Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung BDP-BX1 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 79
3-452-777- 12 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 3-452-777- 12 (1) Operatin g Instr uctions Blu-ra y Disc / D VD Pla y er BDP- BX1.
2 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rai n or m oisture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. Batterie s or batteries installed apparatus shall not be exposed to excessive heat s uch as sunshine, fire or the like.
3 Notes Abou t the Discs • To keep th e disc clean, hand le the disc by i ts edge. Do not touch the sur face. Dust, finge rprints, or sc ratches on th e disc m ay ca use it to malfunc tion.
4 On clean ing discs, di sc/ lens cl eaner s Do not use clean ing discs or disc/l ens clea ners (inclu ding we t or spray types). These may caus e the appa ratus to mal function. On re placeme nt of pa rts In the ev ents tha t this pl ayer is repaire d, repai red parts may be collec ted for r euse or r ecycling purposes.
5 14) Refer all servicing t o qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the appara tus, the apparatus has been expos ed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
6 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Guide to Parts and Controls .
7 Addi tio nal Info rm ation Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Self-Diagnosis Fu nction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Playable Discs .
8 Guide to Part s and Contro ls For more in form atio n, see the page s in parent hese s. Number 5, AUDIO, CH +, and N PLAY buttons have a tact ile dot. Use th e tactile dot as a refere nce when operat ing the pl ayer. A Z OPEN/CLOSE (page 31) Open s or clos es the di sc tr ay.
9 D Color buttons (RED/GREEN/ BLUE/YELLOW) Short cut keys f or sele cting ite ms on some BD ’s men us (c an also be u sed fo r BD’s Java in teractiv e operations) . E TOP MENU (pag e 33) Open s or cl oses t he BD ’s or DVD ’s Top Menu. POP UP/MENU (page 33) Open s or clos es the BD- ROM’s Pop- up Menu, or the DVD’s menu.
10 A [ / 1 (on/stand by) (page 28) Turns on the p layer, or sets to standb y mode . B Disc tray (page 31) C Blu-ray Disc indi cator Light s up whe n a BD i s recogn ized . z When th e playe r is turned on for the fi rst time , the Blu- ray Disc i ndicator light s up, the n turns off w hen Ea sy Set up is c omple te.
11 A N , X Lights up during pl ayback or pause. B HD (page 43) Lights up when out putting 720p/10 80i/ 1080p vi deo s ignals fr om the HD MI OUT jack or 720p/ 1080 i video si gnals from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks. C HDMI (page 16) Light s up when an HDMI device i s connec ted.
12 A COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y, P B , P R ) jac ks (page 17) B LINE OUT (S VIDEO) jack (page 18) C LINE OUT (R-AUDIO-L) jacks (pa ge 1 8, 22) D AC IN terminal (pag e 25) E Ventilati on holes The vent ilatio n fan i s inside th e player .
13 Hooku ps and Settings Hook ups and Settin gs Hookin g Up the Pla yer Chec k that yo u have the follow ing ite ms. • Au dio/ video ca ble (pho no plu g ×3) (1 ) • AC power cord (1) • HDMI cab.
14 Step 1 : Connec ting to Yo ur TV About vid eo/HDMI OUT jacks The player has the fol lowing vid eo jack s. C onnec t the player to your TV acco rding to the inpu t jack on yo ur TV. When c onnec ting th e player to your TV us ing the HDMI ca ble, yo u can en joy high qua lity digita l pictu res and so und thr ough t he HDMI OUT j ack.
15 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the pl ayer a nd your TV usi ng an H DM I cable t o enjoy high q uality digital p ictur es and sound t hrough t he HDMI OUT jac k. If you con nect a Sony TV that is compatible with the “Cont rol for HDMI” function (pag e 16), refer to the operat ing instruc tions supplied wi th the TV.
16 About in dicators fo r HDMI conn ection When c onnec ting an H DMI co mpa tible component, the HDMI indicator l ights up in the front panel dis play. b • C onsum ers should note that not all high definition tele vision sets are full y compa tible w ith this produc t and may caus e artifac ts to be displaye d in the pictur e.
