Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SF-1020 des Produzenten Sharp
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SER VICE MA NUAL COD E: 00Z SF1 12 0SM/ E MODEL SF-1020 MODEL SF-1120 Option • Paper tray (SF-UB15) • Two-step paper feed unit (SF-CM15) • One-step paper feed unit (SF-CM16) • Personal counter.
Contents [1] PRODUCT OUTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1. Pro duct f eat ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2. System con f igu r a tion (op tion s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 [2] PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS . . . .
1-8. Transport roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 1-9. Lower paper feed roller/take-up roller . . . 6-3 2. Transp or t un it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 2-1. Resist roller, transfer roller . . . . . . . . .
2-6. Process section adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 7-21 [8] SIMULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 1. Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 2. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[1] PRODUCT OUTLINE 1. Product features (1) Compact body • Compact body size The body width of 600mm is the smallest in the class. • The employment of the front loading tray and the folding-type multi manual paper feed cassette realizes the small occupying area.
[2] PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1. Basic specifications (1) Type: Table top (2) Copy speed: <SF-1020/1120> Normal Enlargement (Magnification) Reduction (Magnification) A3 11 sheets/min 10 sheets/min .
2. Description of each section (1) Paper feed section SF-1020 SF-1120 Copying size A3 ∼ A6/W letter ∼ Invoice Paper feed system 2 trays + multi manual feed 1 tray + multi manual feed Paper feed ca.
3. Supply parts Brazil/Asia except Hong Kong Name Contents Life Product name 1 OPC Drum kit OPC Drum × 1 Cleaner Blade × 1 Drum Separation Pawl × 2 Separation Pawl Spring × 2 50K SF-216DR 2 Black .
4. Optional specifications (1) Automatic document feeder (ADF) <Model name: SF-A18> Original set direction Face up Original set position Center reference Original transport system Belt (half siz.
(4) 10-bin staple sorter (10-bin SS) <Model name: SF-S54> Type Copier installation type/hanging type Distribution system Bin shift system by lead screw No.
[3] PRODUCT VIEWS 1. External view and internal structure No. Name No. Name No. Name 1 Original stocker 2 Original cover 3 Original table 4 Paper exit tray 5 Grip 6 Manual feed unit 7 Manual feed orig.
3. Clutches, solenoids, and motors (Explained with the SF-1120 and the SF-CM15) Clutches and solenoids No. Signal name Name Functions, operations 1 PSPS Paper separation solenoid Paper separation sole.
4. PWB (Explained with the SF-1120 and the SF-CM15) No Name Description No Name Description 1 Operation PWB A Operation input, display control 2 Operation PWB B Operation input, display control 3 Blank lamp PWB Used to control the blank lamp. 4 DL PWB Used to drive the discharge lamp.
5. Sensors and switches (Explained with the SF-1120 and the SF-CM15) F o r t h e A D U s e n s o r , r e f e r t o p a g e 5 - 1 8 . No. Signal name Name Type Operation, function 1 TCS Toner density control sensor Transmission sensor HIGH when toner density falls.
6. Rollers, mirrors, etc. No. Name No. Name No. Name 1 No. 3 mirror 2 No. 2 mirror 3 No. 1 mirror 4 Copy lamp 5 No. 4 mirror 6 No. 5 mirror 7 No. 6 mirror 8 Developing unit toner box 9 Manual tray F .
[4] UNP ACKING AND INST ALLA TION 1. Unpacki ng Pa cking m at eria l / a cces sory l i s t Name Q’ty 1 Paper exit tray 1 2 Instruction manual 1 3 Maintenance card 1 4 Dust cover 1 5 Service contract 1 6 Installation manual 1 7 Magnification ratio select label 1 2.
5 Avoid installation to a poorly ventilated place. 6 Avoid installation to a place where there are flammable materials or ammonia gas, etc. If the machine is installed near a diazo copier, the picture quality may be degraded and malfunctions may occur.
3. Opt ical sy stem lock r elease A. No. 2/ 3 mirror unit lock rel ease Rem ove t he o ne f ixi ng s cre w of t he No . 2/3 mir ror unit on t he lef t si de of th e copie r . B. Lens and No. 4/5 mi rror unit lock rel ease Remove two fixing screws o f the N o.
4 Return the electrode section to the original position and fix it with a screw. 5 Insert the main charger unit along the guide groove in the copier fully to the bottom.
6 Hold the hand carry strap of the developing unit and insert it into the copier fully to the bottom. 7 Close the developing unit lever and close the front cabinet. Wit h the ab ove p roc edure , sett ing o f the d evel o ping uni t i s co m- pl eted .
