Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST9300403SS des Produzenten Seagate
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Product Manual Savvio ® 10K.3 SAS 100516229 Rev . G March 201 1 St andard Models ST9300603SS ST9146803SS Self-Encrypting Drive Models ST9300503SS ST9146703SS SED FIPS 140-2 Models ST9300403SS ST91466.
© 201 1 Seagate T echnology LLC. All right s reserved. Publication number: 1005 16229, Rev . G March 201 1 Seagate, Seagate T echnology an d the W ave logo are registered trade marks of Seagate T echnology LLC in the United S tates and/or other countries.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G i Content s 1.0 Seagate Technology support services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G 7.4.2 Relative humidit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.4.3 Effective altitude (sea level) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G iii 12.5.1 Ready LED Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 12.5.2 Differential signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G v List of Figures Figure 1. Current prof iles fo r 300G B mo de ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 2. Current prof iles fo r 146G B mo de ls . .
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 1 1.0 Seagate T echnology support services SEAGA TE ONLINE SUPPORT and SERVICES For information regarding pr oducts and services, visit http://www .
2 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G 2.0 Scope This manual describes Seagate T echnology ® LLC, Savvio ® 10K.3 SAS (Serial Attach ed SCSI) disc drives. Savvio drives support the SAS Protoc ol specifications to the extent described in this manual.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 3 3.0 Applicable st andards an d reference document ation The drives documented in this manual have been developed a s system per ipher als to th e hi ghest st andard s of design and constructio n.
4 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G 3.1.2 Electromagnetic complian ce Seagate uses an in dependent laborator y to confirm comp liance with the directives/st andards for CE Marking and C-T ick Marking. The dr ive was tested in a r epresen t ative system for typical applications.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 5 3.1.3 European Union Restr iction of Hazardous Su bst ances (RoHS) The Europea n Union Restric tion of Hazardo us Substances (RoH S) Directive res tricts the presence o f chemical substances, including Lea d (Pb), in electronic product s effective July 200 6.
6 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G 4.0 General description Savvio drives provide high performance, high ca pacity da t a storage for a var iety of systems including engi- neering workst ations, network se rvers, mainframes, and su percomputers.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 7 4.1 St andard features Savvio ® 10K.3 SAS drives have the following standa rd features: • 1.5 / 3 / 6 Gbit Serial Att ached SCSI (SAS) interface • Integr.
8 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Prod uct Manual, Rev. G 4.3 Performance • Programmabl e multi-se gmentab le cache buf fer • 600 Mbytes/sec maximum in stant aneous dat a transfers.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 9 4.7 Factory-inst alled options Y ou may order the following items whic h are incorporated at th e manufacturing facility during production or packaged befo re shipping.
10 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 5.0 Performance characteristics This section provides detailed inform ation concer ning perfor mance-r elate d characteri stics and featu res of Sav- vio drives. 5.1 Internal drive characteristics ST9300603SS ST9146803SS ST9300503SS ST9146703SS ST9300403SS ST9146603SS Drive capacity 300 146.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 11 5.2.2 Format command exec ution time for 5 12-byte sect ors (minutes) ST9300603SS ST9 300503SS ST9300403SS ST9146803SS ST9146703SS ST9146603SS Maximum (with verify) 208 104 Maximum (without verify) 140 70 Note.
12 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 5.4 Prefetch/multi-segmented cache control The drive provides a prefetch (read look-ahe ad) and mu lti-seg mented cache control algorithms tha t in many cases can enhance system performance . Cache refers to the drive buffer stora ge space when it is used in cache operations.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 13 If read caching is en abled (RCD=0), th en data written to t he medium is r etained in the cache to be made avail- able for fu ture read cache hit s. The same b uffer space and segment ation is used as set up for read functions.
14 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 6.0 Reliability specifications The following reliability specifications assume correct host and drive operational interfac e, including all inter- face timings, power supply volt ages, environment al requirement s and drive mounting co nstraint s.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 15 6.1.3 Seek errors A seek error is defined as a failure of the drive to posi tion the heads to the addr essed track. After detecting an initial seek error , the drive automatically perfor ms an er ror recovery process.
