Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST336705LW/LC des Produzenten Seagate
Zur Seite of 96
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 36XL Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3367 05L W/LC . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 36XL Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3367 05L W/LC . . . . . . . . .
© 2001 S eagate T echnol ogy LLC All r ights r eser ved Publication number : 75789 517, Rev . E Octobe r 2001 Seaga te , Seagate T echnol og y , and the Se agate lo go are regi stered tradema r ks of Seagat e T echnology LLC .
Revision status summary sheet Notice. Produc t Manual 75789517 is V olume 1 of a tw o-volume doc ument with the SCSI inter face information in the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Manual, V olume 2, par t number 75789509. If y ou need the SCSI inte rface infor mation, order the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Man ual, V olume 2, part number 7578950 9.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E v Contents 1.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Applicable sta ndards and ref erence documentation .
vi Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 6.4 Environm ental limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 6.4.1 Temperatu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E vii List of Figures Figure 1. Cheetah 36X L family drive (ST 336705LC s hown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. Cheetah 36X L family drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 1 1.0 Scope This m anual desc ribe s Seagate T echnology® LLC Cheet ah 36X L™ disc drives. Cheetah 36X L dri v es s uppor t the Sma ll Computer S ystem Inte rf ace (S CSI) as d escri bed in t he ANSI SCS I interface specif icati ons to the ex tent descr ibe d in this manual.
2 Cheetah 36XL Produc t Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 3 2.0 Applic able st andar ds a nd reference documentation The dr ive has b een d e veloped as a syste m per ipheral to th e highe st stand ards o f desig n and constr ucti on.
4 Cheetah 36XL Produc t Manual, Rev. E A ustralian C-Tick If this mo del ha s the C-Ti ck Markin g it comp lies wit h the Australia /New Zealand S tandard A S/NZS3 548 199 5 and meet s the El ectromag netic Com patibili ty (EMC) Fr amework requir ements of Australia’ s S pectr um Man- agement A gency ( SMA).
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 5 3.0 Gener al desc ription Cheetah 36XL dr ives combine giant m agnetore sistive (GMR) hea ds, par tial r esponse /maximum likelihoo d (PRML) re ad channel electro.
6 Cheetah 36XL Produc t Manual, Rev. E An autom atic shipp ing lock prev ents p otentia l dam age to the heads and dis cs tha t resul ts from mov ement dur- ing sh ipping an d handl ing. The s hipping lock automatic ally di sengages when power is app lied to the dr ive and the hea d load proc ess begi ns.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 7 3.1 Standard features The Chee tah 36X L family has the f ollowing standar d features: • Integrated Ultra160 S CSI control ler • Multimod e SCSI drivers and r.
8 Cheetah 36XL Produc t Manual, Rev. E 3.5 Formatted ca pacitie s F or matte d capaci ty depe nds on the num ber of spa re realloc ation se ctors r eser ved and the numb er of bytes per sect or . The following ta b le shows the standar d OEM m odel read cap acities data.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 9 4.0 P erfo rmance ch aracteristics 4.1 Internal drive charac teristi cs (trans parent to user) 4.2 SCSI performance ch aracteri stics (visible to user ) The values given in Sect ion 4. 2.1 app ly to al l mode ls of the Cheeta h 36XL family unle ss ot herwise speci fied.
10 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E SCSI inte rf ace d ata transfer rates (asy nchronous ): Maximum i nstant aneous 8 b it wide 5.0 Mbytes/se c [4] Maximum i nstantane ous 16 bi t wide 10. 0 Mbytes/sec [4] Synchron ous format ted transfer rates: Ultra2 SCSI Ultra160 SCS I In SCSI W ide (16 bit) 10.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 11 enabled and dis abled independ ently via the Mod e Sele ct comma nd. Howev e r , i n actual o peration the prefetch f eatu re ov er laps ca che op eration som ewhat as is no ted in S ection 4 .
12 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E RCD . When a wr ite co mmand i s issued, if RC D=0, the cac he is first c heck ed to see i f any logical blocks that are to b e wri tten are already s tored i n the ca che fr om a pr e viou s read or wri te comman d.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 13 The base cache buffer configuration f or desk top or ser ver environme nts nee ds to be set co rrectl y by the host system . This involv es setti ng the PM b it in M ode P age 0, B yte 2, as well as the numbe r of ca che buff er s eg- ments in Mode P age 8, By te 13.
