Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3035isdn des Produzenten Siemens
Zur Seite of 94
Issu ed by Infor mation and Com municati on Products Hofmannstr. 51 D-81359 Mün chen © Siem ens AG 20 00 All ri ghts reserv ed. Subject to availability. Right of mo difica tion reser ved. Printed in Germany. (3/00) Siemens Ak tienges ellschaf t http://www.
2 17 . 5 . 0 0 Umsc hlag_v .fm Gigaset3035 isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrekt ur: 0 S a f e t y i n f o r m a t i on ● Do not use the b ase station tel ephone in the bat hroom o r in sho w er s. ● Only use t he plug-in pow er supply unit pro vided , as indicat ed on the u n- der side of yo ur base station telepho ne.
4 17 . 5 . 0 0 Umsc hlag_v .fm Gigaset3035 isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrekt ur: 0 How to use the so ft ke y s Y our Gigase t 3035isdn h as a wide r ange of menu-cont rolled functions. T hese can be acce ssed using t he two sof t k e y s under the d ispla y .
Contents 5 1 7 .5.00 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 K orrektur: 0 C o n t e n t s Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 These operating instructions ... . . . . .
Contents 6 1 7 .5.00 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008- G3035-B1 0 1 -6- Korr ektur: 0 Recordi ng calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Playin g back mes sages duri ng a ca ll . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 1 7 .5.00 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008- G3035-B1 0 1 -6- Korr ektur: 0 Setting the ringer melody (in ternal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Setting the ringer vo lume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 10 1 7 .5.00 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008- G3035-B1 0 1 -6- Korr ektur: 0 Using a utomatic time control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Time-controlled activation of the answering machi ne (once) . 114 Time-controlled activation of the answering machi ne (daily) .
13 Getting started 17 . 5 . 0 0 Betrieb .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008- G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrekt ur: 0 Gett ing st ar t ed Chec king the contents of the package The packag e cont ai ns t he f oll o.
14 Getting st arted 17 . 5 . 0 0 Be trieb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 K orrektur: 0 Connecting the b ase st ation t elephone Please f ollo w the sequence speci fied 1 . Inser t the co nnecto r at the long end of the coiled ha ndset cor d int o the soc k et marked $ on t he base station tele phone.
16 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Getting st arted 17 . 5 . 0 0 Betrieb .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korr ektur: 0 Display langua ge D ate an d ti m e T ype of connection Select “Main station” if the base station telepho ne is con- nected di rectly t o the I SDN netw ork.
18 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Getting st arted 17 . 5 . 0 0 Betrieb .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korr ektur: 0 Eac h call number is aut omatically assign ed its o wn individ- ual ringer melody , so that yo u will alr eady kno w from the ring tone whic h of your number s has been calle d.
20 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Getting st arted 17 . 5 . 0 0 Betrieb .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korr ektur: 0 Y our phone thinks ahead! Whate ver the sit uation, .
22 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Getting st arted 17 . 5 . 0 0 Betrieb .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korr ektur: 0 Using han dsets Y ou can use you r base station telephone with up to 6 dif- f er ent mobile ph ones. A s well as Gigaset 3000 handsets, you can use han dsets from th e Gigaset 1 0 00 and 20 00 se- ries.
23 Pr ess the key s in the specified order Making calls 17 . 5 . 0 0 Te l e f o n . f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Making c alls Making an ext ernal c all Normal calls w ithin the public telephone network ar e re- f erred to as e xternal c alls.
24 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Making calls 17 . 5 . 0 0 T elef Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Immed iate d ialling Sw itc h on the speak er and micr ophone. Enter the call number . or Adjust the volume d uring a call.
26 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Making calls 17 . 5 . 0 0 T elef Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Making i nternal c alls – Ca lling an individua l subscriber If y ou mak e a cal l to a handset fr om the b ase station te le- phone (or vice v er sa) th en this c all is free- of-c harge .
28 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Making calls 17 . 5 . 0 0 T elef Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Opt ion s av ailabl e during a c all Mut ing the micr ophone Y ou can switc h of f your micro phone, f or example to enable yo u to talk to someone else in the room.
30 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Comfor t t elephone featu r es Re di al Y ou can access the last 1 0 call numbers dialled.
32 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Automatic r edial Th e base station telephone r edials the call number u p to 1 2 t imes at interv als of 20 seconds.
