Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Modicon Quantum Ethernet des Produzenten Schneider Optics
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Modicon Qu antum Ethernet W eb Embedded Server Module User Guide 840 USE 1 15 00 V ersion 1.0.
Data, Illu stration s, Alterat ions Data and illus trations are not binding. We r eserve the ri ght to alter pro ducts in line with our policy of continuous product d evelop ment.
October , 1998 Modico n Quantum Ethernet Web Embedded Server Modu le User Guide 840 USE 1 15 00 V esio n 1.0.
Document Set Quantum Aut omation Series Hardware Refe rence Gu ide 840 USE 1 00 00, V ersio n 6.0 Modicon Quantum Etherne t TCP/IP M odule User Gu ide 840 USE 107 00, V ersion 3.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 iii Preface The data and il lustratio ns found in this book are not bi ndin g . We reserve the ri g ht to modi f y our produc ts in l ine with our polic y of c ontinu ous pro duct de velopm ent.
iv 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 v Contents About This Book .......... ........... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ ........ 1 Document Scope ............. ............................ ........... ........... ...........
Contents vi 840 USE 115 00 Version 1.0 2.4.1 Selecting the Etherne t Framing T ype .......... ........... ................. ........... ........... . 21 2.4.2 Assignin g a Slot Num ber ...... ................. ........... ............ ................
Contents 840 USE 11 5 00 Version 1. 0 vii 6.1.8 Applica tion LED ........ ................. ........... ........... ................. ............................ . 57 6.1.9 Reading and Clearing the Error Lo g ................ ............ ...........
Contents viii 840 USE 115 00 Ver sion 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 1 About This Book Document Sco pe This manu al wi ll ac q uaint y ou with the Quantum Ethernet w eb embe dded serv er modules and th eir par ts, tell y ou ho w to i nst all th em, de scr ibe c ha n g es y ou ma y make in confi g uratio n, review the opera tion of the modu les and provide maintena nce procedures .
About This Book 2 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 V alidity Note For the Ethe rnet web e m bedded serve r mo dule to w ork prope rl y , y ou must have the proper versio n of other s y stem com ponents. Use the vers ion spec ified in the table below or a later version .
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 3 1 Introduction 1.1 Ethernet Web Embedded Server Modules The Quan tum Etherne t W eb embed ded serve r modu les mak e it poss ible f or a Quantum industri al control s y stem to communi cate with dev ices on an Ethern et network .
Introduction 4 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 1.1.2 Models for Fiber Optic and T wisted Pair Cable Systems Modic on ha s des i g ned tw o Ethern et web em bedded s erver mod ules: one for fib er optic net works a nd the other for ne tworks u sin g twis ted pai r cablin g .
Introduction 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 5 1.2 Front Panel Components On the fron t pa nel of ea ch Ethernet e mb edd ed we b s erver m odu le, y ou will fin d an LED dis pla y , a g lobal ad dress label an d a cab le conne ctor .
Introduction 6 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 Figure 2 140 NOE 251 10 Ethernet Web Embedded Serve Module for Fiber Op tic Networks Remova ble Door Cable Connector Cable Connector LED Display Color Code M.
Introduction 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 7 1.2.1 LED Display Figure 3 LED Display Ready Fault Link Run Coll Ethernet TCP/IP Appl Kernel Act ive 140 NOE 21 1 10 LED C olor Indi cation When On Active Green Module is communicatin g with backplane. Ready Green Module has passed internal dia g nostic tests.
Introduction 8 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 1.2.2 Address Labels Each Qua ntum Ethernet w eb e mbedded s erver modul e has two addre ss label s. One iden tifies the Eth ernet or MAC address. T he othe r label allows y ou to reco rd the modul e’s Internet Protocol ( IP ) network add ress.
Introduction 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 9 Note: When y ou have determine d which IP network a ddress y ou will be usin g , re g ister it wit h y our s y stem adm inistrato r to avoid dup lication . Calculating th e Derived IP Netw ork Address Example Convert them from hex adeci mal to decimal .