3 Hold the new toner bottle as shown and shake it four or five times. 4 Open the toner hopper cover. 5 Pour the toner evenly into the toner hopper. 6 Close the toner hopper cover. 7 Slide the developer unit into the copier. 8 Return the developer unit lock lever into place.
9. C enter sh ift a djust ment The re is bas ica lly no ne ed t o p erform th e ce nter shi ft adj ust ment beca use i t is m ade w hen s hip ping . If the cent er shou ld be sh ifte d, adju st in t he f oll owing pro cedu res . Mak e a c op y . If t he ce nt er i s shi fte d as sh own in Fig .
1 1. Opti ona l tw o-st e p pa p er fe ed unit (S F-CM15 ) inst allati on Parts packed together Disconnect the p o wer plug of the cop ier and perf orm the f ollo win g proc edures. 1 Remove two screws which are fixing the rear cabinet on the lower stage of the copier, and remove the rear cabinet.
Conn ect the rear side of the c opier with two c onnection screws C. 6 Remove the connecter which is fixed to the rear cabinet of the two-stage paper feed unit with tape. Connect the 4P connector and 10P connector with the 4P connector and 16P connector of the copier.
3. Placi ng the mai n co pier unit ove r the paper f eed u ni t [N ote] • The following procedure should always be performed by two per- sons. Lift the main copier unit by the grips and slip the two.
8. S et the mode . Plug the cop ier in to a g ro unde d ou t let a nd tur n the pow er sw itc h on. • Operate the keys on the copier to set the mode. The above key operation will display the currently set mode. • Immediately after the above key operation, operate the keys as follows: 9.
3. Remov e the size bl ock u pw ar d, and f it t o th e suitable paper size. Caution • When the tray paper size is changed, be sure to change the size block. If not, the paper size display lamp keeps indicating the previous size. 4. At t ach t he tray .
[5] DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH SECTIO N Des crip tions a re made on th e f ollow ing se cti on s: 1 Paper feed section 2 Developing section 3 Optical section 4 Process section 5 Separation/transport section 6 Fusing/paper exit section 7 High voltage section 8 ADU section (SF-1120 only) 1.
2. Devel op ing secti on 1) G eneral descriptions (1) T wo-c omponent d evelop er The de velop er is co mp osed of tone r a nd ca rr ier. Ca rrier serv es as a m ediu m for at tachi ng t oner onto t he el ectro stati c im ag e on t he p hotoc ondu ctor d rum.
3) Basic o perations (Cassette pa pe r feed) Whe n th e CP FC (cas sette pap er fe ed c lut ch) i s t ur ned on, th e pa per fe ed roll er shaf t, th e pa per f eed ro ller , an d th e take -up ro ller rot ates i n th e dire ction of A, and t he roll er relea s e ar m is mov ed do wnwa rd by the li miter spring.
(1) Origin al t able The origin al tab le is fixed. T he ori ginal is se t in t he le ft center p ositi on. (2) C opy lamp 100V ser i es: 85V , 275W 20 0V se rie s: 170V , 31 0W (3) Mi rr o r This mod el uses six mirrors. No. 1 mirror is attache d to the c opy lamp uni t, No.
(7) Lens dr ive shaft Thi s shaf t cont rols the opt ica l ax is of the lens i n zoom co py . Th e lens follo ws alo ng the slide base sha ft. (8) Lens drive wire This is to shift th e lens u nit a nd the No . 4/5 mirror ba se. (9) No. 4/5 mirror unit No .
(20) O ri gi nal size sensi n g The or ig in al siz e is se ns ed by the or ig in al int err u pt i on syst em . The L ED in th e rear frame side emit s li ght t o the ta ble gl ass su rfac e. The orig inal int errupts this light , a nd its size is dete cted .
(Opt ical syste m dirt c orrecti on) This mode l per form di rt cor rect ion by c h ang ing t he c o py lamp in ten- sit y a ccord ing t o the d irt degr ee in th e optic al s ystem (t he co py la mp unit, No. 1 mirror , No .2 mirror , No.3 mirror) to prevent a gainst rema rk- abl e degr a din g of copy qual ity .
(4 ) Co py pro cess This model basi c process and structure • The Scorotron method is used to evenly charge the photoconduc- tor surface to the given potential in the charge process. The corona wire regularly used is now replaced with a new corona charge mechanism that employs the 0.
(2) Process diagram High voltag e uni t Main corona unit Disc ha rge la m p Cl e ani ng bl ad e Was te toner collect ion Paper exit Fusi ng Hea t r o ller Heater lamp Sep ar at ion Separation Separati.
