Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 des Produzenten Silex technology
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S X - 5 6 0 E m b e d d e d I n t e l l i g e n t M o d u l e Deve lope r’s Re feren c e Gu ide.
Part Num be r 140-00192- 100 Rev ision C-2 © 2008 S ilex Techno lo gy Americ a , Inc. . All righ ts res er ve d. October , 2008 Silex Te ch nolog y Ame rica SPE CIF ICALL Y DIS CLA IMS THE IMPLIED WA RRAN TIES OF MER CHAN TABIL ITY AND FITNE SS OF TH IS PRODU CT FOR A PART ICULA R PURP OS E.
Contents Silex Page i Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Conte nts Abou t This Re feren ce Gui de .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .
Page ii Silex Contents Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 SN MP Tra ps, Ema il Al erts, an d GP IO Status ...... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... ... 36 Chapter 5 Inter fac ing the SX-56 0 to the O EM Dev ice .
Contents Silex Page iii Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Figure s Figure 1 S X-560 top an d bo t tom view . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...
Page iv Silex Contents Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Table 36 Serve r Infor mat ion Co mman ds .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . 79 Table 37 Servic e Co mma nds .
About Th is Refer ence Guid e Silex Page 1 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 About Thi s Reference Guide This re feren ce gui de prov ides det ailed spec ifica tions , d iagra ms and add itional in for mation re quired to inte grate the S X-560 e mbed ded in tellige n t modu le in a pro d uct .
Pag e 2 Silex Abo ut This Re ferenc e Guid e Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100.
Introducti on Silex Page 3 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 1 : Introduction The S X-560 e mbedd e d int ellig ent modul e pro v ides a c omple te solu tion for i nte grati ng w ireles s netw ork ing technol ogy into virt ually any O EM produc t that has a n RS-232 or UAR T ser ial port , or a U S B V1.
Page 4 silex Introducti on Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 5 Part Nu mber14 0-00192-10 0 Chapter 2 Instal ling th e Ev aluation Da ughte rcard The S X-560- 6 900 Eva luat ion Daugh terc ard is d esig ned to hel p you in the dev elop men t of the nec ess ary hardw are a nd so ft ware re quired to use the SX-5 60 mo dule .
Page 6 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 The Ev alu ation Da ugh terca rd makes i t eas y to conn ec t to t he S X-560 for tes t and dev e lop men t by prov.
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 7 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Verify Dev elopm ent Kit C ontents The S X-560- 6 900 Eva luat ion Modu le Devel opm ent Ki t co nsis ts of the co mpo nen ts lis ted in Table 1 .
Page 8 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Installing the SX- 560 Modul e To ins tall the SX-5 60 mod ule in the S X-560- 690 0 Evalu ation Dau ghterc ard : 1.
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 9 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Monitori ng Modul e Stat us You can mo nit or the mo du le s tatus us ing the yel low , gr een and ora nge LED status indicator s on the Evalua tio n Da ught erc ard.
Page 10 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Tab le 4 OEM Inter face Signa l Des cr iptio ns Signa l Pin Type Descr ipti on GPIO_ 0, GPIO _1 , GPIO_ 2, GPIO _3.
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 11 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Power Man agement The S X-560 pow e r cons u mp tion is typica lly 28 0mA for wir eless -to-s eria l usag e, wi th a pe ak consu mp tion is 400 m A @ 3 .
Page 12 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 DB- 9 RS-232 Signa l Type 7 RTS O ut pu t (n ot s u p po r t ed o n S e ri a l P o r t 3) 8 CTS I npu t (not suppo rte d on S eri al Po rt 3) 9 NC Seria l Port 1 c an also be a cce sse d usin g lo gic s ignals via a 10-pin hea d er locate d a t JP6 .
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 13 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Figure 5 RS-23 2 Ca ble Pino uts Tab le 7 RS-2 32 Cab le P inout Desc ri ptio n Pin Descr ipti on 1 DCD (Da ta C a.
Page 14 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Figure 6 GPI O S pec ial F unct ions Ju mpers (Ex a mpl e Co nfi gurat ion) The G PI Os are acc ess ed vi a he ade r J P3 as de scr ibed in the n ext secti on.
