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Sun GlassF ish Enterprise Ser v er 2.1 P er f ormance T uning Guide Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. Part N o: 820–4343–10 January 2009.
Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. I n particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more U.
Cont ents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................13 1 Overview of Enterprise Ser v er Performance T uning .............................
Tuning Tips for Specic Types of EJB Components ............................................................... 42 JDBC and Database Access ......................................................................................................... 46 Tuning M essage-Driven Beans .
Improving ORB P erformance with J ava Serialization ............................................................. 75 Thread P ool Settings ................................................................................................................
Disk I/O Settings ................................................................................................................ ........ 102 TCP/IP Settings ...........................................................................................
F igures FIGURE 1–1 J ava EE A pplication Model ....................................................................................... 20 7.
T ables T ABLE 1–1 P erformance Tuning Roadmap ............................................................................... 17 T ABLE 1–2 Factors That Aect P erformance ........................................................................
Examples EXAMPLE 4–1 Heap Conguration on Solaris ................................................................................ 89 EXAMPLE 4–2 Heap Conguration on Windows ....................................................................
P refac e The P erformance Tuning Guide describes how to get the best performance with Enterprise Server. This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish TM Enterprise Server documentation set.
T ABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server D ocumentation Set (Continued) Book Title Description H igh A vailability Administration Guide Setting up clusters, working with node agents, and using load balancers. A dministration Reference Editing the Enterprise Server conguration le, domain.
T ypogr aphic Con ventions The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book. T ABLE P–3 Typographic Conventions T ypeface Meaning Example AaBbCc123 The names of commands, les, and directories, and onscreen computer output Edit your .
T ABLE P–4 Symbol Conventions (Continued) Symbol Description Example Meaning → Indicates menu item selection in a graphical user interface. File → New → Templates From the File menu, choose N ew.
O v er view of Enterprise Ser ver P er formanc e T uning You can signicantly improve performance of the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server and of applications deployed to it by adjusting a few deployment and server conguration settings. However, it is important to understand the environment and performance goals.
T ABLE 1–1 Performance Tuning Roadmap (Continued) Step Description of T ask Location of Instructions 3 Installation: I f you are using H ADB for session persistence, ensure that the H ADB software is installed. I nstallation Guide 4 Deployment: Install and run your applications.
Understanding Opera tional Requirements Before you begin to deploy and tune your application on the Application Server, it is important to clearly dene the operational environment.
M oderately complex enterprise applications can be developed entirely using servlets and JSP technology. M ore complex business applications often use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components. The A pplication Server integrates the web and EJB containers in a single process.
Security Requirements M ost business applications require security. This section discusses security considerations and decisions. User A uthentication and Authoriza tion A pplication users must be authenticated. The A pplication Server provides three dierent choices for user authentication: le-based, LD AP , and Solaris.
■ What is the nature of the applications with respect to security? Do they encrypt all or only a part of the application inputs and output? What percentage of the information needs to be securely tr.
Administr ation A single A pplication Server installation on a server can encompass multiple instances. A group of one or more instances that are administered by a single A dministration Server is called a domain . Grouping server instances into domains permits dierent people to independently administer the groups.
T ABLE 1–2 Factors That Aect P erformance Concept In practice Measurement Value sourc es User Load Concurrent sessions at peak load Transactions P er Minute (TPM) Web Interactions P er Second (WIPS) (Max.
▼ T o Determine Capacity Determine performance on a single CPU. First determine the largest load that a single processor can sustain. You can obtain this gure by measuring the performance of the application on a single-processor machine.
fraction of them are logged in and performing business transactions. A common mistake during capacity planning is to use the total size of customer population as the basis and not the average and peak numbers for concurrent users. The number of concurrent users also may exhibit patterns over time.
T uning Y our Application This chapter provides information on tuning applications for maximum performance. A complete guide to writing high performance J ava and J ava EE applications is beyond the scope of this document.
String str = " testing " ; str = str + " abc " ; The compiler translates this code as: String str = " testing " ; StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(str); tmp.append( " abc " ); str = tmp.toString(); Therefore, copying is inherently expensive and overusing it can reduce performance signicantly.
