Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 15 des Produzenten Sybase
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Inst allation Gu ide Replication Server ® 15.0 [ UNIX ].
DOCUMENT ID: DC32237 -01-150 0-03 LAST REVISED: November 2 006 Copyright © 19 92-2006 by Sybase, I nc. All righ ts reserved. This publicatio n pertai ns to Sybase sof tware and to any sub sequent relea se until othe rwise indica ted in new e ditions or technic al not es.
Content s Insta llation Gui de for UNIX iii About This B ook ................................................................................................................ ............ v CHAPTER 1 Before You Be gin .......................... .......
Contents iv Repli cation Serve r Review the log files .............. .......................................................... 39 Start Adaptive Server for the RSSD ............................................... 40 Start the sample Replication Server .
Insta llation Gui de for UNIX v About This Book Audience This book is for Syst em Adminis trators and o ther quali fied ins tallers who are familiar with their system’ s environment, networks, disk resources, and media devices .
vi Repli cation Ser ver • What’ s New in Replicatio n Server? – describes t he new features in Replicat ion S erv er ver sion 15.0 an d t he s yst em chan ges add ed t o s up por t those features. • Administration Guid e – cont ains an intr odu ction to replication sy stems.
About This Book Insta llation Gui de for UNIX vii Other source s of information U se the Sybas e Getting S tart ed CD, the SyBo oks CD, and t he Sybase Pro duct Manuals W eb site to learn more about y.
viii Repli cation Ser ver 2 Either s elect the pr oduct family an d product un der Search by Base Product; o r select the plat form and prod uct under Search by Platform. 3 Select Search to display the availability and certification report for the selection.
About This Book Insta llation Gui de for UNIX ix Examples that show the u se of Replication Server co mmands are printed as follows: alter user louise set password hFE5t verify password hFE5t Command .
x Repli cation Ser ver • Curly brace s and commas – choose o ne or more op tions. If you choose more than o ne, separate your cho ices with commas. {cash, check, credit} Optional choices • One item in square brackets – choo se it o r om it it.
About This Book Insta llation Gui de for UNIX xi For information about how Sybase suppo rts access ibility , see Sybase Accessibilit y at http ://www .sybase .com/ac cessibility . The Sybase Accessibility site includes link s to info rmation on Section 508 and W3C standards .
xii Repli cation Ser ver.
Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 1 CHAPTER 1 Before Y ou Begin This chapter p rovides information about system and licens ing requirements fo r installin g Replicatio n Server . It also discusses other pre-installation task s you must complete be fore you install Replication Server .
Sybase Software Asset Management 2 Repli cation Ser ver • The Replication Server Adm inistration tool, which co ns ists of: • Sybase Centr al version 4.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 3 How SySAM works Replication Server uses SySAM to “check out” a license for prod uct functionality , then checks the license back in when the product is no longer in use.
Sybase Software Asset Management 4 Repli cation Ser ver Setting up an unserved configuration During Replication Server installation , select the option to use a local license file. When yo u are activating licenses fro m the Syb ase Software Pro duct Download Ce nter (SP DC) at ht tps://sybase.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 5 Multiple users connect to the netwo rk licen se ser v er to obtain the required license. Y ou can activate several licenses at once, you have full control over license use, an d you hav e acces s to co mplete as se t man agement and repo rting capabilities.
Sybase Software Asset Management 6 Repli cation Ser ver 2 Replication Server v ersion 15.0 uses a newer version of the Sy SAM licensing techn ology and an up dated license for mat. On any one mach ine, you can hav e only one instan ce of a license server run ning.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 7 set SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE=1700@tokyo;1700@chica go Replication Server attemp ts to use the first server in the list. If that fails for any reason, Replicatio n Serv er trie s to use the second server .
Sybase Software Asset Management 8 Repli cation Ser ver Install the network license server on th e three selected machines and de ploy the license obtained on a ll three machines. See “Install ing a ne w li ce nse serv er” on page 22 for instruct ions.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 9 3 Shut down the old license server and start the new license server . 4 Copy any n ew licenses int o this new di rectory .
