Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST336605LW/LC/LCV des Produzenten Seagate
Zur Seite of 92
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 73LP Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3734 05L W/L WV/LC/L CV . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheetah 73LP Famil y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST3734 05L W/L WV/LC/L CV . . . .
© 2002 S eagate T ech nology LLC All r ight s res er ved Publication number : 10 0109943 , Rev . E May 2002 Seaga te , Seagate T echnology , and the Seaga te logo are r egist ered tradema rks of Seagat e T ech nology LLC .
Revision status summary sheet Notice. Pr oduct Manual 1 00109943 is V olume 1 of a tw o v olume document w ith the SCSI Inter face information in the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Manual, par t number 75789509. If y ou need the SCSI Interface inf ormation, order the SCSI Interface Pr oduct Manual, part number 75789509.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E v Contents 1.0 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Applicable sta ndards and reference document ation .
vi Cheetah 73LP Product M anual, Rev. E 6.4.1 Temperatu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 6.4.2 Relative hum idity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E vii List of Figures Figure 1. Cheetah 73L P fami ly dri ve (ST37 3405LW sh own) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. Cheetah 73L P fami ly drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 1 1.0 Scope This m anual desc r ibes Sea gate T echnolo g y ® LLC , Chee tah ® 73LP disc dr ives. Cheetah 73 LP dr ives su ppor t the small c omput er syst em inte rface (SCSI) as descr ibed in the ANSI SPI- 3 (SCSI Par all el Interface-3) i nterface specifi cation to the extent desc rib ed in this manual.
2 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 3 2.0 Applicab le standar ds a nd reference documentation The dr ive has b een d e veloped as a s ystem peri pheral to the highe st s tandards of design and c onstr uction .
4 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E A ustralian C-Tick If this mo del ha s the C-Tick Mark ing i t compli es wit h the Australia/New Zea land S tandard A S/NZS3 548 199 5 and meet s the El ectromag netic Compatib ility (EMC) F ramework r equirem ents of Australia’ s S pectr um M an- agement A gency ( SMA).
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 5 3.0 G eneral descrip tion Cheetah 73LP dr ives combine giant m agnetor esisti ve (GMR) heads, par tia l res ponse/max imum likelihoo d (PRML) re ad channel ele.
6 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E A high-pe rf or ma nce actuato r assembly with a low-iner tia, balance d, patente d, straigh t-ar m des ign provides ex cel lent perform ance wi th min imal power diss ipatio n.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 7 3.1 Standard features The Chee tah 73LP family has the following standar d features: • Integrated Ultra/Ultra2/Ul tra3 SCSI contr oller • Multimod e SCSI d.
8 Che etah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E 3.5 Unformatted and formatted ca pacitie s F or matte d capac ity depe nds on the number of s pare reallocati on se ctors r eser ved and t he number of bytes per sect or . The following table sh ows the st andar d OEM mo del ca paci ties: Notes.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 9 4.0 P erformanc e chara cteristics 4.1 Internal drive cha racteris tics (tran spare nt to use r) 4.2 SCSI performance ch aracteri stics (visible to u ser) The values given in Sect ion 4. 2.1 app ly to all m odels of the Cheeta h 73LP family unle ss ot herwise speci fied.
10 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E SCSI inte rface data transfer rate (asynchr onous) : Maximum i nstant aneous on e byte wide 5.0 Mbytes/sec [ 4] Maximum i nstant aneous two bytes wide 10.0 Mbytes/s ec [4] Synchron ous format ted transfer rate Ultra2 SCSI Ultra3 SCSI On narrow (8- bit) bus in L V D mode 5.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 11 4.5 Cache oper ation In general, 3 ,600 kbytes ( 14,399 kbytes o f the 16,3 84 kbytes in L WV and LCV models) of the 4,0 96 kbytes of physical buff er space in th e dr ive can be used as storage spac e for cache ope rations.
