Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DZ610 des Produzenten Sony
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©2010 Sony Corporation 4-165-486- 12 (1) DVD Home Theatr e System Operating Instructions DA V -DZ310/DZ510/DZ6 10/DZ810.
2 GB Caution – The us e of optical inst ruments w ith this product will increase eye hazar d. Do not inst all the applianc e in a confine d space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet . To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ventilat ion o pening of th e apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains , etc.
3 GB ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX ® is a dig ital vi deo format create d by DivX , Inc. This is an off ici al Di vX C erti fie d de vice that play s DivX vi deo. Vis it fo r more inform atio n and sof twar e tools to conver t your fil es into DivX video.
4 GB Table of Cont ents Precau tions ......... ....... ........ ....... ........... .... 2 About T hese O peratin g Instru ctions ....... 3 Playable Discs/Files on a USB Device ....... ....... ........... ....... ....... ........ 5 Packa ge Conten ts .
5 GB Playable Discs/Files on a USB Device Type Disc lo go Charact eristi cs Icon DVD VIDEO • DV D VIDEO • DV D-R/DVD-RW in DVD VIDEO format o r video m ode • DVD+R/DVD+RW in DVD V IDEO format VR (Video Recording) m ode • DVD-R /DVD -RW in VR (Video Recording) mode (except f or DVD-R DL) VIDEO CD • VIDEO CD (Ver.
6 GB 1) A logical format of files and folde rs on CD-ROMs , defined by ISO (Inter national Org anization for Standard izatio n). 2) MP3 (MP EG1 Audio Layer 3) is a stan dard format defin ed by ISO/MPE G for compressed a udio data. MP3 file s must b e in M PEG1 Audio Layer 3 format.
7 GB Note tha t some playba ck functions may not wor k with some DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs, even if they have been c orrectl y final ized. In this c ase, vi ew th e disc b y norm al play back. Al so som e DA TA CD s/DAT A DVDs created in Packet Write format cannot be played.
8 GB Th e sys tem wil l atte mp t to play any dat a with th e ex tens ion s abo ve , eve n if it is n ot i n MP3 /W MA/ AAC/JPEG/DivX/MPEG4 format. Playin g this data may gener ate a loud noise which could da mage you r spea ker syst em.
9 GB • The pl ayback order f or the s ystem ma y diffe r from t he playb ack ord er of the c onnec ted USB de vice. • Alw ays tur n off the system be fore removing the USB device. Removi ng the US B devic e while th e syste m is on may corrupt th e data on the USB de vice.
10 GB Package Cont ents Main unit Speaker packages • DAV-DZ310 • DAV-DZ510 • DAV-DZ610 • DAV-DZ810 • Spe aker cor ds (1 s et ) For DAV-DZ310/DAV- DZ510/DAV-DZ610 (red/white /green/g ray/blue.
11 GB Accessories • Rem ote com mande r (rem ote) ( 1) • R6 (size AA) batterie s (2) • Calibrati on mic (1) • FM w ire antenn a (aer ial) (1 ) • V ideo cor d (1) • HD MI cabl e (1) (Sing a.
12 GB Index to Parts and Co ntrol For mo re in forma tion, refer to th e pages indica ted in pa renthe ses. A Disc tray B Front panel display (page 13) C (remote sensor) Receives the r emote si gnal. Point the remote to ward here when usin g the re mote.
13 GB A Karaoke indicator Li ghts up wh en th e ka raoke mode is on. B SLEEP in dicator Flashe s when the sleep time r is s et. C System status display D TUNED indicator (Rad io only) Lights up when a sta tion is re ceived . E ST indica tor (Radio only) Li ghts up wh en s tereo sou nd i s rec eive d.
14 GB A SPEAKERS jacks (page 29) B HDMI OUT jack (page 30) C TV (DIGITAL IN OPTICAL) jack ( DAV- DZ510/DAV-DZ610/DAV -DZ810 only) (page 30) D EZW-T100 slot (DAV-DZ 810 only) (page 60) E ANTENNA (COAXI.
15 GB Number 5, V OLUME +, and H bu ttons h ave a tac tile do t. Use the tact ile do t as a refe renc e when op erating t he remo te. About the operation of the supplied remote You ca n operat e this s ystem an d a So ny TV w ith the su pp lied remo te.
