ’ s int ernal soft ware com pone nts to a T A SCA M rep resen tat iv e.
88 TASCAM D A-98HR 13 – Options/specification s/reference 13.1 D A-98HR options Y ou can purc hase a number of options thr ough your T ASCAM dealer . Thes e in clud e the IF -AN 98H R interfa ce b oards , allo wing high-qual i ty 2 4-bit con v ersion between t he analog and digital domains.
13 – Options/spe cifications/reference – Specifications TASCAM DA-98HR 89 13.2 Specifications 13.2.1 Ph ysica l spec ifications 13.2.2 P ower s pecifica tions 13.2.3 Digital r ecordin g c haract eristic s 13.2. 4 T ape re corder se ctio n 13.2.5 T ape transpor t 13.
13 – Options/specification s/reference – Specifications 90 TASCAM DA-98HR 13.2 .7 Recorder chaa cter isti cs 13.2.8 9-pin (RS-422), MIDI, synchr oniz er specifications VIDE O IN/ THRU NTSC or P AL Negati ve Sync Comp osite Video , Sync Co mposi te Video or Frame Pul se (a uto det ect) 1 V p-p, ± 0.
13 – Options/specification s/reference – MMC Bit Map Array TASCAM DA-98HR 91 13.3 MMC Bit Map Array Commands una vail able on the D A-98HR are st ruck throu gh, as for example (RECORD P A U SE ).
13 – Options/specification s/reference – MMC Bit Map Array 92 TASCAM DA-98HR r0 - 0 (06 ) GENERA TOR TIME COD E (05 ) LOCK DEVIA TION (04 ) AC T UAL OFFSET (03 ) REQUEST ED OFFSET (02) SEL ECT ED .
13 – Optio ns/specificatio ns/reference – MIDI Implementati on TASCAM DA-98HR 93 13.4 MIDI Implementation Chart TASCAM Multitrack Digital R ecorder date :2000.
13 – Options/specification s/reference – MIDI Cont rol Change 94 TASCAM DA-98HR 13.5 MIDI Control Chang e It is po ssible t o send use MIDI Contro l Change me s- sages to control the sub- mix er paramet e rs, as describe d here : MIDI channel s 1 through 8 cont rol ch annels 1 through 8 on the master D A-98HR in a DTRS chain.
13 – Optio ns/specification s/reference – MIDI System Exclusive TASCAM DA-98HR 95 13.6.6 Input P a tch setup < cc > = 0b There are two d ata bytes: < destina tion > and <source> .
Index A - F 96 TASCAM DA-98HR A ABS and SMPTE/EBU timecode 56 ABS timing 56 recording synthesized timecode fro m 60 selecting TC or ABS 56 ABS- 13 and A BS-23 sett ings 57 ABS-Ofs setting 57 Absolute .
Index H - O TASCAM DA-98HR 97 F3 (PRE ROLL) 14 F4 key (AUTO PLAY) 14 F5 k ey (M EMO 1) 14 F6 key(MIXDOWN) 14 F7 key (RHSL) 14 F8 key (AUTO PUNCH) 14 F9 key (REPEAT) 14 Factory defau lts resetting me m.
Index P - S 98 TASCAM DA-98HR timecode 63 timecode format 63 timecode timing 63 word length 48 Outputs patching 28 Overdubbi ng 35 P Parallel contro l 21 Park po sit ion 65 automatic setti ng 65 setti.
Index T - W TASCAM DA-98HR 99 T Tap e bra nds 11 Tape counter and s tatus indic ators 13 Tape loading slot 12 Tape storage of user settings 86 Tape TC, checking 58 Tape timecode 56 Tape timecode m ode.
TEAC CORPORATION Phone: (0422) 52-5082 3-7-3, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8550, Japan TEAC AMERICA, INC. Phone: (323) 726-0303 7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640 TEAC CANADA LTD. Phone: 905-890-8008 Facsimile: 905-890-9888 5939 Wallace Street, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1Z8, Canada TEAC ME XICO, S.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Tascam DA-98HR (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Tascam DA-98HR noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Tascam DA-98HR - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Tascam DA-98HR reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Tascam DA-98HR erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Tascam DA-98HR besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Tascam DA-98HR verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Tascam DA-98HR. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Tascam DA-98HR gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.