34 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Callbac k from c aller list wit.
36 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Changing/displaying/deleting entries Open the telephon e dir ectory . or Select the req uired entry .
38 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 External c allbac k when bus y – If the subscriber y ou ha v e called is cur rently on a cal l, you can set an automatic callb ack.
40 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Rejec ting a c all – The ca ller co ntinues to hear the ring tone.
42 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 D efl e c ti n g a c a l l – .
44 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Se tting up the c all forwar ding destinat ion via ex c hange (external) Call menu.
46 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Comf or t telephone fe atur es 17 . 5 . 0 0 Komf ort. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Using the base stat ion telepho.
48 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 C o s t - ef f e c ti v e te l e.
50 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Setting the pric e per unit Bef ore y our phone can calcul ate the costs f or ea c h call u n- der the “Uni tsCentr .
52 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Displaying/ deleting call c osts Y ou can chec k t he total amount, the total costs/uni ts f or intern al subscri bers and the call number s configur ed in succession.
54 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Dependin g on t he set ting you h a ve made pr ev iously , y ou can no w define a limit in units or as an a mount.
56 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Clearing/d eleting/displa ying t elephone acc ounts Clearin g a t elephon e account Call the menu.
58 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Cost-effective telephonin g 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kos t e n. f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Net work acc ess c alls/pr ovider s T o benefit from c heaper call c harges, y ou can c hange to diff erent providers to make spec ific ca lls.
59 Pr ess the key s in the specified order T eleph oning wit h multi ple subs cribers 17 . 5 . 0 0 Mehrere. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 T el ephoning with mult ipl e subscriber s Calling another subscriber du ring ac a l l Y ou are talking to an ex ternal subscriber .
60 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order T elephon ing wi th mu ltiple subs cribers 17 . 5 . 0 0 Mehrere.f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 – Enquiry c all fr om an internal call to an external subs criber – Y ou are talking to an internal subscriber .
62 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order T elephon ing wi th mu ltiple subs cribers 17 . 5 . 0 0 Mehrere.f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Pa r k i n g – Y ou are on an external cal l and wish to connect this to an- other phone on y our ISDN line, f or e xample.
64 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order T elephon ing wi th mu ltiple subs cribers 17 . 5 . 0 0 Mehrere.f m Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r re k tu r : 0 Speaking to the subs.
65 Pr ess the key s in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Individual telep hone settings D ate an d tim e The date and ti me are upd ated auto matically each time an outgoing connect ion is establi shed.
66 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Se tting the dat e format Call the menu. Select and co nfirm. Set the Day .M o nt h display , e.
68 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Display c ontra st Call the menu. Select and co nfirm. Select and co nfirm. Contrast Sel ect and conf irm.
70 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Se tting the handset volume Call the menu. Select and co nfirm. Select and co nfirm.
72 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Using fun ction key s The base station telephone ha s 4 function k e ys t hat can be set with functions or call n umbers.
74 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 – S etting with c all forwar ding Y ou can set immediate cal l f orwarding on a f unction k e y; the f orwarding r oute set on page 1 0 1 then applies (int ernal/ e xtern al) .
76 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 S ett in g up sho r t c uts A short cut is a key seque nce that can be stored under a given name.
78 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Receiving a list of shor t c uts – Af ter the send procedure has bee n star ted b y another in- ternal subscriber , your base station tele phone/Co mf or t handset rings.
80 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Individual telephone set tings 17 . 5 . 0 0 Ind_einr .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 St ar ting a menu item Call the menu. “My Menu“ Select y our ne wly creat ed menu.
81 Pr ess the key s in the specified order Securi ty 17 . 5 . 0 0 Spe Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Se c u r i t y Act ivat in g the b as e l ock Y ou can lock y our base station telepho ne and all register ed handsets to pre v ent o utgoinsg ca lls.
82 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Securi ty 17 . 5 . 0 0 Sperre .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Changing t he base PIN The base PIN is u sed to pre vent unauthor ised c hanges to your base sy stem set t ings.
84 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Securi ty 17 . 5 . 0 0 Sperre .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 D ea ctiv ating ho t ke y sele ctio n The messag e “Hot K e y on” a ppear s on the displa y alo ng with the call numbe r .