14 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 15 5.0 R eliability s pecifi cations The following rel iability speci fication s assum e corr ect hos t/dri v e ope rational i nterface, includi ng all i nterface timings, power sup ply voltages, environme ntal requ irements a nd dr ive mounting cons traints (see S ectio n 8.
16 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E error (1 5h) is rep or ted with a Medi um error ( 3h) or H ardware error (4h) repo r ted in the Sens e Ke y . This i s an unrecoverab le se ek error. Unrecover able seek errors ar e classif ied as f ailure s f or MTB F calc ulatio ns.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 17 5.2.6 Hot plugging Cheetah 36XL disc drives The ANS I SPI-3 (T 10/130 2D) docu ment def ines the p h ysic al requir ements for removal and inse r tio n of SCS I devices on the SCS I bus . Four cases ar e addres sed.
18 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E The proces s of meas urin g off-lin e attributes and saving data can be forced by the R TZ comm and. Forcing S.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 19 There ar e two test coverage option s imple mented in DST: 1. ex tende d test 2. shor t test The most thorough opt ion is the extended tes t that performs various tests on the dri ve and scans e very logical bloc k ad dress (LB A) of the dri ve .
20 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Short test (Function Code: 001b) The pur pose of the shor t test is to p rovide a t ime-limit ed tes t that t ests as much of th e dr ive as poss ible within 120 se conds. The shor t test doe s not scan the entire media surface, but does some fun damenta l tests an d scans por t ions of t he med ia.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 21 Seagate re pair cente rs may refuse receipt of com ponents imp roper ly packaged or obviously d amaged in tran- sit. Conta ct your Authorized Se agate Di str ibutor to purcha se ad ditional box e s. Seagate r ecommen ds sh ipping by an air-r ide carr ier ex per ienc ed in hand ling com puter equipment .
22 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 23 6.0 P hysi cal/elect rical specificat ions This se ction p rovides infor mation rela ting to the physical and elect ric al character is tics of the C heetah 36 XL dri v e.
24 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 6.2.1 Conducted noise immunity Noise is speci fied as a per iodic and random distr ibution of frequencie s cov er ing a band from DC to 10 MHz. Maximum all owed noise values given below are peak to peak measurem ents and appl y at the dr ive pow er con- nector .
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 25 Figure 3. T ypical ST33 6705 drive +12 V curre nt profile Figure 4. T ypical ST31 8405 drive +12 V curre nt profile 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 A Seconds AC Envelope +12 Volt Current during spindle start – Typical Amperes Nominal (average) DC curve T0 T3 T1 T2 T5 T4 0.
26 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Figure 5. T ypical ST39 205 drive +1 2 V current profile Figure 6. T ypical ST33 6705 drive +5 V current pro file 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 A Seconds AC Envelope +12 Volt Current during spindle start – Typical Amperes Nominal (average) DC curve T0 T3 T1 T2 T5 T4 0.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 27 Figure 7. T ypicalST31 8405 drive + 5 V current profile Figure 8. T ypicalST39 205 drive +5 V current pr ofile 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 A Seconds AC Envelope +12 Volt Current during spindle start – Typical Amperes Nominal (average) DC curve T0 T3 T1 T2 T5 T4 0.
28 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 6.3 P ower dissipation ST33670 5 F or d rives usin g single- ended interface circu its, typica l power dissi pation und er id le condi tions is 9.6 watts (32.8 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low v oltage differential inte rf ace c ircuits, typic al power dissipati on unde r idle cond itions i s 9.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 29 ST31840 5 F or d rives usin g single -ended interface circu its, typica l power dissi pation und er id le cond itions is 8.0 watts (27.3 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low voltage dif f erenti al interface circuits, typic al power dissipati on unde r idle cond itions i s 8.
30 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E ST39205 F or d rives usin g single- ended interface circu its, typica l power dissi pation und er id le condi tions is 7.5 watts (25.6 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low v oltage differential inte rf ace c ircuits, typic al power dissipati on unde r idle cond itions i s 7.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 31 The max imum allowab le HDA case temp erature is 140 °F (60°C). O peration of the dri ve at the maximum case temp erature is intende d for sho r t time per iods only . Continuous ope ration at the el ev at ed tempe ratures will re duce pro duct relia bilit y .
