Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR des Produzenten SMC Networks
Zur Seite of 114
38 T esl a Ir vin e, CA 92618 Phone : (949 ) 679-80 00 Barricade TM g 2.4 GHz 54 Mb ps Wireless Cab le/DS L Br oadband R outer F rom SM C’ s Ba rri cade lin e of Br oadba nd Route rs Octob er 200 3 .
COPYRIGHT Inform ation fu rn ished by S MC Networ ks, Inc. (SMC) i s believ ed t o be ac curate an d reliabl e. Howe ver , no re sponsib ility is assu med by SM C for its use, nor for any infr in gements of patent s or other r ights of thir d par ties which ma y result from it s use.
i C OMPL IANC ES Federal Comm unication Co m miss ion In terfere nce Stat eme nt This equipment has been tested a nd found to comply with the limit s f or a Clas s B digital de v ice, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonab le protection against har mful interference in a resident ial installation.
Com pliances ii EC Conformance Dec laration - Class B SMC contact f or t hese products in Europe is: SMC Networks Europe, Edificio Conata II, Calle F ructuós G elaber t 6-8, 2 o , 4 a , 08970 - Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona, Spain.
Comp li a nces iii Industr y Canada - Class B This digital apparat us does not e xceed the Class B limits for r adio noise emis sions from digital apparatus as s et out in the int erf erence-c ausing equipment st andard entitled “Digital Apparatus, ” ICES-003 of the Depar t ment of Communicat ions .
Com pliances iv Wichtig e Sicherh eitshinweis e (Germa ny) 1. Bitte lesen Sie diese Hinweise sorgfältig durc h. 2. Heben Sie dies e Anleitung für den s päteren Gebrauch auf . 3. V or jedem Reinigen ist das Gerät vom Stromnetz z u trennen. V erwenden Sie keine Flüssigoder Aerosolreiniger .
v T ABLE OF C ONTENTS About the Wireless Barricade g Router . . . . . . . . 1 LED Ind icators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features and Be nefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T AB LE OF C ONTENTS vi LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 WIREL ESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 NAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 A BOUT THE W IRELESS B ARRICADE G R OUTER Congr atulations on your purcha se of t he Wi reless Ba rrica de™ g Broa dband R outer. SM C is pro ud to pr ovid e you with a power ful yet s imple comm unica tion de vice for c onnectin g your loc al area network (LAN) to the Inte rnet.
Abou t the Wireless Barricade g Router 2 Features and Be nefits • Internet c onnec tion to DS L or cab le mod em via a 10 /1 00 M bps WAN port • Local ne twork conne ction vi a 10/10 0 Mbps Etherne t po rts or 54 Mbp s wirel ess inte rface ( supporti ng up t o 253 mo bile users) • 802.
3 I NS TALLING THE W IRELES S B ARRICADE G R OUTER Befor e instal ling t he Wire less Ba rrica de™ g B roadband Router , verify that y ou hav e all the item s liste d under “Pac kage Contents .” If any of the items ar e missing or dam aged, con tact your loca l SMC distrib utor.
Installing the Wireless Barricade g Router 4 Hardware Description The Route r can be conne cted to the Intern et or to a remote s ite usin g its RJ -45 WA N por t. It can be c onnected dir ectly to your PC or to a l ocal a rea networ k usin g any of the Fas t Ethe rnet LAN ports.
Hardware Description 5 • One RJ- 45 port fo r co nnection to a DSL or c able mode m (WAN) . This p ort also auto- negoti ates oper ating speed to 10/100 M bps, the mode to half/fu ll dupl ex, and the pin sign als to MDI/M DI-X. The f ollowing figures show th e com ponents of the Route r: Figure 1.
Installing the Wireless Barricade g Router 6 System Req uirements You mu st hav e an IS P that meets the follow ing mi nimum requir ements: • Intern et acce ss f rom y our loca l tel ephone comp any or Inter net Servi ce Provi der (ISP) using a D SL modem or cab le modem.
