Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung HiPath SimplyPhone des Produzenten Siemens
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HiPath SimplyPhone f or Outlook Ve r s i o n 4 . 0 Admi nis trator Ma nual.
. A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 0-1 F or int er nal dist ribution o nly Contents Conten ts 0 1 Prefa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts F or inte r nal distr ibution only A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 02- 2006 0-2 HiPath S implyPh one for Outl ook 4.0, A dminis trator Manua l spadIVZ .fm 2.4.2 Installing TAPI 120 for Hi Path 3000 with LIM module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 0-3 F or int er nal dist ribution o nly Contents 5.4.5 En tries under Solution sCallerIdentification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts F or inte r nal distr ibution only A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 02- 2006 0-4 HiPath S implyPh one for Outl ook 4.0, A dminis trator Manua l spadIVZ .
cop A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 0-5 Copyrigh t and T rademarks Cop yright and T rademarks 0 No par t of this pub licat.
Copyright and T rademarks A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 0-6 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual copyrig A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 1-1 Pref ace Func tional over view 1 Preface This chap ter pro vid es inf ormation on the f ollow ing topi cs: ● Function al o v erview ● Prog ram documen tation ● F onts an d sym bols use d 1.
Pref ace A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 1-2 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC01. fm Prog ram do cument ation 1.2 Program documentation The doc umentat ion for SimplyPh one fo r Outlo ok is av ailable in different f or mat s on the prod uct CD . A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 2-1 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook 2 Instal ling SimplyPhone for Outloo k This chap.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-2 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC02. fm Requi rement s 2.1 Requirements 2.1.1 Client PC har dw are The Si m pl yP ho ne f or O ut lo ok softw are is install ed on th e client P C .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-3 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Requ ire ments ● Exchan ge 20 03 ● Exchan ge 2000 (Ser vice P ack 3 or late r) ● Exchan ge V e rsion 5.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-4 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC02. fm Requi rement s 2.1.5 T elephony infrastructure A T API S er vice Provider t hat su ppor ts T API V2. 0 (or hi gher ) is requi red to ru n SimplyPh one for Outlook.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-5 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Requ ire ments First-par ty en vironment SimplyPh one f o r Outlook ca n be oper at ed with th e teleph ones lis ted in the t ab le .
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-6 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC02. fm Requi rement s Third-party en vir onment In a thir d-party enviro nment, t he telep hone is oper ated o v er a Th ird P ar ty T API d rive r , such as, CAP V2.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-7 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC 2.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-8 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC Entering a server f or pa rtner identifi cation The file CRIRemote.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-9 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC Specifying data Specify the path t o the Setup.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-10 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC 2.2. 2 Pre parati ons with m ultip le lo cations 2.2.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-11 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC .
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-12 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC Line assignmen t requirements ● Lines ca n only be assigne d using T API.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-13 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC 2.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-14 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC SimplyPh one inco r por ates the CLC (C ustomer License Clien t) compone nt.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-15 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC The CLA is aut omatica lly instal led during first- par ty installati on.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-16 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC 2.2.7 Configuring additional data sour ces Bo th the contact r etrie va l and the par tner identification ser vices are processed using the LD AP log.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-17 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC The f oll owi ng is a list of the data source configur ation fi les av ailabl e f or the i nstallation share in the dire ctor y SPCrdbserver .
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-18 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Preparing f or installa tion on a clie nt PC Random L D A P data so urces can al so be conf igured .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-19 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Preparing f o r install ation on a clien t PC .
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-20 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Insta lling the dr iv er an d software in a first -par ty environm ent 2.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-21 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installin g the driv er and softw are in a first -par ty envi ronment 2.3.2 In stalling SimplyPhone for Outlook V4.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-22 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Insta lling the dr iv er an d software in a first -par ty environm ent 2.3.3 Co nfiguring SimplyPhone for Outlook V4.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-23 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installin g the driv er and softw are in a first -par ty envi ronment 2.3.4 Star tin g SimplyPhone f or Outlook V4.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-24 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Insta lling the dr iv er an d software in a first -par ty environm ent Using Simpl yPhone during the grace period time Click OK in the S oftware Registration dial og.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-25 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installin g the driv er and softw are in a first -par ty envi ronment 5. Sim plyPhon e star ts up and can be use d.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-26 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Install ing the driv er and softw are in a thir d-party enviro nment 2.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-27 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installing th e driver and software in a thi rd-par ty environment 5. Ente r the 4- o r 5-dig it extension number (f or example, 65 225).