12 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E that was w ritte n there at the begin ning o f the o peratio n. Howe ver , the dri v e do es no t ov erwr ite data th at has no t yet been wr itten t o the mediu m.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 13 5.0 Reliabil ity speci fications The following rel iability spe cificat ions assume c orrec t hos t/dri ve operational i nterface, includi ng all i nterface timings, power sup ply voltages, environme ntal requ irem ents and d r ive mounting co nstraints (see S ectio n 8.
14 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E error (1 5h) is rep or ted with a M edium e rror (3h ) or Ha rdware error ( 4h) repo r ted in the S ense Ke y . This i s an unrecoverab le se ek erro r . Unrecoverable seek erro rs are cla ssified as failures for MTBF calc ulatio ns.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 15 5.2.6 Hot plugging Cheetah 73LP disc drives The ANS I SPI-3 ( T10/130 2D) do cumen t define s the p h ysical requir ements for removal and inse r tion of SCS I devices on the SCS I bus. F our cases are addres sed.
16 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Y ou c an measur e off-li ne attr ibutes and force the dr ive to save the data by using the Rezero Un it comm and. F orcin g S.M.A.R.T . resets the timer so that th e next schedule d interr up t is in two ho urs.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 17 The most thorough opt ion is the ex tende d test that performs v ar ious tes ts on the dr ive and scans ev er y lo gical bloc k ad dress (LB A) o f the dr ive.
18 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E S hort and extended tests DST has two testing o ptions: 1. shor t 2. ex tende d These t esting option s ar e descr ib ed in the following two subs ectio ns. Each test co nsists o f three segments: an elec tric al test segment, a ser v o tes t segme nt, and a rea d/verify s can segme nt.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 19 5.2.9 Product wa rranty Beginni ng on the da te of shi pment to cus tomer and continui ng for a period of five y ears, Se agate warrants tha t each pro duct (.
20 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 21 6.0 Ph ysical /electrical spec ifications This se ction p rovides i nformat ion re latin g to the physical and elect ric al charac teri stic s of t he Cheet ah 73LP dri v e. 6.1 A C power requirements None. 6.
22 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 6.2.1 Conducted noise immunity Noise is speci fied as a per iodic and random distr ibution of frequenc ies covering a band from DC to 10 MHz. Maximum all owed noise values given below are peak to peak measurem ents and apply at the drive power con- nector .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 23 Figure 4. T ypical ST33 6605 dri ve +12 V cu rrent pr ofile Figure 5. T ypical ST373405 dri ve +5 V current profile 0.0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Seconds Average value of waveform Envelope of waveform +5 Volt Current during spindle start – Typical Amperes Amperes 0.
24 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 6. T ypical ST336605 dri ve +5 V curr ent pro file 0.0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Seconds Envelope of waveform Average value of waveform +5 Volt.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 25 6.3 P ower dis sipation ST37340 5 F or d rives usin g sing le-e nded in terface circuits, ty pical p ower dissipati on und er id le con ditio ns is 9.9 watts (33.8 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low voltage differential in terface circu its, typical power dissipat ion unde r idle cond itions is 10.
26 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E ST33660 5 F or d rives usin g sing le-e nded in terface circuits, typi cal p ower dissipati on und er id le con ditio ns is 8.6 watts (29.4 BTUs per hou r). F or dr ives using low voltage differential inte rface circuits, typical p ower dissipati on unde r idle c onditions is 8.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 27 6.4 En vironmental limits T emperatu re and hu midity values experienced by the dr ive must be su ch tha t condens ation does n ot occur on any drive par t. Alti tude a nd atmo spher ic p ressur e sp ecifica tions are re f erence d to a standa rd day at 58.
28 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E b . Non-operat ing –1,000 to + 40,000 f eet (–3 05 to + 12,210 meters) 6.4. 4 Shoc k an d vibr atio n Shock and vibratio n limit s specif ied in this docu ment ar e measu red dire ctly on the dr i ve chassis.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 29 Figure 12. Rec ommended moun ting Z Y X Z Y X.
