Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 518-456-161 des Produzenten Avaya
Zur Seite of 62
P ARTNER ® Advanced Communications System System P lanner 518-45 6-161 Issue 5 May 20 03.
0 Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, i nformation is subject t o change.
Orderin g Inform ation For additional documents, refer to the PARTNER Customer Support Docum ent. Customer Sup port If you need a ssistance when programm ing or using your system, cont act your local Authorized Dealer or call the Av aya Customer C are Center at 1 800 628-2888 .
Internet Security-Related Issues 0 There ar e certain sec urity risks associated with usi ng the 1600 DSL module du e to its Inter net conne ctions. App endix A pr ovides a Security Notification Checklist. As the auth orized instal ler , you sho uld review this info rmation with your customer to ensure all securi ty r equirement s are underst ood.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem TOC - i Table of Contents T able of Contents 0 Form Required Page No. Form A— Customer Inf ormation ALL 1 Form B—System Configurat ion: Lines ALL 3 For.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem TOC - ii Table o f Contents 0.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 1 Form A—Cu stomer Informa tion Form A —Customer Inf ormation 0 C USTOMER B ILLING N AME :B ILLING P HONE N UMBER : C USTOMER C ONTACT :C ONTACT P HONE.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 2 Form A: Instr uctions for C ustomer Informati on Form A: Instructio ns for Customer Info rmation 0 Service V erificati on 0 In almos t all cases , the default te lephone s ervice pro vided by your local Pho ne Company will be appr opriate for th e P ARTNER sys tem.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 3 Form B—S ystem Co nfiguration : Lines Form B—System Configuration: Lines 0 Who is the cu stomer contac t responsible for the layout o f the system ? Na me: _____ ______ _______ Telephone : _______ ______ _____ If th e line is a persona l or dedic ated line fill in t he follow ing Line No.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 4 Form B: In structions fo r System Co nfiguration : Lines Form B: Instru ctions for System Configuration: Lines 0 COLUMN 2: D ES IRED T ELEPHONE N UMBERS : Write in the telephone num bers assi gned to each line.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 5 Form B: In structions fo r System Co nfiguration : Lines COLUMN 4 & 5: C ALLER ID AND OTHER S UBSCRIPTION S ERVIC ES Check the box if Caller ID Service i s activated on this line.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 6 Form C— Extension Settings Form C—Extension Settings 0 Note: See For m C1 to ent er character codes for Ext.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 7 Form C —Extension Settings (Continu ed) Form C—Extension Settings (Continued) 0 E XT O WNER E XT . D ISPL AY up to 20 P HONE S ET T YPE L INES A SSIGNED with Ringing Options C HANGE D EFAULT S ETTINGS B UTTON F EATURES Intermed Delaye d No Ring Lang Distinctive Ring Abbrev.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 8 Form C1—Exte nsion Settings Worksheet Form C1—Extension Settings W orksheet 0 May be us ed if Ext. Di splay is checke d on Form C.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 9 Form C1— Extension Settings Worksheet ( Continued) Form C1—Extension Settings W orksheet (Continue d) 0 Chara cter C odes Ext.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 10 Form C: Ins tructions for Extension s Settings Form C: Instructions for Extensions Settings 0 C OLUMN 2 – O WN ER Enter the name of the person for th is extension. C OLUMN 3 – E XT . D ISPL AY Ente r the n ame yo u want displ ayed w hen t his ext ens io n make s an in terc om call .
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 11 Form C: In structions for Extensions S ettings V oice Interr upt on Busy: Default = Not Ac tivated. T o i dentify an e xtension as being elig ible for V oice Interrupt on Busy call s, write “A” (Activ ated) in thi s colum n.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 12 Form C— Extension Set tings: F eature Descri ptions Form C—Extension Settings: Feature Descriptions 0 Feature Descriptions 0 # F EATURE D ESCRIPTI ON Ext . 1 0 Only Button Light Required Button Light Recommended 1 Autom atic S ystem Answer (ACS R2.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 13 Form C—Ex tension Sett ings: Featu re Descriptions Feature Descriptions— (Continu ed) 0 # F EATURE D ESCRI PTION Ext.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 14 Form C— Extension Set tings: F eature Descri ptions Feature Descriptions— (Continu ed) 0 # F EATURE D ESCRI PTION Ex t. 10 Only Button Light Required Button Light Recommended 19 Manua l Signali ng - Voice Beeps the design ated exten sion.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 15 Form C—Ex tension Sett ings: Featu re Descriptions Feature Descriptions— (Continu ed) 0 # F EATURE D ESCRI PTION Ex t. 10 Only Button Light Required Button Light Recommended 36 Last Nu mber Redial Redi als the las t out sid e number dial ed (m ax im um 28 digi ts).
