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N184 86G Veritas Storage Foundation ™ Cluster File System Installation Guide HP-UX 5.0.
Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System Installation Guide Copy right © 2006 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. SFCFS 5. 0 Symantec, the Symantec logo, Veritas, and Veritas Storage Foun dation Cluster File System are trademarks or registered tra demarks of Symantec Corporation or its aff iliates in the U.
Third-pa rty legal notices Third-party sof tware may be recommended, distributed, embedded, or bundled with this Veritas prod uct. Such third-party software i s licensed separately by i ts copyright holder. All third -party copyrigh ts associated with thi s product are listed in the a ccompany ing rele ase notes.
Contents Chapter 1 Installing and c onfiguring the pr oduct Hardware overview ........................................................................................ ...... 10 Shared storage ...........................................................
6 Chapter 2 Upgrading the product Preparing to upgrade the product ............................................... ...................... 36 Planning the upgr ade ........................................ ........................................ .. 36 Upgrade paths .
Chapter 1 Installing and configuring the product This c hapter describes ho w to inst all the Veri tas Storage Foundati on Clu ster Fil e Sys tem ( SFCF S). SFCFS requires several Veritas software packages to configure a cluster and to pr ovide messaging services.
10 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Hardwa re overview Hardware overview VxFS clus ter functi onalit y runs optimal ly on a Fibre C hannel fabric . Fibre Channel technology provi des the fastest, most reliable, and highest band width connectivity currently available.
11 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Hard ware over view Shared storage Shared storage can be one or more sh ared disks or a disk array connected either directly to the nodes of th e cluster or through a Fibre C hannel Switch. Nodes c an also have non -shared or local devi ces on a local I/O channel.
12 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Soft wa re com pon ents Software components Storage Foundation for Cluster File System i s the name of th e Veritas Cluster File System product and its supporting software packages.
13 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Sof twa re com pon ents VRTSvcs V eri tas Clu ster Serve r VRTSacclib V eritas ACC L ibrary VRTSvcsag V eri tas Clu ster Serve r B un dl ed Age nts VRTSvc.
14 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Soft wa re com pon ents Optiona l packages for SFCFS and SFCFS H A Note: S FCFS 5.0 operates only on HP-UX 11 i 64-bit operating system with the Septem ber 2004 HP-UX 11 i Versi on 2.0 or la ter. All cl uster nod es must be runnin g this OS vers ion.
15 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Req uir ed HP- UX patc he s Required HP-UX pat ches HP-UX required patches include the following: HP-UX Patch ID Description PHCO_32385 Enables fscat (1M). PHCO_32387 Enables getext (1M). PHCO_32388 Enables setext (1M).
16 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Required HP-UX patches In addition to the ab ove patches the EnableVXFS bundle needs to be installed before instal ling the SFCFS 5.0. Thi s bundle is a HP bundle and cont ains enhancements to various commands to understand the new disk layout Version 6 and later.
17 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Preins tallation Preinstallation Release No tes Read the Release Notes for all products included with this product.
18 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Prei nstal latio n Also, you can get th e patches from Hewl ett-Packard’s Patch Database off ered under the Maintenance and Support section of the HP Services & Support - IT Resource Center.
19 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Prerequi sites Veritas Enterprise Administrator The Ver itas Ente rprise Adm inistra tor (VEA ) client can be insta lled and r un on any machine that supports the Java R untime Environment. VEA is required to ac cess the graphical user interface (GUI) for Veritas Storage Foundation.
20 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Installin g the pro duct ■ The host n ames of the c luster nodes. ■ The de vice names of the networ k interf ace c ards (NICs ) used f or the priv ate networks among nodes.
21 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Install ing the product T o install the product 1 Log in as superuser . 2 Insert the appr opriate media disc int o your s yst em ’ s D VD-ROM driv e con necte d to yo ur sys tem.
22 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Conf igur ing the Co mpon ents Configuring the Components This s ections descr ibes the conf igurat ion of SFCFS compon ents. T o configure the component s 1 Log in as superuser . 2 Run t h e installer comman d t o install the SFCFS .
23 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct Configurin g the Compone nts 7 Answer the pr o mpts t o co nfigur e V CS f or SFCFS. Y ou are pr ompted to confi gur e SFCFS to use V eritas Security Ser vic es.
24 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Using th e log files 16 Ent er y or n if the V xVM default disk gr oup inf ormation is cor rec t. Y ou ar e pr ompted t o enable c entr aliz ed managem ent. Enable Centralized Management? [y,n,q] (y) n 17 Ent er y or n t o enable centr alized manag ement.
25 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct V erifyin g the configurat ion fi les Verifying the configuration files You can inspect the contents of the configuration files that were installed and modified after a successful install ation process. These files reflect the config urat ion ba sed on the i nformati on y ou sup plied.