Introduction 10 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 1.2.3 T wisted Pair Connector For the N OE 21 1, Schneider Au tomation rec ommends th at y ou use Ca te g or y 5 UTP cabl in g , which is rated to 100 Mbp s, with an RJ-45 c onnector . Y ou ma y also use Cat e g or y 3 UTP ca bli n g , which i s rated to 16 Mbp s.
Introduction 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 11 1.3 Utili ty Disket te Included with thi s manua l is a diskette conta inin g two u tilities for the Et hernet module: the Netw ork Opti ons Ethern et T ester util it y and t he ERRLOG util it y .
Introduction 12 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 1.4 Ethernet an d Y our Application Careful pla nni n g of y our netw ork can h elp y ou achieve optimu m perf orm anc e.
Introduction 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 13 Ethernet netw ork traf fic, m essa g e len g th and ro utin g are a ll variab le and can be unpredic table. Thi s can g ive ris e to co n g estion and m essa g e collis ions . When collisi ons occur , Ethernet uses a vari able dela y before re transmitti n g mess a g es.
Introduction 14 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 Segregating T raffic The be st method to prot ect Quan tum Automa tion tra ffic from in formation s y stem s traf fic is to provide a comple tel y separ ate p h y sical network for a utoma tion cont rol.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 15 2 Installing and Con figuring the Module 2.1 Before Y ou Begin . . . Quantum Etherne t we b emb edded serve r modu les c ome full y confi g ured.
Installin g and Confi g uri n g the Module 16 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Consult y our netw ork ad mini stra tor t o see i f an y of the se condi tions appl y . If the y do, follow the dire ction s on p a g e 20 fo r chan g in g the defaul t conf i g urati on.
Installin g and Confi g urin g the Module 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 17 2.2 Installing the Module The Etherne t web embedde d server m odule comes f ull y read y to be in stalled. Installa tion consists of mounti n g the module on the ba ckplane and connectin g the cable .
Installin g and Confi g uri n g the Module 18 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 2.2.3 Connecting the Cable T wisted Pair If y ou are us in g twisted pair cabl e, Mo dicon rec omme nds Cat e g or y 5, wh ich is rated to 1 00 Mbps . Use RJ-45 con nectors. Slip t he conne ctor into the port.
Installin g and Confi g urin g the Module 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 19 T urn the lockin g rin g to ali g n an arro w with the ke y . Then ali g n the k e y with the ke y wa y . As a resu lt, the lockin g tab, g roove a nd loc k should also be ali g ned.
Installin g and Confi g uri n g the Module 20 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 2. 3 C han g ing th e Def aul t Confi gurati on If an y of the f ollowin g condi tio ns app l y , y ou shoul d stop the contro.
Installin g and Confi g urin g the Module 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 21 2.4.1 Selecti ng the Ether net Framing T ype Y ou ma y choos e between Eth ernet II and IEEE 802 .3, depe ndin g on y our s y stem. The defau lt choice is Etherne t II. If y ou are us in g the confi g urati on extens ion to chan g e the fr amin g to IEEE 802.
Installin g and Confi g uri n g the Module 22 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 2.4.3 Assigning the IP Network Addr ess The Interne t Protocol ( IP ) network ad dress is a 32-bit a ddress in the fo rm xxx .x xx.xx x.xx x, where each g roup xxx is a dec imal num ber ran g in g from 0 to 255.
Installin g and Confi g urin g the Module 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 23 2.4.6 Configuring Mor e Than One Ethernet Module Y ou ma y confi g ure from tw o to six Ethernet m odules in a sin g le contr oller , dependin g on the m odel.
Installin g and Confi g uri n g the Module 24 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 2.5 Co nfiguring the Module with Concept Once the Ethernet web embedde d server module has been installed in th e backpla ne a.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 25 3 The MSTR Instruction 3.1 Introduction All NOE 2X1 10 Quantum Ethe rnet web embed ded se rver modu les provide the user with the capa bilit y of tra nsf err in g data to and from nodes on a M odb us Plu s or TCP/IP network throu g h the u se of a spec ial MSTR ( maste r instru ction ) .