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 16 Form C— Extension Set tings: F eature Descri ptions Feature Descriptions— (Continu ed) 0 # F EATURE D ESCRI PTION Ex t. 10 Only Button Light Required Button Light Recommended 48 Remote Call For wardi ng Forwar ds all ca lls to th e designa ted ou tside tele phone num ber.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 17 Form D—Aux iliar y Equi pme nt Form D—Auxiliary Equipment 0 Please check the b ox next to any auxili ary equip ment you h ave attached to your p hone or phon e system.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 18 Form D: In structi ons for Auxi liary E quipmen t Form D: Instructions for Auxiliary Equipment 0 If DXD is ch ecked , specif y the foll owing: Direc t Extensio n Dial Delay (#1 12)-By d efault, a c all rings 2 t imes before it is an swered by th e syste m.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 19 Form E— System C onfiguration : Default S ettings Form E—System Configuration: Default Settings 0 For many features, y our P ARTNER syst em is pre-prog rammed with a default s etting.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 20 Form E: In structions fo r System Co nfiguration : Default Setti ngs Form E: Instructions for System Conf iguration: Default Settings 0 Q UESTION 1: L INES PER E XTENSI ON : For the P A R TNER A CS processo r or 308EC m odule, the default setti ng assigns 3 l ines to eac h extension .
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 21 Forms F1- F5: System Co nfiguration: Li sts Forms F1-F5: System Configuration: Lists 0 In this fo rm, you need to create fi ve different tabl es.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 22 Form F1—Sys tem Spe ed Dial Form F1 —System Sp eed Dial 0 Optional for P ARTNER Adva nced Comm unications System. F or addition al instruc tions, see n ext page. To Dial: On sys tem phone s, press f + 3–di git co de.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 23 Form F 1: System S peed Dial Su pplemental In structions Form F1: System Spe ed Dial Supplemental In structions 0 With Sy stem Speed Dialing, a user ca n dial a st ored number by pressi ng four butto ns: the f b utton (# on a standard phone) fo llowed by a 3-digit code.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 24 Form F1: System Speed Dial S upplement al Instruct ions T elephon e Number 0 Write the num ber exactly as it sho uld be diale d. Numbers can be up to 28 digits, inc luding the di gits 0 – 9 , * , # , and the spec ial dialing functions discusse d next.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 25 Form F2a —Disall owed Lists Form F2a—Disallowed Lists 0 Disallowed Phone Number Lists (#404) Requi red only if Disallo wed Lis t Assignmen t (#405) is specifie d on F orm F5. Write t he telepho ne numbe rs that us ers are pre vented from dialing .
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 26 Form F2b—Allo wed Lists Form F2b—Allowed List s 0 Allowed Phone Number Lists (#407) Required only if Al lowed Lis t Assignmen t (#408) is specifie d on F orm F5. Write th e telephon e numbers th at user s can di al regardle ss of as signed re striction s.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 27 Form F 2a & F2b: Ins tructions for Creating Di sallowed an d Allowed Li sts Form F 2a & F2b: Inst ructi ons for Creating Disallowed and Allowed Lists 0 Use this form to speci fy lists of Disallowed a nd Allow ed telephone n umbers.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 28 Form F3— Hunt Groups Form F3—Hunt Groups 0 Hunt Group Extensions (#505 ) Assign E xtensions to Hunt Group s Assign Ex tensions to Hunt Groups 10 34 11 35 12 36 13 37 14 38 15 39 16 40 17 41 18 42 19 43 20 44 21 45 22 46 23 47 24 48 25 49 26 50 27 51 28 52 29 53 30 54 31 55 32 56 33 57 Ext.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 29 Form F 3: Instructi ons for Ide ntifying Hunt Group Assi gnments Form F3: Instructions for Identifying Hunt Group Assignments 0 T o assi gn extensi ons .
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 30 Form F4— Forced Acc ount Code Form F4—Forced Account Co de 0 Forced Account Code List (#409) Entry Account Code (u p to 6 digits ) 1 1. Valid entries are 0–9; Write! for wildcard (press Hold to program).
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 31 Form F4: I nstructions for Force d Account Codes Form F4: Instructions for Forced Account Codes 0 Forced Account Code List ( #409) 0 If an exten sion ha.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 32 Form F5— Customized Extensions /Pool Acces s Restrictio ns Form F 5—Customized Extensions/Pool Access Restr ictions 0 E 4 NA A NA A NA NA 2 3 P NA 1.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 33 Form F5 —Customized Extensions/P ool Access Restrictions (Continued) Form F 5—Customized Extensions/Pool Access Restr ictions ( Continued) 0 E 4 NA .
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 34 Form F5: In structi ons for Pool Ac cess Rest ri ctions Form F5: Instruct ions for Pool Ac cess Rest rictions 0 Pool Access Restriction (#315) 0 By defau lt, access to all line s and pools is set to No R estrict ion.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 35 PARTNER ® ACS 1600 DSL Mod ule Plan ning Chec klist PA RT N E R ® A CS 1600 DSL Module Planning Checklist 0 Use this jo b aid to help you col lect, organi ze and record the settings nece ssary for a P ARTNER installatio n that includes the 1 600 DSL modul e.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 36 PARTNER ® ACS 1 600 DSL Mo dule Planni ng Checklis t Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation 2.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 37 PARTNER ® ACS 1600 DSL Mod ule Plan ning Chec klist Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation Transmi t/Receive CIR 1 The Commit ted Informa tion Rat e (CIR) to a nd from the provider.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 38 PARTNER ® ACS 1 600 DSL Mo dule Planni ng Checklis t Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation 5. VoIP setti ngs Obtain these set tin gs if y our SDSL pro vider u ses VoIP w ith the L ucent PathStar o r other VoI P voice gateway .
