Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Fibre Channel Interface des Produzenten Seagate
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Fibre Channel Interface.
Fibre Channel Interface.
©1997–2004, Seagate T echnology LLC All rights re served Publication number: 7776 7496, Rev . D February 2004 Seagate and Seagate T echnology are register ed tradema rks of Seagate T echnology LLC. SeaT ools, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, Sea TDD, and the Wave logo are either register ed trade- marks or trademarks of Seaga te T echnology LLC.
Revision st atus summary sheet Revi sion Date Sheets Aff ected Sheets Affected A 03/21/1997 L. Newman/J . Coomes and W . Whittington All B 08/01/ 2000 L. Ne wman/J . Coomes All C 01/03/2003 L. Newman No change except f or ne w Seagate logo . Document migration/conv ersion only .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D v Contents 1.0 Publication ove rview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Acknowledg ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 6.3 Exchange s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.4 Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D vii 10.4.2 ESI write transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 10.5 Enclosure- initiated ESI tra nsfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 12.10.1 Error Counter pages, Write , Read, Read Reverse, and Veri fy (code 02, 03, 04, and 05h) 196 12.10.2 Non-Medium Error page (code 06h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D ix 12.40 Reserve (10) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 12.40.1 Logical unit reserv ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Backg round mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Elements common to foreg round and b ackground self-t est modes . . 357 14.0 Seagate Technol ogy support service s .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D xi List of Figures Figure 1. Fibre Channe l standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 2. Arbitrated lo op topology ( dual port priv ate loop) .
xii Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 1.0 Publication overview This publication provides some general in formation about Fib re Channel as well as de tailed info rmation about how Seagate disc drives implement Fib re Channel Arbitrated Loop technology .
2 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1.3 General interface description This manual describe s the Seagate T echnology LLC Fibr e Channel/SCSI (Small Computer Systems In terface) as implemented on Seagate Fibre Chan nel (FC) disc drives. The disc drives covered by this manual are cla ssified as intelligent peripherals.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 3 2.0 Introduction to Fibre Channel Fibre Chan nel is an America n National S tandards Institut e (ANSI) interface that act s as a general transport vehicle to simult aneously deliver the command set s of several existing interface protocols including SCSI- 3, IPI-3, HIPPI-FP , IP , and A TM/AAL5.
4 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Networks Networks allow many devices to communi cate with each other at will. This is usually ac companied by software support to route transactions to the correct provider and to verify access permission.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 5 3.0 Fibre Channel standards Figure 1 shows the vari ous documents involved in the AN SI set of standar ds relating to Fibre Channe l. This model is not static—it is growing as ot hers areas of interest ar e developed.
6 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Copies of ANSI documents rela ting to Fibre Channel can be purchase d from: Global Engineering 15 Invern ess W ay East Englewood, CO 801 12-5704 (800) 854-717 9 or (303) 792-218 1 Fax: (303) 792-2 192 3.1 General information The FC-PH st andard is the foundation upon which all o thers are based.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 7 F C-4 FC-4 defines the interf ace mapping between the lowe r levels of the Fibre Chann el and the various comman d sets. These va rious command set s are known as upper la yer pr otocols (ULPs). Examples of u pper layer proto- cols include SCSI, IPI, HIPPI, and IP .
8 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 9 4.0 Introduction to topologies T opologies include all the elements necessary to succ essfully connect two or mor e nodes (also known as devices). See Section 4.1. Ther e are several topologies availab le with Fibre Channe l, but all of them have cer- tain co mmon component s: nodes, ports, and links.
10 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D As stated above, ports used in a FC- AL topology are called nod e loop ports (NL_Por ts). Other port ty pes exist as docume nted in the fo llowing table. NL_Port s and FL_Port s discover their mode of operat ion dynamically dur ing th e initialization procedure.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 11 The arbitrated loop topo logy is used to connect from two to 126 node port s. See Figure 2. Figure 2. Arbitrated loo p topology (dual port private l oop) The port s in an arbitrated loop to pology are called NL_Port s (Node Loop Ports).
12 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Figure 3. Port bypass circuit physical interconne ct Port Bypass Circuit N–1 Select Drive N–1 Port Bypass Circuit N+1 Drive N+1 Drive N Serial In Serial .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 13 5.0 Dat a encoding (FC-1) Fibre Channel devices do n’t transmit 8-bit bytes. If this were to occur , the receiving node would not understand the transmitter ’s intentions. T o fix this situat ion, the data is encoded prior to transmission.
14 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D • If the number of ones a nd zeros in a sub-block are e qual, running disp arity is neutral and the value of run- ning dispar ity at the end of the sub-block remains the same as the preceding char acter even if it is separated by neutral characters.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 15 5.3 Dat a hierarchy A hierarchy of data types is presented in Fig ure 6. Figure 6. FC data hierarch y 5.3.1 T ra nsmission words T ransmission words are the lowest le vel of control on Fibre Channel other than the control character used to provide character syn chronization.
16 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Idle (IDLE) An Idle is transmitted on th e loop to indicate the no de is operational and ready for frame transmission and reception. Idles are transmitte d when frames, R_RDY , or primitive sequences are not being transmitte d.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 17 Seagate disc drives use only those listed in bold type (Seagate Fibre Channel disc drive s are Class 3 devices and use only Class 3 delimiters).
18 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D St art-of-frame Initia te Cl ass 3 (SOFi3 ) SOFi3 indicates the begin ning of the first frame of a se quence of frames (an exchange) . (This includes all sin- gle frame seq uences, comma nds, link services, transfer readys, and response fra mes.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 19 Open full-duplex (OPNyx) After successful ar bitration, the transmitting por t (x) opens the receiving port (y) for control and dat a frame transmission and reception. Any FC port can transmit or receive an OPN.
20 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Offline (OLS) Offline is transmitted to indicate that the port is initiating th e initialization protocol pr ior to going offline. The sequence will be transmitted for a minimum of 5 msec before further action is taken.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 21 Note. There are six sequences that in voke loop initializat io n. There is no oper ational difference betwe en them except that bytes 3 and 4 identify the reason for th e lo op initialization. Loop initialization, no valid AL_P A (LIP) The L_Port is attempting to acquire an AL_P A.
22 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 23 6.0 Framing protocol (FC-2) The entire responsibility of moving fr ames between N_Ports is assigned to the Fibre Channel layer called the framing protocol ( FC-2). This protocol i s primar ily concer ned with construc ting and managing frames, sequences, and exchanges.
24 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D All frames also have a header and a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field. The p ayload data field is optional (but norm ally present) wit h the size a nd contents determ ined by the t ype of fram e. Figure 8. Frame structure 6.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 25 F_CTL (Frame Control) This 3-byte (24-bit) fie ld contains control informat ion relating to the frame content as defined below . Offset This 4-byte field is used in data frames to define the relative offset (displacement) of the firs t byte of the payload from the base address of the comman d.
26 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D OX_ID (Originator Exchan ge Identifier) This 2-byte field is assigned by the origin ator of an exchan ge. For SCSI FCP frames, this value is analogo us to the Queue T ag used in Parallel SCSI and must be unique for an initiator/d rive pair .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 27 RX_ID (Responder Ex change Identifier) This 2-byte i dentifier i s a unique iden tifier gene rated by the responder for an exchange established by an originator and identified by an OX_ID.
28 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Data field (payload) The data field, also kn own as the payload, is aligned on word bound aries. The payload leng th must be an inte- ger multiple of four bytes and is limited to 2,1 12 bytes.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 29 These two independent fields (OX_ID and RX_ID) allow ea ch N_Port to identify th e resources needed to man- age a frame or sequence as it arrive s.
30 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D the source N_Port. This type of credit is not used in Class 3 therefor e it is not a pplicable to Seagate d rives.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 31 7.0 Classes of service (FC-2) There are five classes of service curre ntly available or being defined. Classes of service are simply dif ferent communicat ion methods u sed between nodes. Seagat e driv es use only Class 3; however , brief explanations of the other classes are provided as well.
32 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D • EE_Credit not require d • Busy and Reject not needed due to alter nate credit model • Errors are re covered at the excha nge level 7.3.1 Class 3 flow control Class 3 flow control is a simple model which does not re quire EE_Credits.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 33 8.0 FC Arbitrated Loop concept s This section descr ibes some basic Fib re Channel Arbi trated Loop (FC-AL) concept s. Seagate disc drives sup- port FC-AL as the topo logy for conn ectivity in Fibr e Channel en vironments.
34 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D * character with neutral disparity . R Reserved (see T able 13 on page 35). Of the 134 neutral disparity char acters, seve n are rese rved. This leaves 127 valid non- reserved addresses. 126 of these addresses may be used by NL_Port s and one (00) may be used by a FL_Por t (if present).
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 35 In the p arallel SCSI world, the higher the bus address, the higher the prio rity the device has. The opposite is true with FC -AL. See T able 14. During loop initialization, ea ch NL_Port interested in p articipating on the loop is assigned one of the 126 AL_P A values.
36 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D A buff er on the drive r eceives each of the following lo op initialization frames: LISM, LIF A, LIP A, LIHA, LISA, LIRP , and LILP .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 37 The loop initialization process begin s when any NL_Port forces the loop in to the INITIALIZING st ate. See Fig- ure 1 1. This initializing port begins transmitting loop initia lization primitive sequences (LIPs).
38 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Loop Initialization Select Master (LISM) 12-byte p ayload The loop master is determined as follows: • Each NL_Port selects an initia l AL_P A of ‘EF’. The FL_Port (if present) selects an AL_P A of ‘0’.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 39 Loop Initialization Prev iously Assigned (LIP A) 20-byte p ayload The loop master transmits the bit map resulting from the LIF A . The L_Port checks to see if the bit that corresponds to it s previously acquired AL_P A is set.
40 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Loop Initializati on Sof t Assigned (LISA) 20-byte p ayload The loop master transmits the bit map resulting from the LIHA. The L_Port checks to see if there are any free addresses left in the bit map by che cking for the first available ‘0’.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 41 Loop Initializati on Loop Position (LILP) 132-byte p ayload When the loop master get s the LIRP frame back from the loop, it contain s the AL_P As and physical location of each par ticipatin g port on the l oop.
42 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D - lower than the Port_Name in the payload, t he NL_Port transmit s a LISM loop initialization sequence with the p ayload contai ning its Port_Name . - higher than the Port _name in the pa yload, the NL_Port r etransmits the re ceived Loop Initial- ization Sequence.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 43 LISA The L_Port primes the AL_P A bit map with the AL_P A bit map of the previous LIHA loop initialization sequence. The L_Port set s the first available bit to 1 (unless a bit was set in LIF A, LIP A, or LIHA) which corresponds to it s sof t assigned AL_P A.