Conn ect the System 7 Basic I nstal lation Pr ocedu re 1. Connect the LAN : Conn ect the Router to yo ur PC, or to a hub or switch. Run Eth ernet cable from one of the L AN port s on the re ar of t he Router t o your c ompute r’s netw ork adap ter or to another n etwork de vice .
Installing the Wireless Barricade g Router 8 Attach to Your Network Using Ethernet Cabling The f our LAN p orts on th e Router auto-n egotiat e the connect ion speed to 10 M bps Ether net or 1 00 Mbps Fast E thern et, and t he transmi ssion m ode to half dup le x or ful l duplex .
Conn ect the System 9 Attach to Your Network Using Radio Signals Install a wire less net work ada pter in ea ch c omputer that will be conne cted to the Inte rnet o r yo ur local networ k via ra dio signals . SMC cu rren tly offe rs seve ral wirele ss ne twor k cards, incl uding the SMC28 02W and SMC 2835W wi reless car ds.
Installing the Wireless Barricade g Router 10 A wir eless i nfrastr ucture can be used f or acce ss to a cen tral databas e, or for con nection b etween m obile worker s, as shown in the follow ing fig ure: Figure 4.
Conn ect the System 11 Attach t he Wire less Bar ricade g Ro uter to the In ternet If Inter net se rvices a re prov ided through an xDSL or cabl e modem, use u nshie lded or shiel ded twis ted- pair Eth ernet cable (Categ ory 3 or greater ) with RJ- 45 plu gs to con nect th e broad band m odem dir ectly to the WA N port on the Ro uter.
12 C ONFIGURING C LIENT TCP/IP If you have not p revious ly ins talle d the TCP /IP pr otocols on you r clie nt PCs , refer t o the fol lowin g sect ion. If you ne ed info rmation on how t o configu re a TCP /IP add ress o n a PC, refer to “Setting Up TCP/IP ” on p age 15.
Installing TCP/IP 13 5. Selec t Micros oft in th e manuf a ctur ers list. S elect TCP /IP in the Networ k P rotocol s list. Click the O K b utton t o retur n to th e Network window . 6. The TCP /IP prot ocol w ill b e listed in the N etwor k wind ow .
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 14 4. Doub le-cli c k Proto col. 5. Choose Inter net Proto col (TCP/IP) . Cli c k the OK button to retur n to the Ne twork window . 6. The TCP /IP prot ocol w ill b e listed in the N etwor k wind ow . Click OK to co mplete the in stallation p roce dure.
Setting Up TCP/IP 15 Setting U p TCP/IP To acc ess the I nterne t through the Route r, yo u must c onfigure the netw ork set tings of the c ompute rs on your LAN to use the same IP sub net as the Rout er. The default network settin gs for the Rout er are: Gat ew ay IP Addres s: 192.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 16 3. On the Net work wi ndow Configu ration tab , double-click the TCP /IP entr y f o r y our ne twork card . 4. Click the IP A ddress tab . 5. Click the “Obt ain an IP addre ss“ op tion. 6. Ne xt click on the Gatewa y tab and verif y the Gatewa y field is blank.
Setting Up TCP/IP 17 8. On the Net work Proper ties Window , click the OK button to sav e th ese new setting s. Note: Wind ows may a sk you f or the orig inal W indow s insta llati on disk or additiona l files .
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 18 Configuring Your Computer in Windows NT 4.0 1. From the Windows desktop c lick Sta rt/Set tings/ Contro l Panel . 2. Doub le-cli c k the Networ k icon . 3. Click on the Prot ocols ta b . 4. Doub le-cli c k TCP/ IP Protoc ol.
Setting Up TCP/IP 19 7. Click on “Obtain an I P address from a DHCP ser v er . ” 8. Click OK to cl ose t he wind ow . 9. Wind ows ma y copy file s and w ill then p rompt you to rest ar t your system. Cli ck Y es an d y our co mputer wil l shut d own and restar t.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 20 3. T yp e IPCONFIG /RE NEW and press the <E NTER> key . V erif y that your IP Addr ess i s now 192.16 8.2.xx x, your Su bne t Mask is 255. 255.255 .0 and y our De f au lt Gatew a y is 192.168 .2.254. These values c onfir m t hat the Route r is fun ctioning 4.