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-28 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Install ing the driv er and softw are in a thir d-party enviro nment 2.4.2 Installing T API 120 f or HiP ath 3000 with LIM module The f oll ow ing desc ribes ho w to insta ll the T AP I 120 V 2.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-29 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installing th e driver and software in a thi rd-par ty environment 2.4.3 In stalling SimplyPhone for Outlook V4.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-30 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Install ing the driv er and softw are in a thir d-party enviro nment 2.4.4 S tarti ng SimplyPhone f or Outlook V4.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 2-31 Installing Simpl yPhone f or Outlook Installing th e driver and software in a thi rd-par ty environment Using Simpl yPhone during the grace period time Click OK i n the Software Regis tration dial og.
Installing Simply Phone for Outlook A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 2-32 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC02. fm Install ing the driv er and softw are in a thir. A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 3-1 P artner identificati on service Importance of instal lation 3 P artner identificatio.
P art ner identification se rvice A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 3-2 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC03. fm Config uring a use r an d mail bo x Configuring the mailbox on the Exchange Server 1. Conf igur e a mai lbo x.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 3-3 P artner identificati on service Assigning lo cal rights 3.
P art ner identification se rvice A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 3-4 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC03. fm Assigning lo cal rights Configuring an Exchange profile 1. Lo g on as use r <CTI_Admin> . 2. Conf igur e an Exch ange pr ofile with th e mailb o x <CTI_User> .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 3-5 P artner identificati on service Installing on a ser ver Modify the SP_In st.ini file The following change s are n eeded in t he SP_Inst.
P art ner identification se rvice A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 3-6 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC03. fm Installin g on a ser v er The SimplyPhone P artne r Iden tification ser vice runs und er this acco unt. In othe r wor ds, this accou nt is use d to import the ser v er ad dress boo ks.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 3-7 P artner identificati on service Installing on a ser ver Starting a service Simply Phone P artner Identification appe ars in the ser vice o v erview ( Control P anel | Ser- vices ).
P art ner identification se rvice A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 3-8 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC03. fm Installin g on a ser v er 3.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 3-9 P artner identificati on service Installing on a ser ver 1. Op en the Default S ecurity Se ttings object. Click the Pr ogrammatic Settings tab .
P art ner identification se rvice A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 3-10 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC03. fm Installin g on a ser v er. A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 4-1 T roubl eshooting/F A Q Licens ing e rro rs 4 T r oublesh ooting/F A Q This chap ter .
T roub leshooting/F A Q A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 4-2 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC04. fm P ar tner identification not w orking 4.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 4-3 T roubl eshooting/F A Q Increasi ng perf or mance b y deactiv atin g f ea tures 4.
T roub leshooting/F A Q A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 4-4 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC04. fm Increasing perf or mance by d eactiv ating f eatur es. A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Outlo ok 4.0, Admi nistrato r Manual 5-1 Appendix Progr am ar chitec ture 5 App endix This chap ter pro vid es inf ormation on.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-2 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC05. fm Prog ram ar chitec ture The Phone M anage r ( SPTel.exe ) reco gnizes th e relev ant te lephony ev ents and pa sses t hem on to the Rules Engi ne ( Sp Rules.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-3 Appendix Progr am ar chitec ture 5.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-4 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC05. fm Prog ram ar chitec ture When com paring the dat a, the CRI M anager scans the .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-5 Appendix Progr am ar chitec ture Contact Retriev al Client The SPCr.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-6 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC05. fm Prog ram ar chitec ture Exam ple: A team o f three persons (A, B ,C) is usi ng the T eam A ssistan t. Member A uses a l ine and has access to B and C o ve r the T eam Assistan t.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-7 Appendix Configuri ng telepho ny data 5.2 Configur ing telephony data 5.2.1 Overview of T API funct ionality A T API S er vice Provider t hat su ppor ts T API V2 .
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-8 HiPath Simply Phone for Outlook 4.0, Admini strator Ma nual spadC05. fm Config uring tel epho ny data 5.2.2 System requirements f or functi onality The teleph ony funct ions are a v ailab le in va rious diff erent circumstances .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-9 Appendix Configuri ng telepho ny data 5.2.3 Location data f or telephon y SimplyPhone f or Outlook u ses the loca tion data th at is specified as the curren t location in the Contr ol P a nel’ s telephon y appl et.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-10 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Config uring tel epho ny data If you ad d (CMF) to a loca tion na me, a ri.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-11 Appendix Syntax of the ini files 5.3 Syntax of the i ni files The mos t impor tant en tr ies in SP_inst.ini and loc ations.ini are e xp laine d belo w .