44 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D reinitialize at 10.3 at the request of the nod e. If the L_Port does not support the AL_P A position map ping loop initialization sequences, it sets byte 2 of the loop initialization identifier to 00h. The L_Port retransmit s the loop initializ ation sequence.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 45 8.2.1 Loop initia lization state machin e Figure 1 1. Loop initializati on st ate machine The loop initialization process is used whenever any unusual event occurs on the loop. One such e vent would be inserting a new NL_Port into the loop.
46 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 8.2.2 Loop reinitial ization Loop reinitialization occurs when an L_Port is added to the loop, removed from the loop , or for erro r recovery . Figure 12. Loop state machine (simplified) 8.3 Accessing another L_Port Each port has its o wn private arbitration primitive (ARBx) signal.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 47 replaced, that port h as won arbitration of th e loop and is free to ope n the loop between it s receiver and tran s- mitter and is also free to stop retransmitting received tr ansmission word s.
48 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D When a fair NL _Port has arbitrated for and won access to the loop and does de tect that another L_Port is arbi- trating, the NL_Port close s the loop at th e earliest poss ible time and arbitr ates again in the ne xt access window before opening a dif ferent L_Port.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 49 8.4.2 Blockin g switch emula tion When two NL_Port s open communicatio n with each other (se e the OPNyx discussion in Section 8.3), commu- nication betw een other d evices is effect ively blocked (other than to r etransmit frames or insert fill wo rds).
50 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 8.4.4 Assigned AL_P A valu es All AL_P As that are used in the loop pr otocol are liste d in t able 12. The AL_P As are assigned to the 16-byte AL_P A bi t maps of table 16 as sh own in table 17.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 51 9.0 Fibre Channel link services Link service frames are used to perform fun ctions at th e Fibre Channel layer . They are used to establish the operating paramete rs, perform chan nel level error reco ve ry , and check the st atus of the physical link between two devices.
52 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.1 Basic link services The drive support s the Abort Sequence (ABTS) an d two ba sic services replies, Basic Accept (BA_ACC) an d Basic Reject (BA_RJT). All other basic link services are discarded by the drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 53 DF_CTL (Data Field Control) Set to 00h to indicate no optional Fibre Channel head ers are used. F_CTL (Frame Control) Set to 090000h for the ABTS.
54 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.1.2 Basic Accept (BA_ACC) BA_ACC is sent by the drive in response to all correctly structured ABTS. If the ABTS identifies an exchange in execution or buffered for execution, the drive will discard the exchange.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 55 9.1.3 Basic Reje ct (BA_RJT) BA_RJT is sent by the drive in response to an ABTS with a RX_ID not set to FFFFh. The R_CTL is 85h. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Reason Code 03h (Logical Error) is the only Reason code sent by t he drive if the RX_ID sent with the ABTS is not FFFFh.
56 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2 Extended link services The type of extended link service is id entified by the LS Comman d Code in the first word of the p ayload. The R_CTL field of the frame header identifies whether the extended link service is a request or a reply to a request.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 57 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) D_ID (Destination Identifier) Frame destination a ddress. DF_CTL (Data Field Control) Set to 00 to indicate no optional Fibre Channel headers are used. F_CTL (Frame Control) Set to 290000h for extended link service requests.
58 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.1 Port Login (PLOGI) (02x) Port Login (P LOGI) is sent by the in itiator to a drive to establish the Fibre Channel operating parameters. The PLOGI causes any open exchanges (comma nds) the initia tor may have queued in the drive to be discarded.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 59 Comp any Identifier As signed by IEEE This Seagate-unique value is registered with th e IEEE. N_Port Identifier Used by the drive to identify th e name of a specific port or node. 000h Drive Node Name 100h Port A 200h Port B Network Address ID 2h Defines the name as the IEEE extended format.
60 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Buffer to Buffer Credit Not checked by the drive. The drive requ ires the Al ternate Credit Model and assu mes a Buffer to Buf fer Credit of zero. When the drive opens a device o n the loop, it waits until it receives a R_RDY or a Close.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 61 Common Featur es This is a bit significant field which requests options that are us ed in all classes of service by i nitiator login. Below is a l ist of the features and the driv e requ irements. The drive returns an LS_RJT to PL OGI requests that d o not satisfy the require- ments.
62 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Concurrent Sequences Must be greater than 0. The drive returns FFh in the PLOGI ACC.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 63 Initiator Control The transmit capabilities of the initiator in the PLOGI. The dr ive returns an LS_RJT to PLOGI requests that do not sati sfy the drive’s requirements. The Initiator Control bits in the PLO GI ACC indicate the capabilities of the drive.
64 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Service Options These bits are only checked for class 3 service parameters. The drive returns an LS_RJT to PLOGI re quests that do not satisfy the drive’s requirement. Categories pe r Sequence The drive does not check the Categories per Sequence bits in the PLOGI.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 65 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Class 1 and 2 Service Parame ters May be present in the PLOGI fram e. The drive returns on ly class 3 service parameters. Class p arameters for all other classes of service are set to all zeros.
66 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.2 Port Logout (PLOGO) (03x ) Port Logout (PLOGO) is sent by the t arget in response to any frame from an initiator that has not completed N_Port Login. PLOGO may also be sent by an init iator when it has no further need for a t arget.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 67 9.2.3 Fabric Logi n (FLOGI) (04) Fabric Login (F LOGI) is sent by the drive to the fabric to establish the Fibre Channel opera ting parameters in a public loop environment. When the drive sen ds FLOG I, any open exchanges (commands) queued in the dr ive are discarded.
68 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Buffer to Buffer Credit The drive sets the Alternate Cr edit Model and sets the Bu ffer to Buffer Credit to zero.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 69 Common Featur es This is a bit significant fie ld which indicates the options tha t are supported by the drive. Belo w is a list of the features. T he drive returns an LS_RJT to FLOGI ACC for requests that do not satisfy th e drive’s requirements.
70 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Service Options The following class 3 service parameters are sent by the drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 71 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Class 1 and 2 Service Parame ters May be present in the FLOGI ACC frame. The drive returns only class 3 service param eters. Class parameters for all other classes of service are set to all zeros.
72 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.4 Process Login (PRLI) Process Login (PRLI) is sent by the initiator to a target to establish the SC SI FCP operating features. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Command/Data Mixed Allowed 1 The in itiator sends data in the same sequen ce as the command.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 73 Data Overlay Allow Not supported by the drive. The Data Overlay Allowed bit is not checked. Data/Response Mix Allowed 1 Allows the drive to send the FCP RSP in the same seque nce as the data. The drive does not support the Data/ Response Mix.
74 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D The PRLI recipient returns a PRL I Accept or a LS_RJT to a PRLI request. The PRL I Accept may indicate su c- cess or failure of the process login req uest in the Respons e Code field . A LS_RJT is returned to a PRLI with a basic format error , e.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 75 Data Overlay Allow Not supported by the drive. The Data Overlay Allowed bit is not checked. Data /Response Allowed 1 Allows the drive to send the FCP RSP in the same seque nce as the data. The drive does not support the Data/ Response Mix.
76 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D T ype Co de 08h SCSI FCP process as included in the frame header for FCP frames. T ype Co de Extension 0 Not defined for SCSI FCP a nd must be set to zero (0). Wr XFR RDY Disable (W rite T ransfer Ready Disable) 1 FCP_XFR_RDY will no t be sent to request write data.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 77 9.2.5 Process Logout (PRLO) Process Logout (PRLO) is sent by the initiator to a t arget to remove an existing SCSI login. This frees t a rget resources for use by other initiators. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) LS Command Code (Link S e rvices Command Code) 21h PRLO Payload.
78 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Payload Length Length of PRLO payload (in bytes). The count includes th e LS Command Code. The drive supports one service parameter page per PRLO. The Payload Length must be 14h (20 decimal). Process Associa tors Not supported by the drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 79 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) LS Command Code (Link S e rvices Command Code) 02h PRLO Accept Payload. Page Length Length of the service parameter page in bytes. For a SCSI FCP service page, the length is 10h.
80 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Response Code The result of the PRLO request. Codes 1, 4, and 7 are supported by the drive. 0 Reserved. 1 Request executed. 2 Reserved. 3 Reserved. 4 The Image Pair does not exist. 5 Reserved. 6 Reserved 7 The destinatio n port is unable to p rocess a multiple page PRLO request.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 81 9.2.6 Third Party Proce ss Logout (TPRLO) Third Party Process Logout (TPRLO) is sent by the i n itia tor to a targ et to remove an existing SCSI login. This frees target resourc es for use by other init iators.
82 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Page Length The length must be in the range of 10h to 14h. Payload Length Length of TPRLO payload (in bytes). The count includes t he LS Command Code. The drive supports one service parame- ter page per TPRLO.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 83 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Global Process Logout 00h Only the process login for the port identified in the N_Port ID field and type co de is removed. 01h All process logins for the specified type code are removed.
84 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Process Associa tors Not supported by the drive. The process asso ciator fields are not check ed by the drive. Response Code The result of the TPRLO request. Codes 1, 4, and 7 are supported by the drive. 0 Reserved.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 85 9.2.7 Read Link Error S t atus Block (RLS) Read Link Err or S tatus Block (R LS) is sent by the initiator to re quest the drive to return the F ibre Channel lin k error information. The error information is contained in the Link Error S tatus Block (LESB) that is returned in the accept to the RLS.
86 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D The RLS Accept includes the L S Command Co de and the LESB. The LESB counts are not cle ared by a re set. There is no protocol for clear ing the count s. The reques ter must comp are the current values with those read previously .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 87 Invalid T ransmissi on Word Number of invalid transmission words recei ved while in word sync. Reference the specifi c drive product manual to deter- mine if this field is supported. Link Fail ure Count Number of times synchronization was lost for greater than R_T_TOV (Receiver T ransmitter Timeout V alue).
88 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.8 Reinstate Recove ry Qualifier (RRQ) The Reinstate Recovery Qualifier (RRQ) is sent by the initiator to the driv e to indicate the Recovery Qualifier (S_ID, D_ID, OX_ID, RX_ID, SEQ_ID, and SEQ_CNT) for an aborted exchang e may be reused.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 89 Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) LS Command Code (Link S e rvices Command Code) Not supported by the drive.
90 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.9 P ort Discov ery (PDISC) Port Discovery (PDISC) is sent by an initiator to a drive after loop initia lization to verify addres ses have not changed. The PDISC tr ansfers the same info rmation as the PLOGI except that the L S Command co de in the first word of the pa yload is 50000000h.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 91 9.2.10 Discover Address ( ADISC) Discover Addre ss (ADISC) is sent by an initiator to a drive af ter loop initialization to verify addresses have not changed or to verify the dr ive was able to obt ain the hard addr ess select through the in terface connector ( SEL Lines) during loop initialization.