(3) Detail s of image f orming process Step 1 ( M ai n Ch ar gi ng) By nega t i ve d isc har ging of the main charg er , u nif orm ne gati v e c har - ges a re ap pl ied to the O P C dr um surf ace. The OP C dr um s urfac e poten tia l is c ontro lle d by the s cre en gri d volt ag e to m a intain th e gr id v oltag e a t a c onsta nt leve l.
Step 3 ( Devel opment ) T on er is a tta ch ed to t he la te nt stat ic-e lec tric ity i ma ges on t he d rum sur fac e to ch ange t hem t o vis ible i mage s.
Step 4 ( T ransfer ) The t r ansfe r pa per is cha rge d hi gher t han the O PC dr um s urf ac e po te nt ial by s tr on g n eg at ive di sc ha r ge of t he tr an sf er c ha r ge r, mak in g the b ind.
Step 6 ( Cle ani ng) Res idu al tone r on th e drum is r emov ed by t he clea nin g bla de. T he rem oved t one r is s ent to t he wa ste to ner c onta iner by the wa ste toner tr an sport screw .
(4) T ransi tion of photoconduct or surface p otent ial (5) Phot oc o nductor dr um se ns i tivit y cor r ec t ion In this mod el, f all i n sen sitiv ity due to long use o f th e pho tocon du ctor dr um is co rrec ted by t he co py lam p light inten si ty to p rev ent a ga inst cons ide rable ch ange in cop y q ualit y .
Process contro l 1 Toner patch images are formed on the photoconductor surface under the three process conditions (MC grid bias voltage). At the first process control, a toner parch image is formed with the reference grid voltage –410V as the center and ± 30V.
Wast e t oner t ran sport mech anism: T he was te to ner is pas sed thro ugh was te to ner t ran sport sc rew 1 an d w ast e ton er pip e 2 to waste toner bottle 3 . W aste toner bottl e 3 is rotated by the mai n driv e gear v ia ge ar 4 to tra nsport ton er ev en ly .
5 Drive system division The fuser unit is rotated by the main drive unit. In case of manual rotation of the fuser unit to remove paper jam, however, excessive loads may be applied to the gears. To prevent against this, the pressure of the upper/lower heat rollers is reduced when the machine clamshells are opened.
2) De tail s of o perat ion 1 The alignment plate and the rear edge plate detect the home positions, and moves to the paper size position. (ADU motor 1, 2, ON) 2 Paper exit, reverse unit operation (ADU gate solenoid ON) 3 Rollers in the ADU rotate in the direction of paper entry.
[6] DIS ASSEMBL Y AND ASSEM BL Y The de scr iption s are di vid ed in to th e foll owin g secti on s. 1 . Paper feed section 2 . Transport section and power section 3. Fusing section 4. Optical system 5. SPF section 6. Drum section 7. Developing section 8 .
(Not e fo r assembly 2) When a tta ching the pa per f eed sect ion rolle r as s’y , adju st so t ha t th e pap er feed r oll er clut ch an d th e P S fron t rolle r a ss’y clu tch proj ectio n face to ward th e pape r feed si de. 1-3. PS front ro ller ass’y 1 Remove the paper feed unit.
(Not e fo r assembly) At t a ch the pa per f eed rol ler so th at the o ne-w ay clut ch is on the r ear fram e side. (Be careful o f the direction.) At t a ch the r o lle r h older as sh ow n belo w . 1-6. Lower p ap er feed u nit Perfo rm si mil ar l y for th e optional t wo-stage pa per feed unit .
3 Remove the hook of the front frame side bearing, and lift it up to remove it toward the upper frame side. Remove the rear frame side connector, and slide and remove the resist roller ass’y toward the rear frame side. 4 Remove the clutch and the gears as shown below.
3. Fu sing s ection 3-1 . Fusi ng uni t remov al 1 Open the front cover. 2 Push the open/close lever down to the right side, and slowly open the upper unit. 3 Remove the fixing screw of the fusing connector cover and remove the cover. 4 Remove the fusing unit hanging wire from the copier frame and remove two connectors from the unit.
3-4. Upper separati on pawl replacement 1 Remove the fusing unit, and remove the cover. 2 Put the fusing unit so that the paper guide is on the lower side of the fusing unit (the separation pawl is on the upper side).
3-7. Thermistor/thermostat removal 1 Remove the fusing unit. 2 Remove the fusing cover, and remove the thermistor/thermostat. * Note for assembly • Check that the thermistor center is in contact with the heat roller. • Clean the thermistor surface with alcohol to remove foreign materials.
