Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST34310A des Produzenten Seagate
Zur Seite of 48
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 17 240 (ST317240A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 13 030 (ST313030A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-2 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B © 1999 Seagate T echnol og y , Inc. All ri ghts rese r v ed. Publica tio n Num ber : 212 0013 0 -00 1, Rev . B, June 19 99 Seagate , Seagate T echnolog y , the Seagate lo go , Medali st and the Meda list logo are re gistere d trade marks of Seagate T echnol - og y , Inc.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B -1 Contents The easie st wa y to install your drive .............. ........... ........... 1 What y ou need ...................... ................. ................. ................ 2 Before y ou begin .
0 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B iv.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 1 The easie st way to ins tall y our drive DiscWizard is S eag ate’s e x cl usive Wi n- dow s progr am, provided on a disk ette, that mak es it ea sy to insta ll y our Medal ist dri ve.
2 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B What y ou need • Stra ight-edge and Philli ps scre wdr ivers • F our 6-32 UNC dr ive mounting screws • An A T A interf ace cabl e.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 3 Handling precautions Disc drives are e xtremely fragil e. Do not d rop or j ar you r dr i ve. K eep the dr ive in it s ant ist atic ba g unt il you ar e ready to install it. Prote ct your d r ive from st at ic di scha rge by mak ing sure y ou are well ground ed bef ore touchin g the drive .
4 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Master/s lave jumpers If yo ur new Seagate drive wil l b e th e onl y dr ive in your co mput er , yo u do not ha ve to c han ge a n y ju mp er s etti ngs. In this c as e , s ki p ahead to “ Att achi ng C a bles an d Mou nti ng t he Dr i ve,” on pa g e 6.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 5 Figure 1. M aster and sl ave jum per settings pin 1 ATA interface connector 135 24 6 7 8 Slave Master or single drive 4-pin power connector.
6 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Attaching cabl es and mounting the dri ve 1. If y ou a re attac hing a ne w A T A inter f ace c ab le to a sing le driv e , attach o ne end of the cab le to the int erfa ce conn ector on y our host ad apter or mothe rboa rd.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 7 Figure 3. M ounting scre ws 3. Y ou can mo unt the d rive in an y orientation. Usually it is mounted with the c ircuit boa rd dow n.
8 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Figure 4. Ca ble c onnectors Note. If you are mou nting the drive in a 5.25-inch drive ba y , yo u need a m ountin g adapter or f rame kit.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 9 Configuring y our computer Bef ore yo u f ormat or partition y our ne w driv e, y ou must conf igure your com put er’ s BI OS so t hat the comp ute r can reco gni ze your new dr i ve. 1. T ur n you r compute r on.
10 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Note. Set the wr it e p rec omp or landi ng zo ne param eters to z ero . * The CHS add ressing suppor ts capaciti es up to 8.4 Gbytes. T o se e the full capacity of th ese dri ves, use the LBA addressing mode or Disk Manager, which is found on the DiscWizard di skette.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 11 Recommendation W e recommend you us e Disk Mana ger to diagno se y our BIOS and to det er mine whether a dditional BIOS support is needed. Disk Man ager indic ates when the in stallatio n is complete .
12 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B The 32 -bi t di sk acc ess feat ure in Wind ows 3. 1 does no t wor k with driv es that hav e capacities great er than 528 Mb ytes. If y ou want to use 32-b it d isk acce ss wi th Win dows 3.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 13 BIOS upgrade s If y ou need to upgr ade y our BIOS , co ntact the ap propriate BIOS manufacture r li sted below: American Mega trends (AMI): 1-80 0-8 28 -9 264 http://www .meg atrends .com A ward Softw are International, Inc .
14 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B P ar titioning and f ormatting y ou r drive One dri ve: F or a quick install ation, us e the D isk Manag er softw are to parti- tion and f ormat yo ur Seaga te driv e. Di sk Mana ger als o ensure s that y our compu ter can acces s the full cap acity of y our hard drive .
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 15 Installation using Disk Manager 1. Boot y our com puter from your DiscWi zard disk ette. Bootin g from a dis kette en sure s tha t the Disk Mana ger ins talla ti on does n ot confli ct with other soft ware .
16 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Note. If you r compute r cannot accomm odate hard drives with capaci ties g reater than 528 Mby tes or 8.4 Gb ytes, Dis k Manage r ins ta lls a Dynamic D riv e Overla y (DD O ) on yo ur hard dr ive.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 17 Standar d DOS insta llation Caution. P artitioning or f ormatting a driv e erases all data on it .
18 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Drive formatti ng Caution. Mak e sur e to use the correc t drive letters so that y ou do no t f or mat a drive t hat alre ady cont ains data . At the A: pr ompt, type fo r m at x : /s, where x is the lett er of yo ur first ne w par tition.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 19 Additional installation options Figure 5. Non-A T A-c ompatib le and ca ble s elect jumpe rs Non-A T A-compatible slave jumper If y our co mpute r does not recognize y our ne w driv e as a m aster in a tw o-drive s ystem, t he sla ve driv e ma y not be A T A-compati- ble.
20 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Cable select jumper Some co mputers diff erentiate be tween m aster and sla v e driv es using sp ecial ly des igned interf ac e cab les that ha v e th e line to pi n 28 (the Cab le Select p in) remo ve d or cut at one c onnector .