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 15 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 As dis cus sed in the pr evious sectio n, G PIOs 3 through 8 are set by d efa ult for spec ia l func tions s uch as mode m contro ls.
Page 16 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 USB Host Port and Ethernet P ort The U SB V1.1 hos t po rt, l ocated on J1 , can be used to co nnec t stand ar d Full Speed (12 Mbps ) or Lo w Speed (1 .5Mb ps) U S B dev ices .
Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Silex Page 17 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 LCD Int erface A 16x 2 LC D d isplay is ava ilabl e as an op tion for the S X-5 60-69 00 Eva luation Da ugh terca rd . Th is LCD can be con tro lled from ei ther Serial Po rt 2 or via the S PI inter fac e .
Page 18 silex Installin g the Eval uation D aughterc ard Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 19 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 3 Configuring the SX-5 60 This cha p ter des cr ibes the me thods for conf igurin g the b asic s ettin gs o f the SX-560 , incl uding the I P addre ss, ser ia l por t set ting s, and wireless security .
Page 20 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Serial Po rt Setti ngs ( must matc h the set tings of t he atta che d se rial dev ice) : • Baud Ra te (Spe ed ) • Pari ty • Char acter Siz e • Flow Con trol In addi tion to the above par a meter s, th e S X-560 allo ws you to co nfigu re nu merous oth er c apab ili ties .
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 21 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Initial Wire less Se tup proc edure des crib ed previo us ly i n this c hap ter , or t he in ter nal com man d cons ole. • Intern al Web Pages (H TT P). You ca n us e any stan dar d we b brows er to ac ces s the SX-5 6 0 interna l we b p ages .
Page 22 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Using the Ex tendVi ew Util ity to C onfigur e the SX -560 (Et hernet Connectio n) The Ex tend View U tility is the easies t way to init ial.
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 23 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 3. Right-c lick on the SX-5 60 that you want to configur e from the disp layed lis t, an d then left- click on C onf igurat io n . Th e defaul t S X-560 name is SD S xxxxxx (whe re xxxxxx is the last six digi ts of th e M AC a ddre ss from the labe l that is affixed to the SX-56 0).
Page 24 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 6. Click the Wire less tab to co n figure the 802.11 a/b /g wir eless settings . T o o perate on an 802 .
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 25 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 8. You do no t ne ed to cha nge any of the se t tings in this w indo w . Cl ick t he Se ria l Sett in gs button to conf igure the seria l p ort . 9. Selec t the desire d seria l p ort , and co n figur e the ser ial port se ttings so that they ma tch the setting s on your dev ice .
Page 26 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Using a We b Br owser to C onfigure the SX- 560 After you h ave enter e d an IP add r ess into the SX-5 60 , you can use a ny stan dard web bro wse r to acc ess the int erna l web pag es for con figuri ng the SX-5 60.
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 27 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 If you used DH CP , ver ify that the IP ad dres s is cor rectly se t. If you use d the d efau lt 192 .0 .0.19 2 IP addres s , you MU ST cha nge it to a n ew va lid IP addre ss. If nec ess ary , chan ge the Su bnet Mask and G atew ay.
Page 28 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 5. Selec t the appro pr iate wir eless enc ry ption mode and en ter the requ ir ed se ttings (ch ec k with your n etwor k ad minis tra tor for the proper setting s if you d o n ot know the m) .
Configuring the SX-5 60 Silex Page 29 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 2. If you are co n necte d to Ser ial Por t 3, yo u will see s ome in form atio n ab ou t the firmwar e vers ions and cop yrig ht no tices d ispla yed on the ter minal (sk ip to the nex t s tep if you are c onnec ted to Seria l Port 2) .
Page 30 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Config uring 802 .1 X E AP a uthe ntica tio n can be co mple x. P lease refer t o Appe nd ix A and /or Appen dix B for de tails of the re quire d co m mands .
Using the S X-560 Silex Page 31 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 4 Using the SX-560 with Your Application The S X-560 incl ud es a nu mber o f cap abil ities t hat ena b le it to be used in a wid e range o f applic a tions . These ca pabil ities inc lude : 1.
Page 32 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 defin ed cod e. For exa mp le, by cha ngi ng the O EM co d e to XYZ , the de fault serv er na me SDS0 003 45 would becom e X YZ000 345 .