16 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Caution. The drive motor must come to a complete stop prior to changing the plane of operation. This time is required to insure dat a integrity . 6.2.4 S.M.A.R.T . S.M.A.R.T . is an acronym for Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting T e chnology .
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 17 S.M.A.R.T . measures error rates. All error s for each mo nitored attribute ar e recorded. A counter ke eps tr ack of the number of erro r s fo r the current interval. Th is counter is referred to as the Failure Counter .
18 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 6.2.6 Driv e Sel f T est (DST ) Drive Self T est (DST) is a technology desi gned to recogn ize drive fault conditions th a t qualify the drive as a failed unit. DST validates the functi onality of the drive at a system level.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 19 3 Short a nd exten ded tests DST has two testing options: 1. short 2. extended These testing options are describ ed in the following two subsections. Each test consists of three segment s: an electrical te st segment, a se rvo test segment, and a read/verify scan segment.
20 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 6.2.7 Pro duct warra nty Beginning on the date of shipme nt to the customer an d continu ing for the peri od specified in your purchase contract, Seagate war.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 21 7.0 Physical/electrical specifications This section provides information relating to the physical and electrical char acteristics of the drive. 7.1 AC power requirement s None. 7.2 DC power requirement s The volt age and current requireme nts for a single drive ar e shown below .
22 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G T able 2: 300GB standard drive DC power requirement s Notes 300GB standard model 3.0 Gbit mode 3 00GB st andard model 6.0 Gbit mode (Amps) (Amp s) (Amp s) (Amp s) V oltage +5V +12V [2] +5V +12V [2] Regulation [5] ±5% ±5% [2] ±5% ±5% [2] Avg idle current DC [1] [7] 0.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 23 [1] Measured with average reading DC ammeter . Instant aneous +12V cu rrent peaks will exceed these val - ues.
24 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G General DC power requirement notes. 1. Minimum cu rrent loading for each su pply voltage is not less than 1.7% of the ma ximum operating curren t shown. 2. The +5V and +12V supplies should employ sep arate groun d re turns.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 25 7.2.3 Current profiles The +12V and +5V current profiles fo r the Savvio 10k.3 drives are shown below . Figure 17.
26 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Figure 18. Current pro files for 146GB mod els Note: All times and currents are typical. See T ables 2 and 3 for maximum current requirements.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 27 7.3 Power dissip ation 300 GB models in 3 Gbit operation T ypic al power dissipation under idle conditions in 3Gb operation is 3.79 watt s (12.93 BTUs per hou r) . T o obtain o perating power for typical random read o peratio ns, refer to the following I/O rate curve (see Figure 19).
28 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 300GB models in 6 Gbit operation T ypical power dissipation under idle conditions in 6Gb operation is 3.82 watt s (13.03 BTUs per hour). T o obtain o perating power for typical random read o peratio ns, refer to the follo wing I/O rate curve (see Figure 19).
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 29 146GB models in 3 Gbit operation T ypical power dissipation under idle conditions in 3Gb operation is 3.43 watt s (1 1.70 BTUs pe r hour). T o obtain o perating power for typical random read o peratio ns, refer to the following I/O rate curve (see Figure 19).
30 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 146GB models in 6 Gbit operation T ypical power dissipation under idle conditions in 6G b operation is 3.48 watt s (1 1.87 BTUs pe r hour). T o obtain o perating power for typical random read o peratio ns, refer to the follo wing I/O rate curve (see Figure 19).
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 31 The maximum allo wable HDA case temperatu re is 60°C . Operat ion of the drive at the ma ximum cas e tem - perature is intended for short time periods only . Contin uous operation at the elevated temperatures will reduce product reliabi lity .
32 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Sh ock a. Operating—normal The drive, as inst alled for normal oper ation, shall oper a te error free while subjec ted to intermitte nt shock not e.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 33 Z Y X Z Y X Figure 24. Recomme nded mountin g Vibration a. Operating—normal The drive as inst alled for norm al operation, shall comply with the complete sp ecified performance while subjected to continuous vi bration not exceeding 5-500 Hz @ 0.