Sybase Software Asset Management 10 Repli cation Ser ver 3 Shut down the earlier ind ividual license servers on each mach ine and point the software to the new license s erver . Use the lmpath uti lity (see “ Usi ng SySAM utilities” on page 55) to do this , or edit the license.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 11 Some W indows and L inux machines u se technologi es such as “Hyper Threading” which presents o ne physical CPU as two logical CPUs. This is still considered one CPU for counting licenses.
Sybase Software Asset Management 12 Repli cation Ser ver If Replication Server cannot obtain a license, SySAM evaluates whether the license can be issued u nder a grace per iod. The grace periods evalu ated are descr ibed in “License availability and grace pe riod s” on page 11.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 13 Replication Server contin ues to operate normally until the iss ue causin g the license failure is fix ed, or until the grace period exp ires. The error message indicates the date an d time the g race peri od is scheduled to end .
Pre-installation tas ks 14 Repli cation Ser ver Plan your replication sys tem The Replication Ser ver Configur ation Guide for U NIX provides th e necessary inform ation, includi ng an instal lation works heet and a dat abase setup worksheet to help you plan your replicatio n s ystem .
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 15 If your op erating sy stem requi res pat ches, ins tall them bef ore you i nstall Replication Server componen ts. Note Do n ot use a pat ch that is ear lier than the version suggested f or y our operating sy stem.
Pre-installation tas ks 16 Repli cation Ser ver Configure the opera ting system for asynchronous I/O HP-UX onl y – T o optimize as ynchronous I /O and to prevent the pagi ng of shared mem ory , you must grant MLOCK pe rmissions b efore you ins tall Replication S erver .
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 17 Y ou can install Replication Server 15.0 on top of Replication Serv er 12.6, in the same $SYBASE director y . Installing 15.0 on to p of Replicati on Server 12. 6 will create a duplicate entry in the in terfaces file for SAMPLE_RS, which is the sample Replicatio n Server .
Pre-installation tas ks 18 Repli cation Ser ver Shared compo nents are in stalled in subdirectories that are s eparate from component subd irectories. For example, the Replication Server subdirecto r y is $SYBASE/RE P-15_0 .
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 19 • log.txt – the log of the installat ion process . • OCS-15_ 0 – Open Client and Open Server files, including bin , config , devlib , include , lib , lib3p , samp le , sybhel p , and xappdef aults .
Pre-installation tas ks 20 Repli cation Ser ver • HP-UX – SHLI B_P A TH • IBM AIX – LIBP A TH Set the environment variable as follows: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/lib If you d o not set th is environmen t variable, dse dit does not start, and an error message repor ts that a shared library ca nnot be foun d.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 21 T o create a Sybase System Administra tor account, choose an existing account, or create a new account and assign a user ID, group ID, and password f or it. This account is s ometimes called the “sybas e” user account.
Pre-installation tas ks 22 Repli cation Ser ver Before you install Repl icatio n Server , decide which SySAM configuration to use: • Uns er ve d mo de l usin g uns erv ed lice nse s • Network lice.
CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 23 2 Launch the Sybase installe r pro gram by enteri ng : ./setup 3 The W elcome W indow displays . Click Next . 4 Accept the license agreement. 5 Enter or select the destination directo ry . 6 Select the custom installation.
Pre-installation tas ks 24 Repli cation Ser ver The administrato r can add new memb ers to the Sybase Pr oduct Download Center accoun t at any time. b Select the product for which to activate licenses. c Complete the Licens e Activation wizard to gener ate required licenses.
Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 25 CHAPTER 2 Inst alli ng Replication Server This chapter de scribes how t o install the Repl ication Server software from a CD using InstallShiel d.
Using InstallShiel d for installation 26 Repli cation Ser ver • Install all R eplication Serv er components. Y ou can cho ose the ins tallation option t hat work s bes t for you: • T ypical (default) – instal ls th e Replication Server components considered to be useful for most customers.
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 27 Inst alling Replication Server Follow the proced ures in this sectio n to install Replicatio n Server components.
Installing Replic ation Server 28 Repli cation Ser ver The operating system mounts the CD automatically . If you get CD-reading erro rs , check you r oper ating system ker nel to make sure the ISO 9660 opti on is turned on. Note If yo ur CD shows up as anything other th an sybasecd , it means you previ ously inst alled a Syba se CD on your system.