Using the S X-560 Silex Page 33 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 After the Seria l Por t E mula tor so f tware has star ted, you will see a lis t o f all the co n figure d S X-560s on the network .
Page 34 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 wher e i pa ddres s is the IP addre ss o f the SX-56 0 an d por tnumb er is the SX-5 6 0 TC P por t nu mb er.
Using the S X-560 Silex Page 35 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 6. It is als o p oss ible to use UD P inste ad o f TC P for com m unic ating to and from the S X-560 .
Page 36 Silex Using the SX-56 0 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Once y ou are conne c ted in co nsole m ode, you can sen d any of the co nso le co m mands listed in Ch ap ter 6. Be su re to ter mina te eac h cons ole com man d w ith a c arr iage re turn ( A SCII 13) or line feed (A SC II 10) char acter.
Interfacin g the SX- 560 Silex Page 37 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 5 Interfac ing the SX-560 to the O EM Device In ord er to con nect the SX-5 60 modu le to your d ev ice, y ou wil l nee d to prov ide either a cus tom daught erc ard or a sp e cial cable .
Page 38 Silex Interfacing the SX -560 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Figure 8 SX-5 60 Eval uat ion Da ug hte rcar d Sc he mat ics.
Interfacin g the SX- 560 Silex Page 39 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Figure 8a SX-5 60 Eva luat ion Dau ghter ca rd Sche ma tics.
Page 40 Silex Interfacing the SX -560 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 OEM Inter face The O EM Inter face (J P2) is the pri mary me thod for co mmun ica tions be tween th e S X-560 and you r devic e. It is a 40- pin head er that inc lude s the nec ess ar y pins for se rial da ta I/O , GP IO, a nd power .
Interfacin g the SX- 560 Silex Page 41 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Signa l Pin Type Descr ipti on CTS1- 28 Inpu t Seria l Port 2 Cle ar to Sen d RXD1 34 Inpu t Seria l Port 2 Re ceiv e Da ta TXD2 38 .
Page 42 Silex Interfacing the SX -560 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Installing the SX- 560 The sp ac ers ar e installed wi th the SX-5 60-17 0 1 WL AN model as sho wn below : Figure 9 Usin g spa c ers with SX-5 60 WLA N mod el Do no t over- tigh ten the scre ws during the in sta llation pr oc edur e.
Interfacin g the SX- 560 Silex Page 43 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Tab le 15 Ante nn a C onne ctor Type s Para mete r Descr ipti on Conne ctor Type SMT Ultra- mi nia ture C oax ial Co nn ector (U.
Page 44 Silex Interfacing the SX -560 Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Regulat ory Appr oval Req uireme nts The S X-560 has FCC and IC Mod u lar App rova l. This a llows you to us e the SX-560 in your device wi thou t any f urther agenc y tes ting for i nte ntiona l rad ia tion co m plianc e (FCC Pa rt 15 Su bpart C and IC R S S-210) .
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 45 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 6 Advanc ed Configuration The S X-560 modul e is equ ipped wi th a defau lt con figur ation that work s w ith mos t ser ial- to- Ether net conn ectio ns. Yo u ca n modi fy the s ettings t o sui t you r in s tallation requ ir em ents .
Page 46 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Para mete r Descr ipti on Setti ngs Defa ult Settin g Econn ECabl e con ne ctio n at te mpt tim e 1-255 seconds 30 seconds Ecport EC.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 47 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 2. Veri fy the set tings , as define d i n Ta ble 18 . Tab le 18 TC P/IP Sett ings Para mete r Setti ng IP Addr ess Res olution Sets .
Page 48 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Figure 14 Adv a nce d TCP /IP Conf igur ati on Wind ow 5. Config ure the set tings , as defin ed in Tab le 19.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 49 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Configuri ng SNMP The S X-560 modul e con tains a Sim ple Netw ork Mana g emen t Pro tocol (S NM P) age n t tha t collec ts and stores mana g eme nt in for matio n for ne twork man a gers us ing s tandard SNM P co mma nds .
