Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WL-306 des Produzenten Sitecom
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WL -303/30 6/312 Wireless Broad band router (802.11bgn draft 2.0).
2 User Man ual T A BLE OF C ONTENTS 1 KEY FEATU RES ............................... ................. ................................. . 4 2 PACKAGE CO NTENT S............. ...................... ................................ ...... 5 3 PRODUCT LAYOUT .
3 Introduction Congratul ations on your purcha se of W L-303 /WL-306/WL-3 12 Wi reless Network Broadband Router. W L-303/WL- 306/ WL-312 is compli ant with draft 802.11n v 2.0 up to 6 times faste r tha n stan dard 802.11 g based routers whil e still being compati ble with 8 02.
4 1 Key Features Features Advantage s Incredibl e Data Rat e up to 300Mbps* * Heavy data pa yl oads such as M PEG video streami ng IEEE 802.11 n draft 2.0 Compl iant and backwa rd compa tible wi th 802.11b/ g Full y Interoperabl e with IE EE 802.11b / IEEE802.
5 2 Package Contents Open the pa ckage ca refull y , and make sur e that none of the items listed below are m issi ng. Do n ot d iscard the packin g materials, in case of r eturn; the uni t must b e shipped back in i ts origi nal package. 1. WL-30 3/312 R outer 2.
6 3 Product Layout Port Description WAN Connect the cable from you ADSL/Cable modem to this port LAN Connect the cable from your PC’ s or network devices to this port Power connector Blinks on traf .
7 Backlabel The backl abel d escribes the c orrespon din g LED i ndications an d port fun ctionali ty LED Description POWER Lights up w hen powered ON.
8 4 Network + System Requirements T o be g in using the W L-303/ W L- 306/W L-312, make sure you meet the following as minimum requirement s: • PC/Notebook. • Operating System – Microso ft W indows XP/2000 /VIST A • 1 Free Ethernet port. • W iFi ca r d/USB dongle (802.
9 6 Setup LAN, WAN WAN connection: LAN connection:.
10 7 PC Net w ork Adapter setup ( Windows XP ) • Enter [Sta rt Menu] select [C ontrol panel] select [N etwork] . • Select [L ocal Area Con necti on]) i con=>select [ properti es].
1 1 • Select [ Internet Prot ocol (TCP/IP)] => Cli ck [Properti es]. • Select the [ General ] tab. a. WL- 303/WL-30 6/WL- 312 sup ports [D HCP] fu ncti on, please sel ect b oth [Obtai n an IP add ress au tomati cally] and [Obtain DNS server a ddress automati cally].
12 8 Bring up WL-303/WL-306/WL-312 Connect the sup plied p ower-adap ter to the po wer inl et port and connect i t to a wall outlet. TheWL-3 03/WL-306 /WL-312 automatica lly enters t he self-t est phase.
13 4. Type user name and passw ord (default is admin/admin). 5. Cli c k OK . 6. You w i ll see the home page of the W L -303/WL-306/WL-312. The System status section all ows you to m onitor the current sta t us of your router the UP time, hardw are inf ormation, serial number as well as firmware version information is displayed h ere.
14 LAN settings The LAN tabs g ives you the opertunity to cha ng e the IP set tings of the WL- 303/312. Click <Apply > at t he bottom of this sc r een to save any changes. IP address It is the r outer’s LAN I P address (Your LAN clients def ault gateway IP address).
15 Lease Time Forever. In the Lease Time setting you can specify t he time period that t he DHCP lends an I P address to your LAN clients. The DHCP will change your LAN client’s IP address w hen this time threshold period is reached.
16 Device Status View the Broadband router’s current configuration settings. Device Status displays the configuration settings you’ve configured in the W izard / Basic Settings / W irel ess Settin.
17 Internet Status This page displays whether the W AN port is connected to a Cable/DSL connection. It also display s the router’s W AN I P add r ess, Subnet Mask, and ISP Gateway as well as M AC address, the Primary DNS. Press Rene w button to renew your W A N IP address.
18 DHCP Client Status DHCP This page show s all DHCP clients (LAN PCs) currently connected to y our network. The table s how s the assigned IP address, MAC addr ess and expi r ation time for each DHCP leased client. Use the Refresh b utton t o update t he available information.
19 WL-303/WL-306/WL-312 Log View the operat ion log of WL-303/WL-306/WL-312 . This pa g e shows the current system log of the Broadband router. It displays any event occur red af ter system start up.
20 WL-303/WL-306/WL-312 Statistics Shows the counters of packets sent and receiv ed on W AN, LAN & W L AN..
21 10 Configuration Wizard Click Wizard to configure the router. The Setup wi zard will now be displa yed; check that the modem is c onnected a nd cli ck Next. Select you r country from th e Country l ist. S elect your in ternet pro vider. Cli ck Next.