Declare Method Arguments nal Declare method arguments final if they are not modied in the method. In general, declare all variables final if they are not modied after being initialized or set to some value. Synchr onize Only When Necessary Do not synchronize code blocks or methods unless synchronization is required.
Suggested C oding Practices This section provides some tips on coding practices that improve servlet and JSP application performance. General Guidelines Follow these general guidelines to increase performance of the presentation tier: ■ Minimize J ava synchronization in servlets.
Congur ation and Deployment Tips Follow these conguration tips to improve performance. These tips are intended for production environments, not development environments. ■ To improve class loading time, avoid having excessive directories in the server CLASSPATH .
E JB Per f ormance T uning The Enterprise Server’ s high-performance EJB container has numerous parameters that aect performance. Individual EJB components also have parameters that aect performance. The value of individual EJB component’ s parameter overrides the value of the same parameter for the EJB container.
asadmin get --user admin --host e4800-241-a --port 4848 -m specjcmp.application.SPECjAppServer.ejb-module. supplier_jar.stateful-session-bean.BuyerSes.
collection is happening too frequently, and the pool size is growing, but the cache hit rate is small, then the pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds can be reduced to destroy the instances. Note – Specifying a max-pool-size of zero (0) means that the pool is unbounded.
To nd the possible objects (applications, modules, beans, and methods) and object attributes that can be monitored, use the A dmin Console. For more information, see Chapter 18, “M onitoring Components and Services, ” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.
■ Cache EJB resources : Use setSessionContext() or ejbCreate() to cache bean resources. This is again an example of using bean lifecycle methods to perform application actions only once where possible. Remember to release acquired resources in the ejbRemove() method.
Pref er Local Inter faces An EJB component can have remote and local interfaces. Clients not located in the same application server instance as the bean (remote clients) use the remote interface to access the bean.
semantics. See “Value A dded Features” in Sun GlassF ish Enterprise Server 2.1 Developer’ s Guide for more details about the pass-by-reference ag. To specify that an EJB component will use pass by reference semantics, use the following tag in the sun-ejb-jar.
source are going to be involved in a transaction. If a database participates in some distributed transactions, but mostly in local or single database transactions, it is advisable to register two separate JDBC resources and use the appropriate resource in the application.
Use version consistency to improve performance while protecting the integrity of data in the database. Since the application server can use multiple copies of an EJB component simultaneously, an EJB component’ s state can potentially become corrupted through simultaneous access.
... </cmp-field-mapping> <consistency> <check-version-of-accessed-instances> <column-name>OrderTable.VC_VERSION_NUMBER</column-name> </check-version-of-accessed-instan.
For example, enable threadpools named priority-1 and priority-2 to the <orb> element as follows: <orb max-connections= " 1024 " message-fragment-size= " 1024 " use-thread-.
to the steady load of users), beans would be frequently passivated and activated, causing a negative impact on the response times, due to CPU intensive serialization and deserialization as well as disk I/O .
■ Database rows represented by the bean do not change. ■ The application can tolerate using out-of-date values for the bean. For example, an application might use a read-only bean to represent a list of best-seller books.
For example, you have this relationship dened in the ejb-jar.xml le: <relationships> <ejb-relation> <description>Order-OrderLine</description> <ejb-relation-name>Or.
Pre-fetching generally improves performance because it reduces the number of database accesses. However, if the business logic often uses Orders without referencing their OrderLines, then this can have a performance penalty, that is, the system has spent the eort to pre-fetch the OrderLines that are not actually needed.
Reduce the database transaction isolation level when appropriate. Reduced isolation levels reduce work in the database tier, and could lead to better application performance. H owever, this must be done after carefully analyzing the database table usage patterns.
Cache Bean-Specic Resourc es Use the setMessageDrivenContext() or ejbCreate() method to cache bean specic resources, and release those resources from the ejbRemove() method.
T uning the Enterprise Ser ver This chapter describes some ways to tune the Enterprise Server for optimum performance, including the following topics: ■ “Deployment Settings” on page 49 ■ “L.
Disable Aut o -deployment Enabling auto-deployment will adversely aect deployment, though it is a convenience in a development environment. For a production system, disable auto-deploy to optimize performance. If auto-deployment is enabled, then the Reload P oll Interval setting can have a signicant performance impact.