Setting Up TCP/IP 21 4. In the L ocal Area Conn ectio n Pro per ti es box, v eri fy the b o x ne xt to Inter net P rotocol (TCP/IP) is checked. Then h ighlight the Inte r net Pr otocol ( TCP/IP) , and c lick the Prop er ties b utton . 5. Selec t “Obta in an IP address automa tical ly” to c onfigu re your computer for DHCP .
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 22 2. Locat e and do uble-click the Local A rea C onnect ion i con f o r the Ether net ad apter that is conn ected to the Ro uter . Ne xt, cl ic k th e Proper t ies b utton . 3. In the L ocal Area Conn ectio n Pro per ti es box, v eri fy the b o x ne xt to Inter net P rotocol (TCP/IP) is checked.
Setting Up TCP/IP 23 2. Make sure that Buil t-in Ethe r net is se lect ed in t he Show field . 3. On the TCP /IP tab , sele ct Us ing DHCP in the Co nfi gure f ie ld. 4. Cl os e th e TCP/ IP dialog bo x. Manual IP Configuration (for all Windows OS ) 1.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 24 2. In the Gatewa y tab , add the IP add ress of the Rout er (def ault: in t he New gate wa y fi eld a nd click Add. 3. On the DNS Config uration tab , add the IP addres s f or the Rout er and click Add. This au tom atica ll y rel a ys DNS reque sts to the DNS ser v er(s) provided by your IS P .
Setting Up TCP/IP 25 Verifying Your TCP/ IP Connection Af ter ins talli ng t he T CP/ IP co mmun ic at ion p rot ocols a nd confi guring a n IP ad dress i n the sam e networ k as the Router , use th e ping comma nd to chec k if your co mpu ter has succ essful ly conne ct ed to the Router .
26 C ONFIGURING THE W IRELESS B ARRICADE G R OUTER The Wirele ss Bar ricade g Ro ute r can be confi gur ed by an y Java -suppor ted brows er, i. e., Inte rnet Ex plorer 4.0 or abo ve. Using the web manage ment in terface, you c an con figure th e Router and view statis tics to mo nitor netw ork a ctivity.
Brows er Conf igurat ion 27 Disable Proxy Connection You wi ll also need to ve rify tha t the HTT P Prox y feat ure of your web bro wser is di sable d. This is so that yo ur web brows er will be able t o view the Rout er confi guration pages . The fol lowing st eps are for Internet E xplore r and for Netscape .
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 28 Navigatin g the Web Brow ser Interface To acc ess the R outer’s manage ment inter face, ente r the R outer IP addres s in yo ur web browser ht tp:// 192.168 .2.1. The n click LOG IN. (By def ault, th e pass word is smca dmi n.
SETUP WIZARD 29 SETUP WIZARD Time Zone Click on SE TUP WIZARD. The firs t item is Time Zon e. For ac curate t iming of clien t filte ring and log ev ents, you ne ed to set th e time zon e.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 30 Broadband Type Selec t the ty pe of broadband conne ction you h ave. For a c able mod em con nection s ee the following page.
SETUP WIZARD 31 Cable Modem After sele cting Cabl e Mode m as th e Broadb and T ype, a message will a ppear statin g that y our data h as bee n succes sful ly save d. Note: Selec t Home to ret urn to the home pa ge, then se lect Adva nced S etting s/WAN to con figur e the req uired paramete rs.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 32 Enter a Maxim um Idle Time ( in minute s) to de fine a m axim um period o f time for which the Inte rnet con nection i s mainta ined during i nactivi ty. If the connec tion is inact ive for longer th an the Maximum Idle Ti me, it w ill b e dropped .