30 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Vibrat ion a. Operating - nor m al The dri ve as installed for nor mal operat ion, sha ll comply with the co mplete specifie d perform ance while subject ed to continuous vibratio n not exceedi ng 5-400 Hz @ 0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 31 6.5 Mechanical sp ecifica tions The following nominal di mensi ons are exclusive of the d ecorative front panel access or y . Howe ver , di mensions of the front pane l are shown in figure bel ow . Refer to Figur es 13 and 14 for detailed mo unting configura tion dimensions.
32 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 14. LC and LCV mo unting configu ration dimensi ons J H L B A S K [1] M C R F [1] D E P Mounting holes are 6-32 UNC 2B, three on each side and four on the bottom. Max screw penetration into side of drive is 0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 33 7.0 Defect and err or management The dr ive, as delivered, co mplie s with thi s spe cifica tion. The read error rate and sp ecified storage capaci ty ar e not depend ent upon use o f defect managem ent routi nes by the hos t (initiato r).
34 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E [1] These values are subje ct to c hange. Settin g these retr y counts to a value bel ow the def ault s etting coul d resu lt in an incr eased u nrecovered error rate which m ay e xceed the value given in this produc t manual .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 35 8.0 In stalla tion Note. Thes e dr ives are designed to be used onl y on single -ende d (SE) or low voltage diff eren tial (L VD) bus- ses. Do no t inst all these dri ves on a hig h voltage differential (H VD) bus.
36 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 15. J6 jumper header SCSI ID = 0 (default) Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) J6 Drive Front Pin 1 Reserved A 2 A 1 A 0 [4] [1] Shipped with cover installed.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 37 Figure 16. J5 jumpe r header (on L W/L WV models o nly) SCSI ID = 8 SCSI ID = 9 SCSI ID = 10 SCSI ID = 11 SCSI ID = 12 SCSI ID = 13 SCSI ID = 14 SCSI ID = 15 .
38 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 17. J2 option s elect heade r 8.1.1 Notes for Fig ures 15, 16, and 17. [1] Notes explainin g the fu nctions of the vari ous ju mpers o n jumper header c onnec tors J2 , J5, and J 6 are given here and in Se ction 8.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 39 8.1.2 Functio n description J2 jum per installat ion J umper function d escription SE On F orces drive to us e singl e-ended I /O dr ivers/rec eivers only .
40 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 8.2 Drive orientation The balan ced rotar y ar m actua tor desig n of the dr ive allows it to be moun ted in any or ientat ion.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 41 8.4 Drive mounting When mou nting the dr ive usin g the botto m hole s (x -y plane in F igure 12) car e must be taken to en sure tha t the dri v e i s not physically di stor ted due to a st iff non- flat mo unting sur face .
42 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 43 9.0 Interface requirements This sec tion p ar ti ally descr ibes the inte rface requiremen ts as imple mented on the d rives. 9.1 General d escriptio n This se ction descr ibes in es sent ially gen eral ter ms the int erface requirem ents s uppor ted by the Cheetah 73LP.
44 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.3 SCSI interface command s suppor ted T able 5 following lists the SCSI in terface comm ands th at are su ppor ted in t he SC SI-2, an d SCSI- 3 mode s of the dr ive. OEM standard dr ives are shipp ed set to operate in SCSI- 2/SCSI- 3 mode.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 45 Wr ite error counter page (02 h) Y Mode sel ect (sa me page s as Mode Sens e 1Ah ) 15h Y [2] Mode sel ect (10) ( same pag es as Mo de Sen se 1Ah) 55h Y Mode s.
46 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E [1] The dr ive can format t o any ev en number of bytes per se ctor from 512 to 4,096 . [2] T ables 7 show how ind ividual bits are s et and which ar e changea ble by the host. [3] W ARNING: A p ower loss dur ing fl ash programm ing c an resul t in fir m ware cor rupti on.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 47 T able 6 lists the Standa rd Inqui r y comman d data that the dr ive should re tur n to the initi ator per the for mat given in the SCSI Inter face Product Manual, par t number 7 5789509, In quir y comm and se ction.
