Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 555-250-701 des Produzenten Avaya
Zur Seite of 56
2420 Digital T elephone User’ s Guide 555-250-7 01 Issue 2 Nov em ber 20 02.
NO TICE While re asonab le eff or ts w ere made to ensure t hat the in fo rmation in this docum ent w as comple te and acc ura te at the ti me of printing , A va ya In c. can assume n o respons ibility f or an y errors . Changes or correc tions to t he inf or mation containe d in th is documen t ma y be incorpora ted into f uture is sues.
iii Contents Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Support for Call Center Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Support for Optional Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Safet y In forma tion .
iv Using Dis play Feat ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Tones and Their Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Over vie w The 2420 Digital T elephone is a m ulti-line digital te lephone f or use w ith an A va ya M ultiV antage™ soft ware 1.1 or late r . It is desi gned to pu t con v enient f eatures and ca.
2 Suppor t f or Call Center Users T o meet th e needs of th ose working in call center s, the 2420 tele phone off ers the f ollo wing: • Call Center M ode operation— a vailab le from the Opt ions Scree n, this setting changes the st andard displa y from 8 to 12 call appea rance/f eature bu tton la bels .
3 Support f or Optional Devices Optiona l de vices are a v ailab le to e xpand the c apabiliti es of the 2420 telephon e. They incl ude: • 20A Stand — Ev er y 2420 telephone come s equipp ed with a c on v er tibl e stand that allo ws y ou to in stall the 2 420 teleph one on y our desk top or on a wal l.
4 2420 T elephone Components Refer to Figure 1 be low to famil iarize yours elf with you r 2420 te lephone scre en displa y, buttons, and prog rammable feature s. FIGURE 1 2 420 T elephone Compone nts T abl e 1 describes the 2 420 telephone c omponen ts pres ented in F igure 1.
5 T ABLE 1 Th e 2420 T elephone Comp onents The f ollowing items corres pond to th e num bers in Fi gure 1. 1) Call appearance/feature buttons — F or acc essi ng i ncomi ng/o utgoi ng lin es and pr ogra mmed f eatur es. An underscore indica tes the currently select ed call app earance.
6 2420 T elephone User Chec klist The remainder of th is guide conta ins proc edures f or using s pecific sc reens , f eatures, an d ke ys on the 2420 tele phone . The f ollo wing tab le directs y ou to sectio ns e xplaining spe cific ac tivities y ou ma y want to p erf or m.
7 The Home Screen The Hom e screen , which co nsists o f three pag es, d ispla ys the a vaila ble call appear ance/fe ature b uttons, ca ller ID inf or mation, the current da te and time, softk e y s , and inf ormation pro vided b y the A va ya call proc essing system.
8 Navigating i n the Home Screen P ages Call Appearance a nd Call Identification Displa ys By def ault, the 2 420 telep hone has eight cal l appear ance /f eature b uttons per screen page; 12 c all appe arance /f eature b uttons are shown on the firs t two pages of the Ho me Screen when Call Center m ode is enab led.
9 Status Icons The icon s displa y ed on the call appe aran ce/f eature b uttons of y our 2420 telephon e are e xplained i n the f ollow ing tab le. These icons re place th e function ality of t he green LEDs and equi va lent flas h rates . In additi on, the f ollow ing ico ns are di spla yed in ce r tain f eature-spe cific applica tions .
10 Call-Handling Features The procedures in this section assume t hat y ou are pe rf orming call h andling with the Ho me screen displa ye d on the 2420 telepho ne. I n addition to comm on procedu res pro vided i n this se ction, ref er to the Ov erview f or the A va ya MultiV antage™ Softw are (555-233-767) f or alter nate proce dures .
11 . The Speed Dial f eature all ows yo u to ha v e the 242 0 telephon e auto maticall y dial cal ls to tel ephone numbe rs stored in y o ur per sonal direct or y . See the procedure s in “Managi ng Y our Speed D ial List ” on page 17 for creat ing and maintai ning y our pers onal 2420 telephon e directory .
12 . The tw o-wa y b uilt-in s peak er phone allo ws yo u to mak e and ans wer calls witho ut lifting you r handset. K eep in mind th at tw o-wa y speak er phones ma y not ope rate satisf actorily in e very en vironmen t (such as in v er y noisy locati ons).
13 . The T ransf er fea ture allo ws you t o trans fe r a call from y our telephon e to another e xtensio n or outsi de num ber . T o transfer the current ca ll to another e x tensio n 1. While on a cal l, pres s . 2. When y ou hear di al tone , dial th e numb er to which the call is to be tran sf erred.
14 The Conf erence f eature allo ws you t o conf erence up to six parties (inclu ding y ourself) on a call. T o ad d another party to a call 1. Press . 2. When y ou hear dial tone , dial the numbe r of the pers on y ou wa nt to add to t he call. 3. W ait for an ans wer .