32 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E b . Operating —abnor ma l Equipmen t, as instal led for nor ma l operation, doe s not inc ur ph ysical damage whi le subjected to inter mit- tent shock no t exceeding 15.0 Gs at a maximu m duration of 11 mse c (half sinewa ve).
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 33 Figure 13. Recomm ended mounting Z Y X Z Y X.
34 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Vibrat ion a. Operating —Nor mal The dri ve as installed for nor mal operation , shall comply with the comple te speci fied perfor mance whil e subject ed to c ontinuous v ibration n ot exceeding 5-22Hz @ 0.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 35 6.5 Mechanical sp ecifica tions The following nominal di mensions are exclusive of the dec orative front panel ac cessor y . Howe ver , dimen sions of the front pane l are shown in figure bel ow . Refer to Figur es 14 and 15 for detailed mounti ng configuratio n dimensions.
36 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Figure 15. LC mounting confi guration dimension s A M C F [1] D E G Mounting holes are 6-32 UNC 2B, three on each side and four on the bottom. Max screw penetration into side of drive is 0.15 in. (3.81 mm). Max screw tightening torque is 6.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 37 7.0 Defect and err or management The dr ive, as delivered, co mplies w ith this specifi cation. The read error rate and sp ecified storage c apacity are not depend ent upon use of de f ect m anagem ent routines by the host (in itiator).
38 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E [1] These values are subje ct to cha nge. Settin g these retr y co unts to a value below the default setting c ould resu lt in an incr eased unr ecov ered error rate which m ay e xceed the value given in th is prod uct ma nual.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 39 8.0 In stalla tion Note. Thes e dri ves are designed to b e used only on sing le-ende d (SE) or low voltage differential (L VD) bus- ses. Do no t install these dr ives on a high voltage di ff erenti al (HVD) bus .
40 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Figure 16. J6 jumpe r header SCSI ID = 0 (default) Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) J6 Drive Front Pin 1 Reserved A 2 A 1 A 0 [2] [1] Shipped with cover installed.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 41 Figure 17. J 5 jumper hea der (on L W model onl y) SCSI ID = 8 SCSI ID = 9 SCSI ID = 10 SCSI ID = 11 SCSI ID = 12 SCSI ID = 13 SCSI ID = 14 SCSI ID = 15 A 3 A 2 .
42 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Figure 18. J 2 option sele ct header 8.1.1 Notes for fig ures 16, 17, and 18 . [1] Notes explainin g the func tions of the various jumpers on jump er header connec tors J2 , J5, and J 6 are given here and in Secti on 8.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 43 8.1.2 Functio n description J2 jum per installat ion J umper function d escription SE On Forces drive to us e singl e-ended I /O dr ivers/receivers onl y .
44 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 8.2 Drive orientation The balan ced rotar y ar m actuator design of the dr ive allows it to be mounted in any orientat ion.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 45 9.0 Interface requirements This sec tion p ar tiall y desc ribe s the inte rface requiremen ts as im plemen ted on t he dr ives . 9.1 General d escriptio n This se ction descri bes in ess entially general ter ms the interface requir ement s suppor ted b y the Che etah 36XL .
46 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 9.3 SCSI interface command s suppor ted T able 5 f ollowing li sts the SCS I interface command s that are sup por t ed by the drive. Cheet ah 36XL F amily dri v es ca n be change d back and f or th bet ween SCSI- 1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3 (Ult ra160) modes using the Change Defi nition Command.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 47 Mode sense 1A h Y [2] Cachin g parame ters page ( 08h) Y Control mode p age (0Ah ) Y Disco nnect/re connect (02 h) Y Er ror recover y pag e (0 1h) Y Format pa ge.
48 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E [1] The dr ive can format t o any ev en number of bytes per sect or from 5 12 to 4, 096. [2] T ables 7 and 8 show how indivi dual bits are set and wh ich are chang eable by the host . [3] W ARNING: A p ower loss dur ing fl ash programm ing can r esult in fir mware c orr uption.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 49 T able 6 lists the St andard Inqui r y comman d data that the dr ive should retur n to the in itiato r per the format given in the SCSI Inter fac e P roduct M anual, par t number 7 578950 9, Inquir y co mmand section.