2 Remove the operation panel, the upper cabinet R, and the right cabinet. 3 Remove the dark box cover upper. 4 Manually move mirror base B. (Within the range where the wire fixing plate fixing screw can be removed.) 5 Remove the wire fixing plate in the front/rear frame side of the copy lamp unit, and remove the wire from the side plates F/R.
3 Rotate the mirror base B counterclockwise to remove. 4 Disconnect the connector from the copy lamp unit on the rear frame side and from the No. 2/3 mirror unit. 5 Rotate the No. 2/3 mirror unit counterclockwise and remove. D. No. 2/3 m irror unit ( m ir ror base B) ass embly Rev ers e t he ab ov e pro cedu res.
3 Fix the mirror base wire to the pulley with the mirror base wire fixing screw. 4 Return the 9th winding tip of the mirror base wire to the original position.
4) Copy lamp unit installation (Mirror base A posi tioning) This ad justm e nt mu st be p erfo rm ed in th e foll owin g case s: • When the mirror base drive wire is replaced. • When the mirror base A or B is replaced. • When any part in the dark box is replaced.
5 Remove the drive springs 4 and 5. 6 Remove the zooming rack of the roll holder unit. 7 Remove the lens drive shaft attachment plate. 8 Remove the drive shafts 4 and 5. * When re movi ng th e N o. 4 /5 mir ror unit , r eme mbe r th e pos iti on s (sc ales) of the ar row m ar ks of th e driv e h olde r 4 and 5 .
6) Lens w ire replacement A. L ens wire removal 1 Remove the OR guide L and R, and remove the table glass. 2 Remove the dark box cover upper. 3 Remove the lens motor. 4 Remove drive spring 4 and 5. 5 Remove the E-ring which is fixing the roll holder drive shaft, and remove the roll holder unit.
7 Remove the drive wire spring and the wire hook from the lens carriage boss. 8 Remove the L pulley and the L drive pulley from the lens wire. B. L ens wire str etching 1. Th is proc edure is per fo rmed in the f ol lo wing case. (1) When the lens unit is removed.
4 Manually turn the zooming can drive gear to fit the zooming cam drive gear hole and No. 4/5 mirror drive unit base hole B. 5 Install No. 4/5 mirror drive shaft unit and the rack. * When in stalling the ra ck, be sure to fit No . 4/5 mirror u nit p rojectio n wi th No .
5. H igh volt age sec tion Cl ean the MC case , an d the TC / SC cas e every 50K cop ies . Cl ean t he sc ree n gri d, the char ging p lat e (s aw te eth), and t he TC/S C w ir e ev ery 50K cop ie s, an d re pl ac e t he m ev ery 100K co pie s. 5-1. Main charger ( M C) unit 1 Open the front cover.
5-2. T ransfer/separation charg er (TC/SC) unit 1 Open the font cover, open the body up. 2 Push TC/SC unit pawl sections A (2 positions) and lift the front side and pull it out. (Cle aning/repl acement a nd pr ecaution s) 1 Set the charger SP length to 17 ± 1.
6-2. Waste toner bottle replacement (requ ired when waste toner f ul l detection/maintenance) 1 Take out the process unit as shown above, <No te> If the unit is removed by holding the toner transport pipe, toner is spilled. Avoid this. 2 Remove the bottle cover.
6-3. Drum (Replace every 50K copies) 1 Remove the process unit from the copier. (Refer to 6-1.) 2 Loosen two blue screws which are fixing the drum, rotate the plate slightly to the right and pull it out. 3 Remove the drum. <No te> Be careful not to scratch the drum.
6-6. Cleaner b lade (Replace every 50K co pi es.) 1 Remove the holder from the process unit. (3 blue screws) 2 Remove the cleaning blade. (3 blue screws) 6-7. Drum separation pawl (Repl ace every 50K copies.) Sl ide a nd re move th e blu e pi n to re move th e separ ation pawl.
B. DB blad e replacem ent (Repl ace e ver y 120K copi es. ) 1 Remove the old DV blade from the DV cover. (Remove the duplex tape.) 2 At t a ch the n ew DV bl ade wi th the pas teb oard as shown b el ow. (Attach the DV blade to the reference of A and the inscribed line ( 0.
G. Devel oping uni t co l o r i dent i f i c at i o n Co lor id entif ica tio n is ma de for dif fer ent r esist ance s of th e de velop ing uni t. Color Resistance (K Ω ) Identification signal voltage (DVC) [V] Black 0 0 Red 6 .2 2.25 Blue 12.0 2.97 8.