92 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Node Name of Originato r This is the unique 8 byte identifier for the initiator sendi ng the ADISC. Refer to T able 23 for the format of the Node Name. N_Port ID of Originator This is the 24 bit NL_Port Identifier used in the S_ID of th e ADISC.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 93 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Hard Address of Respond er This is the 24 bit NL_Port Identifier . The lower 8 bits are th e AL_P A the drive attempts to ac qui re in the LIHA sequence dur- ing loop initialization.
94 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.1 1 Report Node Capabilities (RNC) Report Node Capabilities (RNC) is sent to a target node to request that the node report on it s capabilities. The node does this by retu rning a list of specification s and the supporte d revision level of the spec ification.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 95 If either bit 5 or bit 4 = 1 - The Document Identifie r is vendor unique. This feature is not supported. Bits 4 and 5 must = 0. High Revision - RNC Acce pt Payload only This field contains the highe st revision of the sp ecified docum ent that is sup ported.
96 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D 9.2.12 Link Service Reject (LS_RJT ) Link Service Reject (LS_RJT) is a re ply to an extende d link service request that has been r ejected. A reason code is included to communica te additional informa tion about the reject.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 97 9.3 FC common transport FC common transport (CT) provides a transpo rt for serv ice applicatio ns such as the fabric name server . The type of FC common transport service is identified by the command code in the third word of the payloa d.
98 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) D_ID (Destination Identifier) Frame destination a ddress. DF_CTL (Data Field Control) Set to 00 to indicate no optional Fibre Channel headers are used. F_CTL (Frame Control) Set to 290000h for CT service requests.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 99 9.3.1 Register FC-4 T ypes Name S ervice (RFT_I D) Register FC-4 T ypes Name Service (RFT_ID) is u sed to regi ster the drive’ s Port_Identifier and FC-4 type (SCSI-FCP) with the fabric name server . *Bytes 20-51 contain a bit map of supported FC-4 ty pes.
100 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Command Code: RFT_ID 0217h RFC-4 Explanatio n Code 00h Used only for reject responses. FC-CT Revision Revision level of the FC-CT . FC Service Sub T ype 02h Name Service.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 101 10.0 Enclosure services interface (ESI) ESI provides a path for the dr ive to input data from the enclosure and, optionally , tran sfer data to the enclosure.
102 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D In case 2, the drive continu es the discovery process. The drive wait s up to 1 second for the enclosure to assert the –ENCL_ACK (SEL_4)) low . The time is allowed for the enclosur e processor to complete pr ocessing other possible ESI request s through other devices.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 103 10.2.1 8045 ESI pinouts The table below is a mapping of the Select pins to the SFF 8045 ESI function. The s ense of the ESI information is complemented and the addr ess function of the select pi ns is true. The drive returns the true st ate of the ESI in the diagnostic page.
104 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 10.3 8067 mode T ransfers on an 8067 interf ace are started by the driv e pulling the –P_ESI pin lo w to enter the Discovery phase. For each transfer , there are three phases: 1. Disco very 2. ESI command 3.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 105 10.3.2 8067 ESI interface pinout s In 8067, the ESI function beco mes a bi-directional inte rf ace. Three pins are defined for control functions and the remaining fo ur pins become a 4- bit nibble interf ace.
106 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 10.4 ESI command transfer Figure 15. ESI command transfers 10.4.1 ESI read transfer T o receive data from the enclosure, the drive pulls –DSK_RD pin low to reque st information from the enclo- sure.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 107 DSK_WR going high by allowing –ENCL_ACK to return to high. This sequence m ay be repeat ed for as m any bytes, two nibble each, sent by the host. The d rive exits the ESI mode by allowing –P_ESI low to return to a high.
108 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D [1] Enclosure Se rvices Processor ne gates ST A RT_1 and ST ART_ 2 to indicate that it is req uesting communi- cation with the drive. [2] The drive as serts –P ARALLEL ESI to indicate it is rea dy to begin com munication with the Enclosure Ser- vices Processor .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 109 [1] Enclosur e Services Proc essor negates ST ART_1 and ST ART_2 to indicate th at it is requesting communi- cation with the drive. [2] The drive as serts –P ARALLEL ESI to indicate it is rea dy to begin com munication with the Enclosure Ser- vices Processor .
110 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Figure 20. EIE Operatio n Phases If any errors or timeouts are detected d uring the EIE oper ation, the drive ab orts the op eration and continues normal operation.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 111 Note: The Initiate Loop Initialization Action Cod e (03h) does not include a transfer of information to th e enclo- sure. The Action S pecific bits in the Enclosure Request define the operatio n to be performed.
112 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code The Action Code requested by the enclo sure. Data The first n - 4 bytes of ESI data. ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). Page Length The length of the ESI page (n - 3 bytes).
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 113 Device St andard Inquiry Data p age Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 00h Device S tandard Inquiry Data ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). Inquiry Data The first 36 bytes of S tandard Inquiry data.
114 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Device Address page Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 01h Device Address ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). Node Name The 64-bit Fibre Channel unique Nam e_Identifier assigne d to the drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 115 Port_Identi fier The FC 24-bit address assigned to th e port. The lower byte is the current FC-AL AL_P A for this port. If the port does not have a Port_Identifier , a va lue of FF FF FFh is returned in the Port_Identifier fi eld.
116 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Loop Position Map p age Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 02h Device Address ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). Loop Map Port x This field contains the valid AL _P A entri es from the payload of the FC-AL LILP frame.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 117 Device Identification page Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 04h Device Identifi cation. Device ID Dat a This field contains the same data as t he SCSI Vital Product Data Device Identif ication page (83h).
118 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D De vice T emperature page Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 05h Device T emperature ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). T emper ature The value of the drive temperature sensor in degrees Celsius, offset by +20 degrees.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 119 Port Parameters page Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 06h Port Parameters. Drive Cap abilities This is a bi t-significant field that indicates which device control codes defined by SFF 80 45 are supported by the drive.
120 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Link St atus p age All fields are supported unless specifically list ed as no t supported under Field Defin itions below . When the drive changes a va lue in th is page, the drive se ts the LSP CHG bit in the Port Parameter p age.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 121 Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Action Code 07h Link S tatus. ESI Page 00h Identifies the ESI page code used (00h). Invalid CRC Count The count of the number of writ e data frames that have been received with invali d CRCs on the p ort.
122 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Link Fail ure Count Count of the number of Loss of Sync c onditions that have occurred on the port whi ch exceeded 100 ms in duration. LIP F7 Initiate d Count Count of the number of loop initialization processes orig in ated by the port wi th LI P – F7’s (Initialize LIP).
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 123 Spin-Down Contro l Action Specific Bits Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Read St atus 0 Device updates the state of the Enable S pin-Down and Enable S pinDn Ctrl as directed by the corresponding bits in the request.
124 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Page Length 06h The maximum length of the ESI page (in bytes). ESI data validation ESI Data V alidation (EDV) provides a me chanism to verify correct data is transferred over the ESI. Th is func- tion is optional with support discovered by n egotiati on.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 125 1 1.0 SCSI operations SCSI information is transported in Fibre Channel fram es. All SCSI Fibre Channe l Protocol (SCSI-FCP) opera- tions sta rt with an FCP CMND (Command) frame and end with an FCP RSP (Response) fra me.
126 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 1.2 FCP CMND The content of the FCP CMND frame is shown be low . De tails of the FCP CMND contents are in T ables 74 and 75.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 127 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) DF_CTL (Data Field Control) 00h No optional Fibre Channel headers ar e used. D_ID (Destination Identifier) The address of the drive. This value must match the current address of the drive .
128 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Abort T ask Set Clears only the q ueue of commands from the i nitiator originating the Abor t T ask Set. CDB (Command Descriptor Block) Always 16 bytes long. The actual contents depends on the command type.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 129 If the DL value equals the actual transfer length in the CDB, the Residu al Over Run and Residual Under Run bits in the FCP RSP will be cleared. Logical Unit Number (LUN) Addresses physical devices or virtual devices attached to a ta rget.
130 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 1.2.1 Command Descriptor Block (CDB) A request by an initia tor to a disc drive is performed by sending a Com mand Descriptor Block (CDB) to the disc drive. For sever al commands, the request is accompanied by a list of parameters sent in FC P DA T A frames.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 131 Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) Control Byte See Section 1 1 .2.1.6. Logical Block Address See Section 1 1 .2.1.2. Operation co de See Section 1 1 .2.1.3. T ransfer L ength See Section 1 1 .2.1.5.
132 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Logical Block Address See Section 1 1.2 .1.2. Operation Co de See Section 12.0. RelAdr (Relative Add ress) See Section 1 1.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 133 The T ransfer Length field of the comm ands use d to return sense data ( e.g., Request Sense, Inquiry , Mode Sense, etc.) to an initia tor is called the Allocation Leng th field. The Allocation Le ngth field specifies the number of bytes that the initiator has allocated fo r returned dat a.
134 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 1.3 FCP XFER RDY The FCP XFER RDY (T ransfer Ready) frame is sent by th e drive when it request s data for a tr ansfer to the drive. Examples of commands resulting in d ata transfer s to the drive are W rite, Mode Select, and Write Buf fer .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 135 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) DF_CTL (Data Field Control) 00h No optional Fibre Channel headers ar e used. D_ID (Destination Identifier) The address of the initiator that originated th e command for which the data is being requested.
136 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Burst Length The amount of data (in bytes) requested by the drive for tr ansfer in this Fibre Channel sequence.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 137 11 . 4 F C P D AT A The payload of FCP DA T A frames transfer the user data associated with a command. FCP D A T A format Note: EOFt is used on the last frame of a sequence. Single frame sequences end with an EOFt.
138 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (liste d alphabetically) DF_CTL (Data Field Control) 00h Indicates no optional Fibre Channel headers are used.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 139 SEQ_ID (Sequence Identifier) For transfers to the drive, t he d rive captures the SEQ_ID from the first fr ame of the seque nce and requires all subsequent frames of the sequence to have the same SEQ_ID.
140 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 11 . 5 F C P R S P An FCP Response (RSP) frame is r eturned by the drive for each FCP CMND operation un less the drive receives: 1. A Clear T a sk Set 2. An Abort T ask Set 3. A T arget Reset 4. A Loop Initialization Prim itive Sequence (LIP) Reset 5.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 141 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) DF_CTL (Data Field Control) 00h Indicates no optional Fibre Channel headers are used. D_ID (Destination Identifier) The address of the initiator that originated the comma nd.
142 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Length of Response Information 1 The Length of Response Informa tion contains the byte leng th of the FCP response information in the frame. V al id lengths for th e response info rmation are 0, 4, and 8.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 143 Resid Under Run ( Residual Under Run ) 1 The number of bytes transferred was less than the DL of the FCP CMND by the byte count in the Residual Count field, bytes 12–15. Response Information Format is shown in T able 86.