86 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Securi ty 17 . 5 . 0 0 Sperre .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Restrict ing diall ing Y ou can: Either set t he fi rst 1 6 digits of up to 5 c all nu mbers (re- stricted numbers) that may not be dialled ( No.
88 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 S etti ng up the c onnect ion ISDN c all number s (MSN) Y our ISDN connection has tw o telephone lines that can be used simultaneously .
90 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Displaying the set t ings for y our own c all numbers (MSN) Th e name, e.g. home, of fic e, etc.
92 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Regist ering t he Comfor t 30 0 0 handset – Sw itc h on the handset. Hold do w n the po we r on ke y until you hear a beep .
94 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Pr eparing the base stati on telephone The t elephone is ready f or reg istration. F or y our o wn secu- rity , the t ime a vail able f or registr ation is l imited to on e minute .
96 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Allocating a name to an inte rnal subscriber Y ou can replace the internal call number allocated to the subscriber at regist ration (e.
98 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 A ll o ca t i ng re cei ve M SN s In the f actory set ting, a newly r egistered h andset rings u n- der all set call number s.
10 0 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 S etting up a ring dela y Y ou can define the numb er of ring s af ter whic h a call is to be signaled f or eac h internal subscriber .
10 2 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Set ting up th e connect ion 17 . 5 . 0 0 Kon f i g . fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 External call forwar ding via ex c hange Y ou can set the base station telepho ne in suc h a w ay th at a call from an ext ernal subscriber is f orwarded via the ex- chan ge.
10 3 Pr ess the key s in the specified order Answering mac hine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Kor r e k tu r : 0 Answering mac hine The an sw erin g mac hine stor es y our annou ncements and messages and internal inf ormation digitally .
10 4 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Activati ng/deact ivating the answering mac hine – Y our ans werin g mac hine is rea dy f or operati on as soon as the base station telephone is put int o service.
10 6 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Prer equisite: the handset mu st be on-hook.
10 8 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Playing bac k messages/memos A message w as lef t during your absence. The A M k ey i s flashing.
11 0 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Retu r n in g a c al l – Pr ereq uisite: the caller’ s phone number is tr ansf er red. Call up the AM menu.
11 2 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Options during pla yba c k – or t o adjust th e volume durin g playback.
11 4 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Fast deletion – F or the f ast deletion of messages on the base station tel e- phone/3000 Comf ort handset.
11 6 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Go bac k up one menu le vel. The mar king ne xt to the menu item “T ime C ontro l” indi- cates that t his func tion is act iv e.
11 8 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Changing t he rec or ding length A message can b e 1 , 2, 3 minutes long or unrestri cted in length.
12 0 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 S ett in g tones only Call up the AM menu. Select and co nfirm. Enter and con firm the s ystem PIN (f actory set ting i s 00 00).
12 2 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Changing the AM PIN Call up the AM menu. Select and co nfirm. Enter and con firm the s ystem PIN (f actory set ting i s 00 00).
12 4 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Re mo te o pe r ati on Dial y our ow n phone number . Y ou hear your own ann ouncement tex t. Pr ess the hash key and enter the AM PIN .
12 6 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Answering machine 17 . 5 . 0 0 Anrufb. fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Re co rding announcements Annou.
12 7 Abou t your system 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 619 Kor r e k tu r : 0 About y our sy stem Notes on using handsets Range The rang e can be up to 300 m outdoor s, depending on the en viron mental con- ditions. A ra nge of up to 50 m is possible indoor s.
12 8 Abou t your system 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Wa r r a n t y ● Siemens A G guarantees this de vice f or 6 months (S witz erla nd: 1 year), cal - culated fr om the date of purc hase fr om the dealer .
13 0 Abou t your system 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 When call f orw arding is a ctiv e, the for wa rd - ing conditions are not displ ayed. Interna l f orwarding is act ive. Activate “ external” f or- warding, see pa ge 44 .
13 2 Abou t your system 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 T e ch n i ca l d a t a Envir onmental conditions ● Do not place the base station telephone near areas w ith high moist ur e lev els suc h as the b ath or show er .
13 3 Pr ess the key s in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Kor r e k tu r : 0 Appendix Using CENTREX features CENTREX (CTX ) is the name of a virt ual ISDN telepho ne sy stem.
13 4 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 - 6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Dialling proper t ies Switc hing on the ke ypad pr otoc ol – Using the k eypad pr otocol allo ws you t o take a dv antage of additional f eat ures of f er ed b y other pro vide rs, e.