B. Co oli ng f an mo tor Rev erse t he remo val pr oc edur es. <No te> When attaching the cooling fan motor, put the harness sec- tion B and the CFm duct groove section A in the same direction, and pass the harness in the groove. Check that the fan center label is on the back when viewed from the rear of the machine.
9-4. Main P W B u nit 1 Remove the rear cabinet upper. 2 Disconnect all the connectors (6 connectors) connected to the main PWB. 3 Remove the main PWB plate (one screw). 4 Remove the main PWB from the plate. (2 screws) 9-5. AC power PWB 1 Remove the main PWB unit.
10. Mult i paper feed uni t (SF- MF15: option ) 10-1. Separation ro ller 1 Remove three screws and remove the paper feed/take-up roller ass’y. 2 Remove the separation roller. @ When att achin g t he r oller, en gage the D-cu t sec tio n wit h th e gro ove.
1 1. ADU <Rev ers e roller> 1 Remove the extension stopper, and remove the ADU from the copier. 2 Remove the four fixing screws (M4 × 8) of the ADU cover, and remove the ADU cover. 3 Remove the six fixing screws (M4 × 10 = 4 pcs., M4 xc 8 = 1 pc.
<Rev ers e roller> 1 Remove three fixing screws (M4 × 10) of the left cabinet, and remove the left cabinet. Remove the plastic E-ring which is fixing the paper exit cabinet unit, and slide the paper exit cabinet unit in the arrow direction and remove it from the copier.
[7] ADJUSTMENTS 1. Developing section 1-1. Developing doctor clearance adjustment a. If the clearance between the developing doctor and the MAG roller is improper, the following trouble may occur. • Insufficient coy density • Background copy • Toner splash <Adjustment procedure> (1) Remove the developing unit from the copier.
(5) Measure the distance from the marking position to the bottom (A) of the developing unit and check that the distance is 17.6mm. If the distance is not as specified above, loosen the MG adjustment plate fixing screw, move the adjustment plate in the arrow directions and perform procedures (3) to (5) again.
2-2. Note for adjustments 1. Only the exposure balance adjustment, the blank lamp adjust- ment, and the copy lead edge adjustment can be performed individually. For the other adjustments, follow the flowchart below. 1. Me chanical ref erence pos it i on adj ust ment (w i t hout copyi ng) 2.
2-3. Adjustment of each section A. Lens reference position adjustment In this model, the reference value according to each lens charac- teristics must be entered. With this value, the lens home position is determined. <Procedure> (1) Execute simulation 48-01 • Perform the following key operation.
(3) Check to confirm the lens value specified on the lens value label. (4) Insert a screwdriver into hole (P) in the right rear side (paper feed side) of the optical base plate, and adjust the adjustment screw. The scale on the zoom base at section Q in the figure below determines the position of the No.
(4) Calculate the copy magnification ratio. Copy magnification ratio = Copy imag e size Original siz e × 100% (5) Check that the obtained copy magnification ratio is within the specified range (100 ± 0.8%). If it is within the specified range, go to procedure (7).
(2) Turn off/on the power to initialize the lens and No. 4/5 mirror unit. Check the focus in the normal ratio. (3) If the focus is improper, perform the focus adjustment of the normal ratio as follows: (3)-1 Make a copy of the test chart on an A4 or 8 1/2 ″ × 11 ″ paper.
E. Horizontal copy magnification ratio adjustment a. This adjustment is performed to meet the displayed magnifica- tion ratio with the actual one. b. This adjustment must be performed in the following cases: • When the main PWB is replaced. • When the EEPROM in the main PWB is replaced.
F. Comparison table of lens values and simulation input values Lens display value Sim 48-01 Zoom correction (Enlargement) Zoom correction (Reduction) Sim 48-01 — % Sim 48-01 — % — % +4.0 30 70 70 +3.9 31 69 69 +3.8 31 69 69 +3.7 32 68 68 +3.6 32 68 68 +3.
G. Vertical skew adjustment a. This adjustment is performed when a skew copy is made as shown below or when a part of the mirror base drive wire or the No.
<Adjustment procedure> (1) Make an original for adjustment. Draw parallel lines at 10cm from the both edges of an A3 or 11" × 17" white paper. (Be careful to draw precisely parallel lines.) (2) Set the adjustment original made in (1) as shown below.