144 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 28h T ask Set (queue) Full. Th is status is implemented if tagged queuing is im plemented. This status is returned when a command is received and the command can not be accepted because the command que ue is full.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 145 1 1.5.1 Extended Sense Dat a format The drive is capable of se nding 18 bytes of extended se nse data. The Extended Sense Data format is summ a- rized in T able 87. The 1s and 0s shown in the t ables be low represent the log ical 1s and 0s as sent by the disc drive.
146 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Additional Sense Length 10 (Max) S pecifies additional sense bytes are to follow . This is limited to a maximum of 10 (decimal) additional bytes.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 147 1 Sense Key Spec ific V alid (SKSV) an d Sens e Key Specific Refer to the appropriate t ables in this section for sense key specific values. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) BPV (Bit Pointer V alid) and Bit Pointer 0 The value in the bit pointer field is not valid.
148 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 90: Actual Retry Count byte s Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Actual Retry Count Returns implementation-specific information on the actual num be r of retries used in attempting to re cover an error or exception condition.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 149 T a ble 92 lists the sense keys in the extended sen s e data form at that are used by the disc drive. T able 92: Applicable disc drive sense keys Sense Key Description 0h No Sense: There is no sp ecific sense ke y information to be repor ted for the disc drive .
150 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 93 lists the extended sense, additional sense, and additional sense qualifier codes. T able 93: Error codes for bytes 12 and 13 of sense dat a (values.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 151 19 00 Defect list error 1A 00 Parameter list length error 1C 00 Defect list not f ound 1D 00 Miscompare dur ing verify operation 20 00 Inv alid command opera.
152 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 35 00 Enclosure servi ces f a ilure 35 01 Unsuppor ted enclosure function 35 02 Enclosure servi ces unav ailable 35 03 Enclosure servi ces transf er failure .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 153 1 Current and deferred errors Error code 70h (cu rrent error) indicates that th e C heck Condition or Comm and T erminated status retu rned is the result of an error or exception condition on the command that returned the Ch eck Condition or Command T erminated.
154 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D posted unles s required by the error handlin g parame ters of the Mode Select command. The occurrence of the error may be logged if statistical or error logg ing is supported.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 155 12.0 Commands This section cont ains information about the commands u sed by Seagate Fibre Channe l disc drives. This sec- tion is organized to provide rapid acce ss to command information. Navigat ion assistance All commands are: • Listed alphabetically b y command name.
156 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 94: Commands sorted by command name Command name Op code Command ty pe Length Refer ence All devices Direct access devices 6 byt es 10 byt es 12 byt es 16 byt es 32 byt es Vari abl e Change Definition (obso lete) 40h x 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 157 Star t/Stop Unit 1Bh x x 12.50 (see page 3 13) Synchronize Cache (10) 35h x x 12.51 (see page 314) Synchronize Cache (16) 91h x x 12.52 (see page 315) T est Unit Ready 00h x x 12.53 (see page 316) V erify (10) 2Fh x x 12.
158 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 95: Commands sorted by operat ion code Op code Command name Command ty pe Length Reference All devices Direct access devices 6 byt es 10 byt e s 12 byt es 16 byt es 32 byt es Varia ble 00h T est Unit Ready x x 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 159 5Ah Mode Sense (10) x x 12.14 (see page 246) 5Eh P ersistent Re serve In x x 12.16 (see page 249) 5Fh P ersistent Re ser ve Out x x 12.17 (see page 254) 7Fh XDRead (32) x x 0003h 12.69 (see page 343) 7Fh XD Write (32) x x 0004h 12.
160 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.1 Change Definition command Obsolete. If this command is received , the disc drive sends a Check Condition st atus and a sense key of Illegal Request. 12.2 Comp are command Obsolete. A Check Condition st atus is se nt if a Compare command is received.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 161 12.5 Format Unit command The Format Unit command ensur es that the medium is formatted so all of the user -addressable dat a blocks can be accessed. There is no gua rantee that the medium has or has not been altered.
162 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Interleave This field requests t hat logical blocks be related in a sp ecific fashion to the physical blocks to facilitate data transfer spe ed matching. 0 The targe t uses it s default interleave . 1 Consecutive logi cal blocks will be placed in consecuti ve physical order .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 163 [1] Byte 1 of the Def ect List header determ ines whether the P and C defects are reallocated. See T able 98. [2] See individual drive’ s Product Manual, V olume 1, for support/non-support. The defect list shown in T able 98 conta ins a four-byte he ader followed by one or more defect descriptors.
164 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.5.1 Format Unit p a rameter list Defect List header Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) DCRT (Disable Certification) 1 The disc drive does not perform a verify function during fo rma tting (thus no C list for this format is created or reallo- cated).
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 165 Immed (Immediate) 0 S tatus will be returned after the first operation h as completed. 1 The target will return status as soon as the command descriptor bl ock has been validated, and the entire defect li st has been transferre d.
166 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Initialization Pattern L ength The number of bytes contained in the initialization pattern. If the length exceeds th e current logical block size, this is an error . The initialization pattern is sent by the host for t he drive to write in each logical b lock by the Format command.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 167 A value for Defect Bytes from Index of FFFFFFFFh (i.e., reassign the entire track) is ille gal for the disc drive.
168 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.6 Inquiry command The Inquiry command requests that information regarding p ara meters of the disc drive b e sent to the initiator . The Enable Vit al Product Data (EVPD ) option allows the initiator to request additional in formation about the disc drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 169 Additional Inquiry command information The Inquiry command retu rns Check Condition st atus only when the disc drive cannot retur n the requested Inquiry data. If an Inquiry command is received from an initiator with a pending unit atte ntion condition (i.
170 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Disc drive inquiry dat a The disc drive st andard inquiry data cont ains 36 require d bytes, followed b y a number of bytes of disc drive specific data that is drive depende nt. See individual dr ive’ s Product Manual, V olume 2.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 171 ANSI-Approved V ersion 2h In dicates this device complies with ANSI lX3.131-199x (SCS I-2) and the SCSI-3 features as described in this man- ual. BQue (Basic Queuing) The following BQue va lues are valid only when the CMD QUE bit = 0.
172 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D RelAdr (Relative Add ressing) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual. Reserv ed Byte 56 through byte 95 are filled with 00h. Response Data Format 0 The Inquiry data format is as specified in the ANSI SCSI-1 standard.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 173 12.6.1 Vit al product dat a p a ges The initiator requests t he vit al product data informati on by setting the EVPD bit to one and specifyi ng the page code of the desired vit al product data. If the disc drive d oes not implement the requested page it returns Check Condition status.
174 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code Page 80h provides the product serial numb er for the di sc drive. See bytes 4–8 (Product Serial Number field). Page Length The length (in byte s) of the Unit Serial Nu mber page.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 175 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Current Operating Definition Returns the value of the present operating definition. The default operating def inition field returns the value of the opera tin g definition the disc drive uses when power is applied if no operatin g definition is saved.
176 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Identification Descriptor Contains type informati on and a unique d rive identificati on value. Association 00h The Identifier field is associated with the addressed device.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 177 Page Length The length (in bytes) of the Devi ce Identification page. If the a llocati on length is to o small to transfer all th e page, the pa ge length is not adjusted to reflect the truncation.
178 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D of constructing the remainder of the Id entifier field is to concatenate the Product Id entification field from the standard Inquiry Data field and the product serial number field from the Unit Serial Number page.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 179 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Firmware Release Number Contain ASCII data. The least significant ASCII character of the drive firmware number appears a s the last byte of a suc- cessful data transfer .
180 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Compile Date The field contains 8 ASCII bytes of dat a for a date of the form MMDDYYYY . Page Code C1h Provides the date code from the disc drive defect list. Page Length 0Ch The length (i n bytes) of the product da te code.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 181 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code C2h Provides the status of the option selections at the disc drive connector .
182 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 1 16: AL_P A Select-ID mappin g AL_P A (hex) Sel. ID (hex) AL_P A (hex) Sel. ID (hex) AL_P A (hex) Sel.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 183 12.6.8 Device Behavior page (C3h) The Device Behavior p age (VPD page C3h) is used by regression test s to determine what behavior should be expected fr om a particular fi rmware package.
184 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.7 Lock-Unlock Cache (10) command The Lock-Unlock Cache (10) command requ ests that the device server disallow or allow logical blocks within the specified range to be r emoved from the cache me mory by the device server 's cache rep lacement algo- rithm.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 185 12.8 Lock-Unlock Cache (16) command The Lock-Unlock Cache (16) command requests that the device server disallow or allow logical blocks within the specified range to be r emoved from the cache me mory by the device server 's cache replacement algo- rithm.
186 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Operation Co de 92h The operation code for the Lock-Unlock Ca che (16) command. RelAdr (Relative Add ressing) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 187 12.9 Log Select command The Log Select command provides a means for an initia tor to manage statistical information about the drive operation. This information is logged within the drive an d can be sent to the initia tor in response to a Log Sense command from the initiator .
188 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D The drive only upd ates the cumulative values to refle ct the num ber of e vents experienced by th e drive, but the initiator can set the threshold or cumulative log (00 or 01) parameter va lues using the Log Select command with the PC field set as applicable.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 189 T able 121 summarizes the Log Select Command fie ld settings used when updatin g the cumulative/threshold value setti ngs and the resulting action that will o ccur based on these field settings. The Log Select and Log Sense comman ds use the same log page format.
190 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.10 Log Sense co mmand The Log Sense command provides a me ans for an initiator to retr ieve statistical informat ion maint ained by the drive about the drive operatio n. It is a complementar y command to the Log Select comma nd.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 191 The parameter values returned are from one of the following: • The specified parameter values in the log counters as of the last up date (updated by Log Select command, Log Sense command or done automatically by t he drive for cumulative values).
192 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Log Parameter Each Log Parameter structure begins with a four-byte paramete r header followed by one or more bytes of parameter value data. Log Parameter structures are in the format given in T able 124.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 193 Since the drive uses volatile memory to hold cumulative values, they will be lost when a power cycle occurs. Unless the ini- tiator commands the drive to save them to nonvolatile memory using a Lo g Select or Log Sense command with the SP bit set to one.
194 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D TMC (Threshold Me t Criteria) This field defines the basis for comparison of the cumulative and threshold values. See T able 125 for meanings of values in this field. The TMC field is only valid when the ETC bit is one .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 195 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code 00h Supported log pages page code. Page Length The length (in bytes) of the Supported L og Page s page. If the allocation length is to o small to transfer all of the page, the page length is not adjusted to reflec t the truncation.
196 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.10.1 E rror Counter p ages, Write, Read, Read Reverse, and V erify (code 02, 03, 04, and 05 h) T able 128 defines the p arameter code field for the write, read, read reverse, and verify error coun ter pages.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 197 12.10.2 Non-Medium Error p age (code 06h) Log pag e code 06h specifies non-medium error s. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code 06h Non-Medium Error page code.