Page 50 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Figure 15 SN M P Conf ig urati on 2. Click the Sub mit bu t ton to sav e the chan g es.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 51 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Tab le 21 GP IO Ge nera l C o mma nds Co mman d Descr ipti on SET GPIO DIR [IN| OU T] <gp io- nu m> G PIO # = {1|2 |3|4 |5|6| 7|8} Sets G P IO signa l to be an inpu t or an outpu t.
Page 52 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 SET GPIO DIR M <bi t-mask> G PIO # = {1|2 |3|4 |5|6| 7|8} Sets al l d irectio n con tro l bi ts, wh ere <b it-ma sk> is a n 8 bit mask expres sed as 2 h ex digits . T his va lue sh ould be in th e range 00- FF.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 53 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Exa mple : Loca l> s ho w gpio s pe ci al GPIO S pe ci al Fun ct io ns ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - GPIO # 1 is s peci al GPIO.
Page 54 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Tab le 22 GP IO Tr igge r Co m mand s Co mman d Descr ipti on SET GPIO TRI Gger [1 | 0| DIS ] <gpi o-n u m> Sets a singl e co n trol bi t.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 55 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET GPIO TRI G M <bit- mask > Sets al l trigg er con trol bits .
Page 56 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Tab le 23 GP IO Tra ns m it Co m mands Co mman d Descr ipti on SET GPIO TR ANs mit <trigge r #> <s trin g> Sets the s tring that wi ll be includ ed in an Email aler t if the trig ger is ac tiv ated .
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 57 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET GPIO DA TA < bit- mask > Sets al l the da ta o ut co n trol bits . <bit- mask> is a n 8 bit mask ex pres sed as 2 hex digi ts. This va lue s h ould be in th e ran ge 0 0-FF .
Page 58 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Tab le 25 E-G PIO TC P Mo nit or Co m mands The E-G P IO TC P mon itor a llows a compu ter sy stem to acc ess the SX-560 GP IO pi n val ues . I f enabled , this moni tor w ill atte mpt to m ake a TC P co nne ction to t he re mo te c omp uter spec ified .
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 59 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 GPIO set mes sage for ma t This messa ge may be optio nally s en t by th e remo te co mpu ter when an E- GPIO conn ec tion is active. This mess age allows t he re mo te compu ter to set th e s tate for a ny G PIO pins configur e d as ou tpu ts.
Page 60 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 GPIO direc tion con trol Integer read-o nly gpio.2 This is an intege r repres en ting a bi t mas k indica ting wh ich G PIO bi ts are con figured f or ou tpu ts. Only bits for whic h the GPIO bi t mask is 1 are vali d.
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 61 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Configuri ng Serial Port M onitor Alert and Tra p Con figuration The S X-560 modul e can be con figur ed to sc an and co mpare th e d ata re ceive d on t he ser ial port to us er- defin ed s trings .
Page 62 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Setting up Em ail Al erts a nd SNMP Tr aps After you h ave crea ted the GP IO an d/or Se rial Port aler ts and tra ps, you can the use the S X-560 inter nal web pa ges to se t up the rec ip ient Email addr ess es and /or co mpu ter sy s tems .
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 63 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Stand ard AT Commands Supported The fol lowin g stand ard AT com man ds are interp re ted b y the dev ice ser ver . The da ta ch ann el must be in the co mman d mode f or co mm ands to be recogn ized .
Page 64 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100 Para mete r Co mman d Descr ipti on Echo contro l ATEn If n=0 , com mand s are no t ech oed. If n=1 , sub sequ en t com mand s will b e ech o ed. The d efau lt, upon unit rese t, is for n o ech o (AT E0) .
Advanced Configur ation Silex Page 65 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Respons e Codes Table 30 de tails th e resp o nse co des fo r codes other th an #C com ma nds.
Page 66 Silex Adva nc ed Co nfiguration Part Nu mber 140-0019 2-100.
Product S pecificati ons Silex Page 67 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Chapter 7 Product Specifications Tab le 31 Pro duct Spec ifi cati ons Co mpone nt Specif icat ions Model SX-56 0 Module Dimens ion s 34.3 x 49 .5 x 9 .65 mm (1 .35 x 1 .95 x 0.38 inche s) Proces sor Sams ung S3C 2412 ( ARM 9 32-b it RISC) RA M Me mory 16 Mb ytes SDR AM.