(Example) When La=12mm and Lb=9mm, shift the paper exit side mirror base B rail upward by 1.5mm. • When Lc > Ld, shift the mirror base B rail downward by half of the difference of Lc – Ld. • When Lc < Ld, shift the mirror base B rail upward by half of the difference of Lc – Ld.
(3) Remove the original reference plate and the right upper side cabinet, and remove the original table glass. (4) Move the exposure plates a, b, c, and d in arrows directions A and B to adjust exposure. Moving the plates in the direction of arrow A makes the copy darker, and moving in the direction of arrow B makes the copy lighter.
(4) Measure the distance between the copy paper lead edge and the copy image lead edge in each copy. Obtain RRC-A and RRC-B values from the following formulas. If the RRC-A preset value is not proper, the lead edge position varies in each magnification ratio.
(11) Make a normal copy and check that the image loss and the void amount are within the specified range. (Specified range) • Imag e los s: 0 ∼ 4m m • Voi d am ount : 1 ∼ 3m m (12) Press the clear key and cancel simulation 50-01.
B. Original detecting level adjustment (Original detecting judgement level input) This adjustment is to set the reference value for judgement of presence or absence of an original and to monitor the sensor status.
[8] S IMULA TION 1. Outlin e Thi s mode l is eq uipp ed wi th the s im ulat ion s featu re whi c h all ows the fol lowi ng oper atio ns wit h the ke ys on t he oper atio n pane l: 1) A dju stme nts 2) S e tt in g of sp ec ific at ion s an d fun cti on s 3) Re set ting tr oubl e c odes 4) Ch eckin g op era tio ns 2.
4. Lis t of simul ati on s Main code Sub code Content 1 01 Mirror scanning 02 Optical system sensor check 03 Lens operation check 04 Lens operation aging 2 01 ADF aging 02 ADF sensor check 03 ADF indi.
* 1 (Simu lati on 26-6 Dest ination setting) Set value Model (Destination) Set value Model (Destination) 0 Japan 6 EX inch series 1 SEC 7 EX AB series 2 SECL 8 EX inch series (for FC) 3 SEEG 9 EX AB s.
5. Deta ils of simu lations Sim ulat ion inpu t p roced ure : C → ë → 0 → ë Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 01 01 Mirror operation check When the print button is pressed, the mirror is scanned at a speed corresponding to the currently set copy magnification ratio.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 02 10 ADF individual load operation check (paper feed motor + paper feed solenoid) 11 ADF individual load operation check (transport motor forward rotation + repulsion motor forward rotation) A57 only 03 02 Sorer sensor state display The ADF sensor ON/OFF states can be monitored with the LED on the operation panel.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 05 04 DL lamp lighting check The discharge lamp is lighted for 30 sec. 05 BL lamp lighting check The blank lamp is turned on/off every 0.5 sec. 06 01 PSPS operation check The separation pawl is turned on/off 30 times in the following sequence.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 09 03 ADU rear edge plate aging (SF-2120 only) The rear edge plate is returned to the initial position and shifted to the following size positions.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 21 01 Maintenance cycle setting Used to set the lighting cycle of the maintenance lamp ( è ). When this simulation is executed, the currently set maintenance cycle is displayed on the copy quantity display. After setting the number, press the print button to memory the value.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 24 01 Jam memory/total jam counter clear The cause (position) of a jam which occurred during copying and the jam total counter are cleared, and the jam total counter value is displayed on the copy quantity display. (“000” is displayed because the counter is cleared.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 26 06 Destination setting Used to set the destination (Japan, SEC, etc.). When this simulation is executed, the currently set destination is displayed on the copy quantity display. Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 26 20 Rear edge void setting Used to set YES/NO of the paper rear edge void. When this simulation is executed, the currently set rear edge void mode is displayed on the copy quantity display. Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 41 01 Original sensor check Used to display the judgement result of the original sensor on the operation panel LED. The original sensor values are read sequentially. If the sensor is interrupted (judged as presence of an original), the LED corresponding to the sensor position is turned on.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 42 (No te) Developer counter clear Used to clear the currently installed developing unit counter and to display the developer counter value on the copy quantity display. (“000” is displayed because the counter is cleared.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 44 06 Grid voltage correction compulsory execution The grid voltage correction is forcibly executed during the simulation. When the operation is completed, the patch forming grid voltage after grid voltage correction is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 44 08 Grid voltage correction, optical dirt correction, drum membrane decrease correction data display Used to display each correction data of the grid voltage correction, the optical dirt correction, and the drum membrane decrease correction on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 44 10 Drum voltage correction drum surface data, patch data display Used to display the drum surface data and the patch data after execution of the grid voltage after simulation 44-5, 6 or during normal operation is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 46 01 Exposure level adjustment Used to set the copy density (copy lamp output voltage) in each exposure mode. When this simulation is executed, warm-up is started and the currently set manual (ME) upper limit value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 48 02 Paper transport direction magnification ratio adjustment Used to set the horizontal (paper transport direction) magnification ratio. When this simulation is executed, warm-up is started and the currently set mirror speed correction value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 51 02 Resist amount adjustment Used to set the warp amount of paper in the resist section. When this simulation is executed, warm-up is started and the currently set tray resist amount is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Ma i n code Sub c ode Con tent 53 06 ADF timing sensor adjustment When this simulation is executed, the paper exit reverse sensor original judgement level is adjusted. After completion of this adjustment, the original judgement level is displayed on the copy quantity display.