ADVANCE D SETUP 33 BigPond If you use the B igPon d Inter net Serv ice w hich is availab le in Austr alia, en ter th e host name an d AMC addr ess for BigPon d authent icati on.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 34 NAT Shares a single ISP accoun t with multiple users, set s up virtual servers. Firewall Configures a variety of security and specialized functions, including: Access Control, Hacke r Prevention, and DMZ.
ADVANCE D SETUP 35 SYSTE M Time Zone Set the time zon e and ti me se rver for the Route r. This infor mation is used for l og entri es and clie nt acc ess co ntrol . Check E nable Auto matic Time S erver Mai ntenance to automa tical ly main tain th e Route r’s s ystem time by sy nchroni zing with a p ublic ti me se rver over t he Inter net.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 36 Passwor d Settings Use this menu to restri ct acce ss b ased o n a passw ord. B y defaul t, there i s no p assw ord. For s ecuri ty yo u shou ld as sign one befor e exposi ng the R outer to the In ternet.
ADVANCE D SETUP 37 Remote Management Remote Managem ent al lows a remote P C to co nfigure, m anage, and mo nitor the Rout er usin g a standar d web browser . Check Enabl e and e nter the IP addr ess of th e remo te hos t. Click SAVE SET TING S. Note: If you specify 0.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 38 WAN Spec ify the W AN con nection t ype prov ided by yo ur Inte rnet Servi ce Prov ider, the n cli ck Mor e Confi guration to enter detaile d confi guration param eters fo r the s elect ed co nnectio n typ e.
ADVANCE D SETUP 39 Dynamic IP The H ost Name i s optiona l, but m ay be requir ed by som e ISPs. The d efault MAC add ress i s set to t he WA N’s ph ysical inter face on the R outer. Use this address when reg isteri ng for Inte rnet servi ce, an d do no t chan ge it u nless req uired by your ISP.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 40 Point-to-Point Ov er Etherne t (PPPoE) Enter the PPP oE Use r Name and P asswo rd assi gned b y your Servi ce Prov ider . The Se rvice Name is norm ally op tional , but may b e requ ired by some servic e pr ovide rs.
ADVANCE D SETUP 41 Point-t o-Point Tunneling P rotocol ( P PTP) Point -to-Poi nt Tunne ling P rotocol (PPT P) can be use d to jo in differen t physi cal netwo rks usi ng the Int ernet a s an inter mediary .
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 42 Static IP Addres s If you r Intern et Servi ce Pro vider ha s assign ed a fi xed IP addres s, enter the assign ed addres s and subne t mask for the Router , then enter the gate way ad dress o f your IS P.
ADVANCE D SETUP 43 BigPond BigP ond is a servic e pr ovide r in Aust ralia that uses a hear tbeat system to mai ntain t he Interne t conn ectio n. On thi s page you can confi gure the user setti ngs inc luding, Use r Name, Pass word, and the Au thentic ation Servic e Name .
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 44 DNS Domain Name S ervers m ap nume rical IP addr esses to the equiv alent dom ain name (e.g ., m). Y our ISP shoul d provid e the IP addre ss of one or m ore do main name serv ers. Enter those add resses in th is scree n.
ADVANCE D SETUP 45 LAN • LAN IP – Use th e LAN menu to c onfigure the LA N IP addr ess for the Ro uter and to enable th e DHCP server for dynamic clie nt addres s al location . • Set a p eriod for the leas e time if requir ed. For home networks this may be set to Fo reve r, which mea ns there is no time l imit on the I P addres s le ase.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 46 WIRELES S To conf igure the Rou ter as a w ireles s access point f or wireles s clie nts (ei ther stati onary o r roami ng), all you need to do i s define the ra dio chan nel, the Servi ce Set id entifi er (SS ID), and s ecurity option s.