50 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Current v alue s are volatile values curren tly bein g used by the dr ive to cont rol its operation. A Mode S elect c om- mand can be us ed to c hange these values (o nly thos e that are ch angeable).
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 51 T able 7: Mode sense data, ST3367 05 value s [1] Though byte 12, bi t 7 (A0) is s hown as chang eable, the FSW functi on gov er ned by that b it is not impl e- mented b y th is dr ive . [2] P age 0, Byte 2, Bit 7 is defined as the P e rformanc e Mode (PM) bi t.
52 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E mode), the SCSI fir mw are is p erforman ce optimized for deskt op applic ations. The f irmware default condi- tion for the PM bit is set to one for Desktop mode.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 53 T able 8: Mode sense data, ST3184 05 value s [1] Though byte 12, bi t 7 (A0) is s hown as chang eable, the FSW functi on gov er ned by that b it is not impl e- mented b y th is dr ive . [2] P age 0, Byte 2, Bit 7 is defined as the P e rformanc e Mode (PM) bi t.
54 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E mode), the SCSI fir mw are is p erforman ce optimized for deskt op applic ations. The f irmware default condi- tion for the PM bit is set to one for Desktop mode.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 55 T able 9: Mode se nse data, ST3 9205 v alues [1] Though byte 12, bi t 7 (A0) is s hown as chang eable, the FSW functi on gov er ned by that b it is not impl e- mented b y th is dr ive . [2] P age 0, Byte 2, Bit 7 is defined as the P e rformanc e Mode (PM) bi t.
56 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E mode), the SCSI fir mw are is p erforman ce optimized for deskt op applic ations. The f irmware default condi- tion for the PM bit is set to one for Desktop mode.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 57 9.4 SCSI bus conditions and miscellaneous fea tures supported Asynchr onous SCS I bus conditions suppor ted by the drive are lis ted below . These c ondition s cause the SCSI device to perform cer tain actions an d can alte r the SCSI bus phase se quence.
58 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 9.5 Syn chr onous da ta tr ansf er 9.5.1 Synchronous data transfer periods supp orted T able 11 and Se ction 9.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 59 Figure 19. L W model drive ph ysical interface (68-p in J1 SCSI I/O connector) Figure 20. LC model driv e phy sical interfac e (80-pin J1 SCSI I/O conn ector) J5.
60 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 9.6.2 SCSI inter face physical de scriptio n The dr ive models descr ibed by thi s produ ct manual s uppor t the physical inter f ace r equirem ents o f the Ult.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 61 T o min imize disc ontinuance s and signal reflec tions, cables of different imped ances s hould not be used in the same bus.
62 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Recommen ded mati ng 80-po sition P CBA moun t conne ctors: Right-angle to PCB A connector s Seagate P /N: 77678559 Amp US P/ N: 2-557101-1 Amp Japan P /N: 5-175474 -9 F or a dditional informati on ca ll Amp F A X ser v ice at 1-800-522- 6752.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 63 Figure 22. Nonshielded 68 pin SCSI de vice conne ctor used on L W drives .0787 (2.00) .519 (13.18) .315 (8.00) 3.650 (92.71) .840 ± .005 (21.34) .315 ± .010 (8.00) +.001 –.002 dia .083 (2.1) Trifurcated Pins (4 places) .
64 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Figure 23. Nonshielde d 80 pin SCSI “SCA- 2” connecto r , used on LC drive s 7.00 (.276) 12.70 (.500) 2.15 ± 0.10 2 places 57.87 (2.278) –Y– 0.15 MY M 0.15 MY M 0 –0.15 + .000 – .006 [ [ 62.15 (2.447) ± 0.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 65 T able 13: L W 68-con ductor single-e nded (SE) P cab le signal/ pin assignments [11] Note. A m inus sign pr eceding a signal name ind icates th at signal i s active low . Notes [ ]: See page following T able 16.
66 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E T able 14: L W 68-con ductor L VD P cable sig nal/pin ass ignments [11 ] Note. A m inus sign pr eceding a signal name indi cates th at signal is active low .
