Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST3300831ACE des Produzenten Seagate
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DB35 Series ST340083 2ACE ST330083 1ACE ST325082 3ACE ST320082 6ACE.
DB35 Series ST340083 2ACE ST330083 1ACE ST325082 3ACE ST320082 6ACE.
©2005, S eagate T echnol ogy LLC All rights res erved Public ation number : 10034767 1, Rev . B May 20 05 Seagate an d Seagate T echn ology are re gistered trademarks of Seagat e T echnology L LC. SeaT ools, Se aFO NE, Se aBOARD, Se aTDD, and the Wave logo are e ither r egister ed tr ade- marks or tradem arks of S eagate T ech nology LLC.
DB35 Ser ies Produ ct Manual , Rev. B iii Revision st atus summary sheet Revision Date Sheet s Affected Rev . A 01/26/0 5 All. Rev . B 05/16/05 Pages 6 and 7.
iv DB35 Ser ies Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B v Contents 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Drive s pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi DB35 Ser ies Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
DB35 Ser ies Produ ct Manual , Rev. B vii List of Figures Figure 1. Typical 5V startup and operatio n current p rofile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 2. Typical 12V s tartup and operation cur rent profi le .
viii DB35 Ser ies Produ ct Manual , Rev. B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 1 1.0 Introduction This man ual describes the functiona l, mechani cal and inte rface spe cification s for the followin g Seagate ® DB35 model dr ives: DB3 5 Ser .
2 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 3 2.0 Drive speci fications Unless ot herwise noted , all spec ificatio ns are measure d under ambi ent condition s, at 25°C, and nominal power .
4 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B * During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur accord ing to the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which may increase ac oustic and power to operational levels . Track-to-track seek time ( msec typical) 0.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 5 2.2 Formatted cap acity 2.2.1 LBA mode When addr essing thes e drives i n LBA mode , all blocks (sectors) are consecuti vely number ed from 0 to n–1, where n is the n umber of guar anteed s ectors as def ined abov e .
6 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 2.4 Physical char acteristics 2.5 Seek time Seek mea surements are taken with nom inal power at 25°C ambie nt tempera ture.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 7 2.7 Power specificat ions The driv e receives DC power (+5V and +12V ) through a four-pin s tandard driv e power conn ector . 2.7.1 Power cons umption Power r equirements for the drives are listed in the table on page 7.
8 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B T ypical cu rrent pro file Figure 1 T ypical 5V st artup and ope ration curren t profile Figure 2 T ypical 12V st artup and op eration current p rofile 2.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 9 2.7.4 Power-m anagement mode s The driv e provides programmab le power mana gement to p rovide grea ter energy effici ency . In most syste ms, you can co ntrol power managemen t through the s ystem setup pr ogram.
10 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 2.8.2 T emperat ure gradient 2.8.3 Humidity Relati ve humidity Wet bulb temper ature 2.8.4 Altitude 2.8.5 Shock All shoc k specific ations as sume that th e drive is mou nted se curely w ith the input shoc k applie d at the drive mounting s crews.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 11 Nonop erating vibration The fol lowing tabl e lists the maximum no noperating vibr ation th at the dr ive may experien ce witho ut incurr ing physical damage or degradatio n in perf ormance when subsequ ently put into operati on.
12 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 2.1 1 R eliab ility 2.12 Agency certi fication 2.12.1 Safety ce rtification The drive s a re re co gni ze d in ac co rd ance wi th UL 1950 and CSA C22. 2 (950 ) a nd m eet a ll appl icab le s ec ti ons of IEC950 a nd EN 60950 as teste d by TUV North Amer ica.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 13 Australian C-Tick (N176 ) If these mode ls h ave the C-Tick marking, they com ply wi th the Austr alia/N ew Zeal and St andard AS/NZ S3548 1995 and me et the Electrom agnetic Compatibi lity (EMC) Framework req uirements of the Aust ralian Com muni- cation A uthority (ACA ).
14 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 15 3.0 Configur ing and mo untin g the drive This sec tion con tains the spe cificat ions and instructio ns for con figuring and mo unting the dr ive.
16 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 3.2 Breather filter ho le precauti ons This sec tion contains informa tion regardi ng the pre cautions whi ch shoul d be taken rega rding the br eather fil ter hole in S eagate har d disc dr ives. Prop er precau tions sh ould be taken t o ensure full functio nality and pre vent possible d amage to th e drive.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 17 3.3 Jumper setti ngs 3.3.1 Mast er/slave con figuration The opti ons jumpe r block shown i n Figure 4 is used to configure th e drive for operatio n. It is the 8-p in dual header be tween the inter face connecto r and the power c onnector .
18 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B Windows XP , Win dows Me, Wind ows 98 or newer vers ions are ne eded to su pport driv es with ca pacities greater tha n 32 Gby tes. 3.3.4 Ultra A T A/100 cable An 80-c onductor 4 0-pin cabl e is requi red to run Ultra DM A mode 3, mode 4 an d mode 5.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 19 Figure 6 Moun ting dime nsio ns—to p, side and end view Notes: 1. Dimensions are shown in inches (mm). 2 Dimensions per SFF-8301 specification. 3 x 6-32 UNC-2B 0.150 (3.81) max. fastener penetration both sides.
