Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4-115-669-11(1) des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 40
4-115-669- 11 (1) Oper ating I nstruct ions © 2008 Sony Corporation D VP-SR90 CD/DVD Player.
2 WARNIN G To redu ce the ris k of fire o r electric shock, d o not e xpose this ap para tus to r ain or moistur e. To avoid elect rical shock , do not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to qual ified perso nnel onl y. The mains lead mu st only be change d at a qualifi ed service shop.
3 Ligh tning For added protection for this set during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet. This will prevent damage to the set due to lightning and powerline surges. Notes about t he d iscs • To keep the disc clean, handle the disc b y its edge.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 About This Manual .
5 Addi tiona l Info rmat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Troubleshootin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Self-diagn osis Func tion (Wh en letters/num bers ap pear on the scr een) .
6 Guide t o Parts an d Contro ls For more informatio n, see th e pages indic ated in p arentheses . Remote 2 (volume) +, num ber 5 , AUDIO, and N buttons have a tact ile dot. Use the ta ctil e dot a s a r eferenc e when operating the player. A PICTURE NAVI (25) Divide s the screen in to 9 subscre ens so you can cho ose the des ired scene quic kly.
7 Basi c operatio ns * 1 For all DVDs except for DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs/ DVD+R DLs and DivX video files. * 2 For DVDs and DivX video files only. * 3 These func tions may no t wo rk with some scen es. * 4 For DVD VIDEOs and DVD-VR mode only. * 5 For DVDs, VIDEO CDs and DivX video f iles only.
8 Front panel A [ / 1 (on/sta ndby) button (13 ) B Disc tray (15) C Front pa nel disp lay (16) D (remote sensor) (11) E Z (ope n/cl ose) b utton (15) F N (pla y) butto n (15) G x (sto p) butt on (15 ).
9 Hookup s Hookups When unpacki ng, chec k the sup plied ac cessor ies by re ferri ng to page 37. b • Plug cables securel y to prevent unwa nted noise. • Refer to the instru ctions suppl ied with the com ponents t o be conn ected. • Be sure to disconn ect the main s lead of each compo nent befo re connectin g.
10 To c onnect to y our a udio c ompon ent Use t he fo llowi ng pa tter n. z For correct s peaker loca tion, see the operating instr ucti ons sup pli ed with the co nnect ed compone nts. If your audio com ponent has a Do lby* 1 Digital, DTS* 2 , or MPEG aud io deco der and a digita l input j ack, use this connection.
11 Hookup s Step 2 : Conn ecting the Mains Lead Plug t he play er a nd TV mains lead (power cord) into a mains. Step 3 : Prep aring the Remote You ca n cont rol the player usin g the supp lied remote. I nsert two R6 (s ize AA) batteries by matching th e 3 and # ends on t he bat terie s to the ma rkings insi de the compa rtment.
12 To cont rol other TVs with the rem ote You can control th e sound leve l, input source, and pow er switch o f non-So ny TVs as well. If your TV is lis ted in the table be low, se t the approp riate m anufa cturer’s code.
13 Hookup s Step 4: Qu ick Se tup Follow the steps below to make the minimum number of basic a djustments for using the player. To skip a n adjustment, p ress > . To retu rn to the pr evious adjus tment, press . . 1 Turn on the TV. 2 Press [ / 1 . The play er turn s on.
14 8 Press ENTER. The Setu p Displa y for selec ting the typ e of vide o signal ou tput from the LINE (RGB)-TV jack appears. 9 Press X / x to select the typ e of signal you want t o outp ut from t he LINE (RGB)- TV jack. ◆ Video sign als • VIDEO (page 29) ◆ RGB signa ls • RG B (page 29) 10 Press ENTER.
15 Playback Playback Playi ng Disc s Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operat ions may b e differ ent or r estricted . Refer to th e operat ing instruc tions sup plied wit h your disc . 1 Press Z on the player, an d place the d isc on the d isc tr ay.