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-12 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of the in i files [GENERAL] ShowDialogLice nse ={0| 1 } This s witch controls wheth er or not the li- cense d ialog i s displa yed during in stallat ion.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-13 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-14 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries ers, th e v alu e of _KeysCopied under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE has to be i ncreased b y 1 .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-15 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.4.1 E ntries under CommonSettings The f o llo wing se ttings are tak en fro m the locations.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-16 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries Startup= Startup= File name of the e x ecutab le files that a re to be star ted whe n the appli cation star ts up; these a re sepa rated by a semico lon.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-17 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries The f o llo wing s wit ches are not set d.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-18 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries Entry in file Entry in the registry D e .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-19 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.4.2 E ntries under CommonSettingsT ele phon y These entrie s control the cho ice of en hanced te lephon y fun ctions a v ailab le.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-20 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries [TELEPHONY] EnableGroup- Pickup={ 0| 1 } EnableGroup- Pickup= { True |False} Enab le th e Pic k up Call Within Group function.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-21 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.4.3 Entries under EntrySe ttings These entri es affect the D ialer . The following entr ies ar e taken from th e SP_Inst.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-22 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries The f oll ow ing ent ries are written du.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-23 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.4.4 E ntries under SolutionsCallData These entries aff ect the call dialog. The f ollowing en tries are tak en from the SP_Inst.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-24 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries 5.4.5 Entries under SolutionsCallerIdentifi cation The f oll ow ing ent ries are tak en fr om the SP_Inst.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-25 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries [PARTNER_IDENTI FICATION] Supervi- sorInt.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-26 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries The f ollo wing ent ries cannot be configur ed f or the instal lation.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-27 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries The following entr ies are trans f erred dir ectly afte r HKEY_Current_User : 5.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-28 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries [CALL_DATA] OnOutbound- Call= { 1|0|<Ac- tion> } OnOutboundCall= { Tr u e |False|<Ac tion> } Open j ournal entry with outg oing call s .
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-29 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries The f o llo wing en tries are not written.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-30 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Syntax of th e re gistr y entries 5.4.7 Entries under SolutionsHLMData These en tries concern the Custom er License Agent (C LA).
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-31 Appendix Syntax of the reg istr y entries 5.4.8 Entries under SolutionsT eamb ar These e ntries conta in the t eam conf igur atio n and are ge nera ted b y the T eambar .
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-32 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Config ur ation fi le syntax 5.4.9 Entries under T ripleM The f oll ow ing ent ries are tak en fr om the SP_Inst.ini file duri ng installation : 5.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-33 Appendix Configuration file syntax 5.5.2 Dat a source parameters Entry Descript ion DBEnv. Version = <V er sion> V ersion o f the confi gur ation fil e.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-34 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Comman d line s witch 5.5.
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-35 Appendix Command lin e s witch 5.6.2 Switc h fo r the Dialer File name: CTALKP.EXE 5.6.3 Switc h for par tner identificati on File name: CRIMNGR.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-36 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm Product in teg ration 5.7 Pr oduct i ntegration 5.7.1 Integration with HiP ath ComAssistant Outlook e ntries can be gener ated as r equired f or unans wered incom ing call s using Com Assis- tant (Sim plyPhon e f or W eb).
spadC A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath S implyPhon e for Ou tlook 4.0, Ad ministrato r Manual 5-37 Appendix List of abbr e viations /Glossa r y 5.
Appendix A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 0 2-2006 5-38 HiPath Si mplyPh one for O utlook 4. 0, Admi nistra tor Manual spadC05. fm List of abbreviations /Gloss ar y.
spadSI A31003- X7140-A1 00-3-76 A9, 02-20 06 HiPath Simpl yPhone for Outlo ok 4.0, Administr ator Manual Z-1 F or int er nal dist ribution o nly Index Inde x Z C CAP TAPI Service Provider 2-26 Co.
Index F or inte r nal distr ibution only A31003- X7140-A10 0-3-76A9, 02- 2006 Z-2 HiPath S implyPh one for Outl ook 4.0, A dminis trator Manua l spadSIX .
www.sie mens.c om/hipat h Bestell-Nr .: A31003-X714 0-A100-3-76A9 © Siemens A G 2006 • Siemens Communications • Hofmannstraße 51 • D-81359 M ünchen, Ger many Refer ence No.: A31003-X7 140-A100-3-76A9 Subject to availability. Right of m odification reser ved.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Siemens HiPath SimplyPhone gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.