The MSTR I nstruction 26 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Up to four MSTR instr uctions can be simultaneous l y activ e in a ladder lo g ic pro g ram. M ore than fo ur MSTRs ma y be pro g rammed to be enab.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 27 3.2.2 Represe ntation Figure 16 MSTR Block Structure Inputs The MSTR in struction ha s two contro l inpu ts: the inpu t to the top node e nable s t.
The MSTR I nstruction 28 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Middle No de Content The 4x re g ister ente red in the middl e node is the fi rst in a g roup of c onti g uous holdin g re g isters t hat co mpris e the data area .
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 29 * Th e ss subf ie ld in er ror co de 30 ss is show n in th e foll owin g table. An error on t he TCP/IP Eth ernet networ k itself ma y produ ce one of the followin g errors in t he MSTR contr ol blo ck : Hex Error Code Meaning 1001 User has aborted the MSTR element.
The MSTR I nstruction 30 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Hex Error Code Meaning 5016 An argument is valid 5017 An internal table has run out of space. 5020 The connection is broken. 5023 Thi s operation would block and the soc ket is nonblockin g . 5024 The socket is nonblockin g and the connection cannot be completed.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 31 CTE Error Codes The follo win g error codes are re turned if th ere is a probl em with the Ethernet confi g urat ion ex ten sion t abl e ( CTE ) in y our pro g ram confi g uratio n.
The MSTR I nstruction 32 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 3.2.5 Get Local Statistics MSTR Operat ion The Get L ocal S tatisti cs operat ion ( t y pe 3 in th e displa y re g ister of t he top node ) obtain s informa tion re lated t o the loca l node where th e MSTR h as bee n pro g rammed.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 33 3.2.6 Clear Lo cal Statist ics MSTR Operati on The C lear Loc al Stat ist ics ope ra ti on ( t y pe 4 in the displa y ed re g ister of th e top node ) clears stati stics rel ative to the loc al nod e where the MSTR has be en pro g rammed.
The MSTR I nstruction 34 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Control Block Utilization The re g isters in the MST R control b lock ( the top no de ) contai n the Get Remote Statistics infor mation as desc ribed in the followin g tabl e: 3.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 35 3.2.9 Peer Cop Health MSTR Operation The peer c op health operation ( t y pe 9 in the displa y ed re g ister of th e top no de ) read s sel ected data f rom th e pee r cop co mmun ic ati ons he alt h tabl e and lo ads t hat data to s pecified 4 x re g iste r s in state RAM.
The MSTR I nstruction 36 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 The st ate of a pe er cop health bi t reflects the cu rrent co mmun ication s tatus of its associa ted node: A health b it is set when data is suc cessfu ll y exchan g ed with i ts corr espond in g node.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 37 3.2.10 Reset Option Module MSTR Operation The Reset Option M odule ope ration ( t y pe 10 in the displa y ed re g ister of th e top node ) cause s a Quan tum web em bedde d server mod ule to enter a reset c y cle to reset its operation al enviro nment.
The MSTR I nstruction 38 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 Control Block Utilization The re g isters in the MST R control b lock ( the top no de ) contai n the Re ad CTE informati on as des cribed in the fo.
The MSTR Instruct ion 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 39 3.2.12 Writ e CTE (Conf ig Extension T able) MSTR Operation The Wri te CTE ope r ation ( t y pe 12 in the displa y ed re g ister of the top node ) .
The MSTR I nstruction 40 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 3.2.13 TCP/IP Ethernet St atistics A TCP/IP Ethe rnet boa rd respond s to “Get Local Statistic s” and “Set Local Statistics ” commands with th e foll owin g informat ion: Word Meaning 00 ...
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 41 4 Retrieving Data via the World Wide Web 4.1 Introduction Each Ethern et web e mbedded s erver mo dule c ontains a W orld Wide We b server .
Retrievin g Data via the World Wide Web 42 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 4.2 Accessing the Web Utility Home Page Before y ou can a c cess the mo dule’ s home pa g e, y ou mus t learn it s full IP add ress or URL from y our s y stem a dm ini st rator .
Retrievin g Data via the World Wide Web 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 43 Figure 18 Quantum W eb Utility Page 4.3 W eb Utility for Quantum Page The Qu antu m web u t ilit y pa g e contain s h y perl inks.