ADVANCE D SETUP 47 Channel and SSID You mu st sp ecify a co mmon r adio cha nnel a nd SSI D (Ser vice Set ID) to be used b y the Route r and a ll of your wir eless clie nts. Be su re you c onfig ure al l of y our clie nts to the s ame valu es. SSID : Th e Servi ce Set ID.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 48 Tran smis sion Rate: Set the rat e of data transmi tted from the R oute r. The lowe r the d ata rate, t he longer the tr ansmiss ion d istance. (Defau lt: F ully Automa tic.) Channel : The r adio channe l throug h whic h the R outer commu nica tes with P Cs in its BSS .
ADVANCE D SETUP 49 Secu rity If you are tran smitt ing se nsiti ve data ac ross radio chann els, yo u shoul d enab le wir eless s ecuri ty..
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 50 WEP Wired E quiv alent P rivac y (WE P) encr yption r equi res you to use the sam e set of enc ryption /decryp tion key s for the Rou ter and all of yo ur wirele ss cli ents. WEP m ode : You ca n choo se disab led, 6 4-bit or 128 -bit encryp tion.
ADVANCE D SETUP 51 Four k eys wil l be gener ated. C hoose a key ID ( 1-4) fro m the drop-do wn list o r accep t the de fault key . If you use encr yption, confi gure the s ame k eys use d for the Router on each o f your wirele ss cli ents.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 52 Field Defaul t Paramete r Descr iption Cypher suite TKIP One of the security mechanism used by WPA for frame body and CRC frame enc ryption Authentication 802.1X Select the aut hentication mode. • 802.
ADVANCE D SETUP 53 802.1X Manage ment ac cess w ill be checke d agai nst the authen tication databas e sto red on the Router. If an auth entica tion RADIUS server is used, you mu st sp ecify the se cret ke y of th e Message -Auth enticator attribu te, i.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 54 • Gener al Para meters • RADIUS Server Parameters Field Defaul t Paramete r Descr iption Enable 802.1X Yes Starts using 802.1x security control. Session Idle Timeout 300 seconds Defines a maximum period of time for which the c onnection is maint ained during inactivity.
ADVANCE D SETUP 55 NAT From th is se ction y ou can configur e the Virtual Server , and Spec ial Appl ication feat ures that provid e control over th e TCP / UDP port o pening s in the router ’s fir ewall. T his sect ion can be used to su pport sever al Int ernet ba se d applic ations su ch as web, E-mail, FTP, and Telnet.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 56 Virtu al Serv er If you configur e the Ro uter as a virtua l serv er, remo te use rs acce ssin g serv ices su ch as web or FTP at your l ocal site via publi c IP a ddress es ca n be au tomatic ally redi rec ted to loc al server s confi gured with pri vate I P addres ses.
ADVANCE D SETUP 57 Special Applications Some a pplic ation s, su ch as Inte rnet g aming, vide oconfe rencing , Intern et tele phony and other s, requi re multi ple c onnection s. These a pplicati ons can not wor k with Network A ddress Trans lation ( NAT) en abled.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 58 Exam ple: For a fu ll lis t of por ts and the se rvices t hat run on the m, see www.iana .org/assignm ents/port -numbers. ID Trigger Port Trigger Type Public Po rt Public Type Comment 1 6112 UDP 6112 UDP Battle.
ADVANCE D SETUP 59 FIREWALL The R outer fir ewall can p rovide access control of co nnecte d clie nt PCs , block comm on ha cker at tacks, inclu ding IP Spoof ing, Land A ttack, Pi ng of D eath, IP with zer o leng th, Smurf Attack, UDP port l oopbac k, Snork Attac k, TCP n ull sca n, and TCP SYN floodi ng.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 60 Access Control Ad d PC This page a llows u sers t o defi ne s ervice limitat ions of cli ent PC s, incl uding IP addres s, s ervice ty pe and sche duling rule c riteria .
ADVANCE D SETUP 61 MAC Filter Th is section p rovides MA C filt ering config urat ion infor mation. To use MAC add ress filter ing, y ou must enter a l ist of allowed/ denie d client MAC address es into the fil terin g table . You can define up to 3 2 clients using t he MAC address filtering table.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 62 URL Blocking To conf igure the URL Blocki ng featu re, use t he t able belo w to spec ify the we b site s (www .