48 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.3.2 Mode Sense data The Mode Sen se command provides a means f or the dr ive to repor t its operatin g parameters t o the initiator. The dri ve maintains four sets of Mode parame ters, Def ault values, Sav ed values, Current values and Change- able values.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 49 The following tables lis t the v alu es of the da ta bytes ret ur ned by the dri ve in respo nse to th e Mod e Sens e com- mand page s for SCSI- 2/SCSI-3 imple mentation (see the SCSI Interface Product Manual , par t number 75789509) .
50 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 8: Mode sense data, ST3366 05 values (SCSI-2 /3 implementati on) [1] Though byte 12 , bit 7 (A0) i s shown as ch angeable, the FSW function govern ed by that bit is n ot imple- mented by this dri ve .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 51 9.4 SCSI bus conditions and miscellaneous fea tures supported Asynchr onous SCS I bus conditi ons supp or ted by the dr ive are liste d below . Th ese cond ition s cause the SCSI device to perform cer tain act ions an d can alte r the SCSI bus phase se quenc e.
52 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.5 Syn chr onous d ata t ran sfer 9.5.1 Synchron ous data transfer periods supported T able 10 and Se ction 9.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 53 Figure 19. L W and L WV model dri ve phy sical interfac e (68-pin J1 SCSI I/O conn ector) Figure 20. LC and LCV model drive ph ysical interface (80-p in J1 SC.
54 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.6.2 SCSI inter face physical de scripti on Cheetah 73LP dr ives su ppor t the p hysical inte rf ace requir ements of the S CSI-3 P arallel Interface-3 (SPI-3) standa rds and operate co mpat ibly at the i nterface with devices tha t supp or t e ar lier S CSI-2 and S CSI-3 st an- dards.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 55 • stub leng th (see Sections 6.4 an d 6.5) • device spacing (s ee Secti ons 6. 4 and 6. 5) T o min imize disc ontinuan ces and sign al refl ectio ns, cables of di fferent imped ances s hould not be used in the same bus.
56 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T o insur e that both dr ive connect or an d host equip ment ma ting c onnector mate proper ly , bo th dr ive connector and ho st equip ment matin g connec tor must m eet the provisio ns of “SF F-8451 Specif ication for SCA-2 Unshield ed Connectio ns.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 57 Recommen ded mati ng 80-po siti on PCBA m ount c onnect ors: Right-angle to PCB A c onnectors Seagate P /N: 776785 59 Amp US P /N: 2-557101 -1 Amp Japan P/N: 5-175474 -9 F or a dditional infor mation call Amp F AX se r vic e at 1- 800-522- 6752.
58 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Figure 22. Nonshielde d 68-pin SCSI de vice connector used on L W and L WV drives .0787 (2.00) .519 (13.18) .315 (8.00) 3.650 (92.71) .840 ± .005 (21.34) .315 ± .010 (8.00) +.001 –.002 dia .083 (2.1) Trifurcated Pins (4 places) .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 59 Figure 23. Nonshielde d 80-pin SCSI “SCA-2 ” connecto r , used on LC and LCV drives 7.00 (.276) 12.70 (.500) 2.15 ± 0.10 2 places 57.87 (2.278) –Y– 0.15 MY M 0.15 MY M 0 –0.15 + .000 – .006 [ [ 62.
60 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 12: L W and L WV 68-cond uctor singl e-ended (SE) P c able sign al/pin assig nments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that s ignal is active low . Notes [ ]: See page following T able 15.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 61 T able 13: L W and L WV 68-c onductor L VD P cable signal/pin a ssignments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that sig nal is a ctive low .