16 To pla y VIDEO CDs With PB C Functio ns (PBC Playback ) PBC (Pla yback C ontrol) allow s you to pl ay VIDEO CDs interac tively by fol lowing the menu on the TV s creen. When y ou s tart play ing a VIDEO CD wit h PBC fun ctions, the men u for your select ion appe ars.
17 Playback Control Menu displ ay (Magic Pad) Use t he Co ntrol Menu to s elect a fun ction and to vi ew r elate d info rmat ion. Press DISPL AY repeat edly to turn on or cha nge the Co ntrol M enu displ ay as follo ws: The Contr ol Men u display 1 a nd 2 will s how diff erent ite ms depe nding on the disc type.
18 List of Control Menu items Item Item Name, Function TITLE/SCENE/TRACK CHAPTER/INDEX TRACK Sele cts the titl e, sce ne, tr ack, chapt er, or inde x to be play ed. 1 Pres s X / x to se lect th e search method . “** (** )” is select ed (** refers to a numbe r).
19 Playback z The Cont rol Menu icon indi cator light s up in green when you select any item except “OFF” (“PROGRAM,” “SHUF FLE,” “REPEAT,” “A-B RE PEAT,” “SHARPNESS, ” “ZOOM,” “TVS” only). The “ORIGINAL/PLAY LIST” indicator lights up in green when you select “PLAY LIST” (default setting).
20 Var ious Pl ay Mode Functi ons You can set the follo wing play mode s: • Programme Pl ay (pa ge 20) • Shuffle Pl ay (pa ge 21) • Repeat Play (page 21) • A-B Repe at Pl ay (pa ge 22) b The play mode i s cancell ed when: – you op en the disc tray.
21 Playback 5 Press N . Progra mme Pla y begins . When the progra mme e nds, you can restart t he same progr amme again by pressi ng N . To return to normal play Press CL EAR, or select “OFF” in st ep 1. To play the same programme again, se lect “ON” in ste p 1 and pr ess ENTER .
22 • TITL E: rep eats th e curren t title on a disc . • CHAPTER: r epe ats th e curr ent ch apte r. • TR ACK: repeats the curr ent track. • FIL E (Di vX vid eo file s only ): repe ats the current file . • AL BUM: repeats the curr ent alb um.
23 Playback Custom izi ng the Playba ck Con figur ation Adjusting th e playback picture (CUSTOM PICT URE MODE) You can adjust the video si gnal fr om the player to obtain the pictur e quality y ou want. 1 After selec ting (CUSTOM PICTURE MODE) on t he Cont rol Menu (page 17), press X / x to se lect the setting you want.
24 6 Select the l evel you want using X / x , then p ress E NTER. Parental Contr ol setting i s complete. The low er the va lue, the s tricter th e limitatio n.
25 Playback 3 Press N . Playback starts from the selected a lbum. The JP EG images i n the selec ted album start pl aying as a slide show . To sele ct a spec ific MP3 audio tr ack, press EN TER and pres s X / x to se lect a track, then press ENTER. To select a specific JPEG ima ge file, see “Selec ting a JP EG image file” (page 25) .
26 To disp lay JPEG i mage info rmation Press S UBTITLE w hile view ing JPEG ima ge files. The file n ame, camera maker/mo del, date, time , pic tur e re solu tion , file siz e, ca mer a setting informatio n (ISO speed ra ting, Exposur e time , F Nu mbe r, Exp osure b ias, or Focal leng th) of the pictur e are displ ayed on the sc reen.
27 Playback Playi ng Div X Vide o File s DivX ® is a video f ile comp ressio n techno logy, deve loped by DivX, Inc . This product is an offi cial DivX ® Certified product . You ca n play DA TA dis cs that c ontain Di vX video fi les. z You can view the disc information whil e playing a DivX vide o file us ing TIME/TEXT (page 6).