General Settings In general, writing to the system log slows down performance slightly; and increased disk access (increasing the log level, decreasing the le rotation limit or time limit) also slows down the application.
Manager Properties: Reap Inter val M odifying the reap interval can improve performance, but setting it without considering the nature of your sessions and business logic can cause data inconsistency, especially for time-based persistence-frequency.
E JB C ontainer Settings The EJB Container has many settings that aect performance. As with other areas, use monitor the EJB Container to track its execution and performance. Monitoring the E JB C ontainer M onitoring the EJB container is disabled by default.
Note – If you develop and deploy your EJB components using Sun J ava Studio, then you need to edit the individual bean descriptor settings for bean pool and bean cache. These settings might not be suitable for production-level deployment. T uning the EJB Pool A bean in the pool represents the pooled state in the EJB lifecycle.
■ P ool Idle Timeout : the maximum time that a stateless session bean, entity bean, or message-driven bean is allowed to be idle in the pool. After this time, the bean is destroyed if the bean in case is a stateless session bean or a message driver bean.
Max Cache Size Maximum number of beans in the cache. M ake this setting greater than one. The default value is 512. A value of zero indicates the cache is unbounded, which means the size of the cache is governed by Cache Idle Timeout and Cache Resize Quantity.
T ABLE 3–2 EJB Cache and Pool Settings (Continued) Cache Settings Pool Settings T ype of Bean cache- resize- quantity max- cache- size cache- idle- timeout- in- seconds removal- timeout- in- seconds.
than cache misses, then option B is an appropriate choice. You might still have to change the max-cache-size and cache-resize-quantity to get the best result.
asadmin get -m serverInstance.transaction-service.* The following statistics are gathered on the transaction service: ■ total-tx-completed Completed transactions. ■ total-tx-rolled-back Total rolled back transactions. ■ total-tx-inflight Total inight (active) transactions.
Recov er On Restar t ( Automa tic Recovery) To set the Recover on Restart attribute with the A dmin Console, go to C ongurations > cong-name > Transaction Service. Click the Recover check box to set it to true (checked, the default) or false (un-checked).
With asadmin , use the following command to list the monitoring parameters available: list --user admin --port 4848 -m server-instance-name .http-service.* where server-instance-name is the name of the server instance. Use the following command to get the values: get --user admin --port 4848 -m server.
HitRatio The hit ratio is the number of cache hits divided by the number of cache lookups. This setting is not tunable. Note – If you turn o DNS lookups on your server, host name restrictions will not work and IP addresses will appear instead of host names in log les.
File C ache Information (le- cache) The le cache caches static content so that the server handles requests for static content quickly. The le-cache section provides statistics on how your le cache is being used. For information on tuning the le cache, see “HTTP F ile C ache” on page 67 .
C onnec tion Queue ■ Total Connections Queued: Total connections queued is the total number of times a connection has been queued. This includes newly accepted connections and connections from the keep-alive system. ■ A verage Queuing Delay: A verage queueing delay is the average amount of time a connection spends in the connection queue.
■ Request Timeout ■ Buer Length Thread C ount The Thread Count parameter species the maximum number of simultaneous requests the server can handle. The default value is 5. When the server has reached the limit or request threads, it defers processing new requests until the number of active requests drops below the maximum amount.
Buer Length The size (in bytes) of the buer used by each of the request processing threads for reading the request data from the client. A djust the value based on the actual request size and observe the impact on performance. In most cases the default should suce.
Time Out Time Out determines the maximum time (in seconds) that the server holds open an HTTP keep alive connection. A client can keep a connection to the server open so that multiple requests to one server can be serviced by a single network connection.
Max Files C ount Max F iles C ount determines how many les are in the cache. If the value is too big, the server caches little-needed les, which wastes memory.
T uning HT TP Listener Settings Change HTTP listener settings in the A dmin Console under C ongurations > cong-name > HTTP Service > HTTP Listeners > listener-name . Network A ddress For machines with only one network interface card (NI C), set the network address to the IP address of the machine (for example, 192.