ADVANCE D SETUP 63 Schedule Rule The Sc hedule Rule fe ature allows y ou to con figu re spec ific r ules based on tim e and da te. Thes e rules can th en be u sed to confi gure mor e spe cific A ccess Contro l.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 64 Add Schedule Rule Enabl es Sche dule-bas ed Inte rnet a ccess co ntrol . 1. Click A dd Sc hedul e Rule. 2. Define the se ttings for the sc hedul e rul e (as s hown on the f o llowing s cre en). 3. Click OK and th en click the SAVE S ETTINGS button to sav e your setting s.
ADVANCE D SETUP 65 Intrusion Detection The I ntrusio n Detec tion fea ture lim its a ccess for inco ming t raffic at the W AN port..
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 66 • SPI and Ant i-DoS firewa ll protection (Defa ult: Enabled ) – When t he SP I (Statefu l Pac ket Inspe ction ) feature is turn ed on, al l incom ing pa ckets will be bloc ked e xcept for thos e typ es marked wi th a check in the Stat eful Pack et Inspecti on sect ion.
ADVANCE D SETUP 67 • State ful Packe t Inspec tion – This is called a “st ateful” pac ket insp ection becau se it examines the c ontents of the packet to deter mine th e stat e of the comm unica tions; i. e., it e nsur es that the st ated de stina tion c omputer has pr evio usly r equested the curre nt comm unicati on.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 68 • Connection Po l icy – Enter the ap propri ate va lues f or TCP/ UDP se ssio ns as de scribe d in th e foll owing tabl e. Parame ter Defaults Desc ription Fragmentation half-open wait 10 sec Configures the number of seconds that a packet st ate structure remains ac tive.
ADVANCE D SETUP 69 DoS Detect Criteria Set up DoS (D enial-of- Servic e) and p ort s can criter ia in the spac es prov ided (as show n belo w). Parame ter Defaults D escriptio n Total incomplete TCP/UDP sessions H IGH 300 sessions Defines the rate of newly unestablished sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions .
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 70 DMZ If you have a cl ient P C that c annot run an Inte rnet a pplicati on prope rly from behind the firewa ll, th en you can op en the clien t up to unres tricted two-way In ternet ac cess. Ente r the IP a ddress of a DMZ hos t to thi s screen .
ADVANCE D SETUP 71 DDNS Provid er – Th is DNS fea ture i s powere d by eithe r DynDNS , or . With a DDNS con necti on you ca n hos t your own web site, E-ma il ser ver, FTP site , and m ore at your own lo catio n even if yo u have a dyna mic I P addres s.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 72 The sec tion a lso h as a “S erver C onfigura tion ” secti on that automa tical ly opens the po rt options che cked in the Vi rtual Server sectio n.
ADVANCE D SETUP 73 TOOLS Use the Tools me nu to bac k up the cu rren t configur ation , rest ore a previo usly save d confi guration , resto re fac tory sett ings, update firmwar e, and reb oot the Router . Configuration Tools • Back up Rout er Con figurati on – Sa ves t he Route r’s confi guration se ttings to a file.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 74 Firmware Upgrade Use this screen to upda te the fi rmware or user i nterface to the lates t versions . Downl oad the upgrade file from the SM C web site (ww w.smc. com) an d save it to y our hard driv e.
75 Reboot Click RE BOOT ROUTER to rese t the Rout er. Clic k OK to r eboot . The res et will be com plete wh en the power LED stops blinki ng. Note: If you use the Res et but ton on th e front pa nel, the Router performs a power reset.
Configuring the W ireless Ba r ricade g Router 76 STA TUS The Stat us sc reen di splay s WAN/L AN con nection s tatus , firmwar e, and h ardware version n umbers, attempts to acce ss your network , as well as information on DHCP clients co nnected to your network.