22 Click APPLY to compl ete th e confi gurati on..
23 11 Wireless Settings You can set para meters th at are used for th e wirel ess stati ons to con nect to this router. Th e pa rameters incl ude M ode, ESS ID, C hannel Number an d Associa ted Client . Wireless Function Enabl e or Disabl e Wireless fun ction h ere.
24 Basic Settings Mode Al lows you t o set th e AP to AP, Stati on, Bridge or WDS mode. Band All ows you to se t t he A P fi xed at 802 .11b or 80 2.11g mode. Y ou can also select B +G mod e to al low 802 11b and 802.11g cl ients at the same time. ESSID Thi s is the nam e of th e wirel ess sign al whi ch i s broadcasted.
25 Advanced Settings This tab allows you to set the a dvanced wi reless options. The opti ons in clud ed are Aut henti cation Type, F ragment Thr eshol d, R TS Thresh old, Beacon Interval, and Preamble Typ e. You shoul d not change these param eters unless you know wh at effe ct the chan ges wi ll have on t he route r.
26 Data Rate The “Data Rate” is the rate that this access poin t uses to transmi t data p ackets. The access poin t will u se the hi ghest possi ble selected tran smissi on rate to transmi t the data packets. N Dat a R ate Th e “Da ta Rate” is the rate that this access poi nt uses to transmi t data packets for N compli ant wireless nodes.
27 Disable W hen you choose to disable encry pt ion, it is very insecure to operate WL- 303/WL-306/ W L -312. Enable 802.1 x Auth IEEE 80 2.1x i s an authenticati on p rotocol. Ev ery user mu st use a vali d account to logi n t o thi s Access Poi nt before a cces sing the wirel ess LA N.
28 WEP When you sel ect 64-bi t or 128- bit WEP key, you have to enter WE P keys t o encrypt dat a. You can g enerate th e key b y you rself and ent er i t. You can enter fou r WEP k eys an d sel ect one of them as a defaul t key. Then the router can recei ve any pa ckets enc rypted by one of t he four keys.
29 WP A Pre-sha red Ke y Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an adva nced security standard . You can use a p re-shared key to au thenti cate wireless stat i ons an d encrypt da ta during communi cati on. It use s TKIP or CCMP (AES) to change the encrypti on key frequentl y.
30 WP A -Radius Wi-Fi Protected Ac cess ( WPA ) is an advan ced secu rity standard. You can use an exte rnal RADIUS se rver to authen ticate wireless stati ons an d provid e the session ke y to enc rypt dat a duri ng commun icati on. It uses TKIP or CCMP ( AES ) to cha nge the encrypti on key frequ entl y.
31 ACL This wireless router supports MAC Add ress Con trol, whi ch prevent s unaut horized cli ents from acc essin g your wirel ess netwo rk. Enable w ireless acc ess co ntrol En ables th e wirel ess .
32 WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is the simpl est way to establish a con nection between the wirel ess cli ents and the wireless router. You d on’t have to sel ect the encrypti on mod e an d fill i n a long en cryption passphra se eve ry time wh en you try to setu p a wirel ess conn ection.
33 Self P in C ode Thi s i s the WPS P IN c ode of the wi reless rout er. You may n eed this i nformation when conn ecting to other WPS -enab led wi reless devices. SSID Thi s is th e network b roadcast name (SS ID) of th e router. Authent ication Mode It show s the acti ve auth enticati on mode for t he wireless c onnection .
34 12 Firew all Settings The Broadban d rout er provid es extensi ve firewa ll p rotection by rest ricting connecti on paramet ers, th us limi ting the ri sk of hacker att acks, an d defendi ng agai nst a wi de array of comm on Internet attac ks.
35 DMZ If y ou have a client PC that cannot run an Internet a ppli cation (e.g. Games) properly from behind the NAT firewal l, then you can o pen up the fi rewall restricti ons to unrestri cted two-way Intern et access by defi nin g a DMZ Host.
36 Denial of Service (DoS) The B roadband r outer's fi rewall can block com mon hack er attac ks, i ncl uding Denial of Se rvice, Ping of Death , Port Scan and Sync Fl ood.
37 A c cess You can restrict u sers fro m acc essin g certai n Internet a ppli cations/servi ces (e.g. Int ernet w ebsites, email , FTP etc.), Access Control all ows users to defin e the traffic typ e permit ted in your LA N. You can control whi ch PC client can have acc ess to th ese servi ces.
38 Add PC Fill in “Client PC MAC Addre ss” and “Comment ” of the PC tha t is allowed to access the I n ternet, and then click “Add”. If y ou fi nd any typo before addi ng it and want to retype aga in, ju st click "Res et" a nd the fiel ds will be cleared.
39 URL block You can block acc ess to some W eb sites from p arti cular PCs by ente ring a fu ll URL addr ess or just keyw ords of the Web si te. Enable UR L Blocki ng En able/ disable URL Bl ocki ng Add URL Keyw ord Fil l in “UR L/Keyword” and t hen click “Add ”.