(2) User simu l ation Simulation procedure State Paper jam/Maintenance/ Mini maintenance/ Paper supply/Toner supply/ Warning LED Copy quantity display Copy button LED 1. P r ess the tr ay sel ectio n ke y for 5 s ec or mor e. User simulation input is allowed.
[9] SELF DIAGNOSTICS 1. S umm ar y/p urp os e Thi s mode l has the s elf d i ag fu nc tio n for t he fo ll ow in g pur p oses : 1) Wh en a t r ouble occu rs i n th e ma ch ine, the m ach ine det ects th e tr ouble a nd di spl ays th e trou ble cont ent on th e c opy qua nti ty dis - pla y to al e rt the custom er an d t he se rvice man.
Trouble code Sub code Content Condition L1 00 Mirror feed trouble • Whe n ini tia lizing, MHPS is n ot turn ed o ff with in 1. 5 sec from st art ing fe ed ing o f t he m irror. • When copy ing, MHP S is no t tur ned of f wit hin 0 .5 se c fr om st art ing fe ed ing o f t he m irror.
Trouble code Sub code Content Condition F1 00 Sorter communication error • An er ro r occ ur re d in co mm u nic at ion be tw ee n th e so r te r and th e ma in un it. 02 Transport motor trouble • Durin g rota tion of the transpo rt motor, the rotation pulse is no t se ns ed fo r 0.
[10] SERVICING AT MEMORY TROUBLE AND MAIN CONTROL PWB RE- PLACEMENT 1. General The EEPROM in the control PWB and the EEPROM are storing various set values, adjustment values, and counter values. These data are very important and used for operating the machine properly and for service control.
NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES 1 Is the tone r de nsity ref eren ce value re co rd ed ? Use S im 43- 01 t o s et the fusi ng tem p erature U s e Si m 22- 07 to s et t h e dev el oper r eplac e m e.
4. Set value recording sheet Memorize set values in the column of "Set value" for efficient servicing when the memory trouble occurs and the EEPROm is replaced.
5. Memory simulation list Purpose/kind Section Contents Ref. page Main code Sub code Default value Description Adjustment Paper feed section 51 02 50 Adjustment value of contact pressure of the paper .
[11] MAINTENANCE 1. Maintenance cycle and maintenance items Maintenance of the SF-1020/1120 should be performed at every 50K. <Content> ★ = Lubricate, F = Clean, v = Adjust, b = Replace/attach, ê = Shift position ✕ = Check (Clean, replace, or adjust if necessary.
System operation when the power is turned on: Pow er ON No No JAM RPL ON PS W O N RPL OFF Initial s e tting Memory tr a nsf er Trouble Warm up End o f warm up Rac i ng End of r acing Co py cycl e End .
(2) CPU (IC6) SC3041K12F 1 General The CPU controls the loads of the main body and controls the system in synchronization with data transmission and reception through the optional controllers and serial data communication line.
4 Internal block diagram PS 3/A19 PS 2/A18 PS 1/A17 PS 0/A16 P27 /A15 P26 /A14 P25 /A13 P24 /A12 P23 /A11 P22 /A10 P21/ A9 P20/ A8 P17/ A7 P16/ A6 P15/ A5 P14/ A4 P13/ A3 P12/ A2 P11/ A1 P10/ A0 P95 /.
5 CPU SC3041K12F (IC1) pin signal Pin No. Port Signal name IN/OUT H/L Specifications 1 VCC VCC Power (+5V) 2 P60 CVFMPWM OUT Fan motor (PWM output) signal 3 PB1 SCL OUT Serial clock signal for EEPROM .
Pin No. Port Signal name IN/OUT H/L Specifications 52 P27 A15 Address signal 53 P50 A16 Address signal 54 P51 LHPS IN L Lens home position signal (LOW at 100%) 55 P52 PPD IN H Transport pass sensor signal (HIGH when paper is sensed.