28 Settings and Adjustmen ts Using the Setu p Displ ay By usi ng the Setup Dis play , you ca n make various adjustmen ts to it ems such as picture and sou nd. You can also set a language fo r the subti tles and t he Setu p Displ ay, am ong othe r things.
29 Settings and Adj ustments SCREEN SET UP Choose sett ings according to the TV to be connect ed. Select “SCREEN SETUP” in the Se tup Displ ay. To use the di spla y, see “U sing th e Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 28) . The d efaul t set tin gs are unde rlined .
30 CUSTOM SETU P Use t his t o set up play back r elat ed an d ot her settings . Select “CUS TOM SE TUP” in the Set up Disp lay. To use the displa y, see “Us ing the Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 28) . The defa ult settin gs are und erlined. ◆ AUTO POWER OF F Switches the Auto Power Of f setting on or off.
31 Settings and Adj ustments AUDIO SETU P “AUDIO SETUP” allows you to set th e sound accordi ng to the pl ayback a nd conn ection conditi ons. Select “AUDIO SETUP” in the Setup Displ ay. To use the di spla y, see “U sing th e Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 28) .
32 ◆ MPEG (DV Ds only ) Sel ects th e type of MPE G audio sig nal. ◆ DTS Selects wheth er or not t o output D TS sig nals. • W hen you play a DVD VIDEO with DTS sound tracks , set “DTS” to “ON” in “AUDIO SETUP” (page 32).
33 Additi onal Inform ation Additional Info rmation Troubl eshoo ting If you exp erienc e any of th e follow ing difficul ties while using the player, use thi s troubles hooti ng guide t o help re medy the proble m before r equest ing repa irs. Shou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ult your ne arest Sony deal er.
34 The JPEG image f ile canno t be play ed (page 35). , The imag e is larg er th an 307 2 (w idth) × 2048 (he ight) in normal mode, o r more t han 3,300,000 pi xels in progressi ve JPEG. (Some progre ssive JPEG files cannot be disp laye d eve n if the f ile si ze is w ithin this spec ified ca pacity .
35 Additi onal Inform ation Self- diagno sis Fu nct ion (When lett ers/number s appear on the screen) When the s elf-diagnosi s function is activate d to preve nt the play er from malfun ctioning , a fiv e-char acter se rvice nu mber (e.g. , C 13 50) wit h a combi nati on of a l etter and four digi ts appea rs on the sc reen.
36 * “Design rule for Camera Fi le system”: Image standard s for digi tal camera s regulat ed by JEITA (Japan Elec tronics and Informati on Technology Industrie s Associatio n).
37 Additi onal Inform ation * CP RM (Cont ent Prot ection f or Recordab le Media) is a coding technology that prote cts the copyright of im ages. • Note o n DualDisc s A DualDisc is a two side d disc product which mates DVD recorded material on one side with digital audio material on the other side.
38 Langua ge C ode Li st For det ail s, see page s 6, 28. The lang uage spe llings co nform to the ISO 639: 19 88 (E/F) standard. Parent al Co ntro l Area Code L ist For de tails, see p age 23.
39 Additional I nformation Inde x Numerics 16: 9 29 4:3 LETTE R BOX 29 4:3 PAN SCAN 29 48kH z/96kH z PCM 32 5.1 Ch annel Surro und 10 A A-B RE PEAT 18, 22 A-B Repeat Play 22 Advan ce 7 ALBU M 19 ANGLE.
Sony Corporation Printed in China z To find out useful h ints, tips and information about Sony products and services please visit: 4-115-669- 11 (1).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony 4-115-669-11(1) (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony 4-115-669-11(1) noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony 4-115-669-11(1) - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony 4-115-669-11(1) reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony 4-115-669-11(1) erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony 4-115-669-11(1) besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony 4-115-669-11(1) verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony 4-115-669-11(1). Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony 4-115-669-11(1) gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.