20 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 21 4.0 A T A interface These drives use t he indus try-standard A T A task fil e inter face that sup ports 16-bit d ata transfers . It suppo rts A T A pro grammed i nput/ou tput (PIO) mode s 0–4; m ultiwor d DMA m odes 0– 2, and Ul tra DMA mod es 0–5.
22 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 4.1.1 Suppor ted A T A commands The follow in g table lists A T A -standa rd com man ds th at the dr ive s upp or ts. For a detaile d descr i pti on of the A T A commands , refer to the Draf t A T A -7 S tandard.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 23 Secur ity Disa ble Pa ssword F6 H Security Erase Prepare F3 H Security Erase Unit F4 H Secu rity F reeze F5 H Security Set Pas sword F1 H Secur ity Unlo ck F2 H.
24 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 4.1.2 Identify De vice command The Ident ify Device com mand (co mmand code E C H ) transfer s informati on about the drive to the host follo wing power up. Th e data is organized a s a single 512-by te block of data, whose co ntents are shown in the T able 6 on page 22 .
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 25 54 Number o f current l ogical c ylinders xxxx H 55 Number o f current l ogical he ads xxxx H 56 Number o f current l ogical s ectors per lo gical trac k xxxx H.
26 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B Note. Advance d Powe r Manag ement (APM) and Au tomatic Ac oustic Mana gement (AAM) featu res are n ot supporte d Note. See the b it descri ptions below for words 63, 88, and 93 of the Identi fy Drive da ta: 100–103 T ot al numbe r of user-ad dressabl e LBA secto rs avail able (see Secti on 2.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 27 4.1.3 Set Features command This com mand contr ols the implemen tation of var ious featu res that the d rive s upports. When th e drive receives this comma nd, it sets BSY , chec ks the contents of the Featur es register , clears BSY and gen erates an inter- rupt.
28 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B SeaT ools dia gnosti c softwar e activa tes a b uilt- in dr ive sel f-tes t (DST S .M.A.R .T . comma nd for D4 H ) tha t elim i- nates unnecessar y drive returns. The diagnost ic software sh ips with all new drives and is a lso availa ble at: http://seat ools.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 29 5.0 Seagate T echnology suppor t services Online Serv ices Internet www .seagat for informat ion about S eagate pro ducts and servic es. Worldwide s upport is av ailable 2 4 hours d aily by e- mail for y our questio ns.
30 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B Customer Se rvice Opera tions W arranty Service Seagate offers wo rldwide custome r support for Sea gate drives. Seagate distribu tors, OEMs and oth er direct cust omers shoul d contact thei r Seagate Customer Ser vice Oper ations (C SO) rep resentative for warranty- related i ssues.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 31 USA/Canada/Latin Am erica Support Servi ces Seag at e Serv ice Cente rs Presales Suppor t Call Center T ol l-free Direct dial F AX Americ as 1-877-271- 3285 1 +.
32 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B European Support Services For presa les and techni cal supp ort in Europe , dial the Seagate Service Center tol l-free numbe r for your spe- cific lo cation. If yo ur locati on is not listed here, dial ou r presales and technic al support ca ll center at +1-405- 324-4714 from 8: 00 A .
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 33 Asia/Pac ific Support S ervices For Asia/ Pacific presales an d technica l support, dia l the toll- free number for your spe cific lo cation. The As ia/ Pacific toll-free n umbers ar e availa ble from 6:0 0 A . M .
34 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 35 Inde x Numerics 3D De fens e Syste m 1 A acousti cs 11 Active mode 9 agency c ertific ation ( regulatory ) 12 alternat e capacity jumper 1 7 altitude 1 0 ambi e.
36 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B G guarante ed sectors 5 H handling 15 heads 1 height 6 humid ity 10 I I/O data-tr ansfer rat e 5 Identif y Device 22 Identify D evice comm and 24 Idle 7 , 22 Id.
DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B 37 recordi ng m ethod 5 registe r 27 relativ e humidi ty 10 reliabi lity 12 resis tance 8 resis tive load 8 RF 11 RoHS 13 S S.M. A.R.T . comm ands 27 S.M.A.R.T . Disabl e Operation s 23 S.M. A.R. T. dr ive mon ito ring 1 S.
38 DB35 Ser ies Product Manual, Rev . B.
Seagate T echnology LLC 920 D isc Drive, Sco tts V alley , California 95066 -4544, US A Publi ca tion Number: 1 003 476 71, Rev . B, Printed in U.S. A.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST3300831ACE (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST3300831ACE noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST3300831ACE - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST3300831ACE reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST3300831ACE erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST3300831ACE besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST3300831ACE verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST3300831ACE. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST3300831ACE gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.