16 GB D SOUND MO DE (page 57) Select s the sound mode . DYNAMIC BASS (page 57) Reinf orces b ass freque ncie s. NIGHT (page 57) Activa tes the ni ght mode f unction. PICTURE NAVI (page 39) Displays t he image browse r for J PEG file select ion. SYSTEM MEN U (pages 53, 55, 60, 66, 69) Ente rs th e s yste m men u.
17 GB To insert the batteries Inse rt two R6 (s ize AA ) batte ries (s upplie d) by matching th e 3 and # ends on the batter ies to the mark ings insid e the compa rtment. Note • Do not lea ve the r emote in an extre mely hot o r humid place. • Do not use a new batt ery with an old one.
18 GB Guide to the Con trol Men u You ca n use the Co ntrol Me nu to sel ect a funct ion and t o view rel ated info rmat ion. Press DISPLAY while using t he “ DVD/CD” or “USB” f unction. Each time you p ress DISPLAY, the Control Menu ch anges: 1 t 2 t 3 t 1 t .
19 GB Example: Control Me nu 1 when playing a DVD VIDEO. List of Control Menu items The C ont rol Men u 1 and 2 wil l sho w diff er ent it ems depend ing on th e sou rce.
20 GB 1) These items are not displayed when playing a DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device with video file s. 2) USB device only. 3) DATA CD/DATA DVD only. [PROGRAM] (page 44) You can select the tr ack to play in the order you want. [SHUFFLE] (page 45) You can play the trac ks/files in ran dom order.
21 GB List of Control Menu Items for karaoke Tip • The Control Menu ic on indicator lights up in yellow t when you select any item e xcept [OFF ] ([PROGRAM], [SHUFFLE], [REPEAT], [A/V SYNC], [KARAOKE MODE], and [VOCAL SELECT] only). The [ORIGINAL/P LAY LIST] indicator lights up in yellow when you se lect [PLAY LIST] (default se tting).
22 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System Instal l the sy stem by re ferrin g to the i llust ration below. To attach the foot pads to the subwoofer Note • Use caution when placing the speak ers and/or s peaker stands att ached to t he spea kers on a spe cially treated (waxed, oiled, poli shed, et c.
23 GB Getting Started Caution • C ontact a screw shop or installer for information regarding th e wall material or scr ews to be used. • Use screws that are suitable for th e wall m aterial an d stren gth. As a plast er boar d wall is espe cially fr agile, attach the screws secu rely to a beam.
24 GB Getting Started 3 Remove the screw (pre-installed) at the rear of the speaker. 4 Lift the upper part of th e speaker. 5 Pull out the speaker cord from the bottom of the lower part of the speaker. The r emove d sp eaker cord is u sed when i nsta lli ng the spea ker on a w all.
25 GB Getting Started 6 Remove the protect ion paper from the speaker-bo ttom cover, then at tach the speak er- bottom cover to the bottom of the upper part of the speaker. Note • W hen removi ng the protectio n paper, pull it off via the section e xposed by the notch in the speake r-bottom co ver.
26 GB Getting Started To install the front and surround speakers on a wall using the wall mounting parts (DAV-DZ510 on ly) 1 Pass the speaker co rd through the moun ting plate, then attach the mounting plate to th e wall using commercia lly available screws.
27 GB Getting Started 2 Remove the cov er from the mo unting bracket, pass the speaker cord through the h ole on the rear side o f the mount ing bracket and out from the front side of the brack et, then connect the speaker cord to the speaker. 3 Tightly secure the speaker to the mounting bracket with the screw (supplied).
28 GB Getting Started 5 After deciding the angle, secure a screw on the lower side ( 1 ), th en secure a screw on the upper si de ( 2 ). Note • Make s ure th at th e wall is s ufficie ntly t hick be fore in stall ing.
29 GB Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting th e System 1 Insert the connectors of the speaker cords to match the color of the SPEAKERS jacks of the unit u ntil they click. 2 Connect the sp eaker cord with th e color tube to 3 , and the speaker co rd without the color tube to # .
30 GB Getting Started 1 Connecting the video to your TV Depe nding on the jacks on y our TV, se lect one of the conne ction me thods. x Method 1: Video cord (supplied) connecti on This is th e ba sic conn ecti on . x Method 2: HDMI cable * connection Pict ure qual ity wil l be impr oved c ompa red t o Met hod 1.