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 21 Adv anced Disk Manag er options The Disk Mange r online manual Disk Ma nag er co ntain s an extens ive onl ine m anual . This manual includ es detaile d inst allation i nstructions, troub leshoo ting an d a list of ma ste r/s la ve jumper s etti ngs f or many popul ar ha rd driv es.
22 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Supported operating systems The Di sk Mana ger dynam ic driv e o v erla y prov ides su pport for drive s that h a ve capa cities g reater than 528 Mb ytes unde r MS- DOS, Wi ndows 3. x, Wind ows 95 , Wi ndows N T 3.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 23 Follow these ins tructions to rem ov e a DDO fr om a drive. 1. Boot the c omputer t o drive C . 2. Insert your Dis cWizard disk ette into drive A. 3. Ty p e A:DM to start Disk Manag er . 4. Select th e Sele ct In sta lla tio n Opt i ons Menu .
24 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B T roubleshooting If y ou ha v e inst alled y our driv e and it does not functio n prope rly , perfor m th e followin g b asic checks: W arning. Alwa ys tur n off the computer bef ore changing jumpers or unplug ging cab les and cards.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 25 • V erify the drive -type settin gs in the system setup pr o- gram. The drive-ty pe setti ngs in th e system BI OS mus t not e x cee d the ph ysical spe cificati ons of y our driv e. Also , the set- tings m ust not e xceed the lim itation s set b y the oper ating s ys- tem and BIOS .
26 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Figure 6. Alternate capacity ju mper 2. Mov e the jum per on the alternate-capa city j umper , as sho wn in Figu re 6. This causes the driv e to ap pear to you r BIOS as hav ing a 2.1-Gb yte capaci ty (4,092 cylin ders, 16 heads , 63 sectors per trac k).
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 27 3. Remount y our driv e in the co mpute r and replace the compu ter cover . 4. Inser t a bootab le system disk ette into drive A and turn on the comput er . It sh ould b oot from dri v e A an d autom atica lly d etect the ne w drive a s a 2.
28 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B • Reboo t the compute r and list en to mak e sure th e drive mo tor starts up. If the driv e is ve ry quiet, it may be diff icult to hear its discs reach oper ating speed. If t he drive motor d oes no t start up , re check al l dr ive cables.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 29 • If Di sk Man ager has ins talled t he DD O on your hard drive and yo u ha v e booted d irectly fro m a disk ette , the inf or mation i n the boot rec ord f or the driv e m a y no t ha v e b een lo aded.
30 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B • Some BIO S ha ve a T rac k 0 protec tion f eature that protect s T rac k 0 fro m viruse s. Thi s ma y cause FDISK to hang the sys- tem. Y ou must disab le thi s f eature in the sy stem set up pro- gr am bef ore y ou can u se FDISK.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 31 Caution. If y ou chan ge the drive-ty pe v alues i n the system setup pr ogram , you must partition and f ormat the driv e again.
32 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Seagate T echnolog y suppor t services Online ser vices Internet F or online inf or mation abou t Seagate produ cts , visit www .seaga o r e-mai l your disc or tape ques tions to: Presales support: DiscPreSales @Seagate .
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 33 SeaF AX ® is Seagat e’ s automated F AX deliv ery system. Using a touch-to ne phone , yo u can obtain tec hnical sup port inf ormation by retu rn F AX 24 hours dai ly . This s ervice is a vailab le worldwide .
34 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Customer Ser vice ( CSO) W arranty repair Seagate o ff ers w orldwide cu stomer support fo r Seagate dri ves . Seagate direct O EM, D istributi on and System Integr ator custom- ers shou ld conta ct their Seagate s ervice center representa tiv e f or warrant y inf or mation.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 35 USA/Canada/Latin Amer ica suppor t serv ices Presales s upport Disc: 1-877-271-3285 or +1-405-936-1210 F AX: +1-405-936-1683 T ape: 1-800-62.
36 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Eur opean suppor t services F or European customer s upport, dial the toll-free number f or yo ur spe cific c ountry for presales supp or t, technic al su pport, SeaF AX and warra nty repair .
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 37 Africa/Middle East suppor t servic es F or presales , technic al suppo r t, warr anty re pair and F AX ser- vices in Africa and t he Mi ddl e Eas t, dia l o ur Eur opean cal l c en ter at +31 -20 -316 -7 222 fr om 8: 30 A.
38 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Asia/Pacific support ser vices T echnic al support A ustral ia +61-2-9725-3366 F AX: +61-2-9725-4052 Hong K ong +852-2368 9918 F AX: +.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 39 Storing and shipping y our drive K eep your or iginal bo x and pac king materials f or storing or s hip- ping y our d rive . The bo x h as a Seagate App ro v ed P acka ge label. Shipping a driv e in an unap prov ed container v oids the w arranty .
40 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B W arranty See y our authoriz ed Seagat e distribu tor or dealer . Preinsta lled or b undled s oftware is prov ided “as is .” There are no warr anties of merc hantabil ity or f itness f or a par ticular purpose.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 41 nung muss SEL V entsp rechen. 5. All e Arbeiten auf de m F est- platte d ürf en nur v on A usgebildetem Servicepersona l durchge führt werden. Bitte entfe rnen Sie nicht die Au fschriftens- childe r des L aufwe rkes .
42 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B.
Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 43.
44 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Seagate T echnolog y , Inc. 920 Di sc Drive, Scott s V alle y , CA 95066-4 544, USA Publication Num ber: 21200 130-0 01, R ev .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST34310A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST34310A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST34310A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST34310A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST34310A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST34310A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST34310A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST34310A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST34310A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.