Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ST313620A des Produzenten Seagate
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barracuda ATA F amily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST328040A, ST320430A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© 1999 Seagate T echnol og y , Inc. All ri ghts rese r ved . Publica tio n Num ber : 212 0013 5- 00 1, R ev . A, July 1 999 Seagate , Seagat e T echnolo gy , the Seagate l ogo and Barr acuda are regist ered tr ademarks of Seagate T echnolo g y , Inc.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A -1 Contents The easie st wa y to install your drive .............. ........... ........... 1 What y ou need ................ ............ ................ ................. ........... 2 Ultra A T A/66 require ments .
0 Barrac uda A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A iv.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 1 The easie st way to ins tall y our drive DiscWizard is Seagat e’ s e xclusiv e Wind ows pro gr am that i s includ ed with your drive f or easy driv e inst allatio n. Disc Wizard he lps y ou confi gure y our ne w driv e and your com- pute r .
2 Barrac uda A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A What y ou need • Stra ight-edge and Philli ps scre wdrivers • F our 6-32 UNC dr ive mounting screws • A standar d 40-pin A T A interf ace.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 3 Handling precautions Disc drives are e x t remely fragil e. Do not dr op or jar you r dr i ve. K eep the dr ive in it s ant ist ati c bag until you ar e ready to install it. Prote ct your d r ive from st at ic di scha rge by mak ing sure y ou are well g rounded bef ore to uching the drive .
4 Barrac uda A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Master/s lave jumpe rs If y ou al ready ha v e one ha rd drive in y our c omputer an d yo u are inst allin g a seco nd driv e , y ou m ust c onfigu re on e driv e as a ma s- ter and th e other as a sla v e.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 5 Figure 1. M aster and sl ave jum per settings pin 1 ATA interface connector 135 24 6 7 8 Slave Master or single drive 4-pin power connector.
6 Barrac uda A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Attaching cabl es and mounting the drive 1. Attach o ne end o f the driv e inte rfa ce cab le to the interf ace connec tor on y our motherboard (See you r computer man ual f or connec tor locati ons).
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 7 Note. Y ou can mou nt the drive in an y orienta tion. Usua lly it is mounted with the c ircuit boa rd down. Caution. Do not over ti ghte n th e sc rews or us e me tr ic scre ws . This ma y damage the d riv e.
8 Barrac uda A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Configuring y our computer Bef ore yo u f ormat or partition y our ne w driv e, y ou must conf igure yo ur computer’ s BIOS . T o con figure y our computer’ s BIOS: 1. T ur n your co mpute r on.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 9 Note. Set the wr it e p rec omp or landi ng zo ne param eters to z ero . W e recomm end y ou use Dis k Manager to e valua te your BIO S and det ermine whethe r you r system needs additi onal BIOS sup- por t.
10 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Addressing drive-capacity limitations Some D OS-based c omputers and oper ating s ystems are not design ed to acco mmodate l arge-ca pacity ha rd disc driv es . The most co mmon syst em l im ita tio ns are list ed b e low .
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 11 BIOS upgrade s If y ou need to u pgrad e yo ur BIOS, contact th e appropriate BIO S manufacture r li sted below: American Mega trends (AMI ): 1-800-828 -9264 www .megatrends. com A wa rd Softw are Internationa l, Inc .
12 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Preparing y our drive for use Installing a single drive F or a q uic k i ns tall ati on, we re co mmend y ou use Disk Ma nag er to automat ically p ar tition a nd f ormat y our driv e. Disk Manager also ens ures that y our computer ca n access the full cap acity of y our hard driv e .
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 13 4. Select ei ther (E)asy Disk Ins tallation or (A)dv anced Disk Inst allation. Disk Manager l ists all th e hard driv es t hat it detec ts. Y o u shoul d see your new Seag at e dr ive and your existin g hard dri ve, if any .
14 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Standard DOS installation Caution. P artitioning or f or mattin g a drive e rases al l data on it.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 15 7. When partitioning i s complete , FDISK reboots y our com- puter . Proceed to “Drive F ormatting.” Note. If you are a dding a second drive to y our sys tem, y ou can run FDISK from Wi ndows .
16 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Additional installation options Figure 4. Non -A T A compatib le and ca ble select ju mper s Non-A T A compatible slave jumper If y our co mputer do es not recogniz e y our ne w driv e as a master in a tw o-driv e sys tem, the sla ve driv e ma y not be A T A-compa ti- ble.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 17 Adv anced Disk Manager options The Disk Mange r online manual Disk Ma nag er co ntain s an extens ive onl ine m anual . This manual includ es detaile d inst allation i nstructions , troub leshooting an d a list o f mas ter/ slave jump er set ting s for many dif ferent h ard dri ves.