26 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct V erifyin g the co nfigura tion fil es Checking Low Latency Tra nsport operation Use the lltstat command to verify tha t links are active for LLT. This command returns informat ion about the links for LLT for the system on whic h it is typed.
27 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct V erifyin g the configurat ion fi les . . . 31 CONNWAIT lan1 DOWN lan2 DOWN Note: The output lists 3 2 nodes.
28 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct V erifyin g the co nfigura tion fil es Group Membership and Atomic B roadcast configuration files The following files a re required by th e VCS communication services for Group Memb ershi p and Atom ic Br oadc ast (G AB).
29 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct V erifyin g the configurat ion fi les Checkin g clus ter operat ion This section descr ibes how to check cl uster operation.
30 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct V erifyin g the co nfigura tion fil es system01 ConfigDiskState CURRENT system01 ConfigFile /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config system01 ConfigInfoCnt 0 system01 Con.
31 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct V erifyin g age nt config uration Verifying agent configuration This section descr ibes how to verify the a gent configuration.
32 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct Conf igur ing VC S In a VCS cluster, the first system to be brought online rea ds the configuratio n file and creates an internal (in-memory) representation of the configuration. Systems brough t online after the first system derive their info rmatio n from systems running in the cluster.
33 Instal ling an d con figuring the pr oduct VCS applic ation fail over s ervi ces ) CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd ( Critical = 0 CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog } ) cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd vxfsckd .
34 Installi ng and co nfiguri ng the produ ct VCS applic ation fail over s ervi ces.
Chapter 2 Upgrading the product If you are running an ea rlier release of Veritas Storage Foundation C luster File System, you can upgrade your product using the procedures described in this chapt er. Topic s covered in this chap ter incl ude: ■ Preparing to upgrade th e product ■ Upgrade Overview ■ Upgr ading fro m 3.
36 Upgrading the product Preparin g to upgrade th e product Preparing to upgrade the product This section prepares you for the Veritas Storage Foun dation Cluster File System upgrade.
37 Upgrading the product Prepari ng to upgr ade the product Stor ag e F oundation Clust er Fi le Sys tem 3.5 Upd ate 3 (form erl y known as, SANPoint F ound ation Suite 3.5 Upd ate 3) Stor age F oundation Cluste r File System 5. 0 Pr oceed to “ Upgrading from 3.
38 Upgrading the product Upgrade Ove rview Upgrade Overview There are two ways to upgrade cluster nodes to the latest version of Storage Foundation Cluster File System: phased a nd full. Phased upgrade A phased upgrade minimizes downtime by upgrading portions of the cluster, one at a time.
39 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 3.5 to 5.0 Upgradin g from 3 .5 to 5.0 SFCFS can be upgraded from 3 .5 to 5.0 using phased or full upgrade procedure.
40 Upgrading the product Upgra ding from 3.5 t o 5. 0 9 Unin stall VCS 3. 5 from system 01 a nd syste m02. Run the followi ng c omma nds f r om one of t he n odes.
41 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 3.5 to 5.0 15 Change the configuration files by running the f ollowing commands on one of the upgr aded nodes, sa y sy stem01.
42 Upgrading the product Upgra ding from 3.5 t o 5. 0 18 Conf igure SFCFS on syst em01 and system 02. See “ U sing the log fil es ”. Note: VCS configurati on files are not c hanged duri ng this config uration .
43 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 3.5 to 5.0 8 Unins tall V CS 3.5 fr om all the n odes. R un the f ollo wing c ommands fr om one of the nodes. See the Veritas Cluster Server In stallation Guide . # cd /opt/VRTSvcs/install # ./uninstallvcs Note: Ign ore any er rors fr om the uninstallvcs script and proceed wi th the uninstall of VCS.
44 Upgrading the product Upgra ding from 3.5 t o 5. 0 13 Change the configu ration files by runn ing the following commands from one of the nodes. # /opt/VRTS/bin/hastart # /opt/VRTS/bin/haconf -maker.
45 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 4.1 to 5.0 16 Conf igure SFCFS on syst em01 and system 02. See “ U sing the log file s ”. Note: VCS confi guration f iles ar e not ch anged du ring t his co nfigur ation.
46 Upgrading the product Upgra ding from 4.1 t o 5. 0 # mv /etc/llthosts /etc/llthosts.bak b Install all the pr er equisite pat c hes and reboot the machines. c Move /etc/llthosts to /etc/llthosts.bak on al l the node s t o be upgraded . # mv /etc/llthosts.
47 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 4.1 to 5.0 12 Change the configuration files by running the f ollowing commands on one of the upgra ded nodes.