17 Hooku ps and Settings Connect the C OMPO NEN T VIDE O OUT jac ks of th e pla yer an d you r TV usi ng a c ompone nt video c able or t hree vid eo cab les (not su pplied ) of the s ame ki nd and len gth. Y ou can enjoy high-q ualit y pictu res. Be sure to connect to the LINE OUT (R-AUDIO-L) jacks usin g the audio/video c able.
18 Connect the LINE OUT (VIDEO, R-AUDIO- L) jacks of the pl ayer and your TV using t he audi o/vi deo ca ble. Y ou can enjoy standa rd qua lit y pict ures and so und. b When you connect the playe r and TV using an S- video cable, disconnect the video plug (yello w) of the audi o/video cable.
19 Hooku ps and Settings Step 2: C onnect ing to You r AV Ampl ifier (Rec eiver) About a udio/HDMI OUT jacks The play er has th e follo wing audi o jacks . Connec t the pla yer to yo ur AV amplifier (recei ver) acco rding t o the inp ut jack on your A V am plifier (rec eiver) .
20 If yo ur AV am plifi er (r eceive r) has an HDMI input , you can en joy su rround sound . If you c onnect a Sony AV amplifier (receiver) that is c ompatible with th e “Control f or HDMI” function (page 16), re fer to th e operating in struction s supplied with the AV amplif ier (recei ver).
21 Hooku ps and Settings If your A V amp lif ier (rec eive r) has a Dolb y *1 D igital, Dolb y Pro L ogic, or DT S *2 de code r and a digita l input jack, yo u can enjoy Dolby Digital (5.1ch), Dolby Pro Logic ( 4.0ch), or DTS (5.1ch ) surround effects.
22 If your AV amp lifier (re ceiver ) only has L and R audi o input jac ks, use t his conn ection. Connecting to audio L /R jacks AV amplifier (receiver) Audio/vid eo cab le (supp lied) : Signal flo w Blu-ray Disc/DVD player (whit e) (red) (whit e) (red) Match the color o f the plug to that of th e jack.
23 Hooku ps and Settings Step 3: In serting the Extern al Memo ry To enjoy additional content (such as BonusV iew) on certai n Blu-ra y Disc titl es, you will n eed to use exte rnal memory. Insert the exte rnal memo ry devic e (1 GB or larger US B flash memory, such as Sony USM1GH) into th e EXT slot as your local stor age.
24 Step 4 : Connec ting to the Netw ork Conn ect the LAN (10 0) term inal of the pl ayer to your Interne t sourc e using a netwo rk cab le to upda te th e player ’s so ftwa re usin g the networ k. 1 Connec t the LA N (100) t erminal of the player to your Inter net sou rce.
25 Hooku ps and Settings b Do not connect th e LAN terminal of the play er to the LA N term inal of the PC. Step 5: Co nnec ting the AC Powe r Co rd After all of the othe r connections a re compl ete, co nnect th e suppl ied AC po wer cord to the AC IN terminal of the player.
26 Step 6: Prepar ing the Remote You ca n cont rol th e play er us ing the suppl ied remo te. In sert two S ize A A (R6) batte ries by matchi ng the 3 an d # ends on the bat teries to the mar kings inside the b attery compartment. When using the remote, point it at th e remote sensor on the player (page 1 0).
27 Hooku ps and Settings To contro l other TV s with the rem ote You can contr ol the volume, input source, channe l, and po wer swi tch of no n-Sony TVs as well. If yo ur TV is lis te d in th e tabl e be low , set the approp riate ma nufa cturer ’s co de.
28 Step 7: Easy Se tup Follow the st eps below t o make the minimum numb er o f basi c a djustm ents f or us ing the playe r. If you do not com plete Eas y Setup, it will a ppear ea ch tim e you turn on your play er. Make the settings below in the follo wing orde r.
29 Hooku ps and Settings 7 Select a vide o output resolution for the co nnecte d TV, a nd pres s ENTE R. For detai ls a bout t he vi deo ou tput resol ution, se e page 44. When yo u sel ect “HDM I” in step 6 Sele ct fro m “Auto,” “4 80i, ” “480p, ” “720p, ” “108 0i,” or “10 80p.
30 10 Select “F inish ,” and pre ss ENTER . z • Y ou can res et settings to th eir factor y settings (page 53). • Y ou can run “Eas y Setup” again fro m “Easy Setup ” in “Setup” (p age 53).