198 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.10.3 T emperature pag e (code 0Dh) Log pag e code 0Dh provides the temperature of the driv e and Fibre Chann el link error and initialization coun ts. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code 06h T emperature page.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 199 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Parameter Code 80FFh Command Initiate Port Code. This field identifies the port on the drive th at receives the Log Sense command and requested transfer of this page.
200 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 8109h 4 bytes LIP F8 Received C ount, Port A. Count of th e number of LIP F8s (Failure LIP) which the drive has received on Port A. 81 10h 4 bytes Lin k Failure Count, Port B. Count of the number of Loss of Sync cond itions that have occurred on Port B which exceeded 100 msecs in duration.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 201 12.10.4 Device Self-T est Result s Log page (code 10h) This page provides the re sults from the 20 most recen t device self-tests.
202 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Self-T est Results Log Parameter fi elds See T able 135 below . Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Additional Sense Co de This field may contain a .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 203 Parameter Control Bits DU 0 V alue pr ovided by device server DS 0 Device server suppo rts saving of p arameter TSD 0 Device server manages saving of paramet.
204 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.10.5 Cache St atistics p age (code 37h) Log Page code 37h specifies Cache S tatistics page. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Parameter Code 00h The number of logical blocks that have been sent to an initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 205 12.10.6 Factory Log p age (code 3Eh) Log Page code 3Eh specifies factory st atus parameters. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Parameter Code 0000h Power-on Time. The number of drive power-on minutes.
206 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.1 1 Mode Select (6) com mand The Mode Select comman d provides a means for the init iator to specify medium, l ogical unit, or periph eral device pa rameters to the di sc drive. The drive also implement s the Mode Sense command (see 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 207 The ta rget terminates all th e Mode Se lect comma nds with Check Condition stat us, sets the sense key to Illegal Request and set s the additional sense co .
208 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Block Descriptor Length The length (in bytes) of the Block Descriptor . It is equal to the number of bytes in the Block Descriptor (either 0 or 8) and does not include the page headers and mode parameters.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 209 Mode Select Page Headers And Their Parameters See Mode Sense command (see Section 12.13 ) for detailed descriptions. Number of Blo cks This field contains the number o f accessible logical blocks o n the logical unit.
210 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.12 Mode Select (10) command The Mode Select (1 0) command provides a means for th e initiator to sen d a list of drive operating mode parameters to the drive. See the Mode Select ( 6) command (Section 12 .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 211 12.13 Mode Sense (6) command The Mode Sense command provides a m eans for the disc dr ive to report i ts med ium, logical unit, or peripheral device param eters to the initiator . It is a command complemen tary to the Mo de Select command.
212 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 0 Return Default values. The Defa ult values are the values to which th e disc drive sets the Current values after a reset condition unless valid Saved values are avail able. 1 1 Return Saved values. The saved values are the values the disc drive store s in nonvolatile memory .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 213 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Block Descriptor Length The length (in bytes) of the Bl ock Descripto r . It is equal to th e number of bytes in the Bl ock Descriptor (8) and do es not include the page headers and mode parameters, if any .
214 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Mode Sense Page Heade rs and Their Parameters See T able 144. Number of Blo cks The number of logical blocks of the medium that meets the Block Length in the Block Descriptor . 0 All of the remaining logical blocks of the logical unit have the medium characteristi cs specified by the Block Descrip- tor .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 215 Page Length The length of the mode parameters that follow (in bytes). If the in itiator does not set this valu e to the value that is returne d for the page by the Mode Sense command, the drive terminates the command with Check Condition status.
216 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.13.1 Unit Attention p age (00h) The Unit Attention page is the last page reported by th e drive. See your individual drive’ s Product Manual, V ol- ume 1, Mode Sense Data section, for a table showing co des that indicate which of these bit s are changeable by the host using the Mo de Select comm and.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 217 PS (Parameter Savable) This bit is only used with the Mode Sense command. Th is bit is not used with the Mode Select command. 1 The drive is capable of saving the page in a nonvolatile vendor-specifi c location.
218 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.13.2 Error Recove ry page (01h) The disc drive Error Recovery p age implement ation is def ined in T able 14 7. This table summarize s the function and default for ea ch byte/bit. See individua l drive’s Product Manual, V olume 1, sectio n showing change able values.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 219 Correction Sp an The size of the largest read data error (in bits) which ECC correction can correct. If errors longer than or equ al to 255 (FFh) bits can be corrected, 255 (FFh) shall be reported in this field.
220 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Read Retry Count The maximum number of times the di sc drive attempts its read recovery algorithms. A Retry Count of zero in hibits non-ECC retries from being performed. Recovery Time Limit The maximum number of milliseconds that is all owed for recove ry time.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 221 12.13.3 Disconnect/Reconnect Control p age (02h) The Disconnect/Reconnect Contro l page implementation is de fined in T able 148. This table summarize s the function and defines the default values. See individua l drive’s Product Manual, V olu me 1, section showing changea ble values.
222 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D The buffer full ratio is taken to be a percentage of the smaller of: the buffer size or the remaining transfer length.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 223 12.13.4 Format Parameters page (03h) The Format Paramete rs page implem entati on is defined in T able 149. This table summarizes the function and defines the default values for each bit. See the individu al dr ive’s Product Manual, V olume 1, Mode Sense Dat a section for changeable values.
224 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Alternate Sectors Per Zone The number of spare sectors to be reserved for the defined defect management zone. 0 No sectors ar e to be reserved in each zone for defect m anagement.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 225 Sectors Per T rack The average number of p hysical sectors the disc drive has per disc track. This value depends on the selected sector size and ZBR zones.
226 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.13.5 Rigid Disc Drive Geom etry Parameters p age (04h) The Rigid Disc Drive Geometry Paramete rs page implemen tation is define d in T able 150. This table summa- rizes the fu nction and de fines the de fault value.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 227 Landing Zon e Cylinder Not applicable. Medium Rotation Rate On Mode Sense comma nds, these bytes return drive nominal rotation rate in revolutions per minute for synchronous spin- dle operation. The bytes have no meaning for Mode Select.
228 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.13.6 V erify Error Recov ery p a ge (07h) The V erify Er ror Recover y page specifies th e error reco very parameters th e target uses dur ing the V erify com- mand and the verify operation of the Write and V erify command.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 229 EER (Enable Early Recovery) 1 The disc drive applies on -the-fly T>1 ECC cor rection as soon as possible, before attempting othe r retry mecha- nisms, and without reporting successful corrections to the host as recovered error .
230 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.13.7 Caching Parameters p age (08h) for Mode Sense/Mode Select The Caching P arameters page def ines the para meters that affect the use of the cache.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 231 Demand Read Re tention Priority The cache replacement algorithm does no t distinguish between re tention in the cach e of host-requested data and prefetch data.
232 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D If the Non-Cache Segment Size field = 0 or the Non-Cache Segment Size field value + Ca che Segment Size field > buffer size, then the vendor determines th e cache function. Number of Cache Segments The number of segments into which the ho st requests the drive divide the cache.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 233 12.13.8 Mode Sense/Mode Select Con trol Mode p age (0Ah) The Control Mode page pr ovides controls over several SCSI -2 features which are appli c able to all device types such as tagged queuing , extended contingent allegian ce, asynchr onous event notification, and er ror logging.
234 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D the test. Device servers supporting Self-T est Code field values other than 000b for th e Send Diagnosti c command (see Section 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 235 12.13.9 Notch p a ge (0Ch) The Notch page contains parame ters for direct ac cess devices that imp lement a variab le number of blo cks per cylinder and support this p age. Each section of the dr ive with a diff erent number of blocks per cylinder is referred to as a no tch.
236 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D LPN (Logical or Physical Notch) 0 The notch boundaries are based on the physical parameters of the drive. Th e cylinder is considered most signifi- cant, the head least significant. 1 The notch boundarie s are based on logical blocks on the drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 237 12.13.10 XOR Control Mode p age (10h) The XOR Control Mo de page pr ovides the initiator with t he means to obt ain or modify certain XOR t arget oper- ating para meters.
238 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D PS (Parameter Savable) This bit is only used with the Mode Sense command. Th is bit is not used with the Mode Select command. 1 The drive is capable of saving the page in a nonvolatile vendor-specifi c location.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 239 12.13.1 1 Fibre Channel Interface Control p age (19h) The Fibre Channel Inter face Control page co ntrols options relevant to Fibre Channel protocol.
240 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D DLM (Disable Loop Master) 1 Indicates that a target attached to an FC-AL-2 loop shall not participate in loop ma ster arbitration and shall not become loop master . The target shall onl y rep eat LISM frames it receives.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 241 12.13.12 Power Condition p age (1Ah) The Power Condition page provides the initiator the me ans to control the length of ti me a logical unit will delay before changing its power r equirement s. There is no notification to the initiator that a logical u nit has entered into one of the power conditions.
242 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D St andby Condition Timer The inactivity time (in 100 millisecond increments) that t he logical unit shall wai t befor e entering the S tandby condition.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 243 12.13.13 Informational Except ions Contro l page (1Ch) The Informational Exceptions Contro l page (see T able 15 8) defines th e methods use d by the target to control the reporting and the operations of specific informational exception conditions.
244 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D MRIE (Method of Re porting Informational Exceptions) Indicates the methods that are us ed by the target to report in formational exception conditions (see T able 159). The priority of reporting multiple information exceptions is vendor specific.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 245 Perf (Performance) 0 Informa tional exception operations that are the ca use of delays are acceptable. 1 The target does not cause delays wh ile doing informational exception operations.
246 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.14 Mode Sense (10) command The Mode Sense ( 10) command provide s a means for th e drive to repo rt drive operating mode parameter s to the initiator . It is a co mplementar y command to the Mode Select (10) comma nd.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 247 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Block Descriptor Data See T able 143. Block Descriptor Length The length (in bytes) of the block de scriptor . It is equal to the numb er of bytes in the Block Descriptor (8) and does not include the page headers and mode parameters, if any .
248 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.15 Move Medium command Not implemented. If the drive recei ves this command, a Check Condit ion status is sent.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 249 12.16 Persistent Reserve In command Use the Persistent Reserve In comm and to obt ain information about persis tent reservation s and reservation keys that are active within a device server . Use this command in conjunction with the Persistent Reserve Out command (see Section 12.
250 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.16.1 Persistent Reserve In p arameter dat a for read keys The format for the par ameter dat a provided in response to a Persistent Reserve In command with the Read Keys service action is shown in T able 163.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 251 12.16.2 Persistent Reserve In p arameter dat a for read reservatio n The format for the par ameter dat a provided in response to a Persistent Reserve In command wi th the Read Reservation service action is shown in T able 164.