40 13 Advanced Settings Network Ad dress Translat ion (NAT) all ows mul tipl e users at your l ocal si te to access the Internet th rough a single Publi c IP Ad dress or multi ple Public IP Address es.
41 Type This is the prot ocol type to b e f orwarded. You can choose to forward “TCP” or “UDP” pack ets onl y, or select “b oth” to forwa rd both “TCP” and “UDP” pa ckets. Port Rang e The ran ge of p orts to b e forwa rd to the p rivate IP.
42 Virtual Server Use the Virtu al Ser ver fun ction w hen you want differ ent ser vers/clients in your LAN to handle diff erent service/Int ernet applicatio n type (e.g. Email, FTP, W eb server etc.) from the Internet. Com puters use num bers c alled port num bers to r ecognize a p articular service/Intern et application type.
43 this Vi rtual Server setting will b e added in to the "Curren t Virtu al Serv er Table" below. Remove Virtua l S erver If you want to r emove Virtual Server s ettings from the "Curr .
44 Sp ec ial App l ications Some appl i cations req uire m ultipl e connectio ns, such a s Inte rnet games, video Conferenci ng, Internet teleph ony and others. In this section you can configu re the rout er to supp ort m ulti ple conn ections for th ese typ es of appli cations.
45 locati on (1 -10) in the Copy to selecti on box an d then click the Cop y to bu tton. This will automati cally list the Publ ic Ports requi red fo r thi s popu lar appli cation in the l ocation ( 1-10) you sp ecifi ed.
46 ALG You can sel ect appl ications tha t need “App li cation Layer Gateway” support Enable sel ect enabl e “Ap plicati on Layer Gatewa y”, then th e route r will let the selected ap plicat ion to correct ly pass th rough th e NAT gate way.
47 UPNP With UPnP, all PCs in you Intran et wi ll di scover this rout er autom atical ly. So, you don’t have to config ure your PC and i t can e asily a ccess the Internet through t his route r. UPnP Feat ure Disabl e You can enab le or Disabl e the UPnP featu re here.
48 QoS QoS can l et you cl assify Int ernet appli cation traffic by source/d estin ation IP address and p ort number. You can assign priori ty for each type o f ap pli cation and reserve b andwi dth for i t. The packet s of app lication s wi th hi gher p riority will always go first.
49 Edit a Q oS rule Select the rule you want to edit and cli ck “Edi t”, then enter the detail form o f the QoS rule. Cl ick “ Apply ” after editing the form and the rule will be saved. Adjust QoS rule pri ority You can select the rule and cli ck “M ove Up” to make its priority higher.
50 14 TOOLBOX Settings Password change options You can change the password required to log into the broadband router's system web-ba sed management . By d efault , the p assword is: admin. Passwords can contai n 0 t o 12 al phan umeric characters, a nd a re cas e sensiti ve.
51 T i me Zone The Time Zon e all ows your rout er to base i ts time on th e settin gs confi gured here, whi ch will affect fu nction s such as Log entries an d Firewal l setti ngs. Set T ime Zone S elect the time zone of t he count ry you are currently in.
52 Remote Management The remote management function allows you to desi gnate a h ost in the Internet t he ability t o confi gure th e Br oadband router from a remot e si te.
53 Firmware Upgrade This page allows you to upgrade the router’s firmware . Firmware Upgrad e Th is tool all ows you to upgrade the Broad band rou ter’s system firmware.
54 Backup Settings The Backup screen a ll ows you to sa ve (Backup) the route r’s current configu ration setti ngs. When you save the configu ration setting (Backu p) you can re-l oad the sa ved confi gurati on in to the rout er through the R estor e selection .
55 Reset You can reset the ro uter’s system sh ould any p roblem exi st. Th e res et functi on essenti ally re-boots y our rout er’s syste m..
56 DDNS DDNS allows you to m ap the sta tic domain name to a dynamic IP address. You m ust get an ac coun t, pa ssword and your static domain name from the DDNS servi ce provide rs. This route r supports Dyn DNS, TZO an d other common DD NS ser vice provi ders.
57 Parts of the firmw a re of the WL -303/WL -306/WL -312 Wireless Broadband router are subject to the GNU general publi c license. A p pendix A : Licensing Information This product includes third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU Gener al Public License.
58 you know you can do these things. T o protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid any on e to deny you these rights or to ask yo u to surrender the rig hts. These restrictions translate to certain responsibil it ies for you if y ou distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
59 it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your r ights to work written entirely by y ou; rather , the intent is to exercise the ri ght to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Progr a m.
60 have made generous contributions to the wide r an ge of softw a re distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software t hrough any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sitecom WL-306. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sitecom WL-306 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.