(3) I/O (IC8) CXD1095Q 1 General I/O converts data (command) from the CPU into control signals. The CXD1095Q is a general-purpose interface element, and has 4.5 sets of 8-bit I/O ports to allow setting of input and output operations of parallel data by the program or the hardware.
4 Internal block diagram 5 I/O: CXD1095Q (IC8) pin signal Pin No. Port Signal name IN/OUT H/L Specifications 1N C 2N C 3 PB1 DTR OUT L Option receive allow signal 4 PB2 SRES OUT H Option reset signal .
Pin No. Port Signal name IN/OUT H/L Specifications 12 PC1 CPFC1 OUT H Tray 1 paper feed clutch control signal 13 PC2 CPEC2 OUT Tray 2 paper feed clutch control signal 14 PC3 CPFC3 OUT Tray 3 paper fee.
(4) Detector circuit of sensor signal The LS 151 sel ects on e si gnal of D0 ∼ D7 acc ording to the co mbina- tion of SEL A ∼ C s ign al s (H, L) and out put s i t to Y. Selec tion o f D0 ∼ D7 fo r SEL A ∼ C is mad e as sho wn i n the t able below.
(6) Heater lamp control circuit 1 General The heater lamp control circuit detects the heat roller surface temperature with the thermistor, converts it into a voltage, and out- puts it to the CPu analog input pin.
[When the heat roller surface temperature is lower than the set temperature] a. Since the thermistor pin voltage is higher then the set level, the output signal HL from the CPU is driven to LOW. b. This HL signal is passed through TR Q3 to the solid state relay (SSR).
(9) AE (Auto Exposure) sensor circuit The AE sensor circuit is composed of the AE sensor PWB; which is composed of the photo diode, the I-V convertor circuit, and th e amplifier circuit; and the amplifier circuit on the control PWB. Operation amplifier A performs I-V conversion of the original density level (minute current) from the sensor.
2 Operation • When "td" (= 30msec) passes after the voltage reaches 4.25V by turning on the power, the output is drive to HIGH. "td" is set by the external capacitor (C106). Block diagram (12) Operation panel 1 General • The operation circuit is composed of the key matrix circuit and the display matrix circuit.
(13) EnergyStar circuit description The EnergyStar circuit composition saves power consumption when the user leaves the machine with the power ON. Normally in a copy mode or in the standby mode, the m.
(14) ADU circuit description (1) ADU circuit block diagram VH SUB D C PWB VB IC4 VD 1 2 3 2 DPF C DRRC CL UT CH DRRC DPF C IC3 DRRC DP FC 3 DPHP S1 DPHP S2 DPED 1 DPHP S1 DPHP S2 DPE D1 SPPD1 DPO D DP.
(2) ADU CPU (IC1) 1. Outline The CPU controls the loads of the ADU unit and performs data trans- mission through the copier main PWB and the serial data line to make synchronization with data transmission to control the ADU unit. 2. Feature The H8/3297 series is a single chip microcomputer which integrates the H8/300CPU and the peripheral devices.
4. Pin arrangement (FP-64A: Top view) 5. ADU PWB Port List Pin No. Used Port Sig. Name I/O Active Note 1 P5-0 TXD O Copier UART signal 2 P5-1 RXD I Copier UART signal 3 P5-2 DSR O Copier UART signal 4 /RES External reset pin 5 /NMI Non-maskable pin (H-lev.
Pin No. Used Port Sig. Name I/O Active Note 42 A6 Address signal 43 A5 Address signal 44 A4 Address signal 45 A3 Address signal 46 A2 Address signal 47 A1 Address signal 48 A0 Address signal 49 D0 Dat.
IC8 (SLA4391) internal diagram SPM2 A SPM2-A SPM2 B SPM2-B PAM1 /A PAM1 /B PAM1 A PAM1 B VB COM 9 I1 1 I2 2 I3 3 I4 4 I5 5 I6 6 I7 7 GND 8 O7 16 O6 15 O5 14 O4 13 O3 12 O2 11 O1 10 IC2 uLN2003A VH D15 1SS133 R20 10KJ 1/4W CNB-13 CNB-11 CNB-9 CNB-7 VH R17 24KJ VH R18 2.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sharp SF-1020 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sharp SF-1020 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sharp SF-1020 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sharp SF-1020 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sharp SF-1020 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sharp SF-1020 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sharp SF-1020 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sharp SF-1020. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sharp SF-1020 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.