18 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Supported operating systems The Di sk Mana ger dynamic driv e ov er la y prov ides su pport for dri ves with cap acit ies great er th an 52 8 Mbytes unde r MS-D OS, Window s 3. x, Windo w s 95, Wi ndo ws NT 3.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 19 T o remo ve a DDO fr om a drive: 1. Boot the c omputer t o drive C . 2. Insert your Dis cWizard dis ket te or CD . 3. Ty p e dm to star t Disk Ma na ger. 4. Select th e Sele ct In sta lla tio n Opt i ons Menu .
20 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A T roub leshooting If y ou ha v e install ed yo ur drive and it do es not func tion prope rly , perfor m th e followin g b asic checks: W a rning. Alwa ys tur n off the computer bef ore changing jumpers or unplug ging cab les and c ards.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 21 • V erify the drive-type settings in the sy stem setup pro- gram. The drive-type settings in the s ystem BIOS must n ot e xceed the ph ysical s pecific ations of y our dri ve . Also , the set- tings m ust not e xceed th e limita tions set b y the ope rating s ys- tem and BIOS.
22 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Figure 5. Alternate Capa city J umper 2. Mov e the jumper on the alternate-cap acity jum per , as show n in Figu re 5. This causes th e drive to appea r to y our BIOS a s hav ing a 2. 1-Gb yte c apacity (4,092 cy linders , 16 he ads, 6 3 sectors per trac k).
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 23 3. Remou nt y our driv e in the com puter and replace t he com - put e r c over . 4. Insert a boo tabl e syste m disk ette into d rive A and turn on the comput er . It should boo t from driv e A an d automat ically detect t he ne w driv e as a 2.
24 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A • Reboo t the compute r and list en to mak e sure the driv e motor starts up. If the driv e is ve r y quiet, it ma y be difficult to hea r its discs reach oper ating sp eed. If t he drive motor does not st ar t up , re check al l dr i ve cables.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 25 • If Di sk Man ager has instal led the DDO o n y our h ard driv e and yo u hav e booted directly from a dis ket te, the i nf ormation in the boot rec ord f or the driv e m a y no t ha v e b een lo aded.
26 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A tem. Y ou must disab le this f eature in the system s etup pr o- gr am bef ore y ou can u se FDISK. See y ou r comp uter ref er ence guide for ass ist ance. Be s ure t o re -ena ble th is im por tant fea- ture when FDISK is done .
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 27 Caution. If y ou cha nge the driv e-type va lues in the s ys- tem setup progr am, y ou mus t par tition and format the dri ve agai n.
28 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Seagate T echnolog y suppor t services Online ser vices Internet F or onlin e inf ormation abou t Seagate produ cts, v isit www .seagate .com or e-mail y our disc questio ns to: Presales support: DiscPreSales @Seagate .
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 29 Presales Suppor t Presales Su pport Our Presal es support staff can help y ou determine w hich Seagate products are best su ited f or your s pecific applic ation or comput er system.
30 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A A uthorized service cente rs If y ou liv e outside the US , y ou can contact a n A uthoriz ed service center f or ser vice or repair .
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 31 Eur opean suppor t services F or Eur opean c ustomer s upport, dial the toll-fre e num ber f or p re- sales s uppor t, technical supp or t, SeaF AX and warr anty repair . If your coun tr y is not listed her e, dial ou r Eur opea n cal l cente r at +31-20-31 6-7222 from 8:30 A.
32 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Africa/Middle East suppor t servic es F or pres ales, tec hnical support, warr anty repai r and F AX ser- vices in Africa and the Mi ddle East, dial our Eur opean cal l c en ter at +31 -20 -316 -7 222 fr om 8: 30 A.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 33 Storing and shipping y our drive K eep your original bo x and pa c king ma terials f or storing or ship- ping y our d rive . The bo x has a Seagate App ro v ed P ackage label. Shipping a driv e in an unap prov ed con tainer v oids th e warr anty .
34 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A W a rranty See y our authoriz ed Seagate dis tributor or de aler . Preinstalled or b undled softw are is provid ed “as is .” There are no w arrantie s of merc hantabil ity or f itness for a particular pu r pose.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 35 3. Als V ersorgungs spann ugen werd en benöti gt: +5V ± 5 % 0,6A; +12V ±% 0,8A (1,9A fur ca . 30 Sek. fu r ± 10%) 4. Die V ersorgungss pannu ng mus s SEL V entspre chen. 5. Alle Arbei ten auf dem Fes tplatte dü rfen nur v on A usgebilde- tem Servicepers onal durchg eführ t werden.
36 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A.
Barra cuda A T A F amily I nstallati on Guide , Re v . A 37.
38 Barracud a A T A F amily Installa tion Guide , Rev . A Seagate T echnolog y , Inc. 920 Di sc Drive, Scott s V alley , CA 95066-4 544, USA Publication Num ber: 21200 135-0 01, R ev .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Seagate ST313620A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Seagate ST313620A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Seagate ST313620A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Seagate ST313620A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Seagate ST313620A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Seagate ST313620A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Seagate ST313620A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate ST313620A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate ST313620A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.