ORB Settings The Enterprise Server includes a high performance and scalable CORB A Object Request Broker (ORB). The ORB is the foundation of the EJB Container on the server. Overview The ORB is primarily used by EJB components via: ■ RMI/IIOP path from an application client (or rich client) using the application client container.
set serverInstance.iiop-service.orb.system.monitoringEnabled=true reconfig serverInstance Connection Statistics The following statistics are gathered on ORB connections: ■ total-inbound-connections Total inbound connections to ORB . ■ total-outbound-connections Total outbound connections from ORB .
T ABLE 3–3 Tunable ORB Settings (Continued) RMI/ IIOP from ORB to Enterprise Server communication infrastructure, thread pool steady-thread-pool-size, max-thread-pool-size, idle-thread-timeout-in-se.
■ Minimum P ool Size: The minimum number of threads in the ORB thread pool. Set to the average number of threads needed at a steady (RMI/ IIOP) load. ■ Maximum P ool Size: The maximum number of threads in the ORB thread pool. ■ Idle Timeout: N umber of seconds to wait before removing an idle thread from pool.
Load Balancing For information on how to congure RMI/II OP for multiple application server instances in a cluster, Chapter 9, “RMI-IIOP Load Balancing and Failover, ” in Sun GlassFish E nterprise Server 2.1 H igh A vailability A dministration Guide .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Message(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]): createFromStream: type is 4 < MessageBase(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to,5,main]): Message GIOP version: 1.2 MessageBase(Thread[ORB Client-side Reader, conn to 192.
▼ T o Enable Java Serialization You must set this property on all servers that you want to use JSG. In the tree component, e xpand the Congurations node. Expand the desired node. Select the JVM S ettings node In the JVM Settings page, choose the JVM Options tab .
is not oered in a Unix/Linux user interface. However, it is possible to edit the OS-scheduled thread pools and add new thread pools, if needed, using the A dmin Console.
■ “Timeout Settings” on page 78 ■ “Isolation Level Settings” on page 79 ■ “Connection Validation Settings” on page 79 P ool Size Settings The following settings control the size of the connection pool: Initial and Mimimum P ool Size Size of the pool when created, and its minimum allowable size.
■ Idle Timeout : M aximum time in seconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After this time, the pool can close this connection. This property does not control connection timeouts on the database server.
Connection Validation Required If true, the pool validates connections (checks to nd out if they are usable) before providing them to an application.
asadmin> create-connector-connection-pool --raname jdbcra --connectiondefinition javax.sql.DataSource -transactionsupport LocalTransaction TESTPOOL Close All Connections On Any F ailure Chapter 3 .
T uning the Java Runtime S ystem This chapter discusses the following topics: ■ “J ava Virtual Machine Settings” on page 83 ■ “Managing M emory and Garbage C ollection” on page 84 ■ “Further I nformation” on page 91 Jav a V ir tual Machine Settings J2SE 5.
Managing Memor y and Garbage Collection The eciency of any application depends on how well memory and garbage collection are managed. The following sections provide information on optimizing memory.
When the new generation lls up, it triggers a minor collection in which the surviving objects are moved to the old generation. When the old generation lls up, it triggers a major collection which involves the entire object heap.
T racing Garbage Collec tion The two primary measures of garbage collection performance are throughput and pauses . Throughput is the percentage of the total time spent on other activities apart from GC. Pauses are times when an application appears unresponsive due to GC.
Although applications can explicitly invoke GC with the System.gc() method, doing so is a bad idea since this forces major collections, and inhibits scalability on large systems. I t is best to disable explicit GC by using the ag -XX:+DisableExplicitGC .
memory structures. The dierence between the maximum address space and the total of those values is the amount of memory that can be allocated to the heap. You can improve performance by increasing your heap size or using a dierent garbage collector.
■ Decide the total amount of memory you can aord for the JVM. Accordingly, graph your own performance metric against young generation sizes to nd the best setting. ■ Make plenty of memory available to the young generation. The default is calculated from NewRatio and the -Xmx setting.
To prevent load address collisions, set preferred base addresses with the rebase utilty that comes with Visual Studio and the Platform SDK. Use the rebase utility to reassign the base addresses of the A pplication Server DLLs to prevent relocations at load time and increase the available process memory for the J ava heap.