15 The Speed Dial Screen Using the Speed Di al screen , yo u can sto re up to 104 spee d dial ent ries in the personal directory of y our 2420 teleph one.
16 W orking in the Speed Dial Screen Note: After y ou access specific screens to manag e y our speed dial entries , the sof tke ys displa yed at the botto m of the s creen ch ange to ref lect the activities that y ou can perf orm. F or e xample, w hen y ou access th e Edit sc reen, y ou can choose f rom the Add , Delete , and Done k eys.
17 Mana ging Y our Speed Dial List Usin g the Speed Dial scre en, y ou can s tore up to 104 speed dial entries in y our person al 2420 te lepho ne directo r y .
18 Dialing Con ventions It is impor tant that y ou obse r v e the f ollo wing con ven tions as you enter s peed dial number s: • Y ou can en ter tele phone n umbers u p to 20 ch arac ters long , includi ng speci al char acters an d spaces .
19 4. When y ou are don e entering a name , press t he f eature b utton to t he left of the Number fie ld (Edit Num ber screen ) to adv ance to that fi eld. 5. Using the d ialpad, ente r the tel ephone n umber f or this speed dial entry . Y o u can enter nu mbers up to 20 cha racters long , incl udin g speci al char acters a nd space s.
20 6. Using the dialpad, edi t the telep hone n umber f or this spe ed dial e ntr y . Y o u can enter nu mbers up to 20 cha racters long , incl udin g speci al char acters a nd space s. Note: Y ou can use the f eature butto n to the right of the N umber fi eld to go direct ly to the end of any e xisting te xt in th at field.
21 The Call Log Screens The 2420 telep hone can store up t o 100 entrie s in the Ca ll Log . By def ault, all ne w calls are logged, a nd the n umber of new ca lls is d ispla yed below the dat e and tim e on y our 2420 telephon e (see “The Home Screen” o n page 7).
22 The mos t recent ca ll is di spla yed in the top-m ost posit ion of the first page . When the log i s full (th at is , 100 cal ls), the log autom atically deletes the olde st call inf ormation to allo w f or continuo us loggi ng witho ut interruption.
23 Call Log Detail Screen The Call Log Deta il scree n, whic h is acces sed from t he Call Log Summary screen , allo ws y ou to: • Vie w addit ional inf ormation, such as call type and the date and time th at the cal l wa s processed.
24 W orking in the Call Log Detail Screen W orking in t he Call Log Detail Scr een T o Press Mak e a call to th e entry displ ay ed The Call s oftk ey Vie w the ne xt call log e ntry Vie w the pre vio.
25 Using the Call Log The Cal l Log f eature is f actory set to rec ord ans wered, una ns wer ed, and outgoing calls . For in formation o n disab ling the Call Log or changing the ca ll types y ou want logged, s ee “Call Log Set up” on p age 35 in “Selecting P ersonal ized Options .
26 T o save an en try in the Cal l Lo g to y our S peed Dial List 1. F rom the Hom e screen, press the Log softk ey . The Call Log Su mmary scr een is dis played. 2. Use and to scrol l through th e Call Log Summary pages . 3. When y ou locate a n entry you want to sa ve , press the b utton corresp onding to the entry .
27 The Label Action Screen The Label Action s creen, whic h is acces sed b y press ing the L abel soft ke y at the Home s creen, al lo ws y ou to: • cust omize th e labels f or the call ap pearan ce.
28 W orking in the Label Action Screen Note: After y ou access specif ic screens to manag e the lab els of you r call appear ance/f eature b uttons , the soft ke ys displa yed a t the botto m of the sc reen ch ange to re flect the a ctivitie s that y ou can perf or m.
29 Managing Y our Call Appearance/ Feature Button Lab els Using the Label Action sc reen, y ou can cust omiz e the labe ls of the call appear ance/fe ature b uttons on the 2 420 telep hone and t he EU.
30 5. When yo u are done making c hange s, do one of the f ollowing: • T o sa v e your entr ies an d return to the L abel Select screen, pre ss the Save softk ey . • T o return to the Lab el Select sc reen wit hout sa ving y our ent r ies , pres s the Ca nce l softk ey .
31 Y ou can del ete the cu stom labels y ou created f or the ca ll appear ance/f eature but tons and restore t he def ault lab els from t he call pr ocessing s ystem. T o restore the default labels 1. F rom th e Home sc reen, pr ess the Label softke y .
32 The Options Screen The Options screen, whi ch is ac cessed by pressing the Optio n softk ey at t he Home s cre en, al lows you to set your pr eferenc es for the followin g: • ring patt er n • s.
33 W orking in the Options Scr een Note: If y ou press , a se cond screen is di spla yed th at allo ws you to enab le an d disab le the A utomatic Gain Contr o l (A GC) f eature f or the handset, headset, or speak er phone .