34 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G c. Non-operating The limits of non-op erating vibration shall apply to all conditions of handling and transportation.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 35 7.5 Mechanical specifications Refer to Figure 25 for det ailed mountin g configurat ion dimensions. See Section 1 1.3, “Dri ve mounting.” Note. These dimensions conform to the Small Form Factor S tandard documented in SFF-82 01 and SFF-8223, found at www .
36 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 8.0 About FIPS The Federal Information Proce ssing S t andard (FIPS) Pub lication 140-2, FIPS PU B 140-2, is a U.S. gover n- ment computer security st andar d used to accredit cryptogr aphic modules. It is titled “Security Req uirement s for Cryptographic Mo dule s”.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 37 9.0 About self-e ncrypting drives Self-encrypting drives (SEDs) offer encryption and secu rity services for the pr otection of stored dat a, com- monly known as “protection of data at rest .
38 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 9.2.2 L oc k in g SP The Locking SP contro ls read/write a ccess to the med ia and the cryptogr aphic erase feature.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 39 9.6 Cryptographic erase A significant featur e of SEDs is the ability to perform a cryptograp hic erase. This involv es the host telling the drive to change the dat a encryption ke y for a p articul ar ban d.
40 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 10.0 Defect and er ror management Seagate continues to use innova tive technologies to manage d efects and erro rs. These technologies are designed to increase dat a integrity , perform drive self-mainten ance, and validat e proper drive o peration.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 41 The drive firmware er ror recovery algorithms con sists of 1 1 levels for read recoveries and five levels for write. Each level may consist of multiple st eps, where a step is defined as a re covery function involving a single re- read or re-write a ttempt.
42 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 10.4 Background Media Scan Background Media Scan ( BMS) is a self-initiated medi a scan. BMS is define d in the T10 docum ent SPC-4 available from the T1 0 committee. BMS perform s sequential re ads across the entire pack of the media while the drive is idle.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 43 10.7 Idle Read Af ter W rite Idle Read After W r ite (IRA W) utilizes idle time to verify the integrity of rece ntly written data.
44 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 1 1.0 Inst allation Savvio disc drive installation is a plug-and-p lay pro cess. The re are no jumper s, switche s, or terminators on the drive. SAS drives are designed to be used in a host system that provides a SAS-compatible backplane with bays designed to accommo date the drive.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 45 1 1.2 Cooling Cabinet cooling must be desig ned by the customer so that the ambient tempe rature immediately su rrounding the drive will not exceed temperat ure conditions specified in Section 7.4.1, "T emperature.
46 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 1 1.3 Drive mounting Mount the drive usin g the bottom or side mounting holes . If you mount the drive using the bottom hole s, ensure that you do not physically d istort the d rive by at tempting to mount it on a stiff, non-flat surface.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 47 12.0 Interface requirement s This section partially describes the interface requ irements as imp lemented on Savvio drives. Additio nal infor- mation is provided in the SAS Interface Manual (p art number 1 00293071).
48 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 12.2 Dual port support Savvio SAS drives have two indep endent port s. These ports may be connected in the same or dif ferent SCSI domains. Each drive port has a unique SAS address. The two ports have the cap ability of in dependent port clocking (e .
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 49 12.3 SCSI commands supported T able 7 lists the SCSI commands suppor ted by Savvio dr ives. T able 7: Supported commands Command name Command code Supported .
50 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Last n Deferred Errors or Asyn chronous Event s page (0 Bh) N Last n Error Events p age (07h) N Non-medium Error p age (06h) Y Pages Supported list (00h) Y R.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 51 Read Buffer (modes 0, 2, 3, Ah a nd Bh supp orted) 3Ch Y (non -SED drives only) Read Cap acity (10) 25h Y Read Cap acity (1 6) 9Eh/10h N Read Defect Data (10.