31 GB Getting Started 2 Connecting the audio from your TV/set-top box To listen t o TV or se t-top box sound via the sy stem, se lect on e of the co nnecti on met hods. x Method 1: Audio cord (not supplied) connecti on This is the b asic connect ion a nd sen ds a n anal og aud io si gnal.
32 GB Getting Started To change the color system (PAL or NTSC) (Asian, Australian, Middle Eastern, and South African models only) Depe nding on y our TV, you may be re quired to select e ither PAL or NTSC for the color s ystem . The initial setting f or Austral ian, Middle Ea stern, an d South Afric an models is PAL.
33 GB Getting Started Note • A fter connect ing the FM wire antenna (aeria l), extend an d keep it as horizon tal as possi ble. 1 Connect the AC power cord (mains lead). The dem onstrat ion a ppears i n the front panel display . 2 Press " / 1 to turn the system on, then press " / 1 again to turn off the d emonstration.
34 GB Getting Started Step 3 : Set ting up the System Disp layed ite ms vary de pending on the are a. 1 Turn o n your TV. 2 Switch the i nput selector on yo ur TV so that the si gnal from th e system appears on the TV screen. 3 Press " / 1 to tu rn the system on .
35 GB Getting Started 8 Press C / c to select th e speaker formation image as the speakers are actually positioned, th en press . • [STANDARD]: Select t his when you ins tall a ll the speake rs n ormall y. • [NO C ENTE R]: Sele ct this whe n yo u ins tall the fr ont and surr ound speak ers only.
36 GB Getting Started 11 Unplug t he cal ibrati on mic, press C / c to select [YES], then pres s . To quit the Quick Setup Press DISPLAY i n any Step . Depe nding on the conne ction of you r TV (page 3 0), select the type of video out put of the system.
37 GB Getting Started To select the type of video signal output from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks When you connect the unit an d your TV with a compon ent vide o cable, se lect the ty pe of vide o signals outp ut from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks. 1 Press FUNCTION rep eatedly to select “DVD/CD.
38 GB Playing a Disc 1 Press FUNCTION repe atedly to select “DVD/CD.” The sele cted item appea rs in the fron t panel display . 2 Press Z to o pen the di sc tray. 3 Place a disc on the tray, then press Z . 4 Press N to start playback. 5 Press VOLUME +/– to adjust the volume.
Pl ay ba ck 39 GB 2 Load the source. x For a disc Place a di sc on the tray by pr essing Z to open/cl ose th e di sc tray. x For a USB device Connect a U SB device to the ( USB) port. Note • I t may take abo ut 10 seconds befo re “READING ” appears in the fr ont panel displa y depending on the type of USB device.
40 GB x For J PEG files Press C / X / x / c to sele ct an imag e . 4 Start playback . x For vide o or audio fi les Press N to start playba ck f rom th e se lected file. x For JPEG image files Press N to start a slid e show be ginnin g with the s elected f ile.
Pl ay ba ck 41 GB Other Playba ck Operat ions Depend ing on the ty pe of disc /file, the function may no t work. Tip • When playing fil es, you can select th e next folder by continuin g to pr ess > ( c fo r JPEG imag e file s) after the l ast file on the current fol der, but you c annot return to the previ ous folder by pressi ng .
42 GB 2 Press X / x to select the search method, then press . • [TITLE/SCENE/TRACK] • [ CHAPTER/INDEX] • [ T R A C K ] • [ INDEX] • [FOLDER] • [FILE ] Example: [CHAPTER] [** (* *)] is select ed (* * refe rs to a number ).
Pl ay ba ck 43 GB Example: Dolby Digital 5.1 c hanne l x DVD -VR You can togg le au dio trac ks w hen a disc contains mult iple audio tracks . x VIDEO CD/CD/DATA CD ( MP3 file)/DATA DVD (MP3 file)/USB device (audio file) You can change th e soun d track.
44 GB Some S uper Au dio CDs con sist of a 2 ch anne l play back are a and a multi- chan nel pl ayba ck area. You c an sele ct the pl ayback area yo u w ant to liste n to. 1 Press DISPLAY wh ile the system is in stop mode. 2 Press X / x to select [MULTI/ 2CH], then press .
Pl ay ba ck 45 GB 4 Press c . The cursor move s to t he trac k row [T ] (i n this cas e, [01] ). 5 Select the track you want to program. Ex. To set track 2 as the first programmed track Press X / x to select [ 02] un der [T ], then press . 6 To program other tracks, repeat Steps 4 to 5.