Page 68 Silex Product S pecificati ons Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Para mete r Specif icat ions Chann el Nu mber IEEE 802 .11b and g : Chan nels 1 to 11 and 12 to 14 IEEE 802 .11a : Ch annels 36 , 4 0, 44 , 48 , 52 , 56, 60 , 64, 149 , 153, 157 and 161 Data Rate 54 Mb ps w ith fallb ack rates o f 48, 36, 24, 18 , 1 2, 11 , 9, 6, 5 .
Advanced Security C onfi guration Silex Page 69 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix A Advanc ed Security Configur ation There are numer o us pos sib le sec ur ity set tings . It is the refor e im porta nt that you v er ify th e ap prop ria te setting s wi th y our netw ork ad minis tra tor.
Page 70 Silex Advanced Security C onfi guration Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Encry pt ion Mode The p oss ible SX-5 60 w ireles s enc ryptio n modes inclu d e : • 64 and 12 8 b it W EP. These ar e av ailab le for basic WI FI comp ati bility . Becau se o f kn own sec urity iss ues , W EP shoul d b e avo ided if possib le.
Advanced Security C onfi guration Silex Page 71 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Real m A real m de fin es a group ing of users . If a re al m is req uir ed fo r your ne twor k, it is s epara ted fro m the user ID by a '@ ' ch arac ter .
Page 72 Silex Advanced Security C onfi guration Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 73 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix B Console Commands The fol lowin g tables des crib e the cons o le co m mands a va ilable from the intern al co m mand co nsol e.
Page 74 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET NW AUTH type Sets wir e less authen tica tion type The d efau lt valu e is Op en Syst em Forma t: SET NW AUTHt.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 75 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET NW MOde Sets WL AN mode The p oss ible modes a re Infras truct ure a nd Ad-Ho c ; the defau lt va lue is Ad-Hoc Forma t: SET NW MOde <mode> SH N W M ODE Shows wire less ope ra ting mode Sample ou tpu t: Wifi mode = AD-HOC (802.
Page 76 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SH N W S TAT S Shows ne twor k I/ O s tatistics Sample ou tpu t: WiFi statistics: TX Unicast frames: 0 TX Multicas.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 77 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET NW INA P Sets EAP inne r-au then tica tion protoc o l The p oss ible pro tocols are P AP an d M SCH AP _V2; the defau lt value is PAP.
Page 78 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET NW WPA PSK Sets W P A PS K pa ss phr ase or hex key . This va lue is on ly us ed if the au then tica tion mod e is W P A-PS K or W P A2- PSK .
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 79 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on CLE AR P ORT S1 JOB Abor ts the active job on the por t. If the re mo te h ost is co nnec ted , add itio nal data rec e ive d wil l b e dis car ded.
Page 80 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SH S ER IAL Displa ys se ria l nu mbe r o f the unit Sample ou tpu t: Serial number is 9047595 SH S ER VEr Shows s.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 81 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Service C omman ds Tab le 37 Serv ice Co mm and s Co mman d Descr ipti on SET SER VI < serv ice name > BO T Sets beg in nin g of tra.
Page 82 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET SER VI < serv ice name > FM S Sets filter 1 text rep lace men t match string in dex . If the i ndex is z ero , the de faul t string o f <LF> (li ne feed) is use d.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 83 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET SER VI < serv ice name > TC P Sets ra w TC P port for s ervic e If por t numbe r is 0, raw TC P is dis abled on serv ice. The d efau lt valu e is 910 0 for ser vice 1 , 300 1 for ser vic e 2.
Page 84 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 SET SNM P LOC a tion Sets s yste m loc at ion strin g The d efau lt valu e is nul l. Forma t: SET SNMP LOCation <string> SH SN M P Shows sta te of SNMP pro tocol enab le Sample ou tpu t: SNMP is Enabled *Not imple men ted in early releas es of S X-560 firmwa re .
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 85 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on # Filter 0 No Filter 1 Text Substitution 2 AppleTalk 3 Text to PostScript 4 PostScript Tagged Binary 5 DC1 Special.