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 67 T able 15: LC 80-pin s ingle-ended (SE) I/O connect or pin assignmen ts [11] Note. A m inus sign pr eceding a signal name ind icates th at signal i s active low .
68 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E T able 16: LC 80-pin s ingle-ended (L VD) I/O connector p in assignme nts [11] Note. A m inus sign pr eceding a signal name indi cates th at signal is active low .
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 69 Notes [ ] for tables 13 thr ough 16. [1] See Sec tion 9. 6.4.1 for detail ed elect ric al charac teri stics o f these signals. [2] The co nductor number refers to the condu ctor pos ition wh en usi ng 0.025- inch (0.
70 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Output cha racteristic s Each signal (V s ) dr iven by L VD interface drivers shall have the f ollowing output ch aracteri stics whe n measu red at the d isc dr ive connector : Steady s tate Low lev el ou tput voltage* = –.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 71 S ingle-ended drivers/receivers The max imum total cable length allowed with dr ives using s ingle-e nded I/O dr iver and rec eiver circuits depend s on se veral f acto rs. T able 17 lists the maximum length s allowed f or different configu rations o f drive usage.
72 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E 9.10 Disc drive SCSI timing T able 18: Disc drive SC SI timing Descrip tion W avef orm symbol [1] Wav e f o r m table [1 ] T ypical timing T arget Select T ime (n o Arbitration ) T00 N/A <1 µ s T arget Select T ime (with A rbitration) T01 4.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 73 Notes. [1] See the SCSI Inte rf ace Produ ct Manual, par t number 75789509, Timing e xampl es se ction. [2] Maximum S CSI async hronous interface transfer rate is given in Se ction 4.2. 3 of thi s manual. [3] Synchron ous T ransfer P eriod is deter mined by negotiations between an Initi ator and a Dr ive.
74 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 75 10.0 Seagate T echnology support services Online Service s Internet www .seagate .com for informa tion abo ut Seagate produ cts and s er vices. Worldwi de su ppor t is av a ilable 24 hours d aily by e-m ail for your disc or tap e questio ns.
76 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E Custome r Service (C SO) W arrant y Service Seagate offers worldwi de custom er suppor t f o r Seagate dr ives. Seagate direct OEM, Distri bution and System Integrator cus tomers s hould c ontact th eir Sea gate s er vice center representa tive f or warranty informa tion.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 77 Spain 900-98 31 24 Sweden 0 207 90 073 Switzer land 0 800-8 3 84 11 T ur ke y 0 0 800-31 92 91 40 United Kingd om 0 800-783 5177 Fax Services—All Euro pean Cou.
78 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 79 Index Symbol s +5 and + 12 volt s upplies 23 Numerics 68 conducto r connector 61 68 pin co nnecto r 62 80 conducto r connector 61 80 conduc tor inte rface 6 1 80.
80 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E DC power r equirem ents 23 DC power source 61 dedicate d landing zone 5 default 4 2, 43 default mo de parame ter 39 default v alue 4 9, 50 defect /error man age.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 81 host syste m 39 host syste m malf unction 15 host/driv e operati onal inter face 15 hot plug 7, 17 humidity 30, 3 1 I I/O conn ector 60 identifie d defec t 37 id.
82 Cheetah 36XL Product Man ual, Rev. E orientat ion 10 , 31, 44 out-of-pla ne deflec tion 4 4 out-of-pla ne distor tion 44 Output c haracteri stics 70 P package size 3 2 package test speci fication 4.
Cheetah 36XL Product Manual, Rev. E 83 SCSI syste ms error manageme nt 38 SCSI Ultra16 0 implem entatio n 50 SCSI Ultra16 0 interfa ce 5 SE 69 Seagate s upport s ervice 3 9 sect or 11 sect or in terle.
Seagate T echnolog y LLC 920 Disc Dri ve, S cotts V alley , California 950 66-4544, USA Publication Numb er : 7578951 7, Rev . E, Printed in USA.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST336705LW/LC (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST336705LW/LC noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST336705LW/LC - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST336705LW/LC reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST336705LW/LC erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST336705LW/LC besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST336705LW/LC verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST336705LW/LC. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST336705LW/LC gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.