46 GB To return to normal playback Press CLEAR, or sel ect [OFF] in Step 3. Note • You c annot use Shu ffle Play with a VIDEO CD or Super VCD with PBC playback. 1 Press DISPLAY du ring playback. 2 Press X / x to select [REPEAT], then press . 3 Press X / x to select the item to be repeated, then press .
Pl ay ba ck 47 GB 2 Press X / x to select [INTE RVAL], then press . 3 Press X / x to selec t a setting, th en press . • [NORMAL] : You can s et to the standard dura tion. • [FA ST]: Yo u can set t he dura tion sh orter than [NORMAL]. • [SLOW 1]: You c an set th e duration longer than [NORM AL ].
48 GB Note • The Control Menu wil l not appear if no dis c/ USB dev ice is inserted int o the unit. 2 Press X / x repeatedly to select [KARAOKE MODE] , then press . 3 Press X / x to select [ON], then press . To cancel karaoke mode Disconnect t he microphone, or set [KARAOKE MOD E] t o [OF F].
Pl ay ba ck 49 GB When playing a karaoke DVD rec orded in Dolby Digita l form at in karaoke mode, you can tur n on o r off the guid e vo cal reco rded in the karaoke trac k. When playing a V IDEO CD/CD i n kara oke mode , you ca n lis ten to t he voca ls.
50 GB Displaying the Informat ion of a Disc/ USB Device Press DISPLAY repeatedly during playback. Information on the TV screen 1 [T ** : ** : ** /C ** : ** : ** /D ** : ** : ** ] Playing time of the c.
Pl ay ba ck 51 GB x DATA CD/DATA DVD/USB device (audio file) 1 Playin g time and cu rrent tra ck number 2 Track (f ile) name* * If an MP3 file h as an ID3 tag, the s ystem wil l disp lay a ti tle nam e fr om the ID3 ta g inform ation . The sy stem ca n support ID3 ver 1.
52 GB 2 Prepare the source. • “DVD/CD”: Insert the di sc into th e unit (page 3 8). • “TUN ER FM ”: Select the radio pr ogram (page 5 3). • “USB” : Connec t the USB device dire ctly (page 3 8), or iPod * via a USB ca ble (page 5 2). • “TV”: Select the ch annel on the TV or se t- top bo x.
T une r 53 GB Presetti ng Radio Stat ions You can pres et 20 FM s tat ions . 1 Press FUNCTION rep eatedly to select “TUNER FM.” The se lect ed it em appea rs i n the fr ont pa nel displa y. 2 Press and hold TUNING +/– until the auto scanning starts.
54 GB 4 Press X / x to select “MONO.” •“ S T E R E O ” : St er eo r ecept ion . • “MONO”: Monaural receptio n. 5 Press . 6 Press SY STEM MENU.
Sound Eff ect 55 GB Enjoying Sur round So und You c an e njoy s urroun d so und si mply by se lec ting on e of the s ystem ’s pre- prog ramme d su rround settings . 1 Press SYSTEM MENU. 2 Press X / x to selec t “SUR.SETTING ,” then press or c . The selecte d item a ppears in t he front panel displ ay.
56 GB Note • You cannot select the sur round settings while the syst em is loading a disc. • Depending on the input st ream, the surr ound setting s may not be effective .
Sound Eff ect 57 GB Selectin g the So und Effe ct Press SOUND MODE repeatedly during playback until the desired mode appears in the front panel display. •“ A U T O ” : The system au tomaticall y selects “MOV IE” or “M USIC” t o produc e the soun d effect dependi ng on the sourc e.
58 GB Using the Contro l for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is availa ble on TV s with the “BRAVIA” Sync function. By conn ecti ng Son y compo nent s that ar e compatibl e wit.
Con venient Functions 59 GB (One-Touch Play) Press ONE-TOUCH PLAY Your TV turns on, your TV’s function is set t o the HDMI input to whic h the syste m is conn ecte d, and th e sy stem star ts pl ayi ng a dis c automatica lly. The Syst em Au dio Co ntro l f unct ion i s als o activat ed automatic ally.
60 GB (Language Follow) When yo u ch ange th e lan gua ge for t he on -scr een disp lay of yo ur TV , the sys tem’ s on -scr een displ ay langu age is al so chang ed. Note • When the system ’s on-sc reen disp lay is displaye d, this fun ction do es not work.