Page 86 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on Forma t: SET IP FTIme [ENable | DIsable] SET IP FT P Enab les or disab le s FT P p rotoco l The d efau lt valu e is Enabl e. Forma t: SET IP FTP [ENable | DIsable] SET IP HT TP Enab les or disab le s H TT P protoc o l The d efau lt valu e is Enabl e.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 87 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SET IP TCP [ENable | DIsable] SET IP T ELne t Enab les or disab le s Te lne t protoc o l The d efau lt valu e is Enabl e. Forma t: SET IP TELnet [ENable | DIsable] SET IP TF T P Enab les or disab le s TF TP pro tocol The d efau lt valu e is Enabl e.
Page 88 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on SH I P Shows TC P /IP rela ted para me ters Sample Ou tpu t: IP is enabled IP address Boot tries 3 Subnet mask Boot method AUTO IP Gateway 0.0.0.
Console Co mma nds Silex Page 89 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Co mman d Descr ipti on 19 00080000 GPIO Trig ger4: G PIO4 0 to 1 20 00100000 GPIO Trig ger5: G PIO5 0 to 1 21 00200000 GPIO Trig ger6: G .
Page 90 Silex Console Co mma nds Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Miscella neous C ommand s Tab le 42 Mis cel laneo us C o mma nds Co mman d Descr ipti on SET DEF AULT Set para me ters to fac tory defa ults EXIT This co m mand exi ts the curre nt con figur a tion co nsole s es sion.
Engineerin g Drawi ngs Silex Page 91 Part Nu mber 4018 3-101 Appendix C Enginee ring Drawings Antenna Ca ble Dr awings and S pecifications Figure 16 Ant en na Cable Ass em bly.
Page 92 Silex Engineerin g Drawi ngs Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Tab le 43 Ele ctric al Perfor ma nce Para mete r Value Imped ance 50 oh ms Frequency R ange 1 to 6 GHz Work ing Volta ge 500 VAC (r ms.
Engineerin g Drawi ngs Silex Page 93 Part Nu mber 4018 3-101 Tab le 44 Ele ctric al Spec ifica tions Para mete r Value Antenn a Type Dipole Sw ivel Ante nna Frequency R ange 2.4 to 5.8 GHz Imped ance 50 Oh ms Gain 2.4 GH z < 1.5 d Bi 5.825 GHz < 2.
Page 94 Silex Engineerin g Drawi ngs Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Firmware U pdat e Procedur es Silex Page 95 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix D Firmware Upda te Procedure s Occ asiona lly it may be nec ess ary to u pdat e the SX-5 6 0 to take a dvan tage of new feat ure s or to fix spec ific pr oble ms.
Page 96 Silex Firmware U pdat e Procedur es Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 wher e ipa ddres s is the IP addre ss o f the SX-56 0, an d filena me is the fi le na me (a nd pa th, if nece ssa ry) . For exam ple , to downl oad the file taths ti13 0.bin from th e /upd ates dire c tory on yo ur compu ter into an S X-560 with an IP addr es s of 192 .
SVL USB F irmwar e Silex Page 97 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix E Using the Silex Virtual Link U SB Software The S X-560 ca n be us ed to con nec t U SB V1.1 (12 Mbp s) device s tra nspa ren tly over the ne twork from any PC or Mac in tosh comp uter .
Page 98 Silex SVL USB F irmwar e Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
GNU/Linux Progra mming Silex Page 99 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix F GNU/Linux Open Source and Programm ing The S X-560 is des ign ed aro und GN U /Linux Op en Sour ce so ftwar e .
Page 10 0 Silex GNU/Linux Progra mming Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Silex Co ntact Infor mation Silex Page 10 1 Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Appendix G Silex Co ntact Information Silex Tech no logy Am eri ca, I nc . www .silexa meric a .co m Techn ical Suppo r t: s upport @s ilexa meric a .co m Sales : sales @s ilex a merica .
Page 10 2 Silex Silex Co ntact Infor mation Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00.
Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Revisi on C-2.
Part Nu mber 140-0 0192-1 00 Revisi on C-2 Silex Tec hnology Amer ica, Inc. www .silexa meric a .co m.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Silex technology Embedded Intelligent Module SX-560 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.