F ur ther Information For more information on tuning the JVM, see: ■ J ava HotSpot VM Options ■ Frequently A sked Questions About the J ava HotSpot Virtual Machine ■ P erformance D ocumentation for the J ava HotSpot VM ■ J ava performance web page ■ M onitoring and Management for the J ava Platform ( J2SE 5.
T uning the Operating S ystem and Pla tform This chapter discusses tuning the operating system (OS) for optimum performance. I t discusses the following topics: ■ “Server Scaling” on page 93 ■.
the relative amount of time it spends in I/O versus CPU activity. Studies have shown that doubling the number of CPUs increases servlet performance by 50 to 80 percent.
Solaris 10 Platform-Specic T uning Informa tion Solaris TM Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the Solaris Operating System (OS). You can use the DTrace Toolkit to monitor the system. The DTrace Toolkit is available through the OpenSolaris TM project from the DTraceToolkit page ( http://www.
T ABLE 5–1 Tuning Parameters for Solaris (Continued) Parameter Scope Default Tuned V alue Comments tcp_conn_req_max_q ndd /dev/tcp 128 1024 tcp_conn_req_max_q0 ndd /dev/tcp 1024 4096 tcp_ip_abort_interval ndd /dev/tcp 480000 60000 tcp_keepalive_interval ndd /dev/tcp 7200000 900000 For high trac web sites, lower this value.
F ile Descriptor Setting On the Solaris OS, setting the maximum number of open les property using ulimit has the biggest impact on eorts to support the maximum number of RMI/IIOP clients.
echo 262143 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default #above configuration for 2.4.X kernels echo 4096 131072 262143 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem echo 4096 13107262143 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem .
Some of the values depend on the system resources available. After making any changes to /etc/system , reboot the machines. F ile Descriptors A dd (or edit) the following lines in the /etc/system l.
T uning for Linux platf orms To tune for maximum performance on Linux, you need to make adjustments to the following: ■ “File Descriptors” on page 100 ■ “Virtual M emory” on page 101 ■ .
cputime unlimited filesize unlimited datasize unlimited stacksize 8192 kbytes coredumpsize 0 kbytes memoryuse unlimited descriptors 1024 memorylocked unlimited maxproc 8146 openfiles 1024 The openfiles and descriptors show a limit of 1024. To increase the limit to 65535 for all users, edit /etc/security/limits.
Netw ork Inter face To ensure that the network interface is operating in full duplex mode, add the following entry into /etc/rc.local : mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0 where eth0 is the name of the network interface card (NIC). Disk I/O Settings ▼ T o tune disk I/O per formance f or non SCSI disks T est the disk speed.
Add the follo wing to /etc/sysctl.conf # Disables packet forwarding net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 # Enables source route verification net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 # Disables the magic-sysrq key kernel.sysrq = 0 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1204 65000 net.
T ABLE 5–2 Tuning 64–bit Systems for Performance Benchmarking Parameter Scope Default Value T uned Value Comments rlim_fd_max /etc/system 65536 260000 Process open le descriptors limit; should account for the expected load (for the associated sockets, les, pipes if any).
Disk C ongura tion If HTTP access is logged, follow these guidelines for the disk: ■ Write access logs on faster disks or attached storage. ■ If running multiple instances, move the logs for each instance onto separate disks as much as possible.
■ To start the 32–bit Enterprise Server with 4–Mbyte pages, use the following options: LD_PRELOAD_32=/usr/lib/ ; export LD_PRELOAD_32; export MPSSHEAP=4M; ./bin/startserv; unset LD_PRELOAD_32; unset MPSSHEAP ■ To start the 64–bit Enterprise Server with 4–Mbyte pages, use the following options: LD_PRELOAD_64=/usr/lib/64/mpss.
T uning for High-A vailability This chapter discusses the following topics: ■ “Tuning H ADB” on page 107 ■ “Tuning the Enterprise Server for High-A vailability” on page 116 ■ “Congu.
If the database runs out of device space, the H ADB returns error codes 4593 or 4592 to the Enterprise Server. Note – See Sun J ava System A pplication Server Error Message Reference for more information on these error messages. H ADB also writes these error messages to history les.