31 Play bac k Playback Playi ng BD s/DVD s 1 Switc h the input sele ctor on yo ur TV so that the signa l from the pl ayer appear s on you r TV scr een. 2 Press Z OPEN/CLOSE, and place a disc on the dis c tray. 3 Press Z OPEN/CLOSE to clo se the disc t ray.
32 4 Press HOM E. 5 Sele ct “Vid eo” us ing < / , . 6 Sele ct using M / m , and pres s N PLAY or ENTE R. For com mer ciall y availa ble BD- ROMs or DVD VIDEOs, playback s tarts. For BDs o r DVDs recorded o n other equi pment, the t itle l ist ap pears.
33 Play bac k Available OPTIONS 1 Press OPTIONS. The op tions menu appea rs. 2 Select an item using M / m , and pres s ENTER. The available items differ de pending on the disc t ype or player situatio n. To displ ay Top Men u When you play a BD or DVD , you ca n displa y the Top M enu.
34 To delete data in th e externa l memory You ca n delet e all unn ecess ary dat a at once. 1 Press HOME. 2 Selec t “Video ” usi ng < / , . 3 Sele ct “BD Data ” using M / m , and press OPTIONS. 4 Sele ct “Er ase, ” and pre ss EN TER. 5 Selec t “OK, ” and pres s ENT ER.
35 Play bac k You ca n check the titl e info rmat ion, including the video t ransmission rate, etc. Press DISPLA Y. The d ispla yed inf ormat ion di ffers d epend ing on t he dis c type and pl ayer stat us.
36 b • S et the pictu re setting of your TV to ‘Standard’ before ch anging the “P icture Qualit y Mode” sett ing. • “ Video Sett ings” is not av ailable whe n the connec ted TV is se t to Thea ter Mode (page 16).
37 Play bac k Playin g CDs 1 Insert a C D. The Mus ic Play er scree n appe ars. 2 Press N PLAY. Playba ck st arts. To sele ct a track 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (Mu sic) using < / , . 3 Selec t , and pr ess ENT ER. The mus ic list appe ars. 4 Select a tr ack using M / m .
38 Play ing Photo Fil es *1 BD-REs/B D-Rs cont aining J PEG image files *2 DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs containing JPEG image fi les *3 CD-RWs/C D-Rs cont aining JPE G image fi les 1 Press HOM E. 2 Select (Pho to) using < / , . 3 Sele ct , and pres s ENTE R.
39 Play bac k b • When you a ttempt to play t he followi ng photo files, the mark app ears on the screen and t hey cannot b e playe d. – p hoto files larg er than 8,192 pix els (width or height) .
40 Setting s and Adjustments Using th e Settin gs Displa ys Selec t (Set up) on the hom e menu when you n eed to c hange the se tting s of the player . 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (Setu p) using < / , . 3 Selec t th e setup ca tego ry ic on to change usi ng M / m , and pre ss ENTER.
41 Settings and Adjustment s Setting lis t You ca n setup t he foll owing options. Networ k Update You c an upd ate an d impr ove t he fun ctions of the pla yer. For info rm ation ab out updat e fun ctions , refer to th e fo llo win g we bs ite; http:/ /www.
42 To up date the so ftwa re usin g an up date disc You c an updat e and im prove t he funct ions of the pla yer using an upd ate dis c prov ided by Sony de aler or loca l author ized Sony ser vice facilit y. 1 Insert the upda te disc . The displa y asks for confirmatio n.
43 Settings and Adjustment s Selects the disp lay co nfigurat ion for playba ck of 1 6:9 scre en pic tures on a 4:3 screen TV (sele ctab le w hen “ TV T ype” i s se t to “4:3 ” and “Sc reen Form at” is set to “Fi xed Aspect Rati o”).
44 b • If the pictu re is distort ed or no picture appears, w ait fo r about 3 0 secon ds with out pressing any but tons. The dis play returns to the resoluti on setting sc reen. If the selecte d video output r esolution is incorrect, no pic ture appe ars on the scre en when you pres s any butt on in 30 s econds.