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 29 cd / device_name ./setup -is:javahome JVM •H P - U X : cd / cdrom ./setup •S o l a r i s : cd / cdrom /rs150solaris ./setup 2 Y ou might see the follo wing error message: Error writing file = There may not be enough temporary disk space.
Installing Replic ation Server 30 Repli cation Ser ver will be replaced. Do you want to co ntinue with installation into this directory? Click Y es if you wish to inst all on top of the previo us ins tallatio n.
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 31 next to continue the wizard. 12 The SySAM Li cense Server w indow opens and displ ays this pro mpt: Will licenses be obtained f.
Installing Replic ation Server 32 Repli cation Ser ver • Y es – to configure and start a sample Replication Server . InstallShield displays the con figuration inform ation for the sample Repl ication Server . W rite this informatio n down . • No – to comp lete the installation and conf igure a fully-featur ed Replicat ion Serv er manually .
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 33 ❖ Inst alling in console mo de The steps for in stalling comp onents in an interactiv e text mode ar e the same as those de s.
Installing Replic ation Server 34 Repli cation Ser ver Inst alli ng with a respons e file Y o u can ins tall Replicati on Server usi ng a resp onse file in combinatio n with a console or s ilent installation. Y o u must first create the respon se file.
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 35 Do not us e special characters for the p a th name, such as blanks or per iods. 2 Specify the setup typ e, where installation _type specifies the type of installation (Fu ll, T ypical, or Cu sto m): -W setupTypes.
Installing Replic ation Server 36 Repli cation Ser ver ./setup -console -options REP.respo nse -W SybaseLicense.agreeToLicense=true • IBM AIX: ./setup -console -options REP.respo nse -is:javahome JVM -W SybaseLicense.agreeToLicense=true Where: • REP .
CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 37 The -is:log parameter creates an ERROR.log log file, and the -is:javaconsole parameter causes errors to b e written to the screen. Note If you encounter errors d uring installation, ch eck the installation l og file to see a record of the installatio n pr ocess.
Uninstalling Sybase products 38 Repli cation Ser ver 3 Select the p roduct you wan t to remove from the list, th en click Next. 4 V erify the summary information, then click Next. The uninstaller removes the files associated w ith the software. 5 Cli ck Finish .
Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 39 CHAPTER 3 Post-Inst allation T asks This chapter describ es the post-in stallation ta sks that yo u need to perform after installing the Rep licati on Server softwar e. For more information, see the Replication Server C onfiguration Guide for UNIX .
Start Adaptive Server for the RSSD 40 Repli cation Ser ver S t art Adaptive Server for the RSSD T o use the RSSD stored on Adaptive Se rver Enterprise, install the Adaptive Server En terprise datab ase, if yo u have not do ne so already . For install ation instructions, see the Adaptive Server Ente rp rise Installatio n Guide for your plat for m.
CHAPTER 3 Post-Installation Tasks Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 41 • xxx – is the numb er of that instance of th e log on that day . The sample Replication Se rver is configured using the SAMPLE_RS.r es resource file. All files and logs associated with the sample Replication Server are in the directory $SYBAS E/REP-15 _0/samp_r epserver .
Set environment variables 42 Repli cation Ser ver •U s e t h e sourc e command to source SYB ASE. sh or SYB ASE.c sh and update the compon ent’ s RUN env ironment immediately for you r current ses.
Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 43 APPENDIX A SySAM Administration Replicat ion Server uses Sybase S oftware Asset Managemen t (SySAM) to perf o rm li c ense admi nis tra t i o n an d asse t ma na gem ent task s. Managing licens es The Sybase P roduct Downl oad Center i s an where you ob tain license key s to enable Sybase software.
Managing licenses 44 Repli cation Ser ver • If you are going to use a network license server , you need the host ID of the machin e where th e license ser ver will ru n.
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 45 • Obtain updat ed licenses aft er renewin g support. Note When you renew yo ur softwar e support with Sybase, the SySAM licenses are updated with th e new support date. Downlo ad updated licenses f rom the Sybase P roduct Downlo ad Center afte r renewing support.