Note – hadbm does not add data devices to a running database instance. Placing HADB les on Phy sic al Disks For best performance, data devices should be allocated on separate physical disks. This applies if there are nodes with more than one data device, or if there are multiple nodes on the same host.
P er formance For best performance, all H ADB processes ( clu_xxx_srv ) must t in physical memory. They should not be paged or swapped. The same applies for shared memory segments in use. You can congure the size of some of the shared memory segments.
■ FreeSize: free size in MB . ■ Usage: percent used. Use the hadbm resourceinfo command to monitor resource usage, for example the following command displays data buer pool information: %hadbm .
The log records remain in the buer until they are processed locally and shipped to the mirror node. The log records are kept until the outcome (commit or abort) of the transaction is certain. If the H ADB node runs low on tuple log, the user transactions are delayed, and possibly timed out.
Large BLOBs necessarily allocate many disk blocks, and thus create a high load on the node internal log. This is normally not a problem, since each entry in the nilog is small. T uning InternalLogbuerSiz e Begin with the default value. L ook out for HIGH LOAD informational messages in the history les.
Calculating the number of locks To calculate the number of locks needed, estimate the following parameters: ■ N umber of concurrent users that request session data to be stored in HAD B (one session.
For example, the output displayed by this command might look something like this: Node No. Avail Free Waits 0 50000 50000 na 1 50000 50000 na ■ A vail: N umber of locks available. ■ Free: N umber of locks in use. ■ Waits: N umber of transactions that have waited for a lock.
For more information on conguring the load balancer plug-in, see “Conguring the HTTP Load Balancer” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 H igh A vailability Administration G uide . HADB timeouts The sql_client time out value may aect performance.
T uning S ession P ersistence F requenc y The Enterprise Server provides HTTP session persistence and failover by writing session data to H ADB. You can control the frequency at which the server writes to H ADB by specifying the persistence frequency.
Session P ersistence Scope You can specify the scope of the persistence in addition to persistence frequency on the same page in the A dmin Console where you specify persistence frequency, C ongurations > cong-name > A vailability Service (Web Container A vailability).
I t is important to pay attention while determining the HTTP session size. If you are creating large HTTP session objects, calculate the H ADB nodes as discussed in “Tuning H ADB ” on page 107 .
For optimal performance, use a pool with eight to 16 connections per node. F or example, if you have four nodes congured, then the steady-pool size must be set to 32 and the maximum pool size must be 64. A djust the Idle Timeout and P ool Resize Quantity values based on monitoring statistics.
■ interval-in-seconds : Species the interval at which health checks of instances occur. The default is 30 seconds. ■ timeout-in-seconds : Species the timeout interval within which a response must be obtained for a listener to be considered healthy.
Index A A cceptor Threads, 69 access log, 64 A ddrLookups, 62 application architecture, 19 scalability, 24 tuning, 27 arrays, 27 authentication, 21 authorization, 21 automatic recovery, 60 A verage Qu.
deployment settings, 49 tips, 31 deserialization, 27-29 disabling network interrupts, 105 disk conguration, 105 disk I/O performance, 102 disk space, 94 distributed transaction logging, disabling, .
HTTP Service (Continued) tuning, 64 HTTP sessions, 30 I idle timeout EJB cache, 56 EJB pool, 55 IIOP Client A uthentication Required, 72 IIOP messages, 74-75 Initial Thread Count, HTTP Service, 65 Int.
monitoring (Continued) transaction service, 58 N N ameLookups, 62 Network A ddress, 69 network conguration, 105 network interface, 102 network interrupts, disabling, 105 NewRatio, 88 NewSize, 88 No.
session (Continued) timeout, 51 Small/M edium File Size, HTTP le cache, 68 SO AP attachments, 29 Solaris JDK, 85 TCP/IP settings, 95 tuning for performance benchmarking, 104 version 9, 31 sq_max_si.
X x86, 98 XA -capable data sources, 38-39 -Xms, 88 -Xmx, 88 -XX +DisableExplicitGC, 87 MaxH eapFreeRatio, 88 MaxP ermSize, 86 MinH eapFreeRatio, 88 Index Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sun Microsystems 820434310. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sun Microsystems 820434310 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.