52 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G [1] Savvio drives can format to 512, 520, or 528 bytes per logical block. [2] W arning. Power loss du ring flash programming ca n result in firmware co rrup tion. This usually makes the drive inoperable. [3] Reference Mode Sense command 1Ah for mo de pages suppo rted.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 53 12.3.1 Inquiry data T able 8 lists the Inquiry command d ata that the drive should return to the initiator pe r the format given in th e SAS Interfac e Manual .
54 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Select command before the dr ive a chieves op er ating speed a nd is “r eady .” An attempt to do so result s in a “Check Condition” status.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 55 T able 9: Mode Sense dat a for 300GB driv es MODE DATA HEADER: 01 6e 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 22 ec b2 5c 00 00 02 00 MODE PAGES: DEF 81 0a c0 0b .
56 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G T able 10: Mode Sense valu es for 146GB drives MODE DATA HEADER: 01 6e 00 10 00 00 00 08 BLOCK DESCRIPTOR: 11 17 73 30 00 00 02 00 MODE PAGES: DEF 81 0a c0 0.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 57 12.4 Miscellaneous operating features and conditions T able 1 1 lists vario us features and cond itions. A “Y” in the support column indicates th e feature or condition is supported. An “N” in the support column indicates the feat ure or condition is not supported.
58 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 12.4.1 SAS physical interfac e Figure 29 shows the location of the SAS device c onnector J1. Figures 30 and 31 provide the dimensions of the SAS connector . Details of the physical, electrical, an d logical char acteristics are provided wi thin this section.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 59 Figure 30. SAS dev ice plug d imensions C OF DATUM B L 5.08 1.27 (6X) 1.27 (14X) 15.875 0.35MIN 15.875 33.43 0.05 B 4.90 0.08 0.84 0.05 (22X) 0.15 B P15 P1 S7 S1 SEE Detail1 0.30 0.05 (4X) 4.00 0.08 0.15 D 0.
60 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G Figure 31. SAS dev ice plug dim ensions (detail) 6.10 Detail A 0.30 0.05 x 45 (5X) 0.40 0.05 X 45 (3X) CORING ALLOWED IN THIS AREA. 2.25 0.05 4.85 0.05 0.10 B E S14 S8 4.40 0.15 SEE Detail 2 3.90 0.15 SECTION A - A SECTION C - C A 0.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 61 12.4.2 Physical characteristic s This section defines phys ical inter fac e co nnector . 12.4.3 Connector requirement s Contact your preferred connector manufacturer for ma ti n g p art informatio n.
62 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 12.4.6 SAS transmitte rs and receivers A typical SAS differential copper transm itter and receiver p air is shown in Figure 32. The rece iver is AC cou- pling to eliminate ground shif t noise. Figure 32. SAS transmitters and receivers 12.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 63 The Ready LED Out signal is designed to pu ll down the ca thode of an LED. T he anode is att ached to the proper +3.3 volt supply throu gh an appropriate cu rrent limiting resistor . The LED a nd the current limiting resis - tor are ext ernal to the d rive.
64 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 65 Index Numerics 12 volt pins 62 5 volt pins 62 6 Gbps 63 A abort task set function 47 AC coupling 62 AC power requirements 21 ACA active status 57 ACA active,.
66 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G dimensions 35 disc rota tion speed 10 drive 34 drive characteristics 10 drive failure 15 Drive Locking 38 drive mounting 35 , 46 drive select 61 dual port su.
Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G 67 logical segments 12 M maintenance 14 Makers Secure ID 37 maximum delayed motor start 22 , 23 maximum start current 22 , 23 mean time betw ee n fa ilur e.
68 Savvio 10K.3 SAS Product Manual, Rev. G reliability 8 specifications 14 reliability and service 15 repair and retu rn information 20 reporting actual retry count 57 reservation conflict status 57 r.
Seagate T echnology LLC 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley, California 95066 -4544, USA Publication Number: 1005 16229, Rev . G.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST9300403SS (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST9300403SS noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST9300403SS - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST9300403SS reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST9300403SS erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST9300403SS besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST9300403SS verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST9300403SS. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST9300403SS gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.