Con venient Functions 61 GB Note • Remove the scr ews tha t are in dicated in th e illustrat ion. Do not remove ot her screws. 2 Insert the wireless transm itter. Note • I nsert the w ireless tr ansmit ter with the S-AIR logo facing up. • Insert the wir eless tra nsmit ter so that the V marks a re alig ned.
62 GB To set the ID of the surround amplifier Refer to the operating instructions o f the surro und amp lifie r. To set the ID of the S-AIR receiver Refer to the operatin g instruct ions of the S-AIR recei ver.
Con venient Functions 63 GB ins trume nt, such as a pape r cli p, c an b e used.) The PAIR ING indicat or of th e surrou nd amplif ier flashes when pairing starts.
64 GB Notes on USB transferring • Do not connect the uni t and the US B device thro ugh a U SB h ub. • Make sure ther e is enou gh spac e in the US B devi ce f or tr ansf errin g.
Con venient Functions 65 GB 4) A new fi le is transf erred in th e “REC1-M P3” or “REC1-CD” folde r each t ime sin gle-tr ack transferr ing is performed. 1 Load an au dio CD/DATA CD/DATA DVD. 2 Press DI SPLAY while the system is in st op m ode .
66 GB 5 Press N to start transferring. When transf erring is completed , “COMP LETE” ap pear s in th e front panel disp lay and play back o f t he di sc a nd US B device sto ps automatic ally. To ca ncel tran sfer ring , pre ss x . You ca n transf er a radio program you are listen ing to onto a USB device .
Con venient Functions 67 GB To cancel the sleep timer Press SLE EP repeat edly un til “SLEEP OF F” appe ars i n t he f ront panel di spla y. To set the sleep timer using the system menu 1 Press SYSTEM MENU. 2 Press X / x to select “ SLEEP,” then press or c .
68 GB 4 Press X / x to select a setting, th en press . • “ATT ON” : You can attenua te the input level. • “ATT OFF”: Normal input level. This setting is made separa tely for each funct ion.
Settings 69 GB Changing t he Brightne ss of the Fr ont Panel Display 1 Press SYSTEM MENU. 2 Press X / x to selec t “DIMMER,” th en press or c . The se lect ed it em appea rs i n the fr ont pa nel displa y. 3 Press X / x to select the brightness of the front panel display, then press .
70 GB Performing Fur ther Setting s You can make various a djustments to items such as pictur e and sou nd. Disp layed ite ms vary de pending on the are a. Note • Playback se ttings store d in the disc take priority over the Setup Displ ay sett ings and n ot all the fu nctions described ma y work.
Settings 71 GB x [AUDIO] You ca n switc h the lang uage of the sou nd trac k. When you s elect [ORIG INAL ], the langu age given pr iority on the disc is select ed. x [SUB TIT LE] You can swit ch the language of the subti tles recorded o n the DVD VIDEO.
72 GB Note • [ 4:3 OUTPUT] is effective only when you set [TV TYPE] in [VIDEO SETUP] to [16:9]. x [COLOR SYST EM (V IDEO C D)] (Asian, A ustralian, Middle Eas tern, and South African models onl y) You can se lect the col or syst em whe n you pl ay a VIDEO CD.
Settings 73 GB x [VOLU ME LI MIT ] When the System Audi o Cont rol (pag e 59) is activate d, loud sou nd may be output dependi ng on the vol ume leve l of the sy stem. Yo u can prevent t his by limi ting the ma ximum level o f the vol ume whe n th e Sy stem A udi o Cont rol function activ ates.
74 GB • [NO SURROUND]: Select t his when you install the cent er and fr ont speakers only. • [FRONT ONLY]: S elect this when you install the fron t speakers only. • [ALL FRONT]: Select this when you inst all all the s peakers in front of the listening p osition.
Settings 75 GB x [AUDIO DRC] You ca n compr ess t he dyna mic rang e of th e sound track. [A UD IO DRC ] is usef ul for watching mo vies at low volu me late at night. [OF F] : No compre ssion of dynam ic range . [STANDARD]: The system repr oduces the sound track wi th the kin d of dy namic ra nge that the reco rdin g engine er intend ed.
76 GB enter a new 4-digit pa ssword, repla ce the disc in the unit and press N . When the display f or entering your password appears , enter your new passw ord. Changing the password 1 Enter your 4-digit password using the number buttons, th en press .