252 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Reserv ation Key The reservation key is the registered rese rvation key under whic h the rese rvation is held. If initiators use unique keys, the application should be able to associate the rese rvation key with the initiator th at holds the reservation.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 253 Ty p e This field determi nes the characteristics of the persis tent reservation being est ablished for all data blocks within the extent or logical unit. The requ ired device server support descriptions below are divided into two paragraphs.
254 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.17 Persistent Reserve Out command The Persistent Reserve Out com mand is used to request service actions that r eserve a logical u nit or element for the exclusive or sh ared use of a p a rticular initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 255 Service Action When processing Pe rsistent Reserve Out service a ctions, the de vice server increments the gener atio n value as specified in Section 12.16.1 (see page 250). 00h Registe r . Register a reservation key with the devi ce server .
256 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.17.1 Persistent Reserve Ou t p arameter list The parame ter list for the Pers istent Reserve Out command is defined in T able 16 7. All fields are sent on all Persistent Reserve Out commands, even if the field is not required fo r the specif ied service ac tion and scope values.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 257 Reserv ation Key This field contains an 8 -byte value provi ded by the application client to the device se rver to identify the initiator that is t he source of the Persistent Reserve Out comm and.
258 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.18 Prefetch (10) command The Prefetch (10) command request s that the drive read an d transfer the specified l ogical blocks to the drive's cache memory . No data shall be transfer red to the initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 259 12.19 Prefetch (16) command The Prefetch (16) command request s that the drive read an d transfer the specified logical blocks to the dr ive's cache memory . No data shall be transfer red to the initiator .
260 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T ransfer L ength The T ransfer Length field specifies the num ber of contiguous logical blocks of da ta that shall be transfe rred to the drive's cache memory .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 261 12.20 Prevent/Allow Medium Removal command Not implemented. If the dr ive receives this comman d, the drive terminates with Check Condition st atus and sets an Illegal Re quest sense key .
262 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.21 Read (6) command The Read (6) command re quests the disc dr ive to transfer data to the initia tor . Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Control Bytes in Section 1 Logical Block Address The logical block at which the read operation will be gin.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 263 The disc drive contains a lar ge buf fer and implement s an optional prefetch and segmented cache function whereby the requeste d Read data is read into the buffe r , plus an additional amount, dep ending on the cache control parame ters.
264 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.22 Read (10) command The Read (10) comman d requests that the target transfer dat a to the initiator . This command is implemented with the drive-specific p arameters shown in T able 172. This command operates the same as the Rea d (6) comma nd (see Section 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 265 RelAdr (Relative A ddress) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual. T ransfer L ength The number of contiguous logical blo cks of data transferred. A T r ansfer Length of zero (0) in dicates that no logical blocks are transferred.
266 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.23 Read (12) command The Read (12) command request s that the target transfer dat a to the initiator . T able 173: Read (12) command (A8h) Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Control Bytes in Section 1 1.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 267 RelAdr (Relative A ddress) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual. T ransfer L ength The number of contiguous logical blo cks of data transferred. A T r ansfer Length of zero (0) in dicates that no logical blocks are transferred.
268 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.24 Read (16) command (8 8h) The Read (16) command request s that the target transfer dat a to the initiator . T able 174: Read (16) command (88h) Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Control Bytes in Section 1 1.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 269 0 The target satisfies the command by accessing the cache memory . For read op erations, any logical blocks that are contained in the cache memory are transferred to the initiator directly from the cache memory .
270 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.25 Read Buffer command The Read Buf fer command is used in conj unction with the W rite Buf fer command as a diagnostic function for testing disc drive memory and the in tegrity of the FC-AL. This comman d will not alter t he medium.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 271 12.25.1 Read Combined Desc riptor Header and Dat a mode (000b) In this mode, a four-byte Read Buf fer header followed by the dat a bytes are retu rned to the initiator in a dat a transfer . The Buffer ID and Buf fer Offset fields are not used by drives suppo rted by this manual, and must be zero.
272 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D nates the Data In phase when allocati on length bytes of hea der plus da ta have been transferred or when all available header and buffer data have been transferred to the initiator , whichever is less.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 273 12.26 Read Cap acity (10) command The Read Cap acity (10) command prov ides a means for th e initiator to request the capacity of the disc drive information. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Control Bytes in Section 1 1.
274 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D In response to the Read Cap acity (10) command, the dr ive retur ns eight bytes of Read Cap acity data to the host.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 275 12.27 Read Cap acity (16) command The Read Capa city (16) command provide s a means for the application client to request infor mation regardin g the capacity of the block device. T his command is implemen ted as a service action of the Service Action In operation code.
276 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 The information returned is the Log ical Block Address and Block Length (in bytes) of the last Logical Block Address after which a substantial delay (defined as approximately one mill isecond for the typical disc drive) in data transfer is encountered.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 277 12.28 Read Defect Dat a (10) command The Read Defect Dat a command requests that the tar get transfer the med ium defect da ta to the initiator . If the drive is unable to access any medium defect data, it terminates the command with Check Condition status.
278 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Defect List Fo rmat Bits 2, 1, 0 in the CDB should be 1 0 0, respe ctively , to signify a defect list in the Bytes fr om Index format, or 1 0 1, respe c- tively , to signify a defect list in the Phys ical Sector format.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 279 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) CDB (Command Descriptor Block) The disc drive interprets the P and G bits (bits 4 and 3 of byte 2 of the CDB) as follows: Bit P Bit G Interpretation 0 0 Return Defect List header only .
280 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.29 Read Defect Dat a (12) command The Read Defect Dat a (12) command request s that the target transfer the medium defect data to the initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 281 1 0 Return the manufacturer ’s original ETF list only . This list reflects the manufacturer ’s original ETF list.
282 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) CDB (Command Descriptor Block) The disc drive interprets the P and G bits (bits 4 and 3 of byte 2 of the CDB) as follows: Bit P Bit G Interpretation 0 0 Return Defect List header only .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 283 12.30 Read Element S ta tus command Not implemented. If the drive receives this command, a Check Condit ion status is sent.
284 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.31 Read Long command The Read Long command requests th at the targe t transfer dat a to the initiator . The data pa ssed during the Read Long command shall inclu de the data byte s and the ECC bytes recorded on th e medium.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 285 12.32 Reassign Blocks comm and The Reassign Blocks comma nd requests the ta rget to re assign th e defective logical blocks to an area on the logical unit reserved for th is purpose.
286 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Reassign Blo cks defect list The Reass ign Blocks defect list con t ains a fo ur-byte heade r followed by one or more defe ct descriptors.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 287 12.33 Receive Diagnostic Result s command The Receive Diagnostic Resu lts command request s analysis data af ter completion of a Send Diagnostic com- mand or SCSI-3 Enclos ure Services (SES) pages be se nt to the initiator .
288 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Page Code The Page Code number of th e Diagnostic page to be received. See T a ble 190 for page code numbers and descriptions.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 289 Enclosure Serv ices Information (ESI) The drives supported by the manu al do not process the cont ents of the SCSI Enclosure Se rvice (SES) pages. The drive attempts to tr ansfer the page content s to or from the enclosu re using the Enclosure Services Interface (ESI) as directed by the command.
290 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T ranslate Ad dress page The T ranslate Address page allows th e initiator to translate a logical block address into a physical sector address or a physical sector address to a logical block add ress.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 291 T ranslated Format The value from th e Send Diagnostic command transl ate format field (see T able 209). The values are 00 0 (Logical block for- mat) or 101 (Physical sector address format). Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Logical Block Address The 32-bit address of the logical block.
292 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Additional Length This 2-bytes value indicates the number of additional bytes in cluded in the diagnostic data list. For example , if no product- unique byte (byte 7) is available, this value would be 00 06h.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 293 12.34 Release (6) command Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent. 12.35 Release (10) comma nd Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent.
294 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.36 Report Device Identifier comm and The Report Device Identifier comman d (see T able 198) re quest s that the drive se nd device identification info r- mation to the initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 295 Report Device Identifier Para meter List This list contains the length (in byte s) of the parameter list and the l ogical unit’s identifier . The execution of a Report Device Identifier com mand ma y require you to enable no nvolatile memory within the logical unit.
296 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.37 Report LUNs command The Report LUNs command requ ests that the periphe ral de vice logical unit numbers of kn own logical units in the target be sent to the ap plication client. Th e Report LUNs comm and returns infor mation about on ly those logical units to which commands may be se nt.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 297 The device server shall rep ort the Logi cal Unit Numb ers of configured lo gi cal units using the format shown in T able 201.
298 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.38 Request Sense comman d The Request Sense command requests that the disc drive transfer sense dat a to t he initiator in the format shown in T able 202. The sense data is valid af ter a Check Condition st atus returned on the prior comman d.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 299 12.39 Reserve (6) com mand Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent. 12.40 Reserve (10) co mmand Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent.
300 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.40.1 Logical unit reservation When the Extent bit is ze ro, this command re quests the entire disc drive to be r eserved for excl usive use of the initiat.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 301 12.40.4 Parameter list format for t hird-pa rty addressing The par ameter list for the ten- byte Reserve and Releas e commands. Third-party addressin g is eight bytes in length. The following ta ble defines the format for the p arameter list.
302 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.41 Rezero Unit command Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent. 12.42 Search Dat a Equal command Obsolete. If the drive receives this co mmand, a Check Condition status is sent.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 303 12.46 Seek (10) command The Seek (10) command request s that the disc drive s eek to the specified Logical Block Address. This com- mand is implemented with the disc drive specific parameters listed in T able 204.
304 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.47 Send Diagnostic command This command request s that the disc drive perform diag nostic tests on itself, or perform other optional oper a- tions. T able 205 shows t he format of the Send Diag nostic comman d as implemen ted by the dis c drive.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 305 Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Enclosure Servic es Information (ESI) The drives supported by the manual do not process the content s of the SCSI Enclosure Service (SES) p ages.
306 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D - accept the paramete r li st, and if no errors are dete cted in the p arame ter list, return Good status. The requested diagnostic operation and the preparation of the p aramete r data to be returned are performed upon recei pt of a Receive Diagnostic Results command.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 307 12.47.1 Supported Diagnosti c p age–Send Diagnostic This page instruct s the disc drive to make available t he list of all supported diagnostic p ages to be returned by a subsequent Receive Diagnostic Result s command.
308 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.47.2 T ranslate Addr ess p age–Send Diagnostic The transla te address p age allows the i nitiator to trans late a logica l block address into a physical sector address or a phys ical sector into a logica l block addr ess.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 309 12.47.3 Diagnostic p age–Send Diagnostic The Diagnostic p age instructs the drive to tur n the drive fault LED on or of f. This page is used only by the Send Diagnostic command (see T able 210). Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Page Code A0h Diagnostic p age-Send Diagnostic command page code.