Retrievin g Data via the World Wide Web 44 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 45 5 Using the Network Options Ethernet T ester 5.1 Introduction An E th erne t modu le ma y act as a client or as a s erver . If it will be ac t in g as a c lient -- that is , initiat in g transacti ons on th e network fo r its Quantum controll er -- then y ou must pro g ram an M STR b lock in ladder lo g ic.
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 46 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 5.2 Installing the Network Options Ethernet T ester Insert the utilit y disket te in y our disk drive.
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 47 T y pe the mo dule’s IP ne twork ad dress or host na me in the box p rovide d. Clic k the OK button. Thi s dedicates a conne ction from y our PC to the desi g nated Eth ernet module a nd brin g s y ou to th e main m enu.
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 48 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 5.4 Getting and Clearing Statisti cs To g et stati s tics from the Et hernet mod ule, sele ct Me ssages and choose Get Statistics from the p ulldown menu or clic k o n the g et stati stics bu tton in the toolbar .
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 49 MAC Addr e ss. Stat us. T he hex v alu e dis pla y ed ma y be 0001 , 8001 or C001: 0001 in dicates that the module is runn in .
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 50 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 Receive Interrup ts and T ransmit I nterrupts. T he number of tim es the PC NET controll er chip has g enerated i nterrupt s.
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 51 5.5 Reading an d Writing Registers T o read re g isters, s elect M essages and cho se Read Registers from the pull down menu or clic k o n the r ead r e g ister button in the to olbar .
Usin g the Network Options Ethernet Tester 52 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 To c h a n g e the p ol lin g interval w it hou t in terru pti n g comm uni cation with th e Et hern et module, s elec t Mess ages and choose Poll Interval. T y pe the new pol lin g inter val in the box .
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 53 6 Maintenance 6.1 Responding to Erro rs 6.1.1 Detecti ng Errors When f aults occ ur , the LED displa y can help y ou determ ine wh at went wro n g .
Maintenance 54 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 The Run indi cato r will fl ash. T he Coll LED a lso ma y flas h, i ndica tin g that col lis io ns are occur rin g on the Ethe rnet ne twork. Such collisions are no rmal. If a f ault has occ urre d, the n ormal LEDs ma y be extin g uished or other indicato rs ma y li g ht.
Maintenance 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 55 6.1.4 Link LED If the Link LED fails to li g ht, the modu le is not co mm un ica t in g with the Et hernet hub. T roubleshootin g 1. Mak e sure tha t the cable has been i nstall ed co rrectl y and the m odule is function in g prop erl y .
Maintenance 56 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 6.1.7 Collision LED If the twi sted pai r cable has n ot been c onnec ted properl y , the Coll LED will s hine stea dil y and the Link LED will be extin g uish ed. ( This cond iti on d oes not occur with fibe r opt ic modu les.
Maintenance 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 57 If the Coll LED is fl ashi n g , the modu le is rep ortin g collis ions on the Ethe rnet netw ork. Whil e suc h col lisio ns ar e nor mal, t he fr e q uenc y of the fla shes is an indicati on of t he vol ume of tra ffi c on th e networ k.
Maintenance 58 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 The defa ult is 0. This is the mini mum comm and. It wi ll disp la y the error lo g of the Ethe rnet web embedded server m odule in slot 1 of the controlle r at Modbu s Plus add ress 49.
Maintenance 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 59 Path DM. 24. 0. 0. 0. 0 was open ed. Quantum Ethernet firmware Ver. 1.00 07/15/96 09:31:3 5 Error Log Entry Number: 1 File name: user_lgc.
Maintenance 60 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 6.2 Hot Swap ping An Ethernet Module Y ou ma y repl ace y our Ethern et web e mbedded s erver mo dule while the co ntrolle r is runnin g . However , y ou shoul d firs t make su re that the IP netw ork addre ss of the replacem ent mo dule wi ll be uni q ue on y our ne twor k.
Maintenance 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 61 6.3 Downloading a New Software Im age From time to time, Schnei der Automat ion ma y releas e impr oved vers ions of t he Quantum Ethernet em bedded s erver f irmware. The se new software ima g es ma y be down loaded th rou g h Modsof t usin g the foll owin g proce dure.