Settings 77 GB [SUBWOOFER] [YE S] Note • When you change t he [CONNECTION] settin g, the [STANDARD] of [SPEAKER FORMATION] setting remain s the same, but t he other setting s of [SPEAKER FORMATION] return to [STANDARD]. x [DISTANCE (FRONT)] Set th e distanc e of the fr ont an d cente r spea kers from the listening p osition.
78 GB Precau tion s On power sources • Unplug the uni t from the wall ou tlet (m ains) if you do not intend t o use it for an extended per iod of time. To disconnect the cord, pull it out by the plug, neve r by the cord. On placement • P lace the sys tem in a lo cation wit h adequat e venti latio n to preven t heat buil d-up in the s ystem.
Additio nal Inf ormation 79 GB On handling discs • To keep t he d isc c lean , ha ndl e th e dis c by i ts edge . Do not to uch the su rfac e. • Do n ot stick pa per or tape on the dis c.
80 GB Troublesh ooting If you exp erience any of the fo llowing diffi culties while using the system, u se this tr oubleshootin g guide to h elp remedy t he pro blem before requesti ng repai rs. Shoul d any pr oblem persis t, consul t your neares t Son y de aler.
Additio nal Inf ormation 81 GB Sound There is no picture when you make a comp onent video cable conn ectio n. • Yo u have set progres sive format but your TV c annot accept the si gnal in progress ive form at. In th is case, re turn the se tting to interlac e format ( the default settin g) (pages 36, 7 1).
82 GB Disc playback The sound lose s stereo effect when you pl ay a VIDEO CD, a CD, or an audio file . • Sel ect stereo sound b y pressing AUDIO (page 42). There is no sound or the vol ume level is ver y low from a cer tain speaker or all t he speak ers.
Additio nal Inf ormation 83 GB USB playback File n ames a re n ot disp layed properly. • T he charact er codes tha t can be disp layed by this s ystem are num bers and l etters of the alphabe t only. Other cha racters are not dis played corre ctly. Symptom Problem s and so lution s A USB d evice does not start playing from the beginning.
84 GB Audio track/file transfer Tuner S-AIR (DAV-DZ810 on ly) Symptom Problem s and sol ution s You cannot start tr ansferring onto a USB device. • The following problems may have occurred. – The USB device is full. – The n umber of audio f iles a nd folders on th e USB device h as reached the upper lim it.
Additio nal Inf ormation 85 GB Control for HDMI Karaoke Messages Symptom Problem s and so lution s The Control for HDMI function does not work. • Set [CONTROL FOR HDMI] in [HDMI S ETUP] to [ON] (pag e 72). • Make sure that the co nnected compo n ent is c ompat ible wit h the [CON TROL FOR HDM I] function.
86 GB (When letters/ numbers appear in the disp lay) When the s elf-dia gnosis fun ction is activate d to prevent the syste m from malfunctioni ng, a 5- chara cter se rvice n umber ( e.g., C 13 50 ) with a combinati on of a lett er and 4 digits appears on the TV screen or front pan el display.
Additio nal Inf ormation 87 GB Signal fo rmat sy stem Mexican an d Latin American mod els: NTSC Other mode ls: NTSC/PAL USB Section (USB) port : Maximum current: 500 mA Tuner Se cti on Sys tem PLL qua rtz -loc ke d digi tal synthesize r Tuning range North American mod els: 87.
88 GB General Power requireme nts North Ame rican and Mexican models: 120 V AC , 60 Hz Taiwan models: 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz Argentine m odels: 220 V - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Latin American m odels: 110 V - 240 V A C, 50/60 Hz Other models: 220 V - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Power cons umptio n DAV-DZ310/DAV-DZ510/ DAV-DZ610 On: 170 W Standb y: Taiwan mod els: 0.
Additio nal Inf ormation 89 GB The tabl e below de scribe s the p layback priori ty of file ty pes un der the [ MEDIA ] settin g. * When using a disc, you can play MP 3 files only.
90 GB The lang uage spelling s confor m to the IS O 639 : 1988 (E/F ) standa rd. Language Code List Code Language Code Langua ge Code Language Code Language 1027 Afar 1028 Abkhazian 1032 Afrikaans 103.
(1) Sony Corporation Pr inted in China.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony DZ610 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony DZ610 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony DZ610 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony DZ610 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony DZ610 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony DZ610 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony DZ610 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony DZ610. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony DZ610 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.