45 Settings and Adjustment s Sets the c olor se tting for vide o signa ls output from the HDMI OUT jack. Select the setting that matc hes the co nnec ted TV type . Sets whethe r to send x vYCC information to the co nnecte d TV. Combining xvYCC-compatible video with a TV that s upport s x.
46 Lowe rs the aud io ou tput le vel to prev ent sound dist ortio n. b “Audio ATT” does not af fect the output fro m the HDMI OUT jack and the DI GITAL OUT (OPTICAL/COAXIAL) jack. Sele cts th e audio si gnal s output w hen pla ying Dolby Digital discs.
47 Settings and Adjustment s b • “Audi o DRC” is effective only when playing Dolby Dig ital, Dolby Di gital Plu s, and Dolby TrueHD audio signals.
48 4 Sele ct the ag e res tricti on, an d press ENTER . The lower the value, the str icter the limitatio n. If you select “Sel ect Age Restri ction, ” you can en ter the age from “0 ” to “255” usin g < / M / m / , or the numbe r buttons .
49 Settings and Adjustment s Sets or changes th e passwor d for the Pare ntal Contr ol fu nction . A pa ssword a llows you to set a res triction on BD-ROM o r DVD VIDEO playba ck. If ne cessar y, yo u can differ entiate the re stricti on levels for BD- ROMs and DVD VIDEOs.
50 System Setting s The de fault set tings are unde rlined . Selec ts you r langu age fo r the pl ayer on - scree n disp lays. Adju sts the lighting of the front pa nel disp lay.
51 Settings and Adjustment s Netw ork Se tti ngs These i tems are nece ssary w hen y ou conne ct to th e Inte rnet vi a a netw ork cab le. En ter th e respec tiv e (alpha num eric) value s for your broadb and ro uter or Wirele ss LAN route r. The items that need to be set may differ, depend ing on the In ternet serv ice pro vide r or the router.
52 To ente r chara cters The dis play for ente ring cha ract ers app ears when you se lect “P roxy Serv er” in “Pro xy Settings.” 1 Press a numbe r button repea tedly to sele ct a charac ter. Exam ple: Press the num ber 3 but ton once to enter “D.
53 Settings and Adjustment s Easy Se tup Re-run s the Ea sy Setu p to make the basi c settin gs. 1 Selec t “Easy Se tup, ” and pre ss ENTE R. 2 Select “S tart” using < / , , and pres s ENTE R. 3 Follow the instructions for “Step 7: Easy Setu p” (p age 28) fr om s tep 4 .
54 Additiona l Informat ion Troubl esho oting If you ex perien ce any of the followi ng difficu lties w hile usin g the p layer, us e this troubleshoo ting guide to help remedy the probl em befo re req uesti ng repai rs. Shou ld any prob lem pe rsist , consult your ne arest Sony de aler .
55 Additi onal In formation , Check t he con nectio n to your TV (p age 14) and switch t he input se lector o n your TV so that th e sig nal from th e play er appe ars o n the TV screen . , When playing a do uble-layer DVD, the video an d audio may be mome ntar ily inter rupted at the poi nt where th e layer s switch.
56 There is no pictur e or no soun d when connect ed to the HDMI OUT jack. , Try t he follow ing: 1 T urn the pla yer off and on ag ain. 2 Tur n the co nnect ed equipm ent off an d on agai n. 3 Disconnec t and then reconnec t the HDMI cable . There is no pictur e or pi cture noise appear s when connec ted t o the HD MI OUT jack.
57 Additi onal In formation The re mote do es not fu nction . , The batt eries in the remo te are weak (pag e 26). , The d istan ce bet ween t he rem ote an d the playe r is too far. , The remote is not pointed at th e remote sensor on the pla yer. The file n ame is not correctly di splayed.
58 Self-Di agnosis Functio n When the se lf-diagnos is functi on is activ ated to prevent the player from malfuncti oning, an error code ap pears in the fron t pane l display , or just appear s without a ny messages o n the ent ire scree n. In thes e cases , check t he foll owing .
59 Additi onal In formation Playa ble Disc s * J PEG format conforming to UDF (Universal Disk Format) . Notes ab out BD-RO M compatib ility Since the Blu-ra y Dis c speci ficatio ns are n ew and evol vin g, som e disc s may not b e playa ble depend ing on t he disc typ e and th e vers ion.