Maintenance 62 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 Now y ou mu st speci f y which PLC is c ontrollin g the Etherne t web em bedded server module and the backpl ane sl ot ( head ) number f or that mod ule. 4. Modsoft will pro mpt y ou for the f ilename of the e xecutiv e.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 63 A Specificati ons Communication Ports Ethernet ports transmit and receive Modbus commands encapsulated in TCP/IP protocol: TCP/UDP s y stem port num ber 502 used with A .
Specifications 64 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 65 B Ethernet Developers Guide B.1 Introduction This app endix describe s the desi g n of the sample TCP/IP appl ication named Net w ork Op tions Ethe rnet T est er ( NOET ) .
Ethernet Developers Guide 66 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 B.3 Overview The samp le application perform s the foll owin g steps : Calls the wind ow soc ket funct ion socket to create a socket . Calls the wind ow soc ket funct ion se tsockopt to set the socket attribute s.
Ethernet Developers Gu ide 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 67 B.5 Class Descriptions The follo win g lis t desc ribe s the di ffer e nt cl asses : 1. CSample _app. T he Csampl e_app is the app licat ion cl ass. Th is app licat ion was g enera ted b y the appl ication wiza rd, and the sourc e is in th e file sam_ap p.
Ethernet Developers Guide 68 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 9. CReadDlg. The CReadDl g clas s is the dia lo g class for de terminin g the re g isters t o read . It is d erived from the CDialo g class. The de clarat ion is in the readdl g .h file, and the implem entation i s in the re addl g .
Ethernet Developers Gu ide 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 69 B.7 Th e CSample_View Cl ass The CSam ple_V iew class m ana g es the T CP/IP conn ection, s ends re q uests to remote n ode s, and displ a y s either connectio n stat e, or the resu lts of a transac tion.
Ethernet Developers Guide 70 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 One of the pa rameters to the WSAAs y ncSelect is a user defin ed mes sa g e the window soc ket DLL se nd s to the windo w . The sample app licat ion user messa g e is WM_TCPIP_EVENT a nd is defi ned in th e file wn_m sh.
Ethernet Developers Gu ide 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 71 B.8 T imers CSampl e_V iew re q uires to periodic all y receive a timer mes sa g e. Th is mess a g e tri gg ers th e CSamp le_V iew to transm it a mes sa g e. Since window timers a re a limited resource, the win dow assoc iated with C MainFra me class r eceiv es the timer mess a g es.
Ethernet Developers Guide 72 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 B.10 T ransmit State Machine The transm it sta te machi ne establishes a co nnection, and periodical l y transmits a re q uest. T he dif ferent states for the tran smit sta te machine are a s follows .
Ethernet Developers Gu ide 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 73 If the r emote nod e is an IP addres s, or if it’ s a name that h as be en resolv ed, the n CSampl e_V iew tcp ip_co nnect_r q functio n is cal led to ini tiate a connect re q uest to the remote node.
Ethernet Developers Guide 74 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 The rece ive sta te mach ine ( which is described bel ow ) processe s the res ponse to a re q uest. Wh en the rece ive s tate mach ine has comp leted r ece ivin g the respon se, it chan g es the tran sm it sta te m ac hi ne f r om the TX_D O NE s tate to t he W AIT_TO_TX state.
Ethernet Developers Gu ide 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 75 The r eceiv e st ate mac hin e mai ntai ns a v ariab le wh ich is the n umb er of b y tes rece ive d. Ini tiall y the rec eive sta te machi ne is in the RX_ HEADER st ate, and th e number of b y tes r eceiv ed is ze ro.
Ethernet Developers Guide 76 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 The memb er function rx_m s g calls th e windo w socket recv func tion to rea d data. The recv functi on either return s a non ne g ative numb er tha t is the nu mb er of b y tes read or i t returns an erro r .