Starting and stopping network license servers 46 Repli cation Ser ver S t arting and stopping network licens e servers ❖ Manuall y st arting SySAM servers 1G o t o $SYBA SE/ SYS AM-2_ 0/ bin . 2 Execute: sysam start ❖ Manuall y stopping a SySAM server 1 In a Comm and Prompt w indow , go to $SYB ASE/SYSAM-2 _0/bin .
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 47 >> $SYSAM/log/boot.log" ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 3 Save the script to the file name appropriate f or your operating system. Sol aris: /etc/init.
Borrowing a license to work offline 48 Repli cation Ser ver IBM AIX: ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/sysam.boot /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K02sysam HP-UX: ln -s /sbin/init.
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 49 3E n t e r : ./lmutil lmborrow SYBASE enddate [ time ] where enda te [time] is th e des ir e d bor row end da te. Note Ru n lm borrow from the same machine on which licenses are being borrowed, and from the same us er that starts Replication Server .
Enabling the network licens e server REPORTLOG file 50 Repli cation Ser ver 3 Return the curren tly borrowed license if the lease has not expire d. 4 Execute the steps to borrow licenses with a new lease en d date.
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 51 The SAMreport install program is on th e Replication Server installation media in the /samr eport dir ectory . Note The recommended $SAM r epor t_ home location is $SYBASE/ SYSAM-2_0/ samr eport .
Using SAMreport 52 Repli cation Ser ver Inst alling the Java Runtim e Environment Before you instal l SAMreport, you may need to install t he Java R untime Enviro nment (JRE), specific to y our platfor m. Refer to you r platform docu men t atio n or web s ite f or m ore de ta ils.
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 53 HP-UX: samrep ort- 3_6-hp 700_u1 1.bin -i s:java home JRE dire ctor y Sol aris: samrep ort- 3_6-su n4_u5.
Using SAMreport 54 Repli cation Ser ver Post-inst allation tasks for SAMreport Set the f ollowing envi ronment vari able befor e launching S AMreport. Perf orm the following task, each time yo u start SAMreport. Note SAMrepo rt may not lau nch without th is variable def ined.
APPENDIX A SySAM Admi nistration Insta llation Gui de for UNIX 55 Managing and collec ting logs SAMreport mus t access repor t logs on the SySAM license server on which you want the report. If you are using an uns erved license, the report log f iles must be on the local machin e.
Using SySAM utilities 56 Repli cation Ser ver • lmswitchr – swi tches the report log to a new file name. • lmver – reports the F LEXnet licensing version of a library or bi nary file. For more information, see Chapter 7 in th e FLEXnet L icensing En d-User Guide .
Inst allation G uide for UNIX 57 A account s, cre ating sy base user 20 Adap tiv e Se rver for the Replication Serv er Sy stem Data ba s e 40 upgrad ing 40 administration task s 20 SySAM l i censes 46.
Index 58 Replicatio n Server $SCROOT 42 $SYBROOT 42 $SYBAS E_SYSAM 42 $SYBASE_ UA 42 table of 42 examples style conven tions ix existing Adaptive Server En terprise 12.x (64-bit) directory warning a bout installin g into 25 existing insta lla ti on directo rie s 29 F files installatio n log 37 log.
Index Inst allation G uide for UNIX 59 L li ce n s e agre emen t 29 li ce n s e file s 3 li cens es acquiri ng SySAM during a grace per i od 12 admi nistratio n of Sy SAM 46 borr owing Sy SAM to wo rk.
Index 60 Replicatio n Server operat i ng system pa tc hes 14 system 14 resetting en viro nment var i ables 26 response files creating 34 editin g 34 installatio ns 27, 34 returni ng bo rrowed Sy SAM l.
Index Inst allation G uide for UNIX 61 configur atio n optio ns 3 descript ion 2 enabling the network li cense server REPORT LOG file 50 installing a network license server 22 licens e availability an.
Index 62 Replicatio n Server W -W flag and se tu p 36 warnings installi ng into existin g Adapt ive Server En terprise 12 .x (64-b i t) dir e ctor y 25.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sybase 15 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sybase 15 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sybase 15 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sybase 15 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sybase 15 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sybase 15 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sybase 15 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sybase 15. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sybase 15 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.