60 Discs tha t cann ot be p layed • B Ds with cartri dge • DVD-RAMs • H D DVDs • DVD Audio disc s • P HOTO CD s • Data pa rt of C D-Ext ras • V CDs/Super VCDs • HD la yer on Supe r Au dio CDs • B D-ROMs/DVD VIDEOs with a different regi on code (p age 60) .
61 Additi onal In formation About playbac k of discs record ed in AVCHD fo rmat This player can play AVCHD format d iscs. What is the AVCHD format? The AV CHD fo rmat is a h igh-def initi on d igita l.
62 Vide o Output Resoluti on Outp ut reso lutio n differ s dep ending on the “Ou tput V ideo For mat” setting i n the “V ideo Setti ngs” se tup (p age 42 ).
63 Additi onal In formation Audio Out put Si gnals The audi o output differ s as follo ws, de pendin g on the sou rce, ou tput ja ck, and t he selec ted settin gs. *1 When “ Audio Output Priori ty” is set to “St ereo Analog,” LPCM 2ch signals are out put from each j ack.
64 Specifi cations System Laser: Semicondu ctor lase r Inputs and outp uts ( Jack name: Jack type/Ou tput leve l/Load impeda nce) LINE OUT R- AUDIO-L: Phono jack /2 Vrms/10 kilohms DIGITAL OUT (OPTI CAL): Optica l ou tput j ack/–18 dBm (wav e leng th 660 n m) DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL): Phono j ack/0.
65 Additi onal In formation Langua ge C ode L ist For det ails, see page 47 . The l angua ge spe lling s co nform to t he IS O 6 39: 19 88 ( E/F) stan dard .
66 Terms and Con ditions of Use an d En d Use r Lice nse Agre ement The Sony Blu-ray Disc player (“Product”) and associated software (“Software”) are provided and maintained by So ny Electronics Inc.
67 Additi onal In formation GNU General Public, Lesser Gener al Public, & Other Licenses. Notwithstanding terms in this Agreement, certain portions of the Software are governed by the GNU L esser General Public License, Version 2.
68 11. General Pro visions This Agreement, the limited warranty accompanying the Product, plus any additional term s posted on the Service or Site, together constitute the entire agr eement between Sony and you with respect to your use of the Product, Service, Site, Content, and Software.
69 Additi onal In formation Also, for each author ’s protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this fre e software .
70 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any wor k based on the Program), the recipient automatically rece ives a license from the original l icensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose a ny further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein.
71 Additi onal In formation The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show the appropriate parts of the Gene ral P ublic License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than ‘show w’ and ‘s how c’; they could e ven be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your progr am.
72 The “Library”, below, refers to any such s oftware library or work which has bee n distributed under these terms. A “work based on the Library” means either the Library or any der ivative w.
73 Additi onal In formation You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.
74 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of t he Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions ar e incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyr ighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Sof tware Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.
75 Additi onal In formation This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product include s software written by Tim Hudson ( Original SSLeay License Original S SLeay Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.
76 This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD Project. This product includes software developed by Manuel Bouyer. This product includes software developed by Rolf Grossmann. This product includes software developed by T ooLs GmbH.
77 Additi onal In formation Glos sary AACS “Adva nced Acce ss C ontent Sys tem” i s a specific ation for ma naging digital ente rtainm ent co ntent s stor ed on the ne xt gener ation of prer ecorde d and reco rded opt ical me dia.
78 DTS-HD Master Audio (p age 63) DTS-HD Master Audio has a maximum transm ission r ate of 24. 5 Mbps , and uses lossless compression (Lo ssless), a nd DTS- HD Mast er Audi o corr espon ds to a ma ximum samp ling fr eque ncy of 192 k Hz, and maxim um o f 7.
79 Index Words in quo tations a ppear in the on -scre en disp lays. Numerics 24p True C inema 78 A “A/V Sett ings” 35 AACS 77 ANGLE 8 AUDIO 8 “Au dio Ou tput Prio ri ty” 45 Audio ou tput signa.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony BDP-BX1 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony BDP-BX1 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony BDP-BX1 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony BDP-BX1 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony BDP-BX1 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony BDP-BX1 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony BDP-BX1 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony BDP-BX1. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony BDP-BX1 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.