62 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E T able 14: LC and LCV 80-pin single-ended (SE) I/O connector pin assignments [11] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that s ignal is active low .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 63 T able 15: LC and LCV 80-pin single-ended (L VD) I/O connector pin assignments [11 ] Note. A m inus sign preceding a sig nal name i ndicates that sig nal is a ctive low .
64 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Notes [ ] for T ables 12 thr ough 15. [1] See Sec tion 9.6 .4.1 for detail ed ele ctri cal character isti cs o f these signals. [2] The co nducto r number refers to the condu ct or posit ion wh en using 0.025- inch (0.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 65 L VD input characteristics Each differential sig nal rec eived by L VD i nterface receiver circ uits shall h av e the f oll owing inpu t cha racteris tics when meas ured at the dis c dr ive connector : Steady s tate Low lev el input differential voltage = 0.
66 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Single-en ded I/O pin assig nments for LC mode ls are shown in T able 14. The LC m odel doe s not requ ire an I/O cable.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 67 9.9 T erminat or power LW a n d LW V d r i v e s Y ou c an co nfigure te r minato r power from the dr ive to the SCSI bus or hav e the hos t adapt or or oth er device supply t er mi nator power to the exter nal ter minator .
68 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E 9.10 Disc drive S CSI timin g T able 19: Dis c drive SCSI timi ng These values are not cu rrent Che etah 73 LP values, but are listed f or infor matio n only .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 69 Notes. [1] See the SCSI Inte rf ace Produ ct Manual, par t number 757 89509, Timing e xam ples se ction . [2] Maximum S CSI async hron ous interface transfer rate is given in Section 4.
70 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 71 10.0 Seagate T echnolog y suppor t services Online Service s Internet www .seagate .co m for informa tion abo ut Sea gate pr oducts and ser vices. Worldwi de su ppor t is av aila ble 24 hours d aily by e-m ail for your disc or tap e ques tions.
72 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E Custome r Service (C SO) W arrant y Service Seagate offers worldwi de custom er suppor t f or Seagate dr ives. Seagate direct OEM, Distri bution and Syste m Integrator cus tomers s houl d contac t their Seagate ser v ice center repres entative for warranty informa tion.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 73 Spain 9 00-98 31 24 Sweden 0 207 90 073 Switzer land 0 800-8 3 84 11 T urkey 00 800- 31 92 9 1 40 United Kingd om 0 800-783 5177 F AX Services—All European .
74 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 75 Inde x Symbol s +5 an d +12 vol t suppli es 21 Numerics 68 conducto r connector 55 68-pin con nector 5 7 80 conducto r connector 55 80 conducto r interfac e 5.
76 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E D daisy-c hain 22 , 54 , 57 80 conducto r 55 data cor rection 13 data tran sfer period 5 2 data tran sfer pr otocol 7 data tran sfer ra te 9 , 10 DC cable a nd .
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 77 HDA 5 , 40 , 4 1 head and d isc assem bly. See HDA heat remo val 4 0 heat sour ce 40 high level forma t 35 high vol tage differ entia l 51 host 12 , 3 3 , 39 .
78 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E O office en vironme nt 30 operatin g 27 , 2 8 , 30 operatin g optio n 35 operatin g parame ter 48 operator i ntervent ion 13 option jumpe r 35 option jumpe r lo.
Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Man ual, Rev . E 79 message s 43 SCSI b us ca ble 35 SCSI bus con diti on 51 SCSI bus ID 64 SCSI b us phase seque nce 5 1 SCSI co mman d 33 SCSI I/O connec tor 53 SCSI ID 35 , 39.
80 Cheetah 73LP Pr oduct Manual, Rev. E W warranty 7 , 19 wet bulb temperat ure 27 wide Ultr a160 SCSI inter face 5 WP jump er 39 wrap-arou nd 11 write cach ing 11 write error 13 unrecover able 13 wri.
Seagate T e chnolog y LLC 920 Disc Dri ve, S cotts V alley , California 950 66-4544, USA Publication Number : 1001099 43, Re v . E , Pri nted in US A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST336605LW/LC/LCV gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.