310 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.48 Set Device Identifier command The Report De vice Identifier com mand (see T able 21 1) requests that the device identifier inform ation in the log - ical unit be set to the valu e received in the Set Device Identifier parameter list.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 311 Set Device Identifier Parameter List Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Identifier This field contains the vendor-specific value to be returned in Rep ort Device Identifier commands.
312 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.49 Set Limit s command Not implemented. If the drive recei ves this command, a Check Condit ion status is sent.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 313 12.50 S t art/Stop Unit command The S tart/S top Unit command requests that the target enab le the logical unit for further oper ations (star t), or stop spindle rotation (stop).
314 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.51 Synchronize Cac he (10) command The Synchronize Cach e (10) command ensures that logical blocks in th e cache memory , within the specified range, have their most re cent data value recorded on t he p hysical medium.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 315 12.52 Synchronize Cac he (16) command The Synchronize Cach e (16) command ensures that logical blocks in th e cache memory , within the specified range, have their most re cent data value r ecorded on t he physical medium.
316 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.53 T est Unit Ready command The T est Unit Ready com mand provid es a means t o verify the log ical unit is re ady .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 317 12.54 V erify (10) command The V erify (10) command request s that the ta rget veri fy the da ta written on th e medium. This command is implemented with the disc drive specif ic p arameters listed in T a ble 217.
318 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.55 V erify (12) command The V erify (12) command request s that the ta rget veri fy the da ta written on th e medium. This command is implemented with the disc drive specif ic p arameters listed in T a ble 218.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 319 V erification Length The number of contiguous logical blo cks of data that are verified. A V e rification Length of zero indicates that no logical blocks are verified (a n Implied Seek is still performed). This co nditio n is not considered an error .
320 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.56 V erify (16) command The V erify (16) command request s that the ta rget veri fy the da ta written on th e medium. This command is implemented with the disc drive specif ic p arameters listed in T a ble 218.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 321 RelAdr (Relative A ddress) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual. V erification Length The number of contiguous logical blo cks of data that are verified. A V e rification Length of zero indicates that no logical blocks are verified (a n Implied Seek is still performed).
322 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.57 W rite (6) command The Wr ite (6) command request s that the disc drive write the dat a transferred by the initiator to the me dium (discs). Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Control Bytes in Section 1 1.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 323 If any of the following co nditions occur , this comm and is terminated with a Check Condition status, and if extended s ense is implem ented, the se nse key is se t as indicated in the following table.
324 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.58 W rite (10) command The Write (1 0) command request s that the disc drive write to the med ium the data tran sferred by the initiator . This command is implemented with the disc drive specific parameters listed in T able 221.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 325 This command opera tes the same as the Write (6) comm and (Section 12.57) e xcept that in the CDB for this command a four-byte log ical block address and a two-byte tran sfer length may be specified.
326 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.59 W rite (12) command The Write (1 2) command request s that the disc drive write to the med ium the data tran sferred by the initiator . This command is implemented with the disc drive specific parameters listed in T able 221.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 327 This command opera tes the same as the Write (6) comm and (Section 12.57) e xcept that in the CDB for this command a four-byte log ical block address and a four-byte tra nsfer length may be specified.
328 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.60 W rite (16) command The Write (1 6) command request s that the disc drive write to the med ium the data tran sferred by the initiator . This command is implemented with the disc drive specific parameters listed in T able 221.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 329 T ransfer L ength The number of contiguous logical blocks of data that are transferred. A Transfer Length of zero (0) indicates no logical blocks are transferred. This co ndition is not consi dered an error and no data is wr itten.
330 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.61 W rite and V erify (10) command The Wri t e and V erify (10) command request s that the target write the dat a transferred from the in itiator to the medium and th en verify that the data is correctly writt en.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 331 12.62 W rite and V erify (12) command The Write and V erify (12) command request s that the targe t write the dat a transferred from the initiator to the medium and th en verify that the data is correctly writt en.
332 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T ransfer L ength The number of contiguo us logical blocks of data that are tr ansferred. A transfer length of ze ro indicates that no logical blocks are transferred. This co ndition is not consi dered an error and no data is wr itten.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 333 12.63 W rite and V erify (16) command The Write and V erify (16) command request s that the targe t write the dat a transferred from the initiator to the medium and th en verify that the data is correctly writt en.
334 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D RelAdr (Relative A ddress) This function is not supported by drives described in this manual. T ransfer L ength The number of contiguo us logical blocks of data that are tr ansferred. A transfer length of ze ro indicates that no logical blocks are transferred.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 335 12.64 W rite Buffer command The Write Buf fer command may be used in conjunctio n wi th the Read Buf fer command as a diagnostic function for testing the disc dr ive’s dat a buffer memory and t he FC- AL integrity .
336 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 228: Mode definitions Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Mode Definition 000 Write combi ned header and data (Section 12.64 .1) 010 Write da ta (Section 12.64.2) 100 Download microcode 101 Download microcode and sav e (Section 12.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 337 12.64.1 Combined Header and Dat a mode (000b) In this mode, data to be written to the dis c drive’s data buf f er is preceded by a four -byte header . The Byte T ransfer Length includes a four-byte head er and th e W rite Buffer data.
338 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.64.4 Download Microcode with Offset s and Save mode (1 1 1b) In this mode, the initiator may split the transfer of the vendor-spe cific microcode or control information ove r two or more write bu ffer commands.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 339 12.65 W rite Long command The Write Lo ng command request s that the target write to the medium the dat a transferred by the initiator .
340 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.66 W rite Same (10) command The Write Sam e (10) command request s that the target wr ite the single block of dat a transferred by the initiator to the medium multiple times. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Section 1 1.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 341 12.67 W rite Same (16) command The Write Sam e (16) command request s that the target wr ite the single block of dat a transferred by the initiator to the medium multiple times. Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Control See Section 1 1 .
342 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.68 XDRead (10) command The XDRead (10) co mmand request s that the target transfer th e xor dat a generated by an XDW rite or Regen- erate comma nd to the initiator .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 343 12.69 XDRead (32) command The XDRead (32) co mmand request s that the t arget transfer th e xor data ge nerated by an XDW rite or Regen- erate command to the initiator .
344 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Additional CDB Length (18h) The Additional CDB Length fi eld indicates the number of additional CDB bytes. This valu e in the Additional CDB Length field shall be a mul tiple of 4.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 345 12.70 XDWrite (1 0) command The XDWr ite (10) command request s that the target xor the data tra nsferred with the dat a on the medium. The resulting xor data is sto red by the target until it is retrieved by an XDRead command.
346 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D For write operations, logical blocks may be transferred directly to the cache memory . Good status may be returned to the application client prior to writ ing the logical blocks to the medium.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 347 12.71 XDWrite (3 2) command The XDWr ite (32) command request s that the target xor the data tra nsferred with the dat a on the medium. The resulting xor data is sto red by the target until it is retrieved by an XDRead command.
348 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Field definit ions (lis ted alphabetic ally) Additional CDB Length The Additional CDB Length fi eld indicates the number of additional CDB bytes. This valu e in the Additional CDB Length field shall be a mul tiple of 4.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 349 12.72 XDWriteRea d (10) command The XDW riteRead (10) command request s that the target xor the dat a transferred (data-ou t) with the dat a on the medium and retur n the resulting xor dat a (data-in).
350 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.73 XDWriteRea d (32) command The XDW riteRead (32) command reque sts that the target xor the dat a transferred (dat a-out) with th e data o n the medium and retur n the resulting xor dat a (data-in).
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 351 Control See Section 1 1 .2.1.6. DPO (Disable Page Out) 1 No data is cached. The DPO bit is only me aningful if the RCD bit of Mo de Select Page 8 is set false (caching enabled). Disable Write 0 The data transferred from th e init iator is written to t he medi um after the xor operation i s complete.
352 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 12.74 XPWrite (10) command The XPWrite ( 10) command request s that the target xor the dat a transferred with the dat a on the medium and then write the xor dat a to the medium.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 353 12.75 XPWrite (32) command The XPWrite ( 32) command request s that the target xor the dat a transferred with the dat a on the medium and then write the xor dat a to the medium.
354 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 1 The disc d rive assigns the logi cal blocks accessed by this command the lowest priority for be ing fetched into or retained by the cache.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 355 13.0 Drive features This section de scribes several features incl uded for disc driv es. Refer to the individual dr ive’s product manual to determine if your drive support s these features. 13.1 Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting T echnology Self-Monitoring Analysis and Re porting T echnology (S.
356 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D The following are examples of segmen ts: a. An electrical segment wherein the lo gical unit tests it s own electronics. The tests in this segment are vendor specific, but some examp les of test s that might be includ ed are: a read /write circui try test a nd/or a test of the read/write head elemen ts; b.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 357 While the device server is performing a self-test in th e background mode, it shall te rminate with a Check Con- dition st atus any Send Diagnostics command it re ceives that meets one of the following criteria: a.
358 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D T able 241: Device Self-test mode summary Mode When st atus is returned How to abort the Device Self-test Processing of subsequ ent commands while Device Sel.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 359 14.0 Seagate T echnolo gy support services Online Services Internet www for information abou t Seagate product s and services. Worldwide supp ort is available 24 hours daily by e-mail for you r questions.
360 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Presales, T echnical Support and Customer Service Presales Support Our Presales Support staf f can help you determine which Seagate product s are best suited for your specific application or computer system.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 361 European Support Services For presales and tech nical support in Europe, dial the toll- free number for your specific country . If your country is not listed here, di al our presales and te chnical support call center at +1-405-324-471 4 from 8:00 A .
362 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Asia/Pacific Support Services For Asia/Pacific presales and technical support, dial th e toll-fr ee number for your specific country . The Asia/ Pacific toll-free numbers are available from 6:00 A . M . to 10:45 A .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 363 Appendix A. Glossary This section contains a glossary of terms used in this pub lication. ABTS Abort Sequence. ABTX Abort Exchange . ACC Accept. ACK Acknowledgment. Active The state of Sequence Initiato r until all the Dat a frames for the Sequence have been tra nsmitted.
364 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Arbitrated loop topo logy A topology where L _Ports use arbitr ation to establish a poin t-to-point circuit. A config uration that allows multi- ple port s to be connected serially . Attenuation The transmission medium power lo ss expressed in unit s of dB.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 365 Beginning Runni ng Disp arity The Running Dispa rity present at a transmitter when Enc odin g of the S pecial Code associated with an Ordered Set is initiated, or at a receiver when Decoding of the S pecial Character associated with an Ordered Set is ini- tiated.
366 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Center wavelength (LED) The average of the two wavelengths measur ed at th e half amplitude point s of the power spectrum. Centre wavelength (laser) The nominal value of the ce ntral wavelength of the opera ting, modulated las er .
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 367 Code balance The numerical sum of the 1 bits in a ny 10 bits in the tr ansmitted bit stream divided by 10 (e .g., 1 1 1010001 1 has a code balance of 6/10 = 60%). Code bit The smallest time period used by FC-0 for transmission on the media.