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 77 C Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol C.1 Introduction The Modb us Applic ation Protocol ( MBAP ) is a la y er-7 protoc ol pro vidin g peer-to- peer com municati on betw een pro g rammabl e lo g ic cont roll ers ( PLCs ) and othe r host-bas ed nod es on a LAN.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 78 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 C.1.1 M odbus Application Pr otocol PDU The Modbu s Applicat ion Protoc ol PDU, mba p_pdu, is received a t TCP port num ber 502. T he current maxim um siz e of the mbap _pdu for th is cl ass of service s is 256 b y tes.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 79 Here are the va lues for a samp le mb ap_pdu for readin g a re g ister : 00 01 00 00 00 06 01 03 0 0 00 00 01 This exa mple has the fo lowin g stru cture a nd co ntent: inv _id 00 01 prot o_id 00 00 len 00 00 dst_i dx 01 func_c ode 03 data 00 00 00 01 C.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 80 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 C.2 Modbus Application Protoco l PDU Analysis The Mod bus Applicatio n Protocol P DU is tr ansmitted ove r a TCP/IP Ethernet stack. Both Etherne t II and IEEE 8 02.3 fra min g will be accomm odated .
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 81 The heade r is 7 b y tes lon g , and in cludes the foll owin g fields: inv_id[2 b y tes] invocat i on id used for tra.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 82 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0 C.3 TCP/IP S pecific Issues C.3.1 Broadcast/ Multicast Althou g h broadcas t and/or mul ticast are suppor ted b y both IP ne twor k add ress a nd IEEE 802.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 83 C.4 Reference Documents [1] ANSI/IEEE Std 8 02.3-19 85, ISO DIS 8802 /3, ISBN - 0 -471-82749- 5, Ma y 1988 [2] ANSI/IEEE Std 8 02.
Quantum Ethernet TCP/IP Modbus Application Protocol 84 840 USE 115 00 V ersion 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 85 D Suppliers A variet y of Ethern e t installation tools, c able dia g nostic to ols, cab les, conn ectors and othe r relate d e q uipm ent is re adi l y availabl e from mail order supp liers or at y our local c ompute r supp l y store.
Suppliers 86 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 87 Glossary address On a network, the identi ficati on of a s tation. In a frame , a g roupin g of bi ts that identif ies the frame’s sou rce or destin ation.
Glossary 88 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 default ga teway The IP addre ss of the network or host to which all packets addres sed to an unknow n network or ho st are sent. T he defau lt g atewa y is t y picall y a router or othe r device. DNS Domain Name S y stem.
Glossary 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 89 hub A device which connects a seri es of fle x ible and centra lized modules to cre ate a network. ICMP Inte rn et Co ntro l Mes sa g e Protocol. A protocol within TC P/IP used to rep ort errors in dat a g ram tran sm is sion.
Glossary 90 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 OSI model Open S y stem In terc onnec tio n mode l. A re fer ence stand ard des cribi n g the re q uired performanc e of d evice s for d ata comm unica tion. Produ ced b y the Intern ationa l Standards Or g aniza tion.
Glossary 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 91 socket The as soci ation of a port with an IP a ddress, s ervin g as an id entific ation of sender or recipi ent. stack The s oftware c ode whi ch imple ments the protocol bein g used. In t he cas e of the NOE modul es it is TCP/IP .
Glossary 92 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 WWW Worl d Wi de Web. A h y pert ext- based , di strib uted infor mati on s y stem i n whic h clien ts and serve r s are fr eel y availabl e.
840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 93 A address l ables 8 ass ignin g default Gateway address 22 IP network ad dress 22 subne t mask 22 B backpla ne mounting module to 17 bandwit h of Ethernet swit ches 14 b.
Index 94 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 pred ictabi lity 1 2 Ethernet add ress label 8 set by factor y 8 Ethernet D evelopers Kit 13 EtherNet fr aming typ e sele cti ng 21 Ethernet H ome Page 4 2 Etherne.
Index 840 USE 115 0 0 Version 1.0 95 MS TR 2 5 clear loc al sta tistics operati on 33 clear re mote statistic s ope ration 3 4 CTE disp lay impl ement ation 3 8 CTE error code s 31 descripti on of 2 5.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Schneider Optics Modicon Quantum Ethernet gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.