Configurin g Printer Services 77 C ONFIG URING P RINTER S ERVICE S There i s one US B printe r port bu ilt i nto the SMC2 804WB RP-G. To set u p the SMC28 04WB RP-G P rint Server : • Wind ows 98/Me: See “ Printer S erver S etup in W indows 98/ Me” on pa ge 5- 2.
78 Printer Server Setup in Windows 98/Me Y ou ma y fi nd t hat the i nst r ucti ons he re do n ot e xac tly m atch y our v e rsion o f Wind ows . Th is is b ecause th ese s teps a nd sc reen shots were cr eated in Wi ndows 98. W indows Mi llen nium E ditio n is ver y simi lar , but not id entic al, to W indows 98 .
Printer Se rver Setup in W indows 9 8/Me 79 3. Selec t the des tinati on folder an d clic k on the Next b utton. The setup program will then be gin to ins tall t he pro grams into the destinati on fol der. 4. Selec t the P rogram Folder that will conta in the p rogram icon for un insta lling the port mon itor, and then click Next.
Configuring P rinter Services 80 6. When t he set up prog ram fin ishes i nstallin g the po rt mo nitor, choos e “Yes, I wa nt t o restart m y comput er now” a nd then cli ck OK.
Printer Server Setup in Windows NT 81 Printer Server Set up in Wind ows NT 1. On a Windows N T pla tform, ope n the P rinters wi ndow i n the My Com puter men u, and d oub le-cli ck the A dd Prin ter i con. 2. Follow the pr ompts t o add a local printer to your system .
Configuring P rinter Services 82 3. Selec t the m onitored port. The defau lt por t name is “SMC 100.” Then cl ick the Configu re Port butt on. 4. Enter the IP add ress o f the SM C2804W BRP-G and clic k OK. Clic k Ne xt in the Add P rinte r Wi zard dialo g bo x.
Printer Server Setu p in Window s 2000 83 Printer Server Setup in Windows 2000 1. On your deskto p, cli ck Start/S etting s/Prin ters to op en the Printer s win dow, the n doubl e-click the Ad d Printe r icon. 2. Follow the pr ompts t o add a local printer to your system .
Configuring P rinter Services 84 4. Selec t the m onitored port. The defau lt por t name is “SMC100 .” Cli ck the Con figur e Port bu tton. 5. Enter the IP add ress o f the SM C2804W BRP-G and clic k OK. Then cl ick Next in th e Add P rinter Wizar d dialog box.
Conf igur ing the L PR po rt on Wi ndows 2000 /XP 85 Configuring the LPR p ort on Windows 2000/XP The Barr icade Rou ter printer functio n can also be u sed wi th the LPR (Remo te L ine Printe r) por t on Windo ws XP and W indows 2000 ma chine s.
Configuring P rinter Services 86 Note: On Wind ows XP c heck the “Local printer attac hed to this comput er.” 6. Click the Next b utton to create a new prin ter po r t. 7. Selec t the Cre ate a New P o r t op tion an d then s elect th e Standa rd TCP/IP P or t option in the drop- down menu.
Conf igur ing the L PR po rt on Wi ndows 2000 /XP 87 9. To star t this new in stall ation wiz ard cli ck t he Next button. 10. Provi de the appr opriate IP and Port na me informa tion for your new Pr inter por t. If you are usi ng defaul t setti ngs on the ro uter you c an use th e follo wing i nform ation: Pr inter N ame or IP Addr ess: 192 .
Configuring P rinter Services 88 11. Click the Ne xt b utton to cont inue. 12. On the next dialog b ox, under the De vice ty pe cho ose the Custom option . 13. Then cl ick the Setti ngs… button to input the Spec ific Bar ricad e Printe r por t inf or mat ion 14.
Conf igur ing the L PR po rt on Wi ndows 2000 /XP 89 • In the P rotocol sectio n click on the LP R optio n. • The R aw Settings secti on should be gr ayed out. • The L PR Sett ings se ction shoul d hav e the Queu e Name set to one of t wo op tions dep ending on the ve rsion o f Barri cade Route r you ar e using.