368 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Connectionless frames Frames particip ating in connectionle ss service (i.e., Class 1 frames wit h SOFc1 , Class 2, and Class 3 frames referred to individua lly or collectively). Connectionless service Communication betwee n two N_Ports perfor med without a dedicated conn ection.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 369 Decoding V alidity checking of receiv ed transmission characters and g eneration of valid dat a bytes and special codes from those characters. Dedicated conn ection A communicating circuit guar anteed and ret ained by the Fabric for two given N_Ports.
370 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D ECL Emitter Coupled Logic. EE_buffer The buf fer associated with end-to-en d flow control. EE_Credit End-to-End Credit.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 371 Exchange St atu s Block A logical construct which cont ains the state of an exchan ge. An originator N_Port has an Originator Exchang e S tatus Block and the responder N_Por t has a Responder Exchange S tatus Block for each concurrently active Exchange.
372 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Fabric The entity which interconnect s various N_Port s attached to it and is cap able of routing frames by using only the D_ID information in a F C-2 frame header . Fabric_Name A Name_Identifier associated with a fabric.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 373 Fibre A general term used to cover all transmission media specified in FC-PH. Fibre Channel Name A Name_Ident ifier which is Fi bre Channel un ique. Fibre optic cabl e A jacketed optical fibre or fibres. FL_Port An F_Port that cont ains Arbitrated Loop functi ons associated with Arbitra ted Loop topology .
374 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Hex Hexadecimal notation. HG Hunt Group. Hunt Group A set of N_Ports with a common alia s address identifier m anaged by a single node or common controlling entity . However , FC-PH does not presently specify how a Hunt Group ca n be configured.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 375 Initial Relative Offset A relative offset value spec ified at the send ing end by an upper level for a given blo ck or subblock and used by the sending FC-2 in the first fram e of that block or subblo ck (see subblock, bl ock, and Relative Offset).
376 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Jitter , determ inistic (DJ) T iming distortions caus ed by normal circuit effect s in the transmission system.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 377 Local F_Port The F_Port to which an N_Port is directly att ached by a link (see remote F_Port). LOGI Log in. Logical uni t A target reside nt entity that implement s a device mo del and exec utes SCSI com mands sent by an application client.
378 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D m Meter . MAC Media Access Control. Mandatory A function which is required to be supported by a compliant impleme ntation of FC-PH.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 379 N_Port Identifier A fabric-uni que address identifier by which an N_Port is uniquely known. The identifier may be assigned by the fabric during the in itialization procedur e. The identifier ma y also be assigned by other procedur es not defined in FC-PH.
380 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Not Operational A receiver or transmitter that is not capable of re ceiv ing or transmitting an encoded bit stream respectively , based on the rules defined by FC-PH for erro r control. For example, FC-1 is Not Operational during Initializa- tion.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 381 OPN Initiator The port on an Arbitrated Lo op that sent the OPN primitive. Optical fibre Any filament or fibre, m ade of di electric material, th at guides light. Optional Characteristics that are not re quired by FC-PH.
382 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Power on state In this state, any circuit s or optical devices re spond to controls resulting from higher levels. ppm Parts per million. Preferred Address On FC-AL, the AL_P A which an NL_Port attempts to a cquir e first during loop initializ ation.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 383 Public loop device A device with at least one public NL_Por t. Public NL_Port An NL_Port which can observe the rules of either public or priva te loop behavior . A public NL_Port may have open Exchanges with both private an d public NL_Ports concurrently .
384 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Receiver sensit ivity The minimum accepta ble value of av erage rece ived signal at point g R to achieve a BER <10 -12 . It takes into account power pena lties caused by use of a transm itter wit h a worst- case output.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 385 Responder The logical function in an N_Port r es ponsible for supporting the Exchan ge in itiated by the Originator in another N_Port. Responder Exchang e_Identifier (RX_ID) An identifier as signed by a Responder to identify an Exchange and meaningful only to the Responder .
386 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D RVC _ ID Responder VC_ ID. RVC S Read virtual circuit st atus. Rx Receiver . RX_ID Responder_Exchange_Identifier . s or sec Second(s). S/N signal-to-noise ratio. S_ID Source_Identifier . S_Length Security_Length.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 387 Sequence A set of one or more d ata frame s with a common S equence _ID (SEQ_ID), transmitted unidirection ally from one N_Port t o another N_ Port with a cor responding r es ponse, if applicable, transmitted in respo nse to each data frame.
388 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Spectral wid t h 1. FWHM (Full Widt h Half Maximum) The abso lute differ e nce between the wavelengths at which the spectral radiant intens ity is 50 percen t of the m aximum power . T his form is ty pically used for LED optical sour ces.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 389 T ask attribut e The queuing specification for a t ask (S imple, Ordered, Head of Queue, ACA). T ask id entifier The information uniquely ide ntifying a task.
390 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D ULP Upper layer pr otocol. ULP Upper Level Protoc ol. ULP process A function executing within an FC no de which conforms to Upper Layer Pr otocol (ULP) de fined protocols when interacting with ULP processes residing in other FC nodes.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 391 VC_RDY Virtual circuit ready . V endor unique Functions, code values, and bits not defined by FC-PH and set aside for private usage between p arties using FC-PH. Caution: dif ferent imple mentations of FC-PH m ay assign different meanings to the se functions, code values, and bit s.
392 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Index-1 Index Numerics 10-bit charac ter 13 8045 ESI pino uts 103 8045 mode 102 8067 ESI co mmand 104 8067 ESI interface pin outs 105 8067 inform ation format 10.
Index-2 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Allow Login Without Loop Initialization Fibre Channel In terface Control pa ge 239 Alternate Credit Mo del F_Port Common Service Parame ters 68 , 69 N_Po.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Index-3 Read Buffer co mmand 270 Write Buffer comma nd 335 Buffer ID and Buffer Offset fie lds Download and Save Microcode mode 337 Buffer Offset Read Buffer co .
Index-4 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Compile Date Date Code page 180 Complete List Format Unit command 161 Concurrent Sequences Class Service Parameters 62 Connect Time Limit Disconnect/Reco.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Index-5 FCP CMND header 126 , 127 FCP DATA frame header 137 , 138 FCP RSP header 140 , 14 1 FCP XFER RDY header 134 , 135 Frame header fo rmat 24 Data Length FCP.
Index-6 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Write (16) comm and 328 Write and Verify ( 10) command 330 Write and Verify ( 12) command 331 Write and Verify ( 16) command 333 XDWrite (10) command 345.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Index-7 Enable Spin-Down Spin-Down Control Status page 123 Enable Threshold Com parison Log Parameter structur e 192 , 193 Enable Vital Product Data Inquiry comm.
Index-8 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D FC Services Type Code RFT_ID Payload 99 , 100 FC-0 6 FC-1 6 FC-1.5 6 FC-2 6 FC-3 6 FC-4 7 FC-AL. See Fibre Channel Arbit rated Loop FC-CT Revision RFT_ID Payload 99 , 100 FCP CMND. See Fibre Cha nnel Protocol Command FCP DATA.
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D Index-9 Persistent Reserv e In parameter da ta for read reservation s 251 Persistent Reserve In parameter da ta for ready keys 250 , 251 Global Logging Ta r get Save Disable Control Mode page 233 , 234 Global Process Logout TPRLO Accept Payload 83 TPRLO Payload 81 GLTSD.
Index-10 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Interleave Format Para meters page 223 , 224 Format Unit command 161 , 162 intermediate st atus 258 , 260 intermediat e–condition m et status 258 , 2.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-11 LIP F8 Received Count Link Status pa ge 120 , 121 LIP Loop A/B Initiate LIP Actio n Specific Bits 1 11 , 123 LIPA 42 , 43 LIRP 43 , 44 LISA 43 LISM 36 .
Index-12 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Loss of Signal Count Link Status pa ge 120 , 121 , 122 RLS Accept Payload 86 , 87 Loss of Synchronization Count Link Status pa ge 120 , 121 , 122 RLS Accept Payload 86 , 87 Low Revision Capability Entries 94 LP.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-13 PLOGI Payload 58 , 67 Node Port End to End Credit Class Service Parameters 62 , 63 Node Port ID of Originator ADISC Payload 91 , 92 Node Port ID of Res.
Index-14 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Firmware Numbers pa ge 179 Format Para meters page 223 , 224 Implemented Op erating Definitio n page 175 Informational Except ions Control page 243 , 2.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-15 Self-test Results Log pa rameter data format 2 0 2 Temperat ure Paramete r format 198 Write, Read, and Verif y Error Counter pages 196 Parameter Code R.
Index-16 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D PLPB. See Prevent Loop Port Bypass PM. See Performance Mode PMI. See Partial M edium Indicator point-to-p oint 10 service 33 Port disc drive inquiry da.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-17 protocol 6 PS. See Parameter Savable Q QErr. See Queue Err or Management Queue Algorithm Modif ier Control Mode page 233 , 234 Queue Error Mana gement Control Mode page 233 , 234 R R_CTL. See Routing Control RAC.
Index-18 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Prefetch (16 ) command 259 Read (10) command 264 , 265 Read (12) command 266 , 267 Read (16) command 268 , 269 Read Capacity (10) command 27 3 Read Cap.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-19 Rotational O ffset Rigid Disc Drive Geomet ry Parameters page 226 , 227 Round Unit Attention page 216 , 217 rounding 154 Routing Control basic link ser.
Index-20 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D Sense Key Specific Valid 147 Extended Sense Da ta 145 , 146 Field Pointer bytes 14 7 , 148 Format Indi cation bytes 148 Sense Length Valid FCP RSP Payload 142 , 144 SEQ_CNT.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-21 Spin-Down Cont rol Status 123 SSEC. See Soft Sectoring Stacked Connect Request Class 3 Service Paramete rs 70 Class Service Parameters 62 Service Optio.
Index-22 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D TPRLO Accept Payload 8 4 TPRLO Payload 82 Third Party Origina tor Process Associator TPRLO Accept Payload 8 3 TPRLO Payload 81 Third Party Process Logo.
Fibre Channel In terface Manual, Rev. D Index-23 Write (10) comm and 325 Write (12) comm and 327 Write (16) comm and 329 Write (6) command 323 Unit Attention page 216 Unit Serial Number pa ge 173 , 174 UnitOFL.
Index-24 Fibre Channel Interface Manual , Rev. D XDRead (10) command 342 XDRead (32) command 343 XDWrite (10) command 345 XDWrite (32) command 347 XDWriteRead (10) command 349 XDWriteRead (32) command.
Seagate T echnology LLC 920 Disc Drive, Scott s V alley , California 95066-4544, USA Publication Number: 7776749 6, Rev . D, Printed in USA.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Seagate Fibre Channel Interface. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Seagate Fibre Channel Interface gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.