34 Selecting P ersonalized O ptions The Ri ng P attern option on the Options screen a llows you to choose a persona lize d ringing pattern f or your tel ephone .
35 3. Use and to adju st the le v el of con trast. Note: If an EU2 4 is connec ted to y our 2420 tele phone , the d ispla y show s the cont rast le vel f or the EU24 as wel l. Press th e appropriate b utton to indi cate wh ether y ou w ant to adjust the contr ast f or the telep hone or the EU24.
36 The Visual Ring option on the Opti ons screen allow s y ou to ch oose a v isual alert for in coming c alls . When y ou enab le this option , the tele phone rings and the lamp ab ov e the 2420 displa y area flas hes when an i ncoming call a rrives .
37 When t he 2420 te lephone i s first in stalled, it is set to displa y 8 call appear ance/fe ature b uttons per scre en page . The Dis pla y Mode option o n the Opti ons screen a llow s users (pa r .
38 The Er ase All option on the Opti ons screen allow s y ou to er ase all of the persona lize d setting s and reset th e 2420 tel ephone to its def ault setti ngs. This op tion e rases y our customiz ed call appe arance /f eature b utton labe ls and all en tries sa ve d in y our Ca ll Log an d Speed D ial List.
39 When the 2420 telephone i s first in stalled, it is set to displa y screen te xt in English. The Langu age option on the Options s creen all ows y ou to choos e another la nguag e, inc luding: • .
40 Using Selected V oice Features The fo llow ing f eatures are a va ilab le only i f yo ur system manage r has admini stered the m as f eature b uttons on y our 2420 telep hone or has sup plied y ou with the require d fea ture access codes.
41 The Cal l F orw arding f eature tem porarily f orwar ds all y our cal ls to anot her e xtensio n or to a n outsid e numb er , dependin g on y our syst em.
42 The Ca ll Pic kup f eature lets yo u ans wer a call at your teleph one f or another e xtensi on in y our pic kup g roup . If y ou can us e the Di rected Call Pic kup f eature, y ou can pic k up a cal l ringing at a s pecific e xtensio n withou t the e xtensi on being a member of y our pickup group .
43 T o lea ve a messa ge without ringi ng an e xtension 1. Press the button or Dial t he Lea v e W ord Calling access code (while off-hook ). 2. When y ou hear di al tone , dial th e e xtensio n and lis ten f or the confirmation tone . Message lamp go es on at the called telepho ne (if so equipped).
44 The Whis per P age f eature allo ws you, if y ou hav e appro priate permissions , to mak e an announcem ent to a pe rson at an other e xtension curre ntly on anot her call. Only the person at the other e xtensi on hears t he announ cement; th e othe r person on the call cannot h ear the me ssage .
45 Using Displa y Features The f ollowi ng f eatures are a vail abl e only if you r system manager has adminis tered them as f eature b uttons on yo ur 2420 tel ephone . The Cal l Timer a nd the Tim er f eatures are used to mea sure elap sed time on a call.
46 T o place a call to the name sho wn on the displa y 1. Pic k up the handset. 2. While t he name is sho wn, press the butt on (if administe red) or , if you do no t ha v e a button on y our set, press and then dial the number using the dial pad . Note: Y ou can also lea ve you r handset on-hoo k.
47 T ones and Their Meaning Note: The ta bles belo w desc ribe the def aults f or each ringing and f eedbac k tone. Check wi th y our syste m manag er to v er ify if the desc riptions in the Mean ing colum n are acc urate f or y our syste m. Ringing T ones are produced by an incomin g call.
48 Feedbac k T ones (c onti nued ) T ones Meanin g cov erage One sh or t burst of tone ; indica tes y our call wi ll be se nt to anoth er e xtension to be ans wered b y a co v ering user .
49 Inde x Numerics 200A Mod ule Analog (U.S.) Ad junct Interface , 3 201A Mod ule Recorder In terface , 3 20A Stand , 3 2420 telepho ne displa y featu res , 45 feedbac ktones , 47 persona l directory .
50 E editing Spe ed Dial en tries , 19 Erase All fe ature butto n , 38 Erase All op tion , 38 Erase softkey , 38 EU24 Expans ion Modu le , 3 Exit button , 5 F feature , 15 , 42 feedback tones , 47 G G.
51 P personal directory , 15 , 18 personal directory calls , 11 personal ized opti ons , 34 Play soft key , 34 R Redi al fe atur e , 11 ring patt ern , 34 Ring Patt ern f eatu re but ton , 34 ringing .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Avaya 555-250-701 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Avaya 555-250-701 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Avaya 555-250-701 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Avaya 555-250-701 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Avaya 555-250-701 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Avaya 555-250-701 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Avaya 555-250-701 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Avaya 555-250-701. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Avaya 555-250-701 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.