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 39 PARTNER ® ACS 1600 DSL Mod ule Plan ning Chec klist Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation 10/100Bas eT Ethernet subne t mask 3 Specifies the size of the netw ork to whi ch the LAN port is con nected.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 40 PARTNER ® ACS 1 600 DSL Mo dule Planni ng Checklis t Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation Stat ic Bi ndi ng IP address 3 Link s a hos t to an add ress u sing MAC n umber.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 41 PARTNER ® ACS 1600 DSL Mod ule Plan ning Chec klist Required Info rmation Notes Sample value s Enter values for cur rent instal lation Span nin g Tree : Max Age 3 Spanning Tree: Forward Delay 3 Span nin g Tree : Pat h Cost 3 1.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 42 PARTNER ® ACS 1 600 DSL Mo dule Planni ng Checklis t W orksheet for extended values 0 Use the fol lowing spac e to note val ues that will not fit in the Plannin g Checklis t table. For exam ple, NA T addres ses, firewal l considerat ions, routing v alues, etc.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 43 PARTNER ® ACS T1 Modul e Pla nni ng Fo r ms PA RT N E R ® A CS T1 Module Planning Forms 0 Use the fol lowing fo rms to help you collec t, organize, a nd record t he setting s necessary for a P ARTNER ins tallatio n that inclu d es the T1 module.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 44 Form G1— T1 Module P arameters Form G1—T1 Module Pa rameters 0 Note: This form displays the default para meters for the T1 module.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 45 Form G1: Ins tructions for T1 Module Parameters Form G1 : In structio ns for T1 M odule Parame ters 0 Circle the settings you want to use. Clock Type Specify whether the T 1 service provider (L oop) or the P ARTNER T1 module (Local) w ill provide t he clock sou rce.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 46 Form G2— T1 Module L ine Settings Form G2—T1 Module Line Settings 0 Note: This fo rm displa ys the de fault line se tting for eac h T1 line.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 47 Form G2: I nstructions for T1 Module L ine Settings Form G2: Instructio ns for T1 Module Line Settings 0 C OLUMN 1 – L INE Display s the line o n the P ARTNER syst em. C OLUMN 2 – T 1 C HANNEL N O . Displays the T1 chann el associ ated with the P ARTNER line.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 48 Form G3— Direct Inward D ialing (DID) Form G3—Direct Inward Dialing (DID) 0 Enter the following i nformation i f the system will use DID. 1 . What are the expe cted numb er of digits fr om the T1 ser vice provid er? 2 .
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 49 Form G3: In structions for Direct Inward D ialing (DID) Form G3: Instructions for Direct Inward Diali ng (DID) 0 Q UESTION 1: E XPECTED N UMBER OF D IGITS : Enter the number of di gits the T1 service pr ovider will send for eac h incoming call.
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 50 Form G4— Direct Inwar d Dialing ( DID) Mapping Table Form G4—Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Mapping T able 0 DID Mapping Table Item No. DID Number Extension/Hunt Group/Call Group Item No. DID Number Extension/Hunt Group/ Call G r ou p Item No.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 51 Form G4: In structions fo r Direct Inward Di aling (DID) Ma pping Table Form G4: Instructions for Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Mapping T a ble 0 DID N UMBER C OLUMN : Enter the DID numbers you purcha sed from the T1 service pr ovider .
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 52 Appen dix A: Secu rity Notifica tion and Ch ecklist Appendix A: Se curity Notifi cation and Checklist 0 SECUR ITY NOTIFICA TION DO CUMENT AVAY A I n c . 0 And 0 _______________________________________________________________ 0 I.
PARTNER ® Advan ced Commun ications S ystem 53 Appen dix A: Secu rity Notifica tion and Ch ecklist • Implem ent custom er applicati ons in a man ner that is as secu re as possib le, or with a ppropriate warnings to customers who choos e to accept less tha n recommen ded security .
PARTNER ® Advanc ed Communic ations Sys tem 54 Appen dix A: Secu rity Notifica tion and Ch ecklist PA R T N E R ® ACS 1600 DSL Module – Security Checklist 0 System Admin istration Y /N N/A Not es Router Pa ssword ch anged fro m default. Conf irm sw itch p asswo rd is s ecur e (cov ered on anot her check li st).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Avaya 518-456-161 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Avaya 518-456-161 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Avaya 518-456-161 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Avaya 518-456-161 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Avaya 518-456-161 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Avaya 518-456-161 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Avaya 518-456-161 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Avaya 518-456-161. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Avaya 518-456-161 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.