Configuring P rinter Services 90 19. In the d ialog box below , cho ose the manuf acturer of your pr inter , and th en cho ose your pr i nter model . If your pr inter is not li sted her e, then plea se ref er to your pr inter docum entatio n to get your pr inter in sta lled.
Conf igur ing the L PR po rt on Wi ndows 2000 /XP 91 20. Once you hav e your pr inter selec ted in this dialog box click the Nex t button. 21. Name your pr inte r . I n this dial og box giv e y our ins talled pr inter a name. T his will be the name used f o r this p r inter in your Print er f older .
Configuring P rinter Services 92 Once yo u have c omple ted the pr inter ins talla tion, y ou will need to confi gure som e pro perties on you r prin ter. To d o so, p lease follo w the st eps lis ted bel ow: 1. If you closed out the P rinter s wind ow, pleas e re-ope n it from the co ntrol pan el.
Conf igur ing the L PR po rt on Wi ndows 2000 /XP 93 4. Click on the P or ts tab and v er ify that the TCP/IP por t that y ou just crea ted is se lecte d, a nd the E nable bidire ction al sup por t and En able pr inter po oling option s ar e unch eck ed .
Configuring P rinter Services 94 Printer Server Setup in Linux Systems 1. In GNom e mode, ty pe “printco nf-gui ” to open the pr intconf- gui window. 2. Click Ne w to set up the SM C2804WBRP -G pr int se rver, a nd cli ck Next . 3. Type the printer name as “l pt1” an d sele ct Loca l Printer in the Queu e Type fiel d.
Troubl eshoo ting 95 T ROUBLESH OOTING The info rmati on outl ined in t his s ectio n desc ribes some u seful steps for getti ng you r co mputer an d the Rou ter on line.
Troublesho oting 96 If you have an IP addr ess that start s with 169 .254.xx then see th e ne xt se cti on. If you have anoth er IP address con figured, t hen see sec tion C.
Troubl eshoo ting 97 2. T ype i pconfig/r elease. 3. Then ty pe ipconf ig/ renew . D. The 10/100 LED does not light after a connection is made. 1. Check tha t the ho st co mputer and the Router are both power ed on. 2. Be su re the networ k cable is conne cted t o both d e v ices.
Spec ifications 98 S PECIFICATIONS Below is an outli ne of the techn ical specifi catio ns for th e SMC280 4WBRP -G. Standards IEEE 802.3 1 0BASE- T Ether net IEEE 802.
Specification s 99 Indicator Panel P ower , WLAN, W A N (Link, Activi ty), LAN (Lin k/Activ ity , Speed - 10/1 00 Mbps) Dimensions 130 x 85 x 32 mm (5.12 x 3.35 x 1.26 in .) Weight 370 g (13 .05 oz) Input Power 9 V , 1 A Maximum Current 0.04 A RMS max.
Spec ifications 100 Compliances CE Mark Emis sion s FCC Class B VCC I Class B Indus tr y Cana da Class B EN5502 2 (CIS PR 22) Cl ass B C-Tick - AS/NZ S 3548 ( 1995) Cl ass B Immunity EN 61000-3- 2/3 EN 61000-4- 2/3/4/5 /6/8/11 Safe ty CSA/NRTL (UL1950 , CSA 2 2.
38 T esl a Irv ine , CA 9261 8 Phone: (949 ) 679-8000 FOR TECHNICA L SUPPORT , C ALL: F rom U.S.A . and Can ada (2 4 hours a day , 7 da ys a we ek) (800) SMC-4-YOU; (949) 679-8000; F a x: (949) 679-1481 F r om Europe (8:00 A M - 5:30 PM UK Ti me) 44 (0) 118 974 8700; F ax: 44 (0) 11 8 974 8701 INTERNET E-ma il ad dress es: te chs upp o r t @sm c.
38 T esl a Irv ine , CA 9261 8 Phone: (949 ) 679-8000.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei SMC Networks SMC Barricade g SMC2804WBR gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.