13 6 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 - 6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Oper ating at telephone s ystems The f ollo wing devi ce par ameters should b e set if yo u w ant to operat e y our ba se station teleph one do wnstr eam of a telephone s yst em: 1 .
13 8 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 - 6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Changing lon g distanc e dialling c odes Long- distance diallin g codes ar e the first numbers that hav e t o be di alled in orde r to r eac h anothe r city (nati onal) or country (internationa l).
14 0 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 - 6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 Restoring factory settings Y ou can withdra w your set tings usi ng the f ollowing menu options ● Operation al or ● Rese t all .
14 2 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 - 6-7 61 9 Ko rr e k t ur : 0 If an answ ering machi ne is connecte d to the cordl ess T AE, yo u should set the d evice type as “ans w ering mac hine” .
14 4 Appendi x 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-761 9 Ko rr e k tu r : 0 Using the base stat ion telephone with Gi gaset 10 0 0 and 20 0 0 series handsets Y ou can use ha ndsets fr om the pr e vious serie s with your base statio n tele- phone.
14 5 ISDN glossar y 17 . 5 . 0 0 Glossar .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 ISDN glossary A A ccess levels The v arious subscribers on yo ur base station telephone can be all ocated dif- f er ent access lev els.
14 6 ISDN glossary 17 . 5 . 0 0 Glossar .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 Call fo rw arding (via the second B-c hannel)/ internal f orw arding While extern al call forwarding is performed by the network provider ’ s loc al ex change, internal f orw arding is i mplemented by y our telephone.
14 8 ISDN glossary 17 . 5 . 0 0 Glossar .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 F Fr ee c hoi ce of outg oing MSN F eatur e that can be used to define whic h individua l MSN is to be used f or the ne xt cal l.
15 0 ISDN glossary 17 . 5 . 0 0 Glossar .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0 P Pa r k Y ou park a ca ll whe n you mo ve a telep hone du ring a c all or if y ou w ant to continue your call at another p hone on the same l ine.
15 2 P r ess the k e ys in the specified order ISDN glossary 17 . 5 . 0 0 Glossar .fm Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Ko r r e k tu r : 0.
162 Index 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035 isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrektur: 0 Index A About your system 127 Access 99 Accessories 141, 169 Account activating/deact ivating 54 cha.
163 Index 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035 isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrekt ur: 0 saving in the telephone d irectory 35 setting MSN ringer melo dy 90 Call pic kup from AM 70 Call re.
165 Index 17 . 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035 isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 Korrekt ur: 0 Missed calls 71 MSN allocating receive MSN 98 allocating send MSN 97 on busy 98 MSN, cf. call nu mber, own call numb er Multipl e subs cribe r numbe r (MSN ), cf.
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ *LJDV HW 3035 LVGQ >> ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Answering mac hine *LJDV HW 3035.
Acc essories 169 Zubehör .fm 17 . 0 5 . 0 0 Gigaset3035isdn, A31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 K orr ekt ur: 0 A cc essories Use accessor ies to tr ansf orm y our Gigaset into a cordless telephone s ystem: ● Ever y user has a separ ate telephon e ● T oll-free inte rnal com munica tion ● Specific t ransf er of e xternal calls, etc .
17 . 5 . 0 0 Umsc Gigaset3035isdn A 31 008-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 619 K o rrektur: 0 Ente ring lett ers, number s and s ymbols Pr er equisit e: T he tel ephone is i n in put mode, i.e. y ou ar e cur rent ly making a n entry , e.g. a name. Oper at ing prin ciple The let ters allocat ed to the k e ys appear on the k e y s.
17 . 5 . 0 0 Umsc Gigaset3035isdn A31 0 08-G3035-B1 0 1 -6-7 61 9 K orrektur: 0 Gig aset 3035 Mark m essage as ne w :: during playback : last record.heard in pa use status Delete message during playback individual me ssages after pla ybac k all messages Set mode Re cor ding af ter announ.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Siemens 3035isdn (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Siemens 3035isdn noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Siemens 3035isdn - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Siemens 3035isdn reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Siemens 3035isdn erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Siemens 3035isdn besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Siemens 3035isdn verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Siemens 3035isdn. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Siemens 3035isdn gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.