48 Upgrading the product Upgra ding from 4.1 t o 5. 0 16 Conf igure SFCFS on syst em01 and system 02. See “ U sing the log fil es ”. Note: VCS configurati on files are not c hanged duri ng this config uration .
49 Upgrading the product Upgra ding fro m 4.1 to 5.0 8 Inst all SFCFS 5.0 a nd reboot all the nodes. See “ Installing the product ” on page 19. Note: Do not configure SFCFS after reboot. 9 Start vxfen on all the nodes. vxfen can be started either in disable or enable mode.
50 Upgrading the product Upgradin g the disk layout versio ns 12 V erify the s yntax of the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ file by running the following comma nds on system01: # cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config # /opt/VRTS/bin/hacf -verify . 13 R un the f ollow ing c ommand o n all the node s t o st art V CS.
51 Upgrading the product Upgrad ing th e disk layout v ersions 4 On the node select ed in step 1 , after the disk lay o ut has been su cc essfully upgraded , unmount t he file sy stem. # umount /mnt1 5 Thi s file sy stem can be mount ed on all no des of th e c luster using cfsmount .
52 Upgrading the product Upgradin g the disk layout versio ns.
Chapter 3 Adding and removing a node This cha pter prov ides info rmatio n on how to ad d a node to an exis ting clus ter and re moving a node from a c luster .
54 Adding and remo ving a node Adding a no de to a cluste r Adding a node to a cluster If yo u wa nt to a dd a ne w nod e to a m ulti -n ode c lus ter, fir st pre pa re the new system hardware. Physically con nect the new system to the cluster using private networks and attach to any shared st orage.
55 Adding an d remov ing a nod e Adding a n ode to a cl uster 11 Ent er y or n f or another lic ense k e y . Y ou ar e pr ompted t o pr ess R eturn t o con ti nu e . Do you want to enter another license key for system03? [y,n,q,?] (n) 12 Ent er 1 or 2 to be installed o n all sy stem s.
56 Adding and remo ving a node Conf igur ing SFC FS a nd CVM age nts on t he new nod e Configuring SFCFS and CVM agents on the new node You must configure t he SFCFS and CVM agents, after rebooting the new sy stem. T o configure SFCFS and CVM agents on the new node 1 Start the VCS server and vxfen on sys tem 03.
57 Adding an d remov ing a nod e Removing a nod e from a clus ter # haconf —dump -makero 9 Put the CVM r esour ces bac k online, in the follo wing or der: # hagrp -online cvm -sys system01 # hagrp -.
58 Adding and remo ving a node Removing a n ode from a cluste r 4 Remo v e syst em03 fr o m the s ystem li st at tribute of the CVM and SFCFS servic e gr oups: # hagrp -modify service_group SystemList.
59 Adding an d remov ing a nod e Removing a nod e from a clus ter 12 From t h e scripts direct ory , run the uninstallsfcfs scr ipt and r emo ve SFCFS on system 03: # ./uninstallsfcfs If you do not want to remove the Veritas Clu ster Server software, enter n when prompted to uninstall VCS.
60 Adding and remo ving a node Removing a n ode from a cluste r.
Chapter 4 Uninstalling the product If you need to uninstall SFCFS software. Us e the uninstallsfcfs script. T o uninstall SFCFS HA 1 Log in as superuser . Note: Do not use the hastop -force command to sto p VCS. 2 Change directory to /opt/VRTS/install : # cd /opt/VRTS/install 3 Run t h e uninstallsfcfs c ommand t o uninstall SFCF S.
62 Uninstalling the p roduct.
Appendix A Troubleshooting and recovery Installation issues If you encounter any issues installing SF CFS, refer to the following paragraphs for typical problems and their solutions. Incorrect permissions for root on remote system The permissions are inappropriate.
64 Storage F oun dation Clust er File Syst em probl ems Resource tempo rarily unavailable If the installation f ails with the fo llowing error message on the console: fork() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable The value of nkthr ead tunable parameter nay not be large enough.
65 Sto rag e Foun dati on C lus ter File Sy stem probl ems Unmount fa ilu res The umount command ca n fai l if a referen ce is being h eld by a n NFS server.
66 Storage F oun dation Clust er File Syst em probl ems ■ If this err or messag e displays: mount: slow The node may be in the process of joining the cluster.
67 Sto rag e Foun dati on C lus ter File Sy stem probl ems High availability issues Network pa rtition/jeopardy Networ k partit ion (o r split brain ) is a con dition where a netw ork fa ilure can be misinterpreted as a failure of one or more nodes i n a cluster.
68 Storage F oun dation Clust er File Syst em probl ems Low memo ry Under h eavy lo ads, softwar e that ma na ges heartbeat communication links may not be ab le to all ocate ke rnel memory . If thi s occurs , a no de halts to avoi d any chance of network partitioning.
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